five months after the Beastwoman had been touched by the Sylvaneth, she died, with no trace of her soul left.

So, that is moderately concerning, but I don't think jt's quite reason to go running to the Inquisition just yet. Here's my thought about what happened.

The Sylvaneth are some kind of Eldar (or maybe even Old One) experiment on how to purge Chaotic Corruption from the souls of others. At some point, they were lost or forgotten about. And when that Minotaur ended up in close proximity to one, it did what it was 'created' to do, which is purge spiritual corruption from other beings. However, due to it either being an unfinished/abandoned project, or not having experience with human/human-like souls, the process accidentally removed something integral to the self-sustainment of the woman's soul, thus resulting in its eventual degredation and her death.

So, depending, this could still be a hugely useful resource for us, just one that will require some fine-tuning to understand and work out the issues with.

The Inversed God-Emperor. Death from afar and from the Warp.

The Candle. Something will light the way.

And the Sword. From war it will come, to war, it will go.

This, I think, is a good indication that it is something to do with the War In Heaven, or at least its participants.
Send a few to the Silent Sisters and the Assasinorium every couple years and we got ourselves a tithe avoidance scheme
Won't work. The soullessness of blanks is a result of their anti-psychic abilities, not the cause of them. Get a normal person and remove their soul and all it'll do is put them in a coma - it won't cause psykers to get aneurysms.
I mean without it being extremely obvious. There are numerous works and logical reasoning that explain why that wouldn't work in our situation. Main one being that we just a single newly founded planet with an extremely low population with many pretty likely to revolt at the idea with the most obvious reason being they realize how stupid the idea is and they'd rather not go down with everyone else in favor of the idea.
I mean without it being extremely obvious. There are numerous works and logical reasoning that explain why that wouldn't work in our situation. Main one being that we just a single newly founded planet with an extremely low population with many pretty likely to revolt at the idea with the most obvious reason being they realize how stupid the idea is and they'd rather not go down with everyone else in favor of the idea.
He was making a joke.
≡][≡WE KNOW≡][≡
Sweet free pass! Let's go!

Don't fear monger, I seriously doubt that we would get a rock falls everyone dies over a decision or two.
Dude it's the freaking inquisition in 40k. We could do everything by the book and STILL have our entire planet hit with the life eater virus just because some senile old fart bought some slaanesh charms to help him last longer in the bedroom with his blow up doll that an inquisitorial officer found on a random check and is convinced the whole planet is Slaanesh worshipers. You can't really fear monger with the inquisition since they have such a reach they've become more of a meme in the franchise than an actual threat.
I mean without it being extremely obvious. There are numerous works and logical reasoning that explain why that wouldn't work in our situation. Main one being that we just a single newly founded planet with an extremely low population with many pretty likely to revolt at the idea with the most obvious reason being they realize how stupid the idea is and they'd rather not go down with everyone else in favor of the idea.
Yeah, I know. :p
You'll get three turns of voting to stop that decision if you do pick it, in case Dezron ( :p) does a sneaky switcheruu.
Dude it's the freaking inquisition in 40k. We could do everything by the book and STILL have our entire planet hit with the life eater virus just because some senile old fart bought some slaanesh charms to help him last longer in the bedroom with his blow up doll that an inquisitorial officer found on a random check and is convinced the whole planet is Slaanesh worshipers. You can't really fear monger with the inquisition since they have such a reach they've become more of a meme in the franchise than an actual threat.
Also, please note that I am playing the Imperium and its institutions under assumption of base competence/abilty in overal workings.

Also, Exterminatus isn't done Kriptman style. They (Inquisitors who perform them) still have to justify their decision before a panel of peers.
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lso, please note that I am playing the Imperium and its institutions under assumption of base competence/abilty in overal workings.

Also, Exterminatus isn't done Kriptman style. They (Inquisitors who perform them) still have to justify their decision before a panel of peers.
I mostly just meant the the inquisition is so ludicrously powerful that it's kinda pointless to worry about them as they'd be more of a plot device or event then an actual threat we'd need to keep an eye on. As in they'd only show up if we fucked up hard (either in plans or in dice rolls) or will be a story event similar to the eldar attacks that we just have to deal with.
I mostly just meant the the inquisition is so ludicrously powerful that it's kinda pointless to worry about them as they'd be more of a plot device or event then an actual threat we'd need to keep an eye on. As in they'd only show up if we fucked up hard (either in plans or in dice rolls) or will be a story event similar to the eldar attacks that we just have to deal with.
Ah, okay then.

...and I can confirm that they will be more of the latter part.
Also, please note that I am playing the Imperium and its institutions under assumption of base competence/abilty in overal workings.

Also, Exterminatus isn't done Kriptman style. They (Inquisitors who perform them) still have to justify their decision before a panel of peers.
Yeah, from a doylist perspective it would be pretty anti fun if we had memetic levels of the 40K Imperial factions since by that point people may not see much reason to be invested in a game where players can instantly bad end just because a few bad rolls ended up attracting the Inquisition.

Also if the Inquistion was exactly like the Grimderp versions of fanon the Imperium would have fallen thousands of years ago if they were as casual about destroying planets as the fandom likes to joke about. Despite the jokes actions like the one Kryptman took are absolutely rare and even then he got canned for his actions due to them being seen as extremely excessive by everyone else.
Yeah, from a doylist perspective it would be pretty anti fun if we had memetic levels of the 40K Imperial factions since by that point people may not see much reason to be invested in a game where players can instantly bad end just because a few bad rolls ended up attracting the Inquisition.
I'll never put a Bad End at the end of rolls you have zero controll over, that's just bad writing. I'll put it at the end of a chain of choices, but not rolls.

And to note: this quest is literally my version of a shitpost. Fun is more important for me here than anything else.
I'm sure they could find a use for one as a way to neutralize corrupted psykers or as warning systems. The plant goes berserk, follow it and shoot what it is trying to eat
This beastwoman that died, is she the same one that fell down a ravine and the Sylvaneth seemingly healed or is it someone different?
Dezron ( :p) does a sneaky switcheruu.

Don't worry, I would never do something like this...

Without really good reason of course, but even if I would do it would be for better reason then to Declare Independence. Seriously we have Space Marines as our neighbours and Inquisitors among us. Trying to rebel/go traitor/etc. will just get us killed.
Yeah, from a doylist perspective it would be pretty anti fun if we had memetic levels of the 40K Imperial factions since by that point people may not see much reason to be invested in a game where players can instantly bad end just because a few bad rolls ended up attracting the Inquisition.

Also if the Inquistion was exactly like the Grimderp versions of fanon the Imperium would have fallen thousands of years ago if they were as casual about destroying planets as the fandom likes to joke about. Despite the jokes actions like the one Kryptman took are absolutely rare and even then he got canned for his actions due to them being seen as extremely excessive by everyone else.
I will accuse 40k of many sins.

Internal, logical consistency is not one of them.

And the setting as a whole is much better for embracing the wackiness.
I will accuse 40k of many sins.

Internal, logical consistency is not one of them.

And the setting as a whole is much better for embracing the wackiness.
That it is. It's why I'm somewhat struggling with my Omake, trying to find the right amount of serious and whacky.
Current draft may or may not have a Space Marine high off his ass (from a drug his Chapter uses for rituals) suplexing a Rak'gol while cheered on by the rest of his kill team...
Current draft may or may not have a Space Marine high off his ass (from a drug his Chapter uses for rituals) suplexing a Rak'gol while cheered on by the rest of his kill team...

Not the weirdest stuff you can find Loyalist Space Marine doing, especially if this is Aspirant we are talking about.
can we try to do this again?
[] Strengthen Beastmen Rights
It is unforgivable that the God-Emperor Himself has given these Abhumans a charter and rightful continuation of their existence in perpetuity. Yet, they are treated like trash and barely worthy! More Humans have fallen to heretical whispers and traitorous ideas, some even to XENOS! The God-Emperor has given them their rights for deeds, and now we must do the same!
(2 Dice)
@HeroCooky just a minor thing but could you maybe start adding turn numbers to the thread marks? Cause I was just randomly going through the updates to see if there were any big jumps or constant pattern for how much Beastmen make up our population only to realize I don't really know how to describe the jump between turns.

Cause going between "'Taxes, Paints and Serpents ' and 'Taxes, Paints, And Serpents - Results' our pop demographic jumped from 9.16% to 9.20% which feels like a comparatively massive jump for a year's change" is kind of awkward compared to if it was just 'turn 8 and it's results' (I didn't actually count if it was turn 8 or not).


Wow between forming our government and the next turn with colony information Beastmen demographic percentage rose by a massive .1% when the next highest was the singular .04% I mentioned earlier and most changes being .01% and a slightly less common .02%
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