Speaking of which, who would want to be in the same class as what Yang Wen-li teaches?
Better question, how many players wish to be in the same high school class?
Ugh. I tried writing a different first post than the rough draft I already have, but it falls to shit in the second half.

I'll just stop trying to force it and take a break. Maybe that will help
Hey look, I have something!

Aizawa Sumire Final Sorceress Heartful Sumire

What kind of girl are you?
Little Prankster

What convinced you to make a pact?
I want to be the heroine who saves everyone.

What is your wish?
I wish my mom would find a husband who doesn't hit.

Someone framed me for a terrible crime.

Magical Element

Magical Weapon
Frying Pan

Magical Power
Curse: You can place curses on people and other things. Talk to the GM about what exactly your curses do.

A orange military uniform, accessorized with gems.

Specialization: Knight



( Attack )
( Support )
( Defense )




Free Action, 3/Scene, 1 Overcharge
When making a magical challenge, you can take 1 Overcharge on the magical attribute you're using for the challenge to roll an additional die and add it to your result. This die will give you another die and another point of Overcharge if it rolls a 6 as usual, and if you use it for an attack it gives +2 to the attack's damage as usual.


While out of combat, a magical girl can use this to regain 1d6+2 Resolve.


Minor Action, 1 Overcharge (Support), 2/Scene
Move 2 positions on the battlefield. This movement ignores magical barriers and difficult terrain, and can be used to move away from enemies without needing to Disengage.

Create Barrier

Minor Action, 1 Overcharge (Defense), 1/Episode
Create a magical barrier in the same position you occupy. This barrier has 20 points of Resolve.

While your current Resolve is half of your Base Resolve or less, you get +2 to attack challenges and +2 to the damage you cause with all of your attacks.

A long time ago Sumire's dad died in an accident. He was a police officer, and one day a mishap with a pistol during a crime led to his demise but he left his daughter with one moral code.

"Justice is not something that comes naturally. We decide justice, and it is only through this that we can help those in need. Remember to always believe in your own justice."

Hard times came among the Aizawa's. When her mother remarried the two of them did not know what the man was like until the deed was done and what they got was a rich drunkard. When her mother became ill and could no longer work, they became completely dependent on him. He was always angry, hitting them both for no reason. And it was in this time that Sumire discovered her form of payback.


She believed she was doing the right thing. After all, hadn't her mother always suffered because of him? This behavior came to light at school to, where any bully in her sight would soon become her next victim.

Unfortunately this eventually backfired against her when the man's nieces framed her for destroying the man's car. And that's when he left her with a choice.

"Do as I say or I will press charges against you and your mother."

And that's how, with only the barest of funds and a small apartment, she arrived in Tenkawa City. Leaving her mother alone with that man for who knows how long.

Bleh, the backstory needs serious revising.

Magical (Code)name: CURE ALCOHOLISM
Name: Yang Wen-li
Occupation: History Teacher
Age: 33

What kind of girl are you?

What convinced you to make the pact?
I was too drunk to remember...

What is your wish?
That everyone can enjoy nice afternoon naps free of worries



Magical Element: Alcohol
Magical Weapon: Improvised Measures (he can imbue anything to harm Youma)
Magical Power:
Yang Wen-li is loved by the alcohol and the feeling is mutual. Among others this grants him the ability to control or communicate with alcohol or even items used to contain it. With proper focus it can even extend to alcohol derivatives or objects that only resemble containers for alcohol (ie: propanol, tinted glass decorations of a church, etc) though it's generally less effective the furthest it gets from the concept of beverage. He can also conjure alcohol and Yang abuses this to get his daily drink for free. In terms of hunting Youma he can use this ability to search for them by observing through beer bottles and other conveniences. His so-called "alcohokinesis" doesn't have many direct attack options but with sufficient creativity and planning it can be a surprisingly good asset.


I look like a pirate even though it has nothing to do with magical girls. But hey, the hook hand is a multi-functional beer/can opener so it's all cool!

Normal Attributes
  • Charm: 3
  • Insight: 9
  • Tenacity: 7

Magical Attributes
Offense Defense Support
Fury Heart Magic
0 5 8
Class: Hierophant (male Priestess class)

Magical Traits:

Free Action, 3/Scene, 1 Overcharge

When making a magical challenge, you can take 1 Overcharge on the magical attribute you're using for the challenge to roll an additional die and add it to your result. This die will give you another die and another point of Overcharge if it rolls a 6 as usual, and if you use it for an attack it gives +2 to the attack's damage as usual.
Tactical Genius
Free Action*, 1 Overcharge*

Yang Wen-li has the ability to devise elaborate plans in combat using his Insight stat. The effects depend on the specifics of the plan. If it's offensive the damage is determined by the GM appropriate to the description. Using TAKTIKUL GENIUS itself is a free action but setting up the plan would take time, often even multiple turns. Due to the exertion TAKTIKUL GENIUS is also costs 1 Overcharge unless Yang rolls 16+.
Free Drinks For Everyone!
Major Action, 2/Scene

Yang Wen-li summons a vending machine which dispenses an unlimited stash of various alcoholic beverages for free, by just the push of the button. If Yang, other players, NPCs or even enemies are right next to the vending machine they can spend a minor action to consume a drink and be healed for 1d6+2 and cure one condition. Yang can also throw the cans to heal for 1d6 and cure one condition on successful Support roll. Consuming more than one drinks though have the chance to make the target drunk, lowering their challenge rolls. To avoid this you need to roll 13+ on Tenacity and each drink after the second increases the difficulty by one. Yang is loved by the alcohol thus can't get drunk unless he wants to. Similarly since the effects of the liquor are magical the drunkness disappears after the end of the Scene. The vending machine lasts until it's destroyed (4 wounds) or dismissed by Yang himself.

I am almost finished with my character profile.
Quoting it here for convenience.
And @Lichte, as far as I can tell, you never put your sheet up in this thread.
Name: Shinohara Yuko
MG Name: Card Savior Stormy Yuko

What kind of girl are you?: Non-hero

What convinced you to make a Pact?: I thought I could fix all the problems in the world. I thought I could make it so hope makes sense.

What is your wish?: I wish time would stand still for just a little while.

Crisis: Every night I dream of an all-powerful youma that will cause the end of the world.
Magical Element: Gravity
Magical Weapon: Bow
Magical Power: Red Thread. You can see red threads, invisible to most people, which represent bonds of love. You can also change them.
Costume: A violet gothic lolita outfit, accessorized with runes.

Magical Attributes
Heart: 7 (Support)
Fury: 3 (Defense)
Magic: 8 (Attack)

Normal Attributes
Charm: 3
Insight: 6
Tenacity: 5

Resolve: 18/18
Wounds: None

Specialization: Witch

Boost: (Free Action, 3/scene, 1 Overcharge) When taking a magical challenge, you can take 1 Overcharge on the magical attribute you're using for the challenge to roll an additional die and add it to your result. This die will give you another die and another point of Overcharge if it rolls a 6 as usual, and if you use it for an attack it gives +2 to the attack's damage as usual.
Recover: (2/episode) While out of combat, a magical girl can use this to regain 1d6+2 Resolve.
Bypass: (Minor Action, 1 Overcharge (support), 2/scene) Move 2 positions on the battlefield. This movement ignores magical barriers and difficult terrain, and can be used to move away from enemies without needing to disengage.
Follow Up: (Major Action, 2/scene) If you make an attack on a target immediately following an ally having successfully attacked that target, you get +1 to your attack challenge and +2 to damage.
Killing Blow: (Major Action, 1 Overcharge (attack)) If a target is at less that 1/4 of its Base Resolve, use this talent on it. Make a basic attack; if it hits, it does an additional 1d6+3 damage.

Yuko didn't remember much about her mother, she'd passed away soon after giving birth. Her father... he'd done the best he could as a single parent, had taught her by example to help others when she was able. It was why she accepted her Contract, the chance to stop the youma from tearing families apart.

But it didn't do any good. She'd fought, and fought, and fought, but for every youma she killed another just took its place, every person saved replaced in short order. The youma now seemed stronger than ever, would only keep getting stronger, and no one else seemed willing to step up.

The only way she could do anything would be for the world to just stop.

Hasegawa Akira (Boss): 1
The manager of the restaurant where Yuko works part-time. Though fairly lenient and willing to look after those in his employ, what he perceives as Yuko's continued abuse of his good nature has left her continued employment unlikely.

Misugi Setsuna (Helpless/Troubled Friend): 2
A victim of a youma Yuko saved some time ago before moving away. In the time since, she became become a magical girl herself. If possible, she'd like to talk her out of it.
There is a woeful lack of IC posts...

...Hrrmm... That's no good... That's no good at all...

Who hasn't posted yet?