Setsuna is... a pretty normal girl, if a tad introverted. Nice enough, kind of quiet at times. Has a sweet tooth, enjoys baking and watching anime with her brother - (though they constantly argue over what to watch) - and so on. She had a couple run ins with the school bully in elementary school, but nothing major came out of it... other then an inclination to help people, rather then hurt them.

One day...she had stayed a little too late studying at the library - on her way home, she thought she saw the silhouette of a person in an alleyway. Following the strangely hypnotic sound of sobbing, she walked over to the person... only to reason it wasn't a person at all. An abomination reached out for her, made of eyeballs and bones and claws forced into a grotesque mockery of the human form. She wasn't even able to scream before it had placed a claw over her face.

It was a happy coincidence, then, that a passing Magical Girl - just like in the cartoons---!? - had passed by, and destroyed the creature. Even more of a coincidence was the fact that the said Magical Girl was in her class.


It seemed as if the nightmare had become a dream - she knew a real-life hero, and magic was real!

Setsuna and Yuko became good friends, and things seemed to be going okay. When her parents had informed her that they were moving, Setsuna had been fine with it. She had bid her friends farewell, and been content with her new life in another city.

Once she settled in... well, life moved on. She helped her parents cook, she hung out with her new friends, she worked hard in school... she even found that she had something of a talent for writing. Things were going great - her brother was getting married, and Setsuna even got along well with his fiancee.

Naturally, this wouldn't last.

One day, when she was shopping - another Youma attacked. Setsuna doesn't remember the details... but she does remember seeing bodies, lying everywhere around her.

It was then that her Tsukaima appeared to her. There were no magical girls in the area, but...

"You could make a pact with me!"

...If I don't, who will?

That's right ---!

The strong needed to protect the weak.

If the world was filled with monsters, then...

There have to be heroes, to protect people from them.

As Setsuna lay in a pool of blood, she reached out a hand towards the creature. A crimson mist enveloped her form, and her voice rings out---!


...Okay, maybe I do need to cut back on the television. Just a little.



Might add a bit more, depending on whether or not I can mess with the wish. Oh, and address the time travel / teleportation / sacred duty/ whatever, you're stuck here now thing.
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Mhm. If that's allowed, I want to switch from a dress to armor. :V

Hmm, actually... with how I'm writing things, I might wanna switch Setsuna's wish to something like "Get rid of all the Youma"...

@Ars Poetica: You mind if we mess around a bit with the generated stuff?
Look, a nurse uniform doesn't sit right with me.:V

Wear your frilly dress and like it. :V
I don't see why not. . .
I'll be fair on this. If you have a costume that is absolutely impossible for you to work with, I'll give you a chance to reroll it. If you still don't like the result, you're free to come up with something on your won. The point of the generator is to give a decent format, but if you really don't want to use it, I'm not going to force you to. There might be consequences for it later, but it's the appearance you'll be working with for the rest of the game. And if you don't like it, then that might screw with your fun. I don't want to be the unfun guy.

Basically, yes. Within reason. Don't become the super-edgelord. Don't become a sexualized, underage girl. Just... go for something that works for you, and helps your magical girl stand out. Okay? :)
I'll be fair on this. If you have a costume that is absolutely impossible for you to work with, I'll give you a chance to reroll it. If you still don't like the result, you're free to come up with something on your won. The point of the generator is to give a decent format, but if you really don't want to use it, I'm not going to force you to. There might be consequences for it later, but it's the appearance you'll be working with for the rest of the game. And if you don't like it, then that might screw with your fun. I don't want to be the unfun guy.

Basically, yes. Within reason. Don't become the super-edgelord. Don't become a sexualized, underage girl. Just... go for something that works for you, and helps your magical girl stand out. Okay? :)

Right. Okay, let's see....

A gray boyish suit decorated with bat wings.


I'm not batman.

Now is there anything else I can roll before I go with making my ow-

A pearl military uniform, accessorized with albinism.

That's it. Time to get designing.
Hum. Well, let's see what I roll...
An iridescent sci-fi heroine outfit, accessorized with a hero scarf.

...I am okay with this.

Sci-fi heroine + bloodstains looks significantly less Yandere then frilly dress + blood stains. :V

Plus, it means I get to make Setsuna that much dorkier.

Okay, I really need to cut down on the television!
Accessorized with albinism.

The fuck does that even mean?!
It means you look like a filthy Gaijin in a foreign military uniform while transformed.

Jokes aside it means your skin is incredibly fair which is actually something Asian cultures think as the symbol of purity and perhaps beauty.
It likely also effects your hair color.
Long story short you go from this:

Into something like this:
Magical hair color changing is a classic. Like, first magical girl anime ever style classic.
... Did you just say that Cutie Honey was the first Magical Girl anime?
Cutey Honey was the first Magical Girl Warrior. Until Cutey Honey, Mahou Shoujo were primarily princesses and witches, and were primarily targeted toward the shoujo demographic. She was created by none other than Go Nagai, who is known for fanservice, Hot Blood and absolute badassness.
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Cutey Honey was the first Magical Girl Warrior. Created by none other than Go Nagai, who is known for fanservice, Hot Blood and absolute badassness.
My post had absolutely nothing to do that that. You might wanna re-quote your post.

To be more concise, it might have been one of the first Magical Girl Warriors but it was far from the first Magical Girl anime/manga. And even it was at first refereed to as a transforming hero type series rather than magical girl, by it's creators. There was also another series that shaped the Magical Girl Warrior subtype, though it's not as popular as Cutie Honey.
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I have an idea or two for it, haven't gotten to writing it. Gonna finish hashing out the backstory and relationships first.

Soryr for the double post, but ded thread is dead.

Did up my relationships. Is everyone satisfied with these? Did I do it right?