[information=The Mystery of the Disappearing IC]Hey guys, just wanted to let you know that the IC thread is now in the IC subforum.[/information]

Now, back to your regularly scheduled magical girls.
Oh. Well that's a problem solved.

Okay everyone, what's next on the agenda?

...Right, uh, @InfiniteDaze, I know I said this already but I'd might as well repeat it. If you're still willing to play, just say so and resubmit your character sheet. I know I probably sound like a broken record, but I don't want to leave anyone who wants to play out of this and I know you were one of the first people to show up.

So please, if you want to participate, say so. Okay? :)
I'm tempted to change what my MG's wish would be.

Also, I've started working on my character's introduction.

Beeeee scaaaaareeeed...
A massive Youma appeared in the skies above Tenkawa city, one so massive that it blotted out the sun the entire city stood in its shadow. Its mere presence was enough to cause buildings to be reduced rubble. People in the streets gazed upon it with abject horror, something more powerful and terrible than their minds were capable of comprehending. With just a single, subtle twitch of one of its hundreds of twisted black tentacles the city was engulfed in an explosion that resembled a nuclear bomb. Tenkawa city was snuffed out in an instant.

Momomiya Umi jolted awake as her nightmare ended, almost causing the cramped chair she'd been sitting in to collapse. She gripped the edges of her chair tightly, panting heavily for several moments until her racing heart slowed down.

'That was awful... That Youma, it destroyed the entire city!' Umi thought to herself. They deserved it... Some of them did...

Then the events of last night finally resurfaced in her mind and she remembered where she was. She had something far more important to worry about than some nightmare. She was in a hospital room and the occupant...

"Sae!" Umi exclaimed in a panic, standing bolt upright and this time actually causing her chair to fall over. She scrambled to get over to the hospital bed that occupied the center of the room. laid down in it was her little sister, Momomiya Sae. The short, black-haired twelve year old was unconscious, the left side of her torso was wrapped thickly in bandages, all meant to cover several large, painful burns. She had been the victim of a fire. Why Sae...?

It had happened some time last night. Umi had been gone, off somewhere in the city on magical girl business, patrolling for criminals as she so often did. She needn't have gone for though because as it turned out a criminal had come straight to her doorstep.

The orphanage where she and her sister were living had been set on fire. The fire had spread far and fast, consuming the older building like tinder. Those on the lower floors had a chance to escape, but many of the children on the higher floors weren't so lucky, the fire had cut them off before they could get out. Fire crews had arrived to put out the flames and evacuate the upper floors, but not before many of the children were burned to some degree or another, Sae among them. Several of them died, either in the fire itself or succumbed to their injuries soon afterwards. Why did they have to die?

As Umi had been on her way home she spotted the smoke and rushed back in a panic, only to be greeted by a sea of ambulances, fire crews, and police officers surrounding the burning remains of what had been her and Sae's home for almost eight years. In a desperate panic she ran amongst the ambulances searching for her sister. She found Sae being loaded into an ambulance, crying and screaming in pain, her left side covered in terrible burns. Seeing her sister like that had made her heart break. Why? What did she do to deserve this? It was just like with their parents... Bad things rarely happen to people who actually deserve it...

Umi rode with her sister in the ambulance, holding her uninjured hand and doing her best to reassure her. When Sae was finally treated and moved to a room to recover and be monitored Umi kept vigil over her little sister into the long hours of the night. Eventually though, no matter how hard she tried to fight it, she began to nod off until sleep finally overcame her. Her final thoughts before drifting off were of just how awful this world could be.

That was when she had that weird dream and finally, that's what brought her to this moment.

"Sae...?" Umi hesitantly asked in a more controlled tone. She was on her sister's right side and reached out to gently squeeze her hand.

After a few silent moments Umi felt her sister's hand slowly squirm around in hers before weakly returning a squeeze of her own. Sae's eyes opened and she blinked them blearily in the morning light filtering in through the window.

"Sis...? Where am I? My side, it hurts a lot..." Sae mumbled weakly, the pain evident in her voice.

"Your in the hospital Sae. There was a fire at the orphanage. You were... hurt pretty badly. A lot of the other kids were, too. Some of them..." Umi broke off, her voice was cracking up little. She was happy that her sister was alive, but she and so many others had still gotten hurt.

"Died?" Sae asked unhappily. "I saw... I remember some of it. All of the other kids were screaming, I heard Chihiro from the room across the hall shouting that she couldn't open her door..." Sae continued, her voice growing more shakey and thick with emotions as went on. Tears were starting to well up in her eyes.

Umi leaned in and wrapped her arms around her sister, taking extreme care not to disturb her wounds. Sae began to sob and burried her face in her sister's hair. "Shh... I know it must have been horrible. I'm so, so sorry Sae... It's my f-fault. I-if I hadn't snuck out... If I had been there I could have..." Umi broke off, tears of her own begining to spill out. It was true, if she had stayed home that night she could have easily used her powers to stop the fire, to save the other kids, something. Sae didn't know that though.

Sae shook her head, still buried in Umi's hair. "You c-couldn't have done anything Umi, the fire w-would've happened either way, it's not something a girl could just stop... O-oh!" Sae suddenly exclaimed.

"What is it Sae?" Umi asked, a bit taken aback.

"I just remembered... It was about the same time that you were sneaking out, I was looking out the window and something across the street caught my eye. There was a girl about our age crouching down on a roof top nearby. She just sort of sat there, watching the orphanage for a minute or two and then disappeared..."

"I see..." Umi muttered as she digested this news. A girl on a rooftop nearby? Could it have been another magical girl? And she'd been watching the orphanage too, disapearing just as Umi had snuck out to go on patrol. Maybe... She could have been watching for Umi to leave, and then once she was gone...

She'd set the building on fire.

Umi gritted her teeth with anger as she considered this scenario. It wasn't impossible, a girl could have followed her home one night, watched the place, figured out when and how often she left, and then, when the moment was right, they went and started that fire. Umi was shaking with rage, the more she considered it the more convinced she became. Some other magical girl had targeted her home, she didn't know why yet, but she intended to find out. She was going to find whoever did this.

"Sis...?" Sae asked worriedly as she felt her sister shaking against her.

"I'm alright, Sae," Umi told her sister, trying to hide the anger in her voice. She gave Sae one last squeeze with her arms before breaking their hug. "I'm going to go out now, there are some things that I want to look in to... Try to rest now, I'll come see you again later."

"Okay... Be careful, Umi," Sae urged, not sure what her sister intended to do. She watched her sister make her way out of the hospital room and decided to close her eyes, drifting off to sleep soon after.

Meanwhile Umi had made her way out of the hospital, ready to begin her search for the person that had started he fire. The best place to start looking, she thought, would be in and around where the fire had started. Maybe the arsonist had left some clues behind?
@Ars Poetica

Finally done with my first episode, it took a lot longer than I thought it would. Is this a bit too long, should I make any edits or just put it up in the ic thread?
Almost done writing up the backstory. Just to clarify, the magical-girl system isn't public knowledge, right?
How do I invisatext? And could I ask someone to beta my first Episode?
I recommend you ask one of the GMs to beta your Episode. I'd volunteer, but I'm a little swamped managing everything else.
A massive Youma appeared in the skies above Tenkawa city, one so massive that it blotted out the sun the entire city stood in its shadow. Its mere presence was enough to cause buildings to be reduced rubble. People in the streets gazed upon it with abject horror, something more powerful and terrible than their minds were capable of comprehending. With just a single, subtle twitch of one of its hundreds of twisted black tentacles the city was engulfed in an explosion that resembled a nuclear bomb. Tenkawa city was snuffed out in an instant.

Momomiya Umi jolted awake as her nightmare ended, almost causing the cramped chair she'd been sitting in to collapse. She gripped the edges of her chair tightly, panting heavily for several moments until her racing heart slowed down.

'That was awful... That Youma, it destroyed the entire city!' Umi thought to herself. They deserved it... Some of them did...

Then the events of last night finally resurfaced in her mind and she remembered where she was. She had something far more important to worry about than some nightmare. She was in a hospital room and the occupant...

"Sae!" Umi exclaimed in a panic, standing bolt upright and this time actually causing her chair to fall over. She scrambled to get over to the hospital bed that occupied the center of the room. laid down in it was her little sister, Momomiya Sae. The short, black-haired twelve year old was unconscious, the left side of her torso was wrapped thickly in bandages, all meant to cover several large, painful burns. She had been the victim of a fire. Why Sae...?

It had happened some time last night. Umi had been gone, off somewhere in the city on magical girl business, patrolling for criminals as she so often did. She needn't have gone for though because as it turned out a criminal had come straight to her doorstep.

The orphanage where she and her sister were living had been set on fire. The fire had spread far and fast, consuming the older building like tinder. Those on the lower floors had a chance to escape, but many of the children on the higher floors weren't so lucky, the fire had cut them off before they could get out. Fire crews had arrived to put out the flames and evacuate the upper floors, but not before many of the children were burned to some degree or another, Sae among them. Several of them died, either in the fire itself or succumbed to their injuries soon afterwards. Why did they have to die?

As Umi had been on her way home she spotted the smoke and rushed back in a panic, only to be greeted by a sea of ambulances, fire crews, and police officers surrounding the burning remains of what had been her and Sae's home for almost eight years. In a desperate panic she ran amongst the ambulances searching for her sister. She found Sae being loaded into an ambulance, crying and screaming in pain, her left side covered in terrible burns. Seeing her sister like that had made her heart break. Why? What did she do to deserve this? It was just like with their parents... Bad things rarely happen to people who actually deserve it...

Umi rode with her sister in the ambulance, holding her uninjured hand and doing her best to reassure her. When Sae was finally treated and moved to a room to recover and be monitored Umi kept vigil over her little sister into the long hours of the night. Eventually though, no matter how hard she tried to fight it, she began to nod off until sleep finally overcame her. Her final thoughts before drifting off were of just how awful this world could be.

That was when she had that weird dream and finally, that's what brought her to this moment.

"Sae...?" Umi hesitantly asked in a more controlled tone. She was on her sister's right side and reached out to gently squeeze her hand.

After a few silent moments Umi felt her sister's hand slowly squirm around in hers before weakly returning a squeeze of her own. Sae's eyes opened and she blinked them blearily in the morning light filtering in through the window.

"Sis...? Where am I? My side, it hurts a lot..." Sae mumbled weakly, the pain evident in her voice.

"Your in the hospital Sae. There was a fire at the orphanage. You were... hurt pretty badly. A lot of the other kids were, too. Some of them..." Umi broke off, her voice was cracking up little. She was happy that her sister was alive, but she and so many others had still gotten hurt.

"Died?" Sae asked unhappily. "I saw... I remember some of it. All of the other kids were screaming, I heard Chihiro from the room across the hall shouting that she couldn't open her door..." Sae continued, her voice growing more shakey and thick with emotions as went on. Tears were starting to well up in her eyes.

Umi leaned in and wrapped her arms around her sister, taking extreme care not to disturb her wounds. Sae began to sob and burried her face in her sister's hair. "Shh... I know it must have been horrible. I'm so, so sorry Sae... It's my f-fault. I-if I hadn't snuck out... If I had been there I could have..." Umi broke off, tears of her own begining to spill out. It was true, if she had stayed home that night she could have easily used her powers to stop the fire, to save the other kids, something. Sae didn't know that though.

Sae shook her head, still buried in Umi's hair. "You c-couldn't have done anything Umi, the fire w-would've happened either way, it's not something a girl could just stop... O-oh!" Sae suddenly exclaimed.

"What is it Sae?" Umi asked, a bit taken aback.

"I just remembered... It was about the same time that you were sneaking out, I was looking out the window and something across the street caught my eye. There was a girl about our age crouching down on a roof top nearby. She just sort of sat there, watching the orphanage for a minute or two and then disappeared..."

"I see..." Umi muttered as she digested this news. A girl on a rooftop nearby? Could it have been another magical girl? And she'd been watching the orphanage too, disapearing just as Umi had snuck out to go on patrol. Maybe... She could have been watching for Umi to leave, and then once she was gone...

She'd set the building on fire.

Umi gritted her teeth with anger as she considered this scenario. It wasn't impossible, a girl could have followed her home one night, watched the place, figured out when and how often she left, and then, when the moment was right, they went and started that fire. Umi was shaking with rage, the more she considered it the more convinced she became. Some other magical girl had targeted her home, she didn't know why yet, but she intended to find out. She was going to find whoever did this.

"Sis...?" Sae asked worriedly as she felt her sister shaking against her.

"I'm alright, Sae," Umi told her sister, trying to hide the anger in her voice. She gave Sae one last squeeze with her arms before breaking their hug. "I'm going to go out now, there are some things that I want to look in to... Try to rest now, I'll come see you again later."

"Okay... Be careful, Umi," Sae urged, not sure what her sister intended to do. She watched her sister make her way out of the hospital room and decided to close her eyes, drifting off to sleep soon after.

Meanwhile Umi had made her way out of the hospital, ready to begin her search for the person that had started he fire. The best place to start looking, she thought, would be in and around where the fire had started. Maybe the arsonist had left some clues behind?
@Ars Poetica

Finally done with my first episode, it took a lot longer than I thought it would. Is this a bit too long, should I make any edits or just put it up in the ic thread?
Looks pretty promising! I offer the same advice as I gave to Nate Wolf -- contact a GM, ask if they can give it a look.
Almost done writing up the backstory. Just to clarify, the magical-girl system isn't public knowledge, right?
That is correct, sir!
Awwwwww :cry:

Its a majestic stallion!
...It's a dreadhorse with access to an unhealthy amount of pr0n and it lives in Hell.

That thing is Satan's mount and I refuse to call it anything else.

EDIT: Changing it to Arthur doesn't make it better.

At least before I knew what kind of animal you were, now you're a nightmarish hellbeast seeking to brainwash children! And you still have all the pr0n and live in Hell!

#Comically_Missing_Every_Point, #This_Twitter_Gag_is_Going_on_Too_Long
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Yep, that was the idea actually!
That's what I thought, but I wanted to confirm it with you.

...So, I guess that means that the place I'm going to is the burnt down orphanage, because it forces a character interaction between us. Alright, then.

But first, I think that we should wait until all of the players have at least posted their first post. It's symbolic, ya'know?
That's what I thought, but I wanted to confirm it with you.

...So, I guess that means that the place I'm going to is the burnt down orphanage, because it forces a character interaction between us. Alright, then.

But first, I think that we should wait until all of the players have at least posted their first post. It's symbolic, ya'know?
Yeah, I agree with you there.
My profile is slowly forming up.
Until then I wonder, who would be in the same class as what Yang teaches?
I am up for volunteers!
If you're still in, say so and repost your character sheet. I'll add you, no problem.

...Right, uh, @InfiniteDaze, I know I said this already but I'd might as well repeat it. If you're still willing to play, just say so and resubmit your character sheet. I know I probably sound like a broken record, but I don't want to leave anyone who wants to play out of this and I know you were one of the first people to show up.

So please, if you want to participate, say so. Okay? :)

I do! I do!

Just uh, ended up watching anime till three am last night before intentionally sleeping in today.