I haven't worked on it today, since I had a job interview. I'll try to get it up for tonight. (On the bright side - I got the job!) I think I'll just stick with the "trapped in another city" gimmick... hmm.

Is there any reason why Setsuna can't just leave the city? (Mysterious portals just dump her back? For whatever reason, all records show that she moved there legitimately? Her Tsukaima told her not to? Some combination of all of the above?)

Hmm... Setsuna used to live in the city. (Tenkawa, right)?

She moved to another city, if only because her dad's job required it, and basically lived a normal life.

Lessee... damsel type. So... a little timid, but nice? Maybe some bullying, nothing major but enough to hone her sense of empathy. The strong should help the weak...!

Anyhow, other than that, she was pretty normal. Liked hanging out with her friends, has a sweet tooth - cotton candy! Watches some magical girl anime... think Symphogear.

The friend who died...hum. I figure that it should sorta shape the character's personality, so - something more selfless and heroic. (I want to be a heroine of justice, who can save everyone---!)

Is there any reason why Setsuna can't just leave the city? (Mysterious portals just dump her back? For whatever reason, all records show that she moved there legitimately? Her Tsukaima told her not to? Some combination of all of the above?)
Her justice thing keeps her from letting herself leave until the wretched hive that is the city's spooky side has been cleansed? Case in point-
(I want to be a heroine of justice, who can save everyone---!)
"Someone like you could never protect this world. Abandon your power and enjoy what time you have left."
Her justice thing keeps her from letting herself leave until the wretched hive that is the city's spooky side has been cleansed? Case in point-

"Someone like you could never protect this world. Abandon your power and enjoy what time you have left."
Ah, are the Youma only around in one particular city? That makes this easier.

...hmm, are we doing the old best-friends thing? :V

Also, request to change the costume from dress to armor.
such information is pivvy only to those who adamantly dive straight in, blind and naked, and only a glimmer at that. but don't you guys worry, it may just change some plot or maybe save y'all's buttholes from a reckonin'.
Well Im already blind in Meguca form so what the hell, should I PM you for details so I know how to react IC or...?
Ah, are the Youma only around in one particular city? That makes this easier.
Less "This is the only place where youma congregate" and more "the closest thing to good people in this city are assholes only looking out for themselves, and some of the ones that are supposed to be helping people actively want to destroy the world." :V
Less "This is the only place where youma congregate" and more "the closest thing to good people in this city are assholes only looking out for themselves, and some of the ones that are supposed to be helping people actively want to destroy the world." :V
...Hmm sooo am I kinda in the middle?
...hmm, are we doing the old best-friends thing? :V
Maybe you were an extra from Yuko's early days who forced her way into the cast. :V

Gets saved by Yuko back when she was naively idealistic, builds up this super romanticized idea of being a Magical Girl, and after making her contract and ending up back in the city finds out her inspiration is a bitter shell of the heroine she wanted to be?
Episode 1

Hozumi Hotaru brushed her teeth absentmindedly.

To an outsider looking in, it might have appeared to be an average morning; but the truth was, despite the sleepy look on her face, she was rather on edge.

It had only been a week ago that her friend, Hino Sasami, had been framed for a crime that she knew that she didn't commit. She already knew what she was going to do about that, but the question was how...

Suddenly, she felt a buzzing in her pocket. The toothbrush fell out of her hand as she gave a slight jolt of surprise.

One of her hands fumbled around in her pocket for her phone, while the other tried to grab the airborne toothbrush.

After a few moments of this, she successfully managed to get a handle on the tooth brush, and get the phone out of her pocket. She flipped it open, and looked at the screen.


She pressed the 'view' button, and read the text that appeared on the screen.
Hey Hotaru, just wanted to check in. Probably heard about those fires by now, and that they're blaming it on me But I know that you know I'd never do anything like that! I mean jeez! Just because I like campfires...anyway, just wanted to let you know I'm all right. Can't tell you where I'm hiding though, it's a secret! Hope to see yah soon!​
A sleepy sound slid out of her mouth. "Hmm..."

She smiled, and closed it again, putting it back in her pocket. She would send her back a text when she had an idea of what to say.

But until then...

Maybe she would use her ability? She didn't have much experience with it, but she did know how it could be useful...

"Hotaru! Time for breakfast!"

She washed the toothbrush in the sink, before putting it back where it was earlier this morning, and going down to breakfast.

It was a rather quiet affair, with little to no sound. This wasn't a particularly unusual occurrence these days, but it did make her wonder why they didn't talk as much as they used to...maybe it was because she wasn't a kid anymore? That would explain it. Being quiet when around that age wasn't exactly...

She internally shook herself. She couldn't think about such inane things at this time. She had a friend to help out.

She reached over for another pancake, and bumped into her mother's arm. "Ah, sorry."

She continued to think about how to help her friend, until she had finished.

With a pancake hanging out of her mouth, she sent a text message back to Sasami.

She closed it back up, and started heading down a road. It would only take her a few minutes to get to the high school, but she wasn't going to the high school right now.

A memory of a television report flew through her head; the location of one of the acts of arson, about fifteen minutes from where she was. Her memory might be a bit spotty at times, but she would not let her friend down.

She headed down the path, with an unusually focused look in her eyes. She would not let her friend go to jail because of this.

She would not.

Complete! For real this time!
Okay, I'll just finish it now.
Hino Sasami was...actually having a rather good day so far. Perhaps it was a bit too early to really say, but she had a pretty good feeling about it all.

She'd woken up early, acquired a 'good' breakfast, for someone on the run, in a perfectly legal manner, and now she's back at her little haunt. Sitting high up on one of many metal beams criss-crossing the frame of an unfinished building which conveniently sat on the edge of the abandoned southern portion of the city. Sasami absently kicked her feet through the air, whistling a little tune as she looked out at the city's morning skyline.

Sasami had always enjoyed the sight of her home city from above. When she was younger, her mother would always bring her up to the top of the office building she worked, just letting her look up into the great blue sky and the city below. In a way, being up here let her have just a bit of those old feelings, and if she tried just hard enough, then just for a moment she could forget...

A frown finds its way onto the girl's expression, her mood soured as she let out a sigh.

"Thinking about them won't help..." She mumbles, absently pulling out her phone, flipping it open and starts typing.


Clicking the send button with a fond smile, the girl closed her phone and slid it back into it's pocket.

Sasami rose to her feet and began making her way back to ground level.

Today would be a busy day, best to get to it.
I mean, not to sound like a dickhead, but phones capable of sending text messages like this didn't exist until 2001... and it's March in the year 2000 according to the OP... but considering you guys are Magical Girls that live in a city where wishes can be granted and all sorts of ridiculous is possible, I'll allow it. Just, uh, check on things like that in the future... ok? :)
@ars or someone else who can answer

My Tsukaima was killed and a message was written in its blood. Do you have a specific message in mind, or should I make my own up?
"I remember."
Also, tried writing out a better version of the backstory. Should I know anyone else's character before this starts, or have I never met any of you people before?
That's optional. You can make friends with some of the other Magical Girls, or you can roll for random friends and acquaintances. Either way, it's highly recommended you build up a social life.
no dice my freind, o' pal.

such information is pivvy only to those who adamantly dive straight in, blind and naked, and only a glimmer at that. but don't you guys worry, it may just change some plot or maybe save y'all's buttholes from a reckonin'.

always remember murd is here for you!

@Ars Poetica

ain't that shit right?
Go home, Nod; you're drunk.

Okay, I'm setting up the IC thread now! This is gonna be great!

@D.D. specatator, can you set up a current list of all the players and their character sheets?

I'll threadmark it right now and put a copy of it in the OP.
Maybe you were an extra from Yuko's early days who forced her way into the cast. :V

Gets saved by Yuko back when she was naively idealistic, builds up this super romanticized idea of being a Magical Girl, and after making her contract and ending up back in the city finds out her inspiration is a bitter shell of the heroine she wanted to be?
Mhm. So classmates->fangirl->friends->moved out?
I'm (trying) joining as the last edition according to Ars, if that wasn't clear from me posting my character sheet over here? If I failed to overlook something obvious about joining that I was supposed to do, please bop me over the head with it.

That said. Are there any people who want to be friends with a religious healer?
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