This is what I got for Kana's Backstory
Kana lived with parents who loved her, but just didn't have enough time to spend. Kana;s okay with that, she doesn't mind. School keeps her busy, and books keep her entertained. An odd choice, with TV as an option, but reading could be done anywhere, as long as you could hold onto a book. So she did; she made friends in the park, she met people, and meandered about, all with a book in hand.

Years later, her books were ash, and her family ash with them. She was dead, and to what? She couldn't tell, the memories were gone now. All she remembered was her past, and waking up on a rooftop in a city called Tenkawa. 10 years later.

She couldn't remember, in the beginning, but it came back. But what could she do? She didn't know anyone or anything, research done stated that she and her parents had gone 'mysteriously missing', with the case abandoned even before it could expire.

No justice, for her or hers. No vengeance, because she didn't know what had happened. She would need to find out, but she didn't have the power to. So when a surly little bastard of a puffball approached her with magic powers for the giving, she'd accepted, right after laughing at him and calling Animal Control. Both of which she regretted eventually, as while the thing didn't care for grudges, it went out of it's way to 'curb her attitude unbefitting a magical girl'. She disagreed; as a reader, she was aware that cynicism had its place in the world.

She had no interest in fighting for love, but justice was her calling. She had none, but she'd get it. And spread it. She'd become justice. No more 'missing families', no more 'accidental deaths'. Her family would be proud of her, in the afterlife.

Wrote this while way too tired. Also, I need to do my relationships thing. As a murderhobo of justice. Dear god. Am I even gonna have any acquaintances? Does Japan have soup kitchens?

Maybe I can say some girl took pity on me and lets me stay with her...
@Lichte thanks for the link. I think the RNG came up with a more despairing character than I was originally envisioning. Unfortunately, she seems less useless in battle compared to the wrongfully accused criminal. Good news is she's a secret mass murderer now.

@Ars Poetica - I guess this is my newer sheet lol. Background in progress.

Aikawa Sakura Final Savior Honey Sakura

About You

What kind of girl are you?

What convinced you to make a pact?
I'm tired of being the victim. I want to fight back!

What is your wish?
I wish everyone I killed were alive again.

I had a bad magical mutation manifest in the middle of school where everyone could see.

Magical Element

Magical Weapon
Magic Staff

Magical Power
Healer: You have the ability to general a nearly invisible wall of force that can serves as a barrier.

A silver suit of armor, accessorized with circuits.


Specialization: Priestess


8 6 4
( Defense ) ( Support ) ( Attack )
Heart Fury Magic

4 5 5
Charm Insight Tenacity

Free Action, 3/Scene, 1 Overcharge
When making a magical challenge, you can take 1 Overcharge on the magical attribute you're using for the challenge to roll an additional die and add it to your result. This die will give you another die and another point of Overcharge if it rolls a 6 as usual, and if you use it for an attack it gives +2 to the attack's damage as usual.

While out of combat, a magical girl can use this to regain 1d6+2 Resolve.

Minor Action, 1/Scene
Remove any number of status effects from yourself.

Minor Action, 2/Scene
Give an enemy within a range of 0-2 the Bound, Bleeding, or Stunned status effect.

Minor Action, 2/Scene
Remove one negative status effect from yourself or one ally within a range of 0-2. You may remove additional status effects by taking 1 Support Overcharge per effect removed.

Hiiragi Mao - 3

Shinobu Shishido - 3

Misugi Setsuna - 2

Ogami Society - 3
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I'm still not sure if I'm doing the Archer/Shirou thing with Daze and/or o3o, but I should be able to throw something together once I've finished eating.
@ars or someone else who can answer

My Tsukaima was killed and a message was written in its blood. Do you have a specific message in mind, or should I make my own up?
Also, tried writing out a better version of the backstory. Should I know anyone else's character before this starts, or have I never met any of you people before?
Also, tried writing out a better version of the backstory. Should I know anyone else's character before this starts, or have I never met any of you people before?

Murderhobo-kun is drunk, but you have x amount relationship points to spend among PCs and npcs, if you want start a relationship with another PC, poke their butts and see if they're willing.

Or take my optional choice; that people seem to be avoiding like cancer or some shit.
