I love how long it's taking for someone to write a first Episode... nobody wants to be a member of the light brigade, I guess.

Midorikawa Hotaru Nurse Blossom Eternal Hotaru

About You

What kind of girl are you?
What convinced you to make a pact?
With this power I can build a better world.
What is your wish?
I wish everyone I killed were alive again.
I was arrested by government agents and taken somewhere.
Magical Element
Magical Weapon
Magical Power
Divination: The art of divination will let you glimpse portents of the future and find answers to questions.
A yellow fairy costume, accessorized with epaulets.

Specialization: Priestess


5 3 9
( Defense ) ( Support ) ( Attack )
Heart Fury Magic

5 5 7
Charm Insight Tenacity

Free Action, 3/Scene, 1 Overcharge
When making a magical challenge, you can take 1 Overcharge on the magical attribute you're using for the challenge to roll an additional die and add it to your result. This die will give you another die and another point of Overcharge if it rolls a 6 as usual, and if you use it for an attack it gives +2 to the attack's damage as usual.
While out of combat, a magical girl can use this to regain 1d6+2 Resolve.
Let's Move
Minor Action, 1 Overcharge (Support)
You move one position and one willing ally can immediately move 1 position.
Minor Action, 1/Scene
One ally within a range of 0-2 gains either the Calm or Excited status effect.
Dampen Overcharge
Free Action, 2/Scene, 1 Overcharge (Support)
When an ally takes Overcharge from an action, use this talent to reduce the amount of Overcharge they take from that action to half (round down).

I've got Magical Girl Kitsigaru Emiya. Joy.
Okay, so for my backstory, I was thinking...

The government has been rounding up Magical Girls, because what right-thinking governmental bureaucrat would let anyone have power they couldn't control?

So, as this has been happening, my character becomes a Magical Girl. She doesn't consider herself a hero(for reasons) but is helping people however she can.

Then, one day, she's making her rounds when a bunch of governmental Black Suits show up and attempt to grab her. Panicking, she fights back, killing most of them. Horrified at what she's done, she runs home and tells her parents, who already know that she's a MG and are surprisingly chill about this. They pack up and move to Tenkawa City, and she's enrolled at school right as the plot begins.

This good?
I recommend following in the example of whoever posts first.

A dangerous precedent to set, I'm sure, but I'm willing to trust in @ApocalypticFish. Aren't you?
...And now I'm wondering how I became the one pushing this RP along.

Is it because I read the rulebook? Is it because @The Out Of World still hasn't updated the Rebirth of the Carnival?

...Whatever the case, I'll give it my best shot.
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Okay, so for my backstory, I was thinking...

The government has been rounding up Magical Girls, because what right-thinking governmental bureaucrat would let anyone have power they couldn't control?

So, as this has been happening, my character becomes a Magical Girl. She doesn't consider herself a hero(for reasons) but is helping people however she can.

Then, one day, she's making her rounds when a bunch of governmental Black Suits show up and attempt to grab her. Panicking, she fights back, killing most of them. Horrified at what she's done, she runs home and tells her parents, who already know that she's a MG and are surprisingly chill about this. They pack up and move to Tenkawa City, and she's enrolled at school right as the plot begins.

This good?
It's under review right now. :)
...And now I'm wondering how I became the one pushing this RP along.

Is it because I read the rulebook? Is it because @The Out Of World still hasn't updated the Rebirth of the Carnival?

...Whatever the case, I'll give it my best shot.
I feel like you answered your own questions there...
I'm just not sure how we're supposed to make a first episode when we're not the gms.
Hmm. My brain's actually making actual progress on vauge possible backstory expansion for Tsukasa. Currently thinking she woke up as an amnesiac in Tenkawa, and promptly managed to run headfirst into truancy officers. Has a place, no idea why she has a place, possibly related to Shady Organisations.
Bullying is the stock explanation for 'tired of playing victim', and I can't currently think of an alternative.
...This is probably shit.
so im going to flee into the embrace of sleep
Elena: gnight
Elena: i been up since long
Jemnite: it's
Elena: i am tir
Jemnite: 2:40 PM
Jemnite: why
Jemnite: literally why
Elena: I
Elena: my schedula just
Elena: slipped and i must right it
Elena: so now this is
Jemnite: the codex astartes
Jemnite: does not recommend
Elena: look it's going to work
Elena: i was doing well but then the pasttwo days i fucked it up
Jemnite: >must sleep by 9
Elena: I KNOW
Elena: Q=Q

nice memes

also is this rp still open for character submissions or what?
I'm just not sure how we're supposed to make a first episode when we're not the gms.
...You introduce your character, and maybe some of that character's friends.

This is the first impression everyone will have of the kind of character you're playing. That's Episode One, specifically each part of episode one -- one for each player character.
I love how long it's taking for someone to write a first Episode... nobody wants to be a member of the light brigade, I guess.
Sasami should have her's done before I have to leave for my second class around 5:50ish.

Also, I went with the Dead Parents route. Gives me a good excuse to have the 'helper' take a larger role and excuse the fact I that I failed to roll any parents at all.
Signing on if there's still space, and doing the Instant Magical Girl rolls.

1. What kind of a girl are you?
24 - Damsel

2. What convinced you to make a pact?
36 - I don't see any other way to prove I'm innocent.

3. What is your wish?
22 - I wish I could forget about that day.

4. Magical Element
41 - Love

5. Magical Weapon
13 - Mystic Orb

6. Magical Power
64 - Wardrobe Change. This whimsical magical power lets you change your clothes to pretty much anything you can imagine.

7. Magical Girl Costume

A. Costume Style
33 - Gothic Lolita

B. Costume Colors
41 - Gray

C. Costume Accessories/Motifs
21 - Cat Ears

8. Normal Attributes
13 - Charm 2, Insight 5, Tenacity 7

9. Magical Attributes
44 - Heart 6, Fury 6, Magic 6

11. Magical Specialization
3 - Priestess

12. Magical Talents
51 - Shield
45 - Implode

13. Crisis
35 - I've been transformed, so that I don't look like who I re-ally am.
Wizard_Marshall threw 2 6-faced dice. Reason: 1. What kind of a girl are you Total: 6
2 2 4 4
Wizard_Marshall threw 2 6-faced dice. Reason: 2. Pact Total: 9
3 3 6 6
Wizard_Marshall threw 2 6-faced dice. Reason: 3. Wish Total: 4
2 2 2 2
Wizard_Marshall threw 2 6-faced dice. Reason: 4. Magical Element Total: 5
4 4 1 1
Wizard_Marshall threw 2 6-faced dice. Reason: 5. Magical Weapon Total: 4
1 1 3 3
Wizard_Marshall threw 2 6-faced dice. Reason: 6. Magical Power Total: 10
6 6 4 4
Wizard_Marshall threw 2 6-faced dice. Reason: 7. Costume Total: 6
3 3 3 3
Wizard_Marshall threw 2 6-faced dice. Reason: 7b. Costume Colors Total: 5
4 4 1 1
Wizard_Marshall threw 2 6-faced dice. Reason: 7c. Costume Motifs Total: 3
2 2 1 1
Wizard_Marshall threw 2 6-faced dice. Reason: 8. Normal Attributes Total: 4
1 1 3 3
Wizard_Marshall threw 2 6-faced dice. Reason: 9. Magicall Attributes Total: 8
4 4 4 4
Wizard_Marshall threw 2 6-faced dice. Reason: 11. Magicall Specialization Total: 6
3 3 3 3
Wizard_Marshall threw 4 6-faced dice. Reason: 12. Magical Talent Total: 15
5 5 1 1 4 4 5 5
Wizard_Marshall threw 2 6-faced dice. Reason: 13. Crisis Total: 8
3 3 5 5
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@Ars Poetica

Pretty much finished with the rough draft, just a bit more and some minor adjusting to do tonight.

Should be ready by eleven EST at the latest, five something at the earliest.
Episode 1

Hozumi Hotaru brushed her teeth absentmindedly.

To an outsider looking in, it might have appeared to be an average morning; but the truth was, despite the sleepy look on her face, she was rather on edge.

It had only been a week ago that her friend, Hino Sasami, had been framed for a crime that she knew that she didn't commit. She already knew what she was going to do about that, but the question was how...

Suddenly, she felt a buzzing in her pocket. The toothbrush fell out of her hand as she gave a slight jolt of surprise.

One of her hands fumbled around in her pocket for her phone, while the other tried to grab the airborne toothbrush.

After a few moments of this, she successfully managed to get a handle on the tooth brush, and get the phone out of her pocket. She flipped it open, and looked at the screen.


She pressed the 'view' button, and read the text that appeared on the screen.
Hey Hotaru, just wanted to check in. Probably heard about those fires by now, and that they're blaming it on me But I know that you know I'd never do anything like that! I mean jeez! Just because I like campfires...anyway, just wanted to let you know I'm all right. Can't tell you where I'm hiding though, it's a secret! Hope to see yah soon!​
A sleepy sound slid out of her mouth. "Hmm..."

She smiled, and closed it again, putting it back in her pocket. She would send her back a text when she had an idea of what to say.

But until then...

Maybe she would use her ability? She didn't have much experience with it, but she did know how it could be useful...

"Hotaru! Time for breakfast!"

She washed the toothbrush in the sink, before putting it back where it was earlier this morning, and going down to breakfast.

It was a rather quiet affair, with little to no sound. This wasn't a particularly unusual occurrence these days, but it did make her wonder why they didn't talk as much as they used to...maybe it was because she wasn't a kid anymore? That would explain it. Being quiet when around that age wasn't exactly...

She internally shook herself. She couldn't think about such inane things at this time. She had a friend to help out.

She reached over for another pancake, and bumped into her mother's arm. "Ah, sorry."

She continued to think about how to help her friend, until she had finished.

With a pancake hanging out of her mouth, she sent a text message back to Sasami.

It's been going fairly well, other than all the people talking to me for "some reason". In any case, have you been dealing with it well? I mean, have you been getting any food, or sleep? Because while I think that magic is pretty useful, I don't think that it's healthy to use it to prevent yourself from sleeping for a week straight. Is it? I guess I'll just have to ask the tsukaima later.

She closed it back up, and started heading down a road. It would only take her a few minutes to get to the high school, but she wasn't going to the high school right now.

A memory of a television report flew through her head; the location of one of the acts of arson, about fifteen minutes from where she was. Her memory might be a bit spotty at times, but she would not let her friend down.

She headed down the path, with an unusually focused look in her eyes. She would not let her friend go to jail because of this.

She would not.

Complete! For real this time!
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Episode 1

Hozumi Hotaru brushed her teeth absentmindedly.

To an outsider looking in, it might have appeared to be an average morning; but the truth was, despite the sleepy look on her face, she was rather on edge.

It had only been a week ago that her friend, Hino Sasami, had been framed for a crime that she knew that she didn't commit. She already knew what she was going to do about that, but the question was how...

Suddenly, she felt a buzzing in her pocket. The toothbrush fell out of her hand as she gave a slight jolt of surprise.

One of her hands fumbled around in her pocket for her phone, while the other tried to grab the airborne toothbrush.

After a few moments of this, she successfully managed to get a handle on the tooth brush, and get the phone out of her pocket. She flipped it open, and looked at the screen.


She pressed the 'view' button, and read the text that appeared on the screen.


...kinda. Silvan Eldar, I need you to write the text. And then I need to write breakfast.
Okay, I'll just finish it now.
Hino Sasami was...actually having a rather good day so far. Perhaps it was a bit too early to really say, but she had a pretty good feeling about it all.

She'd woken up early, acquired a 'good' breakfast, for someone on the run, in a perfectly legal manner, and now she's back at her little haunt. Sitting high up on one of many metal beams criss-crossing the frame of an unfinished building which conveniently sat on the edge of the abandoned southern portion of the city. Sasami absently kicked her feet through the air, whistling a little tune as she looked out at the city's morning skyline.

Sasami had always enjoyed the sight of her home city from above. When she was younger, her mother would always bring her up to the top of the office building she worked, just letting her look up into the great blue sky and the city below. In a way, being up here let her have just a bit of those old feelings, and if she tried just hard enough, then just for a moment she could forget...

A frown finds its way onto the girl's expression, her mood soured as she let out a sigh.

"Thinking about them won't help..." She mumbles, absently pulling out her phone, flipping it open and starts typing.

Hey Hotaru, just wanted to check in. Probably heard about those fires by now, and that they're blaming it on me But I know that you know I'd never do anything like that! I mean jeez! Just because I like campfires...anyway, just wanted to let you know I'm all right. Can't tell you where I'm hiding though, it's a secret! Hope to see yah soon!

Clicking the send button with a fond smile, the girl closed her phone and slid it back into it's pocket.

Sasami rose to her feet and began making her way back to ground level.

Today would be a busy day, best to get to it.