We Will Never Die: Rebooted (A Halo Spartan Quest)

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Become a Spartan, become a Legend.

Name: Giancarlo-131

Age: 13

Rank: Petty Officer Second Class

Soldiering (Spartan): You are the very model of a perfect soldier. (+50 to combat rolls.)

Riflemanship (Marine): You are proficient with a rifle, and can use it well. (+20 to combat rolls with the Standard rifles of the UNSC)

Hand to Hand (ODST): You are among the best at fighting hand to hand combat in the Spartans (+30 to combat rolls when in melee)

Ai Development (Spartan): You are indeed one of the greatest minds in the field of AI. Even Greater than Dr. Halsey (+50 to AI development rolls. Potential for AI developed by you to not go rampant.)

First Aid (Spartan): You are such an expert at medical training, you are considered a doctor. (+50 to healing rolls to allies and yourself.)

Engineering (Spartan): You are among the masters of engineering. To you, a blueprint is a canvas for ideas... and opportunity. (+50 to development rolls... Actions unlocked.)

Genetic Engineering (Spartan): You are a master of Human Genetic Engineering... being able to truly become a god among men. (Certain actions available. Unknown effects.)

Battlefield Tactics (Spartan): Your ability to command, is matched only by your quick thinking, and the love of your fellows.(+50 to combat rolls when commanding other units)

Information Warfare (Spartan): You ca, with only a few strokes of a keyboard, completely alter the course of a battle (+50 to rolls involving spying using computers.)

Starship Tactics (Spartan): There is only one thing that makes the universe bow towards you... is your ability to command the navy. (+50 to combat rolls when leading ships.)

Spying (Spartan): You can be anything... After all who would suspect it? (+50 to all espionage rolls)


Augmented (Psyonic): Your improvements have created… unexpected side effects. Beyond what was the normal Spartan Augmentations… you… have super powers. Psionic superpowers. (+100 to combat rolls. A whole host of other benefits, including Light being able to come out to help, telepathy, manipulations of objects… and blatant space wizardry)

Born of the Purple: Purple team has become his true Family. (When fighting with Purple Team, all attack and defense rolls gain a +50.)

Spartan 1.1: You are the Child of the Orion Project Member (Redacted). You are stronger, faster and smarter even by the standards of the legendary Spartan II's. (Unknown Effects. Wound Recovery rolls increased by 40.)

Spartan II: You are a Member of the Spartan II Program, You will be trained to be the greatest warrior in the history of the Galaxy. (+50 to all combat Rolls. If you must socialize with anyone who is not a spartan, you suffer a -20 to all rolls, unless requirements in training are met.)

Memories of A Scientist: You hold the memory of a great man, named Light. He has taught you great things about the many fields of human development, both technologically, and in the sciences. You still have much to learn though. (You have a +30 to learn new skills. You also have a chance of inventing something every turn, that may assist you and your fellow Spartans)

Heart of Spartans: You are... the one who has brought them all together, that has made them realize that without you... they would be nothing but Tools with no real humanity. You are their heart... You are the Spartans very soul. (You are the most highly valued and respected of all the Spartans. They look to you for Leadership and stregnth. When John, Kirk, Fred, Maria, or Serin are not leading Spartans, they automatically follow your orders. +100 to all battle rolls.)
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