We Form in Crystals [Worm/Nasu]

The threats of using that data against her typifies exactly why villains outnumber heroes: the PRT are all colossal douche bags.

... But it makes sense that they would do that? Hell, I would do that in their place. Hell, their supposed to do that.

If someone went villain that went through all of their tests starting out as a hero first, you should use all information you gathered on them to take them down before they could harm others.

It's not like they got her secret identity either, just how her power works. Which frankly, should scare them shitless if Taylor ever went villain.
I think people are making a lot of assumptions. There is nothing to indicate that Touko here has the same knowledge base that her original self does, or that the Clocktower or anything similar exists.

For all we know the existance of Alaya and the Types are complete unknowns and it was the entities that Gaia drew here to screw over humanity. After all it appears that Alaya was the one to call for Type Mercury and tie it to TailORT.
I think people are making a lot of assumptions. There is nothing to indicate that Touko here has the same knowledge base that her original self does, or that the Clocktower or anything similar exists.

For all we know the existance of Alaya and the Types are complete unknowns and it was the entities that Gaia drew here to screw over humanity. After all it appears that Alaya was the one to call for Type Mercury and tie it to TailORT.

True. But I'd assume that this Touko has knowledge unless otherwise stated, since this seems to be a crossover. If she doesn't? That's ok as well.
I still don't know what ORT powers are. Can someone enlighten me? Wiki link, maybe?

Endbringer Tier monster at a Minimum.

ORT is the Ultimate One of the planet Mercury, the greatest lifeform created by its Reality Marble. It drops down somewhere in the Nasuverse because it heard Gaia's call to the other planets to kill the fuck out of the humans that wouldn't have the decency to die with her--but it shows up hundreds of years too early, so it just chills out and Mercuryformed a chunk of land until the time comes for Gaia to die and the TYPES to start finishing off the lifeforms inhabiting her corpse.

Nasu literally described ORT at one point as "The Secret Boss who is far more powerful than the Final Boss". If one were to assume that Arcueid Brunestud to be the Final Boss of the Nasuverse (By dint of her being theoretically capable of becoming TYPE-Earth), then ORT would be Omega Weapon.

Given how the other TYPES are described as pretty easily Endbringer-grade monsters from what little exists of the Notes-era... Yeah. ORT apparently isn't even the strongest of them, though at a bare minimum, it's a peer to Primate Murder (A killbeast created by Gaia as a human extermination engine) in terms of sheer killmurder potential.
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If we're comparing ORT to FF superbosses, you'd probably be closer if you mentioned either Yiazmat from XII or Aeronite from Lightning Returns.

But, really, the rule of thumb is Fight + ORT = LOSE, so any comparison would ultimately fail.
He nodded, "Good morning Rosetta. Good to see you." He said. Emoting with his free hand at the others and, oh gosh, no, calm down. "These are Doctor Fran, our on-site medic " he said, motioning to a pale woman with limp, inky black hair. She had some heavy bags under her eyes, but she smiled gently at me. "Head Protectorate East-North-East Parahumanity Researcher, Doctor-"
It says "Fran", but the description sounds like Veronica.

I'm not sure which would be scarier.
"Are you sure you don't want to join the Wards? We have video gam-" He was immediately interrupted by a dive-bombing mini-dragon, and had to abandon his recruitment pitch

I must say I like this little running Arms/Dragon gag. Dragon is really trying her best, isn't she? Deleting files, dive-bombing, basically messing with his teleprompter...

Read part of this thread on SB yesterday - they sounded completely rabid over there.
Scion can halt all atomic motion around him, can't he? Would that do anything to ORT, or would it go lolNasuConceptualBullshit and laugh it off? I mean, entities blow up every dimensional iteration of planets when they want to (and are at full power); would that not translate into being able to kill TYPES?

Another question! Does ORT ignore entropy?
I mean, entities blow up every dimensional iteration of planets when they want to (and are at full power); would that not translate into being able to kill TYPES?
Yes, presumably it would. I'd call this a fusion, not a crossover, which means that the entities have dealt with planets like this many times before, and have the tools to do so. Witness, for example, Eden sealing the Throne of Heroes away.

But Eden is dead. And Zion is clinically depressed...

Zion can probably win. The question, as usual, is whether he'll try.
Scion can halt all atomic motion around him, can't he? Would that do anything to ORT, or would it go lolNasuConceptualBullshit and laugh it off?
That specifically probably wouldn't do anything, ORT runs its own reality after all. So instead something would be needed to impinge on realities enforced by others. Now as @Baughn noted, they in this respect already did something in this vein, so one assumes that they perhaps can. Or atleast could... but in their currently more broken and or depressed state, who knows?
Are you sure? Touko just referred to her as Taylor Hebert.

Taylor didn't say her name or give her name to Panacea like was said so that will probably be edited out since it doesn't make sense that they would know her name.


Though I also wouldn't put it past someone like Touko figuring out who Taylor is without being told.
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Yes, presumably it would. I'd call this a fusion, not a crossover, which means that the entities have dealt with planets like this many times before, and have the tools to do so. Witness, for example, Eden sealing the Throne of Heroes away.

But Eden is dead. And Zion is clinically depressed...

Zion can probably win. The question, as usual, is whether he'll try.
The way I had it explained to me, a Type exists as long as its planet exists, and the planet "exists" as long as the Type exists. For ORT, you can blow up Mercury, but it doesn't matter, because Mercury still exists as long as ORT is around, and ORT is around as long as Mercury exists.

Even True Magic isn't enough to really kill a Type. Zelretch beat Crimson Moon only because Crimson Moon didn't know what True Magic was; if they fought again, even if Zelretch was in his prime, CM would win. The Six Sisters managed by combining six different types of True Magic, and it wound up killing them in the process.

To actually kill a Type, you need to go to the root of its existence, and for that, you need either Truth (and therefore Ea), a ludicrously hax weapon like Slash Emperor, or Third Person Ryougi. If Zion could manage that, then there would be no need for blowing up the Earth anyway, because he could just manipulate the Root to stave off the Heat Death of the Universe.
Even True Magic isn't enough to really kill a Type. Zelretch beat Crimson Moon only because Crimson Moon didn't know what True Magic was; if they fought again, even if Zelretch was in his prime, CM would win. The Six Sisters managed by combining six different types of True Magic, and it wound up killing them in the process.

At least one of them must have been lost or converted into magecraft since then.

Wonder what it was.
Theoretically, there's an infinite number of True Magics, but we only know of five in the modern era, with a hypothetical sixth being "making everyone happy."
The way I had it explained to me, a Type exists as long as its planet exists, and the planet "exists" as long as the Type exists. For ORT, you can blow up Mercury, but it doesn't matter, because Mercury still exists as long as ORT is around, and ORT is around as long as Mercury exists.

Even True Magic isn't enough to really kill a Type. Zelretch beat Crimson Moon only because Crimson Moon didn't know what True Magic was; if they fought again, even if Zelretch was in his prime, CM would win. The Six Sisters managed by combining six different types of True Magic, and it wound up killing them in the process.

To actually kill a Type, you need to go to the root of its existence, and for that, you need either Truth (and therefore Ea), a ludicrously hax weapon like Slash Emperor, or Third Person Ryougi. If Zion could manage that, then there would be no need for blowing up the Earth anyway, because he could just manipulate the Root to stave off the Heat Death of the Universe.
Bleh. Conceptual immunity to death makes it boring; glad I stay away from the wanky upper-level Nasu stuff. TaylORT is a much better us of this.

So, unless a macguffin kills it, it'll just sit there? What about the death of our Sun? Where does human death concepts end and special-flavor spce whale death concepts begin?
I think the death of the Sun counts as a concept of "Death of the solar system," so Types will go, at that point. Or most will, at least. Mercury, Venus, and Mars will be destroyed. The others will survive.

Of course, that's supposing that they aren't killed by Transcendent Humanity by that point, which is a distinct possibility. After all, the sun still has another 10-ish billion years before it goes kaput; if humans survive that long, then they're likely way past killing the Types and colonizing the stars. That was Gilgamesh's plan, at any rate.
The way I had it explained to me, a Type exists as long as its planet exists, and the planet "exists" as long as the Type exists. For ORT, you can blow up Mercury, but it doesn't matter, because Mercury still exists as long as ORT is around, and ORT is around as long as Mercury exists.
:Citation Needed: please. I'm not the most knowledgable but I've never seen or heard of this.