We Form in Crystals [Worm/Nasu]




I blinked, puzzled.

"But, parahumans aren't human?" I asked. Touko gave me a strange vibe, and I looked at her a bit more closely.

Nothing really stood out.

"After a fashion. If you're 100% human, as am I, or Dr. Fran, then a Parahuman would be, say, 101%. It was only a scant three or so decades ago that these organs even existed. But here you are, without the known required organs that grant them abilities, and yet, yours would be among the top twenty strongest on record, depending on how you use them."

She took a drag of her cigarette, but I blinked. "About when Scion first appeared.." I stated.

Touko nodded, "Got it in one." she said glibly. Shrugging, she gave a small smile, "Still come with me for a second." she stated, before moving back to the door. I started to follow, but she waved me off. Opening the door, she stepped through. I didn't hear much of the conversation on the other side before she quickly came back, closing it again. A panel appeared to the side of it, and tapping a few keys ridiculously quickly, it gave a small chime. Walking to the other side of the small meeting room we were in, she opened the other door, mumbling under her breath as she waved me closer.

She stepped through into what looked like another meeting room. However, when I tried to step through, I simply… couldn't. It was as if a flat plane of glass was there, preventing me from coming over. I tried again, but I got extremely dizzy all of a sudden.

trust her

I backed away from the door, as Touko watched, a suprised expression on her face. She stepped back through. "Well, that's going to complicate things. Don't worry about it for now, it was honestly an experiment I was going to ask you to try." she said

trust her

My head cleared rather quickly, and I opened my mouth to ask, but she interrupted. "Strictly off the record. But here." she said, handing me another business card to add to my pile. "Give me a call this…. Saturday. I would like to speak with you at length about some things." she said.

trust her

She seemed different, now. A bit lost if I would be correct. Still, I understood her need for secrecy and I took the card.

trust her

I smiled, "Sure. And I take it everything that just happened, didn't?" I said, raising a pink eyebrow.

trust the killer

Touko nodded, "You do pick up things quick. Unrelatedly, you're going to want to either get a helmet, or change your hair."

I blinked. "My hair, really?"

She shrugged, "Not that I'd find it easy to get your identity, but it is rather distinctive, wouldn't you agree?"

I sighed, the implication hitting me hard. Putting my face in my hand, I let out a long groan. "Really, was it that easy?"

She shrugged, "Most trigger events happen in teens. When you have a photo database of students, it's not very difficult."

I nodded, understanding that not everyone with such access would be as kind. "Thanks."


I left the rig as an 'Official Rogue Hero in association with the Protectorate'. I even got a free phone with the deal. Along with a bunch of NDAs to sign and promises among promises that the phone didn't have a tracker in it.

I still stashed it about three blocks from my home. I arrived, not naked for the first time today, and yawned. It was about two pm, but I hadn't gotten much sleep in the morning, and all the testing left me lightly dizzy.

Checking the mail, I found an unmarked envelope, simply marked TT. Blinking as I sat on the porch, I opened it, reading the contents.

I groaned, palming my face again.


"Okay, first off, Tattletale, I'm not into girls, I think. Please don't leave letters for me marked with your lipstick."

We were on a rooftop near the docks, but not too close. More closer to the boardwalk than not.

The girl shrugged, and I had the feeling that her grin was trademarked. Copyrighted, even. "Haha, no way. And you can call me Lisa, you've more than earned it today!"

I blinked at how caviler she was being with her identity, but technically she already knew mine. "Wait, for saving you for lung? That's okay, you got Armsmaster to help at the end."

She cackled, "Oh this is great, you don't even know!" she said, falling down on the roof, holding her stomach. I just stared at her, confused.

"Know what?"

She snorted, standing up as she regained her composure again. "Aside from that, how interested are you in running an entire secret villain base, along with a sick amount of money and… two parahuman teams?"



2.3.1 - Coil

A man sat at his desk, deep underground. His head rested on the desk, his eyes unseeing anymore. A body consumed in an effort to live, in vain. A phone laid on on the desk next to him, relieved, girlish laughter echoing though.

Far away and close by, a being that consumed the planet died, murdered twice over, then twice over again as it looked for the situation where it would live, and failed utterly. The world being sundered in mercurian crystal, forever, and ever.

As was the will of the long-dead and living world.


Haha oh man, certainly one of the best ways to quickly get rid of Coil. So what did it do? Short circuit his precog simulation and get stuck in an endless loop? ORT-tan violently reject the shard's probing? Or maybe just the act of trying to simulate it caused it to get Mercury-fied?
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2.3.3 - 'Touko'

2.3.3 - 'Touko'


I watched the girl leave.

That she couldn't come with me was distressing.

That something went wrong, even more so.

I spat out the cigarette from my mouth, and walked into my temporary office. As usual, I shut down all of the surveillance and put the room on lock-down.

Features I made sure were in the plans for every Protectorate base, accessable to only myself and a few others.



I sighed, walking down the corridor, stopping at a seemingly random office door. Opening it revealed a room that always seemed a little too clean to me.

I collapsed onto the bed, face up.

Plans ran through my head, discarded and created as I ran my power through them at the speed of thought

My models would not work on her, whatsoever. Frowning, I sighed, sitting up. Reaching to my hip, I pulled off a section of molded-on skin, and Touko disappeared. God bless bullshit tinkertech. As predicted, no sooner than I did so, the intercom blared to life. Just as expected.

"Contessa, meeting room forty-eight. Coil is dead."

Well, that was unexpected. A quick check of the path….

Back to work. One weird non-parahuman wouldn't be too much of an issue, though her strength will certainly be of aid.

But now I had a mystery to solve. Whatever did coil in, brought us time. And in every virtualization of him dying in the near future, it never brought us time.

Discarding my lab coat, I quickly dressed into my suit. I loved my suit, it's comfort was at a level beyond most clothes. Probably because it was tinkertech as well.

I loved tinkertech.


Yeah, it looks like Coil's shard tried to simulate Type-MERCURY, and suddenly realized that it was simulating a sapient planet that was now trying to eat it, tried to compensate by cannibalizing it's host planet, failed, tried to mulligan it, failed again, and got Crystal Valleyed.

And the process resulted in giving Coil an aneuyrism when the parts of his brain that were linked to his Shard turned into mercurian crystal.

Amusingly, this is a flaw that only Coil would suffer, because his Shard isn't shackled in the same way most precog-Shards are.
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You know, I can't help but be terrified of the idea that someone from the Nasuverse, even someone as 'relatively' sane as Touko, has access to something as bullshit as the Path To Victory. Can anyone say 'Path to Akasha'?
Path to Victory shouldn't come near scratching anything close to Akasha.

PtV might be bullshit, but the Nasuverse is far more bullshit in some aspects.
I'm curious if Coil is why PtV can't make a path for TaylORT. Before Coil's shard died it sent out a firmware update of "DO NOT try accessing ORT! BAD THINGS HAPPEN!"
Kinda surprised that Lisa can apparently read TaylORT-chan without any problems - I mean, look at what happened to Coil.
Kinda surprised that Lisa can apparently read TaylORT-chan without any problems - I mean, look at what happened to Coil.

Lisa's power works through her senses, not by directly accessing the crystal monstrosity. It might break if she looked at something like a true demon, though.

EDIT: By crystal monstrosity I of course meant Super Kawaii Crystal Monstrosity-chan
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The reason Coil died there is hard to say for sure. You could model various reasons for it really...

For instance, what if in this fused universe Coil's shard simulates both possible branches by creating a reality marble of both realities and runs those forward? What if it went wrong because Coil then tried to do something very inadvisable to Taylor in one of them and its own super reality marble started trying to overtake the shards?

Or alternately, what if in this case it actually samples true alternate realities? Those do actually exist in nasuverse after all. So sampling the alternate reality tree for the one Coil wanted, what if it accidentally got caught up in a rampaging ORT in it? Ie, because Coil did something highly inadvisable to Taylor and her reality marble rampaged and consumed the shard with it when it tried to disconnect.


In any case, it need not be a simulation, and the simulation one doesn't really seem the strongest possible candidate on what went wrong. I imagine with some tinkering an even better explanation could be constructed from the above ideas, or something else as well.
The funny thing would be if ORT didn't even try to kill Coils shard, it was just trying to say hello or something. Example: Coil's shard tries to connect to ORT like it would the Shards of other Parahumans it is trying to predict, but it fails due to incompatible hardware. ORT after seeing the poor little shard try and fail to connect with it multiple times decides to take pity on it and plugs itself right on in, with personal reality marble and all. Elated from finally getting a connection, Coil's shard tries pulling the needed data to predict Taylor, only to get a flood of incomprehensible data that causes a segmentation fault/feed back loop. And so Coil's shard is killed/crystallized in a combination of Coil's shard being nosy and TaylORT trying to HALP.
Kinda surprised that Lisa can apparently read TaylORT-chan without any problems - I mean, look at what happened to Coil.
Lisa's power is super-intuition. Her shard is, effectively, just very smart.

You could imagine a basilisk, information-hazard type thing that breaks it, but since her shard isn't doing anything but thinking very hard, Lisa should be safe from most of the exotic hazards. It also means she isn't limited by an inability to simulate Ort and such, except inasmuch as it'll take her longer to figure out its alien common sense.

EDIT: I wonder what would happen if you send a space probe to Mercury, or any of the other planets? Does human technology even work outside of Alaya's sphere of influence, in the Nasuverse?
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Back to work. One weird non-parahuman wouldn't be too much of an issue, though her strength will certainly be of aid.

But now I had a mystery to solve. Whatever did coil in, brought us time. And in every virtualization of him dying in the near future, it never brought us time.
Oh Contessa, you have no idea. Don't dismiss TaylORT too soon...

Surprising that they sampled paths where they killed of Coil, more surprising that killing him didn't help the path. And now something did him in and things are suddenly better? Curious. Detective Contessa on the case.
Taylor seems to be unable to go to different dimensions on different earths.

Are Cauldron's little hiding places specifically on other Earths or could they just be located in random dimensional space?

TaylORT-chan might be limited to Earth, but I don't think there's solid proof so far that she's limited to only Earth Bet (unless I misread something)
EDIT: I wonder what would happen if you send a space probe to Mercury, or any of the other planets? Does human technology even work outside of Alaya's sphere of influence, in the Nasuverse?
Considering all the probes we've sent to other worlds, seemingly it does. Especially as so far as I know, those all got sent in Nasuverse as well.

Seemingly they don't enter the other worlds reality marbles though... not sure why or so... But if they did they shouldn't be seeing dead worlds obviously.

In any case I've thought of two theories on the matter for now, one more likely then the other.

Option A, Alaya/Gaia stretches its physics as far away as any human artefact go, always making them work.

Option B, Human technology fundamentally already to an extent works on the base layer physics. So when they arrive at other worlds and don't enter the marble, they're just seeing how the place looks with out magic and they continue to work fine, as the physics are still the same. This would also to an extent match with how human technology continued to work after the death of Gaia and one presumes the collapse of its reality marble. (Thus making this explanation the more likely one in my eyes)
Option B, Human technology fundamentally already to an extent works on the base layer physics. So when they arrive at other worlds and don't enter the marble, they're just seeing how the place looks with out magic and they continue to work fine, as the physics are still the same. This would also to an extent match with how human technology continued to work after the death of Gaia and one presumes the collapse of its reality marble. (Thus making this explanation the more likely one in my eyes)

So the same explanation as Touhou's moon? Would that mean that Yukari could keep Gaia alive indefinitely since Gensokyo is effectively the Earth equivalent of the magical side of the moon?

Well that's a crossover idea....
Are Cauldron's little hiding places specifically on other Earths or could they just be located in random dimensional space?

TaylORT-chan might be limited to Earth, but I don't think there's solid proof so far that she's limited to only Earth Bet (unless I misread something)

Considering that Contessa only turned off the surveillance after Taylor left it might not be a "door". If it is the PRT knows something about them.
Since it physically blocking Taylor seemed to be a very significant point, I think we can probably count on that.