We Form in Crystals [Worm/Nasu]

2.1 - Three in the Morning

2.1 - Three in the Morning


I yawned.

My face was the practical picture of boredom as I stood there, in my armor. There were people staring at my pink, blue and white crystal armor. Or at me in general. I sighed, watching as the two PRT officers with what looked like to be tinkertech flamethrowers pointed at me, while another went into their booth, talking on the phone.

I almost dozed off on the spot. Thinking of my powers was keeping me awake, really. Why did that phone call have to take so long? Or was it that I was operating on just 4 or 5 hours of sleep?

I kind of wanted to talk to Emma, really.

Bullying was weird. I remembered when Emma tried it, with her new friend Sophia. After slapping her silly and reminding her how absolutely disappointed my mother would have been with her, she apologized immediately and told me everything.

Sophia tried to intervene but I slapped her too. The look of shock on her face was rather funny, but she didn't even try anything as Emma spoke.

I learned that from Mom. You never really wanted to get hit by one, because it was only then you knew that you truly disappointed her.

Still, I was rather pissed back then. I did not like what happened to Emma, not one bit.It was many months later, however, that I woke up on a bed of crystal.

I still don't remember the dream I had, or why that crystal was just so comfortable that I just went back to sleep on it. Powers are weird.

Really weird. I found the clothes I was wearing under my armor really itchy and uncomfortable. Same as anything else I tried, this morning. Still, I had to wear something, as I absolutely didn't want a repeat performance of last night.

So, I stood there, staring at the guy talking on the phone, trying not to fall asleep, or itch myself, or strip. Zzzz…

After what had to have been two hours (and was really about 20 minutes) I was FINALLY allowed onto the ferry. Sighing as I sat on a bench, I crossed my legs as some visitors and tourists gawked and took pictures of me. I didn't answer any questions, but I gave in a little and did a few poses with some kids.

The ride was otherwise pretty uneventful, and soon I was at the oil-rig converted into Protectorate base. I had been here once as a kid, and the gift shop was just as tempting as before Still, as I walked through the lobby, the sleepy-looking secretary barely got more attentive as I approached.

"Good morning, I'm here to meet with Armsmaster?"

"Name?" Oh god, even her voice was bland.


The woman suppressed a yawn as she typed something into the computer. A little plastic card was handed to me. "Keep that with you. Take the number 3 elevator. Have a nice day." she monotoned. I felt like crawling back into bed.

Walking over to said elevator, It opened automatically, and closed almost immediately as I was inside. I didn't even feel it move, but after a few seconds, it dinged back on again.

Exiting into a long, wide hall, I blinked. There were a few doors, but all were closed except the one at the end. I actually could see Armsmaster in the room ahead. Walking forward, I smiled a little. He was with a few scientists, or well people in fancy lab coats, and as he noticed me, he smiled, if a bit woodenly. He was holding some coffee.

"Good morning, Armsmaster." I said. I never really thought I'd be able to say those words, eeeeeeeeeeeee.

He nodded, "Good morning Rosetta. Good to see you." He said. Emoting with his free hand at the others and, oh gosh, no, calm down. "These are Doctor Fran, our on-site medic " he said, motioning to a pale woman with limp, inky black hair. She had some heavy bags under her eyes, but she smiled gently at me. "Head Protectorate East-North-East Parahumanity Researcher, Doctor-"

"Touko. I told you several times to just call me Touko. Stop adding that ridiculously long title to my name." the woman interrupted. She was a rather severe woman, with a rather nice looking mop of red hair. She had a cigarette in her hands, but otherwise didn't look very haggard. Despite being asian, her voice had absolutely no accent to it whatsoever.

"Proper protocol dicta-"

"Oh, gods above. Dragon, what are you doing?" I blinked, what-

"Oh, apologies!" Came a voice over the speakers. But my attention was drawn by the most adorable little robot dragon i had ever seen, which proceeded to land on Armsmaster's shoulder, to his chagrin.

I immediately interrupted everyone, "Yeah, no, where can I get me one of those?" I said, pointing at Dragon's… dragon, which was proceeding to distract Armsmaster by annoying him. Good god do I wish I had a camera right now.

I was suitably ignored as Touko, as she wanted to be called, continued the introductions. "Yeah, I'm Touko. That's Dragon's scanbot, not for sale. That's Miss Militia. That's Aegis. Go get me some coffee." she said.

I found myself halfway back from the coffee machine before I realized that she asked for it.

What, exactly, did I get myself into?


Don't take them too seriously, it's just a little bit of fun.
"Touko. I told you several times to just call me Touko. Stop adding that ridiculously long title to my name." the woman interrupted. She was a rather severe woman, with a rather nice looking mop of red hair. She had a cigarette in her hands, but otherwise didn't look very haggard. Despite being asian, her voice had absolutely no accent to it whatsoever.
eeeeeeeeee it's Touko. Best mentor for weird power users =D
He nodded, "Good morning Rosetta. Good to see you." He said. Emoting with his free hand at the others and, oh gosh, no, calm down. "These are Doctor Fran, our on-site medic " he said, motioning to a pale woman with limp, inky black hair. She had some heavy bags under her eyes, but she smiled gently at me. "

Thought that was Franken Fran, but that Fran is blond, false alarm...
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Wait is this really the nasuverse? Where is all the weird?
Wait is this really the nasuverse? Where is all the weird?

ORT is a pubescent little girl that has pink hair. That is not enough weird for you?

Ok, then. Touko is a grown woman that plays with dolls, her sister aged herself 10 years so instead of being a woman she really is like a 16 year old girl at heart with a really big gun, there are like 4 Shiki's likely running around, ClockTower is probably bsoding over parahumans and their precious secrecy of magic. And then kidnapping said parahumans to dissect them because that is what Magus's do. Asses.


Though I think Fuyuki was sunk by Levi so that little timebomb probably wont go off.
And Gaia is still dying. Probably faster, because Shards.

They've only got a couple of years before that becomes a problem, unless this is one of those timelines where the Kaleidosticks are a thing.
And Gaia is still dying. Probably faster, because Shards.

They've only got a couple of years before that becomes a problem, unless this is one of those timelines where the Kaleidosticks are a thing.
Eh... maybe it's instead 'borrowing' energy from the Shards and that no longer alive Eden? It's not like anyone is properly looking after them any more, some one needed to take responsibility for all those kids obviously. ;)
I have seen many people say want to slap the stupid out of the Trio but never ever thought I would see a fic that has Taylor do just that. Now we just have to see Talyor do the same thing to Sophia in costume for true befriending.:)
Bullying was weird. I remembered when Emma tried it, with her new friend Sophia. After slapping her silly and reminding her how absolutely disappointed my mother would have been with her, she apologized immediately and told me everything.

Sophia tried to intervene but I slapped her too. The look of shock on her face was rather funny, but she didn't even try anything as Emma spoke.
Is no one going to comment on this awesome derail of canon? :D
Well... I did wonder if this meant that external influences on Taylor might have already extended back that far. Also one wonders why she triggered... was it a normal kind of way? Or was it some how abnormal? Or perhaps this is the wrong line of thinking....

So assuming she is ORT in a sense, but wasn't always ORT, did she have to be prepared beforehand to be a good container for ORT? Or is she perhaps not really ORT but just borrowing powers from it somehow? But that doesn't seem to fit the text quite... Was she alternately perhaps always in a sense ORT? A long term project of making ORT grow up as a human, to thus be human? And is that otherwise the possible explanation to her deviation in behaviour? And that she is thus some kind of ultimate countermeasure? Or the best that could be managed?

Why did ORT go along with all this!? Or did it not get a choice? Was it hurt perhaps by the 'visitors' from outer space? And if that's the case, was their a temporary gap in its defences? Or is this again possibly the wrong way to think about this all?

Just how far back does the conspiracy go! As surely there must be one. :D
Why did ORT go along with all this!? Or did it not get a choice?
It was curious, about the Entities or humans, or just the outside world in general. So Alaya went up to it and said 'hey you wanna satisfy that curiosity? Well I got a deal for ya...' and so Alaya and ORT made a contract or something and Alaya made a countermeasure. Whether that means Taylor is a human-ified ORT or some kind of vessel, Counterguardian, or pseudo-parahuman, we don't know yet.



It turns out I got into a lot of exhausting, ridiculous, and a few embarrassing things.

Currently, I was lying down on a cot. I had been extremely dizzy at one point during all the testing (so much testing) and needed to rest.

Oh, but I didn't even get to the good part. A whole load of NDAs to sign (apparently my cape name was fine as a signature), a minor physical, quite a few embarrassing questions, and all of that before I ever used my power at all. All of them noted that if I went villain any information I gave them would be gleefully used against me, but I really saw no need to be a villain. Maybe at most a rogue.

But, testing. Exhausting and somewhat annoying as it was, the insights of the Doctors, and the aid of Aegis being a testing dummy, I figured out a lot more about my power than I thought I knew of.

Firstly, my armor. After being given a generic mask, I got out and into it repeatedly. Not only did I now know that the process of going into my armor was nearly instant, but it reminded Touko and Dragon of magical girl anime. Something I had no idea about until Dragon helpfully showed me some.

God, some of them even had pink hair. It's not fair. Faintly, I now knew what Lung must have been laughing at.

I also now knew what I really looked like, 'transformed'. The skirt reached up to the middle of my thighs, with four, wide, but long tails framing it. They were excessively long, and when I feared that I may trip over them, I found that I could control them. In fact, i could basically stand on them alone. I practiced walking with them, and it was both a little natural, yet a bit odd to not use my feet. They were also very tough, holding my weight easily. I could also climb walls with them, though that would ruin the wall as they punched through it to hold onto it. Matching my hair, my armor was mostly highlighted in pink, but also primarily was blue and white. I glowed a bright pink, however, and no ideas from the team watching me could help me get that down.

My armor, and my body, seemed practically indestructible. From just bullets, to swords, to a missile and various laser guns, none had an effect on me or the armor. Though, I'd feel it a bit if I didn't have the armor on. It was weird, because I distinctly remember getting cut, or having bruises. There was a limit, apparently, because the more 'damage' I sustained, the dizzier I got. Though, I swear i was getting less dizzy as time went on.

I already knew that if I stood rather still, and focused, I'd be nearly immovable without any impact to the environment around me. I was also rather strong, though I found a limit of 11.3 tons as the max I could hold. Any higher caused a bit of temporary debilitating dizziness.

I knew I wasn't limited to my customary crystal quarter-staff when making things out of crystal, but it seemed I couldn't do anything more complex than that. Walls of crystal were basically just large crystals loosely interweaved. I couldn't really get them to agree on a shape just yet.

But the real defining moment was apparently the crystal that I turned the ground into.

According to dragon, the ground effectively disappeared for about an inch deep, wherever I stood. They brought out a panel of glass for me to stand on, and I formed solid crystal an inch under the glass. I apparently transferred no weight into the rest of the glass whatsoever, I could stomp as hard as I wanted and the glass wouldn't break.

Lastly, my prison. And it was certainly a prison. While I could form walls out of jagged crystal, focusing on trapping something gave me something with a ridiculous amount of specific features. Walls that could be opaque or transparent, unbreakable and unnaturally smooth. Air holes. It blocked all transmissions, despite the air holes. It made whoever was in it tired. But the big deal here was it's Trump ability.

It, if slowly, negated power use. Lung hadn't reverted because there was no threat, he just couldn't keep it up. Aegis volunteered to be trapped, and while he started out flying, he slowly had to land, yawning. Once he left, it took him about 5 minutes to get back to flying again. Miss Militia decided to give it a go after that, and while she was switching weapons, it was far slower than usual, before her weapon disappeared into a green mist altogether.

Keeping it up was as close to pain as I could realize, though. The dizziness exponentially got worse the longer I kept it up. about 11 minutes was my limit, which is now why I rested in this cot.

I itched. I just didn't know why my clothes were uncomfortable now, and it bugged me. I was pretty sure I wasn't a nudist last night, even if running around naked to sneak home didn't bother me as much as I guess it should have bothered others. When I get a chance I'm going to work on trying to make clothes out of the crystal that didn't glow. An odd priority.

I stood up, stretching. Leaving the small room, I walked back towards the assorted doctors. I didn't get to say a thing before Armsmaster was there, smiling a bit.

"Are you sure you don't want to join the Wards? We have video gam-" He was immediately interrupted by a dive-bombing mini-dragon, and had to abandon his recruitment pitch. I giggled lightly. Touko, however, walked over.

"I'm going to reiterate this. Don't go villain. We're going to massively undersell your powers publicly. Heck, if you can, just stick to a crystal-weilding magical girl brute."

I blinked at her, undersell?

"I.. can't be that strong, could I?"

She sighed, "The fact that you're nigh invulnerable, if only because we haven't found what can actually hurt you, is one thing. Alexandria is just as invincible, really. We don't know what esoteric energies would do to you, but the data we have is guessing about the same thing. Jack shit."

Huh. I didn't know if I should be offended that they tried to gas me.

"Armsmaster is… enthusiastic about it, but basically you're about the current strongest parahuman in the bay, mainly based around your prison and invincibility. If you're not in the wards, legally, we can't force you to do anything. And we won't, despite that we have higher ups that would do anything to get you in."

I said nothing as I drank that in. I hadn't really come to terms with how my power would affect people politically. I figured out what she was saying. Anyone would want me on their side, and will do anything they could to get me.

I sighed, but she continued. "That said, I wanted to talk with you privately about something." she said, simply turning on her heel and walking to a side room. I blinked as I looked around. Armsmaster was talking to Dragon, Doctor Fran was looking over some notes she had made during out physical. Miss Militia and Aegis were watching Armsmaster amusedly. Walking over to the room, Touko closed it before lighting a cigarette.

"Do you know where the main branch of the Protectorate ENE is?" she asked. I shook my head. "It's up in New York. Still, I make it a point to befriend a lot of important capes. One of them is Panacea." she said.

I blushed deeply, "Oh, god, that was a misunderstanding, really I can't get this glow to die down and I wanted to get home but I also didn't want anyone fo-"

She interrupted me, holding out a hand. She wasn't smiling. "No that's not the problem. Really, if you want to be a nudist, I don't care. Do you know what the Corona Pollentia and Gemma are?"

Blushing, I shrugged. "No clue. I think I've heard something similar before?"

She nodded, "Put basically, they're organs that develop in your brain. The Pollentia remains inactive until a person goes through what's commonly, among Parahumans at least, known as a trigger event." She took a rather long drag. "Then it expands, grows, and the Gemma forms."

I caught on, "So the Pollentia is only in potential parahumans, and the gemma forms once they are… the Gemma lets them control their power?"

She nodded, "Right in one. So imagine my surprise, when a good… colleague gives me a call in the dead of the night to ask if it was possible for someone to have powers without either a Pollentia or a Gemma. Taylor Hebert, you are one-hundred percent human."

What Touko is really thinking!

"So a type decided to pretend to be a magical girl...How nice."

Anyway, people's reactions to Taylor are now going to be hilarious.