We Form in Crystals [Worm/Nasu]

You know wondering about it... what would actually block ORT? Why would it care about another Earth liking it or not? What could it do about it? Even if it is connected to Alaya, isn't that spread out over many realities as well? It should really matter which version of Earth one went to... or even if one didn't go to one I think...

Could it instead be that it portaled to the remains of Eden, which still had some form of barrier against lifeforms like ORT going even in death?

Aside of something like that it's hard to think of much, most things would be overwhelmed or infiltrated... It redefines physics around itself after all.

Well maybe we're over thinking it somehow, and it's just that Taylor in her lowpower state couldn't penetrate the barrier or some such...
You know wondering about it... what would actually block ORT? Why would it care about another Earth liking it or not? What could it do about it? Even if it is connected to Alaya, isn't that spread out over many realities as well? It should really matter which version of Earth one went to... or even if one didn't go to one I think...

Could it instead be that it portaled to the remains of Eden, which still had some form of barrier against lifeforms like ORT going even in death?

Aside of something like that it's hard to think of much, most things would be overwhelmed or infiltrated... It redefines physics around itself after all.

Well maybe we're over thinking it somehow, and it's just that Taylor in her lowpower state couldn't penetrate the barrier or some such...

My theory is that TaylORT got rejected by the Gaia of what ever earth she tried to portal too, and lacked the raw power to force Gaia to accept her unnatural existence. It's also the source of her fatigue when using her powers: she's running out of mana, and reality overwrites the changes she makes, which is why she feels better after a short rest.
It's interesting to know that either: the will of the planet, the collective will of humanity or the will of mercury wants Taylor to trust Contessa or the killer as she was just called.
It's interesting to know that either: the will of the planet, the collective will of humanity or the will of mercury wants Taylor to trust Contessa or the killer as she was just called.
That's reasonable. When you've got Worms, you'd want your only champion to get well along with the one person who's given you a fighting chance.
Kind of makes you wonder if the Counterforce tried to arrange for Contessa to get that shard and have things end up like that... After all, it's not like it's only one side in this game that can try and predict the future and make counter moves after all...
Well maybe we're over thinking it somehow, and it's just that Taylor in her lowpower state couldn't penetrate the barrier or some such...
I kind of just figured that the dimensional door was too small for Taylor to fit through (assuming that her physically visible form is only a small portion of the total mass, and that the rest is hidden away some how).
You know wondering about it... what would actually block ORT? Why would it care about another Earth liking it or not? What could it do about it? Even if it is connected to Alaya, isn't that spread out over many realities as well? It should really matter which version of Earth one went to... or even if one didn't go to one I think...

Could it instead be that it portaled to the remains of Eden, which still had some form of barrier against lifeforms like ORT going even in death?

Aside of something like that it's hard to think of much, most things would be overwhelmed or infiltrated... It redefines physics around itself after all.

Well maybe we're over thinking it somehow, and it's just that Taylor in her lowpower state couldn't penetrate the barrier or some such...

My theory is that because Taylor probably counts as an unnatural existence since she's channeling the ORT's power, the Gaia of whatever dimension they tried to portal her to was sufficiently powerful to be able to resist her from entering the door, and that Taylor is currently to weak to force the issue via prana expenditure the way the ORT would.
Yeah, it looks like Coil's shard tried to simulate Type-MERCURY, and suddenly realized that it was simulating a sapient planet that was now trying to eat it, tried to compensate by cannibalizing it's host planet, failed, tried to mulligan it, failed again, and got Crystal Valleyed.

And the process resulted in giving Coil an aneuyrism when the parts of his brain that were linked to his Shard turned into mercurian crystal.

Amusingly, this is a flaw that only Coil would suffer, because his Shard isn't shackled in the same way most precog-Shards are.
Ouch. Almost feel sorry for the guy. Almost.
My theory is that because Taylor probably counts as an unnatural existence since she's channeling the ORT's power, the Gaia of whatever dimension they tried to portal her to was sufficiently powerful to be able to resist her from entering the door, and that Taylor is currently to weak to force the issue via prana expenditure the way the ORT would.
Prana? What's Prana? ORT has no need of such thing.

In all seriousness, I'm not sure Prana is relevant to ORT, because ORT works on a different system than Gaia, so its power doesn't necessarily have to be fueled by Prana. Celestial bodies are made of Grain, after all.

Although Grain is supposedly a form of ether, and ether clumps are gray blobs that form when a spell is performed incorrectly, but somehow Grain is poisonous to humans and is slowly filling up the world as Gaia magic dies, and...

You know what, Nasu? There should be a limit to how much you twist this stuff around. This isn't the first time you trying to be clever has given me a headache.
Prana? What's Prana? ORT has no need of such thing.

In all seriousness, I'm not sure Prana is relevant to ORT, because ORT works on a different system than Gaia, so its power doesn't necessarily have to be fueled by Prana. Celestial bodies are made of Grain, after all.

Although Grain is supposedly a form of ether, and ether clumps are gray blobs that form when a spell is performed incorrectly, but somehow Grain is poisonous to humans and is slowly filling up the world as Gaia magic dies, and...

You know what, Nasu? There should be a limit to how much you twist this stuff around. This isn't the first time you trying to be clever has given me a headache.
Maybe it's just a different structure of ether.

Like the difference between normal water and heavy water, or between an oxygen molecule and ozone.
It could be like clay before and after being fired into ceramic, for that matter. Or tar and coal.
2.3.5 - Lisa

2.3.5 - Lisa


I watched the mystery pink magical girl- and oh boy that was a phrase I hope to never utter out loud- touch down onto the roof.

Not human

Not parahuman. Lived as a human. Thinks she's human. Is human. Is alien. Is not on Earth. Is on Earth.

Okay, my power contradicting itself is new.

"Ok, first off, Tattletale, I'm not into girls, I think. Please don't leave letters for me marked with your lipstick."

Bisexual. Flattered, confused that someone would leave a letter like that. Enjoys tea more than coffee. Single parent, father. Mother died in an accident.

That was unnervingly helpful, but off-topic. I steered it back, gazing at her costume.

Currently nude, isn't wearing a costume.

Wait WHAT.

"Haha, no way. And you can call me Lisa, you've more than earned it today!"

I replied quickly, hoping none of my shock truly showed up on my face. Simply calling up the memories of the earlier phone call made me break out into a grin.

I was free.

And with the resources at my disposal now (along with a surprisingly uncaring team of mercs), life will likely look up a bit more for me, and hopefully my team. I wasn't the only one on it in a shitty situation, and I'd honestly like to consider them friends. Even Rachel, as rough as she likes to act on the outside.


"So, your ridiculously evil boss who recruited you-"

"At gunpoint." I supplied helpfully. Taylor made a noncommittal sound as she continued.

"Right, literally died on the phone with you. While talking about me?"

I nodded. "I wish I was recording it. He made the weirdest noises, but he certainly died."

Taylor opened her mouth, then closed it, giving me a weird look. What?

She shook her head. "And, because of that, you think it was my fault?"

I nodded, "My best guess is a ridiculously fatal power interaction. I seem to be fine using mine around you- super intuition, by the way- But I had him pegged as a type of precognitive. He'd often call us in the middle of a mission to do something impressively specific, which always worked. He always seemed to have a plan, and tended to command his mercs live."

Taylor hummed. I was currently driving in my car, headed to Coil's former base. Taylor sat next to me. At first she was a bit leery of getting into a car until i explained that the windows were well tinted, and the destination wasn't particularly busy.

Invincible. Invulnerable. Projection. Not a projection. Fully human.Fifteen years old. Four billion, five-hundred million, three-hundred and fifteen years old.

I gripped the steering wheel as I froze my body, doing my best not to crash as THAT tidbit floated through my brain.

Did I find the equivalent to weed for my power, or something?


We had scarcely gotten out of the car before the mercenary I knew as Davidson walked up to me.

He was, technically, the leader of the forty six men and women that made up Coil's mercenary team. He wore the usual outfit of theirs: A shade touch lighter than black military outfit with plenty of pouches and storage. Rugged and nearly military-looking. There was even a patch with a symbol of that dumb snake motif that Coil had going on.

Well, there was a patch. With a slight grin I noticed that it was ripped off.

Davidson never liked Coil that much. Just as a source of income, and nothing more. And everything less it seemed.

I had a feeling we'd get along.

"Tattletale, ma'am." he nodded professionally at Taylor. "There's a situation. Coil's body is gone."

Well, I guess we could get friendly later.


What you thought I was gone? Hah! Hah... hahaha.....

You were right, back to blade and soul with me, I can't resist ;_;

Edit: Edited, I think...
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Heh, Lisa's bafflement is palpable, here. "Did I discover the equivalent of weed for my power?" indeed.

Catnip might be a better analogy, but in any case the Smugginator being the one baffled by bullshit for once is highly amusing, and at the same time makes me want to give the girl a giant hug combined with a rendition of "ding dong the witch is dead" for Coil.
You know, I'm now wondering how the fight against Scion would go. Because TaylORT-tan is bullshit hax and can't be killed by conventional weaponry, but TaylORT-tan can't True Magic, so she can't reach into the parallel world that hosts Scion's true body. Stalemate much? Scion's beautiful golden beams of goldenness (Gilgamesh is so jealous. "Mongrel! Gold is my thing!") can't kill TaylORT-tan because they can't touch the stuff she's made out of, but TaylORT-tan's crystals are equally useless against Scion's projection of golden nudity.

...Okay. I'm done channeling the guy I osmosed Nasuverse knowledge from, because that was a whole bunch of crazy pseudo-moe stuff I just wrote.
I wonder just how much her shard is freaking out at the dichotomy in the info its getting? Regardless, this was a fun read.
I wonder just how much her shard is freaking out at the dichotomy in the info its getting? Regardless, this was a fun read.
Inference Engine is probably just REALLY GLAD she has her host there to filter the input, so the thing doesn't notice her looking and do whatever it did to Navigator. Even with that, she's resolved not to think about it too hard without a good supply of recreational consumables on hand.
Scion can Kill ORT because he isn't attacking with Conventional Earth made physics, and don't quote me on this, but don't his Golden Beams of Full Frontal Nudity erase objects from all targeted realities?

That qualifies as Alien enough to get passed the ORT lack of death concept.
Because it isn't being killed. It's being unmade....But then that gets into the whole Mystic Eyes of Death Perception's Shtick which I aint touching.

Long story short.

That is not dead which can eternal lie yet with strange aeons even death may die

Now snippet wise. The hell did Lisa get an age estimate?

Which is also Gaia's age.
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