The Politics of Bretonnia
The Politics of Bretonnia

Bretonnia is not a place of politics and back-stabbing treachery; by the standards of most of the world, and especially its neighbors, it is an absolute bastion of stability and patriotism; say what you will, but there has never been an Age of Three Kings. The Lady and her champions, the Grail Knights and the Prophetesses, have made very sure of that.

That said, politics does exist. They do not scheme as the nobles of the Empire do, but there is competition to show by success the virtue of your belief-- while the Lady is, of course, at the center of Bretonnian life, she has said what she has said, no more and no less; and in the shade there is room for interpretation.

And interpret knights do.

There are three main factions knights will align themselves, though it is unusual for a knight to actively call himself one and far more likely to end up classed as one by their behavior.

First, there are the Modernists. Taking literal readings of the laws of Chivalry, they tend to be clever, clever men. At their best, they craft things like the Bretonnian navy, one of the finest in the world. At their worst, they see the edicts of chivalry as something to be worked around and gamed, instead of as the highest ideal man might aspire to. Their places of power are Lyonesse, Aquitaine, Carcassone (Especially Carcassone, given their shepherds), Brionne, and Artois. Their greatest achievement, as said, is the Bretonnian Navy.

Then there are the Traditionalist Reformists. They seek to pore over the edicts of chivalry, the laws of the land, and see what might be changed to be more in keeping with Giles' desires and stated wishes, as well as the other Grail Companions; none too difficult a task, given the extensive journals, correspondences, and indeed books they, the best of men, wrote. At their best they are as the Companions come again, noble both on and off the field of battle; at their worst, bigoted towards all things outside the kingdom. Their places of power are Montfort, Gisoreux, Bastonne, Quenelles, and Montagneterre. Their finest achievement is the Castle Desflueve, one of the wonders of the Old World- a center of art and learning in all fields of study.

Finally, there are the Foreign Reformers. They see the problems facing Bretonnia and would have them solved by looking to the outside world and finding what can be used without staining their honor-- a task made paradoxically easier and harder by the great strides the outside world has made since the Taking of Giles. At their best they are eager to learn, wise, and patient, not prone to bigotry and cruelty; at their worst they are sheltered and ashamed of their own people. Their places of power are Écosse, Parravon, Mousillon, L'Anguille, and Courrone. Their greatest achievement is their work on the Common Tongue, the trading language of the Old World; by last count, nearly 30% of it came from Bretonnian.
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There are three main factions knights will align themselves, though it is unusual for a knight to actively call himself one and far more likely to end up classed as one by their behavior.

So the word "knights" was in there a lot. Are people who are not of the knights or the nobility able to exert any influence on things? Any at all?
Wouldn't Parravon be Modernists? Their policy on peasants seems more like something that came out of Modernism than Foreign Reformism.
So the word "knights" was in there a lot. Are people who are not of the knights or the nobility able to exert any influence on things? Any at all?

Many knights will take on peasant advisors, ultimately the Prophetesses outrank everyone, and there is of course just the peasants going on strike and saying "no, fuck you, we ain't doing it", and many times non-nobles will end up filling the organs of the state as bureaucrats, which is a power in and of itself.

Wouldn't Parravon be Modernists? Their policy on peasants seems more like something that came out of Modernism than Foreign Reformism.
They're like 50:50, and the Duke is pretty decisively foreign reformist with some of the policies he's been following in regards to the Wood Elves. Nothing too huge, but he's definitely in their "Alright for a human" folder, so for the sake of ease Parravon's Foreign Reformist.

(They're also slowly but surely becoming less dickish to their peasants under Duke Louis. Because, and this is important: people you don't like can still be decent human beings, and are not just stereotypes)
Nearly every society has someone claiming that the government must be overthrown, that the status quo must be changed, and on and on... This is the viewpoint of Clan Jamcreermin, whose viewpoints are actually quite correct.
While information concerning this clan is scarce, their origin may have been in the brief (but commendable) heroics of the ex-Skavenslave Skabbicus. He had become a warrior and promised a better life. Against all odds, his revolution held firm, with his fellow slaves being able to break even Stormvermin apart. It's likely they could've succeeded in their endeavors, had the Council of Thirteen simply surrendered. However, the Council was clever, and announced that, if their leader was pointed out, any slave who ceased and desisted would be given a pardon for their misdeeds. Over 10,000 slaves quickly pointed out their leader, causing the rebellion to fall apart. Skabbicus died that day, and all slaves who had helped in the revolt were killed (the pardon being regarded as hearsay).

In my defence, when I posted that, you hadn't edited yours to just humans yet.
An they'll be killed again without mercy and lied too. Rats are not that good. :(
Probably, and certainly in any case it's not particularly relevant to this quest-- the Skaven were never particularly a Bretonnian foe except in that they were a global foe.

It's more just meant to serve as an example of why it's a bad idea to try and treat any group as if they're just a bunch of one-trick ponies and stereotypes.
Probably, and certainly in any case it's not particularly relevant to this quest-- the Skaven were never particularly a Bretonnian foe except in that they were a global foe.

It's more just meant to serve as an example of why it's a bad idea to try and treat any group as if they're just a bunch of one-trick ponies and stereotypes.

I always wondered who kept them in check to be honest...
Threats to Skavenkind
1 Thanquol
2 Clan Pestilens
3 Clan Skyre
4 Verminlords
5 Nagash

Yeah it's about right. Fortunately for everyone because they must be exterminated, just like the Orcs, the Vampires, Chaos and the Court of Shadows.

I must be forgetting some people.
The Knight of the Perilous Lance
"I've charged a hundred times, jousted masters and questing knights and dukes alike, and never have I seen anyone with such prowess as he."
-Godfrey Folcard


The year was 23, and Louis the Rash had just returned from his-- the first-- Grail Quest. The place was Bastonne.

A tourney was being held in celebration for the great king and prince returning, whole and hale and hearty, when one of the competitors who appeared named himself only "the Knight of the Perilous Lance". His competitors looked upon his hidden name and ancient armor and scoffed; they believed their victory would be assured.

Then the time of the joust came, and the Knight rode hard. Again and again he thrust his competitors to the ground, unhorsing them. His lance, crafted of hard yew and tipped of silverine-- or perhaps he-- had uncanny aim; each of his strikes would blow only where his foe would be defeated.

And so this shabby knight of unknown birth rose the ranks, climbing higher and higher, until finally only the King's own champion stood between he and the victory.

The two rode against each other, armor and lances shining in the sun; and with one mighty blow the King's Champion was unhorsed, thrust to the ground.

Before the King could present the winner with either reward or recognition he rode off, away and away from the city, harder and harder.

He became the talk of the Duchy as nobles and peasants alike wondered who had been so great: A lady, shamed? A peasant, fearful? A wandering knight errant, ashamed to have dishonored his lord?

The legend only grew when, not a year later, a Dark Elf incursion struck the lands of the Kingdom, dark and terrible. The king rode out to meet, but he did not ride alone: The Knight of the Lance Perilous rode with him, known instantly by his distinctive armor.

His skills with a lance had not faded in the year between the tourney and the attack, and many were the foul slaver lords who were slain at the end of his mighty yew.

Even as the tide turned and the Dark Elves were pushed back, the King attempted to learn this strange Knight's name; but the moment the last of the Elves parted in fear or were slain, the Knight charged hard and far away, departing into the mist.

After that, an explosion of reports of the strangely garbed knight filtered in, as they have for centuries afterwards. Even now, long after the point where any mortal man might have died, he is seen in both tournaments and in battle; right now, many of the warriors in Arnheim report seeing him slaying the Dark Elves as he did so long ago.

There are two theories as to the nature of the Knight of the Perilous Lance:

1. Someone, somehow, finds his armor and his magic lance and takes up the mantle, perhaps chosen by him, creating an unbroken chain of mortal champions.
2. He is a spirit, a servant of the Lady, perhaps a knight given the ultimate gift.

Whatever the case, he has proved himself unstoppable upon the field of the tourney and of battle; his list of unhorsings is impressive, and his list of kills, even more-so.

Suffice to say, Bretonnia's foes fear the sound of galloping in the day.
[X] Annick. Though she recently gave birth, she heard there were greenskins dirtying the forest and immediately leaped to her feet, aided by the Daughters of Rhya.
[X] Lancelot. Mightiest of the Knights Unbound, he will be bane to the greenskin. That said, there are whispers he feels the weight of age upon him, and seeks to go in glory.
[X] Hippogriff Riders

Mostly based on Annick's traits, Skilled Tactician and Dismounted Fighter. Whilst Rose would be valuable for morale, she can be more useful as a mobile artillery piece of healing.

Call me detrimentally sentimental, but I'd like to se Lancelot go out with a last "Tally-ho my fellows, For the Lady!" before his age catches up to him. Would make an awe inspiring triumvirate for the Errants to follow as well, with Lancelot, Godfrey, and Bohemond charging ahead.

Choosing the Hippogriffs frees up our other specials to wreak havoc elsewhere. Dropping eleven murder-eagle-lions on top of Gtilla should, at the very least, be somewhat effective.

[X] The malaise of fear falls upon the men. Let it not be so, but fight that fear by cheer and good wisdom.,
[X] Pray. Visit the chapels, visit the damsels, visit all and be unkind to none; for the Lady watches with kind eye, and will not turn her back on her champions even to the end of the world.

Utilising Philip's piety, diplomacy, and martial score to the greatest advantage.
[X] Annick. Though she recently gave birth, she heard there were greenskins dirtying the forest and immediately leaped to her feet, aided by the Daughters of Rhya.
[X] Lancelot. Mightiest of the Knights Unbound, he will be bane to the greenskin. That said, there are whispers he feels the weight of age upon him, and seeks to go in glory.
[X] Hippogriff Riders

[X] The malaise of fear falls upon the men. Let it not be so, but fight that fear by cheer and good wisdom.,
[X] Pray. Visit the chapels, visit the damsels, visit all and be unkind to none; for the Lady watches with kind eye, and will not turn her back on her champions even to the end of the world.
[X] Annick. Though she recently gave birth, she heard there were greenskins dirtying the forest and immediately leaped to her feet, aided by the Daughters of Rhya.
[X] Lancelot. Mightiest of the Knights Unbound, he will be bane to the greenskin. That said, there are whispers he feels the weight of age upon him, and seeks to go in glory.
[X] Hippogriff Riders

[X] The malaise of fear falls upon the men. Let it not be so, but fight that fear by cheer and good wisdom.,
[X] Pray. Visit the chapels, visit the damsels, visit all and be unkind to none; for the Lady watches with kind eye, and will not turn her back on her champions even to the end of the world.

-The Lady, apparently.

As my good friend Sir Lancelot once put it.

A knight of the Table Round should be invincible,
Suceed where a less fantastic man would fail.
Climb a wall no one else can climb,
Cleave a dragon in record time,
Swim a moat in a coat of heavy iron mail.
No matter the pain, he ought to be unwinceable,
Impossible deeds should be his daily fare.

then, a minute or so later

The soul of a knight should be a thing remarkable,
His heart and his mind as pure as morning dew.
With a will and a self-restraint
That's the envy of ev'ry saint
He could easily work a miracle or two.

It should come as no surprise when my Knights act miraculously.