[X] Follow Morgyan as she goes to deal with her Old Friend (Will follow the Regency once you have dealt with said Old Friend)

The audacious hero will do fine on his own. Our lands need attention.
[X] Follow Morgyan as she goes to deal with her Old Friend (Will follow the Regency once you have dealt with said Old Friend.
Uh....wait, did we just fuck that up with complications? Morgyan had a much higher % chance of failing if Philip wasn't there.

Why was everything non-linear *shakes fist*
Uh....wait, did we just fuck that up with complications? Morgyan had a much higher % chance of failing if Philip wasn't there.

Why was everything non-linear *shakes fist*
You're still going to help her, under the logic of "I'm not going to help her or talk to her, I'm going to help an innocent being/put down a corrupt fae" depending on stuff.
Well, in that case...

[X] Follow Philip as he goes to render some slight aid to Morgyan before truly parting (Will follow Philip through The Quest)

Guy just has no sense of self-preservation and the new Virtues don't help. If there's a reasonable chance to see him go out in a blaze of glory, I'd at least rather see it on-screen. The Regency will keep.
[X] Follow Morgyan as she goes to deal with her Old Friend (Will follow the Regency once you have dealt with said Old Friend)
[X] Follow Morgyan as she goes to deal with her Old Friend (Will follow the Regency once you have dealt with said Old Friend)

I'm confused I thought it was fight in the army or quest not help Morgyan or quest. I must have missed something well that's what I get for skipping over comments.
[X] Follow Morgyan as she goes to deal with her Old Friend (Will follow the Regency once you have dealt with said Old Friend)
[X] Follow Morgyan as she goes to deal with her Old Friend (Will follow the Regency once you have dealt with said Old Friend)

I'm confused I thought it was fight in the army or quest not help Morgyan or quest. I must have missed something well that's what I get for skipping over comments.
Philip is going to help Morgan either way, this is choosing whether you follow him during the quest or follow the regency after the deed is done.
[X] Follow Philip as he goes to render some slight aid to Morgyan before truly parting (Will follow Philip through The Quest)
[X] Follow Morgyan as she goes to deal with her Old Friend (Will follow the Regency once you have dealt with said Old Friend)
[X] Follow Morgyan as she goes to deal with her Old Friend (Will follow the Regency once you have dealt with said Old Friend.
The Shadow On The Wall
The Shadow On The Wall

There is nothing
In the world
To be feared like


The shadows are a mistress best left to their own
Black-hearted, malovolent

They can breed only ever

And I have, to that,
thrown a child.
She will grow,

She might have
The jeweled eyes of her mother,
Or the warm smile of her father,
Or the laughter of her siblings.

I hope to never find out.
>TFW You have a poetry class you gotta take and you're feeling all productive but also want to get out more content for your quest

Am I too pretentious for words yet, or nah?
[X] Follow Morgyan as she goes to deal with her Old Friend (Will follow the Regency once you have dealt with said Old Friend)
No I meant when we decided to go on the grail quest, I didn't remember anything about Morgan needing us to help an old friend.
Right in the last turn.
Morgyan The Mythic: Morgyan claims there is something stirring in Mousillon, and that it is her shame. An old friend she failed a long, long time ago, awoken by the bloodlust of the crusaders and the wrath of the vampires.
She will see that friend rest, or she will not be coming back at all.
You can help, or you can not, but she's going.
Needed:20 Rolled:62

- Morgyan sets out slightly earlier than you, that she might be ready to meet you when the day comes and you have arrived— and you will arrive.​
Reward: Morgyan pins down the location of her "Old Friend", waits for you, Snippet