[X] Reject.

This seems like a crap deal to me given our investments.

On the The Virtue of Noble Disdain I agree, but not on the Virtue of Audacity. It fits perfectly well with Philip's habit of heroically charging the biggest and baddest enemy available. Nine vampires for example, or an Ork Warboss when only in his hunting leathers.
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The Library
The Library

The walls were formed of obsidian, and reached high enough that the furthest reaches were cloaked in darkness. Massive shelves of books, scrolls and tapestries clung to the walls, covered in dust. A small pit burnt with fire, casting an eerie blue light on the whole vault.

There came a grinding, and dust fell from above. Slowly, slowly, a small lid was opened-- and light of the harsh sun poured in like rain from above. A rope, red and thick, descended, snaking down from the hole, slowly and slowly. Eventually, the rope touched the floor with a slight thud.

Nimue began to descend, arms and legs around the rope. All of the speed that the rope's descent had lacked, she used; hers was more a directed fall than a slow voyage, and within seconds she landed with a hard thud, bending her knees.

Clapping her hands to get the dust off her gloves, Nimue looked around with a smile. "Beat Croft and Drake-- excellent."

Absently walking to the shelves, she pulled out a relatively fresh looking tome-- The Paths of the Court-- and opened it, thumbing through pages.

Then she heard a cough.

Turning around, she saw black feathers. She looked up...
And up...
And up...

Until she saw the unblinking visage of an owl. She stared, terrified, at the creature-- until with a flap of its mighty wings it threw her back.

Fires burst out in the pots, light streamed in, and the dust was thrown away, cast into nothingness.

"Putaine de Merde!"

"Watch your language. We have much to do, and not the time to waste on your swearing." The owl spirit pointed a great wing at one of the walls, causing a map to leap out into the air. "Take that, follow it, and when you reach it tell the Guardian of the Waters he must let you pass. Now go! This Library of the Fae will still be here when you return!"
An Old Friend (Crusade In Mousillon PT1)
An Old Friend

You awake with a scream. Every inch-- inner and outer alike-- burns and aches at the same time, and your limbs shake as you thrash.

Before you can do anything regrettable, a pale hand thrusts a goblet filled with wine into view. Grabbing it, you drink, greedily, massive gulps. Some of it even begins to fall out your lips, running over your chin.

You break your record of a minute before you finally have to come up for air. When you do, the burning and the aches have become minor twinges, though a slight shake rips through your arm. (Gain trait: Poison after-affects (-1 All Stats))

Morgyan sits in a chair next to you, looking incredibly displeased. "There were-- on your side-- two Questing Knights, heavy artillery, Dwarf Hammerers, and your Yeomen. So why is it that, of all the things you could have done, you decided to run at the deadliest creatures on the field? Why, of all things, that?"

"Somebody had to. I will not wince away in fear from what lies in my path." You wince, and then realize that you've been stripped of your armor. "Where is my armor?"

"It was destroyed in the fighting." Morgyan leans back, looking tired. "I had the dwarfs make a replacement for you. It's waiting downstairs." You get up, only to fall hard. Clenching your chest you feel yourself pulled back into the bed, laid back down. "Rest. You were cut to the bone by poisoned blades."


"Relax. It was not the poison that killed the king. I stabilized you, but there is a matter we need to discuss. It was Noir Gris-- Grey Night. Nasty stuff, very nasty stuff. Even I did not use it. I could stabilize you, but little else... the venom will grow in potency and power, ripping your strength from you. It can be managed, but not cured--"

"Not quite true." From elsewhere in the room, Nimue speaks. "There was... one way. The Grail."

"This is as far as you can get from a time to be running half-cocked on the Quest!" Morgyan is mad-- legitimately mad-- for the first time since she brought down Carol. "His men need him, and besides which he hasn't even received the Call!"
"Not...quite true. I saw wonders as I was burnt, Morgyan. I saw it-- and a voice, sweet like honeysuckle, whispering in my ear."

Morgyan looks caught between genuine wonder and apoplectic rage. "Here? Now? In Mousillon? Not any other time, not a better time-- not when the kingdom is safe, but now?"

"The Dreams can be ignored for some time, My Lord. Your Lady wife may have a point-- it may be better to wait until after the Crusade is finished, and the vampires beaten. Your men need you."

"No." Surprising both of you, Sir Martin speaks, clad in his new Grail Raiments. "The forces of Montfort need leadership. Leadership I would be happy to provide."


[] "I will entrust you with this most sacred duty, Sir Martin. Let the rivalrous brothers of Parravon and Montfort stand together once more." (Go on Quest)
[] "I must go. My people need me." (Ignore Quest until you reach city of Mousillon)
Lost Armor of Sir Berenger!
+1500 Prestige!
Morgyan Upset!
Waters of Death distributed to Bretonnian Forces!
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"Relax. It was not the poison that killed the king. I stabilized you, but there is a matter we need to discuss. It was Noir Gris-- Grey Night. Nasty stuff, very nasty stuff. Even I did not use it. I could stabilize you, but little else... the venom will grow in potency and power, ripping your strength from you. It can be managed, but not cured--"
...too brave by half.

"No." Surprising both of you, Sir
Um...that sure is a cliffhanger for Part 1. *laughs*
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