Mature Warhammer Fantasy: A Dynasty of Dynamic Alcoholism

Warhammer Fantasy:  A Dynasty of Dynamic Alcoholism
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Ostland: A northern province of the Empire, and the homeland of the ancient Udoses. Out of the many different parts of the Empire, much sets you apart. The massive Forest of Shadows which is filled to the brim with beastmen and goblins. The fact that your province is has the heaviest drinkers out of them all. How close you are to the ravaging forces of Chaos if it weren't for the recently and terrifyingly obliterated Kislev which normally provided a bulwark for you. Oh! Also, the Norsemen normally go after Erengrad to the north or the constantly embattled navy of Nordland. It could be worse though. You've got your beer, your beards, and your people love guns so much that many of them probably wish they were born in Wissenland. Oh, and the ogres. Fun fellows, them. As Elector Count, it is your duty to safeguard your realm as best you can despite being covered in foes foreign and domestic. Lucky you.
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