Warcraft: The Rise of the Mag'har

Turn 10 Rumor Mill/Scout Reports
Note: Haven't done one of these for a while

Draenor Rumor Mill and Scout Reports

The New Generation: A nice period of almost complete peace in Nagrand has left many of the young orcs of the Mag'har Nation with little to do. One of those is something that was quickly discovered to be quite nice indeed. With the announced and completed courtship of Dranosh Saurfang and Kaz the Shrieker, as well as their announced pregnancy, the many orcs who look up to them have followed suit. Though there is much confusion over differing clan traditions, the by now common practice of simply melding the various cultures of the Clans in a manner spearheaded by the Warchief has laid a path for the youths of the nation to follow. On the other hand, for the next nine months, there are certainly going to be some harried male mates running about to secure things for their wives.

Shamans of the Light: The Revelation of Oshu'gun is just one in a long series that has occurred in the aftermath of the apocalypse. The reveal of the Naaru, their relation to the draenei, and the world, and the Burning Legion, has sent another set of shockwaves through the pinnings of the cobbled together society of the Mag'har. Though parsing the truth of the Naaru is difficult, the sermons and conversations that the newly faithful Warsong have with just about everyone else who is willing to listen has basically translated the Naaru into Furies of Light that are not bound to a single world. This is stunning for many people, though more so is the fact that many of the Warsong are turning towards these new Furies. Shamans still abound of course, but the fact of the matter is that new Shamans of the Light, or priests as they are known by the draenei, are becoming a thing in orcish society. The fact that the Aldor of Shattrath hold many arcane and, to orcs, mysterious traditions and rites has only added to the similarities between the two. Many Mag'har are making pilgrimages to Shattrath City in order to see if they can possibly serve the Furies of Light. More specifically is the as of yet still darkened K'ure, who has gained a special place in orcish society for being the Naaru who communicated with the orcish ancestors and helped devise the measure by which the orcs could communicate with their ancestors as they do at all.

Death of a Blademaster: The unknown Blademaster in Garadar has died. His conditioned has worsened over the past three months, and finally he expired during the middle of the night. The old orc has been laid to rest, as was his due, but any secrets that he possibly could have held are lost. With him goes the last chance to speak to any sane member of the lost Burning Blade Clan, and the ability to train any new Blademasters in the ways of old. Nevertheless, the only remaining Blademaster in the Mag'har, Kaz the Shrieker, has crafted a new method between the brutal and destructive styles of the demonic Horde and the graceful and honorable ways of the old orcs before the demons came to Draenor. Considering the fact that the Furies see fit to continue blessing her and her abilities, none have much to say against it.​
Turn 11
7 AA, Month 5
Turn 11

"You've changed."

"Have I?" the scion of Grom Hellscream says back with mirth.

The two of you are sitting on top of one of the taller Watch Towers that you built to defend Oshu'gun from any potential attacks. Far below, draenei and Mag'har intermingle and bustle back and forth. Even though this is one of the most holy areas left on Draenor, it cannot be a single faceted location where all is quiet and contemplative worship. Trading stalls have been opened up, the scent of cooked meat and vegetables wafts into the air as orc and draenei alike laugh and barter with one another. More towards the entrance into what is simultaneously the holy mountain of Oshu'gun and the interdimensional travelling ship Oshu'gun there is far more of the expected reverent behavior, but in truth, that is to be expected.

Dancing in the shadows of Oshu'gun is a three century tradition amongst the orcs, where wild parties were thrown and life itself was joyously celebrated. You weren't about to stop, even in the face of the apocalypse and the foundation shaking revelations about the truth of the draenei and...well, everything. The draenei were a bit confused for a while, but with Velen himself here, and the frequent visits of the Four, they acclimatized astonishingly quickly, as did the shamans and the other Mag'har who came as well.

"You are...calmer," you finally say, watching below as a small orcish boy throws a ball back and forth with a draenei child. To think, that but a decade ago these two would be kept as far away from one another as possible, both raised with stories that they would have to fight each other to the death.

"Is that all?" he snorts before resting his hands on his robed thighs. "I know what I was before. Of course I've changed. At your hand every hero we had was torn from us, the legacies of our fathers and mothers cracked apart so we could see the darkness within. Our people...I...was adrift-no, this needs to be said," he says holding up a hand to stop you from defending your actions, "and I do not blame you for what you've done to the orcs. Honestly, I don't," he says with a smile. "I did blame you, for a time, before I realized that all that anger and hatred was less than worthless. We have many traditions, Dranosh. Lots of stories. I think it took the apocalypse and the Revelation of the Burning Legion for us to learn that not all traditions and stories are good."

Murmuring a prayer, he summons the Light to his hands and then releases it.

"Not to say that all things should be forgotten of course. But learned from. My father was a monster. I may never be free of that legacy. I don't think I want to be. Because the moment we fall into the trap of 'well it wasn't me' then we begin doing the Legion' work for them. When the elf woman assaulted me last month, I heard her scream of vengeance and the horrors the Horde worked upon her home. She didn't precisely deserve to strike me, as I wasn't there, but the damage dealt does not simply go away. If I can have her assault me rather than children, rather than lead to greater war, then may I be struck down."

You simply stare at the quiet and softspoken man who sits next to you. Garrosh lifts his brown hands to the sky and then clenches them into fists.

"We....are so strong. We live reasonably long lives, and are capable of so much. Learning, forging, cleaning, praying. Our race are incredible warriors, but that is not all we are. The orcs are capable of so much more...but we are not superior. How can we be, when we so easily fall to madness and destruction and hatred? Unlike others, we have to work for civility. Work for peace. It is a struggle, against the monstrous instincts within. I have seen the humans, and the draenei. What we have to fight ourselves for, they do without effort."

"They did not grow up on Draenor, Garrosh. Our world is by all accounts far harsher and dangerous than theirs. They did not undergo the same stresses," you finally say. Down below, more children of both brown and blue skin have joined in the game. The laughter of children fills the air beneath you.

"That doesn't make it better. That isn't an excuse, least of all now."

"What do you mean?"

"The ogres are pacified, and not a mote of the old Gorian Empire remains. We are at peace with all other Mag'har, and no war plants blood into the grass of Nagrand. Our people are safe, and secure, and strong. The draenei are here, and they have granted us the chance for peace. The world of constant fighting, of brutal survival, was because we were always focused on fighting. The ogres, the gronn, the saberon, none of them are here. And look below," and...the orcish children have started fighting amongst one another, greatly confusing and scaring the draenei. "So easy. We have to be better, Dranosh. We have to be so much better than we are. Or else there is little point in...any of it. Go with the Light."

And then the son of Hellscream drops from the Watch Tower, light surrounding his legs. The damage dealt to them and him by the fall would have been considerable without it. The children all freeze at his appearance, and he begins lightly admonishing the orcish children who had begun quarreling. You watch it for a little while longer before raising your eyes to the multi-colored contrails that mark the Twisting Nether.

He is right, of course. You have to be better. You will be.

Military: Garrosh has been rather inspired lately, giving speeches about redemption and forging new paths. All traces of his previous depression has disappeared beneath his new outlook on life. (Choose 2):

Increasing Defenses: There are tides of demons apparently striding across the remains of your world. Though you may have nearly finished cleansing Nagrand of their taint, you can't be assured that they won't try and take it through more overt means. As such, both Jorin and Kaz agree that your settlements could do with more defenses and in fact that you could do with propping up more defenses at the north eastern watch and at Gul'rok as well. It's not the most glamorous thing to do, but if it helps you beat back any potential assaults by foes in the future then it is well worth it. Cost: 1500. Time: 3 Months. Reward: Nagrand gains much better defenses. Will Complete This Turn.

Northern Zangarmarsh: This area borders what has become of Gorgrond and Frostfire Ridge. IT would behoove you to get some sort of look at just what has been happening up there. Who knows what has changed in recent times with the three way war that is apparently ongoing up there. Are there any allies remaining up there, or an entire area full of enemies? That is what your scouts must discover for yourself. Cost: 500. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Information.

New Warriors: You took an enormous amount of casualties facing the Bonechewers, and while you took down every single one of the redskins that participated in that battle, you still lost a not-inconsiderable amount. Luckily those that lived will be able to pass on their wisdom and experience to those they train. Because you need new warriors. Your numbers continue to rise in the peace of Nagrand, with the ogres pacified for now and the draenei having peaceful relations with you, and so you have plenty willing to join up. It is time to let those who wish to join your military forces in more official capacity join. Training and equipping will take some time, but it will be well worth it in the long-run. Cost: 4,000. Time: 4 Months. Reward: +6,000 Grunts, +2,000 Bowmen, +4,000 Raiders, +250 Arcane Warriors, +50 Shamans, +300 Blackrock Blacksmiths, +100 Laughing Skull Rogues.

Blurring The Lines Further: In your ongoing efforts to slowly dismantle the abrasive and too-individualistic clan system which allowed the Horde to form in the first place, you must focus on your military somewhat. Despite all the changes to orcish society, your people's natural temperament and physiology will forever lend it to intense physical activity of one kind or another. Even now, your raiders are mainly Warsong, and your elite units are made up of specific clans. That should not continue, it will inevitably breed issues regarding so-called superiority and lording ones positions over each others. It is natural to be prideful of ones accomplishments, but orcs should be allowed to at least attempt before being refused. As such, it may be time to re-organize your military to allow inter-clan lines. There will be arguments, obviously, there will be every time you dare to stand against 'tradition'. But that's fine with you. If you have to beat and drag the Mag'har away from the Horde's past and to a better future, you will. Cost: 2,000. Time: 2 Months. Reward: Blurring of Clan Lines, Greater Mag'har Integration. Blackrock Blacksmiths become Mag'har Crushers, Laughing Skull Rogues become Mag'har Shadowskulls, Warsong Raiders become Raiders. Etc.

Diplomacy: If there's anything that Greatmother Geyah has taught you, is that not all things can be conquered by a warriors strength. It was with words that the first shamans parlayed with the Furies, the sentient elementals of Draenor. It will be with words that you accomplish more than just a good axe. (Choose 2):.

The Spore Folk: You have heard rumors of the sporelings, confirmed by the reports of the draenei who apparently lived in Zangarmarsh for some time in hiding. But the actual location of their settlement is not known, or even if they have more. The heavy mists that cloak Zangarmarsh obscure visibility the further in one attempts to penetrate, but the chance of making contact with a new group peacefully is one that you cannot ignore. Sending out a diplomatic mission may make time, but again, peace over war...hopefully. Cost: 500. Time: 2 Months. Reward: ??? Chance of Success 65%

Tighter...ties: The draenei and Mag'har are doing well, in peace. But they could be doing better. Offering the draenei the highest honor of guest right in your settlements for trading and just general travel would go quite far. The better the relations between your people are, the better everything will be for you in the future. The more that they learn that the Mag'har are not the Horde, the better. The more exposure to the draenei the Mag'har have, the more your people will learn of the ones the Horde tried to massacre. Cost: 1000. Time: 2 Months. Reward: Better draenei ties. Chance of Success: 75%

Draenei And Alliance: Velen is an astonishingly good diplomat. He has to be, to keep his people together after so long. He is focusing his efforts on Oshu'gun at the moment, but if you could convince the draenei to speak to the Alliance themselves and offer out as allies while simultaneously perhaps talking on your behalf, things might go better. Unfortunately the Prophet is quite invested in K'ure, which is perfectly understandable. Convincing him will be a bit difficult. Cost: 500. Time: 1 Month. Reward: ??? Chance of Success: 45%

Stewardship: Garadar simply cannot hold all of these people. Your supplies strain already, and as more and more orcs grow healthy once more the amount of food and housing required will far eclipse what the small city can hold. This must be attended to, and quickly. (Choose 2):

Mining Time: You have located some mines of the valuable Blackrock Ore. The tough metal you can create from such materials is nothing to scoff at, and it is a good part of the reason that the remaining weapons forged by Blackrock hands from Gorgrond are still perfectly good is the fact that the metal is simply so good. Well, the other part is proper maintenance and expert forging, but the point remains. Metal tools are also quite useful indeed. It is time to set up some mines. Thank goodness you had the Furies help in locating them though, because you otherwise wouldn't have been able to justify the effort. Cost: 1500. Time: 3 Months. Reward: Blackrock Ore mines set up and begin mining.

Schoolhouse Gul'rok: With Jorin's recent injuries and need to fully dedicate himself to his studies, his has brought up an interesting proposal. He wishes to heavily expand Gul'rok, but not just normally. Specifically, he wishes to turn it into a place of study, a place of research. Essentially, a place where he may pursue his studies in various direction, while other orcs could do the same. It would take a fair bit of income to ensure that it is all made of sturdy enough construction to not be too damaged should any experiments go out of control. Cost: 3000. Time: 3 Months. Rewards: Gul'rok heavily expanded. +1 Learning Option Per Turn.

Stonebreaker Outpost: Further attacks against the Bonehewers will require a forward base. You cannot just stream up from Gul'rok and down from Shattrath every time and expect to make it for any reasonable speed. What if the Alliance is attacked again? A staging area is good, especially as it would be well placed to deal with any issues regarding the Arrakoa who are still making mild nuisances of themselves. Not to mention it would be a good spot for scouting out resources in Talador. Cost: 2500. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Stonebreaker Outpost constructed, forward post/staging area against Bonechewers. Starts as small outpost, can be upgraded later. (Check maps of Terrokar Forest and see where Stonebreaker Hold is)

Learning: Jorin and the Bleeding Hollow seem to all be vigorously studying the few arcane tomes recovered from Mogor's little hoard. Though many of them are also at the Throne of Elements, a few core members, led by Jorin, wish to do more with this strange new power that is not of the demons. (Choose 1):

Riding Clefthoofs: You have a population of Clefthoofs to begin trying things with. The first thing you'd like to try is getting a saddle on them and then training them for battle. Back before Ner'zhul, they were quite aggressive indeed. For goodness sake, Banthar is still running about in central Nagrand, and she's the largest Clefthoof ever seen. If you managed to properly armor them and train them...well, they'd be capable of smashing apart enemy formations with ease. It's a portion of warfare you simply do not have a counterpart for at the moment. Cost: 2000. Time: 4 Months. Reward: Clefthoof Cavalry - Heavy Cavalry Forces. Chance of Success: 50%.

Improving Arcane: It is time to take those among your people who have begun using magic beyond that of the shamans and not that of warlocks to take the next step. For all their prodigious strength and power, they are still quite youthful in their knowledge. Jorin on the other hand has advanced quite rapidly, and is now certain that he can put down what he has personally learned and trained into the minds and bodies of those who follow his path. It will take time though, and will be dangerous. Though all magic is dangerous on some level or another, Jorin tells you. It will be worth it though to increase the strength of your people. Cost: 1000. Time: 4 Months. Reward: Arcane Warriors improved.

Piety: The Furies stand imperiously at the Throne of the Elements. Greatmother Geyah has long been the overall spiritual leader of the Mag'har, and it is through her that you make your requests of the elements. (LOCKED):

Grant Us Your Blessings: The elements have returned to the Mag'har. Their pain has been soothed. Now, you may once more return to the ways of the past where the spirits helped whisper to the people where to hunt and helped plow the fields and bring the rains. Overall, a great thing indeed that many orcs have been looking forward to ever since the elements returned. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Hunting and Farming income boosted.

Calming Talador: The Furies of Talador are coming into conflict with the Furies of the Spires, those refugees of that completely destroyed place. The Balance is falling apart, and this offends and frightens those at the Throne of Elements. Always, Draenor's Elementals worked in tandem and in balance, and conflict between them is meant to be rare. At the moment it remains muted, but if you do not get a handle on the situation soon you may see just what the Elements may do if goaded into war with one another. It will be difficult, and hard, but it is most absolutely necessary. Cost: 1000. Time: 3 Months. Reward: Talador Furies do not start war with Furies of the Spires. Balance not shattered. Will Complete This Turn.

Calming Zangar Furies: Out of all the badly affected Furies, only those of the Spires have it worse. Those of Gorgrond and Frostfire Ridge still retain a landmass to return to, with aspects from both drawn in. The Zangar Sea, now the Zangarmarsh, is an alien landscape that quite frankly frightens and is scaring the Zangar Furies. Their Balance has been utterly destroyed, with more Wind and Earth than they have ever been comfortable with suddenly present. It was a place of Water, and now not so much. They require much assistance in calming and soothing their pains. Cost: 1000. Time: 5 Months. Reward: Zangar Sea Furies grow more accepting of their new positions as the Furies of Zangarmarsh. Calmer. Easier for Shamans in those areas. Better for everyone in general.

Intrigue: Something that you have to admit is that poisonings, skulkings, and general sneaking is something that the Laughing Skulls were forced into becoming quite proficient at. Kaz the Shrieker is skilled at it as well. (Choose 1):

Tracking Arrakoa: So the mad bird men are apparently based at one single city that they have built, or rebuilt, or recovered, or something else besides after the apocalypse. Regardless, you need to find this place. Whether to put the bird men out of their misery or discover a way to...well, it would be quite presumptuous to say 'fix them' but at least figure out a way to avoid just culling them all. At least you retained Nagrand, they lost the Spires of Arak in their entirety. How tragic...but you cannot brook their continued raids forever. Cost: 500. Time: 3 Months. Reward: Location of Skettis. Chance of Success 75%.

Pre-Emptive Defense: That battle with the Bonechewers was near disasterous. Their numbers generally equal yours but they have warlocks to counter your shamans and significantly better equipment. This...felsteel that makes up their weapons and armor are quite tough, much more so than the stone, leather, and bone that your people use normally. Not only that, but they began attacking Allerian Hold with impunity despite your scouts along their border. This cannot happen again. The Laughing Skulls see a twisted mockery of what they might have become in the Bonechewers, and so are quite eager to strike at them. Allow them to do so, though sabotage, assassination of leaders, stealth, poison, fire, etc. They wish to keep up a practically constant barrage of stealth attacks to keep the Bonechewers holed up and to allow both your own forces time to prepare and the Alliance some breathing room. Cost: 500 Per Month. Time: Until Bonechewers slain or upkeep stops being paid. Reward: Dead Bonechewers, constant sabotage on the enemy. Chance of Success: 75% Per Turn.

Personal Actions: You used to have free time. Now you are responsible for tens of thousands of people's lives. It is an amazingly heavy burden, but your back and legs are pretty strong and you aren't about to give up. But you can still make some time for yourself. (Choose 1):

A Noble Wolf: You may not be a Warsong or a Frostwolf, but that doesn't mean that you can't possess one of those noble and vicious beasts as a companion as your own. Wolves are important in practically every clans culture, save for those who lived in areas where there were no actual wolves around like the Laughing Skulls. Up until now you've been making use of loaned wolves, but you need one of your own. A mighty wolf of Draenor, creatures that can grow larger than an orc depending on the bloodline behind them. Capable of carrying a fully armored and equipped orc for extremely long distances without tiring, the wolf is the best companion animal that an orc could ask for. Now it is time that you found one of your own. Finding the perfect one will take a while though, but it will be time well worth spent. Cost: 0. Time: 4 Months. Reward: A Wolf Of Your Own. Will Complete Next Turn.

Let's Go Hunting: There are mighty beasts in Nagrand. Beasts that stand or fly taller than any of their brethren. Much prestige can be found for the orc who slays them and takes their parts as trophies. Not to mention the meat and hide. It is both recreation and personal adventure to hunt, and seeing as you have secured most of Nagrand now quite well, you have the opportunity to indulge yourself. Wouldn't it be nice to have some stories to tell your children one day? Cost: 0. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Get list of Trophy Hunts to go after. Each will grant prestige and unique reagents for….uh, stuff.

Kaz's Lectures: Kaz has stated that while she is both wounded and pregnant, now is the perfect time for you to learn the scholarly half of being a Blademaster. The mindset, the tradition, the unique method of communing with the spirits that allows a Blademaster the higher levels of their abilities. It is a limited education compared to what a Burning Blade Blademaster would manage, but it is better than nothing. Besides, you rather like the idea of using Kaz's special combined procedures of the Horde and the old Mag'har. You will never forget the Horde and what it did with these techniques, but you will have the Mag'har to mesh them. Cost: 0. Time: 3 Months. Reward: Next Step of Blademaster Training Complete.
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Pathos Omake - Grogal of the Aldor
Alright, I know it's been a while but I've been bouncing this idea around in my head and I finally got around to typing it and wanted to post it before I started fiddling with it into oblivion.

So please excuse the bit of Necromancy, hopefully it being an Omake makes up for it.

Grogal of the Warsong was his name, a mountain of Orc with muscles rippling beneath brown skin with every breath. He had slain hundreds of beasts and participated in numerous raids against the enemies of the Orcish people over the years, and even served under the direct command of Grommash Hellscream.

Yet these days such "honors" were less than ash and dust to him. What honor remained from his numerous hunts and what respect he thought he had deserved for his unfailing loyalty and service had fallen away to the impassioned words of Warchief Saurfang. Grogal had gone into retreat with his fellow Warsong, had even performed self-flagellation as some others had in a desperate attempt to atone in blood and pain for the sins staining their Clan and family lines. Yet it was not until Garrosh Hellscream, son of the reviled Grommash, stood before them and spoke.

Garrosh spoke the words that the entire Warsong could not find. He spoke of honor defiled, of glory cast aside to be replaced with nothing, and of spirits sold for mere power. Garrosh did not stop naming each of the Warsongs failings as a clan, sparing not even his father nor himself. Many were enraged for they knew what they had done in their hearts, and their hearts were enflamed at having such secret feelings brought into the open. They advanced upon him their fists bleeding as their nails dug into their palms.

Grogal did not know how Garrosh Hellscream was not attacked or beaten within an inch of his life. All that he knew was that the entire Warsong were joined together as a clan for the first time in many years.

Time passed, as Grogal served what he called his "Penance" watching the demon's portal. Fighting, wounding, and being wounded in return were things he welcomed. Each new scar was another piece of flesh that was not connected to the murderers of the Horde and had paid its price in blood.

When Warchief Saurfang gives permission for the Warsong to go upon a pilgrimage to the Massacre of Shattrath, Grogal leaped at the call. His belongings were packed and his travelling supplies were with his wolf, Goron, within only a few hours of the announcement of the journey. The same was true for all unmarried Orcs, the rest were prepared by sundown. Garrosh had seemed… pleasantly surprised at this eagerness.

Days were spent travelling to the ruins of Shattrath. Grogal avoided the banter and singing of the rest of the clan aside from the necessities of preparing camps and giving directions. When they arrived, Grogal nearly fell from his seat upon Goron. The ruins stretched as far as he could see and while some husks of buildings remained it was very evident it was not for lack of trying. Clambering down from his mount Grogal stumbled towards the crumbling remains of an archway, mumbling words of anger and hatred. He could feel his blood roiling within him, calling for some measure of justice to be done in some way.

When he came close enough to the entrance and saw the blood staining the small child's toy his vision crawled with red. It skittered along the edges of his eyes and had Garrosh and the Warchief not begun speaking that moment Grogal could not say what he would have done.

As Grogal composed himself and the rest of the Warsong began making camp, he looked down once more at the child's toy, a doll, made to look like a small Draenei likely a girl as it lacked facial tentacles. Reaching out with trembling hands he brushed away some of the rubble before gently picking up the doll. His shoulders shook as he looked at the tiny (they were so young) doll cradles in his large (soaked in blood) hands. A moment of weakness like this would have had some of the other Raiders send a few quips his way about how they weren't expecting rain. No one said a word, no one even came close or disturbed him until hours later when the sun had set, the fires were being put out, Goron settled down next to him, and a boy came over to him to ask if he wanted any of the left overs holding out a tray of meat scraps that should have likely gone to the wolves by now.

"Y-yes, and thank you. Spirits bless you," Grogal managed stiffly, accepting the offered plate.

Grogal had despaired and rejoiced, as had the rest of the Warsong, after Garrosh had disappeared into the depths of Shattrath city to meet with the "Aldor" and after his first missive had returned. Greater celebrations had been held when Garrosh had returned in person, his steady walk and confidence were welcomed. The way he held his head was something no other Warsong had managed since coming to Shattrath. It was no pride but simply contentment as though he knew that the journey the Warsong and Mag'har as a whole had undertaken was assured success and they had merely begun the first step.

When Garrosh had revealed the new element and spoke of the Furies of Light, the Naaru, and of the one that slept and recovered in Oshugan known as M'ure, Grogal saw his opportunity.

For weeks and months, Grogal had worked double shifts. Eating as little was necessary to sustain himself and his ability to work, feeding more of his share to Goron, who had no penance to make. New scars had formed on Grogal's hands, where crystal shards had dug into his palms when working. Wearing as close to sackcloth as he could manage to never forget why he was working, without attracting undue attention from others.

When Garrosh spoke of the Light, of priests, and how Orcs could touch this new element of the world as the Draenei had Grogal knew he had found his next step in making recompense. Something that might begin to wash the blood that he carried from the actions of his people.

Which brought Grogal to where he now stood before a collection of Aldor priests, Garrosh himself busy acting as a diplomat to the "Alliance" on behalf of the Warchief and the Prophet Velen.

"Concentrate, Grogal, upon all the connection you have with all things. With the elements, with your ancestors, with the Draenor that was and now is. Find the idea that unites all these things together and connects them to you. Those moments of happiness and how it drew together all as one, if even for a few seconds."

Grogal was kneeling on the floor, a Draenei female had her hands on his shoulders coaching him into tapping into the Light.

Grogal blinked sweat from his eyes and grimaced, "There has not been much to be happy about in recent years."

The draenei, he believed her name might have been Aevmana, simply looked down at him before raising an eyebrow.

Grogal bowed his head lowering his voice, "I'm sorry, forgive me."

He reached deep within himself, trying to remember something not colored by the sins of his people. He remembered playing with his friends on the sands of Garadar (most of them drank the blood). He remembered seeing the entirety of Nagrand from the mountain tops (it's all lost forever).

He remembered the first time he saw Goron, who had seen him and come immediately hopping and yipping to him. Seeing the unfettered love and happiness on the wolf's face and felt the same rising inside his own heart. Knowing that there would never be a day he couldn't turn to that same furry face to find a listening ear or a warm heart.

It was a small thing, a tiny ember that glowed inside his… chest, heart, and head? He couldn't name a specific location but it was there. It glowed and pulsed and as it pulsed he was astonished. The Draenei had described the Light as a guardian, a guide, and a supporting figure to stand against one's foes. This… this presence was all those yet so much more. What he felt most of all was the love and joy of a mother or father welcoming home a child carried away by a Gronn but had returned home after years alive and well. Love and Forgiveness were flowing through him, welling up inside him.

"Congratulations, Grogal."

Grogal's eyes opened and with his tear streaked face looked at his hands which cupped a glowing ball of light no larger than a candle flame. Grogal looked at it in terror because in the moment he had made contact with the Light he knew he had been forgiven of all his sins, that if he went forth to show others the Light that he would be doing so only out of the goodness of his heart and not for repentance.

Grogal had gained everything he wanted and needed. Slowly he stood, turned to Aevmana, looked down into her eyes before swallowing her in an embrace, sobbing openly and begging to be told what he had done to deserve this and what he needed to do.

The surrounding Aldor looked at each other before one commented, "Seventh out of ten to react this way, can I assume this puts most of our concerns to rest?"
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Turn 11 Results
7 AA, Month 5
Turn 11 Results​

Military: Garrosh has been rather inspired lately, giving speeches about redemption and forging new paths. All traces of his previous depression has disappeared beneath his new outlook on life. (Choose 2):

Increasing Defenses: There are tides of demons apparently striding across the remains of your world. Though you may have nearly finished cleansing Nagrand of their taint, you can't be assured that they won't try and take it through more overt means. As such, both Jorin and Kaz agree that your settlements could do with more defenses and in fact that you could do with propping up more defenses at the north eastern watch and at Gul'rok as well. It's not the most glamorous thing to do, but if it helps you beat back any potential assaults by foes in the future then it is well worth it. Cost: 1500. Time: 3 Months. Reward: Nagrand gains much better defenses. Will Complete This Turn.

- The Mag'har Nation does not possess the same metal production or crystal facilities of the draenei, Alliance, or Horde, but that is all right. What you still have in good abundance is stone. The rock shaping capabilities of your people have only grown in capability as the years have gone on. Without access to the metals of Gorgrond and no mines of your own, your shamans have done some admirable work in drawing up and shaping stone with the assistance of the Furies. Gul'rok gains several new Watch Towers, a double set of walls, with the second being taller than the first, with the addition of several caches of supplies. Gates are reinforced, chokepoints created, and lots of helpful spikes go across areas where enemies may attempt to charge in. These defenses are set up along the rest of your settlements as well. Garadar, Dranosh'ar, Sunspring, Gul'rok, Hallvalor, these are all now much better defended. To some it would like unnecessary buildup, but they aren't you. Even the north east passage is a full on military base. Your five settlements are strong, and now, they are well defended. Reward: Nagrand gains much better defenses.

Northern Zangarmarsh: This area borders what has become of Gorgrond and Frostfire Ridge. IT would behoove you to get some sort of look at just what has been happening up there. Who knows what has changed in recent times with the three way war that is apparently ongoing up there. Are there any allies remaining up there, or an entire area full of enemies? That is what your scouts must discover for yourself. Cost: 500. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Information. HI Used

- See Bottom of Post

New Warriors: You took an enormous amount of casualties facing the Bonechewers, and while you took down every single one of the redskins that participated in that battle, you still lost a not-inconsiderable amount. Luckily those that lived will be able to pass on their wisdom and experience to those they train. Because you need new warriors. Your numbers continue to rise in the peace of Nagrand, with the ogres pacified for now and the draenei having peaceful relations with you, and so you have plenty willing to join up. It is time to let those who wish to join your military forces in more official capacity join. Training and equipping will take some time, but it will be well worth it in the long-run. Cost: 4,000. Time: 4 Months. Reward: +6,000 Grunts, +2,000 Bowmen, +4,000 Raiders, +250 Arcane Warriors, +50 Shamans, +300 Blackrock Blacksmiths, +100 Laughing Skull Rogues.

- There are many eager to fight, and be counted amongst the honored warriors of the Mag'har. Well, almost all orcs are warriors in their off time, but being part of the official warriors, the ones that you personally lead, that is another thing entirely. They come, ready and eager to learn and fight in defense of Nagrand and the Mag'har Nation. However….to learn how to fight as units instead of individuals takes some time, and proper training cannot be rushed. Will Complete In Three Turns.

Diplomacy: If there's anything that Greatmother Geyah has taught you, is that not all things can be conquered by a warriors strength. It was with words that the first shamans parlayed with the Furies, the sentient elementals of Draenor. It will be with words that you accomplish more than just a good axe. (Choose 2):.

The Spore Folk: You have heard rumors of the sporelings, confirmed by the reports of the draenei who apparently lived in Zangarmarsh for some time in hiding. But the actual location of their settlement is not known, or even if they have more. The heavy mists that cloak Zangarmarsh obscure visibility the further in one attempts to penetrate, but the chance of making contact with a new group peacefully is one that you cannot ignore. Sending out a diplomatic mission may make time, but again, peace over war...hopefully. Cost: 500. Time: 2 Months. Reward: ??? Chance of Success 65% Required: 35. Rolled: 42

- Well you found them. They call themselves Sporelings, which…is fine, you suppose. The short and squishy fungus people are quite nervous and skittish around the much larger and stronger orcs, but they possess a lot of local knowledge about the area. However, they are extremely uncertain about not just picking up their little settlement and relocating, and it is posited that they do not actually understand just how much the world has changed. They exchange mushrooms as currency and insist on requesting your orcs to do things for them in exchange for said mushrooms, but all tasks are strangely menial. So far, no one has accepted, greatly confusing the little spore people. They are currently near something called the Spawning…something or other, where their new folk are repopulated. Will Complete Next Month.

Tighter...ties: The draenei and Mag'har are doing well, in peace. But they could be doing better. Offering the draenei the highest honor of guest right in your settlements for trading and just general travel would go quite far. The better the relations between your people are, the better everything will be for you in the future. The more that they learn that the Mag'har are not the Horde, the better. The more exposure to the draenei the Mag'har have, the more your people will learn of the ones the Horde tried to massacre. Cost: 1000. Time: 2 Months. Reward: Better draenei ties. Chance of Success: 75% Required: 25. Rolled: 34

- At your behest, orcs have begun trying to better relations with your new neighbors. More orcs visit Oshu'gun and see the kind partnership between orc and draenei, and visit Telaar and Halaa. The draenei are a bit nervous at so many of your people suddenly appearing nearby, but the tension eases when they see that they are traders and hunters looking to sell meat and bone. Will Complete Next Month.

Stewardship: Garadar simply cannot hold all of these people. Your supplies strain already, and as more and more orcs grow healthy once more the amount of food and housing required will far eclipse what the small city can hold. This must be attended to, and quickly. (Choose 2):

Mining Time: You have located some mines of the valuable Blackrock Ore. The tough metal you can create from such materials is nothing to scoff at, and it is a good part of the reason that the remaining weapons forged by Blackrock hands from Gorgrond are still perfectly good is the fact that the metal is simply so good. Well, the other part is proper maintenance and expert forging, but the point remains. Metal tools are also quite useful indeed. It is time to set up some mines. Thank goodness you had the Furies help in locating them though, because you otherwise wouldn't have been able to justify the effort. Cost: 1500. Time: 3 Months. Reward: Blackrock Ore mines set up and begin mining.

- Your warriors learned quite viscerally how large the difference between stone and bone against felsteel really is. You need more widespread metal usage in just about every sector of the nation, not just the military. As such, the mines of Blackrock Ore are located, and they turn out to be in the former Twilight Ridge. Cleansed quite viciously by the Furies, no taint from the gate remains, allowing the tunnels to be repurposed into actual mines. Unfortunately, this will take a lot of time, there was much damage dealt to the area and properly setting up things will not be a simple and quick task. Still, at the end, you'll have an ore that is better than simple iron for usage. Of course, now that you are aware of how big the discrepancy is, it has been put forward that perhaps the other metals of the world could be put to use i.e. copper, iron, tin, and so on. For now, the mines are being built. Will Complete In Two Months.

Zang'rok: You have the gate contained, but unlike Twilight Ridge it is far harder to fully secure this gate. There are no natural walls to keep numbers contained. So you will have to make your own. Putting up walls and Watch Towers will perform a two fold duty of corralling the demons barrelling through the gate while also securing the area itself. The Zangar Gate is quite close to The Edge, as it were, and also an enormous lake nearby. A source for water, and whatever is edible and living in its waters? A very good resource to start securing. Cost: 2000. Time: 2 Months. Reward: Zang'rok founded in western Zangarmarsh, new settlement. Bonus to rolls against Zangarmarsh Gate. +500 Fishing Income.

- Construction completes, and with good timing too. The demons seem to be picking up speed with the amount of demons they send through. Against their metal weapons and armors, empowered by fel magics, you are forced to rely on ranged weapons and careful tactics to prevent untoward deaths. You still end up with plenty of injuries. Complete. +500 Fishing Income.

Learning: Jorin and the Bleeding Hollow seem to all be vigorously studying the few arcane tomes recovered from Mogor's little hoard. Though many of them are also at the Throne of Elements, a few core members, led by Jorin, wish to do more with this strange new power that is not of the demons. (Choose 1):

Improving Arcane: It is time to take those among your people who have begun using magic beyond that of the shamans and not that of warlocks to take the next step. For all their prodigious strength and power, they are still quite youthful in their knowledge. Jorin on the other hand has advanced quite rapidly, and is now certain that he can put down what he has personally learned and trained into the minds and bodies of those who follow his path. It will take time though, and will be dangerous. Though all magic is dangerous on some level or another, Jorin tells you. It will be worth it though to increase the strength of your people. Cost: 1000. Time: 4 Months. Reward: Arcane Warriors improved.

- Ah, scholarly pursuits. Gul'rok seems to be the central location for arcane studies, and so many new applicants and older Arcane Warriors are ordered to it so that Jorin can pass on what he has learned in his own independent studies. But of course, like with all good things, one must have patience. Jorin cannot simply shove all of his knowledge into their skulls, though he promises he will make the experience as thorough as possible. Will Complete In Three Months.

Piety: The Furies stand imperiously at the Throne of the Elements. Greatmother Geyah has long been the overall spiritual leader of the Mag'har, and it is through her that you make your requests of the elements. (LOCKED):

Calming Talador: The Furies of Talador are coming into conflict with the Furies of the Spires, those refugees of that completely destroyed place. The Balance is falling apart, and this offends and frightens those at the Throne of Elements. Always, Draenor's Elementals worked in tandem and in balance, and conflict between them is meant to be rare. At the moment it remains muted, but if you do not get a handle on the situation soon you may see just what the Elements may do if goaded into war with one another. It will be difficult, and hard, but it is most absolutely necessary. Cost: 1000. Time: 3 Months. Reward: Talador Furies do not start war with Furies of the Spires. Balance not shattered. Will Complete This Turn.

- Rituals will continue for some time, of course, as is the purview of the shamans, but Greatmother Geyah reports that great success has been found, finally, in reconciling the Furies of Talador and the Furies of the Spires. The latter was bereft of their world, and all of their earth and water Furies died. However, fire and air passed over. While this imbalance could have escalated into a conflict of cataclysmic proportions, you luckily stopped that. With the right rituals and proper offerings, the elements have been appeased. Peace was made between the two, and the Furies of Talador have allowed their brethren to integrate rather than to war with. It has ever been the nature of Draenor's Furies to attempt to work together, hence the creation of the Elemental Plateau in the past. Of course, that place was destroyed in the apocalypse, and without it the Furies have been thrown into great disarray. Still, the Mag'har are helping things calm down, slowly, but effectively. The only part of the world in greater elemental distress would be Shadowmoon Valley, but none of the Mag'har dare walk there right now. Reward: Talador Furies do not start war with Furies of the Spires. Balance not shattered. Talador Furies absorb Furies of the Spires. Elemental War prevented.

Intrigue: Something that you have to admit is that poisonings, skulkings, and general sneaking is something that the Laughing Skulls were forced into becoming quite proficient at. Kaz the Shrieker is skilled at it as well. (Choose 1):

Pre-Emptive Defense: That battle with the Bonechewers was near disasterous. Their numbers generally equal yours but they have warlocks to counter your shamans and significantly better equipment. This...felsteel that makes up their weapons and armor are quite tough, much more so than the stone, leather, and bone that your people use normally. Not only that, but they began attacking Allerian Hold with impunity despite your scouts along their border. This cannot happen again. The Laughing Skulls see a twisted mockery of what they might have become in the Bonechewers, and so are quite eager to strike at them. Allow them to do so, though sabotage, assassination of leaders, stealth, poison, fire, etc. They wish to keep up a practically constant barrage of stealth attacks to keep the Bonechewers holed up and to allow both your own forces time to prepare and the Alliance some breathing room. Cost: 500 Per Month. Time: Until Bonechewers slain or upkeep stops being paid. Reward: Dead Bonechewers, constant sabotage on the enemy. Chance of Success: 75% Per Turn.

- You make the choice, and your rogues are plenty happy to do it. Every single Mag'har is furious at the Bonechewers. Before all of this happened they were already one of the most disturbing creatures, those cannibalistic clansmen were not welcome in many places. But now they have joined the Horde and drunk deep of demon blood. They are not worthy of pity, or mercy. Not to mention that sabotaging them will assist the Alliance, who might need some time to themselves after what happened last time.

Required: 25. Rolled: 93.

The Laughing Skull's remember what they used to be, and make use of that dark knowledge and experience to great effect. Fires go up across the Bonechewer's stronghold, while their supplies are poisoned or ruined through various means. One enterprising rogue managed to combine several different things about the camp to turn the latrines that had been dug into an explosion that took out a full fourth of the Bonechewers present, and only heavily burning the green orc involved. Infighting is started between the demons present and the fel orcs, causing a short civil war that did plenty of damage on its own before the new commanders arrived. A lesser Pit Lord has been put in control of the Legion's servants there, while the damned Chieftain of the Bonechewers himself has arrived - Tagar Spinebreaker. The same Chieftain that Grom Hellscream put into place many, many years ago. Still, an immense amount of damage was done, more than you could have possibly hoped for at the time. Reward: A lot of damage to the Bonechewers, resentment and anger between Horde and Legion elements.

Personal Actions: You used to have free time. Now you are responsible for tens of thousands of people's lives. It is an amazingly heavy burden, but your back and legs are pretty strong and you aren't about to give up. But you can still make some time for yourself. (Choose 1):

A Noble Wolf: You may not be a Warsong or a Frostwolf, but that doesn't mean that you can't possess one of those noble and vicious beasts as a companion as your own. Wolves are important in practically every clans culture, save for those who lived in areas where there were no actual wolves around like the Laughing Skulls. Up until now you've been making use of loaned wolves, but you need one of your own. A mighty wolf of Draenor, creatures that can grow larger than an orc depending on the bloodline behind them. Capable of carrying a fully armored and equipped orc for extremely long distances without tiring, the wolf is the best companion animal that an orc could ask for. Now it is time that you found one of your own. Finding the perfect one will take a while though, but it will be time well worth spent. Cost: 0. Time: 4 Months. Reward: A Wolf Of Your Own. Will Complete Next Turn.

Kaz's Lectures: Kaz has stated that while she is both wounded and pregnant, now is the perfect time for you to learn the scholarly half of being a Blademaster. The mindset, the tradition, the unique method of communing with the spirits that allows a Blademaster the higher levels of their abilities. It is a limited education compared to what a Burning Blade Blademaster would manage, but it is better than nothing. Besides, you rather like the idea of using Kaz's special combined procedures of the Horde and the old Mag'har. You will never forget the Horde and what it did with these techniques, but you will have the Mag'har to mesh them. Cost: 0. Time: 3 Months. Reward: Next Step of Blademaster Training Complete.

- You spend a lot of time learning about Azeroth, of all things. Of the battles where all the demonic fury and might of the Horde was pushed back again and again to a curiously named Blackrock Mountain. It is heartening to learn such things. That the warlocks inevitably betrayed everyone else, and that the Horde fell to infighting. It is only right that such things happen when entreating with demons. She does this, your mate, to discuss and talk about the difference in the teachings of the Blademasters that she gleaned from the last few sane Burning Blade before they collapsed utterly into bloodlust. You must forge an older path. Much of your time is spent in contemplation, and prayers to the spirits. It will obviously take longer than it would be to train in the ways of the Horde, but that's the point. They chose the quick and easy path. You shall take the harder and longer path and thus be the much better for it.. Will Complete In Two Months.

The Serpents In The North

It is two weeks into your journey in the strange land of Zangarmarsh when you meet her. You've nearly lost several orcs to the wildlife, the strange flying creatures that have biological razors capable of flensing metal armor just as easily as flesh and bone are particularly annoying. Worthy opponents they may be, a swarm is generally something that you'll just want everyone to avoid. Whatever lived beneath the Zangar Sea before has been irrevocably changed by the apocalypse and the energies inflicted upon the world. The giant stalkers can shoot lightning out of their faces, which you discovered quite unpleasantly, but apparently they've always been able to do that.

You also encounter a large amount of the Fungal Giants, the larger, smellier, and much stupider counterparts to the sporelings. They are also aggressive, though apparently fire is not something that they nor the sporelings are particularly used to. Which makes sense, considering that most of the denizens of Zangararsh are former aquatics. Nevertheless, you enjoy the excursion into the marsh. It's a new land, and heartily satisfies your need to stretch your legs. Better, it is ludicrously dangerous compared to Nagrand or Talador, and filled with worthy animals for hunting and plenty of water. A good place indeed for orcs to thrive. At one point you even make contact with the draenei city where Velen had taken refuge in before receiving his visions.

Draenei hospitality is quite good indeed, and though they may not know that hospitality is one of the greatest honors that can be bestowed in orcish culture, you respect the gesture all the same. They likely enjoy the meats and furs that you provide as well for food and comfort. Eventually however, your scouting mission needed to continue, and so you did. When you ventured towards the Blade's Edge Mountains, you saw that the reports truly were correct. Something has happened to that heated place, and transformed it into a terribly frozen place reminiscent of the ridge where the Frostwolves and Thunderlords once called home.

A small draenei outpost marks the one path up into the mountains, and they reported that none have come through for some time. It's something to concern you though because you swear that you could hear at the very edge of your hearing something nearing the sounds of battle. Far, far in the distance, obscured by howling cold winds. Something to think about in the future. But then you headed east, still exploring the northern half of Zangarmarsh. That, is when you met her.

She would be a strange orc on first appearance, dressed in robes made up of varying shades of purple. It was suspicious, to be sure, but her camp was small and humble, and you did not sense any hostility from her. When you ventured your own name, and that of your scouts, she offered her own in turn. It was not a normal orcish name, Karynaku. But that made sense, considering that after a few hours of conversation her mate arrived, in the true form of what she was.

A giant purple legged serpent, which you were informed was that of a dragon. Neltharaku was his name, and he was apparently unaware that his mate was attempting to open some polite relations with the Mag'har Nation which was even now expanding and growing stronger. He had thought she had gone missing, and he was intensely suspicious of anyone not of his kind. Luckily, the cooler head of Karynaku prevailed. She admitted that it might not have been the proper method of meeting with you, but she had been curious and apparently going slightly stir crazy after her entire Flight, a word emphasized such that it is probably her entire dragon family, has uprooted from both the Blade's Edge Mountains and most astonishingly Shadowmoon Valley.

As to why they left these locations, they were rather tightlipped, but the end point is thus. They are interested in peace between dragon and orc, and apparently even perhaps draenei. When asked why they did not seem interested in meeting the Alliance, you swear that there was some sort of shame in their voices. As to why, they would not say, though Karynaku emphasized the same sort of issues with evil ancestors that the Mag'har even now deal with daily.

With this in mind, the rest of the scouting expedition was barely worth mentioning. But it was still nice, and you could always do with more allies and less fighting on the limited area that Draenor has left.

Scouting Accomplished. 1 Draenei city located, 1 Draenei outpost located. Dialogue established with Netherwing leadership: Patriarch Neltharaku and Matriarch Karynaku. Relations at – Neutral.
Last edited:
Turn 12
7 AA, Month 6
Turn 12​

A prime cut of clefthoof meat roasts on the spit, spices and rubbings already done beforehand. The succulent animal flesh is just finishing cooking, and you sigh and lean back against the tree, wriggling slightly so that your shoulders touch that of your mate. Kaz absentmindedly rubs her belly, making small circles. Within lies your child, or children, and though your mate is still injured, and cannot perform too vigorous activities, being carried by her lover away to a secluded rise that overlooks much of Nagrand is something that she can absolutely do. As the two of you lean there in peaceful quiet, your large hand finds hers, and squeezes.

This…is what it is all about. This is what you fight for.

Nagrand, at peace. A land, free and in balance. Without the terrible fel corruption that nearly swallowed the whole of your world. The strange purple sky of the Twisting Nether is one that you've grown used to by now, and honestly you sort of like it. This is not the Great Beyond, but another dimension entirely, where energies and life spawn in strange fantastical ways. Sometimes creating monsters, and other times not.

"What do you want to call her?" Kaz suddenly says, drawing your attention. She carefully rests her head on your broad left shoulder.

"What if it's a boy?" you ask, puzzled.

Kaz gives an adorable snorting laugh.

"Funny. Now what are we going to call her," she murmurs.

Leaning back, you let your eyes watch the meat as it slowly cooks, the scent drifting to your nose and setting a rumbling into your stomach.

"Why not Kaz?"

"A third generation Kaz? Really? Why not Dranoshan? Or Grumnsh?"

"We have time, my love. You have a couple of months to go yet."

"Yeah, well, until then I'm eating for two. Get me some of that clefthoof."

Chuckling, you reach over and pull off some of the meat, right from the bone, and hand it to her. The juices splatter everywhere, but that just speaks of how tender the meat is at all.

"We'll figure out something."

"We always do."

Military: Garrosh has been rather inspired lately, giving speeches about redemption and forging new paths. All traces of his previous depression has disappeared beneath his new outlook on life. (Choose 2):

New Warriors: You took an enormous amount of casualties facing the Bonechewers, and while you took down every single one of the redskins that participated in that battle, you still lost a not-inconsiderable amount. Luckily those that lived will be able to pass on their wisdom and experience to those they train. Because you need new warriors. Your numbers continue to rise in the peace of Nagrand, with the ogres pacified for now and the draenei having peaceful relations with you, and so you have plenty willing to join up. It is time to let those who wish to join your military forces in more official capacity join. Training and equipping will take some time, but it will be well worth it in the long-run. Cost: 4,000. Time: 4 Months. Reward: +6,000 Grunts, +2,000 Bowmen, +4,000 Raiders, +250 Arcane Warriors, +50 Shamans, +300 Blackrock Blacksmiths, +100 Laughing Skull Rogues. Will Complete In Two Turns.

Scouting Hellfire: The former Tanaan Jungle was long ago corrupted into Hellfire Peninsula. It is there that the same-named Citadel lies, as does the shameful and monstrous Path of Glory. Not to mention the Dark Portal itself. You haven't actually scouted the area that much, and it would probably do you some good to check it. You remember that some of the demons that were streaming out were coming from here, and though the numbers of that group have reduced themselves somewhat, they have not entirely stopped. It's time to send a few scouts out to see what's going on. Cost: 1,000. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Information. Chance of Success: 65%

Patrolling Zangarmarsh: You have a settlement in Zangarmarsh, as do the draenei. It would behoove you to ensure that the area is protected, and so Garrosh has posited setting up patrols. It would let you clear out wildlife for roads later on with more ease, and will generally make things safer. If there are patrols, you can set up more trade beyond Zangarmarsh, and that is something that you are indeed keen to act upon. Better, it would assist you in reaching the Netherwing, should you choose to do so. Trekking through an entirely hostile land is not the best for diplomatic efforts, you are sure. Cost: 1,000 per turn due to being outside Nagrand. Time: Till you say stop.

Blurring The Lines Further: In your ongoing efforts to slowly dismantle the abrasive and too-individualistic clan system which allowed the Horde to form in the first place, you must focus on your military somewhat. Despite all the changes to orcish society, your people's natural temperament and physiology will forever lend it to intense physical activity of one kind or another. Even now, your raiders are mainly Warsong, and your elite units are made up of specific clans. That should not continue, it will inevitably breed issues regarding so-called superiority and lording ones positions over each others. It is natural to be prideful of ones accomplishments, but orcs should be allowed to at least attempt before being refused. As such, it may be time to re-organize your military to allow inter-clan lines. There will be arguments, obviously, there will be every time you dare to stand against 'tradition'. But that's fine with you. If you have to beat and drag the Mag'har away from the Horde's past and to a better future, you will. Cost: 2,000. Time: 2 Months. Reward: Blurring of Clan Lines, Greater Mag'har Integration. Blackrock Blacksmiths become Mag'har Crushers, Laughing Skull Rogues become Mag'har Shadowskulls, Warsong Raiders become Raiders. Etc.

Diplomacy: If there's anything that Greatmother Geyah has taught you, is that not all things can be conquered by a warriors strength. It was with words that the first shamans parlayed with the Furies, the sentient elementals of Draenor. It will be with words that you accomplish more than just a good axe. (LOCKED):.

The Spore Folk: You have heard rumors of the sporelings, confirmed by the reports of the draenei who apparently lived in Zangarmarsh for some time in hiding. But the actual location of their settlement is not known, or even if they have more. The heavy mists that cloak Zangarmarsh obscure visibility the further in one attempts to penetrate, but the chance of making contact with a new group peacefully is one that you cannot ignore. Sending out a diplomatic mission may make time, but again, peace over war...hopefully. Cost: 500. Time: 2 Months. Reward: ??? Chance of Success 65% Will Complete This Turn.

Tighter...ties: The draenei and Mag'har are doing well, in peace. But they could be doing better. Offering the draenei the highest honor of guest right in your settlements for trading and just general travel would go quite far. The better the relations between your people are, the better everything will be for you in the future. The more that they learn that the Mag'har are not the Horde, the better. The more exposure to the draenei the Mag'har have, the more your people will learn of the ones the Horde tried to massacre. Cost: 1000. Time: 2 Months. Reward: Better draenei ties. Chance of Success: 75% Will Complete This Turn

Draenei And Alliance: Velen is an astonishingly good diplomat. He has to be, to keep his people together after so long. He is focusing his efforts on Oshu'gun at the moment, but if you could convince the draenei to speak to the Alliance themselves and offer out as allies while simultaneously perhaps talking on your behalf, things might go better. Unfortunately the Prophet is quite invested in K'ure, which is perfectly understandable. Convincing him will be a bit difficult. Cost: 500. Time: 1 Month. Reward: ??? Chance of Success: 45%

Stewardship: Garadar simply cannot hold all of these people. Your supplies strain already, and as more and more orcs grow healthy once more the amount of food and housing required will far eclipse what the small city can hold. This must be attended to, and quickly. (Choose 1):

Mining Time: You have located some mines of the valuable Blackrock Ore. The tough metal you can create from such materials is nothing to scoff at, and it is a good part of the reason that the remaining weapons forged by Blackrock hands from Gorgrond are still perfectly good is the fact that the metal is simply so good. Well, the other part is proper maintenance and expert forging, but the point remains. Metal tools are also quite useful indeed. It is time to set up some mines. Thank goodness you had the Furies help in locating them though, because you otherwise wouldn't have been able to justify the effort. Cost: 1500. Time: 3 Months. Reward: Blackrock Ore mines set up and begin mining. Will Complete Next Turn.

Schoolhouse Gul'rok: With Jorin's recent injuries and need to fully dedicate himself to his studies, his has brought up an interesting proposal. He wishes to heavily expand Gul'rok, but not just normally. Specifically, he wishes to turn it into a place of study, a place of research. Essentially, a place where he may pursue his studies in various direction, while other orcs could do the same. It would take a fair bit of income to ensure that it is all made of sturdy enough construction to not be too damaged should any experiments go out of control. Cost: 3000. Time: 3 Months. Rewards: Gul'rok heavily expanded. +1 Learning Option Per Turn.

Stonebreaker Outpost: Further attacks against the Bonehewers will require a forward base. You cannot just stream up from Gul'rok and down from Shattrath every time and expect to make it for any reasonable speed. What if the Alliance is attacked again? A staging area is good, especially as it would be well placed to deal with any issues regarding the Arrakoa who are still making mild nuisances of themselves. Not to mention it would be a good spot for scouting out resources in Talador. Cost: 2500. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Stonebreaker Outpost constructed, forward post/staging area against Bonechewers. Starts as small outpost, can be upgraded later. (Check maps of Terrokar Forest and see where Stonebreaker Hold is)

Learning: Jorin and the Bleeding Hollow seem to all be vigorously studying the few arcane tomes recovered from Mogor's little hoard. Though many of them are also at the Throne of Elements, a few core members, led by Jorin, wish to do more with this strange new power that is not of the demons. (LOCKED):

Riding Clefthoofs: You have a population of Clefthoofs to begin trying things with. The first thing you'd like to try is getting a saddle on them and then training them for battle. Back before Ner'zhul, they were quite aggressive indeed. For goodness sake, Banthar is still running about in central Nagrand, and she's the largest Clefthoof ever seen. If you managed to properly armor them and train them...well, they'd be capable of smashing apart enemy formations with ease. It's a portion of warfare you simply do not have a counterpart for at the moment. Cost: 2000. Time: 4 Months. Reward: Clefthoof Cavalry - Heavy Cavalry Forces. Chance of Success: 50%.

Improving Arcane: It is time to take those among your people who have begun using magic beyond that of the shamans and not that of warlocks to take the next step. For all their prodigious strength and power, they are still quite youthful in their knowledge. Jorin on the other hand has advanced quite rapidly, and is now certain that he can put down what he has personally learned and trained into the minds and bodies of those who follow his path. It will take time though, and will be dangerous. Though all magic is dangerous on some level or another, Jorin tells you. It will be worth it though to increase the strength of your people. Cost: 1000. Time: 4 Months. Reward: Arcane Warriors improved. Will Complete In Two Turns.

Piety: The Furies stand imperiously at the Throne of the Elements. Greatmother Geyah has long been the overall spiritual leader of the Mag'har, and it is through her that you make your requests of the elements. (Choose 1):

Grant Us Your Blessings: The elements have returned to the Mag'har. Their pain has been soothed. Now, you may once more return to the ways of the past where the spirits helped whisper to the people where to hunt and helped plow the fields and bring the rains. Overall, a great thing indeed that many orcs have been looking forward to ever since the elements returned. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Hunting and Farming income boosted.

Calming Zangar Furies: Out of all the badly affected Furies, only those of the Spires have it worse. Those of Gorgrond and Frostfire Ridge still retain a landmass to return to, with aspects from both drawn in. The Zangar Sea, now the Zangarmarsh, is an alien landscape that quite frankly frightens and is scaring the Zangar Furies. Their Balance has been utterly destroyed, with more Wind and Earth than they have ever been comfortable with suddenly present. It was a place of Water, and now not so much. They require much assistance in calming and soothing their pains. Cost: 1000. Time: 5 Months. Reward: Zangar Sea Furies grow more accepting of their new positions as the Furies of Zangarmarsh. Calmer. Easier for Shamans in those areas. Better for everyone in general.

Intrigue: Something that you have to admit is that poisonings, skulkings, and general sneaking is something that the Laughing Skulls were forced into becoming quite proficient at. Kaz the Shrieker is skilled at it as well. (Choose 1):

Tracking Arrakoa: So the mad bird men are apparently based at one single city that they have built, or rebuilt, or recovered, or something else besides after the apocalypse. Regardless, you need to find this place. Whether to put the bird men out of their misery or discover a way to...well, it would be quite presumptuous to say 'fix them' but at least figure out a way to avoid just culling them all. At least you retained Nagrand, they lost the Spires of Arak in their entirety. How tragic...but you cannot brook their continued raids forever. Cost: 500. Time: 3 Months. Reward: Location of Skettis. Chance of Success 75%.

Observing The Alliance: So clearly the Alliance is having a bit more issue with the Mag'har not being the Horde than you initially expected. Or…at least some of it is. More so than the draenei, who your father and uncles actually did attempt full on genocide of. You aren't sure what that means, other than surely the damage dealt to the elves homeland must have somehow been even more egregious. How many cities burned? Is there a new 'Path of Glory' somewhere on Azeroth? The thought of such things makes you shudder with rage and shame. Surely, the damage dealt to the elves eclipsed whatever was done to the humans, dwarves, and gnomes. You honestly would prefer not to think too much on it. The point, though, is that the Alliance might require observation, because you need to know if or when they will divide due to their non-mutual hatreds. Cost: 1000. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Information. Chance of Success: 75%

Personal Actions: You used to have free time. Now you are responsible for tens of thousands of people's lives. It is an amazingly heavy burden, but your back and legs are pretty strong and you aren't about to give up. But you can still make some time for yourself. (Locked):

A Noble Wolf: You may not be a Warsong or a Frostwolf, but that doesn't mean that you can't possess one of those noble and vicious beasts as a companion as your own. Wolves are important in practically every clans culture, save for those who lived in areas where there were no actual wolves around like the Laughing Skulls. Up until now you've been making use of loaned wolves, but you need one of your own. A mighty wolf of Draenor, creatures that can grow larger than an orc depending on the bloodline behind them. Capable of carrying a fully armored and equipped orc for extremely long distances without tiring, the wolf is the best companion animal that an orc could ask for. Now it is time that you found one of your own. Finding the perfect one will take a while though, but it will be time well worth spent. Cost: 0. Time: 4 Months. Reward: A Wolf Of Your Own. Will Complete This Turn.

Let's Go Hunting: There are mighty beasts in Nagrand. Beasts that stand or fly taller than any of their brethren. Much prestige can be found for the orc who slays them and takes their parts as trophies. Not to mention the meat and hide. It is both recreation and personal adventure to hunt, and seeing as you have secured most of Nagrand now quite well, you have the opportunity to indulge yourself. Wouldn't it be nice to have some stories to tell your children one day? Cost: 0. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Get list of Trophy Hunts to go after. Each will grant prestige and unique reagents for….uh, stuff.

Kaz's Lectures: Kaz has stated that while she is both wounded and pregnant, now is the perfect time for you to learn the scholarly half of being a Blademaster. The mindset, the tradition, the unique method of communing with the spirits that allows a Blademaster the higher levels of their abilities. It is a limited education compared to what a Burning Blade Blademaster would manage, but it is better than nothing. Besides, you rather like the idea of using Kaz's special combined procedures of the Horde and the old Mag'har. You will never forget the Horde and what it did with these techniques, but you will have the Mag'har to mesh them. Cost: 0. Time: 3 Months. Reward: Next Step of Blademaster Training Complete. Will Complete Next Turn.
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Turn 12 Results
7 AA, Month 6
Turn 12 Results​

Military: Garrosh has been rather inspired lately, giving speeches about redemption and forging new paths. All traces of his previous depression has disappeared beneath his new outlook on life. (Choose 2):

New Warriors: You took an enormous amount of casualties facing the Bonechewers, and while you took down every single one of the redskins that participated in that battle, you still lost a not-inconsiderable amount. Luckily those that lived will be able to pass on their wisdom and experience to those they train. Because you need new warriors. Your numbers continue to rise in the peace of Nagrand, with the ogres pacified for now and the draenei having peaceful relations with you, and so you have plenty willing to join up. It is time to let those who wish to join your military forces in more official capacity join. Training and equipping will take some time, but it will be well worth it in the long-run. Cost: 4,000. Time: 4 Months. Reward: +6,000 Grunts, +2,000 Bowmen, +4,000 Raiders, +250 Arcane Warriors, +50 Shamans, +300 Blackrock Blacksmiths, +100 Laughing Skull Rogues. Will Complete In Two Turns.

Patrolling Zangarmarsh: You have a settlement in Zangarmarsh, as do the draenei. It would behoove you to ensure that the area is protected, and so Garrosh has posited setting up patrols. It would let you clear out wildlife for roads later on with more ease, and will generally make things safer. If there are patrols, you can set up more trade beyond Zangarmarsh, and that is something that you are indeed keen to act upon. Better, it would assist you in reaching the Netherwing, should you choose to do so. Trekking through an entirely hostile land is not the best for diplomatic efforts, you are sure. Cost: 1,000 per turn due to being outside Nagrand. Time: Till you say stop. HI Enacted

- It's always good to get out with the warriors. Something to further differentiate yourself from the Warchief's of the Horde. According to most reports, they stayed in the back, ordered warriors forward, and only showed up when it was time for what they deemed a 'worthy' battle. What they didn't seem to realize is that every fight that you send your orcs into is a worthy fight. You will never sequester yourself in a Great Hall, if you have anything to say about it. So you assist in setting up the patrol routes, and make use of your relationship with Velen to coordinate with the draenei in the area as well. They are leery, but they trust Velen implicitly, and the fact that a Naaru is being revived is certainly something to see indeed, their hopes soaring all the while.

As you travel around Zangarmarsh, you once more encounter the Netherwing. They have begun marking their territory with large crystals. How they get them, you have no idea, but they are quite prominent around the northeastern chunks of Zangarmarsh. One of the dragons landed nearby, apparently one of the sons of the Matriarch, and informed you that it would please the Netherwing if you could meet with them on more intimate terms than being surrounded by patrolling warriors. It's an offered open hand, and probably a valuable one. The only way to survive on such a world as Draenor has become is to come together. 1,000 per turn for Zangarmarsh patrols. Netherwing would like to meet.

Blurring The Lines Further: In your ongoing efforts to slowly dismantle the abrasive and too-individualistic clan system which allowed the Horde to form in the first place, you must focus on your military somewhat. Despite all the changes to orcish society, your people's natural temperament and physiology will forever lend it to intense physical activity of one kind or another. Even now, your raiders are mainly Warsong, and your elite units are made up of specific clans. That should not continue, it will inevitably breed issues regarding so-called superiority and lording ones positions over each other. It is natural to be prideful of ones accomplishments, but orcs should be allowed to at least attempt before being refused. As such, it may be time to re-organize your military to allow inter-clan lines. There will be arguments, obviously, there will be every time you dare to stand against 'tradition'. But that's fine with you. If you have to beat and drag the Mag'har away from the Horde's past and to a better future, you will. Cost: 2,000. Time: 2 Months. Reward: Blurring of Clan Lines, Greater Mag'har Integration. Blackrock Blacksmiths become Mag'har Crushers, Laughing Skull Rogues become Mag'har Shadowskulls, Warsong Raiders become Raiders. Etc.

- It is one of your most controversial decisions yet. It really is. Even now, after all the work you've done, old habits die hard amongst the orcs. The issues and evils that seem inherent in the Horde method, that were present in the orcs that lived before everything seemed to go wrong, are still present. Muted, of course, by your time and work on literally changing the spirit of the Mag'har through passion and shame, but still there. But so long as there are disparate clans, your people cannot truly be unified. You must be whole. In truth, you will always be made up of many parts, different traditions and practices, but these unique things put together are what makes you strong. The issue comes about when those differences lead to competition and potentially even sabotage. The horror stories of the Horde linger in you, and Kaz has endless tales of the needless sacrifices that were made of sons and daughters for treachery, influence, position. You will never be able to stamp such things out of your people permanently and totally, but you can damn well try to lessen whatever is there as much as you can. That means starting with one of the most important and prominent parts of orcish culture – the warriors. Will Complete Next Months.

Diplomacy: If there's anything that Greatmother Geyah has taught you, is that not all things can be conquered by a warriors strength. It was with words that the first shamans parlayed with the Furies, the sentient elementals of Draenor. It will be with words that you accomplish more than just a good axe. (LOCKED):.

The Spore Folk: You have heard rumors of the sporelings, confirmed by the reports of the draenei who apparently lived in Zangarmarsh for some time in hiding. But the actual location of their settlement is not known, or even if they have more. The heavy mists that cloak Zangarmarsh obscure visibility the further in one attempts to penetrate, but the chance of making contact with a new group peacefully is one that you cannot ignore. Sending out a diplomatic mission may make time, but again, peace over war...hopefully. Cost: 500. Time: 2 Months. Reward: ??? Chance of Success 65% Will Complete This Turn.

- Required: 35. Rolled: 44.

You…aren't quite certain you can call it an alliance, or an agreement. The Sporelings have but one settlement, but are apparently very good at getting things to grow in Zangarmarsh. At least better than what you managed thus far. The Sporelings aren't stupid, they just have to muddle through different contexts, which makes sense considering they were probably once aquatic. In any case, they seem happy to talk with a group that isn't violent towards them at all, even though they have trouble figuring out that to your people, 'glowcaps' – a type of mushroom growing in the area – are not good for currency. Sporegar – Friendly

Tighter...ties: The draenei and Mag'har are doing well, in peace. But they could be doing better. Offering the draenei the highest honor of guest right in your settlements for trading and just general travel would go quite far. The better the relations between your people are, the better everything will be for you in the future. The more that they learn that the Mag'har are not the Horde, the better. The more exposure to the draenei the Mag'har have, the more your people will learn of the ones the Horde tried to massacre. Cost: 1000. Time: 2 Months. Reward: Better draenei ties. Chance of Success: 75% Will Complete This Turn

- Required: 25. Rolled: 65.

It has been a while since the draenei and the Mag'har began trying to patch relations. Small trading, conversations, and the frankly holy experience of waking the Fury of Light that rests within, restoring the relationship between the Ancestors and the people, all of that was good. It was fantastic. The orcs ripped and tore at their own souls and traditions by following Gul'dan's ilk. Then they did the same to the draenei. Now, both groups are working together to heal what was lost. Not all of it can be regained, but, perhaps with time, wounds can heal. For now, they have done quite well indeed. Shattrath has already started up trading with Gul'rok, while Halaa has greatly expanded with the trade, hunters, and farmers of Nagrand meeting there. Telaar hosted several of the warriors from Hallvalor in a short martial exchange of skills and training. In some quarters, smiles are forced, and behind some backs, there are dark whispers, but overall, the Mag'har and Draenei are doing much better. The Horde is the hated foe of both groups now, and that will never change. Velen's Followers: Honored -

Stewardship: Garadar simply cannot hold all of these people. Your supplies strain already, and as more and more orcs grow healthy once more the amount of food and housing required will far eclipse what the small city can hold. This must be attended to, and quickly. (Choose 1):

Mining Time: You have located some mines of the valuable Blackrock Ore. The tough metal you can create from such materials is nothing to scoff at, and it is a good part of the reason that the remaining weapons forged by Blackrock hands from Gorgrond are still perfectly good is the fact that the metal is simply so good. Well, the other part is proper maintenance and expert forging, but the point remains. Metal tools are also quite useful indeed. It is time to set up some mines. Thank goodness you had the Furies help in locating them though, because you otherwise wouldn't have been able to justify the effort. Cost: 1500. Time: 3 Months. Reward: Blackrock Ore mines set up and begin mining. Will Complete Next Turn.

Stonebreaker Outpost: Further attacks against the Bonehewers will require a forward base. You cannot just stream up from Gul'rok and down from Shattrath every time and expect to make it for any reasonable speed. What if the Alliance is attacked again? A staging area is good, especially as it would be well placed to deal with any issues regarding the Arrakoa who are still making mild nuisances of themselves. Not to mention it would be a good spot for scouting out resources in Talador. Cost: 2500. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Stonebreaker Outpost constructed, forward post/staging area against Bonechewers. Starts as small outpost, can be upgraded later. (Check maps of Terrokar Forest and see where Stonebreaker Hold is)

- The Warsong and Bleeding Hollow work together to put Stonebreaker Outpost together, as it will be your forward outpost against the Bonechewers who even now seem to be readying themselves for a new assault of some target or another in Talador. It is not much, a few short walls and two watch towers, but it will be much more in the future. For now it provides a good warning if Shattrath or the Alliance are being attacked, something that should allow you much better response times. Reward: Stonebreaker Outpost constructed, forward post/staging area against Bonechewers. Starts as small outpost, can be upgraded later. (Check maps of Terrokar Forest and see where Stonebreaker Hold is)

Learning: Jorin and the Bleeding Hollow seem to all be vigorously studying the few arcane tomes recovered from Mogor's little hoard. Though many of them are also at the Throne of Elements, a few core members, led by Jorin, wish to do more with this strange new power that is not of the demons. (LOCKED):

Riding Clefthoofs: You have a population of Clefthoofs to begin trying things with. The first thing you'd like to try is getting a saddle on them and then training them for battle. Back before Ner'zhul, they were quite aggressive indeed. For goodness sake, Banthar is still running about in central Nagrand, and she's the largest Clefthoof ever seen. If you managed to properly armor them and train them...well, they'd be capable of smashing apart enemy formations with ease. It's a portion of warfare you simply do not have a counterpart for at the moment. Cost: 2000. Time: 4 Months. Reward: Clefthoof Cavalry - Heavy Cavalry Forces. Chance of Success: 50%.

Improving Arcane: It is time to take those among your people who have begun using magic beyond that of the shamans and not that of warlocks to take the next step. For all their prodigious strength and power, they are still quite youthful in their knowledge. Jorin on the other hand has advanced quite rapidly, and is now certain that he can put down what he has personally learned and trained into the minds and bodies of those who follow his path. It will take time though, and will be dangerous. Though all magic is dangerous on some level or another, Jorin tells you. It will be worth it though to increase the strength of your people. Cost: 1000. Time: 4 Months. Reward: Arcane Warriors improved. Will Complete In Two Turns.

Will Complete Next Turn.

Piety: The Furies stand imperiously at the Throne of the Elements. Greatmother Geyah has long been the overall spiritual leader of the Mag'har, and it is through her that you make your requests of the elements. (Choose 1):

Calming Zangar Furies: Out of all the badly affected Furies, only those of the Spires have it worse. Those of Gorgrond and Frostfire Ridge still retain a landmass to return to, with aspects from both drawn in. The Zangar Sea, now the Zangarmarsh, is an alien landscape that quite frankly frightens and is scaring the Zangar Furies. Their Balance has been utterly destroyed, with more Wind and Earth than they have ever been comfortable with suddenly present. It was a place of Water, and now not so much. They require much assistance in calming and soothing their pains. Cost: 1000. Time: 5 Months. Reward: Zangar Sea Furies grow more accepting of their new positions as the Furies of Zangarmarsh. Calmer. Easier for Shamans in those areas. Better for everyone in general.

- Until you finish healing the Zangar furies, closing the gate there would be far more difficult than it otherwise could be. Thankfully, unlike the difficulty in Talador, they are terribly confused rather than terribly violent and conflicted. They are uncertain, and this is dangerous in its own way, but with your work in expanding into the area, your shamans can get to work communing with them. Still, it will take some time, given that ocean furies have suddenly been turned into land-based ones. Will Complete In Four Months.

Intrigue: Something that you have to admit is that poisonings, skulkings, and general sneaking is something that the Laughing Skulls were forced into becoming quite proficient at. Kaz the Shrieker is skilled at it as well. (Choose 1):

Observing The Alliance: So clearly the Alliance is having a bit more issue with the Mag'har not being the Horde than you initially expected. Or…at least some of it is. More so than the draenei, who your father and uncles actually did attempt full on genocide of. You aren't sure what that means, other than surely the damage dealt to the elves homeland must have somehow been even more egregious. How many cities burned? Is there a new 'Path of Glory' somewhere on Azeroth? The thought of such things makes you shudder with rage and shame. Surely, the damage dealt to the elves eclipsed whatever was done to the humans, dwarves, and gnomes. You honestly would prefer not to think too much on it. The point, though, is that the Alliance might require observation, because you need to know if or when they will divide due to their non-mutual hatreds. Cost: 1000. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Information. Chance of Success: 75% Required: 25. Rolled: 31

- Yeah, yeah they're having issues. The Alliance is firmly split, now, there is no two ways about it. While your scouts saw that some of the elves seemed capable of being amiable around the other Alliance races, the moment certain elves showed up, they stiffened to attention, their eyes passed over friends, and they barked out responses and rhetoric. While the elves as a whole are not entirely unified, a tight and powerful cabal of their most veteran and influential members are in agreement with their leader, who you've finally identified as a General Windrunner. She seems quite…frothy when it comes to orcs. You are unsure what this means, but its better that you know what is happening rather than just stumbling into a situation while unaware. Alliance splitting internally. High Elves not all willing to do so, but listening to smaller internal faction of Windrunner loyalists.

Personal Actions: You used to have free time. Now you are responsible for tens of thousands of people's lives. It is an amazingly heavy burden, but your back and legs are pretty strong and you aren't about to give up. But you can still make some time for yourself. (Locked):

A Noble Wolf: You may not be a Warsong or a Frostwolf, but that doesn't mean that you can't possess one of those noble and vicious beasts as a companion as your own. Wolves are important in practically every clans culture, save for those who lived in areas where there were no actual wolves around like the Laughing Skulls. Up until now you've been making use of loaned wolves, but you need one of your own. A mighty wolf of Draenor, creatures that can grow larger than an orc depending on the bloodline behind them. Capable of carrying a fully armored and equipped orc for extremely long distances without tiring, the wolf is the best companion animal that an orc could ask for. Now it is time that you found one of your own. Finding the perfect one will take a while though, but it will be time well worth spent. Cost: 0. Time: 4 Months. Reward: A Wolf Of Your Own. Will Complete This Turn.

- You do not get the pride of the pack, the alpha. No. After all this time observing the wolves of the Mag'har, you have gone in the entire opposite direction. The Omega, the last, the supposedly weakest. It's a scarred brown furred wolf, used to fighting for every scrap and for every bit of respect. For some reason, it reminds you of…not you, but the orcish people as a whole. It isn't regarded well by anyone else in its world, and has suffered for it. But it survives. In its secret moment, the wolf you've chosen nuzzled at pups, licked the wounds of its fellows, even when they were confused by its presence. She makes a choice, to do what is hard, for the betterment of the whole, even when she is not respected or loved for it. Her name, you have chosen to call her, is Dranar, a bastardized version of your own name. It doesn't mean Heart of Draenor, not completely, but it is something more primitive, simpler. She responded to your efforts immediately, and you knew that you shared a connection with her. She will fight with you, carry you into battle, and you shall care for her as one of your own. Dranar, female Draenor Wolf, brown furred.

Kaz's Lectures: Kaz has stated that while she is both wounded and pregnant, now is the perfect time for you to learn the scholarly half of being a Blademaster. The mindset, the tradition, the unique method of communing with the spirits that allows a Blademaster the higher levels of their abilities. It is a limited education compared to what a Burning Blade Blademaster would manage, but it is better than nothing. Besides, you rather like the idea of using Kaz's special combined procedures of the Horde and the old Mag'har. You will never forget the Horde and what it did with these techniques, but you will have the Mag'har to mesh them. Cost: 0. Time: 3 Months. Reward: Next Step of Blademaster Training Complete. Will Complete Next Turn.

- Speed. Precision. Every blow must be accurate, must be faster than your opponents, and must strike with more force than your foe can withstand. It is as striking the single flaw in a diamond to shatter it. But there is no specific flaw to hit, so instead you must create them. If they have no hole in their defense, shatter it. If their offense is too fast, dodge it. If their body is to strong…hit harder. This must be done with only your body, and after that you request the blessing of the spirits. If you cannot do such things already, there is no point. The elements are there to enhance, not be your crutch. Will Complete Next Turn.
Turn 13
7 AA, Month 7
Turn 13​

Dranar howls happily as she digs into the Clefthoof's side even as you put away your bow. An actual pack of wolves would probably be quite confused at the sight of the omega doing such things, but you were the only one out here besides your wolf. Her brown fur, practically the same color as your own, is splattered with the red blood of your kill, and even if she ate her fill a dozen times over there would still be plenty left of the beast to drag back to Garadar. It's a little dangerous for you to be out here on your own, considering that the Legion and Horde employ assassins and such, but you aren't actually that far from your capital, and patrols are all over the place in the ancient homeland of the Mag'har. Besides, you needed to get out here and clear your head. Things are beginning to speed up, it seems. The Horde has openly associated with demons once more, drawing more of the beasts from Shadowmoon Valley, now more so by flying rock creatures that spew fel green flames that can arrive from nowhere out of the sky itself.

The Alliance seems to be fracturing. Which is…bad. You never wanted that, at all. But still they fight the Horde and Legion, or should you just start referring to them as just the Legion now that they do not even hold the pretense of hiding who they are? Even with the Laughing Skulls going about their work, the demons – the Pit Lord especially – are taking their toll on the Alliance. More and more fights are turning into retreats, and the elves are being seen less and less on the open battlefield. Without their scouting abilities and their own abilities, the humans and dwarves are struggling mightily. Mightily, but not nearly as successfully. You need to intervene, though it's not like fighting the Horde or demons is really a hard thing to decide on doing.

As for the Arrakoa, they have reappeared. Or perhaps it would be better to say that they haven't. But you can see them in what they are doing, the attacks on caravans, on traders, on workers. They are striking from the shadows against you, and with slowly intensifying efforts. Which is simply unacceptable. Yes, it is tragic that they were driven insane by the destruction of the world, and the loss of all their truly flight capable fellows, but now they seem too happy to attack everyone and everything. Your scouts are reporting that they are even attacking the Alliance from behind, even the Horde and Legion are not spared a flurry of feathers and shadow magic.

But it is not all bad. The rituals of the priests and draenei paladins, coupled with the rituals of your shamans, all together? Is giving people some hope indeed. The draenei, and Velen is quite pleased with the work. Your allies as a whole seem to be quite happy with this. You can only hope it comes soon. The Netherwing are requesting a meeting, and so you have the chance to ally with a flight of dragons, so who truly knows what might be possible with that at hand. Your life mate is pregnant, and healthy. Things are bad in some cases, and in others they are good. The only choice is to forge ahead. To do otherwise, to surrender, to compromise your ideals, would be….well, you just won't. There is too much for the Mag'har to do, too many people and beings to apologize to and make reparations for. Too much healing that needs to be done.

Dranar howls again, drawing you out of your musings, and wags her tail as she drops a haunch of meat before you. Even now, she still tries her best to provide for the one she perceives as alpha. Smiling, you lean down and scratch her behind the ears, and accept the offering. Of course, you need to cook it first.

Military: Garrosh has been rather inspired lately, giving speeches about redemption and forging new paths. All traces of his previous depression has disappeared beneath his new outlook on life. (Choose 1):

New Warriors: You took an enormous amount of casualties facing the Bonechewers, and while you took down every single one of the redskins that participated in that battle, you still lost a not-inconsiderable amount. Luckily those that lived will be able to pass on their wisdom and experience to those they train. Because you need new warriors. Your numbers continue to rise in the peace of Nagrand, with the ogres pacified for now and the draenei having peaceful relations with you, and so you have plenty willing to join up. It is time to let those who wish to join your military forces in more official capacity join. Training and equipping will take some time, but it will be well worth it in the long-run. Cost: 4,000. Time: 4 Months. Reward: +6,000 Grunts, +2,000 Bowmen, +4,000 Raiders, +250 Arcane Warriors, +50 Shamans, +300 Blackrock Blacksmiths, +100 Laughing Skull Rogues. Will Complete Next Turn.

Blurring The Lines Further: In your ongoing efforts to slowly dismantle the abrasive and too-individualistic clan system which allowed the Horde to form in the first place, you must focus on your military somewhat. Despite all the changes to orcish society, your people's natural temperament and physiology will forever lend it to intense physical activity of one kind or another. Even now, your raiders are mainly Warsong, and your elite units are made up of specific clans. That should not continue, it will inevitably breed issues regarding so-called superiority and lording ones positions over each others. It is natural to be prideful of ones accomplishments, but orcs should be allowed to at least attempt before being refused. As such, it may be time to re-organize your military to allow inter-clan lines. There will be arguments, obviously, there will be every time you dare to stand against 'tradition'. But that's fine with you. If you have to beat and drag the Mag'har away from the Horde's past and to a better future, you will. Cost: 2,000. Time: 2 Months. Reward: Blurring of Clan Lines, Greater Mag'har Integration. Blackrock Blacksmiths become Mag'har Crushers, Laughing Skull Rogues become Mag'har Shadowskulls, Warsong Raiders become Raiders. Etc. Will Complete This Month.

Scouting Hellfire: The former Tanaan Jungle was long ago corrupted into Hellfire Peninsula. It is there that the same-named Citadel lies, as does the shameful and monstrous Path of Glory. Not to mention the Dark Portal itself. You haven't actually scouted the area that much, and it would probably do you some good to check it. You remember that some of the demons that were streaming out were coming from here, and though the numbers of that group have reduced themselves somewhat, they have not entirely stopped. It's time to send a few scouts out to see what's going on. Cost: 1,000. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Information. Chance of Success: 65%

Strike the Horde: It's time to begin attacking the Horde openly. To let them know that they are not going to be able to hit the Alliance as they like whenever they want. You are already sabotaging their forces, their supplies, and such, but that is going to grow harder as they begin supplementing their forces with demons. The gate in Nagrand is gone. The Gate in Zangarmarsh is contained…for now. You have no idea what is left, how many more were created, but for now there are no more demons coming from the north. The only source of the blasted creatures is Shadowmoon Valley, the only location of the Horde as well. Though Garrosh is a little busy, and Kaz is pregnant, and Jorin is injured, you still have plenty of fighters and people willing to kill. Exercise your shamans and arcane warriors, your warriors as well. Cost: 500. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Dead Legion, Dead Horde, Alliance relieved. Chance of Success: 65%

Diplomacy: If there's anything that Greatmother Geyah has taught you, is that not all things can be conquered by a warriors strength. It was with words that the first shamans parlayed with the Furies, the sentient elementals of Draenor. It will be with words that you accomplish more than just a good axe. (Choose 2):

Draenei And Alliance: Velen is an astonishingly good diplomat. He has to be, to keep his people together after so long. He is focusing his efforts on Oshu'gun at the moment, but if you could convince the draenei to speak to the Alliance themselves and offer out as allies while simultaneously perhaps talking on your behalf, things might go better. Unfortunately the Prophet is quite invested in K'ure, which is perfectly understandable. Convincing him will be a bit difficult. Cost: 500. Time: 1 Month. Reward: ??? Chance of Success: 45%

Quagmirran, Ruler of the Giants: Your new connections with the Sporelings has granted a much better knowledge of just what Zangarmarsh has become since, well, being created. You suddenly have names for the various creatures that your patrols have come into contact with, have fought, killed, or been injured themselves by. The flying creatures with the organic razor blades for 'wings' are Nether Wings, the huge spindly walkers that shoot lightning are called Spore Walkers, and the mushroom flying flapping things are Spore Bats. Not…the most creative naming system, but it's better than the random assortment of names that your warriors were calling them. Regardless, the thing that you personally are most interested in, are the Fungal Giants. Though they are somewhat nonviolent, when pressed they are able to dispatch whatever as garnered their ire with ease. Their leader, Quagmirran, holds what could be 'court' in the largest central lake of Zangarmarsh, the largest body of water potentially left on Draenor's remnant parts entirely. He, it? Has a name. If it has a name, if they have a ruler, that is another group that you could make peace with, and better Draenor for it. Cost: 1000. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Contact with Leader of Fungal Giants.

Netherwing: The Netherwing are openly displaying their presence in north-eastern Zangarmarsh. Few are allowed in their territory, all animals within are subject to be eaten apparently if not given permission. As it is, however, they have requested a full on meeting with you rather than the not-quite-chance encounters of before. Now, everything you know about dragons comes from the tales of your elders, of the bestial and terrifying Black Dragons of Deathwing, who tore away the home island of the old Laughing Skulls from them. Of the tortured Red Dragons who were captured, enslaved, and beaten into service – something else that your people have done which is likely unforgivable. They were intelligent, by all accounts, and the fact that these Netherwing can shapeshift, and converse, only magnifies the crimes of the Horde further. There are few Red Dragons that you know of, and all them are still likely in the service of the Horde in Shadowmoon Valley. You can never make true reparations to them, for their queen, chief, leader, of however she goes by, is back on Azeroth. The Netherwing, however, you can ensure that nothing similar ever occurs. Cost: 500. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Netherwing Lake Turns.

Stewardship: Garadar simply cannot hold all of these people. Your supplies strain already, and as more and more orcs grow healthy once more the amount of food and housing required will far eclipse what the small city can hold. This must be attended to, and quickly. (Choose 1):

Mining Time: You have located some mines of the valuable Blackrock Ore. The tough metal you can create from such materials is nothing to scoff at, and it is a good part of the reason that the remaining weapons forged by Blackrock hands from Gorgrond are still perfectly good is the fact that the metal is simply so good. Well, the other part is proper maintenance and expert forging, but the point remains. Metal tools are also quite useful indeed. It is time to set up some mines. Thank goodness you had the Furies help in locating them though, because you otherwise wouldn't have been able to justify the effort. Cost: 1500. Time: 3 Months. Reward: Blackrock Ore mines set up and begin mining. Will Complete This Turn.

Forging Facilities: Soon you will have better things than just the usual stone and bone to use for equipment. It would make sense for you to set up facilities beforehand, or perhaps during, so that equipping your forces can begin as soon as possible. You need to close the gap between you and the Horde, you simply cannot keep up as things are now. Everyone is brave, and strong, and willing to die for the cause, but things would be easier if you got some proper gear, wouldn't it? Cost: 1000. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Able to begin forging metal arms and armor.

Schoolhouse Gul'rok: With Jorin's recent injuries and need to fully dedicate himself to his studies, his has brought up an interesting proposal. He wishes to heavily expand Gul'rok, but not just normally. Specifically, he wishes to turn it into a place of study, a place of research. Essentially, a place where he may pursue his studies in various direction, while other orcs could do the same. It would take a fair bit of income to ensure that it is all made of sturdy enough construction to not be too damaged should any experiments go out of control. Cost: 3000. Time: 3 Months. Rewards: Gul'rok heavily expanded. +1 Learning Option Per Turn.

Learning: Jorin and the Bleeding Hollow seem to all be vigorously studying the few arcane tomes recovered from Mogor's little hoard. Though many of them are also at the Throne of Elements, a few core members, led by Jorin, wish to do more with this strange new power that is not of the demons. (LOCKED):

Riding Clefthoofs: You have a population of Clefthoofs to begin trying things with. The first thing you'd like to try is getting a saddle on them and then training them for battle. Back before Ner'zhul, they were quite aggressive indeed. For goodness sake, Banthar is still running about in central Nagrand, and she's the largest Clefthoof ever seen. If you managed to properly armor them and train them...well, they'd be capable of smashing apart enemy formations with ease. It's a portion of warfare you simply do not have a counterpart for at the moment. Cost: 2000. Time: 4 Months. Reward: Clefthoof Cavalry - Heavy Cavalry Forces. Chance of Success: 50%.

Improving Arcane: It is time to take those among your people who have begun using magic beyond that of the shamans and not that of warlocks to take the next step. For all their prodigious strength and power, they are still quite youthful in their knowledge. Jorin on the other hand has advanced quite rapidly, and is now certain that he can put down what he has personally learned and trained into the minds and bodies of those who follow his path. It will take time though, and will be dangerous. Though all magic is dangerous on some level or another, Jorin tells you. It will be worth it though to increase the strength of your people. Cost: 1000. Time: 4 Months. Reward: Arcane Warriors improved. Will Complete In This Turn.

Piety: The Furies stand imperiously at the Throne of the Elements. Greatmother Geyah has long been the overall spiritual leader of the Mag'har, and it is through her that you make your requests of the elements. (LOCKED):

Grant Us Your Blessings: The elements have returned to the Mag'har. Their pain has been soothed. Now, you may once more return to the ways of the past where the spirits helped whisper to the people where to hunt and helped plow the fields and bring the rains. Overall, a great thing indeed that many orcs have been looking forward to ever since the elements returned. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Hunting and Farming income boosted.

Calming Zangar Furies: Out of all the badly affected Furies, only those of the Spires have it worse. Those of Gorgrond and Frostfire Ridge still retain a landmass to return to, with aspects from both drawn in. The Zangar Sea, now the Zangarmarsh, is an alien landscape that quite frankly frightens and is scaring the Zangar Furies. Their Balance has been utterly destroyed, with more Wind and Earth than they have ever been comfortable with suddenly present. It was a place of Water, and now not so much. They require much assistance in calming and soothing their pains. Cost: 1000. Time: 5 Months. Reward: Zangar Sea Furies grow more accepting of their new positions as the Furies of Zangarmarsh. Calmer. Easier for Shamans in those areas. Better for everyone in general. Three More Months.

Intrigue: Something that you have to admit is that poisonings, skulkings, and general sneaking is something that the Laughing Skulls were forced into becoming quite proficient at. Kaz the Shrieker is skilled at it as well. (Choose 1):

Tracking Arrakoa: So the mad bird men are apparently based at one single city that they have built, or rebuilt, or recovered, or something else besides after the apocalypse. Regardless, you need to find this place. Whether to put the bird men out of their misery or discover a way to...well, it would be quite presumptuous to say 'fix them' but at least figure out a way to avoid just culling them all. At least you retained Nagrand, they lost the Spires of Arak in their entirety. How tragic...but you cannot brook their continued raids forever. Cost: 500. Time: 3 Months. Reward: Location of Skettis. Chance of Success 75%.

Blunting Arrakoa Attacks: The damn bird men are attacking everyone and everything this month, and you are reasonably sure they aren't just going to stop next month. But they need to be stopped, and if they won't do it, it's up to you to do it. The Alliance is busy with the Horde and Legion, they can't really deal with anything else at the moment as they are the singular focal point of the efforts of your sworn enemies. Setting your own rogues and hunters on the creatures is all there is for it. For now, you just need to guard your own movements, and begin hunting down their raiding parties. Cost: 500 Per Turn. Time: Until Arrakoa Stop or Are Stopped. Reward: Arrakoa stop messing with your and the Alliance's efforts.

Personal Actions: You used to have free time. Now you are responsible for tens of thousands of people's lives. It is an amazingly heavy burden, but your back and legs are pretty strong and you aren't about to give up. But you can still make some time for yourself. (Choose 1):

Kaz's Lectures: Kaz has stated that while she is both wounded and pregnant, now is the perfect time for you to learn the scholarly half of being a Blademaster. The mindset, the tradition, the unique method of communing with the spirits that allows a Blademaster the higher levels of their abilities. It is a limited education compared to what a Burning Blade Blademaster would manage, but it is better than nothing. Besides, you rather like the idea of using Kaz's special combined procedures of the Horde and the old Mag'har. You will never forget the Horde and what it did with these techniques, but you will have the Mag'har to mesh them. Cost: 0. Time: 3 Months. Reward: Next Step of Blademaster Training Complete. Will Complete This Turn.

Let's Go Hunting: There are mighty beasts in Nagrand. Beasts that stand or fly taller than any of their brethren. Much prestige can be found for the orc who slays them and takes their parts as trophies. Not to mention the meat and hide. It is both recreation and personal adventure to hunt, and seeing as you have secured most of Nagrand now quite well, you have the opportunity to indulge yourself. Wouldn't it be nice to have some stories to tell your children one day? Cost: 0. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Get list of Trophy Hunts to go after. Each will grant prestige and unique reagents for….uh, stuff.

Learning Crimes: You need to know more about the crimes of the Horde. So the only place to go is the elders of the Mag'har. Those who knew, watched….may even have participated in the early massacres before Gul'dan gave your people the instrument of their doom and destruction. An instrument happily accepted. The orcs of old were more than happy to attack and slaughter everyone around them, they only needed an excuse. You've beaten that out of people, have shamed and shamed and yelled, as has Garrosh, and even the elders once you shove the truth of the willful evil the orcs as a race perpetrated into everyone's face. But you need information, so that you aren't blindsided by anything that the Alliance might want to say or accuse you of. Kaz, and the older Laughing Skulls, they participated in the 'First War' and the 'Second War'. So now you will know what they learned. Cost: 0. Time: 2 Months. Reward: Information.
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Turn 13 Results
7 AA, Month 7
Turn 13 Results​

Military: Garrosh has been rather inspired lately, giving speeches about redemption and forging new paths. All traces of his previous depression has disappeared beneath his new outlook on life. (Choose 1):

New Warriors: You took an enormous amount of casualties facing the Bonechewers, and while you took down every single one of the redskins that participated in that battle, you still lost a not-inconsiderable amount. Luckily those that lived will be able to pass on their wisdom and experience to those they train. Because you need new warriors. Your numbers continue to rise in the peace of Nagrand, with the ogres pacified for now and the draenei having peaceful relations with you, and so you have plenty willing to join up. It is time to let those who wish to join your military forces in more official capacity join. Training and equipping will take some time, but it will be well worth it in the long-run. Cost: 4,000. Time: 4 Months. Reward: +6,000 Grunts, +2,000 Bowmen, +4,000 Raiders, +250 Arcane Warriors, +50 Shamans, +300 Blackrock Blacksmiths, +100 Laughing Skull Rogues. Will Complete Next Turn.

Blurring The Lines Further: In your ongoing efforts to slowly dismantle the abrasive and too-individualistic clan system which allowed the Horde to form in the first place, you must focus on your military somewhat. Despite all the changes to orcish society, your people's natural temperament and physiology will forever lend it to intense physical activity of one kind or another. Even now, your raiders are mainly Warsong, and your elite units are made up of specific clans. That should not continue, it will inevitably breed issues regarding so-called superiority and lording ones positions over each others. It is natural to be prideful of ones accomplishments, but orcs should be allowed to at least attempt before being refused. As such, it may be time to re-organize your military to allow inter-clan lines. There will be arguments, obviously, there will be every time you dare to stand against 'tradition'. But that's fine with you. If you have to beat and drag the Mag'har away from the Horde's past and to a better future, you will. Cost: 2,000. Time: 2 Months. Reward: Blurring of Clan Lines, Greater Mag'har Integration. Blackrock Blacksmiths become Mag'har Crushers, Laughing Skull Rogues become Mag'har Shadowskulls, Warsong Raiders become Raiders. Etc. Will Complete This Month.

- It's took a good amount of convincing, from all quarters of the major Mag'har leaders, but it worked. There are less and less open measure of Clan affiliations, and more and more to the central Mag'har banner, a smoothed mountain the same color as Oshu'gan. No more shall the black jagged peaks of the Blackrock fly high as a 'central' flag. You are not Blackrock, or Warsong, or Bleeding Hollow. You are Mag'har. You are orcs. You are changed, by the crucible of fury and shame and loathing, and on the other side, you cannot be compared to what you were before. Reward: Blurring of Clan Lines, Greater Mag'har Integration. Blackrock Blacksmiths become Mag'har Crushers, Laughing Skull Rogues become Mag'har Shadowskulls, Warsong Raiders become Raiders. Etc.

Strike the Horde: It's time to begin attacking the Horde openly. To let them know that they are not going to be able to hit the Alliance as they like whenever they want. You are already sabotaging their forces, their supplies, and such, but that is going to grow harder as they begin supplementing their forces with demons. The gate in Nagrand is gone. The Gate in Zangarmarsh is contained…for now. You have no idea what is left, how many more were created, but for now there are no more demons coming from the north. The only source of the blasted creatures is Shadowmoon Valley, the only location of the Horde as well. Though Garrosh is a little busy, and Kaz is pregnant, and Jorin is injured, you still have plenty of fighters and people willing to kill. Exercise your shamans and arcane warriors, your warriors as well. Cost: 500. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Dead Legion, Dead Horde, Alliance relieved. Chance of Success: 65% HI = 75% Required: 25. Rolled: 76+10=86/100

- You move out with a large core of warriors, supported by your now truly unified Mag'har specialists. Arriving concurrently with a surgical strike by Turalyon which aimed to dislodge the more heavily entrenched Horde defenses – though unintentionally – you and the Paladin actually sighted each other on the battlefield as you charged into battle, roaring alongside the rest of your brethren. For this battle you chose a long blade, not nearly quite the same as a Blademaster, but for some reason the usage of an axe is one you find distasteful. Only as a personal preference, of course, as if an axe was the only weapon on hand you would find no real problem with using it. But whenever possible, moving away from the axe is yet another of your careful conscious decisions to move away from the dark legacy of the Saurfang. All mighty axe wielders in their own right, you want nothing to do with them. So, instead, you choose to use a sword. Regardless, the battle goes well! With your Arcane Warriors finishing their organization-wide improvements this month, you are treated to the sight of their magic moving beyond the close range efforts of before, actually managing longer bursts of flame, frost, and pure arcane bolts of energy. Of course, their central abilities are still centered around close combat – both offensively and defensively. Your shamans, on the other hand, call down great torrents of lightning, gushing splashes of healing water, and blasts of flame. Alas, neither you nor the Alliance is quite ready to face the full might of the Pit Lord, and so once the creature arrives everyone retreats in good order, though you do note that Turalyon gives you a raised chin and nod from across the battlefield as you head off in your separate directions.

The fury of the Pit Lord, rendered impotent with its foes leaving before its great bulk could arrive in time, was sweet music to your ears as it bellowed futilely to the heavens. The sight of you slaying demons and Horde orcs alike with your blade has already made its way into new songs. So many were slain over the course of this month that even the seemingly endless numbers of the Horde and Legion will require time to rebuild. Reward: Dead Legion, Dead Horde, Alliance relieved

Diplomacy: If there's anything that Greatmother Geyah has taught you, is that not all things can be conquered by a warriors strength. It was with words that the first shamans parlayed with the Furies, the sentient elementals of Draenor. It will be with words that you accomplish more than just a good axe. (Choose 2):

Draenei And Alliance: Velen is an astonishingly good diplomat. He has to be, to keep his people together after so long. He is focusing his efforts on Oshu'gun at the moment, but if you could convince the draenei to speak to the Alliance themselves and offer out as allies while simultaneously perhaps talking on your behalf, things might go better. Unfortunately the Prophet is quite invested in K'ure, which is perfectly understandable. Convincing him will be a bit difficult. Cost: 500. Time: 1 Month. Reward: ??? Chance of Success: 45% Required: 55. Rolled: 67.

- Velen is reluctant to leave K'ure or Oshu'gan for any extensive length of time, but he admits that there is some wisdom in trying to contact the Alliance. They do make use of the Light, as the draenei do, and their leader, the Paladin one called Turalyon, seems able to summon frankly incredible amounts of the holy power. Tales from the Laughing Skulls who were present when the monstrous Doomhammer was struck down say that when the noble human leader was killed that Turalyon summoned up such Light as to bleach the earth around him. As such, Velen, joined but several of his Vindicators and Priests, moves to approach the Alliance.

Luckily, they came upon a battle where Turalyon was battling a group of Horde raiders supplemented by Doom Guard demons. The instant usage of the Light was enough to stave off the violence that otherwise would have erupted due to the fact that the draenei do in fact look as the eredar do. Considering their origins, it's understandable that the Alliance would be intensely suspicious. They still are, but the Light being a common point between the two groups seems to be quite helpful indeed. The elves were unhappy, by Velen's account, but they could not deny the powers of the Light. The more listless draenei – those who cannot directly contribute to the workings of Oshu'gun – have been accepted as auxiliary aid, for now. Their assistance is quite valuable to the Alliance. As for talking about the differences between Mag'har and the Horde, Turalyon was intrigued, but it will take a bit longer than a single month for any true changes to occur. At the least, the support of the draenei helped relieve the pressured Alliance immensely. With Velen speaking on the behalf of the Mag'har, and your personal actions in striking the Horde yourself this same month, perhaps the opinion of the Alliance is changing? You can only hope. Reward: Alliance Reputation Changed: Unfriendly - to Unfriendly. Alliance gain Draenei Support Against Demons.

Netherwing: The Netherwing are openly displaying their presence in north-eastern Zangarmarsh. Few are allowed in their territory, all animals within are subject to be eaten apparently if not given permission. As it is, however, they have requested a full on meeting with you rather than the not-quite-chance encounters of before. Now, everything you know about dragons comes from the tales of your elders, of the bestial and terrifying Black Dragons of Deathwing, who tore away the home island of the old Laughing Skulls from them. Of the tortured Red Dragons who were captured, enslaved, and beaten into service – something else that your people have done which is likely unforgivable. They were intelligent, by all accounts, and the fact that these Netherwing can shapeshift, and converse, only magnifies the crimes of the Horde further. There are few Red Dragons that you know of, and all them are still likely in the service of the Horde in Shadowmoon Valley. You can never make true reparations to them, for their queen, chief, leader, of however she goes by, is back on Azeroth. The Netherwing, however, you can ensure that nothing similar ever occurs. Cost: 500. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Netherwing Lake Turns.

- Netherwing Lake Turns.

Stewardship: Garadar simply cannot hold all of these people. Your supplies strain already, and as more and more orcs grow healthy once more the amount of food and housing required will far eclipse what the small city can hold. This must be attended to, and quickly. (Choose 1):

Mining Time: You have located some mines of the valuable Blackrock Ore. The tough metal you can create from such materials is nothing to scoff at, and it is a good part of the reason that the remaining weapons forged by Blackrock hands from Gorgrond are still perfectly good is the fact that the metal is simply so good. Well, the other part is proper maintenance and expert forging, but the point remains. Metal tools are also quite useful indeed. It is time to set up some mines. Thank goodness you had the Furies help in locating them though, because you otherwise wouldn't have been able to justify the effort. Cost: 1500. Time: 3 Months. Reward: Blackrock Ore mines set up and begin mining. Will Complete This Turn.

- Your mines are finally functional! Luckily, there is more than just Blackrock Ore veins, as surrounding them are a few minor veins of various other useful metals – copper, iron, and so on. Your stone picks aren't the best, but as time goes on you'll probably be able to use the very metal you are mining to forge far better tools. Reward: Mines set up. +500 Mining Income.

Forging Facilities: Soon you will have better things than just the usual stone and bone to use for equipment. It would make sense for you to set up facilities beforehand, or perhaps during, so that equipping your forces can begin as soon as possible. You need to close the gap between you and the Horde, you simply cannot keep up as things are now. Everyone is brave, and strong, and willing to die for the cause, but things would be easier if you got some proper gear, wouldn't it? Cost: 1000. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Able to begin forging metal arms and armor.

- The Blackrock smiths are set up with a new section to Garadar, with a large group of actual forges put around in the same general area. From here, the new arms, armors, and tools of the Mag'har shall flow! Reward: Able to begin forging metal arms and armor.

Learning: Jorin and the Bleeding Hollow seem to all be vigorously studying the few arcane tomes recovered from Mogor's little hoard. Though many of them are also at the Throne of Elements, a few core members, led by Jorin, wish to do more with this strange new power that is not of the demons. (LOCKED):

Improving Arcane: It is time to take those among your people who have begun using magic beyond that of the shamans and not that of warlocks to take the next step. For all their prodigious strength and power, they are still quite youthful in their knowledge. Jorin on the other hand has advanced quite rapidly, and is now certain that he can put down what he has personally learned and trained into the minds and bodies of those who follow his path. It will take time though, and will be dangerous. Though all magic is dangerous on some level or another, Jorin tells you. It will be worth it though to increase the strength of your people. Cost: 1000. Time: 4 Months. Reward: Arcane Warriors improved. Will Complete In This Turn.

- The results are already evident. One of the greatest improvements to the magical arsenal of the Arcane Warriors is not purely combat oriented, but in fact supply related. A set of spells, ripped from the spellbook of an Archmage of Dalaran and then used as a bed by the long dead Mogor, have allowed a properly trained Arcane Warrior to summon up food and drink! With this, the Arcane Warriors can provide not just for themselves but for everyone else! The more powerful your Arcane Warriors grow, the more of them you have, you can essentially march your warriors about without needing nearly as vulnerable supply lines! Reward: Arcane Warriors improved.

Piety: The Furies stand imperiously at the Throne of the Elements. Greatmother Geyah has long been the overall spiritual leader of the Mag'har, and it is through her that you make your requests of the elements. (Choose 1):

Calming Zangar Furies: Out of all the badly affected Furies, only those of the Spires have it worse. Those of Gorgrond and Frostfire Ridge still retain a landmass to return to, with aspects from both drawn in. The Zangar Sea, now the Zangarmarsh, is an alien landscape that quite frankly frightens and is scaring the Zangar Furies. Their Balance has been utterly destroyed, with more Wind and Earth than they have ever been comfortable with suddenly present. It was a place of Water, and now not so much. They require much assistance in calming and soothing their pains. Cost: 1000. Time: 5 Months. Reward: Zangar Sea Furies grow more accepting of their new positions as the Furies of Zangarmarsh. Calmer. Easier for Shamans in those areas. Better for everyone in general. Three More Months.

Intrigue: Something that you have to admit is that poisonings, skulkings, and general sneaking is something that the Laughing Skulls were forced into becoming quite proficient at. Kaz the Shrieker is skilled at it as well. (Choose 1):
Blunting Arrakoa Attacks: The damn bird men are attacking everyone and everything this month, and you are reasonably sure they aren't just going to stop next month. But they need to be stopped, and if they won't do it, it's up to you to do it. The Alliance is busy with the Horde and Legion, they can't really deal with anything else at the moment as they are the singular focal point of the efforts of your sworn enemies. Setting your own rogues and hunters on the creatures is all there is for it. For now, you just need to guard your own movements, and begin hunting down their raiding parties. Cost: 500 Per Turn. Time: Until Arrakoa Stop or Are Stopped. Reward: Arrakoa stop messing with your and the Alliance's efforts.

- The mad bird creatures are providing a challenge for your Shadowskulls and hunters to track and kill, but not an impossible one. Almost, though. They are quite good at using their Shadow Magic to escape and cloak their movements. It's just a shame that they are focusing so hard on attacking….everyone around them. On your own orders, they have been looking for any amongst the feathered madmen for one who shows signs of not being utterly mad, but so far nothing has gone too well for that. The breaking of the world, the total loss of the Spires of Arak, the whole civilization of the Arrakoa seems to have gone singularly and totally insane. Reward: Arrakoa stop messing with your and the Alliance's efforts. 500 Per Turn.

Personal Actions: You used to have free time. Now you are responsible for tens of thousands of people's lives. It is an amazingly heavy burden, but your back and legs are pretty strong and you aren't about to give up. But you can still make some time for yourself. (Choose 1):

Kaz's Lectures: Kaz has stated that while she is both wounded and pregnant, now is the perfect time for you to learn the scholarly half of being a Blademaster. The mindset, the tradition, the unique method of communing with the spirits that allows a Blademaster the higher levels of their abilities. It is a limited education compared to what a Burning Blade Blademaster would manage, but it is better than nothing. Besides, you rather like the idea of using Kaz's special combined procedures of the Horde and the old Mag'har. You will never forget the Horde and what it did with these techniques, but you will have the Mag'har to mesh them. Cost: 0. Time: 3 Months. Reward: Next Step of Blademaster Training Complete. Will Complete This Turn.

- Though Kaz is not ready to fully say that you are a Blademaster, not yet, you are closer than ever. Your indoctrination into the teachings of the ancient order of warriors is going well, however, and already you are finding yourself aligning more and more with it. The next step, she says, may or may not have to be the final one. There were two 'schools' of Blademaster, those who used the spirits, the Furies themselves, and in a different yet similar way to the shamans. The other, the more monstrous and demonic ones, powered themselves forward with the fury and strength brought to them by the blood of the Legion. There is absolutely no way you will be part of the latter, and so you must be part of the first. Which will require a bit of work. Specifically, a ritual where you shall commune truly with the spirits. There, they shall judge you. If the Furies accept it, and you, then you shall be a true Blademaster. If they don't….well, you tried. And at the least the training, the school of thought, has transformed your fighting style significantly from the more 'usual' Saurfang way. Which is great all on its own. Reward: Next Step of Blademaster Training Complete. Last Step – The Ritual of Winds, unlocked.

Learning Crimes: You need to know more about the crimes of the Horde. So the only place to go is the elders of the Mag'har. Those who knew, watched….may even have participated in the early massacres before Gul'dan gave your people the instrument of their doom and destruction. An instrument happily accepted. The orcs of old were more than happy to attack and slaughter everyone around them, they only needed an excuse. You've beaten that out of people, have shamed and shamed and yelled, as has Garrosh, and even the elders once you shove the truth of the willful evil the orcs as a race perpetrated into everyone's face. But you need information, so that you aren't blindsided by anything that the Alliance might want to say or accuse you of. Kaz, and the older Laughing Skulls, they participated in the 'First War' and the 'Second War'. So now you will know what they learned. Cost: 0. Time: 2 Months. Reward: Information.

- Stormwind. You taste the word, and hear the flames and screams sink into your very core. The eldest of the Laughing Skulls remember. In the dead of night, while the bonfires raise high in the center of Dranosh'ar, you hear, and listen. The death of children, the torture and sacrifice of elder and young alike. You were not there, but in that instant, with the aid of the shamans present, you travel, on what is surely one of the most gruesome and horrifying spirit journeys you have ever undertaken. You 'hear' the disgustingly charismatic Doomhammer, the noble and yet fatalistic cries of defiance by the humans. You 'taste' the blood on your lips, the soot and ash filling the air as those who had no quarrel, had never even met orcs before, were cut down like swine. The First War. A world, untouched, unblemished by the stink and rot of the orcish Horde and its demonic masters. Free of the taint of fel power and fel blood. Burnt, entirely, to the ground. There was no Path of Glory constructed, though that is only due to the bare escape of some Stormwind Clan - Kingdom, the word is apparently Kingdom - citizens. The fact that apparently Doomhammer, who relished in the torture and burning, was apparently a far more 'honorable' alternative to Blackhand, disgusts you to no end. The fact that both came from the Blackrock Clan shames you even further. An entire people, land, Clan - Kingdom - scorched to the ground, and for what? For what glory or honor is there in such an unprovoked attack? In this moment, this knowledge of what happened to Stormwind, you hate. The Legion, the Horde, Blackhand, Doomhammer, Saurfang. All names and concepts that you hate harder than you've ever hated before. These fools, these monstrous hellions, these corrupted slavering blood thirsty filth! Why, why would they do this, how much farther can the stars of the orcish people fall? What depravities are left to them? An indelible stain upon the spirit of all orc-kind has been left by your ancestors, your fathers and mothers. Spirits help you, the despair that overtook you nearly swallowed you whole, and were it not for your mate, your friends, and even Velen, you might even have simply surrendered to the shame then and there. As it is, you can only gird yourself, for there is more. A Second War...and stories of horror yet untold. Will Complete Next Turn.
The Netherwing, Part 1
Note: Yay, peaceful simple dialogue and learning.
The Netherwing, Part 1
Some people would choose to ignore the wonder that was Zangarmarsh, or at least let it dull against your senses, but not you. After all, you've spent the whole of your life in Nagrand, and so the massive change is one you relish in. Smelling the new scents, listening to the new sounds, tasting the moisture on the air and the crackle of electricity from the heads of the spindly and alien looking stalkers of the land, all of it is something you enjoy. Kaz chose to stay home, intending to have your child as close to the Throne of Elements as possible, while Garrosh is busy at Oshu'gun. As for your closest friend, he is off working on some kind of spell that would let him teleport. He has the knowledge of its existence, just not how it works. The first few attempts left one of his apprentices missing an arm into nothingness, so that's pretty scary on its own.

Still, you could not come entirely alone. A small group of Garadar Guard have come with you to ensure that the Netherwing don't kill you without a fight. Oh, you have little doubt that you could defend yourself heartily if the dragons chose to slaughter you all. But the Netherwing are dragons, and the tales of the immense destruction that a single adolescent dragon could accomplish on the armies of its master or by its own will are quite extensive. It seems Doomhammer enjoyed using his enslaved creatures quite a lot against the Alliance. The bastard. Mmph, Dranar wriggles beneath you, sensing your distress, and lets out a comforting whuff. Right, you can't let yourself be fully consumed by your hatred. Garrosh saw to that. If it weren't for him counseling you to move on, to let the spirits and the Light salve the wounds you were admittedly purposefully opening upon yourself, you might otherwise end up becoming something you'd hate. Or that Kaz would hate, which might be worse.

Regardless, you ride towards the territory of the Netherwing, marked out by those strange large crystals that form a visible territory line. The crystals are partially see through, crackle with energy every now and then, and if you close your eyes you can even hear them hum. In the air above fly small groups of the dragons of various sizes, easily floating upon the magic infused air of the world. Down below, farther into the mushroom 'trees', you see flocks of the little hatchlings with their curiously round bodies and tiny wings that should surely not be able to lift them. At the largest two crystals however, stand two large dragons who are clearly mature, and so you raise your hand and call for a halt of your small train of warriors.

Something not quite smoke rises from the nostrils from the one on the left, who eyes you suspiciously. The one on the right, however, shakes themselves slightly as they rise to their full arching height. The fact that they are somewhat translucent, all of them in some manner or another, is just another thing that interests you on a broader level. You aren't just some dumb fighter who only lives for combat, something Kaz especially seems to enjoy…ah, but you can't be distracted by thoughts of your mate and child right now.

"The Matriarch told us of your coming, Dranosh Saurfang. Karynaku requests your presence at the lake's edge. The others…may come as well."

You are led past the barrier, and nearly gasp at the number of dragons that are present. Over a hundred that you can see with the naked eye, some in the sky, some dozing along the ground, and after you pass more mushroom trees for a few minutes you can see some diving into the lake and flying back out again with full grown hydras thrashing in their jaw's grips. It's…very peaceful, though you can feel the sensation of many eyes upon you indeed.

Then, you see her. One of the largest dragons, peacefully laying at the very edge of the lake. Before you get within twenty feet of her she rises, and turns to you. Before your very eyes, her form shifts and in a shimmer of magic where before there was a massive Netherwing dragon there is an orc woman with a slight blue tint to her skin. She nods her head to you, and gestures towards a small patch of especially soft looking grass. A large – small to a dragon you suppose – spit with several haunches of what smells like cooked hydra roasts over a large fire.

"Greetings, Matriarch Karynaku," you bow your head. This is her family's home, and she has offered you one of the greatest honors in orcish society, earnest hospitality. You can only hope you are able to respond in kind.

"Warchief Saurfang," a slightly echoing voice responds in perfect orcish, "welcome to our home," she smiles at all of you.

Without speaking, one of your warriors, by the name of Gurak, steps forward, having been chosen for the prestigious position of carrying your own offerings. It is your way, to offer what you can in return for being allowed into another's dwelling under such circumstances.

"Mighty Karynaku, we humble Mag'har offer you what we can, a set of our finest carvings and what we hope is a satisfactory cut from a hunt against a prime clefthoof," Gurak unloads his back and offers them to the dragon matriarch with head bowed low.

Her eyes widen slightly in surprise, though she swiftly takes ahold of the offered haunch of meat, wrapped lovingly by the huntress who slew the beast.

"Clefthoof you say. We have never eaten such a beast before," she admits before carefully placing the meat close to the fire, before taking the necklace and examining it. "And this necklace is exquisite, thank you. Please, partake of our fire and our meat."

Ritual exchange done, you all approach and sit down, accepting the rather charred hydra meat. It isn't the tastiest you've ever had, but it's the meatiest fare that Zangarmarsh has to offer.

"Thank you for coming, Warchief, I admit I had not known if you would actually come."

"Why would I not? The chance for peace between our peoples is one I could not pass up. Too much of this world cries out for battle, and I would not have it between us," you answer.

Karynaku studies your expression for a moment before passing one of the Clefthoof cuts through the fire. The blue-brown skin of her current form seems unaffected by being enveloped by the flames. After a short moment, she passes the meat to her mouth and takes an enormous bite. She smiles brightly at the taste.

"That is good. Hydra does grow so monotonous after a while. As for your wishes, I agree. We are new to this world, and much of our first introductions were by way of violence. I am interested indeed in the Mag'har. Others," she waves her hand in the general direction of her brood, "are far more suspicious of you. Though you are not the same as the redskins who sought to enslave us in Shadowmoon Valley, you are similar in that you are both orcs."


"The Horde sought to enslave you??" you hiss in surprise. Murmurs from the rest of your orcs are audible as well.

"Is that what they are called?" her smile and seemingly permanent smile suddenly flickers, "Then yes. This…Horde…dragged away dozens of my children before we could properly retaliate. The reason I wish for peace between your people and mine is because this place, this lake and whole are we have claimed…is the third home we've had. In the north, we had to leave as the war between the rock creature and the plant creature intensified. In the far south and east, the demons came. Now…we are here. The Netherwing are tired of running and fighting and dying. You are the strongest force I have seen besides the monsters of the north and the Horde, and if allying with you helps my people, then I would wish an alliance between us."

"I am sorry for your sorrows, Karynaku," you say sincerely. Being forced to leave from one's home, twice, is horrible. The fact that your people's dark legacy was partially responsible for that only makes it worse.

"We will find our way. The Netherwing always have. But our interactions with most denizens of this world have been through violence. Despite my mates insistence against it, I am hoping that through dialogue we may avoid such things. So," she pats her thighs to wipe off the juices of the entire haunch of clefthoof meat that you somehow missed her devouring in its entirety.

"Let's talk instead of fighting," and spirits there are quite a lot of pointed teeth in that not-an-orc mouth.

Choose What To Talk About First
[] History of Netherwing: These strange beings, where did they come from? They say they are 'native' to Draenor, but the stories and histories have practically nothing on them.
[] What Do You Want: What are the Netherwing's plans going forward?
[] The First Home: A war forced the Netherwing from the north. Why? What happened?
[] The Second Home: The Horde. Things always seem to come back around to the damned Horde. What did they do to push out all these dragons?
[] Write-In​