Warcraft: The Rise of the Mag'har

Realize that they don't easily shift allegiance as expected from a long-lived(and arguably conservative) race?

Look at all the crap Kael'thas put up with from the Alliance during Warcraft 3. Alleria decided she hates Orcs, kind of hard to change her mind.

In some ways, they're nearly as stubborn as the Dwarven stereotype.
How dare you compare them to good solid dwarves.
Turn 10 Rumor Mill/Scout Reports
Note: Haven't done one of these for a while

Draenor Rumor Mill and Scout Reports

The New Generation: A nice period of almost complete peace in Nagrand has left many of the young orcs of the Mag'har Nation with little to do. One of those is something that was quickly discovered to be quite nice indeed. With the announced and completed courtship of Dranosh Saurfang and Kaz the Shrieker, as well as their announced pregnancy, the many orcs who look up to them have followed suit. Though there is much confusion over differing clan traditions, the by now common practice of simply melding the various cultures of the Clans in a manner spearheaded by the Warchief has laid a path for the youths of the nation to follow. On the other hand, for the next nine months, there are certainly going to be some harried male mates running about to secure things for their wives.

Shamans of the Light: The Revelation of Oshu'gun is just one in a long series that has occurred in the aftermath of the apocalypse. The reveal of the Naaru, their relation to the draenei, and the world, and the Burning Legion, has sent another set of shockwaves through the pinnings of the cobbled together society of the Mag'har. Though parsing the truth of the Naaru is difficult, the sermons and conversations that the newly faithful Warsong have with just about everyone else who is willing to listen has basically translated the Naaru into Furies of Light that are not bound to a single world. This is stunning for many people, though more so is the fact that many of the Warsong are turning towards these new Furies. Shamans still abound of course, but the fact of the matter is that new Shamans of the Light, or priests as they are known by the draenei, are becoming a thing in orcish society. The fact that the Aldor of Shattrath hold many arcane and, to orcs, mysterious traditions and rites has only added to the similarities between the two. Many Mag'har are making pilgrimages to Shattrath City in order to see if they can possibly serve the Furies of Light. More specifically is the as of yet still darkened K'ure, who has gained a special place in orcish society for being the Naaru who communicated with the orcish ancestors and helped devise the measure by which the orcs could communicate with their ancestors as they do at all.

Death of a Blademaster: The unknown Blademaster in Garadar has died. His conditioned has worsened over the past three months, and finally he expired during the middle of the night. The old orc has been laid to rest, as was his due, but any secrets that he possibly could have held are lost. With him goes the last chance to speak to any sane member of the lost Burning Blade Clan, and the ability to train any new Blademasters in the ways of old. Nevertheless, the only remaining Blademaster in the Mag'har, Kaz the Shrieker, has crafted a new method between the brutal and destructive styles of the demonic Horde and the graceful and honorable ways of the old orcs before the demons came to Draenor. Considering the fact that the Furies see fit to continue blessing her and her abilities, none have much to say against it.​
Death of a Blademaster: The unknown Blademaster in Garadar has died. His conditioned has worsened over the past three months, and finally he expired during the middle of the night. The old orc has been laid to rest, as was his due, but any secrets that he possibly could have held are lost. With him goes the last chance to speak to any sane member of the lost Burning Blade Clan, and the ability to train any new Blademasters in the ways of old. Nevertheless, the only remaining Blademaster in the Mag'har, Kaz the Shrieker, has crafted a new method between the brutal and destructive styles of the demonic Horde and the graceful and honorable ways of the old orcs before the demons came to Draenor. Considering the fact that the Furies see fit to continue blessing her and her abilities, none have much to say against it.​

That's a shame did he crit fail of something?

Ouch. At least a new style will be created to match a new people and one day it will be even better than the Burning Blade style it will just take some time is all.

Could it be possible to talk to past Burning Blade ancestors like the past masters to pass on their teachings? I mean we talk to the ancestors all the time with our shamans?
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So there's no one who has burning blade ancestors about? Or did the clans just never marry into one another at all?

Actually, could the shamans try to speak with specific dead people?
So there's no one who has burning blade ancestors about? Or did the clans just never marry into one another at all?

Back in the Old Days? It was really uncommon, and no one in the Mag'har does. The Burning Blade quite literally self-destructed, and to quite a thorough extent. There are a few remaining, but they are on Azeroth.

The Shamans? Yes, actually. But you have no free piety actions at the moment.
Back in the Old Days? It was really uncommon, and no one in the Mag'har does. The Burning Blade quite literally self-destructed, and to quite a thorough extent. There are a few remaining, but they are on Azeroth.

The Shamans? Yes, actually. But you have no free piety actions at the moment.

Fair enough.

And alright. Actually, we should be seeking ancient knowledge anyway.

Might not be able to do it now but in the future? Being able to talk to the dead will really help.

..Did we have anyone die suddenly we never accounted for or anything like that over the course of this quest?
Fair enough.

And alright. Actually, we should be seeking ancient knowledge anyway.

Might not be able to do it now but in the future? Being able to talk to the dead will really help.

..Did we have anyone die suddenly we never accounted for or anything like that over the course of this quest?

No one I know of.

So we should certainly talk to the Ancestors like past honorable Burning Blades and other lost Orc clans to pass on their knowledge to us once we get a free action and nothing super important needs to be done.

I want the old Blade Master teachings only so it helps us in general and makes more Blade Masters more powerful.
Lantressor is not in Nagrand.

The Boulderfist are your enemies, but you shattered them. They have no strong positions left in Nagrand, and have been quite thoroughly cowed. The Warmaul are content with solidifying their home and hunting down the last of the Gronn.
We did fine that turn, now we just need to go easy on offensive stuff until our friends heal up. Too bad about that Blademaster though.
We did fine that turn, now we just need to go easy on offensive stuff until our friends heal up. Too bad about that Blademaster though.

Once we complete our current piety action we can spend it on talking with Burning Blade ancestors to have us teach us their craft we just lost an easy source for it and most likely a new hero unit.

No one would feel right using it. It was specially made for him, just as Kaz's was specially made for her.

Wow. I was spot on for once cool.

Hope we could talk to his spirit later, when we talk to other Buring Blade spirits, to get his story since the one green arm thing sounds like an interesting one.