Warcraft: The Rise of the Mag'har

[X] HI on Patrols

Let's finish healing before we aid another battle action.
Sticking with the patrols then. We can't help with the attack if we're only at half strength.

Don't like how we are accepting the 65% chance on the Bonechewers when we can raise it to a more comfrotable amount with HI.

We really need a reroll ability so we can be more confident with these kinds of odds.

Will change vote though because no one agrees with me.

[X] HI Patrols
Making sure Dranosh recovers properly is more important. 65% is still good chances of success.
Turn 10 Results
7 AA, Month 4
Turn 10 Results

Military: Garrosh has been rather inspired lately, giving speeches about redemption and forging new paths. All traces of his previous depression has disappeared beneath his new outlook on life. (Choose 2):

Increasing Defenses: There are tides of demons apparently striding across the remains of your world. Though you may have nearly finished cleansing Nagrand of their taint, you can't be assured that they won't try and take it through more overt means. As such, both Jorin and Kaz agree that your settlements could do with more defenses and in fact that you could do with propping up more defenses at the north eastern watch and at Gul'rok as well. It's not the most glamorous thing to do, but if it helps you beat back any potential assaults by foes in the future then it is well worth it. Cost: 1500. Time: 3 Months. Reward: Nagrand gains much better defenses. Will Complete Next Turn.

Regular Patrols: A good way to keep an eye on everything and protect Nagrand is to set up regular patrols who can travel along the roads looking for anything of note or concern. Wolf riders for farther areas and people who can walk on foot for otherwise. It's a way to get your people out there. For too long you have been sequestered in Garadar, and with the Pox finally draining away more and more with every passing day you need to ensure that your people do not become used to simply sitting around. Though for now it might do well to divert patrols around the draenei army. They still look a bit twitchy. Cost: 500. Time: Eh. Till you say stop. Reward: Patrolled land. Better morale for the people. Happier orcs. Exercise yay! HI

- You are Dranosh Saurfang. Son of monsters. Long ago, your people chose to drink the blood of demons and turn away from the spirits. They abandoned the elements, their traditions, and their very minds and souls. Some few were forced, some were transformed from exposure, but the vast majority of the orcish people drank. Out of bloodlust. Out of a desire for blood. For destruction. That is not to say that the orcs were not vicious warriors, and did not commit crimes on their own beforehand. Raiding ogre settlements and slaughtering all within, that is the legacy of Grommash Hellscream before he became the 'orc with the iron will'. Terrorizing the Arrakoa in return for the near extermination of their clan, is one of the few stories told with cheer of Jorin's father. And all of the 'great Horde's heroes' all participated against the draenei, even the Frostwolves though they eventually were exiled and partook no longer. Almost every single hero that rises up in the orcish peoples history is that of a warrior, a fighter in some way or another. Even the stories of the shamans, who calmed Furies or bound the more murderous ones involve violence or bloodletting of some kind or another.

You aren't sure whether or not that you want to be regarded as a hero of that is the 'paragon' for one to aspire to. So decide not to join those lofty orcs of the past in behavior, and instead descend from a pedestal you don't want to join the rest of the Mag'har in simple patrolling duties. Not some legendary battle, or glory in a fighting ring, but simple and regular patrols. Long hours of monotony, digging small outposts and camps out in the soft earth and covering them back up as you move on. Your warriors are confused for a while, but three weeks of such does much to grant acceptance. It's good, clean work. Nothing stressful. The people don't know how to take you doing such things, but you made the decision and they have no problem with that. It helps to get you seen by the more youthful warriors of the Mag'har, and they offer to spar with you to break the mind-numbingness of just walking about, and so you get the opportunity to slap people who think they could possibly challenge you up and down the ground for an entire month. It's quite nice and relaxing. But enough about how you've begun cementing your reputation across Nagrand instead of just hanging about in Garadar.

As a part of your initiative to bind the Mag'har together, you do not order one specific clan to patrol over another. Instead these patrols that you set up across Nagrand are made up from various different clans. Frostwolves, Blackrock, Warsong, and remnants of the White Claw and Redwalkers are proud to join up this pan-clan force. Across Nagrand atop wolves or on foot, they guard the various entrances into what is essentially the heart of the orcish holdings, as well as the various lands themselves. It is good to get them moving, while allowing people to make them feel like they are actually doing something. Orcs can become restless quite easily. This is good. Your land is much better defended now. Defensive structures can only do so much.
Reward: Patrolled land. Better morale for the people. Happier orcs. Exercise yay!

Bonechewers, Or, Look We're Sincere!: Show the Alliance you mean business by organizing full scale strikes against the Bonechewers rather than the small rogue attacks you authorized before. Actually hit these damn Fel Orcs, get a full test of their mettle to see just what these poor idiotic monsters have done to themselves. It should fulfill a dual purpose, between taking down Bonechewers and showing the Alliance that you are not the same. Garrosh has personally volunteered some of the Warsong for this, they haven't had a real fight in ages, and he is interesting in seeing just how they react to the power of the Light from an orcish source. Cost: 500. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Dead Bonechewers, Alliance ??? Chance of Success: 65%.

Required: 35 Rolled: 37.

- It has been some time since the Warsong...well, went to war. But it is like learning to walk, not something one can forget how to do easily, nor with time. It is instinctual, a movement that the body was built for. So Garrosh goes, joined by Jorin and Kaz, while you remain in Nagrand patrolling and resting in Garadar whenever the patrols tip in that direction. They go to fully face the Horde for the first time in your history. The Shadow Council? They're different organizations, though melded at the moment due to the full on service of both to the demons running amuck. The Bonechewers, the fel orcs,those grotesque abominations that have gone even further than the old corrupted greenskins of before. Their boney growths and swollen red flesh is disturbing indeed. It grants them strength and power beyond normal mortal flesh.

You learn all of these things after your warriors limp back into orcish holdings across Talador. Limp. The news was quite grim indeed, based on the fatality reports and casualties. They are entirely unlike anything else that the orcs have fought before save one thing - demons. They fight and act and bleed like demons. Your forces assembled under your friends before plunging into battle from the direction of Gul'rok. Skirting the Bone Wastes they then went up along the north and located something that Jorin believes would be a prime location for an orc outpost further into Terrokar. Regardles, then they turned south along the small hills and small mountains with the original intent of attacking the Bonechewer's main camp. Instead, along the way they found an embattled Allerian Hold struggling against an overwhelming force of the redskins, and chose to intervene. The battle, all things told, was glorious and incredible, save for one thing. There was a gulf between your equipment, and once that was added onto the enhancement of the fel orcs by their demonic blood that is now only just being matched by shamanic might, they nearly overwhelmed
your forces as well.

Attacked from behind while focused on Allerian Hold, the Bonechewers went ballistic, fueled by the power of demons and insane bloodlust, attacking Alliance and Mag'har alike. But their metal arms and armors, many of which were emblazoned with demonic runes and carrying a fel stench? These are what broke your stone weapons and scant metal bracings for your largely leather and bone armors. Luckily you had the shamans there and Garrosh proved once and for all that his powers over the Light are worth the trouble as great gouts of Light seared demonic flesh and arms, leaving them smoking ash. His abilities as a healer are fantastic as well, and he stunned the Alliance in combat when he went to heal them as well, their own healers being exhausted by the length of the fight before the Mag'har showed up. With Jorin's arcane spells, Kaz's once more shamanistically powered abilities, and Garrosh's Light-granted powers, it is not unfair to say that between the three of them they just barely prevented the Bonechewers from achieving victory in that battle against both your own warriors and that of the Alliance. They distinguished themselves again and again, and there are songs even now being written about the blood they shed and the deaths they brought upon the enemy.

Still. It was the hardest battle that the Mag'har have ever had, though the sight of Garrosh and a few of his Warsong followers using the Light has apparently sent shockwaves through the Alliance ranks, even more so when they saw the brown skinned orcs healing Alliance and Mag'har alike. You aren't sure what this is going to mean going into the future, but at least the Alliance did not attack you upon the conclusion of the death of the last Bonechewer. And you do mean that. They refused to retreat. They refused to surrender. They fought until death, to the last. This caused immense casualties as well. The victory is quite bittersweet indeed. But it was a victory.

Troop Losses: 3,000 Grunts, 2,000 Bowmen, 3,000 Warsong Raiders, 250 Arcane Warriors, 50 Shamans, 300 Blackrock Blacksmiths, 100 Laughing Skull Rogues.
Heroes: Jorin and Kaz Gain Trait: Badly Wounded - This will take a lot of time to heal. (-2 All Stats Until Healed).
Alliance: Aware of Light-using Orcs. Aware of Arcane-using Orcs. Did not attack Mag'har on sight. Left peacefully after conclusion of battle.
Knowledge: Need metal arms and armor badly to reasonably face Horde forces.

: If there's anything that Greatmother Geyah has taught you, is that not all things can be conquered by a warriors strength. It was with words that the first shamans parlayed with the Furies, the sentient elementals of Draenor. It will be with words that you accomplish more than just a good axe. (Choose 2):

Fruit Pie Diplomacy: The draenei are right there. This is the perfect moment to reintroduce Arechron to his people, and herald a new dawn between the orcs and greater majority of draenei. Both you and Velen have laid down your edicts, and perhaps you can heal wounds. One of the best ways to gain friends is to feed them, and as of the moment your people are producing enough food to spare. All of your friends are in agreement with this. Jorin especially, as he wants to know what the two words he knows in the draenei language actually tastes like. With the Acolyte Yrel there, you can facilitate a mutual exchange of hides and food. Surely the draenei must be hungry for foods not related to Zangarmarsh where Velen told you they had previously been staying. Cost: 1000. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Improved Draenei relations.

- This month you've needed to recover, not exacerbate your wounds by plunging into battle once more. You have others for that, there is no reason for you to try and handle every single thing yourself. That way lies madness. Instead, you speak to Velen who remains at Oshu'gun. You find also there, surprisingly, the High Priestess of the Aldor and Arechron of Telaar. Both are a bit surprised to see you themselves, but their peaceful interactions with you have done much. What makes it better is the fact that you are escorting several orcish shamans from the clans to Oshu'gun to join with the paladins and priests already there. Of all people, Garrosh comes as well. He and the first of his Warsong acolytes are welcomed with confused courtesy, with the Aldor informing everyone else of just what they've done with accepting Garrosh into their order. This bewilders many and angers several draenei, but the fact that Garrosh actually can summon the Light and use it as their own priests do helps stave off any violence at what some of the more aggressive draenei whisper as blasphemy and desecration.

Ah, you were foolish to think that the draenei were incapable of that. It is understandable. They are not a single amorphous thing, they are an entire people, just as the Mag'har. With their own desires, and their own hatreds. Luckily with the presence of the three greatest leaders of the draenei present nothing untoward happens. Out loud at least. Some of the oldest draenei have the deepest wounds, and they withdraw from proceedings quite soon after Garrosh arrives. Some of his clan members have chosen to join the Aldor as well, which speaks well of how things are going. It's honestly just the thing you needed, to have orcs and draenei participating in the highest echelons of their society at the same time i.e. their priesthood. Garrosh is fascinated by the Naaru, and immediately joins in the rituals with the rest of the orcs present, drifting between the orcish shamans and the draenei priests. Then, of course, you meet Garrosh's counterpart.

Nobundo, the First Shaman of the draenei. It's fascinating, and incredible, and humbling. Here is a representation of just what happened to the draenei at the orcs hands. His body is one of the many Broken who were ravaged by the fel powers the Horde made use of. Lost to the Light, and yet he found succor in the Furies. Him, they spoke to, over the orcs that had abandoned them. He is, more than that, one of the most powerful shamans to ever exist based on what your own shamans say of him, and he has not been raised in a culture revolving around them. On the one hand, you have Garrosh the first orcish priest, and on the other Nobundo the first draenei shaman. The two of them quietly speak for some time, and as the days go on you see them in each others company more and more. The sight of so many orcs and draenei working together warms your heart, and that of Velen as well. He has informed the populace of his prophecy, and such is the power of such when coupled his own reputation and his own charisma that it has greatly improved the perceptions of the draenei towards you. By being told that there will be peace between you by the power of prophecy that Velen possesses...there
is. And now that all the draenei left on Draenor are once more unified under Velen with the knowledge that a Naaru may be returning quite soon indeed, the hearts and minds of the draenei are light and full of hope.

And honestly, so is yours.

Reward: Draenei Factions unify under Velen into new Category = (Draenei) Followers of Velen Boosted to Friendly +++. K'ure revival leveled at 'Very Soon'.

The Alliance: The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. You are not quite sure how you will repair the damage done to the Alliance by the damned Horde, but you will be damned yourself if you do not try. Turalyon is at least open to your overtures, though whether that is desperation or genuine hope you do not know. Garrosh at the least is interested in speaking to them, as is Jorin. For matters regarding the Light and the Arcane respectively. You can only hope that this goes well, for if it doesn't...well. You won't dwell on that needlessly. Cost: 500. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Alliance ??? Chance of Success: 75%

Required: 25. Rolled: 22.

After the near disastrous battle at Allerian Hold, Garrosh chose to make the effort to communicate that he was willing to speak to the Alliance to offer supplies and healing. There is very little doubt that they would refuse aid from the shamans, but these Alliance have known about the Light for far longer than you. They trust it, and know it. They put their faith in it, just as you put your faith in the Furies. And after the events of the battle and the Allerian Hold having taken such heavy casualties...with Garrosh approaching in his priestly robes and with his staff, bereft of more traditional weapons, they still do not let him in. In the end, Turalyon himself appears, bloodied and with a heavy bandage around his head.

Garrosh tells you the tale that Turalyon told him. It is an incredible one. The mentor of Turalyon, Anduin Lothar for whom this specific detachment of Alliance on Draenor are known as (The Sons of Lothar), was slain by Orgrim Doomhammer at some place during the last war between orcs and humans, Turalyon took up his blade. He had struggled to wield the Light, though he was a peerless warrior and strategist. Until that moment he knew that the orcs were monsters, monsters not of his world, something that he had struggled with the entire conflict to reconcile. He could not bear to think of anything on Azeroth as true monsters...until he met the Horde. But now, now he has seen that the orcs can in fact use the Light. This has caused him to question many a thing about his own thoughts in the past. But in the end, he implores Garrosh to summon the Light in full view of Allerian hold, where many High Elves point arrows at your friends face.

Light poured from Garrosh's hands, and healed Turalyon, and hereafter the Sons of Lothar just barely tolerated letting him in to heal amongst them all. There was only one bad point, though it is a significant one. The High Elves were scathing when they spoke to Garrosh, everyone was, but Hellscream was as a mountain and they were but wind. He knows of what his father did. He knows quite well...and so weathers their incredible hatred with admirable strength. An...iron will, one could even say. The Alliance is tired, so very tired, and unable to ever return home. But they just barely keep their spirits up. In the end, Turalyon let Garrosh leave, with an agreement to speak more, and the Mag'har began preparing to leave.

That is where it went all wrong.

A High Elf woman went insane, or so it appeared. She drove arrows into Garrosh's chest with incredible force, before leaping atop him and trying her level best to slay him with a blade and quarterstaff. She began baying about "Quel'Thalas" and "monsters" and had to be physically restrained after nearly killing Garrosh, who had to be attended to by others, beaten unconscious as he was by the elf. This nearly drove the Mag'har into a rage, but your long work and the knowledge of what orcs driven by bloodlust have done to too many peoples and two worlds too many kept them at bay. Garrosh himself, once he regained consciousness, counseled peace and forgiveness, giving what is apparently termed a sermon on the two concepts. Nevertheless, he, the only one of your friends to not sustain heavy damage in the battle, was left the most wounded of all.

In the aftermath, the Mag'har felt they had overstayed their welcome, and left. Behind them they left what looked like a splintered Alliance behind them. The High Elves glared at humans and dwarves who glared back. Breaking a truce, and in such a manner, right after Garrosh became responsible for over a hundred lives that would not have survived their wounds otherwise? While part of the Alliance may be weary enough to accept peaceful overtures, apparently some portions of the Alliance's grudges run far deeper.

Failure? Portions of Alliance open to peace. Significant High Elf Contingent not. Turalyon open to peace. High Elf Commander nearly killed Garrosh. Garrosh gains Trait: Badly Wounded - This will take a lot of time to heal. (-2 All Stats Until Healed). Alliance now splintering?

Garadar simply cannot hold all of these people. Your supplies strain already, and as more and more orcs grow healthy once more the amount of food and housing required will far eclipse what the small city can hold. This must be attended to, and quickly. (Choose 1):

Decentralization: Jorin has largely been storing the majority of his scrolls and knowledge on the arcane in Gul'rok, but the recent Arrakoa raids upon his home have brought up the fact that should ancestors forbid it fall again that the knowledge gained there should be preserved. So much has been lost already in the apocalypse and under Gul'dan and the Shadow Council's predations. It would not do to lose what new things you have gained. As such, Jorin wants to build a library and move some of the more experienced Arcane Warriors into all of your settlements to ensure that should one fall you will not be left without the ability to train more. Cost: 500. Time: 2 Months. Reward: Arcane Warrior knowledge spread to all major settlements, if Gul'rok ever falls you will not lose the ability to produce more. Will Complete This Turn.

- It's done. It took a lot of writing materials to get it all down, and it was, but now its done. Some of Jorin's more advanced students have taken to the various settlements where Mag'har are present, and bring with them knowledge. This has many benefits, for one if Jorin is killed one day and Gul'rok falls you won't lose access to training more Arcane Warriors. Though he really does seem to want to dedicate more time fully to them. Perhaps a new facility or place where they may practice their arcane measures. Reward: Arcane Warrior knowledge spread to all major settlements, if Gul'rok ever falls you will not lose the ability to produce more

Zang'rok: You have the gate contained, but unlike Twilight Ridge it is far harder to fully secure this gate. There are no natural walls to keep numbers contained. So you will have to make your own. Putting up walls and Watch Towers will perform a two fold duty of corralling the demons barrelling through the gate while also securing the area itself. The Zangar Gate is quite close to The Edge, as it were, and also an enormous lake nearby. A source for water, and whatever is edible and living in its waters? A very good resource to start securing. Cost: 2000. Time: 2 Months. Reward: Zang'rok founded in western Zangarmarsh, new settlement. Bonus to rolls against Zangarmarsh Gate. +500 Fishing Income.

- Construction begins immediately. It's a new land, and strange. The ground is less sturdy than the grasslands of Nagrand. Well, the top is. The bottom is probably fine, but beneath it Zangarmarsh is quite squishy for the most part. Luckily the area you have chosen for Zang'rok is quite hard and tough, blasted dry and hard by the energies of the Gate and from being dragged up from the world. With the sturdy stone tools the Mag'har possess you put up the foundations for a new settlement. It's a bit more defensive in measure than Garadar, by necessity due to the demons still pouring from the demon gate. You have seen strange void creatures, dragons made of dark purple and green energies completely like the now extinct fey dragons of Draenor, and plenty other things besides. Though one thing is for sure, against demons and the Bonechewers it sure would be nice if you could start having some metal weapons and armor yourself. Stone just does not seem to be cutting it these days.
Will Complete Next Month.

Learning: Jorin and the Bleeding Hollow seem to all be vigorously studying the few arcane tomes recovered from Mogor's little hoard. Though many of them are also at the Throne of Elements, a few core members, led by Jorin, wish to do more with this strange new power that is not of the demons. (LOCKED)

Cavalry Alternatives: The vast majority of your wolf population goes to the Warsong and their famous raiders. With the Scythegore Arm long disbanded, and with its history of Blackhand being one of its most prominent past members, the Warsong have become your main cavalry forces. But with so many of them now in Talador rebuilding Shattrath, it has come to your attention that you might need different cavalry forces. Some people have suggested the Clefthoof. Though the tusk bearing Leatherhide type seems to have disappeared, the remaining Clefthoof have made up for that in their strange bulking size which now dwarfs their previous bodies significantly. It's going to take time however to tame these mighty creatures anew. Cost: 500. Time: 2 Months. Reward: Some Tamed Clefthoofs to experiment on creating cavalry with. Chance of Success: 75%. Will Complete This Turn.

- Require: 25. Rolled: 51.

Yes! You have tamed the mighty Clefthoof! Kind of! They have always been in great abundance around Nagrand, and with the continuing changes due to Draenor's exposure to the Twisting Nether they have changed as well. Unfortunately this is for the worst. They've lost much of their plating and their horns, becoming quite sickly and corrupt in comparison. However, they are still quite strong and powerful in their own right. They can charge with the best of them, crunching and crushing those before them. You may now attempt to train them as cavalry to supplement your wolf riders, while simultaneously perhaps using them for other means?
Reward: Tamed Clefthoof, new options unlocked.

Piety: The Furies stand imperiously at the Throne of the Elements. Greatmother Geyah has long been the overall spiritual leader of the Mag'har, and it is through her that you make your requests of the elements. (LOCKED):

Calming Talador: The Furies of Talador are coming into conflict with the Furies of the Spires, those refugees of that completely destroyed place. The Balance is falling apart, and this offends and frightens those at the Throne of Elements. Always, Draenor's Elementals worked in tandem and in balance, and conflict between them is meant to be rare. At the moment it remains muted, but if you do not get a handle on the situation soon you may see just what the Elements may do if goaded into war with one another. It will be difficult, and hard, but it is most absolutely necessary. Cost: 1000. Time: 3 Months. Reward: Talador Furies do not start war with Furies of the Spires. Balance not shattered. Will Complete Next Turn.

Something that you have to admit is that poisonings, skulkings, and general sneaking is something that the Laughing Skulls were forced into becoming quite proficient at. Kaz the Shrieker is skilled at it as well. (Choose 1):

Investigating Bonechewers: They are here, and appear to be there to stay. You need to learn all you can about these new Fel Orcs, and the Bonechewers have provided themselves as the perfect subjects to do so. Not to mention learning just what it is the Fel Horde plans on doing to the rest of Draenor. Whatever their plans, they cannot be pleasant. But that is fine, you just need to know what they are so that you can stop them. While there, The Laughing Skulls could probably sabotage the Fel Orcs a bit to slow the reconstruction of their village as a base. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Dead Bonechewers, information.

- After the battle, Kaz was too wounded to go herself. Luckily, she has several trusted subordinates to send. And so the crack team of Razor, Goresnout, Meatface, Mawmaul the Younger, and Bludsmash (You do not wish to discriminate but Laughing Skulls have the
oddest names) are sent out to investigate the Bonechewers. Especially the weapons and armor they displayed during the fight, something that is relatively new it seems. What they find, after careful torture and beatings, as well as theft of important documents written in increasingly poor handwriting...is not good. The Burning Legion is most certainly on Draenor, and they have used the Gate at the Black Temple to swarm the land of Shadowmoon Valley with demons.

The Horde, led by now confirmed Warchief Kargath Bladefist, has assembled beneath Magtheridon, an incredibly powerful and vicious Pit Lord demon...much like the Mannoroth of the past. All the remaining clans on the world, Dragonmaw included, have joined him. At this point the only orcs that are not with the Mag'har or the Horde would be far, far to the north. Which would be the Mok'Nathal, though you do not know now if they live considering what you've heard is going on in those mountains. These new arms are being forged for the Horde by demons known as Gan'arg. What's worse however is the fact that lots of references to 'cannons' being brought up from Legion forges deep in Shadowmoon Valley. You do not know what they are, but it can't be good.

On the Fel Orcs themselves, they are being created by gorging on the blood of demons in vast quantities. Where before a single gulp of demon blood crafted the greenskins, more consumed during a longer period creates the Fel Orcs. And what's worse is that their minds seem to be breaking down all the same, and faster as well. They seem to be growing dumber, save for a few out of the majority, their intelligences being replaced with bloodlust and demon-granted strength. It's infuriating and worrying. What is the most disgusting is how they, the Horde, are keeping up their numbers. It's...it is too dark to be said, but suffice to say that the
end of the whole horrific process involves the Warlock spells that managed to age of orcs in the past Horde, like the infamous Rend and Maim, the first of the orcish children to be offered up to the Warlocks by Blackhand.

In the end, it is bad news after bad news, with only one small bright spot. The first is that with some careful sabotage the Bonechewers position has been weakened somewhat, a few of their Watch Towers collapsed onto them and other parts were set aflame. This should make an assault on them easier in the future if these sorts of efforts are kept up.
Reward: Dead Bonechewers. Legion on Draenor in force. Magtheridon identified. Horde keeping up numbers through terrible warlock boosted measures.

Personal Actions: You used to have free time. Now you are responsible for tens of thousands of people's lives. It is an amazingly heavy burden, but your back and legs are pretty strong and you aren't about to give up. But you can still make some time for yourself. (Choose 1):

A Noble Wolf: You may not be a Warsong or a Frostwolf, but that doesn't mean that you can't possess one of those noble and vicious beasts as a companion as your own. Wolves are important in practically every clans culture, save for those who lived in areas where there were no actual wolves around like the Laughing Skulls. Up until now you've been making use of loaned wolves, but you need one of your own. A mighty wolf of Draenor, creatures that can grow larger than an orc depending on the bloodline behind them. Capable of carrying a fully armored and equipped orc for extremely long distances without tiring, the wolf is the best companion animal that an orc could ask for. Now it is time that you found one of your own. Finding the perfect one will take a while though, but it will be time well worth spent. Cost: 0. Time: 4 Months. Reward: A Wolf Of Your Own. Will Complete In Two Turns.

Healing From Zangarmarsh: You cannot deny that you were wounded. You need to take some time to yourself. Everyone insists, including Kaz, and you cannot quite deny your mate when she really tells you to sit down and shut up. Besides, maybe this is a blessing in disguise? Being able to spend some time at peace will allow you to truly process what has occurred with Garrosh and the Warsong, the world, the draenei, and everything. And besides, the sooner you let yourself heal, the sooner you can be back on your feet.

- What is there to say? The patrols were light enough that you did not exacerbate your wounds, and you spent a lot of time at home. Even better, after Kaz was wounded the two of you got to spend some time at home in bed. Um. A
lot of time in bed. She may not be rated for combat, and neither were you, not really, but this created an interesting situation. Unable to go at the normal pace and...strength...that orcs normally partake of that specific activity, you were reduced to a far slower and more sensual pace. Well, reduced is not the right word. That implies that something was lost...while something was gained. Something was most certainly gained.


Everyone knows you are mates now, and though you could not partake in the usual ceremonies due to their vigorousness in the normal manner, you still did the best you could. You've made an honest orc of your mate now, it is official and shall be put in the records.This has saddened many, many,
many, orcish women who had hoped that you and Kaz were not exclusive.

Reward: Kaz is pregnant. Dranosh loses trait Wounded.
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Right, so either the Draenei Crystalline weapons or just plane old iron and steel seems to be what we need most right now.
Ouch. We need to get started on those mines right away next turn unless we get another option to upgrade faster.
Circumstances can suck, and we just got dealt a really shitty couple rolls.

But yeah, this makes getting something to replace the stone weapons a priority. I'm thinking that the next Learning option might include something like Enchanting since we've seen that the Legion does it and we might be able to extrapolate a method to do so with the Shamanic/Light/Arcane powers we currently have.

The Mines need to happen one way or the other, sooner or later we will need Blackrock for something or other. If getting the mines for Blackrock also happens to let us hit regular Iron as well as other minerals all the better.