Warcraft: The Rise of the Mag'har

[X] Regular Patrols
[X] Bonechewers, Or, Look We're Sincere!
Let's make this crazy world a little safer, and show the Alliance that we mean what we say.

[X] Fruit Pie Diplomacy
[X] The Alliance
Making nice with the two factions we have the most dealings with.

[X] Zang'rok
I want to make sure that we don't have any sudden issues with that Gate.

This is locked.

This is also locked.

[X] Investigating Bonechewers
Might as well find out what we can about what the Bonechewers are planning while we're killing them.

Personal Actions-1
[X] Healing from Zangarmarsh
Let's heal up.
[X] Northern Zangarmarsh
[X] Bonechewers, Or, Look We're Sincere! - HA

[X] Fruit Pie Diplomacy
[X] The Spore Folk

[X] Zang'rok

[X] Investigating Bonechewers

[X] Healing From Zangarmarsh
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[X]Regular Patrols: A good way to keep an eye on everything and protect Nagrand is to set up regular patrols who can travel along the roads looking for anything of note or concern. Wolf riders for farther areas and people who can walk on foot for otherwise. It's a way to get your people out there. For too long you have been sequestered in Garadar, and with the Pox finally draining away more and more with every passing day you need to ensure that your people do not become used to simply sitting around. Though for now it might do well to divert patrols around the draenei army. They still look a bit twitchy. Cost: 500. Time: Eh. Till you say stop. Reward: Patrolled land. Better morale for the people. Happier orcs. Exercise yay!

[X]Bonechewers, Or, Look We're Sincere!: Show the Alliance you mean business by organizing full scale strikes against the Bonechewers rather than the small rogue attacks you authorized before. Actually hit these damn Fel Orcs, get a full test of their mettle to see just what these poor idiotic monsters have done to themselves. It should fulfill a dual purpose, between taking down Bonechewers and showing the Alliance that you are not the same. Garrosh has personally volunteered some of the Warsong for this, they haven't had a real fight in ages, and he is interesting in seeing just how they react to the power of the Light from an orcish source. Cost: 500. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Dead Bonechewers, Alliance ??? Chance of Success: 65%

Scouting Blade's Edge can wait. Improving our own morale, patrolling the lands, getting intelligence on the fel horde and showing the Alliance that we mean business? much more valuable.

[X]Fruit Pie Diplomacy: The draenei are right there. This is the perfect moment to reintroduce Arechron to his people, and herald a new dawn between the orcs and greater majority of draenei. Both you and Velen have laid down your edicts, and perhaps you can heal wounds. One of the best ways to gain friends is to feed them, and as of the moment your people are producing enough food to spare. All of your friends are in agreement with this. Jorin especially, as he wants to know what the two words he knows in the draenei language actually tastes like. With the Acolyte Yrel there, you can facilitate a mutual exchange of hides and food. Surely the draenei must be hungry for foods not related to Zangarmarsh where Velen told you they had previously been staying. Cost: 1000. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Improved Draenei relations.

[X]The Spore Folk: You have heard rumors of the sporelings, confirmed by the reports of the draenei who apparently lived in Zangarmarsh for some time in hiding. But the actual location of their settlement is not known, or even if they have more. The heavy mists that cloak Zangarmarsh obscure visibility the further in one attempts to penetrate, but the chance of making contact with a new group peacefully is one that you cannot ignore. Sending out a diplomatic mission may make time, but again, peace over war...hopefully. Cost: 500. Time: 2 Months. Reward: ??? Chance of Success 65%

Ironically, the Alliance can wait here until after we've attacked the Bonechewers. Getting the Draenei food seems time-sensitive seeing as they will probably get domestic food up and running pretty soon and I want the Sporeggar firmly on our side before the Alliance can get to them. Might also allow us to penetrate deeper into Zangarmarsh this way...

[X]Zang'rok: You have the gate contained, but unlike Twilight Ridge it is far harder to fully secure this gate. There are no natural walls to keep numbers contained. So you will have to make your own. Putting up walls and Watch Towers will perform a two fold duty of corralling the demons barrelling through the gate while also securing the area itself. The Zangar Gate is quite close to The Edge, as it were, and also an enormous lake nearby. A source for water, and whatever is edible and living in its waters? A very good resource to start securing. Cost: 2000. Time: 2 Months. Reward: Zang'rok founded in western Zangarmarsh, new settlement. Bonus to rolls against Zangarmarsh Gate. +500 Fishing Income.

New settlement and better demon containment? Awesome.

[X]Investigating Bonechewers: They are here, and appear to be there to stay. You need to learn all you can about these new Fel Orcs, and the Bonechewers have provided themselves as the perfect subjects to do so. Not to mention learning just what it is the Fel Horde plans on doing to the rest of Draenor. Whatever their plans, they cannot be pleasant. But that is fine, you just need to know what they are so that you can stop them. While there, The Laughing Skulls could probably sabotage the Fel Orcs a bit to slow the reconstruction of their village as a base. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Dead Bonechewers, information.

Prevent the Fel Horde from encroachin on Shattrath City.

[X]Healing From Zangarmarsh: You cannot deny that you were wounded. You need to take some time to yourself. Everyone insists, including Kaz, and you cannot quite deny your mate when she really tells you to sit down and shut up. Besides, maybe this is a blessing in disguise? Being able to spend some time at peace will allow you to truly process what has occurred with Garrosh and the Warsong, the world, the draenei, and everything. And besides, the sooner you let yourself heal, the sooner you can be back on your feet. Reward: Healing time. Time with Kaz.

Everybody insists? Alright...
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Ironically, the Alliance can wait here until after we've attacked the Bonechewers. Getting the Draenei food seems time-sensitive seeing as they will probably get domestic food up and running pretty soon and I want the Sporeggar firmly on our side before the Alliance can get to them. Might also allow us to penetrate deeper into Zangarmarsh this way...

Agreed. The alliance can wait since we are already going to spend an action this turn raising relations with them going after the Bonechewers.

Sporelings will give us farming skill and information about the Zangar so it is important to contact them.

[X] Northern Zangarmarsh
We are really making our moves into the Zangarmarsh right about now so knowing what is there is something we need ASAP.

[X] Bonechewers, Or, Look We're Sincere!
Helps us with our relationship with the Alliance and might sync with "Investigating Bonechewers" as well, and the Regular Patrols option can be done possibly later but for now I think we should focus on dealing with the Fel Orcs since we have Nagrand buttoned up 90% of the way.


[X] Fruit Pie Diplomacy
Solidifying our position and getting the Draenei back onto their feet is going to go a long way to helping them and us maintain our relationship in addition to giving the Draenei civilians something positive to associate the Orcs with aside from burning and pillaging.

[X]The Spore Folk
I would rather avoid going for the Alliance right now since they are kind of far away, and possibly give them more time to see what we're up to regarding fighting the Bonechewers to form a positive opinion. And if we get anything interesting from "Investigating Bonechewers" we could try and set up a joint attack with them or offer them that information as a sign of goodwill. Also, getting additional allies already living in a place we're moving into is a definite move to make.


[X] Zan'grok
Setting up another city is a big boon to us, as well as giving us a position closer to the rest of the world that we are interested in seeing such as Hellfire, the Bladesedge, and especially the Dark Portal. As well as giving us a firm control over the Daemon Portal? Let's grab it.


[X] Investigating Bonechewers
Might sync with "Bonechewers, or, Oh Look We're Sincere!", as well as garner us additional information since we'll have the Laughing Skulls raiding at the same time as a main force attacks. Two pronged and with better info means better chances.

Personal Time

[X] Healing from Zangarmarsh
A day now might make the difference later, let's get this out of the way before we pull something.

Northern Zangarmarsh: This area borders what has become of Gorgrond and Frostfire Ridge. IT would behoove you to get some sort of look at just what has been happening up there. Who knows what has changed in recent times with the three way war that is apparently ongoing up there. Are there any allies remaining up there, or an entire area full of enemies? That is what your scouts must discover for yourself. Cost: 500. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Information.

Bonechewers, Or, Look We're Sincere!: Show the Alliance you mean business by organizing full scale strikes against the Bonechewers rather than the small rogue attacks you authorized before. Actually hit these damn Fel Orcs, get a full test of their mettle to see just what these poor idiotic monsters have done to themselves. It should fulfill a dual purpose, between taking down Bonechewers and showing the Alliance that you are not the same. Garrosh has personally volunteered some of the Warsong for this, they haven't had a real fight in ages, and he is interesting in seeing just how they react to the power of the Light from an orcish source. Cost: 500. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Dead Bonechewers, Alliance ??? Chance of Success: 65%

Fruit Pie Diplomacy: The draenei are right there. This is the perfect moment to reintroduce Arechron to his people, and herald a new dawn between the orcs and greater majority of draenei. Both you and Velen have laid down your edicts, and perhaps you can heal wounds. One of the best ways to gain friends is to feed them, and as of the moment your people are producing enough food to spare. All of your friends are in agreement with this. Jorin especially, as he wants to know what the two words he knows in the draenei language actually tastes like. With the Acolyte Yrel there, you can facilitate a mutual exchange of hides and food. Surely the draenei must be hungry for foods not related to Zangarmarsh where Velen told you they had previously been staying. Cost: 1000. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Improved Draenei relations.

The Spore Folk: You have heard rumors of the sporelings, confirmed by the reports of the draenei who apparently lived in Zangarmarsh for some time in hiding. But the actual location of their settlement is not known, or even if they have more. The heavy mists that cloak Zangarmarsh obscure visibility the further in one attempts to penetrate, but the chance of making contact with a new group peacefully is one that you cannot ignore. Sending out a diplomatic mission may make time, but again, peace over war...hopefully. Cost: 500. Time: 2 Months. Reward: ??? Chance of Success 65%

Zang'rok: You have the gate contained, but unlike Twilight Ridge it is far harder to fully secure this gate. There are no natural walls to keep numbers contained. So you will have to make your own. Putting up walls and Watch Towers will perform a two fold duty of corralling the demons barrelling through the gate while also securing the area itself. The Zangar Gate is quite close to The Edge, as it were, and also an enormous lake nearby. A source for water, and whatever is edible and living in its waters? A very good resource to start securing. Cost: 2000. Time: 2 Months. Reward: Zang'rok founded in western Zangarmarsh, new settlement. Bonus to rolls against Zangarmarsh Gate. +500 Fishing Income.

Investigating Bonechewers: They are here, and appear to be there to stay. You need to learn all you can about these new Fel Orcs, and the Bonechewers have provided themselves as the perfect subjects to do so. Not to mention learning just what it is the Fel Horde plans on doing to the rest of Draenor. Whatever their plans, they cannot be pleasant. But that is fine, you just need to know what they are so that you can stop them. While there, The Laughing Skulls could probably sabotage the Fel Orcs a bit to slow the reconstruction of their village as a base. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Dead Bonechewers, information.

Healing From Zangarmarsh: You cannot deny that you were wounded. You need to take some time to yourself. Everyone insists, including Kaz, and you cannot quite deny your mate when she really tells you to sit down and shut up. Besides, maybe this is a blessing in disguise? Being able to spend some time at peace will allow you to truly process what has occurred with Garrosh and the Warsong, the world, the draenei, and everything. And besides, the sooner you let yourself heal, the sooner you can be back on your feet. Reward: Healing time. Time with Kaz.
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[X] Regular Patrols
[X] Bonechewers, Or, Look We're Sincere!
Get our lands better defended in case of anything and start working on the Bonechewers.

[X] Fruit Pie Diplomacy
[X] The Alliance
Spore people can be later. Work on our neighbors and the Alliance now.

[X] Zang'rok
Get the defenses up ASAP. We can start the mining next month.

[X] Investigating Bonechewers
As much as knowing what the Arrakoa are up to is useful, we need to hit the Bonechewers hard.

[X] Healing From Zangarmarsh
We need to get back in top condition before anything else.
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Northern Zangarmarsh
Bonechewers, Or, Look We're Sincere!

Need to sort these out early, much as I'd like to do patrols.

Fruit Pie Diplomacy:
The Alliance:

Keep making enemies into friends, before they reset.


Secure the Gate

Investigating Bonechewers

Make sure they don't get anywhere and combine with the military action

Healing From Zangarmarsh

Healing first.
Oh, BTW, what was meant in the opening might not have come across, but I'll be merging all draenei reputations into a singular one at the end of this turn, now that Velen is no longer in hiding.
[X] Regular Patrols
[X] Bonechewers, Or, Look We're Sincere!

[X] Fruit Pie Diplomacy
[X] The Alliance

[X] Zang'rok



[X] Investigating Bonechewers

Personal Actions-1
[X] Healing from Zangarmarsh
[X] Regular Patrols
[X] Bonechewers, Or, Look We're Sincere!

[X] Fruit Pie Diplomacy
[X] The Alliance

[X] Zang'rok

[X] Investigating Bonechewers

[X] Healing from Zangarmarsh
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Military: Garrosh has been rather inspired lately, giving speeches about redemption and forging new paths. All traces of his previous depression has disappeared beneath his new outlook on life. (Choose 2):

Regular Patrols: Cost: 500. Time: Eh. Till you say stop. Reward: Patrolled land. Better morale for the people. Happier orcs. Exercise yay!

Bonechewers, Or, Look We're Sincere!: Cost: 500. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Dead Bonechewers, Alliance ??? Chance of Success: 65%

Diplomacy: If there's anything that Greatmother Geyah has taught you, is that not all things can be conquered by a warriors strength. It was with words that the first shamans parlayed with the Furies, the sentient elementals of Draenor. It will be with words that you accomplish more than just a good axe. (Choose 2):

Fruit Pie Diplomacy: Cost: 1000. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Improved Draenei relations.

The Alliance: Cost: 500. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Alliance ??? Chance of Success: 75%

Stewardship: Garadar simply cannot hold all of these people. Your supplies strain already, and as more and more orcs grow healthy once more the amount of food and housing required will far eclipse what the small city can hold. This must be attended to, and quickly. (Choose 1):

Mining Time: Cost: 1500. Time: 3 Months. Reward: Blackrock Ore mines set up and begin mining.

Intrigue: Something that you have to admit is that poisonings, skulkings, and general sneaking is something that the Laughing Skulls were forced into becoming quite proficient at. Kaz the Shrieker is skilled at it as well. (Choose 1):

Investigating Bonechewers: Time: 1 Month. Reward: Dead Bonechewers, information.

Personal Actions: You used to have free time. Now you are responsible for tens of thousands of people's lives. It is an amazingly heavy burden, but your back and legs are pretty strong and you aren't about to give up. But you can still make some time for yourself. (Choose 1):

Healing From Zangarmarsh: Reward: Healing time. Time with Kaz.
[X] Northern Zangarmarsh
[X] Bonechewers, Or, Look We're Sincere!

[X] Fruit Pie Diplomacy
[X] The Alliance

[X] Zang'rok

[X] Investigating Bonechewers

Personal Actions
[X] Healing From Zangarmarsh
[X] Regular Patrols
[X] Bonechewers, Or, Look We're Sincere!

[X] Fruit Pie Diplomacy
[X] The Alliance

[X] Zang'rok



[X] Investigating Bonechewers

Personal Actions-1
[X] Healing from Zangarmarsh
[X] Regular Patrols
[X] Bonechewers, Or, Look We're Sincere!

[X] Fruit Pie Diplomacy
[X] The Alliance

[X] Zang'rok



[X] Investigating Bonechewers

Personal Actions-1
[X] Healing from Zangarmarsh
[X] Regular Patrols
[X] Bonechewers, Or, Look We're Sincere!

[X] Fruit Pie Diplomacy
[X] The Alliance

[X] Zang'rok

[X] Investigating Bonechewers

[X] Healing from Zangarmarsh
[X] Regular Patrols
[X] Bonechewers, Or, Look We're Sincere!

[X] Fruit Pie Diplomacy
[X] The Alliance

[X] Zang'rok

[X] Investigating Bonechewers

[X] Healing from Zangarmarsh
[X] Regular Patrols
[X] Bonechewers, Or, Look We're Sincere!

[X] Fruit Pie Diplomacy
[X] The Alliance

[X] Zang'rok

[X] Investigating Bonechewers

[X] Healing from Zangarmarsh
[X] Regular Patrols
[X] Bonechewers, Or, Look We're Sincere!

[X] Fruit Pie Diplomacy
[X] The Alliance

[X] Zang'rok

[X] Investigating Bonechewers

[X] Healing from Zangarmarsh
[X] Regular Patrols
[X] Bonechewers, Or, Look We're Sincere!

[X] Fruit Pie Diplomacy
[X] The Alliance

[X] Zang'rok

[X] Investigating Bonechewers

[X] Healing from Zangarmarsh
[X] Regular Patrols
[X] Bonechewers, Or, Look We're Sincere!

[X] Fruit Pie Diplomacy
[X] The Alliance

[X] Zang'rok

[X] Investigating Bonechewers

[X] Healing from Zangarmarsh

Voting now because i didn't realize you weren't using survey monkey.
Vote tally:
##### 3.21
[] Regular Patrols
No. of votes: 12
ReaperofInterest, jwolfe_beta, massdefect76, Derek58, jean5, x2ero, bdun140, Professor Vesca, Dark Ness, prince84, Dark Abstraction, Skybreaker

[] Bonechewers, Or, Look We're Sincere!
No. of votes: 12
ReaperofInterest, Pathos, massdefect76, Derek58, jean5, x2ero, bdun140, Professor Vesca, Dark Ness, prince84, Dark Abstraction, Skybreaker

[] Fruit Pie Diplomacy
No. of votes: 15
ReaperofInterest, Massgamer, Pathos, jwolfe_beta, massdefect76, Derek58, Whumbly, jean5, x2ero, bdun140, Professor Vesca, Dark Ness, prince84, Dark Abstraction, Skybreaker

[] The Alliance
No. of votes: 13
ReaperofInterest, jwolfe_beta, massdefect76, Derek58, Whumbly, jean5, x2ero, bdun140, Professor Vesca, Dark Ness, prince84, Dark Abstraction, Skybreaker

[] Zang'rok
No. of votes: 12
ReaperofInterest, Pathos, massdefect76, Derek58, jean5, x2ero, bdun140, Professor Vesca, Dark Ness, prince84, Dark Abstraction, Skybreaker

[] Investigating Bonechewers
No. of votes: 15
ReaperofInterest, Massgamer, Pathos, jwolfe_beta, massdefect76, Derek58, Whumbly, jean5, x2ero, bdun140, Professor Vesca, Dark Ness, prince84, Dark Abstraction, Skybreaker

[] Healing from Zangarmarsh
No. of votes: 15
ReaperofInterest, Massgamer, Pathos, jwolfe_beta, massdefect76, Derek58, Whumbly, jean5, x2ero, bdun140, Professor Vesca, Dark Ness, prince84, Dark Abstraction, Skybreaker

[] Northern Zangarmarsh
No. of votes: 3
Massgamer, Pathos, Whumbly

[] Bonechewers, Or, Look We're Sincere! - HA
No. of votes: 1

[] The Spore Folk
No. of votes: 2
Massgamer, Pathos

[] Zang'rok
No. of votes: 3
Massgamer, jwolfe_beta, Whumbly

[]Regular Patrols: A good way to keep an eye on everything and protect Nagrand is to set up regular patrols who can travel along the roads looking for anything of note or concern. Wolf riders for farther areas and people who can walk on foot for otherwise. It's a way to get your people out there. For too long you have been sequestered in Garadar, and with the Pox finally draining away more and more with every passing day you need to ensure that your people do not become used to simply sitting around. Though for now it might do well to divert patrols around the draenei army. They still look a bit twitchy. Cost: 500. Time: Eh. Till you say stop. Reward: Patrolled land. Better morale for the people. Happier orcs. Exercise yay!
No. of votes: 1

[]Bonechewers, Or, Look We're Sincere!: Show the Alliance you mean business by organizing full scale strikes against the Bonechewers rather than the small rogue attacks you authorized before. Actually hit these damn Fel Orcs, get a full test of their mettle to see just what these poor idiotic monsters have done to themselves. It should fulfill a dual purpose, between taking down Bonechewers and showing the Alliance that you are not the same. Garrosh has personally volunteered some of the Warsong for this, they haven't had a real fight in ages, and he is interesting in seeing just how they react to the power of the Light from an orcish source. Cost: 500. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Dead Bonechewers, Alliance ??? Chance of Success: 65%
No. of votes: 1

[]Fruit Pie Diplomacy: The draenei are right there. This is the perfect moment to reintroduce Arechron to his people, and herald a new dawn between the orcs and greater majority of draenei. Both you and Velen have laid down your edicts, and perhaps you can heal wounds. One of the best ways to gain friends is to feed them, and as of the moment your people are producing enough food to spare. All of your friends are in agreement with this. Jorin especially, as he wants to know what the two words he knows in the draenei language actually tastes like. With the Acolyte Yrel there, you can facilitate a mutual exchange of hides and food. Surely the draenei must be hungry for foods not related to Zangarmarsh where Velen told you they had previously been staying. Cost: 1000. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Improved Draenei relations.
No. of votes: 1

[]The Spore Folk: You have heard rumors of the sporelings, confirmed by the reports of the draenei who apparently lived in Zangarmarsh for some time in hiding. But the actual location of their settlement is not known, or even if they have more. The heavy mists that cloak Zangarmarsh obscure visibility the further in one attempts to penetrate, but the chance of making contact with a new group peacefully is one that you cannot ignore. Sending out a diplomatic mission may make time, but again, peace over war...hopefully. Cost: 500. Time: 2 Months. Reward: ??? Chance of Success 65%
No. of votes: 1

[]Zang'rok: You have the gate contained, but unlike Twilight Ridge it is far harder to fully secure this gate. There are no natural walls to keep numbers contained. So you will have to make your own. Putting up walls and Watch Towers will perform a two fold duty of corralling the demons barrelling through the gate while also securing the area itself. The Zangar Gate is quite close to The Edge, as it were, and also an enormous lake nearby. A source for water, and whatever is edible and living in its waters? A very good resource to start securing. Cost: 2000. Time: 2 Months. Reward: Zang'rok founded in western Zangarmarsh, new settlement. Bonus to rolls against Zangarmarsh Gate. +500 Fishing Income.
No. of votes: 1

[]Investigating Bonechewers: They are here, and appear to be there to stay. You need to learn all you can about these new Fel Orcs, and the Bonechewers have provided themselves as the perfect subjects to do so. Not to mention learning just what it is the Fel Horde plans on doing to the rest of Draenor. Whatever their plans, they cannot be pleasant. But that is fine, you just need to know what they are so that you can stop them. While there, The Laughing Skulls could probably sabotage the Fel Orcs a bit to slow the reconstruction of their village as a base. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Dead Bonechewers, information.
No. of votes: 1

[]Healing From Zangarmarsh: You cannot deny that you were wounded. You need to take some time to yourself. Everyone insists, including Kaz, and you cannot quite deny your mate when she really tells you to sit down and shut up. Besides, maybe this is a blessing in disguise? Being able to spend some time at peace will allow you to truly process what has occurred with Garrosh and the Warsong, the world, the draenei, and everything. And besides, the sooner you let yourself heal, the sooner you can be back on your feet. Reward: Healing time. Time with Kaz.
No. of votes: 1

[] Bonechewers, Or, Look We're Sincere!
No. of votes: 2
jwolfe_beta, Whumbly
Feel free to double check for your votes, because I had to do a bit of futzing to combine differently formatted votes and the SV Vote tally has lots of problems with different spelling/spacing.

EDITED: Updated for Ando Owen.

Vote tally:
##### 3.21
[] Regular Patrols
No. of votes: 13
Professor Vesca
Dark Ness
Dark Abstraction
Ando Owen

[] Bonechewers, Or, Look We're Sincere!
No. of votes: 14
Professor Vesca
Dark Ness
Dark Abstraction
Ando Owen

[] Fruit Pie Diplomacy
No. of votes: 16
Professor Vesca
Dark Ness
Dark Abstraction
Ando Owen

[X] The Alliance
No. of votes: 13
Professor Vesca
Dark Ness
Dark Abstraction
Ando Owen

[] Zang'rok
No. of votes: 16
Professor Vesca
Dark Ness
Dark Abstraction
Ando Owen

[] Investigating Bonechewers
No. of votes: 15
Professor Vesca
Dark Ness
Dark Abstraction
Ando Owen

[] Healing from Zangarmarsh
No. of votes: 15
Professor Vesca
Dark Ness
Dark Abstraction
Ando Owen

[] Northern Zangarmarsh
No. of votes: 3

[] The Spore Folk
No. of votes: 3
Last edited:
[X] Regular Patrols
[X] Bonechewers, Or, Look We're Sincere!
[X] Fruit Pie Diplomacy
[X] The Alliance
[X] Zang'rok
[X] Investigating Bonechewers
[X] Healing from Zangarmarsh

Like ReaperofInterest.