Warcraft: The Rise of the Mag'har

Yea, Paladins are just a human term coined for martially inclined priest really.

I think the Martially inclined Draenei priest is Vindicator?
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Ladies and Gentlemen, we now have a Light-wielding Orc.

Not only that. It's the Son of Hellscream.

With Jorin having become the first Orc mage I almost feel as if we're personally falling behind.

Then I remembered: Saurfang.

We should really finish learning a prestige class sometime though...
Yeah, Paladin is just the term that the Alliance used to refer to martial priests as, and it spread a bit.

I think we're actually going for Enhance Shaman by way of Blademaster?
Really happy that Garrosh has found some inner peace and a path in life. Certainly a lot better than his life in canon.

When we face the Fel Horde and Legion he will be a badass like no other I'll tell you now.
But man, A quiet contemplative Garrosh. That's weird.

"Over there is where a bunch of orcs led by the Warsong slaughtered defenseless children. Over there is where a massive orc wielding an enormous axe that whistled through the air (Gorehowl aka Grommash) went into an elder's home and killed helpless old men and women (glorious, right? How honorable and glorious, right?). Right here, where we're standing, a small draenei boy sobbed over the broken corpse of his family while orcs laughed and ripped spines from bodies while filled with demonic bloodlust."

"Oh, this is the spot, where I personally had my legs broken and lay under a pile of my bretheren's corpses. I got to listen to the proud speech of Blackhand the Destroyer about how the draenei were finally being purged as they always should have been, and how glorious the slaughter was of my 'pathetic wretched people'."

"Well, bye son of the most horrible murderer and first drinker of demon blood, I'll let you stare at this long dried puddle of blood drained from the corpse of a broken old woman who surrendered and pleaded for the baby in her arms to not be dashed against the rocks."

I don't know about you Avalon, but I feel like being quiet and contemplative isn't the most unexpected reaction...
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So he is priest that can punch the living shit out of you.
Paladins are an alliance innovation. If he learned from the aldor then he learned how to be a priest.

Then again only orcs would learn how to wield the gentle, cleansing, holy light and figure out a way to use it to kick peoples faces in and set things on fire.

Holy fire.
Hm. Punching people and enlightenment... hmm... Clearly the next thing to multiclass into is Monk.

When Pandaria opens up in this continuity, I can actually see Garrosh leading one of the first groups of people to learn the ways of the Monk from Chi-Ji or Xuen.
I don't know about you Avalon, but I feel like being quiet and contemplative isn't the most unexpected reaction...
Well, no I agree with you. But I can totally feel how Dranosh might feel strange seeing Garrosh again.

Like being friends in high school with a kid who was pretty wild. And growing up and meeting at the high school reunion to find he's become a business man with a family and kids. And he's totally a big ole softy now or something.

Or maybe watching your kids grow up and leaving the house? You remember they used to throw apple sauce at the walls. And now they're going off to college.
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Would be funny if we finished Blademaster than multiclassed into either Monk or Druid.

Not just because of the irony of Dranosh choosing a class so strongly tied to life energies when he ended up raised by the Lich King in Canon but also because of the fridge badassery it would create as Saurfang Facts.

"Saurfang the Younger does not need weapons to cleave. Only fists."
Blademaster pretty much Is the Orc take on Monk. Just focused on a specific weapon rather than unarmed combat with the weapon being an afterthought.
Well, we should be at 2/5? In Blademaster.

It should be more than that since we have trained with Kaz at least four times.

Can't till we become a Blademaster though. Hope the Burning Blade Blademaster wakes up soon since his help would be great.

Still need to train with Jorin since our stewardship and learning is our lowest skills right now.
Hope we can unlock a beastmaster class since taming a lot of the crazy creatures of Outland to fight for the Orcs would be awesome and would give us a good source of mounts.
Of course now that I look at the map we need to scout out the Blade Edge Mountains first before we can meet the Mok'Nathal since their village is located in a isolated section in the eastern part of it.

Now that we have control over the Zangar (or at least got rid of the demons so that traveling through it is much safer) we should have that option next turn to scout the mountains and then we can talk with the Mok'Nathal.

Their Beastmasters will be very helpful in using the crazy monsters of Outland against the Fel Horde and Legion.
Of course now that I look at the map we need to scout out the Blade Edge Mountains first before we can meet the Mok'Nathal since their village is located in a isolated section in the eastern part of it.

Now that we have control over the Zangar (or at least got rid of the demons so that traveling through it is much safer) we should have that option next turn to scout the mountains and then we can talk with the Mok'Nathal.

Their Beastmasters will be very helpful in using the crazy monsters of Outland against the Fel Horde and Legion.
Aren't they somewhat pacifistic?