The Netherwing, Part 2
GM: Eh, it's been awhile, went ahead and answered all the options at once because why not.
The Netherwing, Part 2
Still, they gamely made their way into the lives they had been borne into, and you sympathize greatly with what the Matriarch says with regards to Deathwing. A twisted mockery who had ruined the rest of his race of Black Dragons, corrupting them all, a tale that smacks of tragic similarity to the orc's own. The Netherwing want nothing to do with Deathwing, which should have been easier than one might think considering that Deathwing left back for Azeroth before the apocalypse was brought about by Ner'zhul. Alas, it was not to be, for there are, to your astonishment, Black Dragons yet on Draenor, north and away in…whatever it is you should call that place, its changing circumstances enough to make definitively naming it far more difficult than it should be. Led by a dragon called Sabellian, the Black Dragons formed an apparent fourth faction to the war between Breakers and Primals that continued unabated despite the apocalypse.
You'll give those primordial monsters a bit of credit – they're tougher than most to be able to continue their fight even as their territories were smashed together and the energies of the Twisting Nether rampaged around what remained of the world. As it was, the Netherwing, like many of their kind it turns out, were aware of the world around their eggs better than any orc could be while within the womb. They had begun creating their own little slice of territory as they shakily examined the world around them, only to be stunned at the sheer violence that the Gronn, whose section of the mountain range they had perhaps unwisely decided to settle in, were capable of against the Primals and the demons who are still pouring out from some unseen gate or another. Still, the Netherwing were confident that they were far enough and away from the majority of the fighting that if they kept to themselves that they would remain safe.
They were wrong, for it is here that this 'Sabellian' or however it is properly spelled and pronounced arrived. The Black Dragon was apparently meant to watch over the Netherwing on the orders of Deathwing but they had hatched while he and his brood were away. As it turned out, the most powerful Gronn remaining on Draenor, Gruul, had taken to eating the meat of the dragons and impaling their bodies in the huge spikes of earth filling the range, including many of Sabellian's own sons. The dragon did not take to this well, and in fact demanded that the Netherwing serve him in his attempts at revenge, that as their caretaker in their egg-stages that they owed it to him.
The Netherwing agreed, only to be terrified at the sheer violence of a four way war, and so begged Sabellian to leave as many of their number fell so soon after their births. He refused, and so they were forced to leave in secret. The roars of Sabellian could be heard for miles around, though apparently not so far as Nagrand. Still, the Netherwing did not much enjoy being used as they had been by Sabellian, and so endeavored to go as far as they could in the opposite direction, taking them, most unfortunately, to Shadowmoon Valley.
At your horrified expressions, the Matriarch gave the approximate best attempt at a grimace on her draconian face, as, she assures you, they learned their mistake quite early on. The Dragonmaw, led by Zuluhed the Whacked – one of the original leaders of the Horde – applied their expertise in capturing and breaking dragons on the Netherwing, managing to capture a full half of the flight before they could affect their escape. At this point in the story, she was forced to pause as tears fell from her eyes, while you yourself could only offer an oath to slay as many of the traitor and demon-worshipping Dragonmaw as possible in recompense. Thankfully, she recognizes the distinct difference between the Horde and the Mag'har Nation, as there is also a difference between the Blacks and the Netherwing despite their origins.
After losing so many, and been burned twice now by outside forces, they came to Zangarmarsh and have put down roots for what they dearly hope is a third and final time. When encountering the Sporelings, who spoke of their relatively peaceful relations with your people, the Netherwing, at the urging of their Matriarch and against the adamant disapproval of their Patriarch, have reached out one last time to an outsider in the hopes of peace. The Netherwing have already come to a deep conviction that they will never allow themselves to be used again, something that the Matriarch emphasizes to you repeatedly, but after that, there is little more than mundane and useless details.
As for the crystals, they are both markers of territory and a unique creation of the Netherwing's magics. As to what they do…not even the Netherwing fully know. They are, after all, quite young indeed. Regardless, you now know of their history, and are shamed yet once gain by the knowledge of what the Dragonmaw attempted. Though they failed to garner any females in their actions, male Netherwing adolescents and whelps apparently being just that bit more aggressive than their more calm counterparts, they still gained a significant number. Even now, an innocent race, practically children, is being brutalized.
When does it end, you find yourself thinking quietly, letting the shame and fury wash over and through your body and heart. When will the Horde, when will the orcs stop hurting so many? Arrogance, monstrous brutality, destruction, why must these be the legacies of your people? The Matriarch senses your mood, and so lets you attempt to work through your fury, but eventually you realize that there is no way for you to do so now, and so resolve to get rid of it later.
Total History of Netherwing Revealed. Faction Discovered – Sabellian's Black Dragons.
After that bit of sordid news is over and done with you move onto the present. The Netherwing are unlikely to simply ally with you, but they certainly do wish for peaceful relations. Which is fine with you. Unfortunately, there is not much that they can do in terms of trade, they are dragons after all, but they would welcome the conversation and friendship of your people. For a rare moment you thought about the idea of somehow being allowed to ride atop them as the Dragonmaw did only in a more pure and symbiotic form, but it passes quickly. Surely not, they would never allow such a thing. On the other hand, they do like the idea of you perhaps providing a neutral party to invite the other factions to meet with them as well. Probably not the Alliance right now, though. They most certainly remember how the Dragonmaw used dragons against them.
As it is, however, your meeting slowly comes to an end, but there is still a little time yet for questions.
[] Any Other Things You Wanna Talk About? (Write-In)
[] Nothing Else, Return Home (End Encounter)
The Netherwing, Part 2
The history of the Netherwing is a strange one. They were not crafted by the spirits and the elements. They did not come from another world entirely like the draenei. Instead, they were granted life first by an entity that you know of to be as a monstrous and terrible creature – Deathwing – but then were transformed by the exposure to the Twisting Nether when it washed over Draenor during the apocalypse. They are, stunningly, even younger than you first initially thought. Their two oldest, their matriarch and patriarch are younger than you, are barely young adults at all, all things considered. As eggs they were taken from the mysterious Azeroth, a word and place that seems to be more present than ever in your thoughts since you first heard of it, but it is on Draenor that they were born, or rather it was in Draenor's near death that they were granted life.Still, they gamely made their way into the lives they had been borne into, and you sympathize greatly with what the Matriarch says with regards to Deathwing. A twisted mockery who had ruined the rest of his race of Black Dragons, corrupting them all, a tale that smacks of tragic similarity to the orc's own. The Netherwing want nothing to do with Deathwing, which should have been easier than one might think considering that Deathwing left back for Azeroth before the apocalypse was brought about by Ner'zhul. Alas, it was not to be, for there are, to your astonishment, Black Dragons yet on Draenor, north and away in…whatever it is you should call that place, its changing circumstances enough to make definitively naming it far more difficult than it should be. Led by a dragon called Sabellian, the Black Dragons formed an apparent fourth faction to the war between Breakers and Primals that continued unabated despite the apocalypse.
You'll give those primordial monsters a bit of credit – they're tougher than most to be able to continue their fight even as their territories were smashed together and the energies of the Twisting Nether rampaged around what remained of the world. As it was, the Netherwing, like many of their kind it turns out, were aware of the world around their eggs better than any orc could be while within the womb. They had begun creating their own little slice of territory as they shakily examined the world around them, only to be stunned at the sheer violence that the Gronn, whose section of the mountain range they had perhaps unwisely decided to settle in, were capable of against the Primals and the demons who are still pouring out from some unseen gate or another. Still, the Netherwing were confident that they were far enough and away from the majority of the fighting that if they kept to themselves that they would remain safe.
They were wrong, for it is here that this 'Sabellian' or however it is properly spelled and pronounced arrived. The Black Dragon was apparently meant to watch over the Netherwing on the orders of Deathwing but they had hatched while he and his brood were away. As it turned out, the most powerful Gronn remaining on Draenor, Gruul, had taken to eating the meat of the dragons and impaling their bodies in the huge spikes of earth filling the range, including many of Sabellian's own sons. The dragon did not take to this well, and in fact demanded that the Netherwing serve him in his attempts at revenge, that as their caretaker in their egg-stages that they owed it to him.
The Netherwing agreed, only to be terrified at the sheer violence of a four way war, and so begged Sabellian to leave as many of their number fell so soon after their births. He refused, and so they were forced to leave in secret. The roars of Sabellian could be heard for miles around, though apparently not so far as Nagrand. Still, the Netherwing did not much enjoy being used as they had been by Sabellian, and so endeavored to go as far as they could in the opposite direction, taking them, most unfortunately, to Shadowmoon Valley.
At your horrified expressions, the Matriarch gave the approximate best attempt at a grimace on her draconian face, as, she assures you, they learned their mistake quite early on. The Dragonmaw, led by Zuluhed the Whacked – one of the original leaders of the Horde – applied their expertise in capturing and breaking dragons on the Netherwing, managing to capture a full half of the flight before they could affect their escape. At this point in the story, she was forced to pause as tears fell from her eyes, while you yourself could only offer an oath to slay as many of the traitor and demon-worshipping Dragonmaw as possible in recompense. Thankfully, she recognizes the distinct difference between the Horde and the Mag'har Nation, as there is also a difference between the Blacks and the Netherwing despite their origins.
After losing so many, and been burned twice now by outside forces, they came to Zangarmarsh and have put down roots for what they dearly hope is a third and final time. When encountering the Sporelings, who spoke of their relatively peaceful relations with your people, the Netherwing, at the urging of their Matriarch and against the adamant disapproval of their Patriarch, have reached out one last time to an outsider in the hopes of peace. The Netherwing have already come to a deep conviction that they will never allow themselves to be used again, something that the Matriarch emphasizes to you repeatedly, but after that, there is little more than mundane and useless details.
As for the crystals, they are both markers of territory and a unique creation of the Netherwing's magics. As to what they do…not even the Netherwing fully know. They are, after all, quite young indeed. Regardless, you now know of their history, and are shamed yet once gain by the knowledge of what the Dragonmaw attempted. Though they failed to garner any females in their actions, male Netherwing adolescents and whelps apparently being just that bit more aggressive than their more calm counterparts, they still gained a significant number. Even now, an innocent race, practically children, is being brutalized.
When does it end, you find yourself thinking quietly, letting the shame and fury wash over and through your body and heart. When will the Horde, when will the orcs stop hurting so many? Arrogance, monstrous brutality, destruction, why must these be the legacies of your people? The Matriarch senses your mood, and so lets you attempt to work through your fury, but eventually you realize that there is no way for you to do so now, and so resolve to get rid of it later.
Total History of Netherwing Revealed. Faction Discovered – Sabellian's Black Dragons.
After that bit of sordid news is over and done with you move onto the present. The Netherwing are unlikely to simply ally with you, but they certainly do wish for peaceful relations. Which is fine with you. Unfortunately, there is not much that they can do in terms of trade, they are dragons after all, but they would welcome the conversation and friendship of your people. For a rare moment you thought about the idea of somehow being allowed to ride atop them as the Dragonmaw did only in a more pure and symbiotic form, but it passes quickly. Surely not, they would never allow such a thing. On the other hand, they do like the idea of you perhaps providing a neutral party to invite the other factions to meet with them as well. Probably not the Alliance right now, though. They most certainly remember how the Dragonmaw used dragons against them.
As it is, however, your meeting slowly comes to an end, but there is still a little time yet for questions.
[] Any Other Things You Wanna Talk About? (Write-In)
[] Nothing Else, Return Home (End Encounter)