Warcraft: The Rise of the Mag'har

The Netherwing, Part 2
GM: Eh, it's been awhile, went ahead and answered all the options at once because why not.

The Netherwing, Part 2​
The history of the Netherwing is a strange one. They were not crafted by the spirits and the elements. They did not come from another world entirely like the draenei. Instead, they were granted life first by an entity that you know of to be as a monstrous and terrible creature – Deathwing – but then were transformed by the exposure to the Twisting Nether when it washed over Draenor during the apocalypse. They are, stunningly, even younger than you first initially thought. Their two oldest, their matriarch and patriarch are younger than you, are barely young adults at all, all things considered. As eggs they were taken from the mysterious Azeroth, a word and place that seems to be more present than ever in your thoughts since you first heard of it, but it is on Draenor that they were born, or rather it was in Draenor's near death that they were granted life.

Still, they gamely made their way into the lives they had been borne into, and you sympathize greatly with what the Matriarch says with regards to Deathwing. A twisted mockery who had ruined the rest of his race of Black Dragons, corrupting them all, a tale that smacks of tragic similarity to the orc's own. The Netherwing want nothing to do with Deathwing, which should have been easier than one might think considering that Deathwing left back for Azeroth before the apocalypse was brought about by Ner'zhul. Alas, it was not to be, for there are, to your astonishment, Black Dragons yet on Draenor, north and away in…whatever it is you should call that place, its changing circumstances enough to make definitively naming it far more difficult than it should be. Led by a dragon called Sabellian, the Black Dragons formed an apparent fourth faction to the war between Breakers and Primals that continued unabated despite the apocalypse.

You'll give those primordial monsters a bit of credit – they're tougher than most to be able to continue their fight even as their territories were smashed together and the energies of the Twisting Nether rampaged around what remained of the world. As it was, the Netherwing, like many of their kind it turns out, were aware of the world around their eggs better than any orc could be while within the womb. They had begun creating their own little slice of territory as they shakily examined the world around them, only to be stunned at the sheer violence that the Gronn, whose section of the mountain range they had perhaps unwisely decided to settle in, were capable of against the Primals and the demons who are still pouring out from some unseen gate or another. Still, the Netherwing were confident that they were far enough and away from the majority of the fighting that if they kept to themselves that they would remain safe.

They were wrong, for it is here that this 'Sabellian' or however it is properly spelled and pronounced arrived. The Black Dragon was apparently meant to watch over the Netherwing on the orders of Deathwing but they had hatched while he and his brood were away. As it turned out, the most powerful Gronn remaining on Draenor, Gruul, had taken to eating the meat of the dragons and impaling their bodies in the huge spikes of earth filling the range, including many of Sabellian's own sons. The dragon did not take to this well, and in fact demanded that the Netherwing serve him in his attempts at revenge, that as their caretaker in their egg-stages that they owed it to him.

The Netherwing agreed, only to be terrified at the sheer violence of a four way war, and so begged Sabellian to leave as many of their number fell so soon after their births. He refused, and so they were forced to leave in secret. The roars of Sabellian could be heard for miles around, though apparently not so far as Nagrand. Still, the Netherwing did not much enjoy being used as they had been by Sabellian, and so endeavored to go as far as they could in the opposite direction, taking them, most unfortunately, to Shadowmoon Valley.

At your horrified expressions, the Matriarch gave the approximate best attempt at a grimace on her draconian face, as, she assures you, they learned their mistake quite early on. The Dragonmaw, led by Zuluhed the Whacked – one of the original leaders of the Horde – applied their expertise in capturing and breaking dragons on the Netherwing, managing to capture a full half of the flight before they could affect their escape. At this point in the story, she was forced to pause as tears fell from her eyes, while you yourself could only offer an oath to slay as many of the traitor and demon-worshipping Dragonmaw as possible in recompense. Thankfully, she recognizes the distinct difference between the Horde and the Mag'har Nation, as there is also a difference between the Blacks and the Netherwing despite their origins.

After losing so many, and been burned twice now by outside forces, they came to Zangarmarsh and have put down roots for what they dearly hope is a third and final time. When encountering the Sporelings, who spoke of their relatively peaceful relations with your people, the Netherwing, at the urging of their Matriarch and against the adamant disapproval of their Patriarch, have reached out one last time to an outsider in the hopes of peace. The Netherwing have already come to a deep conviction that they will never allow themselves to be used again, something that the Matriarch emphasizes to you repeatedly, but after that, there is little more than mundane and useless details.

As for the crystals, they are both markers of territory and a unique creation of the Netherwing's magics. As to what they do…not even the Netherwing fully know. They are, after all, quite young indeed. Regardless, you now know of their history, and are shamed yet once gain by the knowledge of what the Dragonmaw attempted. Though they failed to garner any females in their actions, male Netherwing adolescents and whelps apparently being just that bit more aggressive than their more calm counterparts, they still gained a significant number. Even now, an innocent race, practically children, is being brutalized.

When does it end, you find yourself thinking quietly, letting the shame and fury wash over and through your body and heart. When will the Horde, when will the orcs stop hurting so many? Arrogance, monstrous brutality, destruction, why must these be the legacies of your people? The Matriarch senses your mood, and so lets you attempt to work through your fury, but eventually you realize that there is no way for you to do so now, and so resolve to get rid of it later.

Total History of Netherwing Revealed. Faction Discovered – Sabellian's Black Dragons.

After that bit of sordid news is over and done with you move onto the present. The Netherwing are unlikely to simply ally with you, but they certainly do wish for peaceful relations. Which is fine with you. Unfortunately, there is not much that they can do in terms of trade, they are dragons after all, but they would welcome the conversation and friendship of your people. For a rare moment you thought about the idea of somehow being allowed to ride atop them as the Dragonmaw did only in a more pure and symbiotic form, but it passes quickly. Surely not, they would never allow such a thing. On the other hand, they do like the idea of you perhaps providing a neutral party to invite the other factions to meet with them as well. Probably not the Alliance right now, though. They most certainly remember how the Dragonmaw used dragons against them.

As it is, however, your meeting slowly comes to an end, but there is still a little time yet for questions.

[] Any Other Things You Wanna Talk About? (Write-In)
[] Nothing Else, Return Home (End Encounter)
Turn 14
7 AA, Month 8
Turn 14
It…frustrates you to know the history of the Netherwing. They are obviously noble beasts, intelligent to the extreme, and that their future is so uncertain in this new world thanks to both the ongoing Breaker-Primal War to the north and the damned Dragonmaw to the extreme east is more than a little vexing. Many Mag'har agree outright, as while Kargath Bladefist is one of the older leaders of the blasphemous and despised Horde, it is the Dragonmaw that practiced slavery of such incredible creatures as dragons. Slavery in general infuriates you considering that the Gorian Empire – one of the few things you are not that upset about disappearing as a result of the apocalypse – was the majority practitioner of enslaving free peoples and that one of their favorite targets was your people.

Still, matters are…certainly progressing somewhat. With the revelation of the demons to the north your people are a lot less unsure about moving into Zangarmarsh if only to secure it against whoever inevitably wins in the mountains. The Alliance hasn't entirely exploded just yet so that's good, though you are not liking how the humans and the elves seem to be entirely avoiding one another at this point with patrols that were once entirely egalitarian in racial spread have suddenly become stratified between the two 'factions' within the group. At the same time you still can't bring yourself to truly dislike either group despite the fact that the elven led one is advocating attacking the Mag'har in equal measure to the Horde. On the other hand, with the draenei happy to fight the Horde and the Legion in equal measure the Alliance has received a tremendous amount of support that they had so desperately needed.

Also in terms of progression, Kaz's ongoing pregnancy. You find yourself oddly…giddy, thinking about your child – potentially even children – that are on the way. As such, despite the uncertainty of the future and the fact that the drums of war still beat, you find yourself hopeful for how things will go. And hope…hope is a powerful thing indeed.

The Horde will be destroyed, once and for all. The Legion shall be fully cast off from your world. Your child shall grow up healthy, happy, and strong. So swears Dranosh Saurfang, of the Mag'har!

Military: Garrosh has been rather inspired lately, giving speeches about redemption and forging new paths. All traces of his previous depression has disappeared beneath his new outlook on life. (Choose 2):

New Warriors: You took an enormous amount of casualties facing the Bonechewers, and while you took down every single one of the redskins that participated in that battle, you still lost a not-inconsiderable amount. Luckily those that lived will be able to pass on their wisdom and experience to those they train. Because you need new warriors. Your numbers continue to rise in the peace of Nagrand, with the ogres pacified for now and the draenei having peaceful relations with you, and so you have plenty willing to join up. It is time to let those who wish to join your military forces in more official capacity join. Training and equipping will take some time, but it will be well worth it in the long-run. Cost: 4,000. Time: 4 Months. Reward: +6,000 Grunts, +2,000 Bowmen, +4,000 Raiders, +250 Arcane Warriors, +50 Shamans, +300 Blackrock Blacksmiths, +100 Laughing Skull Rogues. Will Complete This Turn.

Clad In Metal: With the mines open and the forges working, you can now utterly remove the advantage that the Horde and Legion has over your warriors. In that your bone and leather and few personal weapons made from metal are largely incapable of matching the fel iron weapons and armor that your foe possesses. No more. Now, with the right application of effort and wealth you can clad your warriors in their own iron and steel, and replace their weapons with better ones. With that, you will match the enemy in all ways now, and so bring an ultimate victory that much closer to your reach. Cost: 3000. Time: 3 Months. Reward: Military overall upgraded to metal for arms and armor.

Scouting Hellfire: The former Tanaan Jungle was long ago corrupted into Hellfire Peninsula. It is there that the same-named Citadel lies, as does the shameful and monstrous Path of Glory. Not to mention the Dark Portal itself. You haven't actually scouted the area that much, and it would probably do you some good to check it. You remember that some of the demons that were streaming out were coming from here, and though the numbers of that group have reduced themselves somewhat, they have not entirely stopped. It's time to send a few scouts out to see what's going on. Cost: 1,000. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Information. Chance of Success: 65%

Strike the Horde Again: There is no need to let up on the Horde. To let them know that they are not going to be able to hit the Alliance as they like whenever they want. You are already sabotaging their forces, their supplies, and such, but that is going to grow harder as they begin supplementing their forces with demons. The gate in Nagrand is gone. The Gate in Zangarmarsh is contained…for now. You have no idea what is left, how many more were created, but for now there are no more demons coming from the north. The only source of the blasted creatures is Shadowmoon Valley, the only location of the Horde as well. Though Garrosh is a little busy, and Kaz is pregnant, and Jorin is injured, you still have plenty of fighters and people willing to kill. Exercise your shamans and arcane warriors, your warriors as well. With the draenei helping you can easily push harder than before. Cost: 500. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Dead Legion, Dead Horde, Alliance aided. Chance of Success: 75%

Diplomacy: If there's anything that Greatmother Geyah has taught you, is that not all things can be conquered by a warriors strength. It was with words that the first shamans parlayed with the Furies, the sentient elementals of Draenor. It will be with words that you accomplish more than just a good axe. (Choose 2):

Quagmirran, Ruler of the Giants: Your new connections with the Sporelings has granted a much better knowledge of just what Zangarmarsh has become since, well, being created. You suddenly have names for the various creatures that your patrols have come into contact with, have fought, killed, or been injured themselves by. The flying creatures with the organic razor blades for 'wings' are Nether Wings, the huge spindly walkers that shoot lightning are called Spore Walkers, and the mushroom flying flapping things are Spore Bats. Not…the most creative naming system, but it's better than the random assortment of names that your warriors were calling them. Regardless, the thing that you personally are most interested in, are the Fungal Giants. Though they are somewhat nonviolent, when pressed they are able to dispatch whatever as garnered their ire with ease. Their leader, Quagmirran, holds what could be 'court' in the largest central lake of Zangarmarsh, the largest body of water potentially left on Draenor's remnant parts entirely. He, it? Has a name. If it has a name, if they have a ruler, that is another group that you could make peace with, and better Draenor for it. Cost: 1000. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Contact with Leader of Fungal Giants.

Better Trading With Sporeggar: The strange spore people are odd and don't actually do much besides hang around their home settlement and wander slightly outside, but that doesn't mean that they are worth nothing. Their mastery of fungi is potentially useful, perhaps in making healing poultices and potions and the like? At the least, their ability to produce a good quantity of food is good, and that is something worth trading over. Their currency is the mushrooms known as 'glowcaps' and a good team of Mag'har could obviously collect large amounts of that and trade it to the sporelings for materials and such. Trade can only benefit between your peoples, right? Cost: 500. Time: 1 Month. Reward: +Trade Income with Sporeggar.

Ogre Assistance: You need some truly heavy fighters to take on the Horde and the Legion, and luckily there is a population of them nearby. The Pillager might not be the most diplomatic sounding name, but if you paid him and his ogres in food and shiny things you might be able to convince them to go forward and strike against your enemies. The Alliance needs all the help they can get, even with the assistance of your own warriors and Velen's. The Horde's numbers are…distressingly large, and the Legion can summon assistance from nowhere through their portals. At least, with ogres, you should be able to finally push them back somewhat. Cost: 500. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Ogre's persuaded to fight against the Horde/Legion in Terokkar Forest. Chance of Success: 65%

Stewardship: Garadar simply cannot hold all of these people. Your supplies strain already, and as more and more orcs grow healthy once more the amount of food and housing required will far eclipse what the small city can hold. This must be attended to, and quickly. (Choose 2):

Improving Roads: You have the funds and materials, and you have the idea. Roads help you move trade, it helps your warriors move with more ease than the regular dirt and grasses. Between every single one of your various settlements and those leading up to the Velen's people and his own places. Also perhaps to Sporeggar, why not. It isn't the most glorious work, it isn't even going to be the fastest work, but hopefully it will help everyone along in getting to where they need to go. Right? Cost: 2000. Time: 4 Months. Reward: Full on roads leading to all of your settlements as well as that of your allies. Good for lots of stuff.

Upgrade All Tools: Now that you have access to metal tools, you need to upgrade across the whole of your people's various homes and settlements. Bone and stone are the past, well they always were but you just didn't have the metal tools at the time. It's time to change that. It will cost a pretty amount of your wealth but it is worth it for such strong sturdy things to move out across the land. This will help you build things faster, mine faster, forge faster, and all that and more. Cost: 3000. Time: 4 Months. Reward: Metal tools replace all stone and bone across the realm. Build Times reduced all over the place.

Schoolhouse Gul'rok: With Jorin's recent injuries and need to fully dedicate himself to his studies, his has brought up an interesting proposal. He wishes to heavily expand Gul'rok, but not just normally. Specifically, he wishes to turn it into a place of study, a place of research. Essentially, a place where he may pursue his studies in various direction, while other orcs could do the same. It would take a fair bit of income to ensure that it is all made of sturdy enough construction to not be too damaged should any experiments go out of control. Cost: 3000. Time: 3 Months. Rewards: Gul'rok heavily expanded. +1 Learning Option Per Turn.

Learning: Jorin and the Bleeding Hollow seem to all be vigorously studying the few arcane tomes recovered from Mogor's little hoard. Though many of them are also at the Throne of Elements, a few core members, led by Jorin, wish to do more with this strange new power that is not of the demons. (Choose One):

Riding Clefthoofs: You have a population of Clefthoofs to begin trying things with. The first thing you'd like to try is getting a saddle on them and then training them for battle. Back before Ner'zhul, they were quite aggressive indeed. For goodness sake, Banthar is still running about in central Nagrand, and she's the largest Clefthoof ever seen. If you managed to properly armor them and train them...well, they'd be capable of smashing apart enemy formations with ease. It's a portion of warfare you simply do not have a counterpart for at the moment. Cost: 2000. Time: 4 Months. Reward: Clefthoof Cavalry - Heavy Cavalry Forces. Chance of Success: 50%.

Magic Food: So, the deal is thus. One of the spells displayed by the Alliance mages and discovered in Jorin's perusal of Mogor's stolen materials from Azeroth is one to create food and water. Apparently it even actually does act as food. Transmuting pure arcane energy into a bountiful feast is such an incredibly useful thing that Jorin wants to spend a good amount of time working on it so that in times of major emergency your people can fall onto that rather than starve. But he also does not want your people to become dependent on it. So, a good study. Cost: 1000. Time: 4 Months. Reward: Food Supply Boosted. Food level of Stable will require larger decreases to achieve a deficit. Chance of Success: 85%

Piety: The Furies stand imperiously at the Throne of the Elements. Greatmother Geyah has long been the overall spiritual leader of the Mag'har, and it is through her that you make your requests of the elements. (LOCKED):

Grant Us Your Blessings: The elements have returned to the Mag'har. Their pain has been soothed. Now, you may once more return to the ways of the past where the spirits helped whisper to the people where to hunt and helped plow the fields and bring the rains. Overall, a great thing indeed that many orcs have been looking forward to ever since the elements returned. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Hunting and Farming income boosted.

Calming Zangar Furies: Out of all the badly affected Furies, only those of the Spires have it worse. Those of Gorgrond and Frostfire Ridge still retain a landmass to return to, with aspects from both drawn in. The Zangar Sea, now the Zangarmarsh, is an alien landscape that quite frankly frightens and is scaring the Zangar Furies. Their Balance has been utterly destroyed, with more Wind and Earth than they have ever been comfortable with suddenly present. It was a place of Water, and now not so much. They require much assistance in calming and soothing their pains. Cost: 1000. Time: 5 Months. Reward: Zangar Sea Furies grow more accepting of their new positions as the Furies of Zangarmarsh. Calmer. Easier for Shamans in those areas. Better for everyone in general. Two More Months.

Intrigue: Something that you have to admit is that poisonings, skulkings, and general sneaking is something that the Laughing Skulls were forced into becoming quite proficient at. Kaz the Shrieker is skilled at it as well. (Choose 1):

Tracking Arrakoa: So the mad bird men are apparently based at one single city that they have built, or rebuilt, or recovered, or something else besides after the apocalypse. Regardless, you need to find this place. Whether to put the bird men out of their misery or discover a way to...well, it would be quite presumptuous to say 'fix them' but at least figure out a way to avoid just culling them all. At least you retained Nagrand, they lost the Spires of Arak in their entirety. How tragic...but you cannot brook their continued raids forever. Cost: 500. Time: 3 Months. Reward: Location of Skettis. Chance of Success 75%.

Watching the North: So, apparently there is a huge four way going on up to the mountains to the north. Breakers. Primals. Demons. Black Dragons. You don't much like the idea of any of those four groups winning, albeit if you had to pick one the lattermost does not sound as bad as the first three. At the same time this Sabellian seems driven mad by the deaths of his children and the Netherwing leaving as they did surely did not help his mental state. As it is, Garrosh, Jorin, and Kaz agree with you in that watchers need to be set up along the northern border and paths into the Mountains. You can't afford to have any of…whatever is happening up there spilling south. Cost: 500. Time: -100 Per Month for Mountain Watching. Reward: Mountain's being Watched so that you know if things start wandering down.

Personal Actions: You used to have free time. Now you are responsible for tens of thousands of people's lives. It is an amazingly heavy burden, but your back and legs are pretty strong and you aren't about to give up. But you can still make some time for yourself. (Choose 1):

The Ritual of Winds: The last step of Blademaster Training is communing with the spirits in a potentially dangerous ceremony. Only the greatest of the Blademasters ever achieved this point, and it is from this ritual and their communing with the spirits in their own way – similar but not precisely as the shamans do – that they manage the mysteries of mirror image conjuration. Of the silent and nearly invisible walk that lets Blademasters dance past enemy defenses to face enemy leaders in their own fortresses. To cleave with greater than mundane strength and distance as the Wind itself flies forward. The vast majority of those who call themselves Blademasters are merely the most masterful of all the expert warriors. You do not intend to stay on such a level without trying to achieve more. The Furies of Nagrand, the Furies of the Land of Winds are once more speaking…can you do it? Can you? Or will they refuse you, will they punish you for your hubris in assuming you could do what so few have? It is your choice to try. Reward: The Ritual of Winds Turns.

Let's Go Hunting: There are mighty beasts in Nagrand. Beasts that stand or fly taller than any of their brethren. Much prestige can be found for the orc who slays them and takes their parts as trophies. Not to mention the meat and hide. It is both recreation and personal adventure to hunt, and seeing as you have secured most of Nagrand now quite well, you have the opportunity to indulge yourself. Wouldn't it be nice to have some stories to tell your children one day? Cost: 0. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Get list of Trophy Hunts to go after. Each will grant prestige and unique reagents for….uh, stuff. Likely unique armors and weapons or trinkets that could be enchanted?

Learning Crimes: You need to know more about the crimes of the Horde. So the only place to go is the elders of the Mag'har. Those who knew, watched….may even have participated in the early massacres before Gul'dan gave your people the instrument of their doom and destruction. An instrument happily accepted. The orcs of old were more than happy to attack and slaughter everyone around them, they only needed an excuse. You've beaten that out of people, have shamed and shamed and yelled, as has Garrosh, and even the elders once you shove the truth of the willful evil the orcs as a race perpetrated into everyone's face. But you need information, so that you aren't blindsided by anything that the Alliance might want to say or accuse you of. Kaz, and the older Laughing Skulls, they participated in the 'First War' and the 'Second War'. So now you will know what they learned. Cost: 0. Time: 2 Months. Reward: Information. Will Complete This Turn.
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Timeline So People Can Stop Wondering
Since It Seems To Come Up A Lot, Here's The GM's Timeline (AA, as ever, stands for After Apocalypse):
Beginning of First War [-7 AA]
End of First War [-5 AA]
Beginning of Second War [-3 AA]
Start of Rise of the Mag'har [+1 AA]
Lord of the Clans/Start of the New Horde [+9 AA]
Beginning of Third War [+11 AA]
Battle of Mount Hyjal [+12 AA]
The Frozen Throne [+13 AA] [Illidan and Crew?? Maybe! Maybe not...]
Durotar Founded [+13 to 14 AA]
Horde and Alliance Agitations Grow More Intense, also a lot of stuff like Onyxia/Various Raids/etc. [+19 AA] [When 'WoW' would begin]

After that, things grow even more murky.

Will the Burning Legion be able to set up their mighty bases in Hellfire Peninsula to invade Azeroth from? Will the Illidari ever exist? What of Akama and the Ashtongue Tribe? Or the other Portals allowing the Lord of Outland Draenor - whether Magtheridon or perhaps Illidan - to have infinite reinforcements?

That is up to you guys. As a reminder, we are in 7 AA, Month 8 of 12.
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Turn 14 Results
7 AA, Month 8
Turn 14 Results​

Military: Garrosh, or more recently Acolyte Garrosh, is still one of the best fighters around even if he has traded in axes or swords for his staff. More than that, he is your friend. (Choose 1):

New Warriors: You took an enormous amount of casualties facing the Bonechewers, and while you took down every single one of the redskins that participated in that battle, you still lost a not-inconsiderable amount. Luckily those that lived will be able to pass on their wisdom and experience to those they train. Because you need new warriors. Your numbers continue to rise in the peace of Nagrand, with the ogres pacified for now and the draenei having peaceful relations with you, and so you have plenty willing to join up. It is time to let those who wish to join your military forces in more official capacity join. Training and equipping will take some time, but it will be well worth it in the long-run. Cost: 4,000. Time: 4 Months. Reward: +6,000 Grunts, +2,000 Bowmen, +4,000 Raiders, +250 Arcane Warriors, +50 Shamans, +300 Blackrock Blacksmiths, +100 Laughing Skull Rogues. Will Complete This Turn.

- The training is finally complete, on all sectors. The military forces of the Mag'har are not more than up to snuff compared to before. Hopefully all these unexperienced – for what passes as unexperienced in a culture as fundamentally martial as yours – warriors will do well in the coming days. Military Ranks Refiled And Then A Bit.

Clad In Metal: With the mines open and the forges working, you can now utterly remove the advantage that the Horde and Legion has over your warriors. In that your bone and leather and few personal weapons made from metal are largely incapable of matching the fel iron weapons and armor that your foe possesses. No more. Now, with the right application of effort and wealth you can clad your warriors in their own iron and steel, and replace their weapons with better ones. With that, you will match the enemy in all ways now, and so bring an ultimate victory that much closer to your reach. Cost: 3000. Time: 3 Months. Reward: Military overall upgraded to metal for arms and armor.

- The blacksmiths aren't precisely happy about this, as equipping your recently refilled ranks with actual metal equipment is going to essentially require them to do little else but eat, drink, sleep, and smith. On the other hand, they can take pride in their work and the fact that it will provide such a welcome bonus to your warriors. It's not going to be instantaneous either, as you are trying to have them create thousands of weapons and sets of armor. Luckily, you have hundreds of smiths, who have had the secrets of iron and steel passed down through tradition for several generations thankfully extending past the fel taint of the Horde and into the better olden times. Will Complete In Two More Turns.

Scouting Hellfire: The former Tanaan Jungle was long ago corrupted into Hellfire Peninsula. It is there that the same-named Citadel lies, as does the shameful and monstrous Path of Glory. Not to mention the Dark Portal itself. You haven't actually scouted the area that much, and it would probably do you some good to check it. You remember that some of the demons that were streaming out were coming from here, and though the numbers of that group have reduced themselves somewhat, they have not entirely stopped. It's time to send a few scouts out to see what's going on. Cost: 1,000. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Information. Chance of Success: 65% HI

Required: 20. Rolled: 83+10=93/100

It isn't that you don't want to spend more time with Kaz, because you do. You love her, and her you, but now that she's pregnant you've discovered a whole host of emotions you aren't quite sure what to do with. Everything is so much more serious and grave around her now, and you've found yourself panicking over the slightest scratch even though she is a strong orc woman. This really did not help matters when you announced that you were going to lead a scouting party to the far northeast and into the former Tanaan Jungle turned Hellfire Peninsula, because she decided she was going to come to. Protests were repeatedly shot down, and eventually she managed to brow beat you into it.

So, you and a party of a hundred orcs, as well as a few shamans and arcane warriors for support and guidance, head out atop your wolves. The land is eaten up quickly, and you actually pass through Shattrath on your way to resupply. It may be slow work, but with the advice of the draenei and the sheer strength of your people far more of it has been repaired than you would have thought possible in such a short time. Some offered to come with you even, but you refused, as apparently the arrakoa raids have gotten more intense lately. Out you ride, until you reach one of the more disturbing parts of Outland – the edge. A path leading up from Talador into Hellfire, where once there was many a demon streaming past. You were especially curious about that, considering that the moment that stream of demons stopped coming south everyone was able to focus their eyes on Shadowmoon Valley.

What you find isn't particularly happy, given that the path, with the left being some low mountains and the right being the void that is the Twisting Nether, is filled to the brim with ravagers. Enormous ones, gigantic, unnaturally large from the size they were once before the world ended. The fighting is fierce, and though you don't lose anyone a hefty amount of your brothers and sisters gain a few new scars. More disturbing is that some of them are quite clearly filled with fel powers…potentially from gorging on demons? If so, you aren't sure whether or not culling this path would be the right decision. It may taint the ravagers, but if they are killing the demons and keeping them from interfering with the battles going on in Taladar…it's something that will certainly require more thought. Because then you are through, and you don't much like what you find.

Hellfire Peninsula is aptly named.

Life there is more than a little sparse, spread out amongst various curious creatures. Curious, deadly creatures. The boars of Draenor, in Hellfire Peninsula at least, have become grossly transformed into something entirely different. Best described as Helboars, their mottled flesh has become noticeably tainted by fel energies, coloring their once dark black and brown hides to a disturbing red. Also, they possess large protruding black spikes which appear to be some kind of mutation based on the demonic taint that they have filling them. These ravenous and deranged creatures are put down whenever you encounter them, and after cutting them open and examining the stinking meat within your orders to not eat anything of them is obeyed without question.

Luckily you brought plenty of supplies with you.

The rest of your journey is not much better. Twisting versions of life, strange void-like creatures spewing out of twisting rifts along the edges, and one peculiar area where a low set of dug trenches are infested with Rock Flayers, a deadly form of draenor wildlife whose ferocity does not seem to have lessened at all in the wake of the apocalypse. One of the scouts loses a hand to one, but at least she takes it good naturedly. Your people may not be the Shattered Hand, but you can recognize the utility of putting a blade on a previously useless stump.

Still, the rest of the next few weeks does not quite allow you to explore all of Hellfire Peninsula, but you do have some points of interest. The Alliance, it seems, is here, and in far greater number than you had thought they possessed on Draenor at all. As you passed by one of their patrols, there was an extremely tense moment until the paladin leading the patrol barked out that they were not to attack you on 'Lord Turalyon's orders,' and so they let you pass before letting you know that you were largely forbidden from the eastern 'half' of Hellfire. Which, it seems, includes the Path of Glory, which you had hoped to make a respectful pilgrimage to but for now…it seems not. They also informed you of 'The Armory' which is apparently the sight of their previous base that the Horde – which you took extreme pains to emphasize the Mag'har are not – destroyed and is now filled to the brim with ghosts. Then they surprised you, and informed you of their Alliance's main bastion on Draenor, the legendary and infamous Hellfire Citadel itself. You are explicitly forbidden to come within a certain distance of anything in a vague slightly wobbly line along the map that the paladin, a greying Duke Pendragon, provided to you.

Which, personally, you can respect. You have no need to engender any more conflict with the Alliance while your true foes in the Horde and the Burning Legion still walk the world. As such, you instead head west, and it is there you make a few more interesting discoveries. One of the aging shamans originally from the Frostwolves remarked on an absolutely disgusting area filled with enough fel taint to make your skin crawl as the Pools of Aggonar, a place where a great and powerful amount of demons died, their blood forever tainting the area. It is…depressing. Yet another visible sign of the Horde's legacy on the world. Your people brought the demons here, brought…this.

It is not all bad, however. You discover an outpost of, to your surprise, draenei! Aligned with Velen's faction, they are in Hellfire Peninsula to both maintain this temple – one of the few draenei structures to survive the damned Horde's vicious destructive tendencies – and make overtures to a tribe of their own people. You are aware of the difference between the 'broken' and the 'Lost Ones' compared to the regular draenei, but you weren't aware of how some are searching for their own way besides Velen's kind. Well, now you are. As it is, thankfully because these draenei know you thanks to your meetings with Velen, they let you rest and resupply in the Temple of Telhamat while giving you a short primer on how things are going.

To your south is Sha'naar, another temple and draenei settlement albeit in far worse condition than here, inhabited by a group calling themselves the Dreghood Tribe. Who have, to your surprise and curiosity, elected four shamanic leaders to guide them, which interests your own shamans immensely. If they speak to the Furies, then surely they cannot be as vicious and twisted as some of the more 'normal' draenei would claim of the Broken and Lost Ones.

Even now, you aren't quite sure about how to feel how some draenei treat and regard their brethren who were twisted by fel energies beyond their control. It is just another fault of the Horde, bringing demons and dark magic to bear so much that it began to affect them simply by exposure. Regardless, the Dreghood are actually a pretty massive group, greatly outnumbering Velen's draenei and even perhaps the Alliance to the east though you can't judge that quite well due to them forbidding you from travelling at all in their territory. As it is, the Dreghood are neutral to the Velen's faction, largely out of a sense of independence and religious differences between those who can wield the Light and the Dreghood who cannot use it at all. They are greatly interested in learning more about shamanism, however, which is interesting to note.

The leader at the Temple of Telhamat, a blind yet powerful priest named Amaan the Wise, also informed you of an area filled with mad Arrakoa – or just regular Arrakoa, they're all mad these days, and a path into Zangarmarsh to the west. That, as it turns out, is it, save for a large ridge which you think might make a good outpost in Hellfire Peninsula, and a few small reports on the stranger wildlife of the area. If you had not come on this journey personally, you might not even have gotten this much, for while the relations between the Mag'har and Velen's Draenei are not precisely great, your name is well known amongst them now and so there is a certain respect and acceptance that follows you, which is nice.

Eventually, you must return, and so head back, but with a wealth of information with you. Still, you never did find out what happened to all the demons coming from this area…

Reward: Lots of Information. Eastern half of Hellfire Peninsula under Alliance control, Mag'har forbidden from entering. Hellfire Citadel is main Alliance Bastion on Draenor. Expedition Armory filled with spooky ghosts. Animals mutated to all hell. Small Velenic Draenei outpost located – Temple of Telhamat, large Broken Tribe located at Sha'naar, Dreghood. Dreghood interested in shamanic business, have some shamans, not specifically allied with Velenic Draenei, large numbers. Arrakoa outpost. Dreghood Reputation – Neutral.

: If there's anything that Greatmother Geyah has taught you, is that not all things can be conquered by a warriors strength. It was with words that the first shamans parlayed with the Furies, the sentient elementals of Draenor. It will be with words that you accomplish more than just a good axe. (Choose 2):

Quagmirran, Ruler of the Giants: Your new connections with the Sporelings has granted a much better knowledge of just what Zangarmarsh has become since, well, being created. You suddenly have names for the various creatures that your patrols have come into contact with, have fought, killed, or been injured themselves by. The flying creatures with the organic razor blades for 'wings' are Nether Wings, the huge spindly walkers that shoot lightning are called Spore Walkers, and the mushroom flying flapping things are Spore Bats. Not…the most creative naming system, but it's better than the random assortment of names that your warriors were calling them. Regardless, the thing that you personally are most interested in, are the Fungal Giants. Though they are somewhat nonviolent, when pressed they are able to dispatch whatever as garnered their ire with ease. Their leader, Quagmirran, holds what could be 'court' in the largest central lake of Zangarmarsh, the largest body of water potentially left on Draenor's remnant parts entirely. He, it? Has a name. If it has a name, if they have a ruler, that is another group that you could make peace with, and better Draenor for it. Cost: 1000. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Contact with Leader of Fungal Giants.

- Finding the Fungal Giants is easy. The vast majority of them are in the northern 'half' of Zangarmarsh, with a large amount congregating around the mushrooms in the northwest that they apparently eat and the water which…they also gain sustenance from. Their grasp of language is…lacking. Or at least their grasp of your language. You are not surprised to learn that they and the sporelings speak a language both can understand. Probably fungus based. Thankfully you are able to get one particularly plucky sporeling named…Ml'ssisfth…..M'ssilfl? M, as you all end up eventually calling him, helps speak to the rest of the giants to request an audience with 'The Eldest One', who can only be Quagmirran. He apparently lives in a vast set of caverns beneath the massive lake in the north, which explains why it takes so long for him to finally dredge and stomp up out of it. He is…quite big. Slow speaking as well, but mostly he's largely just curious why you are here. When you brought up the idea of mutual aid, he seemed baffled a bit by the concept until M brought up the idea of two fungal root systems entwining and growing into a stronger single entity rather than killing each other. You don't know if that actually is something that fungus can do, but Quagmirran considered it interesting enough to not squish you. As it is, he has graciously allowed you to speak to him further should you so choose. Apparently so long as you don't threaten the waters or mushrooms that his people need to live, he has no quarrel with you or the sporelings. So, you've started well. Reward: Contact Made. New Faction – Fungal Giants of Zangarmarsh: Neutral +. Contact made with Quagmirran, Ruler of Fungal Giants of Zangarmarsh Faction.

Better Trading With Sporeggar: The strange spore people are odd and don't actually do much besides hang around their home settlement and wander slightly outside, but that doesn't mean that they are worth nothing. Their mastery of fungi is potentially useful, perhaps in making healing poultices and potions and the like? At the least, their ability to produce a good quantity of food is good, and that is something worth trading over. Their currency is the mushrooms known as 'glowcaps' and a good team of Mag'har could obviously collect large amounts of that and trade it to the sporelings for materials and such. Trade can only benefit between your peoples, right? Cost: 500. Time: 1 Month. Reward: +Trade Income with Sporeggar.

- Some part of you wonders if it is truly all right that you are somewhat abusing the simple sporelings and their somewhat silly currency system. They cannot possibly harvest as many glowcaps as orcs can, after all. On the other hand, if they truly are so valuable to the little folk and in return they do trade back their own food in greater quantities if they know they are being paid for it…doesn't that mean it all works out? With an increase and trade and the sporelings growing used to the presence of orcs running around all of Zangarmarsh they are more comfortable speaking about various things and worry less about displaying other certain things. For instance, some kind of fungal potion which 'shrouds' them from danger, not quite making them invisible but noticeably less…noticeable. Kaz and some of the rogues are actually quite interested in this. Reward: +500 Trade Income With Sporregar. Discovery of Sporelings possessing some kind of 'Shrouding Potion', good for rogues?

Garadar simply cannot hold all of these people. Your supplies strain already, and as more and more orcs grow healthy once more the amount of food and housing required will far eclipse what the small city can hold. This must be attended to, and quickly. (Choose 2):

Upgrade All Tools: Now that you have access to metal tools, you need to upgrade across the whole of your people's various homes and settlements. Bone and stone are the past, well they always were but you just didn't have the metal tools at the time. It's time to change that. It will cost a pretty amount of your wealth but it is worth it for such strong sturdy things to move out across the land. This will help you build things faster, mine faster, forge faster, and all that and more. Cost: 3000. Time: 4 Months. Reward: Metal tools replace all stone and bone across the realm. Build Times reduced all over the place.

- Oh it will take time, but the smiths are happy to do this one. Mostly because the better tools they have the better tools they can make. It will still take time however, time during which the enemy is still acting and moving. Will Complete In Three More Months.

Schoolhouse Gul'rok: With Jorin's recent injuries and need to fully dedicate himself to his studies, his has brought up an interesting proposal. He wishes to heavily expand Gul'rok, but not just normally. Specifically, he wishes to turn it into a place of study, a place of research. Essentially, a place where he may pursue his studies in various direction, while other orcs could do the same. It would take a fair bit of income to ensure that it is all made of sturdy enough construction to not be too damaged should any experiments go out of control. Cost: 3000. Time: 3 Months. Rewards: Gul'rok heavily expanded. +1 Learning Option Per Turn.

- This too will take time. Will Complete In Two More Turns.

Jorin and the Bleeding Hollow seem to all be vigorously studying the few arcane tomes recovered from Mogor's little hoard. Though many of them are also at the Throne of Elements, a few core members, led by Jorin, wish to do more with this strange new power that is not of the demons. (Choose One):

Riding Clefthoofs: You have a population of Clefthoofs to begin trying things with. The first thing you'd like to try is getting a saddle on them and then training them for battle. Back before Ner'zhul, they were quite aggressive indeed. For goodness sake, Banthar is still running about in central Nagrand, and she's the largest Clefthoof ever seen. If you managed to properly armor them and train them...well, they'd be capable of smashing apart enemy formations with ease. It's a portion of warfare you simply do not have a counterpart for at the moment. Cost: 2000. Time: 4 Months. Reward: Clefthoof Cavalry - Heavy Cavalry Forces. Chance of Success: 50%. Required: 50. Rolled: 56

- No deaths so far, though plenty of broken bones. Will Complete In Three More Turns.

The Furies stand imperiously at the Throne of the Elements. Greatmother Geyah has long been the overall spiritual leader of the Mag'har, and it is through her that you make your requests of the elements. (LOCKED):

Calming Zangar Furies: Out of all the badly affected Furies, only those of the Spires have it worse. Those of Gorgrond and Frostfire Ridge still retain a landmass to return to, with aspects from both drawn in. The Zangar Sea, now the Zangarmarsh, is an alien landscape that quite frankly frightens and is scaring the Zangar Furies. Their Balance has been utterly destroyed, with more Wind and Earth than they have ever been comfortable with suddenly present. It was a place of Water, and now not so much. They require much assistance in calming and soothing their pains. Cost: 1000. Time: 5 Months. Reward: Zangar Sea Furies grow more accepting of their new positions as the Furies of Zangarmarsh. Calmer. Easier for Shamans in those areas. Better for everyone in general. Two More Months.

- What is there to say? Only that there is a lot of work to be done yet. Will Complete Next Turn.

Something that you have to admit is that poisonings, skulkings, and general sneaking is something that the Laughing Skulls were forced into becoming quite proficient at. Kaz the Shrieker is skilled at it as well. (Choose 1):

Watching the North: So, apparently there is a huge four way going on up to the mountains to the north. Breakers. Primals. Demons. Black Dragons. You don't much like the idea of any of those four groups winning, albeit if you had to pick one the lattermost does not sound as bad as the first three. At the same time this Sabellian seems driven mad by the deaths of his children and the Netherwing leaving as they did surely did not help his mental state. As it is, Garrosh, Jorin, and Kaz agree with you in that watchers need to be set up along the northern border and paths into the Mountains. You can't afford to have any of…whatever is happening up there spilling south. Cost: 500. Time: -100 Per Month for Mountain Watching. Reward: Mountain's being Watched so that you know if things start wandering down.

- A series of outriders are now set up along the few passes into the northern mountains. Already they report the crashing booms and rumbling noises that everyone remembers the Breaker-Primal War resulting in. Nothing is actually heading down through the passes at the moment, luckily, but they aren't confident that such a thing will last forever. Reward: Mountain's being Watched so that you know if things start wandering down.

Personal Actions:
You used to have free time. Now you are responsible for tens of thousands of people's lives. It is an amazingly heavy burden, but your back and legs are pretty strong and you aren't about to give up. But you can still make some time for yourself. (Choose 1):

The Ritual of Winds: The last step of Blademaster Training is communing with the spirits in a potentially dangerous ceremony. Only the greatest of the Blademasters ever achieved this point, and it is from this ritual and their communing with the spirits in their own way – similar but not precisely as the shamans do – that they manage the mysteries of mirror image conjuration. Of the silent and nearly invisible walk that lets Blademasters dance past enemy defenses to face enemy leaders in their own fortresses. To cleave with greater than mundane strength and distance as the Wind itself flies forward. The vast majority of those who call themselves Blademasters are merely the most masterful of all the expert warriors. You do not intend to stay on such a level without trying to achieve more. The Furies of Nagrand, the Furies of the Land of Winds are once more speaking…can you do it? Can you? Or will they refuse you, will they punish you for your hubris in assuming you could do what so few have? It is your choice to try. Reward: The Ritual of Winds Turns.

- To the Throne you go…. Reward: The Ritual of Winds Turns.

Learning Crimes: You need to know more about the crimes of the Horde. So the only place to go is the elders of the Mag'har. Those who knew, watched….may even have participated in the early massacres before Gul'dan gave your people the instrument of their doom and destruction. An instrument happily accepted. The orcs of old were more than happy to attack and slaughter everyone around them, they only needed an excuse. You've beaten that out of people, have shamed and shamed and yelled, as has Garrosh, and even the elders once you shove the truth of the willful evil the orcs as a race perpetrated into everyone's face. But you need information, so that you aren't blindsided by anything that the Alliance might want to say or accuse you of. Kaz, and the older Laughing Skulls, they participated in the 'First War' and the 'Second War'. So now you will know what they learned. Cost: 0. Time: 2 Months. Reward: Information. Will Complete This Turn.

- The Second War. If anything, a more disgusting scar on history than the First War. Because Orgrim Doomhammer, after learning the truth of the warlocks, the Legion, and the demons…didn't stop. That, more than anything else, enrages you. He knew, he knew, and he didn't return to Draenor to beg the spirits to return, he did not pay recompense to the humans who the Horde had assaulted! He kept going, he made alliance with cannibalistic trolls and goblins – which based on the stories are the most offensive things to the Furies that could possibly exist beyond the Horde itself – and kept going! The Death Knights, the burning of Quel'Thalas – now you know what has made the elves hate so fully. To have their one and only home sent to cinders…still, they did not seem to lose nearly as much as the humans, but you cannot judge. Not really. The Horde was an out of context horror that should never have existed. Alas. But now you know. Now you know of the true end of the Horde on Azeroth, of Orgrim Doomhammer, of in fact Turalyon and Alleria and all the others. When you learned what Orgrim had done, you wept, and you raged.

And just as before, you ensured that all knew of this. You took the secret shames and stories of the veterans and elders that they had kept close and you burned it into the souls and memories of the Mag'har. Through speech, through song, through rant, through letters and more. Garrosh leapt upon it like a rabid wolf, and his proselytizing about the Shame – as the Horde is becoming known now – reaches all edges of Mag'har society. Of the truth of what happened to the Red Dragons, the depths of depravity that the Clans sank to while on Azeroth under Ogrim's lead. Kaz was there, as it turned out, on the island where Gul'dan died, the so called 'Tomb of Sargeras', before the Shame was forced back to Blackrock Mountain. A home of the dwarves, a home stolen.

Stolen. Murdered. Razed. All words which encompass the Shame and what it did to Azeroth, but none of them truly match the depths of your fury. Jorin, in a rare display of fury, denounced his father outright to the rest of his clan. Instead of leading the Bleeding Hollow to prosperity and glory, he nearly outright ended the clan. As did all the Monsters of the Shame, for there were no 'Heroes' of the Horde, pitting the orcish people against a land filled with races of its own with powers and numbers and courage overwhelming. They were not only defeated – another shame piled onto everything – but pushed back to Draenor itself.

Then, then the Shame obliterated Draenor itself. You tremble with fury the moment a bare wisp of a thought regarding them passes your mind. The fact that the Shame still exists, in Shadowmoon Valley, infuriates you beyond belief and others with you. Orcs begin weapon training at six and by the age of twelve are ready for hunting and the rites of adulthood making them full warriors. As such, you spent much of this month – when not preparing for the Ritual of Winds – speaking to the children across weapon training pits throughout the realm that the Mag'har possess. You must start early, lest any root of pride or-or worse regarding the Horde makes its way into their hearts and minds. They will all know the crimes of their fathers and ancestors, and they will acknowledge the Shame for what it is, and all its brethren.

Reward: Well, now you know. Horde culturally becoming more known as The Shame. Mag'har People gain Trait: Hatred of the Horde – The existence of this blight on the history and honor of the orcish people enrages you unto near blinding fury. You despise the Horde with every fiber of your being. (+3 To All Stats Against Horde)
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Omake: Interrupt [LokiTheDarkGod]
Four updates from Torroar, is it Christmas already?

Here's a mini omake because I'm happy.

Omake: Interrupt

"After all you put me through the last thing I'll..." THWACK! "ARGH MY EYE!!!" A figure in armour screamed.

An elven women stalked towards him.
"You will not lay another hand on my sister abomination."

"A...ler...ia ru...n he..." A frail figure on the ground croaked out

The women kneeled beside the frail figure.
"He is surrounded. As we speak our counter attack is destroying his army."

Two figures aproached both large and muscular one in robes and another in armour carrying the head of the armoured figure by it's hair an arrow protruding from it's eye.

The elven women turned "Dranosh, Garrosh get over here and help me with my sister Sylvanas."
The Ritual Of Winds, Part One
GM Note: Right, let's get spiritual up in here.​
The Ritual Of Winds, Part One
The Throne of Elements, Nagrand

There are so few members of the Burning Blade alive, likely in this world or in Azeroth if the humans were kind enough to not cut down the Horde as is more than their right. The only one you that might have not been directly aligned with the Burning Legion is dead, meaning that the knowledge you have on that ancient order of warriors comes to you directly from the mother of your child, who even now cannot actually accompany you to the Throne of Elements like she had hoped. Her wounds require close observation, especially with your son or daughter within her.

Even so, becoming a Blademaster does not even require this much. Or at the least, the most usual Blademasters – though even that level of skill requires a tremendous mix of natural talent and incredibly long hours of training to achieve. To become the pinnacle of weapon mastery given living form. After all, only a small fraction of that already small fraction of warriors ever did what you are attempting to do. Even Kaz is not truly amongst that number, her strange mixing of shaman and fel styles making her ineligible to the Furies. For while they may have returned and speak once more to the Mag'har there are some things that they simply cannot compromise on.

You may not like it, but you can respect that. You cannot order a mountain to cease being a mountain, for water to stop being water – regardless of its many forms – or for fire to remain fire yet cease burning. Some things simply cannot be changed. However, so are not Kaz, and so now you go, after ritually fasting and bathing for three days and nights. The armor you wear and the variety of weapons that you would normally wield are no longer present, for you must approach the Furies with no trappings whatsoever.

Bathed in the ritual oils and chanted over by the small handful of shamans who the Furies whispered these specific secrets to and no others, you approach the center of the nearly shattered Throne of Elements with naught but a simple cloth loincloth to you. In respect of your chosen course, all other supplicants and shamans have left the Throne for this day, leaving you alone with the towering and inscrutable Furies to gaze down imperiously upon you. At the least, this close to the elements given form you can know that no matter what happens here that you have at least helped your people this far – though Jorin deserves the boars share of the credit for getting them to fully speak once more.

And speak they do, no longer with the halting patterns of before either. As the shamans have worked and elements calmed and strengthened once more, the Furies certainly are quite a bit more…intimidating than they were before.

Who are you that would stand before the Furies? It is a voice that comes from everywhere, unified in purpose rather than the individual voices of individual Furies.

Right. Kaz managed to tell you of this part, the stories at least told to her by the Blademasters of the Burning Blade before they fully succumbed to their fel-tainted bloodlust. The Furies, obviously, know you are here, but this is part of it. Part of all of it.

[The First Question: 10/100]

"I am the Warchief-hurk!" you grunt in pain as a lash of pure flame washes over you, searing your skin with enough heat and resulting pain to send you to one knee.

You answer falsely.

[Second Chance: 41/100]

"I…speak the truth!" you manage to say through the pain. "I am the leader of-ggaah!" you shriek as wind slices along your back, forcing you to both knees now.

You answer falsely.

"I do not!"

Who Are You?

[Last Chance: 87/100]

"I...I am…" you struggle to say through the earth around you which seems to be growing ever softer, almost crumbling beneath you. "I am Dranosh Saurfang!" you cry out just as the earth begins to collapse beneath you. Water rushes in and you know that had you not answered correctly it would have smothered you along with the earth.

You speak truth for the first time.

The earth hardens suddenly, dirt transformed to rock, and the water of purest elemental might washes gently over you, healing the wounds inflicted upon you.

"I…I don't understand."

Warchief. What is this?
Mag'har. What is this?
Father. What is this?
Champion. What is this?

Four voices speak as one and separately at the same time to your pounding ears, a noise that comes from everywhere and nowhere. From within your body and from all directions.

"They…they are…"


The wind begins to swirl around you, at first with light caresses but as you watch they grow faster and faster. You panic, because honestly nothing about this is going the way you thought it would. According to Kaz and what she could squeeze out of the other Blademasters…it was questions, which you knew, and a test. A series of tests? A trial of some sort that would test your body and soul for receiving the blessing of the Furies. To join a fraction of a fraction of orcs throughout Draenor's history. Perhaps…perhaps it wasn't worth it?


They are but words. Who are you that you would come to the Furies, naked and bare?


We shall see.

Then the pain began. Immense, horrendous pain. Worse than anything you'd ever felt in your life. Your vision was obscured by light of every imaginable color, and then you saw something rise from behind the four Furies who stood at the Throne. It was…so much more powerful, you could feel it from here. Then it said…something, in a multitude of voices in both genders in a guttural incomprehensible sound. A harsh yet inexplicably harmonious symphony from within and without comes from its great mouth, and in one blink of an eye it transforms to become almost like the specter of a massive orc – and then you can see nothing.


Blessed, blessed air! You gulp down the stuff from…wherever it is you are. Cautiously, you rise from your knees and stand, suddenly aware that you are missing quite a number of old aches and pains that you had grown used to in recent times. Everything is dark around you save for the disc you stand upon. It's a translucent one as well, but you can't quite catch what color it is meant to be due to it shifting with every second. Everywhere around you is darkness, so thick that you cannot even see a single step beyond it.

"I…what…?" you pause, hearing the odd way your voice is bouncing and echoing so oddly causing you to halt.

A quake-
Whirling wind-
Crackling flames-
Crashing waves-

The disc shudders so hard that your entire body vibrates with it, your sight practically disappearing as your eyeballs rumble in the sockets. Blinking tears out of your eyes caused by the utterly strange sensation, it takes you a moment to realize what has changed.

From the disc, symmetrically and equidistant, are four paths stretching into the darkness.

One is old, old dirt. Covered with pebbles and rocks, as well as a few dried twigs. It stretches almost as if into infinity only to halt once it reaches a certain distance into the darkness.

Another looks like the surface of the shallows from Zangarmarsh, crystal blue and purple with moss and…a fish swimming around inside it?

The third and fourth disturb you far more than the first two. Crackling embers and small flickers of flame mark a red and black path that you can feel the heat of even from your position in the direct center of the disc. The other…you barely see at all. You can certainly hear it just fine however. A whistling gale, a quiet dust devil, a thunderous front.

Dranosh Saurfang?
What Is This?
From What Does It Come From?

Is It Built Of Earth?
Crafted Of Fire?
Formed Of Water?
Shaped of Air?
Who Are You?
[] I am the blood of the Blackrock. Through fire and forges we took our place in the world. (Fire)
[] I am the free, that of the Mag'har. Pure, and purified, of the taint of fel things. (Earth)
[] I am unifier, the brother who seeks forgiveness and to heal the pains caused by my kind. (Water)
[] I am orc. Scion of Nagrand, Land of the Wind. I am no more. I am no less. For that is enough. (Air)
Pathos Omake - The Four Shamans
I've been hit with an inspiration stick after my little schpeel. Time for typing other things.
The Shamans sat around the stacked and unlit bonfire wood, the large and numerous chimes that were hanging from posts around their circle were utterly still and silent, the earth was tamped flat for dozens of feet in every direction, and there wasn't a cloud in the sky for miles around.

Many had been chosen to participate in preparing the Warchief for his audience with the Furies and the Ritual to follow and all of them could be found in this one location. Waiting for any signs to come that the Warchief's audience was over and the Shaman could return to the Throne of Elements to bear witness to another rebirth of an ancient Pact and Tradition.

Or collect the corpse that more than a few feared they would find there.

There were no drinks to be found in the Shaman's makeshift camp save water and no food would be found either, only a stockpile of herbs that were on hand for, hopefully, praise and thanksgiving to the Furies and accolades to the Warchief.

Of the Shamans who fretted away the minutes and hours, the eldest four had not spoken a word since personally preparing and chanting over the Warchief immediately before the leader of the Mag'har entered the Throne of Elements alone as his friend Jorin had so long ago. They had known some of the older Blademasters and had studied under the Shamans who had presided over those preparations. While none had ever uttered a word about what was necessary or the chants used, they had spoken at length of the manner of the Furies immediately before the Ritual.

Their mentors had spoken of strict standards, swift urging and correction at even the slightest hesitation, a blazing desire hotter than a campfire, and secrets that would take days of meditation to discern.

Any familiarity and hope of reconnecting to the lost mentors of the past was shattered when the Furies began to direct the four on the methods to prepare Dranosh Saurfang for his audience. The Furies commanded them with words that brokered no error or uncertainty in thought or deed, corrected them with a lash sharper than their original guilt at ever believing in the false teachings of the Shame, a fervor and aggression that threatened to consume them from the inside with it's desire, and with every action and word flowing from one to the next to add another layer of meaning and importance more inscrutable than the last.

So the four remained seated on the ground shivering in the cool and utterly silent air, and desperately trying to not mention that fifth voice that called so softly and sweetly from over the horizon. It's words were honeyed milk and a father's encouragement. When it's murmurs first intruded into the preparations the four nearly cried out in fear at lingering fel taint on the land until they were swiftly, and painfully, told to continue without pause. The new voice did not stop it's susurrations until Dranosh had entered the Throne and disappeared from sight. Once the Warchief had disappeared from view, the four had collapsed as though their spines had been cut and needed to be carried to their current positions.

They had recovered enough of their strength to move but had not done so, for they could hear a faint call over the horizon once more. So weak yet so beautiful even in it's low and quiet tone. Now that they could divert a thought to the noise, the four glanced nearly as one to the direction they had realized the voice was calling from.

They would forever after swear that in that moment they could see a glow and hear the ringing of bells come from Oshugan.
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The Ritual of Winds, Part Two
The Ritual of Winds, Part Two

You struggle to form an answer for the Furies. You struggle simply to function in this strange place. But your body is strength, and your will unyielding. The wind howls from its path, the water crashes louder and louder, the fire crackles and roars, the earth bellows as it cracks and crumbles against itself. A great torrent of all four elements surround you, pushing you to your knees and then raising you back up. The demanding booms that are the voices of the Furies would have split your eardrums apart had this place been the real Throne of Elements and not this…wherever this is. Instead, you find their touch and their words echoing louder and louder until you finally are forced into your own mind in a strange twilight of unconsciousness and consciousness.

There, you see…yourself. Four of you, all standing before you in a strange parody of the positions that the Furies were in just before.

A thousand colors of flame contained in a vaguely orcish frame glares out at you with an axe held at its side. Thick magma blood drips from a dozen wounds that this version of you seems to care nothing for, as if they are merely part of its existence. Even as you watch those wounds of time and battle warp and flash outwards. Blood twists itself into heavy armor akin to the most elite warriors of old and surrounds the entire orc of fire. There is incredible strength there, unyielding power that will never surrender as it strives forward. Pain is nothing compared to what must be done for victory.

But then you see the blood dripping across the ground from the edge of its – your - axe upon the ground. What was the cost of the orc's 'taking the world for their own'? What glory did that path truly bring your people without fel haze clouding their minds?

Fire escapes 'your' lips as it speaks.

"It brought us land. It brought us forward," your own voice comes from its throat. "It still does."

It flips the axe in its grip so that the edge is now facing upwards rather than the ground.

"You temper iron. You purify the ores to make steel."

Its axe, dripping with the blood of ancestor's know how many, cracks abruptly at several points.

"An axe, the Horde, the orcish people…they can have cracks," another one appears as if to punctuate the avatar's words, "They have impurities," black sludge begins to pour out from inside of the axe itself, "But they can be reforged."

The avatar of fire then rears up and smashes the axe – that most quintessential of orc weapons – upon the ground where it shatters into a dozen white hot pieces.

"If you have the strength for it."

(Fire: 96/100)

Then it disappears, leaving the ruins of its axe behind.

"Perhaps they shouldn't be," another copy of your voice speaks up from behind you, this time without the undercurrent of crackling flame and pulse of blood pounding in your ears.

It appears made of rock and dirt, but it is just as the previous one…you. Solid crackling rock mirrors the color of your skin while shards of gemstones form your teeth and tusks. There is little of the violence that appeared prevalent in the last version, no trembling of unrestrained fury. The bleeding, the strange black bile that was present before, has disappeared entirely now from the shards of the axe. Pants of woven grass and leaves are all that it wears to protect its dignity, and instead of speaking to you immediately it steps forward and then crouches to gaze at the shards better.

Then it looks up at you with eyes the color of obsidian stone.

"The Horde...," it's expression twists with displeasure, "The orcish people…tainted and gleefully so. We aren't that anymore. We are the Mag'har. We are something entirely different. Pure, now," it nods before standing to its full height.

Then it stomps down on the axe, on its bloody shards and the tainted sludge that was still pouring from somewhere. All at once the sludge disappears, though the shards of the axe and its haft are left behind. As it withdraws it leaves the stomping leg behind and somehow from one instant to the next has regrown a new leg to replace the one it left behind. Also somehow the leg it left behind has formed into a solid column of hardy stone. Despite yourself you cannot help but reach out and touch it…at which point it crumbles away and leaves a long hafted hammer behind. There is no evidence of the axe left behind.

"We are free. We shouldn't have to follow in their footsteps," it shakes its head slightly as it speaks.

"But…," you whisper, your mind flashing to your wife and possible future children and even grandchildren. Your green skinned wife. Your potentially green skinned children.

Only for a finger made of rock poke you in the chest, right over your heart.

"Forward. The earth moves. Steadily, but it can't be stopped. It changes, for better or worse, but it does. Even if it can't be seen all at once. A mountain can rise and fall without the truth of it being realized in our lifetime. Pure now," your own voice chuckles, "Not stamping out what came before."

(Earth: 97/100)

You blink as a sudden whirlwind surrounds you and obscures your vision with a cloud of impossibly opaque dust. When you open your eyes again you find yourself…up.


"Nagrand," you hear your voice again speak with plain awe and earnest love, only this time with an odd bounce and echoed whistling in the faint background.

You don't see the Twisting Nether. You see…Nagrand, below you, and an actual sky above you. Wind caresses you and holds you up but that doesn't stop you from knowing that you are so high in the air that if you were too fall then you would most certainly die.

"Land of the Wind," your voice comes again, though you do not see another version of you walking around. "Land of our ancestors."

Those damn bloody axe shards rise up in front of you held somehow in the vague shape of the weapon they once formed. Then they whirl away and are replaced with the hammer. This too falls away before…a spear forms. Made of pure wind, a tip of deadly intent but of humble construction.

"Before there was the fire of war and the glory of conquest, we were just hunters," your voice comes quietly now. "Even now that we are free of the demons and we forge our mighty weapons and armors…we are still hunters. Pure, or not, we cannot forget who we are."

The wind picks up again, and your vision is once more obscured by clouds of dust…before you realize you are back where you started.

"We are orcs. We always will be. No more, no less…because we define what an orc is."

(Air: 94/100)

By now you know what to expect, and so turn to face the steps coming towards you.

It is you, just as the others were, only…not. Where the you of fire was wreathed in molten magma and cloaked in armor, where the version of you that was of earth wore only a pair of woven pants, where the you of wind was impossible to see really at all, this one…is hurt. Bleeding. Not in the stoic manner of the other version of you were even a dozen wounds seemed to be utterly ignorable but instead each appears to be a near mortal wound. Never the less it staggers forward, a massive two handed blade carried on its back and held together with liquid straps of water. Even that pales before the sight of the massive lance stabbed into its right shoulder that pierces all the way through and out the other side.

A lance with the blue and golden lion pennant attached to the end.

It is not the only wound of its kind.

There is a sliver of bone that bears the markings of some ogre clan or another. A feather stuck into the neck in the vibrant plumage of the arrakoa. An entire set of claws jabbed into the thigh where they now float, claws from the lost saberon. A small axe with a dwarf sigil and a bevy of arrows of clearly elven make are embedded in its back. The shattered crystal of a draenei mace. There are more and yet they come and go without warning as you blink. Sometimes there are things anew, sometimes there are not. The lance remains the entire time however.

Then it – you – smiles, and comes to a halt.

"If you think these are bad," it chuckles with your voice though as if it were somehow underwater but…also somehow not. "You should see how we left their homelands as we tore our way through them. The pain suffered by our people is almost entirely self-inflicted, in truth."

It taps a sword which was plunged into its chest lightly, and then locks its gaze with you.

"Fire can warm a cold body, earth provide a place to rest, and wind to cool the body…but what are these to the soothing of water to a throat parched dry?"

Water burbles about its feet, a large and somehow incredibly deep puddle forming. You blink at that and then at the avatar before you in shock as suddenly all but the lance have been replaced with…with orcish weapons. Swords, spears, arrows, axes, all with different symbols painted on them. Blackrock, Frostwolf, Warsong, and so many more, more than you even yourself knew and you were supposed to know them all!

"We are more than just the fury of the Blackrock, struggling ever onward to fulfill our goals no matter the cost. There is purity in us and our fellows but we are more than that as well if we choose to be. And," it laughs, "We will show the world what an orc can do…can be. Because what are we?"

Now you are speaking. You. Not these avatars, these…strange creations of your own mind and soul.

"We are the unifier," you say, "We are the brother who seeks forgiveness and to heal the pains caused by my kind."

All four of the avatars appear before you now utterly devoid of expression.

"I am…all of you," you realize, for it was not the Furies that were speaking to you, it was you, this entire time it has been you. "But my course, my path, my destiny, is the one I choose."

"It will take strength. There will be hardship," crackles the flames.

"You cannot go back, but to be the untainted, to forge that legacy…that is freedom," rumble the earth.

"You are an orc. Nothing more, nothing less…for an orc will be what they want to be," sings the wind.

"This is your path, the one you will fight for, the one you strive for, this is who you are," they say in tandem, but with the crashing waters rising the highest in volume.

At some point you fell to your knees…but now you rise, and it is with the Furies speaking through you that you in speak.

"This is Dranosh Saurfang."

(Water: 99/100)

The darkness rushes up to meet you upon your proclamation as you are pulled back from that border of consciousness.

In that space between places, you are met not by the Furies of Fire, Earth, Water, or Wind.

But by another Fury. One grander than them all, and one you had not actually truly been able to comprehend until now.

You know not how you know the name of the Fury of the Life, but you do. Unlike the others it does not take some strange shape that mirrors your own and instead appears as…an orc.

Just an orc.

That is, until you blink, and it is a human.

Then an elf. A draenei. A dwarf.

There is no grand field of…anything. It is, in fact, a featureless void save for you…and the Fury.

"You are not a shaman," it speaks then and not with a voice that thunders or is so loud as to make your ears bleed.

It is a statement, not a question.

"You respect the Furies, but you do not devote yourself to them," a small saberon child tilts its head as it talks to you, "You cannot. There is resentment in your heart. And," a suddenly massive ogre pokes a finger at you, "Some small part of you even considers abandoning them forever like Jorin."

It shames you with its words but they are also the truth.


"It is only fair," it interrupts, this time as some kind of…dragon? "They were petulant. Complaining. Grieving. As if you did not have enough problems," a small tiny fish thing with a trident chuckles wetly.

"But they are the Furies," you say, bowing your head. "They are…vital not just to my people but to the world."

"Such as it is," the Fury sighs sadly. "But I am the hearts of all living things, and yet…pain is relative."

"I…don't think I understand," you finally say, but the Fury only shakes its head.

"You aren't really supposed to. Such contemplations are for a shaman, and yet…the Throne of Elements is in disarray, so much destroyed…it is not really a surprise that the ritual has gone this way, hmm?"

You blink only for the Fury to rub its chin in the form of an orc again only this time a woman.

"The Furies…they are afraid. Afraid of failing again, of being abandoned again, of…dying."

Any other time, the words would have shocked you to your core, but your mind is so hazy that you struggle to even manage that much.

"But you do not come to them to contemplate, to beseech for powers. You come…to channel them. To take a part of them into yourself, even just a small amount. You come for a way to empower yourself."

"I…I do," you bow your head, "I have."

"The bird wishes to fly faster to catch its prey, the hunter wishes to be stealthier in his hunt and stronger to bring down more, the prey wishes to be faster to escape," a human woman shrugs at you. "It is the nature of life to strive for such – though occasionally that drive goes…awry," the look on the dwarf's face is dark and you know quite well as to what fel drives it refers to.


"Have you proven yourself worthy? More than enough times, young Saurfang. Had the world not been…as it is…then the ritual would have been over before now. The communing would have been done, the Furies would have infused a small fragment of the elements themselves into your body, and so on and so forth."



"Has it felt like an eternity?"

The Fury of Life twisted itself into a thousand shapes at once, it seemed.

"It is the first time this has been done since the world was changed. There were always going to be…changes."

Finally, it settles on the image of an elderly human, a staff in one hand and a feathered cloak about him.

"It is not the best of outcomes, nor is it the worst," its voice now matching its form, "Yet…there yet remains some strength in the Furies of Draenor."

"Go, young Saurfang. Lead your people…with our blessings…"


You rise like a catapult, lifting nearly off the ground with the sheer force of your rising. It is…night. The Furies are gone. You are utterly alone, but it is only moments later that you are checking over yourself for signs of damage or change. There is nothing…at first. Until a light tickling of the wind pulls you upwards and you realize how much lighter you feel in body. How much…hardier your body feels as well. Tremors of energy run through you, enough to make your blood almost feel like it is jittering in your veins. Yet despite all of this there is a wave of calm and control which seems to suffuse you for all of it.

You…don't think that the Ritual of Winds worked the way it was meant to.

But it certainly did something.

Title Gained: The Uniter
Quest Unlocked: The Uniter's Blade

Traits Gained
Blessing of Water: The Fury of Water has suffused you with a mote of its power. To unify and soothe pains and anger, to seep between the shadows and flow (+3 Diplomacy, +3 Intrigue, +2 Piety)
Blessing of Earth: The Fury of Earth has suffused you with a mote of its power. To remain pure and stand free in thought and body (+1 Martial, +3 Piety, +1 Stewardship)
Blessing of Fire: The Fury of Fire has suffused you with a mote of its power. To forge ahead with strength and passion in all things (+4 Martial, +2 Piety)
Blessing of Wind: The Fury of Wind has suffused you with a mote of its power. Swiftness in motion, and memories of the past. To be of the Land of the Wind is to be an orc, never forget this. (+2 Martial, +2 Diplomacy, +2 Piety)
Blessing of Life: The Fury of Life is the most powerful of all, and granted you less than a mote of its power. That is more than enough. (Vitality increased notably).

GM Note: We've been gone for more than 4 months and you jerks roll these rolls. I know it might not be exactly what everyone was expecting, but it's been quite a while and I didn't have any more idea what I was doing before I started. I hope that it's all right. As for all these damn increases...well fuck, it's Warcraft, stuff like that is way more common and open than something like Warhammer...not to mention the rolls...anyhow I'm going to bed now so I guess I'll wake up and see what you guys thought.
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Turn 15
7 AA, Month 9
Turn 15​
You lay with Kaz on a vast clefthoof hide blanket, gazing out at the Twisting Nether.

"And then what happened," she whispers, her breath tickling your ear.

"The Furies…they spoke to me, they showed me who I was…who I could be. I…said which of their interpretations that I felt was the closest to the truth…and then…I woke up."

She hums into your ear in a way that makes you tingle but it's a curious hum not the other kind that parts of you are excited about.

"That sounds…amazing," and then all excitement washes out of you as you realize how sad she sounds. "To be able to commune with the Furies so strongly…"

"I do not know about that," you finally turn and cup her by the chin, letting your noses touch and eyes gaze into one another. "It was quite a trying experience. I do not want you nor our child to suffer for that."

"Perhaps," she mumbles before grabbing your arm and wrapping it around her and her steadily growing stomach. "Perhaps they would reject me outright for the color of my skin and the taint left behind in my soul."

You growl.

"Then they would be fools to do so. You are Mag'har, now and forever."

You are faster than before. Stronger than before. Ever part of you feels in tune with what the Furies granted you and their blessings has changed you deep within. It is a wondrous feeling and for all that the elements may be frustrating in their own ways, they are part of life. Part of the world, just as you are, and far more helpful than not once properly appeased. And they are forever better for your people's souls than the damned demons, the Burning Legion, the warlocks, the accursed fel. The elements, the Furies, are, now and forever, part of the Mag'har and their ways.

Military: Garrosh has been rather inspired lately, giving speeches about redemption and forging new paths. All traces of his previous depression has disappeared beneath his new outlook on life. (Choose 2):

Clad In Metal: With the mines open and the forges working, you can now utterly remove the advantage that the Horde and Legion has over your warriors. In that your bone and leather and few personal weapons made from metal are largely incapable of matching the fel iron weapons and armor that your foe possesses. No more. Now, with the right application of effort and wealth you can clad your warriors in their own iron and steel, and replace their weapons with better ones. With that, you will match the enemy in all ways now, and so bring an ultimate victory that much closer to your reach. Cost: 3000. Time: 3 Months. Reward: Military overall upgraded to metal for arms and armor. Will Complete Next Turn.

Strike the Horde Again: There is no need to let up on the Horde. To let them know that they are not going to be able to hit the Alliance as they like whenever they want. You are already sabotaging their forces, their supplies, and such, but that is going to grow harder as they begin supplementing their forces with demons. The gate in Nagrand is gone. The Gate in Zangarmarsh is contained…for now. You have no idea what is left, how many more were created, but for now there are no more demons coming from the north. The only source of the blasted creatures is Shadowmoon Valley, the only location of the Horde as well. Though Garrosh is a little busy, and Kaz is pregnant, and Jorin is injured, you still have plenty of fighters and people willing to kill. Exercise your shamans and arcane warriors, your warriors as well. With the draenei helping you can easily push harder than before. Cost: 500. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Dead Legion, Dead Horde, Alliance aided. Chance of Success: 75%

The Ring of Blood: The Ring of Blood is an ancient gladiator arena that was constructed by the ogres at one point and then later claimed by the orcs as they pushed out the ogre empire. Considering the sheer number of warriors that you have one hand and the fact that you cannot ever consent to sending them all in one great mass without the direst of reasons it might be a place worth controlling once more. Orcs are a naturally combative race and if they do not do something to work out such tensions then they might grow unruly. Even you know this despite everything else. But better than that would be a chance for them to shed a little blood together, gain some more real experience in battle, and perhaps make friends! Better comraderie amongst your warriors is always good…and actually if you make sure to keep mixing the last vestiges of the clans they might better become true Mag'har. Cost: 1000. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Ring of Blood reclaimed for usage. Slight ongoing training and skill maintaining for forces. Might later become something more??

Small Hellfire Outpost: Velen's draenei, reconnecting with their fellows in Hellfire and vice versa, have by the words of the Prophet been convinced to communicate some interesting information. There is a high hill, nearly a mountain, with a single and treacherous path upwards that might be of use to you for a large outpost or even large base if you later expand it. You have just enough warriors to man it and getting information on a whole other area of Draenor is not something that you can miss out on entirely. Better is the fact that they won't have to deal with too much stealth with the massive Alliance presence so why not be able to build open defenses and such? It might make for synergy with the draenei as well! Cost: 1000. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Small Hellfire Peninsula Outpost near Telhamat.

Diplomacy: If there's anything that Greatmother Geyah has taught you, is that not all things can be conquered by a warriors strength. It was with words that the first shamans parlayed with the Furies, the sentient elementals of Draenor. It will be with words that you accomplish more than just a good axe. (Choose 2):

Making War Alongside the Warmaul, Talking Part: The Boulderfists are still against you, and while you've convinced the Warmaul to at least not attack you, that's not quite the same thing as having them as true allies. You know what would work better? Working together to smash someone you both don't like very much. It would be a mixture of straight violence against merciless and seemingly impossible-to-appease ogres and diplomacy. Which, when it comes to their kind, is pretty much the same thing. If you work together with the Warmaul to smash their foes then it should raise their opinion of you considerably so long as you are successful of course. Of course what is required is that you actually convince Cho'war to fight alongside you and crush the remaining Boulderfist in Nagrand. This would also have the benefit of raising his esteem amongst his kind and allow him to fold the remaining Boulderfist into his forces and raise those numbers. Cost: 100. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Cho'war agrees to try and crush the rest of the Boulderfists in Nagrand alongside you, potential for large opinion boost.

Ogre Assistance: You need some truly heavy fighters to take on the Horde and the Legion, and luckily there is a population of them nearby. The Pillager might not be the most diplomatic sounding name, but if you paid him and his ogres in food and shiny things you might be able to convince them to go forward and strike against your enemies. The Alliance needs all the help they can get, even with the assistance of your own warriors and Velen's. The Horde's numbers are…distressingly large, and the Legion can summon assistance from nowhere through their portals. At least, with ogres, you should be able to finally push them back somewhat. Cost: 500. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Ogre's persuaded to fight against the Horde/Legion in Terokkar Forest. Chance of Success: 65%

Dreghood Communications: The Dreghood are strongly shamanic. This is of great interest to you. Perhaps there could be some common ground found between your peoples? While the Velenic draenei seem to disdain communication with most of their 'Broken' brethren you do not find the same sensations welling up inside of you. After all, is not your mate green and fel tainted just as they have been warped by the Legion as well? You cannot simply dismiss them out of hand, much less because of the fact that the Furies find them worth talking to in some measure or another. Would they be interested in fighting against the Legion along with you, perhaps? Trade of some kind or another? Or perhaps simply speaking between your shamans? Either way, speaking is better than not speaking. Cost: 500. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Communications opened up between Mag'har and Dreghood Tribe of Broken.

Stewardship: Garadar simply cannot hold all of these people. Your supplies strain already, and as more and more orcs grow healthy once more the amount of food and housing required will far eclipse what the small city can hold. This must be attended to, and quickly. (LOCKED):

Improving Roads: You have the funds and materials, and you have the idea. Roads help you move trade, it helps your warriors move with more ease than the regular dirt and grasses. Between every single one of your various settlements and those leading up to the Velen's people and his own places. Also perhaps to Sporeggar, why not. It isn't the most glorious work, it isn't even going to be the fastest work, but hopefully it will help everyone along in getting to where they need to go. Right? Cost: 2000. Time: 4 Months. Reward: Full on roads leading to all of your settlements as well as that of your allies. Good for lots of stuff.

Upgrade All Tools: Now that you have access to metal tools, you need to upgrade across the whole of your people's various homes and settlements. Bone and stone are the past, well they always were but you just didn't have the metal tools at the time. It's time to change that. It will cost a pretty amount of your wealth but it is worth it for such strong sturdy things to move out across the land. This will help you build things faster, mine faster, forge faster, and all that and more. Cost: 3000. Time: 4 Months. Reward: Metal tools replace all stone and bone across the realm. Build Times reduced all over the place. Will Complete In Two More Months.

Schoolhouse Gul'rok: With Jorin's recent injuries and need to fully dedicate himself to his studies, his has brought up an interesting proposal. He wishes to heavily expand Gul'rok, but not just normally. Specifically, he wishes to turn it into a place of study, a place of research. Essentially, a place where he may pursue his studies in various direction, while other orcs could do the same. It would take a fair bit of income to ensure that it is all made of sturdy enough construction to not be too damaged should any experiments go out of control. Cost: 3000. Time: 3 Months. Rewards: Gul'rok heavily expanded. +1 Learning Option Per Turn. Will Complete Next Turn.

Jorin and the Bleeding Hollow seem to all be vigorously studying the few arcane tomes recovered from Mogor's little hoard. Though many of them are also at the Throne of Elements, a few core members, led by Jorin, wish to do more with this strange new power that is not of the demons. (LOCKED):

Riding Clefthoofs: You have a population of Clefthoofs to begin trying things with. The first thing you'd like to try is getting a saddle on them and then training them for battle. Back before Ner'zhul, they were quite aggressive indeed. For goodness sake, Banthar is still running about in central Nagrand, and she's the largest Clefthoof ever seen. If you managed to properly armor them and train them...well, they'd be capable of smashing apart enemy formations with ease. It's a portion of warfare you simply do not have a counterpart for at the moment. Cost: 2000. Time: 4 Months. Reward: Clefthoof Cavalry - Heavy Cavalry Forces. Chance of Success: 50%. Will Complete In Two More Turns.

Magic Food: So, the deal is thus. One of the spells displayed by the Alliance mages and discovered in Jorin's perusal of Mogor's stolen materials from Azeroth is one to create food and water. Apparently it even actually does act as food. Transmuting pure arcane energy into a bountiful feast is such an incredibly useful thing that Jorin wants to spend a good amount of time working on it so that in times of major emergency your people can fall onto that rather than starve. But he also does not want your people to become dependent on it. So, a good study. Cost: 1000. Time: 4 Months. Reward: Food Supply Boosted. Food level of Stable will require larger decreases to achieve a deficit. Chance of Success: 85%

Piety: The Furies stand imperiously at the Throne of the Elements. Greatmother Geyah has long been the overall spiritual leader of the Mag'har, and it is through her that you make your requests of the elements. (LOCKED):

Grant Us Your Blessings: The elements have returned to the Mag'har. Their pain has been soothed. Now, you may once more return to the ways of the past where the spirits helped whisper to the people where to hunt and helped plow the fields and bring the rains. Overall, a great thing indeed that many orcs have been looking forward to ever since the elements returned. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Hunting and Farming income boosted.

Calming Zangar Furies: Out of all the badly affected Furies, only those of the Spires have it worse. Those of Gorgrond and Frostfire Ridge still retain a landmass to return to, with aspects from both drawn in. The Zangar Sea, now the Zangarmarsh, is an alien landscape that quite frankly frightens and is scaring the Zangar Furies. Their Balance has been utterly destroyed, with more Wind and Earth than they have ever been comfortable with suddenly present. It was a place of Water, and now not so much. They require much assistance in calming and soothing their pains. Cost: 1000. Time: 5 Months. Reward: Zangar Sea Furies grow more accepting of their new positions as the Furies of Zangarmarsh. Calmer. Easier for Shamans in those areas. Better for everyone in general. Will Complete This Turn.

Something that you have to admit is that poisonings, skulkings, and general sneaking is something that the Laughing Skulls were forced into becoming quite proficient at. Kaz the Shrieker is skilled at it as well. (Choose 1):

Tracking Arrakoa: So the mad bird men are apparently based at one single city that they have built, or rebuilt, or recovered, or something else besides after the apocalypse. Regardless, you need to find this place. Whether to put the bird men out of their misery or discover a way to...well, it would be quite presumptuous to say 'fix them' but at least figure out a way to avoid just culling them all. At least you retained Nagrand, they lost the Spires of Arak in their entirety. How tragic...but you cannot brook their continued raids forever. Cost: 500. Time: 3 Months. Reward: Location of Skettis. Chance of Success 75%.

Investigating Arrakoa Of Hellfire: These are a group of the bird-men cut off from the rest of their fellows deep within Terrokar. It would be a great boon if you knew whether or not they are as mad as the rest of their kind and are planning on any foolishness. Though it would pain you, and you do not wish to slaughter them without reason, if you could remove them before they are able to become a problem then it would be prudent to do so. But you will do no such thing without confirming this, and ensuring that there is absolutely no way that you can communicate with these ones at least. Perhaps if they are so distant from the rest of their brethren they will not be nearly as prone to attacking all things around them? Cost: 500. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Hellfire Arrakoa Information. Chance of Success: 85%

Personal Actions: You used to have free time. Now you are responsible for tens of thousands of people's lives. It is an amazingly heavy burden, but your back and legs are pretty strong and you aren't about to give up. But you can still make some time for yourself. (Choose 2):

Let's Go Hunting: There are mighty beasts in Nagrand. Beasts that stand or fly taller than any of their brethren. Much prestige can be found for the orc who slays them and takes their parts as trophies. Not to mention the meat and hide. It is both recreation and personal adventure to hunt, and seeing as you have secured most of Nagrand now quite well, you have the opportunity to indulge yourself. Wouldn't it be nice to have some stories to tell your children one day? Cost: 0. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Get list of Trophy Hunts to go after. Each will grant prestige and unique reagents for….uh, stuff. Likely unique armors and weapons or trinkets that could be enchanted?

Getting Kaz Healed: Your mate is still injured! This must be rectified. With the recent growing closeness between the shamans and the Furies, surely they can do something for her. If not them, then Garrosh can test out his new connection with the Light! Or some of his brethren, or perhaps you can speak to the Draenei themselves who surely have great healing capabilities. You want your wife in the peak of possible health when she gives birth to your child damn it! When you speak to any and all of them about this you will be much calmer and more respectful, obviously.

The Blade of the Uniter, Stage One: You hear whispering in your dreams, now that you have spoken to the Furies and communed with them. It comes to you in the sounds of a small trickling stream at times and the crash of the ocean at others – even if there is no more oceans for Draenor. What it means you do not quite know but if you truly try to commune with the Furies then perhaps you will learn more. What is it that they desire from you? It is another trial like the last one? You hope not, that was rather stressful indeed. And painful too…but then again a bit of pain is nothing for you. Cost: 0. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Commune With Furies Once More with way less danger involved.
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Turn 15 Results
7 AA, Month 9
Turn 15 Results
Military: Garrosh has been rather inspired lately, giving speeches about redemption and forging new paths. All traces of his previous depression has disappeared beneath his new outlook on life. (Choose 2):

Clad In Metal: With the mines open and the forges working, you can now utterly remove the advantage that the Horde and Legion has over your warriors. In that your bone and leather and few personal weapons made from metal are largely incapable of matching the fel iron weapons and armor that your foe possesses. No more. Now, with the right application of effort and wealth you can clad your warriors in their own iron and steel, and replace their weapons with better ones. With that, you will match the enemy in all ways now, and so bring an ultimate victory that much closer to your reach. Cost: 3000. Time: 3 Months. Reward: Military overall upgraded to metal for arms and armor. Will Complete Next Turn.

- The metal is pounded into shape now, and ever so slowly your people are being clad in more than just bone and cloth and bare flesh. Metal will replace stone in large part though stone tools will likely always have some part or another amongst your people. It is simply cultural to carve or create with them in that manner though you doubt that many will be able to resist the allure of a tool that will not shatter eventually. Will Complete Next Turn.

The Ring of Blood: The Ring of Blood is an ancient gladiator arena that was constructed by the ogres at one point and then later claimed by the orcs as they pushed out the ogre empire. Considering the sheer number of warriors that you have one hand and the fact that you cannot ever consent to sending them all in one great mass without the direst of reasons it might be a place worth controlling once more. Orcs are a naturally combative race and if they do not do something to work out such tensions then they might grow unruly. Even you know this despite everything else. But better than that would be a chance for them to shed a little blood together, gain some more real experience in battle, and perhaps make friends! Better comraderie amongst your warriors is always good…and actually if you make sure to keep mixing the last vestiges of the clans they might better become true Mag'har. Cost: 1000. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Ring of Blood reclaimed for usage. Slight ongoing training and skill maintaining for forces. Might later become something more??

- There was a bit of an arena in the squalor that Kaz's people were once forced to live in. That damn ogre loved his pit fights. If you were less informed about orcish culture then it might be easy to say that one arena to fight within would be the same as another. Not so. The Ring of Blood had honor, even when it was crafted by the Gorian Empire. There is a savage and low yet noticeably present pride in the fighting. In close combat that allows for the truest expression of the self, of the hot rush of blood and burning of sweat as it trickles across the body. It is a primal experience, fighting, and whether or not one identifies as Mag'har or Horde or otherwise it is undeniable that there is a part of your people who enjoy it. You are not a soft people, you never have been, but is it not better to run your fighters through their paces as best as they can instead of letting it build up without release? You are a young orc, you know your kind, and it would be better for them to get hit a few times and bleed a little bit here and there before they get themselves puffed up on delusions of being grander than they really are. Also it might help them get their skills up better if they can fight harder than the 'usual' spars. The Ring of Blood is now the property of the Mag'har. Also interesting is that the shamans may be able to practice their ritual incantations and communions with the Furies in one of those most important of things – healing. Well, them and the Acolytes. Garrosh and his brethren may or may not be able to train their newfound powers as well. Excellent all around for the future. Reward: Ring of Blood reclaimed for usage. Slight ongoing training and skill maintaining for forces. Might later become something more??

Small Hellfire Outpost: Velen's draenei, reconnecting with their fellows in Hellfire and vice versa, have by the words of the Prophet been convinced to communicate some interesting information. There is a high hill, nearly a mountain, with a single and treacherous path upwards that might be of use to you for a large outpost or even large base if you later expand it. You have just enough warriors to man it and getting information on a whole other area of Draenor is not something that you can miss out on entirely. Better is the fact that they won't have to deal with too much stealth with the massive Alliance presence so why not be able to build open defenses and such? It might make for synergy with the draenei as well! Cost: 1000. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Small Hellfire Peninsula Outpost near Telhamat.

- For the life of you, you don't know why one of the younger scouts thought that the place could just be called 'The Mag'har Post'. What an awful name. The convoy was drug up through Zangarmarsh this time around and headed east and past the Temple of Telhamat. Amaan the Wise was happy to say hello though a few of his people were a little suspicious of you – you can't expect them to all accept friendship between your peoples after all – and sent you on up the hill. You, actually, decided to name it Kaz'ar Post. Much better. Your mate found it charming when you told her, as it turns out. High up above, away from the fighting but secure. A good watchpost to see what else is going on in Hellfire. For instance, the Alliance forces are currently working to secure the Pools of Aggonar – so named for the Pit Lord who fell there and tainted the place with his presence and blood. It's full of monstrous slime creatures and demons who are being spawned out of the muck but they are making a good fight of it. Their paladins and priests are strong users of their 'Light' and one of the scouts reported that this month there were even some dwarves on flying gryphons who threw down hammers that boomed like thunder and were covered in crackling electricity. Fascinating. Reward: Small Hellfire Peninsula Outpost near Telhamat in Hellfire Peninsula. Kaz'ar Post.

: If there's anything that Greatmother Geyah has taught you, is that not all things can be conquered by a warriors strength. It was with words that the first shamans parlayed with the Furies, the sentient elementals of Draenor. It will be with words that you accomplish more than just a good axe. (Choose 2):

Making War Alongside the Warmaul, Talking Part: The Boulderfists are still against you, and while you've convinced the Warmaul to at least not attack you, that's not quite the same thing as having them as true allies. You know what would work better? Working together to smash someone you both don't like very much. It would be a mixture of straight violence against merciless and seemingly impossible-to-appease ogres and diplomacy. Which, when it comes to their kind, is pretty much the same thing. If you work together with the Warmaul to smash their foes then it should raise their opinion of you considerably so long as you are successful of course. Of course what is required is that you actually convince Cho'war to fight alongside you and crush the remaining Boulderfist in Nagrand. This would also have the benefit of raising his esteem amongst his kind and allow him to fold the remaining Boulderfist into his forces and raise those numbers. Cost: 100. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Cho'war agrees to try and crush the rest of the Boulderfists in Nagrand alongside you, potential for large opinion boost.

- Cho'war isn't the most intelligent person that you've ever spoken with. But he happily lets you into his hills in exchange for some meat and tales of mighty deeds. Ogres enjoys such things greatly after all. After that however when you brought up the idea of crushing the Boulderfist? He was even more excited. While the Pillager may lead his people on sheer strength to the point of enslaving the remaining gronn in the hills – something you hadn't thought he would be able to do – he isn't stupid enough to think that the Boulderfist won't want to someday retake his hills. After all, he's the one who kicked them out. Even so the idea of fighting alongside his ogres to fully destroy the Boulderfist and claim what he can from them is enough to get him to agree. When you leave the hills it is to the sounds of war drums pounding and chants emanating from their elders. You will have to follow them into battle, and soon. Reward: Cho'war agrees to try and crush the rest of the Boulderfists in Nagrand alongside you, potential for large opinion boost.

Dreghood Communications: The Dreghood are strongly shamanic. This is of great interest to you. Perhaps there could be some common ground found between your peoples? While the Velenic draenei seem to disdain communication with most of their 'Broken' brethren you do not find the same sensations welling up inside of you. After all, is not your mate green and fel tainted just as they have been warped by the Legion as well? You cannot simply dismiss them out of hand, much less because of the fact that the Furies find them worth talking to in some measure or another. Would they be interested in fighting against the Legion along with you, perhaps? Trade of some kind or another? Or perhaps simply speaking between your shamans? Either way, speaking is better than not speaking. Cost: 500. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Communications opened up between Mag'har and Dreghood Tribe of Broken.

- The Dreghood are an interesting group. While Velen himself vouches for those of his people who have become tainted by exposure to fel powers many of his people cannot bring themselves to extend a hand of friendship for to their horror they cannot touch the Light anymore. They can feel it, it can be cast upon them to heal their wounds, but they themselves can't bring it forth. Instead the Dregdhood Tribe as they have called themselves are led by four shamans, each of whom strangely can only truly call upon one of the Elements rather than all of them at once like some can. Aylaan the Watermaker, Morod the Windstirrer, Akoru the Firecaller, and Naladu the Keeper of Earth work together in a small council to guide their tribe which is actually quite tragically large. Tragic for those who cannot accept that they are still a people with good in their hearts. They do not fight the Alliance, they despise the Legion, and they have given up on truly becoming friends with their old kin once more – their aversion to the fel taint is something that frankly disturbs you even now for such an otherwise accepting people – they are actually open to speaking with the Mag'har. The ravages of what has happened to them has not dampened their spirits and your shared connections with the Furies interests them. You can speak to them now, and they you, and while they live in a shattered former temple complex you think that Sha'naar could someday be rebuilt if the Dreghood are given the time, chance, and ability to do so. Communications opened up between Mag'har and Dreghood Tribe of Broken.

Garadar simply cannot hold all of these people. Your supplies strain already, and as more and more orcs grow healthy once more the amount of food and housing required will far eclipse what the small city can hold. This must be attended to, and quickly. (LOCKED):

Upgrade All Tools: Now that you have access to metal tools, you need to upgrade across the whole of your people's various homes and settlements. Bone and stone are the past, well they always were but you just didn't have the metal tools at the time. It's time to change that. It will cost a pretty amount of your wealth but it is worth it for such strong sturdy things to move out across the land. This will help you build things faster, mine faster, forge faster, and all that and more. Cost: 3000. Time: 4 Months. Reward: Metal tools replace all stone and bone across the realm. Build Times reduced all over the place. Will Complete In Two More Months.

- Will Complete In Two More Months.

Schoolhouse Gul'rok: With Jorin's recent injuries and need to fully dedicate himself to his studies, his has brought up an interesting proposal. He wishes to heavily expand Gul'rok, but not just normally. Specifically, he wishes to turn it into a place of study, a place of research. Essentially, a place where he may pursue his studies in various direction, while other orcs could do the same. It would take a fair bit of income to ensure that it is all made of sturdy enough construction to not be too damaged should any experiments go out of control. Cost: 3000. Time: 3 Months. Rewards: Gul'rok heavily expanded. +1 Learning Option Per Turn. Will Complete Next Turn.

- Gul'rock is growing larger and larger. At the end of this it will be larger than the Alliance's holdings in the area, though Shattrath will certainly be the largest settlement by far once it is fully rebuilt. It is a good thing that your shamans can will earth to shape and move and that each orc is quite strong themselves. Will Complete Next Month.

Jorin and the Bleeding Hollow seem to all be vigorously studying the few arcane tomes recovered from Mogor's little hoard. Though many of them are also at the Throne of Elements, a few core members, led by Jorin, wish to do more with this strange new power that is not of the demons. (LOCKED):

Riding Clefthoofs: You have a population of Clefthoofs to begin trying things with. The first thing you'd like to try is getting a saddle on them and then training them for battle. Back before Ner'zhul, they were quite aggressive indeed. For goodness sake, Banthar is still running about in central Nagrand, and she's the largest Clefthoof ever seen. If you managed to properly armor them and train them...well, they'd be capable of smashing apart enemy formations with ease. It's a portion of warfare you simply do not have a counterpart for at the moment. Cost: 2000. Time: 4 Months. Reward: Clefthoof Cavalry - Heavy Cavalry Forces. Chance of Success: 50%. Will Complete In Two More Turns.

- Required: 50. Rolled: 63. Will Complete In Two More Turns.

The Furies stand imperiously at the Throne of the Elements. Greatmother Geyah has long been the overall spiritual leader of the Mag'har, and it is through her that you make your requests of the elements. (LOCKED):

Calming Zangar Furies: Out of all the badly affected Furies, only those of the Spires have it worse. Those of Gorgrond and Frostfire Ridge still retain a landmass to return to, with aspects from both drawn in. The Zangar Sea, now the Zangarmarsh, is an alien landscape that quite frankly frightens and is scaring the Zangar Furies. Their Balance has been utterly destroyed, with more Wind and Earth than they have ever been comfortable with suddenly present. It was a place of Water, and now not so much. They require much assistance in calming and soothing their pains. Cost: 1000. Time: 5 Months. Reward: Zangar Sea Furies grow more accepting of their new positions as the Furies of Zangarmarsh. Calmer. Easier for Shamans in those areas. Better for everyone in general. Will Complete This Turn.

- It is done. It is done. The Furies of Zangar Sea are now the Furies of Zangarmarsh, it simply took a time for them to be calmed enough to accept the change. They were chaotic, incensed, and who wouldn't be if everything you thought you were and knew you were was flipped up around and changed entirely. But Greatmother Geyah managed to calm them, and if you let yourself think about it is it strange that the Fury of Water that you identified so strongly with was the one that was the most changed by the creation of Zangarmarsh? To go from the oceans of a world to but one part of what remains of what is essentially one continent? Either way, the Furies are calmed….as much as they can be at least. They did not gain their names for being known for utter tranquility. Either way, you know that now it is quite certain that they can aid you in destroying the Zangar Gate. Soon…that disgusting piece of Legion architecture and Horde design will be gone from Draenor. Reward: Zangar Sea Furies grow more accepting of their new positions as the Furies of Zangarmarsh. Calmer. Easier for Shamans in those areas. Better for everyone in general.

Something that you have to admit is that poisonings, skulkings, and general sneaking is something that the Laughing Skulls were forced into becoming quite proficient at. Kaz the Shrieker is skilled at it as well. (Choose 1):

Investigating Arrakoa Of Hellfire: These are a group of the bird-men cut off from the rest of their fellows deep within Terrokar. It would be a great boon if you knew whether or not they are as mad as the rest of their kind and are planning on any foolishness. Though it would pain you, and you do not wish to slaughter them without reason, if you could remove them before they are able to become a problem then it would be prudent to do so. But you will do no such thing without confirming this, and ensuring that there is absolutely no way that you can communicate with these ones at least. Perhaps if they are so distant from the rest of their brethren they will not be nearly as prone to attacking all things around them? Cost: 500. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Hellfire Arrakoa Information. Chance of Success: 85%

- Required: 15. Rolled: 27. You had thought to approach them in peace. To consider offering a hand of friendship in these trying times in the world that Ner'zhul and his masters created. Now…however. Now you know better. These bird-men have dared, dared, to entrap and ensorcel the elements themselves! Your shamans could hear the howling of one called Aeranas. Aeranas! Who once guided the eastern winds of Draenor, shoved into a tiny container and made to serve one known as Avuru who leads the Arrakoa of Haal'eshi Gorge! How could they do this!?! The Furies are the Furies, but their lesser elemental brethren are just as essential to the balance of the planet – such as it is! This…this must be rectified. As soon as possible. It is no wonder that the easternmost part of what remains of Draenor feels no touch of the winds or feels them too strongly, if the one who rules those winds is gone! To chain the elements is folly. It is more than that. It is unholy. It is criminal! Besides the fact that they were heard cackling and rambling about restoring 'The King' to his place and 'Wiping Clean The World', which likely means that they would not ally with you in the first place. Haal'eshi Gorge Arrakoa have entrapped Aeranas, Lord of the Eastern Winds of Draenor. Dranosh is incensed!

Personal Actions:
You used to have free time. Now you are responsible for tens of thousands of people's lives. It is an amazingly heavy burden, but your back and legs are pretty strong and you aren't about to give up. But you can still make some time for yourself. (Choose 1):
Getting Kaz Healed: Your mate is still injured! This must be rectified. With the recent growing closeness between the shamans and the Furies, surely they can do something for her. If not them, then Garrosh can test out his new connection with the Light! Or some of his brethren, or perhaps you can speak to the Draenei themselves who surely have great healing capabilities. You want your wife in the peak of possible health when she gives birth to your child damn it! When you speak to any and all of them about this you will be much calmer and more respectful, obviously. Reward: Kaz Healed.

- Fire for energy, Water to sooth and cleanse and heal, Earth to fortify, Wind to carry away the pain. Greatmother Geyah is on a roll this month, freshly invigorated in tandem with the Furies of Zangarmarsh. She was happy to do it, and though Kaz whined about it being a frivolous expenditure of the Furies energies by the end of it she was healed. Your child will be better off for it as well, and you aren't about to have your wife be anything but as healthy as possible before she goes through the birthing. The elements are willing to do it, and that is what matters. Her wounds disappear, her flesh is repaired, her bones knitted fully. Reward: Kaz is healed completely.

The Blade of the Uniter, Stage One: You hear whispering in your dreams, now that you have spoken to the Furies and communed with them. It comes to you in the sounds of a small trickling stream at times and the crash of the ocean at others – even if there is no more oceans for Draenor. What it means you do not quite know but if you truly try to commune with the Furies then perhaps you will learn more. What is it that they desire from you? It is another trial like the last one? You hope not, that was rather stressful indeed. And painful too…but then again a bit of pain is nothing for you. Cost: 0. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Commune With Furies Once More with way less danger involved.

- The Fury of Water speaks to you again, as you dream this month, Kaz held in your arms with her freshly healed wounds. You are so much larger than her, your hands protectively curled around her arm and stomach as if to protect her from all harm with nothing but your fierceness. It comes with a small rushing of water in your ears and when you 'awoke' it was within a great expanse of water. Deeper and wider than even the biggest lake in Zangarmarsh. Though you never saw the oceans of Draenor in the past you instinctually know at the same time that this is a near perfect representation of them. Here the Fury of Water does not need to take on a shape of any sort. Aborius, her name is, and she is the greatest of the Furies of Water remaining on Draenor – a sad state of things she admits to you with a voice that bubbles with grief. So few remain of her kind though Aborius notes that even if that is true there remains great strength within the elements. Her attempts at contacting you were a vague test, largely one of interest, for by now she admits with a chuckle that sounds of a cheerful stream flowing down a mountain valley you have more than proven yourself. The Mag'har are struggling right alongside the rest of the Furies to maintain what remains of the world and it is not in friction and fighting against one another that this can be done. Rather it is in unity, the ever present guide to Draenor's elements, that success will be found.

It is that which so connects you to the elements, she reveals. Your desire for such aligns you vastly with the ways of the Furies of past, present, and hopefully future. As such, Aborius believes that you deserve more than simply being yelled at by the elements. You have proven yourself. Now, if you have the will and ability, Aborius would grant you a boon – one agreed upon by the Furies of Water throughout Draenor. It will require…work, however. She does not possess the same strength as she once did, but there is still a great possibility for 'it' to be done. What it requires, it turns out, is for you to pull water from every great body of water remaining on Draenor and then more from what remains in places nearly lost to it.

Water of Nagrand, of Zangarmarsh, of Talador, of what was once Tanaan, of the Mountains to the North. When you brought up any other places, Aborius's eyes darkened and she spoke with even greater sadness than before. The waters of Shadowmoon are all too tainted, and of Farahlon…she does not even dare speak. Regardless, once you have gathered the waters from these places, you must bring them together at the Throne itself. There Aborius shall forge a weapon worthy of one who would bring balance to Draenor once more, who would strive for the unity that all the Furies work towards every day. Blade of the Uniter Quest Continues: Gather – personally, mind you – the Waters of Draenor. From Nagrand, from Talador, from Zangarmarsh, from Hellfire Peninsula, and from the World's Edge Mountains. Then bring them all to the Throne of Elements for a weapon forged by the Furies themselves.
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