Warcraft: The Rise of the Mag'har

It was an Elite Mob at best, which is to say "A reasonably talented fighter can take on solo if they bring their A-Game, but they're generally best fought in groups".

But yeah, WoW PCs aren't a big deal one on one, their ability is their coordination, allowing them to be more than the sum of their parts. Usually, the only times you get to solo an actually powerful foe is exploiting gamist mechanics, like the level cap going up (And thus, your strength, even though "In Game", the growth in strength isn't nearly so meteoic), or other similar tricks.

In short, an army of "Dranosh-tiers" get to beat something that would have crushed any one of them in seconds.
Where would you rank Brox?
Dranosh is going to become a Blade Master soon so he will be an even bigger badass and his close friends are his party members that cover his weaknesses and when all working together can fight great threats.
Turn 13
7 AA, Month 7
Turn 13​

Dranar howls happily as she digs into the Clefthoof's side even as you put away your bow. An actual pack of wolves would probably be quite confused at the sight of the omega doing such things, but you were the only one out here besides your wolf. Her brown fur, practically the same color as your own, is splattered with the red blood of your kill, and even if she ate her fill a dozen times over there would still be plenty left of the beast to drag back to Garadar. It's a little dangerous for you to be out here on your own, considering that the Legion and Horde employ assassins and such, but you aren't actually that far from your capital, and patrols are all over the place in the ancient homeland of the Mag'har. Besides, you needed to get out here and clear your head. Things are beginning to speed up, it seems. The Horde has openly associated with demons once more, drawing more of the beasts from Shadowmoon Valley, now more so by flying rock creatures that spew fel green flames that can arrive from nowhere out of the sky itself.

The Alliance seems to be fracturing. Which is…bad. You never wanted that, at all. But still they fight the Horde and Legion, or should you just start referring to them as just the Legion now that they do not even hold the pretense of hiding who they are? Even with the Laughing Skulls going about their work, the demons – the Pit Lord especially – are taking their toll on the Alliance. More and more fights are turning into retreats, and the elves are being seen less and less on the open battlefield. Without their scouting abilities and their own abilities, the humans and dwarves are struggling mightily. Mightily, but not nearly as successfully. You need to intervene, though it's not like fighting the Horde or demons is really a hard thing to decide on doing.

As for the Arrakoa, they have reappeared. Or perhaps it would be better to say that they haven't. But you can see them in what they are doing, the attacks on caravans, on traders, on workers. They are striking from the shadows against you, and with slowly intensifying efforts. Which is simply unacceptable. Yes, it is tragic that they were driven insane by the destruction of the world, and the loss of all their truly flight capable fellows, but now they seem too happy to attack everyone and everything. Your scouts are reporting that they are even attacking the Alliance from behind, even the Horde and Legion are not spared a flurry of feathers and shadow magic.

But it is not all bad. The rituals of the priests and draenei paladins, coupled with the rituals of your shamans, all together? Is giving people some hope indeed. The draenei, and Velen is quite pleased with the work. Your allies as a whole seem to be quite happy with this. You can only hope it comes soon. The Netherwing are requesting a meeting, and so you have the chance to ally with a flight of dragons, so who truly knows what might be possible with that at hand. Your life mate is pregnant, and healthy. Things are bad in some cases, and in others they are good. The only choice is to forge ahead. To do otherwise, to surrender, to compromise your ideals, would be….well, you just won't. There is too much for the Mag'har to do, too many people and beings to apologize to and make reparations for. Too much healing that needs to be done.

Dranar howls again, drawing you out of your musings, and wags her tail as she drops a haunch of meat before you. Even now, she still tries her best to provide for the one she perceives as alpha. Smiling, you lean down and scratch her behind the ears, and accept the offering. Of course, you need to cook it first.

Military: Garrosh has been rather inspired lately, giving speeches about redemption and forging new paths. All traces of his previous depression has disappeared beneath his new outlook on life. (Choose 1):

New Warriors: You took an enormous amount of casualties facing the Bonechewers, and while you took down every single one of the redskins that participated in that battle, you still lost a not-inconsiderable amount. Luckily those that lived will be able to pass on their wisdom and experience to those they train. Because you need new warriors. Your numbers continue to rise in the peace of Nagrand, with the ogres pacified for now and the draenei having peaceful relations with you, and so you have plenty willing to join up. It is time to let those who wish to join your military forces in more official capacity join. Training and equipping will take some time, but it will be well worth it in the long-run. Cost: 4,000. Time: 4 Months. Reward: +6,000 Grunts, +2,000 Bowmen, +4,000 Raiders, +250 Arcane Warriors, +50 Shamans, +300 Blackrock Blacksmiths, +100 Laughing Skull Rogues. Will Complete Next Turn.

Blurring The Lines Further: In your ongoing efforts to slowly dismantle the abrasive and too-individualistic clan system which allowed the Horde to form in the first place, you must focus on your military somewhat. Despite all the changes to orcish society, your people's natural temperament and physiology will forever lend it to intense physical activity of one kind or another. Even now, your raiders are mainly Warsong, and your elite units are made up of specific clans. That should not continue, it will inevitably breed issues regarding so-called superiority and lording ones positions over each others. It is natural to be prideful of ones accomplishments, but orcs should be allowed to at least attempt before being refused. As such, it may be time to re-organize your military to allow inter-clan lines. There will be arguments, obviously, there will be every time you dare to stand against 'tradition'. But that's fine with you. If you have to beat and drag the Mag'har away from the Horde's past and to a better future, you will. Cost: 2,000. Time: 2 Months. Reward: Blurring of Clan Lines, Greater Mag'har Integration. Blackrock Blacksmiths become Mag'har Crushers, Laughing Skull Rogues become Mag'har Shadowskulls, Warsong Raiders become Raiders. Etc. Will Complete This Month.

Scouting Hellfire: The former Tanaan Jungle was long ago corrupted into Hellfire Peninsula. It is there that the same-named Citadel lies, as does the shameful and monstrous Path of Glory. Not to mention the Dark Portal itself. You haven't actually scouted the area that much, and it would probably do you some good to check it. You remember that some of the demons that were streaming out were coming from here, and though the numbers of that group have reduced themselves somewhat, they have not entirely stopped. It's time to send a few scouts out to see what's going on. Cost: 1,000. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Information. Chance of Success: 65%

Strike the Horde: It's time to begin attacking the Horde openly. To let them know that they are not going to be able to hit the Alliance as they like whenever they want. You are already sabotaging their forces, their supplies, and such, but that is going to grow harder as they begin supplementing their forces with demons. The gate in Nagrand is gone. The Gate in Zangarmarsh is contained…for now. You have no idea what is left, how many more were created, but for now there are no more demons coming from the north. The only source of the blasted creatures is Shadowmoon Valley, the only location of the Horde as well. Though Garrosh is a little busy, and Kaz is pregnant, and Jorin is injured, you still have plenty of fighters and people willing to kill. Exercise your shamans and arcane warriors, your warriors as well. Cost: 500. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Dead Legion, Dead Horde, Alliance relieved. Chance of Success: 65%

Diplomacy: If there's anything that Greatmother Geyah has taught you, is that not all things can be conquered by a warriors strength. It was with words that the first shamans parlayed with the Furies, the sentient elementals of Draenor. It will be with words that you accomplish more than just a good axe. (Choose 2):

Draenei And Alliance: Velen is an astonishingly good diplomat. He has to be, to keep his people together after so long. He is focusing his efforts on Oshu'gun at the moment, but if you could convince the draenei to speak to the Alliance themselves and offer out as allies while simultaneously perhaps talking on your behalf, things might go better. Unfortunately the Prophet is quite invested in K'ure, which is perfectly understandable. Convincing him will be a bit difficult. Cost: 500. Time: 1 Month. Reward: ??? Chance of Success: 45%

Quagmirran, Ruler of the Giants: Your new connections with the Sporelings has granted a much better knowledge of just what Zangarmarsh has become since, well, being created. You suddenly have names for the various creatures that your patrols have come into contact with, have fought, killed, or been injured themselves by. The flying creatures with the organic razor blades for 'wings' are Nether Wings, the huge spindly walkers that shoot lightning are called Spore Walkers, and the mushroom flying flapping things are Spore Bats. Not…the most creative naming system, but it's better than the random assortment of names that your warriors were calling them. Regardless, the thing that you personally are most interested in, are the Fungal Giants. Though they are somewhat nonviolent, when pressed they are able to dispatch whatever as garnered their ire with ease. Their leader, Quagmirran, holds what could be 'court' in the largest central lake of Zangarmarsh, the largest body of water potentially left on Draenor's remnant parts entirely. He, it? Has a name. If it has a name, if they have a ruler, that is another group that you could make peace with, and better Draenor for it. Cost: 1000. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Contact with Leader of Fungal Giants.

Netherwing: The Netherwing are openly displaying their presence in north-eastern Zangarmarsh. Few are allowed in their territory, all animals within are subject to be eaten apparently if not given permission. As it is, however, they have requested a full on meeting with you rather than the not-quite-chance encounters of before. Now, everything you know about dragons comes from the tales of your elders, of the bestial and terrifying Black Dragons of Deathwing, who tore away the home island of the old Laughing Skulls from them. Of the tortured Red Dragons who were captured, enslaved, and beaten into service – something else that your people have done which is likely unforgivable. They were intelligent, by all accounts, and the fact that these Netherwing can shapeshift, and converse, only magnifies the crimes of the Horde further. There are few Red Dragons that you know of, and all them are still likely in the service of the Horde in Shadowmoon Valley. You can never make true reparations to them, for their queen, chief, leader, of however she goes by, is back on Azeroth. The Netherwing, however, you can ensure that nothing similar ever occurs. Cost: 500. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Netherwing Lake Turns.

Stewardship: Garadar simply cannot hold all of these people. Your supplies strain already, and as more and more orcs grow healthy once more the amount of food and housing required will far eclipse what the small city can hold. This must be attended to, and quickly. (Choose 1):

Mining Time: You have located some mines of the valuable Blackrock Ore. The tough metal you can create from such materials is nothing to scoff at, and it is a good part of the reason that the remaining weapons forged by Blackrock hands from Gorgrond are still perfectly good is the fact that the metal is simply so good. Well, the other part is proper maintenance and expert forging, but the point remains. Metal tools are also quite useful indeed. It is time to set up some mines. Thank goodness you had the Furies help in locating them though, because you otherwise wouldn't have been able to justify the effort. Cost: 1500. Time: 3 Months. Reward: Blackrock Ore mines set up and begin mining. Will Complete This Turn.

Forging Facilities: Soon you will have better things than just the usual stone and bone to use for equipment. It would make sense for you to set up facilities beforehand, or perhaps during, so that equipping your forces can begin as soon as possible. You need to close the gap between you and the Horde, you simply cannot keep up as things are now. Everyone is brave, and strong, and willing to die for the cause, but things would be easier if you got some proper gear, wouldn't it? Cost: 1000. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Able to begin forging metal arms and armor.

Schoolhouse Gul'rok: With Jorin's recent injuries and need to fully dedicate himself to his studies, his has brought up an interesting proposal. He wishes to heavily expand Gul'rok, but not just normally. Specifically, he wishes to turn it into a place of study, a place of research. Essentially, a place where he may pursue his studies in various direction, while other orcs could do the same. It would take a fair bit of income to ensure that it is all made of sturdy enough construction to not be too damaged should any experiments go out of control. Cost: 3000. Time: 3 Months. Rewards: Gul'rok heavily expanded. +1 Learning Option Per Turn.

Learning: Jorin and the Bleeding Hollow seem to all be vigorously studying the few arcane tomes recovered from Mogor's little hoard. Though many of them are also at the Throne of Elements, a few core members, led by Jorin, wish to do more with this strange new power that is not of the demons. (LOCKED):

Riding Clefthoofs: You have a population of Clefthoofs to begin trying things with. The first thing you'd like to try is getting a saddle on them and then training them for battle. Back before Ner'zhul, they were quite aggressive indeed. For goodness sake, Banthar is still running about in central Nagrand, and she's the largest Clefthoof ever seen. If you managed to properly armor them and train them...well, they'd be capable of smashing apart enemy formations with ease. It's a portion of warfare you simply do not have a counterpart for at the moment. Cost: 2000. Time: 4 Months. Reward: Clefthoof Cavalry - Heavy Cavalry Forces. Chance of Success: 50%.

Improving Arcane: It is time to take those among your people who have begun using magic beyond that of the shamans and not that of warlocks to take the next step. For all their prodigious strength and power, they are still quite youthful in their knowledge. Jorin on the other hand has advanced quite rapidly, and is now certain that he can put down what he has personally learned and trained into the minds and bodies of those who follow his path. It will take time though, and will be dangerous. Though all magic is dangerous on some level or another, Jorin tells you. It will be worth it though to increase the strength of your people. Cost: 1000. Time: 4 Months. Reward: Arcane Warriors improved. Will Complete In This Turn.

Piety: The Furies stand imperiously at the Throne of the Elements. Greatmother Geyah has long been the overall spiritual leader of the Mag'har, and it is through her that you make your requests of the elements. (LOCKED):

Grant Us Your Blessings: The elements have returned to the Mag'har. Their pain has been soothed. Now, you may once more return to the ways of the past where the spirits helped whisper to the people where to hunt and helped plow the fields and bring the rains. Overall, a great thing indeed that many orcs have been looking forward to ever since the elements returned. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Hunting and Farming income boosted.

Calming Zangar Furies: Out of all the badly affected Furies, only those of the Spires have it worse. Those of Gorgrond and Frostfire Ridge still retain a landmass to return to, with aspects from both drawn in. The Zangar Sea, now the Zangarmarsh, is an alien landscape that quite frankly frightens and is scaring the Zangar Furies. Their Balance has been utterly destroyed, with more Wind and Earth than they have ever been comfortable with suddenly present. It was a place of Water, and now not so much. They require much assistance in calming and soothing their pains. Cost: 1000. Time: 5 Months. Reward: Zangar Sea Furies grow more accepting of their new positions as the Furies of Zangarmarsh. Calmer. Easier for Shamans in those areas. Better for everyone in general. Three More Months.

Intrigue: Something that you have to admit is that poisonings, skulkings, and general sneaking is something that the Laughing Skulls were forced into becoming quite proficient at. Kaz the Shrieker is skilled at it as well. (Choose 1):

Tracking Arrakoa: So the mad bird men are apparently based at one single city that they have built, or rebuilt, or recovered, or something else besides after the apocalypse. Regardless, you need to find this place. Whether to put the bird men out of their misery or discover a way to...well, it would be quite presumptuous to say 'fix them' but at least figure out a way to avoid just culling them all. At least you retained Nagrand, they lost the Spires of Arak in their entirety. How tragic...but you cannot brook their continued raids forever. Cost: 500. Time: 3 Months. Reward: Location of Skettis. Chance of Success 75%.

Blunting Arrakoa Attacks: The damn bird men are attacking everyone and everything this month, and you are reasonably sure they aren't just going to stop next month. But they need to be stopped, and if they won't do it, it's up to you to do it. The Alliance is busy with the Horde and Legion, they can't really deal with anything else at the moment as they are the singular focal point of the efforts of your sworn enemies. Setting your own rogues and hunters on the creatures is all there is for it. For now, you just need to guard your own movements, and begin hunting down their raiding parties. Cost: 500 Per Turn. Time: Until Arrakoa Stop or Are Stopped. Reward: Arrakoa stop messing with your and the Alliance's efforts.

Personal Actions: You used to have free time. Now you are responsible for tens of thousands of people's lives. It is an amazingly heavy burden, but your back and legs are pretty strong and you aren't about to give up. But you can still make some time for yourself. (Choose 1):

Kaz's Lectures: Kaz has stated that while she is both wounded and pregnant, now is the perfect time for you to learn the scholarly half of being a Blademaster. The mindset, the tradition, the unique method of communing with the spirits that allows a Blademaster the higher levels of their abilities. It is a limited education compared to what a Burning Blade Blademaster would manage, but it is better than nothing. Besides, you rather like the idea of using Kaz's special combined procedures of the Horde and the old Mag'har. You will never forget the Horde and what it did with these techniques, but you will have the Mag'har to mesh them. Cost: 0. Time: 3 Months. Reward: Next Step of Blademaster Training Complete. Will Complete This Turn.

Let's Go Hunting: There are mighty beasts in Nagrand. Beasts that stand or fly taller than any of their brethren. Much prestige can be found for the orc who slays them and takes their parts as trophies. Not to mention the meat and hide. It is both recreation and personal adventure to hunt, and seeing as you have secured most of Nagrand now quite well, you have the opportunity to indulge yourself. Wouldn't it be nice to have some stories to tell your children one day? Cost: 0. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Get list of Trophy Hunts to go after. Each will grant prestige and unique reagents for….uh, stuff.

Learning Crimes: You need to know more about the crimes of the Horde. So the only place to go is the elders of the Mag'har. Those who knew, watched….may even have participated in the early massacres before Gul'dan gave your people the instrument of their doom and destruction. An instrument happily accepted. The orcs of old were more than happy to attack and slaughter everyone around them, they only needed an excuse. You've beaten that out of people, have shamed and shamed and yelled, as has Garrosh, and even the elders once you shove the truth of the willful evil the orcs as a race perpetrated into everyone's face. But you need information, so that you aren't blindsided by anything that the Alliance might want to say or accuse you of. Kaz, and the older Laughing Skulls, they participated in the 'First War' and the 'Second War'. So now you will know what they learned. Cost: 0. Time: 2 Months. Reward: Information.
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Military: Strike the Horde
Heroic Intervention on this. Alliance gets a bit of breathing room and slaughtered Legion, win-win.

Diplomacy: Quagmirran, Ruler of the Giants, Netherwing
DaA are too risky right now.

Stewardship: Forging Facilities
Fluff mentions Garadar is getting overfilled. Going to have to deal with that as soon as an option pops up. In the mean time, get the forges ready.

Intrigue: Blunting Arrakoa Attacks
We have the income so stop their attacks before hunting them down.

Personal Actions: Learning Crimes
Best not to get blindsided.
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Strike the Horde: It's time to begin attacking the Horde openly. To let them know that they are not going to be able to hit the Alliance as they like whenever they want. You are already sabotaging their forces, their supplies, and such, but that is going to grow harder as they begin supplementing their forces with demons. The gate in Nagrand is gone. The Gate in Zangarmarsh is contained…for now. You have no idea what is left, how many more were created, but for now there are no more demons coming from the north. The only source of the blasted creatures is Shadowmoon Valley, the only location of the Horde as well. Though Garrosh is a little busy, and Kaz is pregnant, and Jorin is injured, you still have plenty of fighters and people willing to kill. Exercise your shamans and arcane warriors, your warriors as well. Cost: 500. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Dead Legion, Dead Horde, Alliance relieved. Chance of Success: 65%
Dangerous, but with a HI on this and being able to start forging metal arms and armor, we should do much better. And it helps the Alliance.

Quagmirran, Ruler of the Giants: Your new connections with the Sporelings has granted a much better knowledge of just what Zangarmarsh has become since, well, being created. You suddenly have names for the various creatures that your patrols have come into contact with, have fought, killed, or been injured themselves by. The flying creatures with the organic razor blades for 'wings' are Nether Wings, the huge spindly walkers that shoot lightning are called Spore Walkers, and the mushroom flying flapping things are Spore Bats. Not…the most creative naming system, but it's better than the random assortment of names that your warriors were calling them. Regardless, the thing that you personally are most interested in, are the Fungal Giants. Though they are somewhat nonviolent, when pressed they are able to dispatch whatever as garnered their ire with ease. Their leader, Quagmirran, holds what could be 'court' in the largest central lake of Zangarmarsh, the largest body of water potentially left on Draenor's remnant parts entirely. He, it? Has a name. If it has a name, if they have a ruler, that is another group that you could make peace with, and better Draenor for it. Cost: 1000. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Contact with Leader of Fungal Giants.

Netherwing: The Netherwing are openly displaying their presence in north-eastern Zangarmarsh. Few are allowed in their territory, all animals within are subject to be eaten apparently if not given permission. As it is, however, they have requested a full on meeting with you rather than the not-quite-chance encounters of before. Now, everything you know about dragons comes from the tales of your elders, of the bestial and terrifying Black Dragons of Deathwing, who tore away the home island of the old Laughing Skulls from them. Of the tortured Red Dragons who were captured, enslaved, and beaten into service – something else that your people have done which is likely unforgivable. They were intelligent, by all accounts, and the fact that these Netherwing can shapeshift, and converse, only magnifies the crimes of the Horde further. There are few Red Dragons that you know of, and all them are still likely in the service of the Horde in Shadowmoon Valley. You can never make true reparations to them, for their queen, chief, leader, of however she goes by, is back on Azeroth. The Netherwing, however, you can ensure that nothing similar ever occurs. Cost: 500. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Netherwing Lake Turns.
Get in touch with the Fungal Giants and the Netherwing, pretty straightforward.

Forging Facilities: Soon you will have better things than just the usual stone and bone to use for equipment. It would make sense for you to set up facilities beforehand, or perhaps during, so that equipping your forces can begin as soon as possible. You need to close the gap between you and the Horde, you simply cannot keep up as things are now. Everyone is brave, and strong, and willing to die for the cause, but things would be easier if you got some proper gear, wouldn't it? Cost: 1000. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Able to begin forging metal arms and armor.
Better gear is vital for taking on the Horde.

Blunting Arrakoa Attacks: The damn bird men are attacking everyone and everything this month, and you are reasonably sure they aren't just going to stop next month. But they need to be stopped, and if they won't do it, it's up to you to do it. The Alliance is busy with the Horde and Legion, they can't really deal with anything else at the moment as they are the singular focal point of the efforts of your sworn enemies. Setting your own rogues and hunters on the creatures is all there is for it. For now, you just need to guard your own movements, and begin hunting down their raiding parties. Cost: 500 Per Turn. Time: Until Arrakoa Stop or Are Stopped. Reward: Arrakoa stop messing with your and the Alliance's efforts.
Let's keep the Arrakoa from causing too much trouble until we can deal with them.

Learning Crimes: You need to know more about the crimes of the Horde. So the only place to go is the elders of the Mag'har. Those who knew, watched….may even have participated in the early massacres before Gul'dan gave your people the instrument of their doom and destruction. An instrument happily accepted. The orcs of old were more than happy to attack and slaughter everyone around them, they only needed an excuse. You've beaten that out of people, have shamed and shamed and yelled, as has Garrosh, and even the elders once you shove the truth of the willful evil the orcs as a race perpetrated into everyone's face. But you need information, so that you aren't blindsided by anything that the Alliance might want to say or accuse you of. Kaz, and the older Laughing Skulls, they participated in the 'First War' and the 'Second War'. So now you will know what they learned. Cost: 0. Time: 2 Months. Reward: Information.
More knowledge of the Horde sounds good.
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Strike the Horde: It's time to begin attacking the Horde openly. To let them know that they are not going to be able to hit the Alliance as they like whenever they want. You are already sabotaging their forces, their supplies, and such, but that is going to grow harder as they begin supplementing their forces with demons. The gate in Nagrand is gone. The Gate in Zangarmarsh is contained…for now. You have no idea what is left, how many more were created, but for now there are no more demons coming from the north. The only source of the blasted creatures is Shadowmoon Valley, the only location of the Horde as well. Though Garrosh is a little busy, and Kaz is pregnant, and Jorin is injured, you still have plenty of fighters and people willing to kill. Exercise your shamans and arcane warriors, your warriors as well. Cost: 500. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Dead Legion, Dead Horde, Alliance relieved. Chance of Success: 65%
Dangerous, but with a HI on this and being able to start forging metal arms and armor, we should do much better. And it helps the Alliance.

Quagmirran, Ruler of the Giants: Your new connections with the Sporelings has granted a much better knowledge of just what Zangarmarsh has become since, well, being created. You suddenly have names for the various creatures that your patrols have come into contact with, have fought, killed, or been injured themselves by. The flying creatures with the organic razor blades for 'wings' are Nether Wings, the huge spindly walkers that shoot lightning are called Spore Walkers, and the mushroom flying flapping things are Spore Bats. Not…the most creative naming system, but it's better than the random assortment of names that your warriors were calling them. Regardless, the thing that you personally are most interested in, are the Fungal Giants. Though they are somewhat nonviolent, when pressed they are able to dispatch whatever as garnered their ire with ease. Their leader, Quagmirran, holds what could be 'court' in the largest central lake of Zangarmarsh, the largest body of water potentially left on Draenor's remnant parts entirely. He, it? Has a name. If it has a name, if they have a ruler, that is another group that you could make peace with, and better Draenor for it. Cost: 1000. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Contact with Leader of Fungal Giants.

Netherwing: The Netherwing are openly displaying their presence in north-eastern Zangarmarsh. Few are allowed in their territory, all animals within are subject to be eaten apparently if not given permission. As it is, however, they have requested a full on meeting with you rather than the not-quite-chance encounters of before. Now, everything you know about dragons comes from the tales of your elders, of the bestial and terrifying Black Dragons of Deathwing, who tore away the home island of the old Laughing Skulls from them. Of the tortured Red Dragons who were captured, enslaved, and beaten into service – something else that your people have done which is likely unforgivable. They were intelligent, by all accounts, and the fact that these Netherwing can shapeshift, and converse, only magnifies the crimes of the Horde further. There are few Red Dragons that you know of, and all them are still likely in the service of the Horde in Shadowmoon Valley. You can never make true reparations to them, for their queen, chief, leader, of however she goes by, is back on Azeroth. The Netherwing, however, you can ensure that nothing similar ever occurs. Cost: 500. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Netherwing Lake Turns.
Get in touch with the Fungal Giants and the Netherwing, pretty straightforward.

Forging Facilities: Soon you will have better things than just the usual stone and bone to use for equipment. It would make sense for you to set up facilities beforehand, or perhaps during, so that equipping your forces can begin as soon as possible. You need to close the gap between you and the Horde, you simply cannot keep up as things are now. Everyone is brave, and strong, and willing to die for the cause, but things would be easier if you got some proper gear, wouldn't it? Cost: 1000. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Able to begin forging metal arms and armor.
Better gear is vital for taking on the Horde.

Grant Us Your Blessings: The elements have returned to the Mag'har. Their pain has been soothed. Now, you may once more return to the ways of the past where the spirits helped whisper to the people where to hunt and helped plow the fields and bring the rains. Overall, a great thing indeed that many orcs have been looking forward to ever since the elements returned. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Hunting and Farming income boosted.
Only one choice.

Blunting Arrakoa Attacks: The damn bird men are attacking everyone and everything this month, and you are reasonably sure they aren't just going to stop next month. But they need to be stopped, and if they won't do it, it's up to you to do it. The Alliance is busy with the Horde and Legion, they can't really deal with anything else at the moment as they are the singular focal point of the efforts of your sworn enemies. Setting your own rogues and hunters on the creatures is all there is for it. For now, you just need to guard your own movements, and begin hunting down their raiding parties. Cost: 500 Per Turn. Time: Until Arrakoa Stop or Are Stopped. Reward: Arrakoa stop messing with your and the Alliance's efforts.
Let's keep the Arrakoa from causing too much trouble until we can deal with them.

Learning Crimes: You need to know more about the crimes of the Horde. So the only place to go is the elders of the Mag'har. Those who knew, watched….may even have participated in the early massacres before Gul'dan gave your people the instrument of their doom and destruction. An instrument happily accepted. The orcs of old were more than happy to attack and slaughter everyone around them, they only needed an excuse. You've beaten that out of people, have shamed and shamed and yelled, as has Garrosh, and even the elders once you shove the truth of the willful evil the orcs as a race perpetrated into everyone's face. But you need information, so that you aren't blindsided by anything that the Alliance might want to say or accuse you of. Kaz, and the older Laughing Skulls, they participated in the 'First War' and the 'Second War'. So now you will know what they learned. Cost: 0. Time: 2 Months. Reward: Information.
More knowledge of the Horde sounds good.

Pretty much completely agree.
Strike the Horde - HI

Quagmirran, Ruler of the Giants

Forging Facilities

Blunting Arrakoa Attacks

Learning Crimes

Hope the Draenei can help with Alliance next turn and once we learn our crimes both together should give us the bonus we need to give Alliance diplomacy a fighting chance.

@torroar I was curious how did the Laughing Skull raids against the Legion and Horde work out last turn?
Love the writing on this turn. Options seem fairly straightforward to me.

Only thing i disagree with jwolfe is not choosing Draenei and Alliance. From how it is written, anything but a catastrophic failure will simply be Velen refusing to do this until he has woken K'ure. And Velen isn't the type to begrudge us for attempting to make peace with others so this shouldn't worsen our relations with the Draenei or the Alliance.

And if it succeeds, it will Succeed, with a capital S. Velen is the only person that can stop the fracturing of the Alliance through sheer force of personality. If we don't choose it because we are afraid of our chances, there may not be an Alliance to negotiate with anymore next turn.
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Strike the Horde - HI

Quagmirran, Ruler of the Giants

Forging Facilities

Blunting Arrakoa Attacks

Learning Crimes

Hope the Draenei can help with Alliance next turn and once we learn our crimes both together should give us the bonus we need to give Alliance diplomacy a fighting chance.

@torroar I was curious how did the Laughing Skull raids against the Legion and Horde work out last turn?

Serviceable. Not great, not bad.
Only thing i disagree with jwolfe is not choosing Draenei and Alliance. From how it is written, anything but a catastrophic failure will simply be Velen refusing to do this until he has woken K'ure. And Velen isn't the type to begrudge us for attempting to make peace with others.

And if it succeeds, it will Succeed, with a capital S. Velen is the only person that can stop the fracturing of the Alliance through sheer force of personality.
We need to wait so the Draenai can actually help us so the success chance is not so low and once we learn the crimes of the Orcs that should also increase the success chances since we are aware what the Horde did.
Serviceable. Not great, not bad.
Good to know.
We need to wait so the Draenai can actually help us so the success chance is not so low and once we learn the crimes of the Orcs that should also increase the success chances since we are aware what the Horde did.

Thats not the point. The only reason why the chance of success is so low is because Velen is reluctant to leave K'ure. Anything but a critical failure won't worsen our position with the Alliance or the Draenei. We need to take it or the Alliance will break very soon, maybe next turn given that the Elves aren't even assisting their allies against the legion anymore. It isn't much of a risk for us, and it could pay of big time.
Thats not the point. The only reason why the chance of success is so low is because Velen is reluctant to leave K'ure. Anything but a critical failure won't worsen our position with the Alliance or the Draenei. We need to take it or the Alliance will break very soon, maybe next turn given that the Elves aren't even assisting their allies against the legion anymore. It isn't much of a risk for us, and it could pay of big time.
Don't want to risk a crit fail and a normal fail injured one of our heroes before.

Even if a normal fail does nothing it is still a waste of an action when we can do something else they is certain to succeed.

We should be able to buy the Alliance time with us hitting the Legion and the Horde while also stopping the raids so we can afford talking to them next turn when hopefully the Draenai can help and we can use the knowledge of the war to help increase success chances we can talk to them.

It is not worth the risk.
I would say full focus on the Alliance this turn, and hoping we have good rolls.

I would also take the diplomatic option with the netherwing dragons, and the stewardship option to have forges. This is WoW and we will need the war machine of iron.