Warcraft: The Rise of the Mag'har

I would say full focus on the Alliance this turn, and hoping we have good rolls.
The chance is to low and if we wait a turn we can get the help of the Draenai and our new knowledge about the wars.

Both should increase the success chances without messing things up further since the last time we failed at diplomacy with the Alliance one of our heroes were very injured.

We can pull the pressure off of them when we fight the Horde and Legion to buy time.

This is not the right time to talk to them.
Don't want to risk a crit fail and a normal fail injured one of our heroes before.

Even if a normal fail does nothing it is still a waste of an action when we can do something else they is certain to succeed.

We should be able to buy the Alliance time with us hitting the Legion and the Horde while also stopping the raids so we can afford talking to them next turn when hopefully the Draenai can help and we can use the knowledge of the war to help increase success chances we can talk to them.

It is not worth the risk.

You know, an Alliance is an Alliance because they are allied against enemies. If one part of the alliance doesn't assist in fighting said enemies anymore the Alliance is already broken. Even if we manage to beat the Legion of them, they will still fall apart, probably even faster because their whole problem is that the Elves don't want to fight alongside orcs. We don't have the two months it would take to gather knowledge of the war. We also can't wait the indeterminate amounts of time it would take for Velen to revive K'ure. For all we know he'll still be at this for another year.

What do we loose? Talking to the Sporegiants? They'll still be there in five years. Standing with the Draenei for attempting to pressure them into negotiations with the Alliance? The Alliance falling apart this turn instead of next turn, when the situation won't have changed until then anyways?
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We should probably wait until K'ure is up an at 'em to ask the Draenei for favors. Once they know for sure that we're good on our word and are really dedicated to this whole thing, they'll be more willing to help out.

And the Alliance would have more reason to trust us, besides.

[x] Plan Derek58
We should probably wait until K'ure is up an at 'em to ask the Draenei for favors. Once they know for sure that we're good on our word and are really dedicated to this whole thing, they'll be more willing to help out.

And the Alliance would have more reason to trust us, besides.

There won't be an Alliance anymore by the time K'ure is up again. Its already falling apart. We need to act now, or we will never be on good terms with the elves. Because you can bet your ass that they will attack us too once they split from the Dwarves and Humans. And that split is imminent. End of next turn, at the latest.
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Yeah, but the question is: Do we really want to be allied with the elves?

They kind of seem like horribly racist jerks. Or at least, their leader does.
You know, an Alliance is an Alliance because they are allied against enemies. If one part of the alliance doesn't assist in fighting said enemies anymore the Alliance is already broken. Even if we manage to beat the Legion of them, they will still fall apart, probably even faster because their whole problem is that the Elves don't want to fight alongside orcs. We don't have the two months it would take to gather knowledge of the war. We also can't wait the indeterminate amounts of time it would take for Velen to revive K'ure. For all we know he'll still be at this for another year.

What do we loose? Talking to the Sporegiants? They'll still be there in five years. Standing with the Draenei for attempting to pressure them into negotiations with the Alliance? The Alliance falling apart this turn instead of next turn, when the situation won't have changed until then anyways?
There won't be an Alliance anymore by the time K'ure is up again. Its already falling apart. We need to act now, or we will never be on good terms with the elves. Because you can bet your ass that they will attack us too once they split from the Dwarves and Humans. And that split is imminent. End of next turn, at the latest.
The odds are not in our favor so we are most likely not going to vote for it since a failure can mean bad things for us as was the last failure related to it was.

We can just hope that they hold together long enough for us to talk to them next turn.

Hopefully a being of pure Light can help since the Light is seen by the whole Alliance as naturally good.
Yeah, but the question is: Do we really want to be allied with the elves?

They kind of seem like horribly racist jerks. Or at least, their leader does.

The odds are not in our favor so we are most likely not going to vote for it since a failure can mean bad things for us as was the last failure related to it was.

We can just hope that they hold together long enough for us to talk to them next turn.

Hopefully a being of pure Light can help since the Light is seen by the whole Alliance as naturally good.

We have an obligation to at least try as long as there is even the ghost of a chance of success. Do you think repenting for the crimes of the Horde would be easy? This may be the last chance for peace with the Elves, whose home the Horde destroyed. If we don't take it that is turning our back on the principles of the Mag'har and spitting on everything Dranosh stands for right now.

Seriously, its almost impossible for this action to blow up in our face. Velen is nigh invincible and a great diplomat, he wouldn't make any mistakes in talking to the Alliance, so the entire chance of failure comes from failing to convince him, which would be problematic, but not catastrophic. At worst we'll loose some Draenei opinion.
To be...well, fair isn't the right word....well.

Windrunners tend to go a little into the blinding self-destructive rage thing.

The one that married Rhonin seems a bit better off, but eh.
From what I can recall of one of the earlier scouting results; the elves are mostly chill, but they follow their leaders and it's their leaders that are the issue.

As for asking Velen, the worst that can happen is that he says he's too busy. Fungal Giants probably aren't going anywhere.
I'm going with these >

Strike the Horde:
Forging Facilities:
Blunting Arrakoa Attacks:
Learning Crimes:

To be...well, fair isn't the right word....well.

Windrunners tend to go a little into the blinding self-destructive rage thing.

The one that married Rhonin seems a bit better off, but eh.

Actually she almost went off the deep end when Rhonin got nuked by Garrosh iirc?
Treasury: 38,500 Gold
Net Income: +9,000 Gold Per Turn


Strike the Horde
This is going to hurt if it fails, and even if it's close. We need proper arms and armor badly. Heroic intervention, even wounded we could turn the tide. Or die. That'd suck.
Cost: 500g


Draenei And Alliance
We're kinda responsible for their fracturing, and they're already striking against the Legion, so I'd like to make nice with them.
Cost: 500g

Frankly the Bog Giants aren't as immediately useful to us. Just the birds eye view information they could pass along while minding their own business could be immensly useful given how few eyes we have up there compared to Nagrand.
Cost: 500g


Forging Facilities
It aches to pass up the chance to gain more actions per turn, and to fortify our learning center to boot, but we can't keep attacking the legion with bones and leather.
Cost: 1000g


Blunting Arrakoa Attacks
Neither we nor the Alliance are in a good enough position to tolerate their attacks while we track their city down. Hopefully being unable to do much damage to us will make them focus more on the Legion, but I'll be happy with them just not taking attention away from the Legion.
Cost: 500g

Personal Actions

Learning Crimes
Probably best to not piss the Elves off even more and make them attack us.
Cost: 0

Total cost: 3000g
Seriously, its almost impossible for this action to blow up in our face. Velen is nigh invincible and a great diplomat, he wouldn't make any mistakes in talking to the Alliance, so the entire chance of failure comes from failing to convince him, which would be problematic, but not catastrophic. At worst we'll loose some Draenei opinion.
No this could still seriously blow up in our face all options with rolls do.

Also it is applied that until the rituals are complete we can't get Velen to help since he is to busy focusing on them so if we fail to convince him to help he won't be involved at all in the talks.
No this could still seriously blow up in our face all options with rolls do.

Also it is applied that until the rituals are complete we can't get Velen to help since he is to busy focusing on them so if we fail to convince him to help he won't be involved at all in the talks.

If we fail to convince him there won't be any talks therefore no way for things to blow up in our face. Some options are riskier than others. At the absolute worst, critical 1 scenario, we convince Velen to make an attempt at talking to the alliance and it blows up in his face, but Velen is millenia old and incredibly powerful, he wouldn't be seriously inconvenienced by Alleria Windrunner.
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If we fail to convince him there won't be any talks therefore no way for things to blow up in our face. Some options are riskier than others. At the absolute worst, critical 1 scenario, we convince Velen to make an attempt at talking to the alliance and it blows up in his face, but Velen is millenia old and incredibly powerful, he wouldn't be seriously inconvenienced by Alleria Windrunner.
I can't convince you otherwise so I guess it's up to a vote.

@torroar once the mines are complete and we get the forging areas will we already equip our forces with metal gear or will that require an action later?
Just realized that we finish Blademaster training (at least I think we do) this turn which will be awesome!

Wonder what out personal weapon will be.
Better late than never.

I think it would most likely be an axe though, i don't see any other weapon of choice.