Warcraft: The Rise of the Mag'har

Draenei and Alliance is Desperately needed if we want a shot at preventing the Alliance base from collapsing to internal strife.

Double down brings the chance up to 65%, and a personal Intervention could raise that even higher.

It is risky, yes, but Necessary. Unless people want to see the Alliance go up in tinders.

We have no double down and HI can only be used on military actions...

Voting Draenei and Alliance has a 55% chance of doing nothing or actually making things worse... What's more, even if it succeeds we have no guarantees it'll do anything particularly useful. Velen has no real benefit over our own diplomacy besides being a better diplomat. The Dranei haven't been out there proving their intentions and are (hopefully) completely unknown to the Alliance.
It's been several years since then. She even has a young son that she is putting in danger by acting the way she is.
She is an elf, her lifespan can be measured in centuries. A few years to her might as well be a few months or weeks to a human. Do not expect a different race with a different physiology to go through grief the same way as a human and even for humans there are those who would still be just as grieving and just as vengeful as she is right now.
Sigh, and this was why I wanted to hold off on interacting with the Alliance until after K'ure was up. So it's a shame so many people were impatient.

I do think that if we want the elves to be part of the alliance. We do have to interact and soothe them soon.
But going in half cocked does have a good chance of making things worse. I think we have to have Learning Crimes at the least finished though before we start with the alliance. We absolutely cannot afford another screw up.

If we can convince Velen though, he might be able to delay the implosion. And get the elves to at least agree to work with the Draenei if not the Orcs. On the other hand. Taking Velen away from healing K'ure could delay K'ure from being fully healed sooner. Which we might be able to leverage. But that's a long shot considering we don't have a status report on K'ure's health.
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Eh, wasn't talking about this vote. But the first time we interacted with the Alliance and got injured the first time.

And with the changing circumstances. I don't think we have the luxury this time to have a perfect meeting.
If we do want the elves, we have to stabilize the alliance sometime soon. If we don't then we can take our time and deal with the leftovers when the Alliance fractures.
We only needed a twenty five to pass that roll. Voting for it wasn't that out there.
Please don't assume that the people not voting for the Alliance are being unreasonable. We've been over why people don't want to vote for it.
Not my intention so sorry if it sounded that way.
If we do want the elves, we have to stabilize the alliance sometime soon. If we don't then we can take our time and deal with the leftovers when the Alliance fractures.
Well we plan to take the Legion and Hordes attention away from them so hopefully so more peace will buy some time.
We only needed a twenty five to pass that roll. Voting for it wasn't that out there.
The Alliance option was such a volatile option though that it was dangerous to go in without as many bonuses as we could for the meeting. The entire universe was based on the Orc/Alliance war and I wanted absolutely no chance for failure before we did it because of this exact situation.
Not my intention so sorry if it sounded that way.

Well we plan to take the Legion and Hordes attention away from them so hopefully so more peace will buy some time.
Actually, I do agree that peace might actually cause them to fracture faster. Since the enemies at the gate they had to prepare for are being preoccupied. Giving them more chances to argue and be stupidly pig headed.
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The Alliance option was such a volatile option though that it was dangerous to go in without as many bonuses as we could for the meeting. The entire universe was based on the Orc/Alliance war and I wanted absolutely no chance for failure before we did it because of this exact situation.
We couldn't put any more bonuses on that roll than what it had, and what's the point of arguing over something that happened quite awhile ago and can't be affected? Let's focus on what we're doing now that hasn't been decided.

Voting Draenei and Alliance has a 55% chance of doing nothing or actually making things worse...

Reading the whole sentence is important...

Please don't assume that the people not voting for the Alliance are being unreasonable. We've been over why people don't want to vote for it.

There is a bit of a trend in quests to obsess about fixing failures though, even if the odds keep dropping and the costs keep rising...

And right now I haven't seen anyone offer arguments why the risks and costs are worth it. Which I would expect from reasonable people.
We couldn't put any more bonuses on that roll than what it had
That's why I was sad that we were impatient. The rest of the post then went into how I figure how the rest of this current turn might play out depending on the options.

Edit: More simply. That part was just me being slightly salty still at remembering that turn. Please ignore that part.
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Better than them getting wiped out since the Elves are not helping out.
I wasn't saying it was a bad Idea. Just that all actions have consequences that we should be aware of and plan for.

Edit: Anyway. While before we had the benefit of waiting for the perfect opportunity. I don't believe we have that benefit anymore if we want the Alliance to remain in one piece. We're going to have to take sub optimal actions and luck.
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Strike the Horde - HI
Quagmirran, Ruler of the Giants
Forging Facilities
Blunting Arrakoa Attacks
Learning Crimes

We should make our move to contact the Alliance again after this coming turn. If things go well, we will have released a lot of pressure on them by taking/destroying/weakening the Citadel, and also secured our own position more by gaining more allies, powerful ones, in Zangarmarsh. If Kure is fully healed after next turn, even better for us as we try diplomatic contact again with Velens help. Moving on the Alliance right now is premature.
Hope we do really well when striking the Horde.

Taking out at least one of their leadership would be best.
someone asked, I answer: the Fungal Giants are about on par with the ogres.

They are far squishier, yet can survive more 'grievous' wounds due to their fungus nature, and are far more vulnerable to fire, yet are about strength with the ogres and do not require nearly as much food. They only need mushrooms to eat, leave behind no waste unlike the ogres.
someone asked, I answer: the Fungal Giants are about on par with the ogres.

They are far squishier, yet can survive more 'grievous' wounds due to their fungus nature, and are far more vulnerable to fire, yet are about strength with the ogres and do not require nearly as much food. They only need mushrooms to eat, leave behind no waste unlike the ogres.
That was me and thanks for the info.

So mainly they are as strong as Ogres and can take more hits in general but are weak against fire all good to know.
well they are also able to spawn far faster, due to their fungal nature.

Another issue is them drying out. They need water, a lot more than ogres do. Ogres need tons of food, Fungal Giants need tons of water.

But, mentally, they are a lot less violence-prone than ogres. Far more peaceful on average, but mess with their territory and what not and they'll react violently obviously.
Another issue is them drying out. They need water, a lot more than ogres do. Ogres need tons of food, Fungal Giants need tons of water.
Couldn't a Shaman use their connection to the Furies to give lots of easy access of water to the Fungal Giants?

Like a buff that surrounds them in a passive field that draws water from the air and surrounding area to keep them wet which not only keeps them from drying out but also lessen the danger of fire damage?
Sure they do.

But you're forgetting a few things:

1. Shamans can't do squiddly in Zangarmarsh until the Zangar Furies are calmed.
2. The Fungal Giants are fine so long as they stay in Zangarmarsh, so that is effort that would probably be unneeded.
3. The Fungal Giants have little to no impetus to leave Zangarmarsh
4. You are assuming that the Fungal Giants, even should you have good relations with them, want to 'join up' or anything similar. Why would they want to fight for or with you for anything other than protecting their holdings in Zangarmarsh?