Warcraft: The Rise of the Mag'har

Sure they do.

But you're forgetting a few things:

1. Shamans can't do squiddly in Zangarmarsh until the Zangar Furies are calmed.
2. The Fungal Giants are fine so long as they stay in Zangarmarsh, so that is effort that would probably be unneeded.
3. The Fungal Giants have little to no impetus to leave Zangarmarsh
4. You are assuming that the Fungal Giants, even should you have good relations with them, want to 'join up' or anything similar. Why would they want to fight for or with you for anything other than protecting their holdings in Zangarmarsh?
All good points and we can at least know the Zangar would be safe with them.

At least we shouldn't have the same problems with Ogres later since they like fighting.
This is what I eventually went with...

Scouting Hellfire:
Our heroes are injured, our new troops are still training/integrating and our blackrock mines/forging facilities(if we choose the latter) are still being set up.

As much as the Alliance needs the help, now is not the time to strike at the Horde, get the heroes healed and give the smiths some time to equip our forces first. Own faction first basically.

Besides, would be good to know the situation in Hellfire, where the Alliance and Horde should have significant holdings. Would be good to know just how strong the Alliance is as a local faction.

I kinda doubt this'll win though.
Quagmirran, Ruler of the Giants:

Let Velen concentrate on K'ure for now, Alliance can come after we start actively fighting the Horde, right now? We are not ready to actively fight the Horde on even footing So I'd prefer if we wait a little bit.
Forging Facilities:

Ties in with the above, much as the learning action is useful, we need to fix the equipment disparity.
Blunting Arrakoa Attacks:

We can't really deal with their shit. The Alliance can't deal with their shit. Stop their attacks before we track them, finding Skettis takes 3 months.

Hopefully this will be enough to keep the Alliance from being horribly battered. If they "disintegrate"? Most of the Elves go one way, those more amenable to diplomacy with us go the other.

Learning Crimes:

Will be useful if we deal with the Alliance. Going hunting would probably open up new(personal?) options but I'd rather have an IC response readied for whatever accusations get hurled at us.
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This may be the last chance for peace with the Elves, whose home the Horde destroyed.

Wasn't the actual damage done laughably small compared to what the humans of the Alliance?
4. You are assuming that the Fungal Giants, even should you have good relations with them, want to 'join up' or anything similar. Why would they want to fight for or with you for anything other than protecting their holdings in Zangarmarsh?

If they don't help us win the Fungal Giants would have to deal with an unending tide of demons.
Seriously, no, do not play the "who got wronged worse" game. It's a particularly scumbaggy thing to do.

Argue this on absolutely any other grounds and I'm fine with that, but metaphorically going up to someone who's lost a sister and slapping them before saying "that person right next to you has lost a sister and a brother so you don't get to say shit" is a particularly messed up thing to do.

Just, argue this in a different way, it's not hard.
Seriously, no, do not play the "who got wronged worse" game. It's a particularly scumbaggy

On the other hand, while there's no doubt that what happened to Quell'thalas was terrible, the biggest chunk of the human contingent of the Alliance Expedition came from Kingdom of Stormwind, most of the dwarves are from Ironforge and the gnomes from Gnomergan.

Stormwind was destroyed utterly. There's no way that everyone could get on the boats to the Hillsbrad and Southshore areas, those left behind were murdered, more than a few used as sacrificial offerings to the Burning Legion. Gnomergan and Ironforge lost all control of their territories and were under siege until relieved by the combined might of the Alliance.

Did the elves not suffer?

Don't be stupid, of course they did. But at the same time, their own allies, who suffered no less, and often suffered worse when taken on the whole, are all considering at minimum a cease fire between the Mag'har and the Alliance. Because everything else on the planet seems to be trying to murder them to death.

This isn't playing the 'who got wronged worse' game. This is telling the elves that maybe they should check their privilege and calm down a little before they get everyone killed. Because seriously, if they don't the Alliance is going to lose a good chunk of its combat might through a lack of ranged combat options, while the elves, on their own, are never going to be strong enough to stand against the Burning Legion or any of the other major factions currently forming, including the Alliance Expedition, the Draenei and the Mag'har orcs.

They'll have to make a living in a forgotten corner of a shattered world and pray they aren't found by those who don't like them enough to mount an assault.
Strike the Horde
Draenei and Alliance
Forging Facilities
Blunting Arrakoa Attacks
Learning Crimes
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Only choice, but I just wanted to be sure.

Hopefully we'll roll well for getting Valen to help with the Alliance.
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We need a Heroic Intervention on this.
The chances of success are just 65%, we do not have many warriors or good equipment.
We roll badly here, our losses could be extreme.
Could depend on how he wants to play it.

The mines and forging facilities are coming online this turn so it's possible that some weapons/armor will be made before the attack.
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