Seriously, no, do not play the "who got wronged worse" game. It's a particularly scumbaggy
On the other hand, while there's no doubt that what happened to Quell'thalas was terrible, the biggest chunk of the human contingent of the Alliance Expedition came from Kingdom of Stormwind, most of the dwarves are from Ironforge and the gnomes from Gnomergan.
Stormwind was
destroyed utterly. There's no way that everyone could get on the boats to the Hillsbrad and Southshore areas, those left behind were murdered, more than a few used as sacrificial offerings to the Burning Legion. Gnomergan and Ironforge lost all control of their territories and were under siege until relieved by the combined might of the Alliance.
Did the elves not suffer?
Don't be stupid, of course they did. But at the same time, their own allies, who suffered no less, and often suffered
worse when taken on the whole, are
all considering at minimum a cease fire between the Mag'har and the Alliance. Because everything
else on the planet seems to be trying to murder them to death.
This isn't playing the 'who got wronged worse' game. This is telling the elves that
maybe they should check their privilege and calm down a little
before they get everyone killed. Because seriously, if they don't the Alliance is going to lose a good chunk of its combat might through a lack of ranged combat options, while the elves, on their own, are never going to be strong enough to stand against the Burning Legion or any of the other major factions currently forming, including the Alliance Expedition, the Draenei and the Mag'har orcs.
They'll have to make a living in a forgotten corner of a shattered world and
pray they aren't found by those who don't like them enough to mount an assault.