Warcraft: The Rise of the Mag'har

Dranosh and Thrall's mom will have to knock some sense into his head when they meet up...after Dranosh just plain knocks dad's head around, of course :p

They deserve every bit of contempt Dranosh and Garrosh have for them.

That sounds like ALLIANCE propaganda. I mean nazi germany has done a lot of shit, but you don't see most modern germans spitting on the ground their veterans walk on.(to my knowledge)
That sounds like ALLIANCE propaganda. I mean nazi germany has done a lot of shit, but you don't see most modern germans spitting on the ground their veterans walk on.(to my knowledge)
Most of the living former nazi's were soldiers and didn't really do an truly horrendous shit unlike the horde.

@Avalon But yeah. Dranosh won't go to far down. He's around and allied with several people that will pull him out of it. And honestly I can't blame him for what he is feeling. The orcs did a lot of nasty shit. It's one thing to know they did it. It's another to actually see and feel what they did as they did it during a spirit journey.
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but worse will be thrall's naive idolization of Orgrim Doomhammer.
Thrall didn't have a naive idolization. He knows that the Horde has greatly wronged the people of Azeroth which is half the reason he didn't mind leaving the continent.

And he couldn't throw away the Horde because for the vast majority of Orcs, that's all they know. Yes his Horde may share some similarities to the old one but under the surface they are a completely different animal.
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Sigh. Regardless of whether people feel the hate is justified or not. Hatred in excess tends to cloud sound judgment. So I do think we need to center ourselves soon. Especially before we go do the Blademaster Initiation.
Most of the living former nazi's were soldiers and didn't really do an truly horrendous shit unlike the horde.

Again, many of the New Horde are not actually participants in the deeds of the First and Second War.

Like, it'd be really fucking awkward, but they're not actually fundamentally monsters like the Old Horde was, and depending on how they're introduced, it'd be likely enough grounds to at least open up communications.

Like, they have issues, but they're not actually screaming demon worshippers, and their Warlocks aren't actually, you know, respected members of society so much as they're considered highly dangerous figures who are tolerated only so long as they put their knowledge to use against the source of their own power.

And the Forsaken who go to Outland aren't exactly representative of Sylvanas' attitude, many of them are actual genuinely heroic sorts who are fighting against the Legion, while Sylvanas and her murdercults are busy actually getting their revenge going.

So yeah, it's not impossible to open up decent relations with them, because of the Outland forces of the Horde, most of them are actually the best of their kind. They wouldn't send jingoists there when defending the Stairs of Eternity is explicitly a joint operation between both factions.
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Again, many of the New Horde are not actually participants in the deeds of the First and Second War.

Like, it'd be really fucking awkward, but they're not actually fundamentally monsters like the Old Horde was, and depending on how they're introduced, it'd be likely enough grounds to at least open up communications.
I wasn't talking about the new horde. I was talking about the old one. Dranosh is pretty much going on a spirit journey and experiencing what the old horde did when they did all their monstrous acts. His reaction to what he is seeing is very understandable.
Sigh. Regardless of whether people feel the hate is justified or not. Hatred in excess tends to cloud sound judgment. So I do think we need to center ourselves soon. Especially before we go do the Blademaster Initiation.
Like I said before Dranosh is friends with several people who will pull him out of any nasty headspaces he might end up in. Kaz, Velen, Jorin, and garrosh will all help out Dranosh. Simply because he helped them out.
Most of the living former nazi's were soldiers and didn't really do an truly horrendous shit unlike the horde.
You're right of course but still having a leader with an unaturally large hatred of a faction whose whose proved repentant isn't good. Like it was also said the new horde isn't the old horde, any and all veterans are regretful. The orcs have split into two different spectrums. The new horde, who honours and seemingly glorifies the old horde and our faction who hates it. Neither is properly good. We already saw how glorifying the old horde fucked up canon Garrosh, and if we don't do something we'll see how hating anything associated to the old horde is gonna fuck up Dranosh.

besides our WIFE was part of the old horde. Dranosh should realize there are repentant veterans. Centre yourself before we have an orcish civil war when we cross the portal that brings all the other factions in with it.
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You're right of course but still having a leader with an unaturally large hatred of a faction whose whose proved repentant isn't good. Like it was also said the new horde isn't the old horde, any and all veterans are regretful. The orcs have split into two different spectrums. The new horde, who honours and seemingly glorifies the old horde and our faction who hates it. Neither is properly good. We already saw how glorifying the old horde fucked up canon Garrosh, and if we don't do something we'll see how hating anything associated to the old horde is gonna fuck up Dranosh.

besides our WIFE was part of the old horde. Dranosh should realize there are repentant veterans.
He probably does. Subconsciously. As for Kaz she didn't willingly join the horde.

Like I have said before his friends will pull him out of any bad places he goes to.
Well one thing i want to see is Varok and Dranosh beating the shit out of each-other while "talking" about the old horde.
He kind of swears by doomhammer.

Pretty sure he swears by The Doomhammer, the relic weapon blessed by the Elements in it's forging and destined to be used in both the breaking and the reforging of the Orc race.

You know the weapon he uses.

That makes more sense anyway than swearing by a horrible asshole who's best deed was "Training a young and plucky hero to rebuild the Horde"
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Well, to be fair. A lot of the horde didn't actually willingly join the horde considering many of them are aged up children. Rend Blackhand from the top of my head.

Even if Rend Blackhand is a douche.
Thankfully dranosh is probably going to see that on this spirit journey. God that one saying about the nazis really does apply to the orcs. The horde didn't invade the draenai and the alliances territories first. They invaded the orcs themselves.
That sounds like ALLIANCE propaganda. I mean nazi germany has done a lot of shit, but you don't see most modern germans spitting on the ground their veterans walk on.(to my knowledge)

they just convicted a former luggage clerk (or something like that) at Auschwitz for 300,000 thousand counts of accomplice to murder...

the dudes like 93 years old or something.
He kind of swears by doomhammer.
And the New Horde never would have gotten as far as it did without Doomhammer. He and Thrall weren't freeing the camps to start a new war on the Alliance.

They wanted to gather their people and leave the Alliance lands if possible. Thrall certainly isn't trying to pretend the blood curse and Wars never happened.
"To pretend it did not exist is to forget how dreadful the impact was. To make ourselves into victims, rather than claiming our participation in our own destruction.
We chose this path, we orcs. We chose it right up until it was too late to turn back. And having made that choice, we can, with the knowledge that we have of the end of that dark and shameful road, choose not to take it.
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He kind of swears by doomhammer.

Eh, the Doomhammer that taught and led Thrall was a different Orc than the one who led the Horde during the First and Second Wars, just as the Gromm Hellscream who was his friend was a different Orc than the one who led the Warsong through the portal.

Just as Thrall can't and shouldn't make excuses for what they did, Drannosh shouldn't judge the New Horde who are very different in their attitudes and ways. As for the Warlocks, canonically there should be very little of those at all, and those who did use it were supposed to be regarded with deep distrust and suspicion.

Thrall is a Shaman, which should give his words weight and consideration. That said, the Horde of Azeroth that comes to the Outland might have more problems because of the inclusion of Blood Elves, if the events of Frozen Throne go as in canon. As their attacks on the Draenei who are not the antagonistic neighbors of BC, or the capturing and use of M'uru would not sit well... or really go without the same sort of hatred they reserve for the Fel Orc Horde.
Edit: SHit sorry for some reason i posted before i realized there were more pages ;;;;
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That sounds like ALLIANCE propaganda. I mean nazi germany has done a lot of shit, but you don't see most modern germans spitting on the ground their veterans walk on.(to my knowledge)

Instead they are stimply ignored. And if some organization attempts to call themselves "The New Nazis" you would see A LOT of people spitting on the ground that they walk on. Quite simply, the New Horde doesn't make a clean enough break with the Old One. There are still clans, there is still the Horde and its Warchief, they still have the Doomhammer, they still fight the ones they wronged. It would be like Germany still having SS and the Hitler Youth today.

It would probably piss Dranosh of a lot and i believe that he is completely justified in that.