Behold Da Wiki said:To the outrage of the night elves, the orcs refuse to claim responsibility for Grom's actions. It was not the orcs who killed Cenarius, but fel orcs, and it was the orcs who took it upon themselves to slay their wayward brethren. By taking responsibility for Grom's actions the orcs would be acknowledging that they are still the old Horde.
He'd need a few generations to pull that off. The constant conflict balls everyone kept getting handed didn't help.Poor Foolish Naive Orc Jesus. Never stood a chance. *At fully redeeming the horde*
Though I suppose they could have thought that was sufficient. They killed the orcs that slew Cenarius and helped the Night Elves save the entire world. What more do they want?
As for the armor and hammer, weren't they basically Thrall's symbols of office as it were?
Though I suppose that some of said actions were Blizzard wanting justification to keep the conflict ball rolling. However torroar, this is an AU so you can decide what the New Horde and Aliance are doing on Azeroth.
True, Still hoping to cool Dranosh down first though before his meeting with the elements though considering how into balance they are.It's not like there's still a coupla years or anything for him to cool down or anything...
And showing up to a peace meeting with King Varian of Stormwind....dressed in the plate armor of Doomhammer, wielding his weapon aka the same Doomhammer (person and weapon) who burned Stormwind to the ground, and killed King Varian's father, the previous King.
@torroar when exactly would the Ethereals arrive on Outland? Would they even appear in your quest? Their Eco dome tech would be a boon on wastelands.
Hope if they do come over we can encourage trade with them since I would think they have some cool stuff in exchange for things we can get ourselves without destroying what is left of Outland.
Nononono, Thrall isn't a Shaman, he's THE Shaman. He's the Elements precious little golden boy whose connection is so strong that his barely trained efforts outstrips actual Masters of the craft by leagues. Get it right.
I always found it a bit weird that Shamans worked as well as they did on Azeroth since aren't the Elementals there servants of the Old Gods?Nononono, Thrall isn't a Shaman, he's THE Shaman. He's the Elements precious little golden boy whose connection is so strong that his barely trained efforts outstrips actual Masters of the craft by leagues. Get it right.
No idea but if he does travel to Outland now the Furies have forgiven the Orcs already so he should be able to use his powers fine.Tough, did he ever had any trouble connecting with the Furies in canon ?
Tough, did he ever had any trouble connecting with the Furies in canon ?
I always found it a bit weird that Shamans worked as well as they did on Azeroth since aren't the Elementals there servants of the Old Gods?
Or do Shamans instead work with Elemental Spirits only instead so they don't work with the Old God Elementals at all?
Makes sense since Azeroth as a whole is a product of the Titans while Draenor was made naturally over time.Thrall does make mention of how the spirits are different in Draenor in the most recent expansion, and I got the impression that the furies were a bit more primal than the spirits of Azeroth, though the whole world is a bit more primal than Azeroth, so they might just be a reflection of that.
I wonder what relation the Ethereals have with the Naaru in general since both are energy beings that travel between dimensions. K'ure may be able to help deal with them if the two races have some history with each other.
Just need to show how profitable it would be to trade with us rather than strip mine Outland and we are golden.That and these guys are like goblins in how their systems work, they need to see that their profits are going to improve if they're going to help anyone. Most of them at least, the Ethereum faction only care about getting revenge on the beings that did this to them.