Warcraft: The Rise of the Mag'har

Who knows!

Maybe a strong unified force of inhabitants might disabuse them of setting down roots so that they can begin strip mining holy sites and driving animals into extinction instead of in canon where the whole crumbling thing was just chock full of opportunity?

Or maybe not ;)

Guess you'll find out, yeah?
While some factions of the Etherials wouldn't like how Outland currently is, other's probably would. Since the races on Outland can now represent a potentially untapped market rather then just a bunch of disunited nuisances too small to be worth operating in. Capitalism Ho!
Makes sense since Azeroth as a whole is a product of the Titans while Draenor was made naturally over time.

Oddly enough, there are Titan artifacts on Draennor, so it is likely they messed with it as well, but Azeroth is a bit of a special case for Titan involvement thanks to the Old Gods, and the Well. From what I understand, most worlds don't get the super in depth construction or engineering.
Oddly enough, there are Titan artifacts on Draennor, so it is likely they messed with it as well, but Azeroth is a bit of a special case for Titan involvement thanks to the Old Gods, and the Well. From what I understand, most worlds don't get the super in depth construction or engineering.
Yeah Azeroth was a super project compared to most planets they most likely worked on.

Wonder if we can get a few of those Titan goodies later on.
Regarding contact between Naaru and Ethereals: If anything i think the Ethereals would be wary about the Naaru because they come from the twisting nether. Plus, there is the whole Dead Naaru = Void God thing that would make the Ethereals supremely concerned if they knew about it.
@torroar, When will Dranosh be able to learn the story of his uncle Broxigar? Y'know, the one Orc that was awesome enough to piss off Sargeras after making a mountain out of the corpses of his Burning Legion armies alone?
Would be so awesome if he did since Dranosh mentions earlier in he quest how awesome it would be if someone did that very thing his uncle did.

That will be his new goal Broxigar wounded Sargeras so it will be the goal of him and his whole bloodline to kill the evil Titan one day.

Truly the Saurfang bloodline is the universal and extra-universal definition of being badass.
The tale of Broxigar... Well, let's put it this way. The events of the War of the Ancients have not yet happened the way they did. They will occur after the Third War.

As Outland is pretty much isolated from Azeroth, it's unlikely we're going to find out. And if we could find out, we'd probably find out from the elves who are... less than happy with the fact that we exist.
The tale of Broxigar... Well, let's put it this way. The events of the War of the Ancients have not yet happened the way they did. They will occur after the Third War.

As Outland is pretty much isolated from Azeroth, it's unlikely we're going to find out. And if we could find out, we'd probably find out from the elves who are... less than happy with the fact that we exist.
Actually, we can also learn it from Thrall, Krasus/Korialstraz, and Rhonin if I recall correctly.

Thrall, because he was told about it around the end of the third war by Krasus so the Orcs may honor him and even given Brox's Cenarius blessed axe. And Korialstraz and Rhonin because they were there.
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Thrall actually did struggle with a non-exploded Draenor' Furies. It was far more exhausting than Azeroths, or at least that was my impression when I played through that mission in WoW.

It's Drek'thar that becomes the World Shaman of Draenor, actually. Well, AU Drek'thar. Older Drek'thar is like, in a wheelchair by the time WoD comes around.
Thrall actually did struggle with a non-exploded Draenor' Furies. It was far more exhausting than Azeroths, or at least that was my impression when I played through that mission in WoW.

It's Drek'thar that becomes the World Shaman of Draenor, actually. Well, AU Drek'thar. Older Drek'thar is like, in a wheelchair by the time WoD comes around.
Where is AU Drek'thar right now?
He's also senile if I recall correctly. And that makes me sad.

Such an awesome shaman is wasting away.
Well in this quest it sounds like that is thankfully not the case.
AU Drek'thar means warlords of Draenar Drek'thar.
Oh my bad.
Not yet anyway. He will be in a few years though if Canon is anything to go by.

But then, that's one of the problems of getting old. And Drek'Thar is ancient by Orc standards by the time Warlords of Draenor rolls around. It can't be helped.
Could contact with the Calmed Furies and our local Naaru (Fury of Light after all) help with that?
Actually, we can also learn it from Thrall, Krasus/Korialstraz, and Rhonin if I recall correctly.

Thrall, because he was told about it around the end of the third war by Krasus so the Orcs may honor him and even given Brox's Cenarius blessed axe. And Korialstraz and Rhonin because they were there.

These all have the distinctly unfortunate situation of not being in Outland.

Guys, this isn't the Third War we're facing soon, as far as the game goes. After the closing of the Dark Portal there would've been at minimum 15 years or so before the Burning Legion showed up on Azeroth. And it'd take 5 or more years extra before the events of the Burning Crusade causes the Burning Legion to attempt a new invasion of Azeroth through the remnants of Draenor and the Dark Portal itself.

And after that it'd take several months for the Horde and the Alliance to get in a position to project any degree of power into Outland except for the occasional heroic scouting party. Which are still unlikely to get past Hellfire if the Alliance doesn't manage to break the hold the Burning Legion and the Fell Orcs have upon the former Talaan Jungle.

So yeah, we have some time left before we could even begin getting more than rumours, unless the elves want to tell us.
These all have the distinctly unfortunate situation of not being in Outland.

Guys, this isn't the Third War we're facing soon, as far as the game goes. After the closing of the Dark Portal there would've been at minimum 15 years or so before the Burning Legion showed up on Azeroth. And it'd take 5 or more years extra before the events of the Burning Crusade causes the Burning Legion to attempt a new invasion of Azeroth through the remnants of Draenor and the Dark Portal itself.

And after that it'd take several months for the Horde and the Alliance to get in a position to project any degree of power into Outland except for the occasional heroic scouting party. Which are still unlikely to get past Hellfire if the Alliance doesn't manage to break the hold the Burning Legion and the Fell Orcs have upon the former Talaan Jungle.

So yeah, we have some time left before we could even begin getting more than rumours, unless the elves want to tell us.
We started eight years after the portal blew up. Currently we are seven years after our starting point. So that would make it fifteen years after the portal blew up. We have about seven more years.
These all have the distinctly unfortunate situation of not being in Outland.

Guys, this isn't the Third War we're facing soon, as far as the game goes. After the closing of the Dark Portal there would've been at minimum 15 years or so before the Burning Legion showed up on Azeroth. And it'd take 5 or more years extra before the events of the Burning Crusade causes the Burning Legion to attempt a new invasion of Azeroth through the remnants of Draenor and the Dark Portal itself.

And after that it'd take several months for the Horde and the Alliance to get in a position to project any degree of power into Outland except for the occasional heroic scouting party. Which are still unlikely to get past Hellfire if the Alliance doesn't manage to break the hold the Burning Legion and the Fell Orcs have upon the former Talaan Jungle.

So yeah, we have some time left before we could even begin getting more than rumours, unless the elves want to tell us.
Don't forget that we'll have whatever version of Illidan's part of Frozen Throne torroar goes with going on before that as well.
Guys, seriously. AA, as stated multiple times, stands for After Apocalypse.

After Apocalypse refers to after when Draenor Exploded, aka the Ner'zhul opened the portals and tore the world apart. That was after the conclusion of the Second War and when the Alliance invaded to put a definitive stop to the Horde.

You started one year after that. One. Not eight.