Warcraft: The Rise of the Mag'har

Actually, the Night Elves seem to be a little more reasonable when it comes to their grudges. Not that they can't bear them for a long time, but rather, the Night Elves aren't baying for the blood of the orcs due to the murder of Cenarius.

Eh, that's a little difficult to tell due to the fact that regardless of anything else, the Orcs and Night Elves have had a constant low intensity war. We don't see enough interactions between Orcs and Night Elves in other situations to really tell what the Kaldorei feelings are.

They do show a rather irrational hatred of the descendants of the Queldorei though, down to purposely attempting to discredit the remaining members who were loyal still to the Alliance, and attempting to sabotage and destroy the recovery of Quel'Thalas. That and general attitudes you find in the books are what I base my opinion on, though the leads in the games tend to not be as virulent.
Also, all the High Elves on Draenor weren't on Azeroth when the Sun well got gotten, so I personally theorize that they weren't as viscerally effected. The backlash of the Sunwell's loss didn't read into them as bad because they had a whole dimensional zone difference.

Or I could be totally wrong.
I think it could be both. Since they're in a different dimension. When they invaded Outlands and the portal was closed, the High elves were cut off from the Sunwell then and there, so the destruction of the Sunwell didn't affect them. Can't be affected by something you were no longer connected to.

However, because Outlands is pretty much open to the Twisting Nether. The elves in outland weren't as affected by the loss of the Sunwell as the people in Azeroth were because they had so much magic around them.

Kind of like oxygen. A person living at sea level has a ton of oxygen around them so their lungs don't have to work as hard or be as efficient as a person living in the mountains. So when the Sunwell blew up. The high elves environment went from a place of dense magic/oxygen to a place sparsely populated by magic/oxygen and suffered for it.

Outlands is probably not as mana starved as Azeroth's environment is. Being exposed to the twisting nether and all. So while it's not as magic concentrated as the Sunwell area is. It's probably not as jarring as living in Azeroth once the Well blew up.
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Well, that's true, but a large chunk of that has to do with their not exactly unreasonable fear of arcane magic. Also, their fear of fel magic, which is well documented to have a habit of following on the heels of arcane magic use. And after the conclusion of Warcraft 3 the Quel'dorei were using a lot of fel magic, and might well have become the primary suppliers of warlocks.

The orcs, in comparison have a history of trouble with fel magic, but are also very clearly taking steps to distance themselves from such practices, largely drawing their magical might from elemental spirits instead.
Hope that with the Draenai now helping out the Alliance in general not only do they have an easier time dealing with the Legion but also help keep them together and help the Elves look past our race.

Also wonder if they will give their Priests and Paladins some pointers on how to use the Light better.

Will the Light in general become more powerful in Outland once the Naaru is restored?
Hope that with the Draenai now helping out the Alliance in general not only do they have an easier time dealing with the Legion but also help keep them together and help the Elves look past our race.

The first is likely, the latter... not so much. That's really an internal matter, although the lowered pressure will hopefully make it possible for the Alliance to talk things through.

Also wonder if they will give their Priests and Paladins some pointers on how to use the Light better.

Well, 25 thousend years and change of tradition when it comes to wielding the Light certainly makes that likely. Although the Alliance Paladins probably have a few tricks of their own.

Will the Light in general become more powerful in Outland once the Naaru is restored?

Not likely, the Light does not derive its power from the Naaru, but having what's basically a lesser god on tap for advice is a tremendous boon.
The first is likely, the latter... not so much. That's really an internal matter, although the lowered pressure will hopefully make it possible for the Alliance to talk things through.
I'll take the first just fine since keeping the Alliance together it very good.
Well, 25 thousend years and change of tradition when it comes to wielding the Light certainly makes that likely. Although the Alliance Paladins probably have a few tricks of their own.
Trading knowledge on both sides is always good even more so since the main enemy force is weaker against the Light in general.
Not likely, the Light does not derive its power from the Naaru, but having what's basically a lesser god on tap for advice is a tremendous boon.
Yep. A friendly lesser god always good and will no doubt help when fighting the Legion.

Also hope that the Naaru can help uncrazy some of the Arrakoa since in cannon a Naaru did so for a group of them.
The Netherwing, Part 1
Note: Yay, peaceful simple dialogue and learning.
The Netherwing, Part 1
Some people would choose to ignore the wonder that was Zangarmarsh, or at least let it dull against your senses, but not you. After all, you've spent the whole of your life in Nagrand, and so the massive change is one you relish in. Smelling the new scents, listening to the new sounds, tasting the moisture on the air and the crackle of electricity from the heads of the spindly and alien looking stalkers of the land, all of it is something you enjoy. Kaz chose to stay home, intending to have your child as close to the Throne of Elements as possible, while Garrosh is busy at Oshu'gun. As for your closest friend, he is off working on some kind of spell that would let him teleport. He has the knowledge of its existence, just not how it works. The first few attempts left one of his apprentices missing an arm into nothingness, so that's pretty scary on its own.

Still, you could not come entirely alone. A small group of Garadar Guard have come with you to ensure that the Netherwing don't kill you without a fight. Oh, you have little doubt that you could defend yourself heartily if the dragons chose to slaughter you all. But the Netherwing are dragons, and the tales of the immense destruction that a single adolescent dragon could accomplish on the armies of its master or by its own will are quite extensive. It seems Doomhammer enjoyed using his enslaved creatures quite a lot against the Alliance. The bastard. Mmph, Dranar wriggles beneath you, sensing your distress, and lets out a comforting whuff. Right, you can't let yourself be fully consumed by your hatred. Garrosh saw to that. If it weren't for him counseling you to move on, to let the spirits and the Light salve the wounds you were admittedly purposefully opening upon yourself, you might otherwise end up becoming something you'd hate. Or that Kaz would hate, which might be worse.

Regardless, you ride towards the territory of the Netherwing, marked out by those strange large crystals that form a visible territory line. The crystals are partially see through, crackle with energy every now and then, and if you close your eyes you can even hear them hum. In the air above fly small groups of the dragons of various sizes, easily floating upon the magic infused air of the world. Down below, farther into the mushroom 'trees', you see flocks of the little hatchlings with their curiously round bodies and tiny wings that should surely not be able to lift them. At the largest two crystals however, stand two large dragons who are clearly mature, and so you raise your hand and call for a halt of your small train of warriors.

Something not quite smoke rises from the nostrils from the one on the left, who eyes you suspiciously. The one on the right, however, shakes themselves slightly as they rise to their full arching height. The fact that they are somewhat translucent, all of them in some manner or another, is just another thing that interests you on a broader level. You aren't just some dumb fighter who only lives for combat, something Kaz especially seems to enjoy…ah, but you can't be distracted by thoughts of your mate and child right now.

"The Matriarch told us of your coming, Dranosh Saurfang. Karynaku requests your presence at the lake's edge. The others…may come as well."

You are led past the barrier, and nearly gasp at the number of dragons that are present. Over a hundred that you can see with the naked eye, some in the sky, some dozing along the ground, and after you pass more mushroom trees for a few minutes you can see some diving into the lake and flying back out again with full grown hydras thrashing in their jaw's grips. It's…very peaceful, though you can feel the sensation of many eyes upon you indeed.

Then, you see her. One of the largest dragons, peacefully laying at the very edge of the lake. Before you get within twenty feet of her she rises, and turns to you. Before your very eyes, her form shifts and in a shimmer of magic where before there was a massive Netherwing dragon there is an orc woman with a slight blue tint to her skin. She nods her head to you, and gestures towards a small patch of especially soft looking grass. A large – small to a dragon you suppose – spit with several haunches of what smells like cooked hydra roasts over a large fire.

"Greetings, Matriarch Karynaku," you bow your head. This is her family's home, and she has offered you one of the greatest honors in orcish society, earnest hospitality. You can only hope you are able to respond in kind.

"Warchief Saurfang," a slightly echoing voice responds in perfect orcish, "welcome to our home," she smiles at all of you.

Without speaking, one of your warriors, by the name of Gurak, steps forward, having been chosen for the prestigious position of carrying your own offerings. It is your way, to offer what you can in return for being allowed into another's dwelling under such circumstances.

"Mighty Karynaku, we humble Mag'har offer you what we can, a set of our finest carvings and what we hope is a satisfactory cut from a hunt against a prime clefthoof," Gurak unloads his back and offers them to the dragon matriarch with head bowed low.

Her eyes widen slightly in surprise, though she swiftly takes ahold of the offered haunch of meat, wrapped lovingly by the huntress who slew the beast.

"Clefthoof you say. We have never eaten such a beast before," she admits before carefully placing the meat close to the fire, before taking the necklace and examining it. "And this necklace is exquisite, thank you. Please, partake of our fire and our meat."

Ritual exchange done, you all approach and sit down, accepting the rather charred hydra meat. It isn't the tastiest you've ever had, but it's the meatiest fare that Zangarmarsh has to offer.

"Thank you for coming, Warchief, I admit I had not known if you would actually come."

"Why would I not? The chance for peace between our peoples is one I could not pass up. Too much of this world cries out for battle, and I would not have it between us," you answer.

Karynaku studies your expression for a moment before passing one of the Clefthoof cuts through the fire. The blue-brown skin of her current form seems unaffected by being enveloped by the flames. After a short moment, she passes the meat to her mouth and takes an enormous bite. She smiles brightly at the taste.

"That is good. Hydra does grow so monotonous after a while. As for your wishes, I agree. We are new to this world, and much of our first introductions were by way of violence. I am interested indeed in the Mag'har. Others," she waves her hand in the general direction of her brood, "are far more suspicious of you. Though you are not the same as the redskins who sought to enslave us in Shadowmoon Valley, you are similar in that you are both orcs."


"The Horde sought to enslave you??" you hiss in surprise. Murmurs from the rest of your orcs are audible as well.

"Is that what they are called?" her smile and seemingly permanent smile suddenly flickers, "Then yes. This…Horde…dragged away dozens of my children before we could properly retaliate. The reason I wish for peace between your people and mine is because this place, this lake and whole are we have claimed…is the third home we've had. In the north, we had to leave as the war between the rock creature and the plant creature intensified. In the far south and east, the demons came. Now…we are here. The Netherwing are tired of running and fighting and dying. You are the strongest force I have seen besides the monsters of the north and the Horde, and if allying with you helps my people, then I would wish an alliance between us."

"I am sorry for your sorrows, Karynaku," you say sincerely. Being forced to leave from one's home, twice, is horrible. The fact that your people's dark legacy was partially responsible for that only makes it worse.

"We will find our way. The Netherwing always have. But our interactions with most denizens of this world have been through violence. Despite my mates insistence against it, I am hoping that through dialogue we may avoid such things. So," she pats her thighs to wipe off the juices of the entire haunch of clefthoof meat that you somehow missed her devouring in its entirety.

"Let's talk instead of fighting," and spirits there are quite a lot of pointed teeth in that not-an-orc mouth.

Choose What To Talk About First
[] History of Netherwing: These strange beings, where did they come from? They say they are 'native' to Draenor, but the stories and histories have practically nothing on them.
[] What Do You Want: What are the Netherwing's plans going forward?
[] The First Home: A war forced the Netherwing from the north. Why? What happened?
[] The Second Home: The Horde. Things always seem to come back around to the damned Horde. What did they do to push out all these dragons?
[] Write-In​
Always good to know the background of your new allies first after all then we can ask what their plans are.

I figure asking them about their old homes would be in bad form since it would bring up bad memories and if we can't ask everything I rather we didn't ask them this.
[X] History of Netherwing

Hmm, true. I think the most important is history and what they want.

I'd like to know about their two homes too, If only to figure out if we can help them or get information about the place. Maybe raid the Horde and get their children back.

Though that doesn't seem like something we'll be able to do anytime soon, considering how corrupted Shadowmoon is. And by the time the corruption goes down enough that we Can raid the place, the whelps the horde have taken would have been broken by then.
I'd like to know about their two homes too, If only to figure out if we can help them or get information about the place. Maybe raid the Horde and get their children back.
Thankfully due to the fact that there are no dragons sighted fighting for the Horde I think it is safe to say that the Netherwing got all of their people out of there.
Thankfully due to the fact that there are no dragons sighted fighting for the Horde I think it is safe to say that the Netherwing got all of their people out of there.
Considering this, I don't really think so.
"Then yes. This…Horde…dragged away dozens of my children before we could properly retaliate.
They're probably taking their time breaking them, which is why we haven't seen any dragon riders.

If they Did get all their children out. Then that'd be great. But I'm not keeping my hopes up.
They're probably taking their time breaking them, which is why we haven't seen any dragon riders.

If they Did get all their children out. Then that'd be great. But I'm not keeping my hopes up.
Well they did fight back so that might mean they got them all back and even if they did we can free them at a later date with the Netherwings' help.

I really want to help them out since they have already lost two homes and we can help them keep the third.

The Zangar will be safe for them once we destroy the gate and get the Fungal Giants as allies.
The Dragonmaw are old hands at this, but Netherwing don't respond exactly as the Red Dragonflight did.
Good to know.
[X] History of Netherwing: These strange beings, where did they come from? They say they are 'native' to Draenor, but the stories and histories have practically nothing on them.

It's important to know the past to better shape the future.
Want to see later if we can look at those crystals the Netherwing use.

I'm sure Jorin would be interested in studying them.
[X] History of Netherwing

Background on our potential new dragon friends sounds like a good starting point.