Warcraft: The Rise of the Mag'har

[X] History of Netherwing: These strange beings, where did they come from? They say they are 'native' to Draenor, but the stories and histories have practically nothing on them.

Understanding comes before negotiation
It seems Doomhammer enjoyed using his enslaved creatures quite a lot against the Alliance. The bastard. Mmph, Dranar wriggles beneath you, sensing your distress, and lets out a comforting whuff. Right, you can't let yourself be fully consumed by your hatred. Garrosh saw to that. If it weren't for him counseling you to move on, to let the spirits and the Light salve the wounds you were admittedly purposefully opening upon yourself, you might otherwise end up becoming something you'd hate. Or that Kaz would hate, which might be worse.
Yay. I was right. Garrosh is keeping Dranosh from being consumed by hatred. And the spirits are apparently helping out.
Something is strange about the Netherwing. They were all eggs when the Apocalypse happened and they were bathed in the Twisting Nether. Now, 7 years later their first generation is already adult, with at least one Broodmother. How the hell. I am fairly certain Dragons don't usually grow that fast, or Azeroth would have a major population pressure problem by now.
Something is strange about the Netherwing. They were all eggs when the Apocalypse happened and they were bathed in the Twisting Nether. Now, 7 years later their first generation is already adult, with at least one Broodmother. How the hell. I am fairly certain Dragons don't usually grow that fast, or Azeroth would have a major population pressure problem by now.
It's probably a combination of the netherwings having been mutated into dragons with a ton of arcane energy in them and then having been exposed to the twisting nether their whole life. It wouldn't be that out there for it to have speed up their growth. In an environment like azeroth where there isn't that much arcane energy floating about they would probably grow at a slower rate.
Something is strange about the Netherwing. They were all eggs when the Apocalypse happened and they were bathed in the Twisting Nether. Now, 7 years later their first generation is already adult, with at least one Broodmother. How the hell. I am fairly certain Dragons don't usually grow that fast, or Azeroth would have a major population pressure problem by now.

The way I figure it, exposure to the Twisting Nether affected pretty much all the dragons, from eggs to adults, with few exceptions. That allows for adult Netherdrakes without some kind of stupidly fast maturation rate.

If that is the case though, it would mean that Neltharaku and Karynaku and the like were former black dragons and were severed from the madness of Deathwing either the moment they got suffused with the Nether or the moment the Dark Portal was closed, possibly both, and may thus have some common ground with the orcs, since they and their kind would probably have done stuff under Deathwings madness and corruption that, corruption aside, they would never have done.

That both the Mag'har and the Netherwing are on mutualistic paths of atonement could be a major cornerstone of any future alliance. If so, we'd need to ensure that we help each other out while trying to avoid both sides inheriting the others baggage. The Alliance might find themselves nervous of a brood of dragons allied with us, after all, since that's exactly what the Horde on Azeroth did.

All up, I figure that after this we'll need to case out the Alliance in Hellfire. The leaders there might be more tractable... though given that it's probably Danath, maybe not. Either way, letting them know that Allerian Stronghold is under threat would get them to mobilise for their assistance and establish that we're, at the very least, not a threat to them and obviate any attacks on the Netherwing as a result, should they ally with us at the end of this.
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All up, I figure that after this we'll need to case out the Alliance in Hellfire. The leaders there might be more tractable... though given that it's probably Danath, maybe not. Either way, letting them know that Allerian Stronghold is under threat would get them to mobilise for their assistance and establish that we're, at the very least, not a threat to them and obviate any attacks on the Netherwing as a result, should they ally with us at the end of this.
Hmm, you probably want to read the rest of the thread first.
The way I figure it, exposure to the Twisting Nether affected pretty much all the dragons, from eggs to adults, with few exceptions. That allows for adult Netherdrakes without some kind of stupidly fast maturation rate.
It's probably a combination of the netherwings having been mutated into dragons with a ton of arcane energy in them and then having been exposed to the twisting nether their whole life. It wouldn't be that out there for it to have speed up their growth. In an environment like azeroth where there isn't that much arcane energy floating about they would probably grow at a slower rate.

There is another explanation. Warlocks have access to a hyper accelerated maturation spell, and why should it only works on orcs... I am suspicious that the Netherwing has one or more warlocks among its ranks.
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[X] History of Netherwing

If the netherdrakes are more arcane now, I wonder if they could help out our mage friends somewhat as well? Just an idea.
Oh, that. Uh, we already met the alliance in Hellfire... And well. If you read the thread. You know what their opinions of us are.

It was my understanding that the Alliance we met, with Alleria and Turalyon, were in Terrokar Talador, not Hellfire.

Lemme check.


Back in the Turn 12 results, Stonebreaker Outpost was mentioned being built in Talador to keep watch and give warning if Shattrath or the Alliance were being attacked. I figure the alliance base is almost certainly in Talador if we're building up Stonebreaker to keep an eye on it and operate from as a support position, since Hellfire is in a different direction and further away.

Given that Kargath rode into Shadowmoon and never returned, or never got the warriors he needed to retake Hellfire, I suspect that the Alliance we've met so far are in Talador and that Allerian Stronghold is cutoff from Hellfire and Danath's support, who we haven't had a chance to meet as yet.

I don't expect any such meeting to go smoothly, since Danath also has massive reasons to hate orcs. Keeping Jorin and Garrosh away from him would probably help matters, since he more or less faced off against both of their father's in the prior war and would not feel joy at meeting his worst enemies sons, even if they are morally opposed to what their father's did. As long as we can get the message across that Alleria and Turalyon are alive and in need of help and walk away with our bones intact, I'd file that as a win.