Warcraft: The Rise of the Mag'har

Anyone else curious to what stats the briefly mentioned characters that we have seen are. I am of course talking about the elf-ranger and her little hubby. Currently gapping on their names, and while their names in later, when I'm not so tired.
Anyone else curious to what stats the briefly mentioned characters that we have seen are. I am of course talking about the elf-ranger and her little hubby. Currently gapping on their names, and while their names in later, when I'm not so tired.
They are both most likely high in most areas since the Elf has lots of experience and the paladin was the direct subordinate of one the greatest Human Heroes ever.
[X] History of Netherwing

so far I am greatly enjoying this quest :).

only issue I have is Alleria and Turalyons' splintering Alliance out of concern for all of them.
Hope that the Draenei can convince her and other Elves that we are not the Horde and the actual Horde and Legion are a much bigger threat.

Now I'm wondering who is leading the horde on the other side, since Garrosh is on our side and not plagued with inadequacy issues like his canon self....

The entire history that has him at the helm, like Pandaria is going to soooo messed up.
Now I'm wondering who is leading the horde on the other side, since Garrosh is on our side and not plagued with inadequacy issues like his canon self....
It's Bladefist that we meet in the beginning and is seen among the Horde.
The entire history that has him at the helm, like Pandaria is going to soooo messed up.
Thankfully thanks to our actions it's highly unlikely for something similar to happen now.

Priest Garrosh is a much chiller dude.
I was wondering since we prevented the Elemental war in Talador couldn't we get the Furies there to help us fight the Horde and Legion we know they hate when they enter their territory or help us deal with the mad Arakkoa that live there?
They're currently trying to heal, right now.

Draenor got majorly fucked up man, you can't expect major Fury anything really besides perhaps closing the Gates for some time.
They're currently trying to heal, right now.

Draenor got majorly fucked up man, you can't expect major Fury anything really besides perhaps closing the Gates for some time.
That makes sense.

Good thing that every Portal we close helps Draenor get a little less fucked up ever time.
On the bright side. The Elements should be in decent shape by the time the Dark Portal reopens since we contacted the Furies so soon.
Pretty sure the Mag'har would've attempted multiple times to contact the Furies OTL. We're just lucky we got organised and didn't stop until we got a useful answer, and then followed up on it.
Pretty sure the Mag'har would've attempted multiple times to contact the Furies OTL. We're just lucky we got organised and didn't stop until we got a useful answer, and then followed up on it.
Also Jorin yelled at and slapped a Fury since he knew he wouldn't die during the attempt.
Also Jorin yelled at and slapped a Fury since he knew he wouldn't die during the attempt.
Best part about knowing when you will die, you can do nigh suicidal things without fear of death. Hell it's probably why our Arcane warriors have figured it out so quickly, the Blooding Hollow guys are able to try things no one else would be willing to.