Warcraft: The Rise of the Mag'har

Well, that's the Orc alphabet. Like etching the word Excalibur into a sword.

Whether the orc script could be used to cast magic or not is up in the air though. Don't recall any lore example to say one way or another.

From what I recall of Warcraft 3, Gul'dan inscribed Orcish runes into the walls and ground with his own blood as he was dying, detailing his story as he aimed to get the Eye of Sargeras. They were still there and glowing with magic years later when Maiev Shadowsong chased Illidan through the tomb of Sargeras, so its possible.

[X] Nothing Else, Return Home (End Encounter)
From what I recall of Warcraft 3, Gul'dan inscribed Orcish runes into the walls and ground with his own blood as he was dying, detailing his story as he aimed to get the Eye of Sargeras. They were still there and glowing with magic years later when Maiev Shadowsong chased Illidan through the tomb of Sargeras, so its possible.
True, but not really sure if the runes used magic to tell the story. Or if what we saw was just Maiev reading the script like a book.

Which is why I said it's kind of ambiguous and Torroar can go either way.
[X] Nothing Else, Return Home (End Encounter)

Doesn't Warcraft rune magic work because the glyphs are patterns formed by major geomatic nexuses?
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Before I vote wanted to ask some questions.

@torroar would the Netherwing be okay with a small outpost being set up in their area so that we always have a direct means of talking with them while also giving them the friendly conversation they desire while also talking more with nearby Zang'rok?

Also would it be possible that after we get them to trust us more that we offer them a part of Nagrand to keep their eggs and whelps safe?
[X] Any Other Things You Wanna Talk About? (Write-In)
-[X]Could you tell us where the demon portal is located roughly?
-[X] Was the North more a jungle or a barren wasteland when you left? Were the Primals or the Breakers gaining?
-[X]Could you tell us where the demon portal is located roughly?
-[X] Was the North more a jungle or a barren wasteland when you left? Were the Primals or the Breakers gaining?
Pretty sure they would have told us where the Demon Gate is if they knew or had an idea since as far as they know Demons show up wherever they want when they want.

It's starting to make me think that it is underground somewhere and the Demons use the tunnels to pop up anywhere in the mountains they want.
Pretty sure they would have told us where the Demon Gate is if they knew or had an idea since as far as they know Demons show up wherever they want when they want.
and the demons who are still pouring out from some unseen gate or another.
They know the demons are pouring out from some central location.

They don't know the exact location.

So I asked where they (roughly) think it's located.

I mean, I know where the big gate was located in wow but some IC knowledge would be nice.
@torroar are the Netherwing able to give a rough idea about where the gate might be or are they clueless beyond knowing there has to be a gate due to the number of demons running around?
[X] Nothing Else, Return Home (End Encounter)

Hope that we can interact more with the Netherwing soon and show how they can trust us.
Before I vote wanted to ask some questions.

@torroar would the Netherwing be okay with a small outpost being set up in their area so that we always have a direct means of talking with them while also giving them the friendly conversation they desire while also talking more with nearby Zang'rok?

Also would it be possible that after we get them to trust us more that we offer them a part of Nagrand to keep their eggs and whelps safe?

They'd prefer if you didn't.

Also, don't talk about their eggs. That's private for them right now.
We have a pretty good food Surplus at the moment, we could always send extra food to Zang'rok and have that be delivered to them. They've likely already hunted out their area of the Marsh, and I doubt they want to range too far from their new nests, so we could deliver the food to them as a sign of good will and a chance at dialogue.

torroar what would you say are the chances we could get them to help us deal with the Zangermarsh Gate? I doubt they want to get involved in the melee and suffer too many causalities, but a couple passes of Dragonfire could do wonders for limiting our losses, while keeping them out of the main fight.
A mathematician's answer.

Well played.

@Massgamer, What's the harm in asking for some intel on where the enemy is based(and dated intel on the Primal/Breaker conflict in case we need to prepare for problems spilling over).
Nothing wrong with it and you can vote for it I just don't think we will gain much more than what the Netherwing have already told us.
We have a pretty good food Surplus at the moment, we could always send extra food to Zang'rok and have that be delivered to them. They've likely already hunted out their area of the Marsh, and I doubt they want to range too far from their new nests, so we could deliver the food to them as a sign of good will and a chance at dialogue.
The Netherwing seem to be doing fine on their diet of Hydras.
what would you say are the chances we could get them to help us deal with the Zangermarsh Gate? I doubt they want to get involved in the melee and suffer too many causalities, but a couple passes of Dragonfire could do wonders for limiting our losses, while keeping them out of the main fight.
Way to early to ask them to fight with us and besides we already have the gate on lockdown so they are not really needed.

We just need to wait till the Zangar Furies are calmed down so that they can help us close the gate.
Yeah, best not to ask anything of them right now. Given their history and the fact that we've established very little goodwill with them so far, it'd feel like exploitation. They were already split over even wanting to talk to us. Us asking them for help will not go over well at this juncture.

The best approach is to give them the space they need and take a neighbourly stance, let them know that if they need anything from us that we'd be happy to help. As the saying goes, one must give in order to receive. Get your head out of the gutter already.
The best approach is to give them the space they need and take a neighbourly stance, let them know that if they need anything from us that we'd be happy to help. As the saying goes, one must give in order to receive.

I kind of hope we can see about freeing those captured by the Dragonmaw at some point and maybe they can heal back among their flight.
It'll probably have to wait until the radiation in Shadowmoon abates. Once that happens, assuming we're still on friendly terms with them, we can propose rescue plans and intrigue actions against the Dragonmaw. Robbing the Horde of its Netherdrakes will make any assault easier and endear us to the Netherwing in turn, turning their advantage into ours with the obvious key difference being that free dragons fight better than slaves.
It'll probably have to wait until the radiation in Shadowmoon abates. Once that happens, assuming we're still on friendly terms with them, we can propose rescue plans and intrigue actions against the Dragonmaw. Robbing the Horde of its Netherdrakes will make any assault easier and endear us to the Netherwing in turn, turning their advantage into ours with the obvious key difference being that free dragons fight better than slaves.
Of course can't act till the radiation is down.

I wonder if the Netherwing would be ok with our people researching at their crystals to figure out what they are and what they do since not even they know.

@torroar can that be possible or do we need to wait for more trust on that as well?