Warcraft: Fallen Kingdoms (Old)

Gas Masks are a must but we can probably survive not eliminating Noxious Glade for a while.

I'm open to switching Noxious Glade to scholomance infiltration as long as we keep preparing to hit soft targets(patrols, gas masks->cauldrons).

Sounds good. Perhaps a Royal Investment on Scholomance infiltration then? It's pricey, but a better chance at getting a success, or averting a critical failure at least, would help.
More troops doesn't mean much if the enemy slaughtered most of our populace because we left such an obvious weakpoint in our defenses and an enemy struck while said troops were away on campaign.
We're not going to attack any hard targets like Stratholme or Scholomance anytime soon. At best, we'll reduce smaller targets like Noxious Glade, or raid targets of opportunity like the Plague Cauldrons.

Better to use that time to make sure our main territory is as safe as it can be, particularly since the Scourge can easily afford to trade space for time while they're organizing a counter-attack.

Good thing our settlements there are fortified isn't it?

And I agree that we're not going to attack hard targets any time soon. However, even smaller targets like Noxious Glade outnumber(ed?) our military.

At best, I can see us taking really weak points like the plague cauldrons(once we get the gas masks out) without either military expansion or heavy sabotage.

The Scourge have ports on the Northwestern coast and Northrend is also in that direction. Better make sure we have enough troops to adequately defend our territory while still having sufficient numbers to patrol with and/or attack soft targets.

Sounds good. Perhaps a Royal Investment on Scholomance infiltration then? It's pricey, but a better chance at getting a success, or averting a critical failure at least, would help.

I'd rather do it on either contacting the Weeping cave or extracting Rivendare jr. Denial of possible hero units to the scourge vs potentially failing the first scholomance infiltration attempt.

Or the integration office. We need that mine soon...

Also, RI does nothing to stop critfails:
1-5 is the range for Crit Fail!
Getting a Crit Fail will either lengthen the time to complete a option and cost you more gold or it will fail the option and can make a situation worse.
To get a Crit Fail you will need to roll 2-5 and with only the stat bonus added fail to reach the Required Roll stated by the option, if you succeed in reaching the Required Roll then the Crit Fail will not count.
Rolling a 1 naturally will cause a Massive Crit Fail and no bonuses will be added to the roll, only a re-roll can negate a Massive Crit Fail.
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Let's see. If characters give us more options, I can see several possible options and the things we have to do to get them.

Message Stromgarde : Orman of Stromgarde, First Captain General (Martial)
Hearthglen: Tealan Fordring, Lord of Mardenholde Keep (Martial or Stewardship)
Azeroth aid: Harthal Truesight, Lord Paladin (Martial)
High elves or Blood elves: Arellas Fireleaf, High Wizzard (Learning - Magic)
Kul Tiras: Barean Westwind, Grand Admiral (Martial)
High elves or Blood elves: Fellari Swiftarrow, Ranger Captain (Martial)
Reach Scarlet Monastery: Ferren Marcus, High Abbot (Piety)
Reach Scarlet Monastery: Sally Whitemane, High Inquisitor (Piety)
Reach Scarlet Monastery: Fairbanks, High Inquisitor (Piety)
Hearthglen: Galvar Pureblood, High Commander (Martial)
???: Dementia, Scarlet Oracle (Learning - Magic)
???: Galford, Archivist (Learning - Tech)
Aid from Dalaran: Angela Dosanta, Archmage (Learning - Magic)
???: Eligor Dawnbringer, Crusade Commander (Diplomacy or Martial)
Find his shack: Tirion Fordring, Hermit (Martial or Piety or Diplomacy or Stewardship)
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Let's see. If characters give us more options, I can see several possible options and the things we have to do to get them.

Message Stromgarde : Orman of Stromgarde, First Captain General (Martial)
Hearthglen: Tealan Fordring, Lord of Mardenholde Keep (Martial or Stewardship)
Azeroth aid: Harthal Truesight, Lord Paladin (Martial)
High elves or Blood elves: Arellas Fireleaf, High Wizzard (Learning - Magic)
Kul Tiras: Barean Westwind, Grand Admiral (Martial)
High elves or Blood elves: Fellari Swiftarrow, Ranger Captain (Martial)
Reach Scarlet Monastery: Ferren Marcus, High Abbot (Piety)
Reach Scarlet Monastery: Sally Whitemane, High Inquisitor (Piety)
Reach Scarlet Monastery: Fairbanks, High Inquisitor (Piety)
Hearthglen: Galvar Pureblood, High Commander (Martial)
???: Dementia, Scarlet Oracle (Learning - Magic)
???: Galford, Archivist (Learning - Tech)
Aid from Dalaran: Angela Dosanta, Archmage (Learning - Magic)
???: Eligor Dawnbringer, Crusade Commander (Diplomacy or Martial)
Find his shack: Tirion Fordring, Hermit (Martial or Piety or Diplomacy or Stewardship)
Reach Scarlet Monastery: Ferren Marcus, High Abbot (Piety)
Reach Scarlet Monastery: Sally Whitemane, High Inquisitor (Piety)
Reach Scarlet Monastery: Fairbanks, High Inquisitor (Piety)

As far as we know, these might as well actually just be with the group.

The more far flung Scarlet Crusaders in canon were purposefully sent there.

At the moment, 'our' Scarlet Crusade has done none of that. We haven't split ourselves up, and frankly, I dunno if that is the smartest thing just yet.

I think, personally, we should try to just clear the Eastern Plaguelands entirely before sacrificing significant strength into grabbing Hearthglen or even further to the Monastery.

Original Point, however, is that those guys might be running around in our ranks unseen. Untapped or whatever.

Ooh, speaking of which, Herod, the Champion or whatever, is he with us?
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I think, personally, we should try to just clear the Eastern Plaguelands entirely before sacrificing significant strength into grabbing Hearthglen or even further to the Monastery.
The purpose of establishing contact with the Hearthglen is threefold.
-It lets us see if integration is possible, necessary and/or desired.
-It allows for mutual aid to be sent if needed(and lets us assess the need to sabotage Stratholme/Andorhal more accurately).
-It potentially allows technological developments to be shared. Allowing us to benefit from their upgrades(if any) and allowing them to benefit from ours(which should help them in the fight over Northern Lordaron).

I agree that we can probably leave the Monestary alone for now though. Unless the Hearthglen has a passage through the mountains it would probably require fighting both the Scourge and the Forsaken to even reach Tirisfal Glades. Not worth the effort.

Still, they can wait(unlike the Weeping Cave).
[x]Expand Barracks
[x]Patrol Western Plaguelands:

[x]High Elves – Walls

[x]Expand Integration Office

[x]Infiltrate – Scholomance
[x]Noxious Glade – Sabotage the Slaughterhouse

[x]Plague Mask
[x]Build Arcane Sanctum

[X]Getting to know Lilian Voss
[X]Class Training

But yeah, the Monastery? Too much of a drain on manpower, supply lines, and honestly, little point to it until we are making a full push towards the Capital City. Then it would make a good FOB, but before then....nah.

I can see Hearthglen though. Still, I'd like us to at least have most of the southern half of the Eastern Plaguelands in the process/during. That way we can isolate Strat, connect with Hearthglen without worrying of things getting torn apart along the road.
[]Expand Barracks:
[]Patrol Western Plaguelands:

We need to increase the size of our army, and more refugees means fewer undead to fight.

[]Contact The Weeping Cave:
[]Contact Hearthglen:

Hopefully the humanoids in the cave aren't a trap/undead. Taelan Fording is in Hearthglen, and he will almost certainly give us an additional action probably piety given he was close to Isillien.

[]Expand Integration Office:

Our refugee population will only be increasing as we expand our patrols.

[]Stratholme – Contact Paladin:
[]Plaguewoods – Cauldrons:

Let's contact the Paladin hopefully he is still sane. Reduces the spread of the plague.

[]Workshop – Field Ballistae:

Turn unit creation into an automatic process like the Church we absolutely want this option, unfortunatly we kinda need the masks to expand our soldiers ability to safely patrol in more plague infected areas. So...

[]Plague Mask:

[]Build Arcane Sanctum:

Obvious choice is obvious.

[]Class Training:
[]Customs with Maxwell:

This merely starts class training so if we want to finish it before the next battle interlude we kinda need to stop delaying it for vague hypothetical benefits. This will probably help when negotiating with the Blood Elves(2 or so months until we meet?), and knowing the High Elven customs is a good idea if you want friendly relations with them.
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Yeah, i think we should look a bit to the west while slowly expanding our base to isolate the undead to the east.

Better to grab as many refugee into our folds to prevent undead from getting them first.

Then we can slowly chip the undead away, thou we'll need to keep an eye on them.
I will drop a link to a map here: Detailed Map of Lordaeron(Warning! Post Cataclysm Map)

I have been following this guy for a while now and I am really impressed by his maps.

A small infodump for all those unfamiliar with WoW. The basic problem with all WoW ingame maps is that the zones were created to be self contained. This means that the connection between two zones is almost always a tunnel/pass/bridge or something else narrow. Additionally rivers often make little sense, ending abruptly or splitting in two. This map tries to combine WoW lore info with ingame maps and "geographical realism". For example: Tirisfal and the Plaguelands (always part of Lordaeron) are on this map part of the same plain (instead of being cut apart by mountain ranges). The Trolls in the plaguelands have clear connections to Zul'aman via the Greenrush river (ingame the Thalassian Pass Gates seem to be the only connection). The Scarlet Monastery seems to be much more accessible to the Scarlet Crusade (no narrow gorge easily blocked by the Bulwark).

I am not saying we should use this map for this quest, but I think it nicely models the region this quest takes place in and could be a nice inspiration.
I wonder if we could convince the Alliance to set up camp at Strahnbrad. If we can stop the city from falling we could press Andorhal from both sides. Or if they leave us hanging, we should send some men to establish contact.

Mmmm, men returning from Stormwind will most likely land in Southshore....
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So I've been looking at the timeline at WoWwiki to find out where we currently are, and this is apparently the year where Durotar is founded and Jaina's father invades Kalimdor. After this we have two more years before the events of WoW classic occur(for us dealing with Naxxramas popping up over Stratholme), then two more years till Burning Crusade if we want to put our noses into that mess, then another two years till Wraith of the Lich King in year 34 and ends in the year 36 in otl. So outside of Naxxramas we should have relatively clear sailing when it comes to any future major disasters occurring for at least 6 years as most of the coming shit takes place in other parts of the world, unless we manage to agitate the Scourge even more then what the otl Scarlet Crusade managed to do that is.
Yeah once Naxxramas arrives, something tells me things are going to escalate.

The fact that some of the more elite and powerful champions of the scourge are going to be on board aside, the best I can think of any possible butterflies happening is Baron Riverdare being called up earlier to take the role of leader of the horsemen, because once Kel'thuzad figures out who is at the head of the Crusade, he's going to report this to Arthas as soon as he can. And something tells me Arthas will want Caelia to be by his side as fast as possible.
Who's Caelia?


Calia is Arthas' older sister who was engaged to Deathwing at one point. But we haven't heard from her in WoW or IC iirc?
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Yeah no, normal marriage for us please. And even if (and this is a big if) we do marry a dragon I'd rather take a red dragon for their Life property, to help heal the land faster. Also because Scarlet Queen and Red Dragon husbando fits better than a black dragon.