Warcraft: Fallen Kingdoms (Old)

We do need to find Clarent's excaliblast button. Would be a good deterrent. If anyone could use it, it would be us with our piety score.
Just joined in love the quest so far.
Also the scourge is not our true foe.
They have been but a lesser threat.
Our true enemy is the weather
Or maybe Scholomance would not put weather hi-jinks past them.
On the dragon thing, I'm pretty sure that Dragon's in Warcraft, while shape shifters, don't have the magical breed with everything trait that DnD dragons have. So while marring one is possible, there wouldn't be any actual children produced by said marriage.
As for more srs marriage bidness: I hear Galen Trollbane is free...ish. Why not bind together the most martial culture of the various human kingdoms as well as the origin point of Arathor with our group?

Cut down through Hinterlands, gain access to the the un-Scourged land down there for pop, farming, etc.
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If we manage to solve the Fel issue for the Blood elves along with their dispute with the High elves I wouldn't be against marrying Lor'themar.
Meh... Personally, I would go with a nice noble or peasant. I am not really much incline on "flashy" ones like high/blood elves and dragons. Sometimes simplicity is the best.
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Survey: Closed

Expand Barracks
Patrol Western Plaguelands

High Elves – Walls
Contact The Weeping Cave

Expand Integration Office

Stratholme – Contact Paladin
Noxious Glade – Sabotage the Slaughterhouse

Learning - Tech
Plague Mask

Learning - Magic
Build Arcane Sanctum

Personal Actions
Translate the Notes
Getting to know Lilian Voss

Allocate bonuses: Saidan and Abbendis for military, Angelica and Maxwell for Diplomacy and what Intrigue action gets the bonus.

I have also decided that you can use RI on as many Value Needed options as you want and use it multiple times on the same one.

Ex. [] RI2 Plague Mask

Which meant that you get +40, but you pay double the previous cost.

Ex. Base: 3000 RI: 6000 RI2: 12000. End cost would be the 12000.

You will no longer be able to use RI on Chance of Success options.

Instead you will get Extra Funding (EF) where you pay half the original cost for +10 for use on a CoS option. Only once per turn.

Ex. [] EF Stratholme - Contact Paladin

Base: 2000 EF: 1000 Total: 3000