Warcraft: Fallen Kingdoms (Old)

Unexpected Visitors – End

Unexpected Visitors – End

The meeting with the councilors was interesting, when you first told them about what the Blood Elves wanted they were of course angry, some hiding it better than others, and wanted to kick the Elves out of the city, some wording it more diplomatically than others. Once they had calmed down and thought things through more, the council was split between two votes, with Abbendis, Brigitte, Isillien and Lilian wanting to politely decline their demands and send them away, on one side, and Alexandros, Saidan, Invar and Maxwell on the other side wanting to counter their demands with a more reasonable proposal, Aldan stayed out of the debate, not having enough interest or knowledge in diplomacy and politics.

Both sides had good and bad points about their choice, all of which came up when the sides argued, you let them debate for a while until it started to go in circles, before interrupting.

"While you have all brought up good points there are some possibilities that you haven´t thought about.

One, they want us to reject their demands and kick them out, which they can use to fan the flames of hatred against the Alliance and humanity.

Two, Ambassador Sunsorrow is acting on his own, or making the demands harsher than what he was ordered, to fill his own coffers and use us as a tool to get more political power in Silvermoon.

We can´t reject them without creating what could be an enemy to our north, nor can we accept the demands, or try and compromise, without knowing if the accusations against Garithos are true or not, especially since we had no idea this 'New Alliance' existed.

This is what we are going to do, we are going to tell Sunsorrow that a matter this important can´t be discussed through messages between leaders and is something that needs to be discussed between leaders in person, therefore we will offer to send an ambassador to Silvermoon so that proper diplomatic channels can be set up and then we can plan a meeting with the leader of the Blood Elves at a convenient time and place. We will also offer to send a company of soldiers to help escort the ambassador back to Quel'Thalas.

I also want a message sent to the High Elves to inform them what has happened and that we won´t accept a deal with the Blood Elves that would jeopardize our relationship or cause harm to them and I want an investigation about Garithos, I will leave that to you Invar, Maxwell you will probably be sent as the ambassador so make sure to study High Elven customs, hopefully it won´t have changed so much."

After you finish there is a moment of silence before they all speak up.

"Yes, Your Majesty." You dismiss everyone except Maxwell and your bodyguards as you start writing a formal letter to give Sunsorrow for delivery to the Blood Elves leader.

A Few Hours Later.

You finished telling Sunsorrow what you have decided to do a few minutes ago and since then he has been quiet, reading through what you have written to him, after a few more minutes he starts speaking.

"This… should be acceptable, I will return to Silvermoon with your message and should return next month with an answer and there is no need for an escort, we will be able to move more quickly and stealthily without your troops heavy armor getting in the way, if there is nothing more to discuss I will take my leave." After receiving a negative he stands up before bidding farewell, leaving with his companions.

You wait in the room for a few minutes standing up and leaving the room yourself, as you do a thought enter your head.

'I hope he actually delivers the letter instead of destroying it and lying about what happened… Not much I can do to stop that, hopefully it won´t happen.' You put that thought out of your mind for the now and focus on what else needs to be done today. Blood Elves status changed to Unfriendly?
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Turn 15
March 28 AFW (After First War)

Turn 15

Military: Saidan Dathrohan has been appointed the Grand Crusader, the one in charge of all military matters with Highlord Alexandros Mograine and High General Richard Abbendis as his subordinates. They have given you a report on the state of the military and the options that are open to you. They have also appointed Brigitte Abbendis as your bodyguard. (Pick 2)

[]Expand Barracks: Expanding our current barracks will allow us to recruit more soldiers to our army, of course we will need to make sure we can handle an increase in soldiers so that we don´t tank our economy.
Cost: 12,000. Value Needed: 0/200. Reward: Can expand army.

[]Build a Tower at Corin´s Crossing: While we are protected by towers both in the north and west they can be taken out quietly, building a tower in the vicinity of the town will not only let us see an attack come from distance, it will also make the civilians in the town feel safer.
Cost: 2,000. Value Needed: 0/50. Reward: Tower at Corin´s Crossing, Tower Upkeep -1,000.

[]Refit Soldiers with Bronze: Now that we produce bronze we can refit our troops to have bronze weapons, armor and shields, this will give us an small advantage in combat but it will be more expansive to upkeep.
Cost: 4,000. Time: 3 Month. Chance for Success: 100% Reward: +1 Attack and Defense to Defenders, Crusaders, Knights and Paladins, +1 Upkeep cost for Defenders, Crusaders, Knights and Paladins. Note: Bonus won´t last forever, enemies can also upgrade their equipment.

[]City Guards: Right now our soldiers are guarding our city, preventing them from joining the battle against the Scourge and other enemies, widening the number gap between us and our enemies, therefore Richard have been proposing that we create the City Guard, a separate entity from our army, the Guards is to take over our soldiers duty in the city and protect it from attack, giving the army time to arrive and help drive the enemy back, as well as free up our soldiers for battles.
Cost: 4,000. Value Needed: 131/140. Reward: City Guard created, Soldiers no longer need to stay behind and defend City. Will continue this month.

[]Upgrade Militia Equipment: Our Militia is using whatever weapons and armor it can get its hand on and that equipment would not be enough to defend themselves in case of an attack without taking heavy casualties, therefore Alexandros wants to upgrade the Militias equipment, giving them iron swords or axes, iron shields and iron armor, this will allow the Militia to be more effective in battle and reduce their casualties.
Cost: 2,500. Value Needed: 0/100. Reward: Militias equipment upgraded.

[]Secure Darrowshire: Now that both Scourge bases are barricaded we can start to secure the lands under our control and one such area is the town of Darrowshire, destroyed by the Scourge during their invasion the town is a burnt husk with no buildings standing, we will need to rebuild it for the town to be of any use.
Cost: 2,000. Time: 1 Month. Chance for Success: 90% Reward: Darrowshire Secured, More options with Darrowshire.

[]Fortify Coast Line: We have nothing protecting us from an attack from the sea, if the enemy wanted to land a force on our coast there would be nothing we could to stop it, building defenses may not stop the enemies landing but it would make it harder for them to gain any worthwhile ground.
Cost: 6,000. Value Needed: 0/90 Reward: Coast Line Fortified.

[]Attack Stratholme: With the information from the Elves about the situation in Stratholme and the amount of undead troops in the city Saidan has proposed an attack on the city, he feels that if you were to take the city it would be an massive advantage against the Scourge, not only would you get an defensive position, you would also cut off the Scourge in Northern Lordaeron from the rest of their forces.
Cost: 4,000. Time: 1 Month. Chance for Success: 100% Reward: Attack Interlude.

[]Patrol Western Plaguelands: Now that we have an idea of what is happening in the Western Plaguelands we can send in patrols to protect the Refugees and thin out the Scourge in the area, of course these first patrols will only cover up until the small mountains before the crossroad.
Cost: 1,000. Time: 1 Month. Chance for Success: 70% Reward: 100+2d100 Refugees each Month patrols are out, Patrol Upkeep -500.

[]Upgrade Northern Defenses: Now that we have a Stone Quarry we can upgrade our defenses to be more sturdy. The Northern Defenses include the Eastwall Gorge, the barricade at Noxious Glade and Light´s Hope Chapel, these upgrade will make these places harder for the enemy to attack.
Cost: 8,000. Value Needed: 0/200. Reward: Northern Defenses upgraded.

[]Upgrade Western Defenses: Now that we have a Stone Quarry we can upgrade our defenses to be more sturdy. The Western Defenses include the barricade at Fungal Vale and the fortification that protects the river crossing into the Western Plaguelands, upgrading these defenses will make the area safer.
Cost: 5,000. Value Needed: 0/120. Reward: Western Defenses upgraded.

[]Upgrade Corin´s Crossing Defenses: Now that we have a Stone Quarry we can give the town some proper walls for protection and seeing as a significant part of our population will be moving into the town it would be for the best if they have the best protection we can give them.
Cost: 12,000. Value Needed: 0/140. Reward: Corin´s Crossing Defenses upgraded.

[]Attack Gahrron´s Withering: Gahrron's Withering, formerly known as Gahrron´s Quickening, was one of the major farming communities in the Western Plaguelands, now it has been filled with plague cauldrons that continues to spew out the plague into the air. While it is lightly guarded, compared to other Scourge bases, the problem will be making sure that our soldiers aren´t infected with the plague, but Aldan may have a solution to that.
Cost: 3,000. Time: 1 Month. Chance for Success: 70% Reward: Gahrron´s Withering attacked.

[]Attack The Weeping Cave: We don´t know if the humanoids in the cave are friendly or not but what are the chances that a group staying in a place like that would not already be wiped out by the Scourge, no, it is probably Cultist or Necromancers in there and launching a surprise attack on them is a good idea.
Cost: 2,000. Time: 1 Month. Chance for Success: ??% Reward: Weeping Cave attacked.
Cannot be taken with Contact The Weeping Cave.

[]Attack Plaguewoods: Now that we have an idea of what awaits us in the Plaguewoods we can plan an attack on the place. It will be dangerous as we will be outnumbered and since the Trolls are still active they may attack us on route, another danger will be the cauldrons and giant mushroom that are spewing out the plague and spores, fortunately Aldan has an idea that can help with that.
Cost: 5,000. Time: 1 Month. Chance for Success: 100% Reward: Attack Interlude.

[]Attack Trolls: As long as the Trolls are unopposed they can attack both our and the High Elves patrols and they may work up their courage to try and assault one of our bases and that can´t be allowed to happen. This will be very dangerous if we don´t weaken them before hand, the Trolls have natural regeneration that makes it so that they can ignore smaller wounds and fight on despite receiving grievous wounds, given time they can regenerate limbs and most Trolls have training has training in at least one weapon and if not their strength makes up for it.
Cost: 4,000. Time: 1 Month. Chance for Success: 100% Reward: Attack Interlude.

Diplomacy: You are smart, beautiful and able to charm almost everyone you meet, is there any wonder why you have taken over the diplomatic aspect of the Crusade? (Pick 2)

[]Send a Message - Stromgarde: The Kingdom of Stromgarde is considered to have the strongest human military force, during the second war their army was able to hold off the entire Horde on their own for a while, if we could get an expeditionary force from them it would give us a massive advantage in our fight against the Scourge.
Cost: 0. Time: 1 Month. Chance for Success: 100% Reward: A message is sent to Stromgarde.

[]High Elves - Archers: Elven Archers are superior to our own, getting a few into our army would be a great idea, observations of the Elves military forces has revealed that they are missing heavy troops that can hold a line, we may be able to offer some of our Defenders for their Archers.
Cost: 2,000. Time: 1 Month. Chance for Success: 80% Reward: Can trade Defenders to Archers (1 Defender = 1.5 Archers), Can train in the Archery Class. (Hunter).

[]High Elves – Walls: While Abbendis was escorting the rescued Elves he noticed that while the Lodge had walls to protect it, the wall was only made of wood and, considering the color at some spots, probably rotten wood at that, which is no surprise considering how close the Lodge is to the Plaguewoods, but now that we have a Stone Quarry we could send stone to them to let them build better walls, we may be able to get some magical knowledge out of it.
Cost: 4,000. Time: 3 Month. Chance for Success: 80% Reward: Quel'Lithien better protected, Magical knowledge.

[]Send a Diplomat – Trolls: While you normally wouldn´t think about doing this, with how the situation is right now it may be a good idea to get a ceasefire between you, the trolls and the elves so you are all able to focus on the Scourge, it will be dangerous for whoever goes but if you succeed it would give you one less enemy that you would have to deal with.
Cost: 2,000. Time: 1 Month. Chance for Success: ??% Reward: Contact with Trolls.

[]Contact The Weeping Cave: We don´t know if the humanoids in the cave are friendly or not but approaching them peacefully could win us new friends and anyone able to survive in a place like that either has skill and power on his/her side or is very good at hiding, either of which would be a great asset for the Crusade.
Cost: 2,000. Time: 1 Month. Chance for Success: ??% Reward: Weeping Cave contacted.
Cannot be taken with Attack The Weeping Cave.

[]Contact Hearthglen: Now that we know that Hearthglen is still standing against the Scourge we should contact them, while we don´t know who is leading them hopefully they will be loyal to Lordaeron and to the Royal Family or at least willing to enter an alliance with us. The journey there will be dangerous with all the Scourge patrols in the area, but the possible rewards outweigh the risk.
Cost: 2,000. Time: 1 Month. Chance for Success: 75% Reward: Contact with Hearthglen.

Stewardship: You are a Genius and nowhere has that been more apparent than now, seeing you quickly and efficiently going through piles of reports and paperwork concerning every little thing in running the realm are awe-inspiring. (Pick 1)

[]Rebuild Corin´s Crossing: Now that Corin´s Crossing is under our control we can start rebuilding it, it will take time and money but getting the town up and running will relieve the pressure of our ever expanding Refugee Camp.
Cost: 8,000. Time: 3 Month. Chance for Success: 80% Reward: Corin´s Crossing rebuilt, alleviate housing problems. Will continue this month.

[]Repair Roads: The road between Corin´s Crossing and Tyr´s Hand is in bad shape, the same with the road from the Thondroril River to Eastwall Tower, fixing them would make it easier to move between the various points.
Cost: 1,000. Value Needed: 0/60. Reward: Easier road travel, bonus to future trade income.

[]Expand Mine: While the size of our current mine gives us more than enough ores to work with, we can expand it further, getting us more ore to use in future projects and getting us more money, we may also discover ores too deep for our survey team to discover.
Cost: 2,000. Value Needed: 0/120 Reward: Mine expanded, more ore, +2,250 Mining Income.

[]Survey for Ores in Eastern Plaguelands: There may be ores in our newly acquired land that we don´t know about and don´t have a supply of, even if there isn´t any new ores we can still build new mines, getting us more ore and money.
Cost: 2,000. Value Needed: 0/60. Reward: Knowledge of ore in controlled land.

[]Expand Dock: We will need a bigger dock so that our future ships will have a place to unload and load troops and supplies, as well as properly receive guests.
Cost: 4,000. Value Needed: 0/100. Reward: Bigger dock, Can build Galleys.

[]Expand the Scarlet Enclave Once More: We can expand the Enclave one more time, filling the remaining area with farms, bringing us more food and a bit more housing, this would of course expand New Avalon as well, giving us housing.
Cost: 8,000. Time: 3 Month. Chance for Success: 80% Reward: +1,250 Farming Income, New Avalon becomes a Large Town, Havenshire expanded to the remaining lands.

[]Volunteers - Tax Cuts: We have a low number of men and women to replenish our lost soldiers and to get more Volunteers you have decided to offer a tax cut for those that join, which will continue as long as they are a part of the reserves and do their duties properly.
Cost: 0. Time: 1 Month. Chance for Success: 100% Reward: Lower Reserve Taxes for more Volunteers.

[]Expand Integration Office: With our current numbers of Refugees and with the possibility of more arriving as we expand and spread out it has been suggested that we double the number of officials handling the Refugees to make sure we aren´t overwhelmed.
Cost: 4,000. Value Needed: 0/120. Reward: +1000 Refugees becomes Low Class Citizens each month.

[]Upgrade New Avalon Fortifications: Now that we have a stone quarry we can finally build some real walls and defenses and a good place that should receive an upgrade is our new town of New Avalon, not only does it hold a large part of our population it would also serve as a first defense line against anyone attacking from the sea.
Cost: 5,000. Value Needed: 0/120. Reward: New Avalon Defenses upgraded.

Intrigue: With a competent Spymaster and with a proper Spy Network in our employee we will finally be able to do some real danger to our enemies. (Pick 2)

[]Infiltrate - Fungal Vale: We also need information on the Scourge Base north of Crown Guard Tower, now called The Fungal Vale, knowing what the Scourge have placed there will be important so that we are not blindsided by an attack.
Cost: 1,000. Time: 1 Month. Chance for Success: 80% Reward: Information on Fungal Vale.

[]Zul'Mashar - Sabotage Military Equipment: Sabotaging the equipment of the Trolls will severely hinder them, making it sufficiently harder for them to launch any raids against their enemies and making them unable to defend themselves properly, if we want to weaken them this is one way of doing it, with dynamite now available for our agents they can destroy even more equipment.
Cost: 3,000. Time: 1 Month. Chance for Success: 80% Reward: Trolls military equipment sabotaged, Big Penalty for Trolls in battle.

[]Zul'Mashar - Sabotage Defenses: Sabotaging the Trolls defenses will make it harder for them to defend against attacks, making it more likely that they will stay on the defensive until the defenses are repaired, with dynamite now being produced the results of our sabotage will be greatly increased.
Cost: 3,000. Time: 1 Month. Chance for Success: 80% Reward: Troll defenses sabotaged, No defensive bonus for Trolls when attacked.

[]Zul'Mashar - Disease: With a disease affecting more and more Trolls you find yourself with a choice, find the source of the disease or let it continue unhindered, there are advantages and disadvantages to both options, if we can find and remove the source of the disease the Trolls will be more able to put pressure on the Scourge but also on you and the High Elves, if we let it continue it will weaken the Trolls but it will make them more vulnerable to attacks from the Scourge and if the Scourge manages to defeat them and raise their corpses they will get an even larger advantage in numbers.
Cost: 2,000. Time: 2 Month. Chance for Success: 75% Reward: Knowledge of how the Disease spreads.

[]Zul'Mashar - Food: While the Trolls have gotten an increase in food we can still destroy what they have to weaken them.
Cost: 2,000. Time: 1 Month. Chance for Success: 80% Reward: Food destroyed for Trolls, Trolls may become desperate, Trolls may suffer penalties.

[]Infiltrate - Quel'Lithien Lodge: While the High Elves are friendly towards you now, you never know what the future holds, insuring that you have knowledge of their future plans would be a good idea.
Cost: 2,000. Time: 2 Month. Chance for Success: 80% Reward: Information on Quel'Lithien Lodge.

[]Infiltrate – Scholomance: We need more information on the necromantic school underneath Caer Darrow, we can´t have them conducting unknown experiments to unleash on us without some information on what is going on, there is also the fact that they tried to assassinate you and some of our agents are eager to give some payback.
Cost: 2,500. Time: 1 Month. Chance for Success: ??% Reward: Information on Scholomance.

[]Infiltrate – Andorhal: Andorhal was once one of the largest cities in Lordaeron and the distributer of agricultural supplies in the northern provinces of Lordaeron, now it is home to the largest concentration of undead in the Western Plaguelands and they are being led by an Undead Lich, they are also in the position of blocking the passage south into the southern provinces and the rest of the Alliance, we will need information before we can attack them.
Cost: 3,000. Time: 1 Month. Chance for Success: 60% Reward: Information on Andorhal.

[]Noxious Glade – Sabotage the Slaughterhouse: The longer the Slaughterhouse stands the more Abominations it can produce and each abomination can take out several men on their own without problems, if we let them build up their forces they will easily be able to overrun us or at least inflict heavy casualties.
Cost: 2,000. Time: 1 Month. Chance for Success: 60% Reward: Slaughterhouse damaged.

[]Noxious Glade – Avalanche: Noxious Glade is surrounded by mountains on all sides and this present us with a unique option, using explosive we may be able to cause an avalanche of rocks to crush the camp. It will be hard to get enough explosives into the camp to set off an avalanche that can do some real damage, too little and we won´t deal any damage and too much can bury the base and make it unavailable if we want to use the area in the future.
Cost: 2,500. Time: 1 Month. Chance for Success: 70% Reward: Explosives on the mountain (1/6). (The more times you do this the bigger the avalanche.)

[]Stratholme – Contact Paladin: We could attempt to contact the Paladin in Alonsus Chapel in Stratholme, hopefully he will be friendly and haven´t become unstable from his time alone, surrounded by the undead and the destroyed city. The Eternal Flame he is guarding would be very useful for us.
Cost: 2,000. Time: 1 Month. Chance for Success: 80% Reward: Paladin contacted.

[]Stratholme – Sabotage the Western Gate: The undead in the city is leaving through the western gate towards Northern Lordaeron, if we were to collapse the gate we could stop that flow, of course that would only be temporary and it would mean that there is more undead in the city until the gate is cleared.
Cost: 3,000. Time: 1 Month. Chance for Success: 70% Reward: Western Gate sabotaged.

[]Plaguewoods – Cauldrons: There are several plague cauldrons spewing out the plague in the Plaguewoods, destroying them would mean that it would be easier for us to attack the area as we wouldn´t have to worry as much about our soldiers being infected by the plague and who knows what else.
Cost: 2,000. Time: 1 Month. Chance for Success: 80% Reward: Plague Cauldrons destroyed.

[]Plaguewoods – Burn the Fungus: The Plaguewoods is filled with mushrooms growing everywhere, from man-sized to some even growing to eclipse any trees in the area, all of which emits spores, this could be dangerous for any soldiers that stays in the area for an unknown period of time. It has been proposed that we try and set fire to the mushrooms, killing two birds with one stone, both getting rid of the mushroom and any undead that gets caught in the fire. This could be very dangerous as it is possible that the fire could grow out of control and spread away from the woods and towards the High Elves, this would be a serious blow towards our diplomatic relationship with them if it were to be discovered that it was us.
Cost: 2,000. Time: 1 Month. Chance for Success: ??% Reward: ???.

Learning - Tech: With both a Research Leader and a Research Building you can finally start researching the heavier projects. (Pick 1)

[]Human Guns: Aldan has a few designs in mind for a gun tailored to be used by humans, given the funds he can make prototypes of the designs and work out any flaws that exists before showing the finished products.
Cost: 1,500. Value Needed: 0/120. Reward: Can start production of different types of guns.

[]Ship Design - Light Ship: Before we can produce any ships we need designs for them, unfortunately we don´t have any plans for ships in Tyr´s Hand as it wasn´t a city with a port, but Aldan with help of experiment sailors and dock workers will be able to design something useful.
Cost: 4,000. Value Needed: 0/150. Reward: Light Ship Designs.

[]Making Field Ballistae: While we do have the capability to make Field Ballistae, with our current facilities we would not be able to make many and it would take several months, not only that but it would tie up Aldan's time and make it so that he wouldn´t have time to research anything else.
Cost: 10,000. Value Needed: 0/300. Reward: 5+1d6 Field Ballistae.

[]Workshop – Field Ballistae: Aldan has made plans for a workshop that would specialize in making Field Ballistae, not only would it cut down the time spent on each Ballistae, it would also allow us to increase the number that we can work on the same time and it would allow Aldan to work on other projects while the workshop is making the Ballistae.
Cost: 5,000. Value Needed: 0/150. Reward: More Field Ballistae made each batch, Shorter time to complete each batch, Aldan no longer needs to oversee construction.

[]Scorpio: The Scorpio is one of the other designs Aldan had for the Ballistae, it is less powerful than the Field Ballistae and a little more delicate, making it easier to break down if used carelessly, but it is easier to make, lighter and only requires one person to operate. It can be a good weapon for villages that needs a bit more protection.
Cost: 2,000. Value Needed: 0/120. Reward: Can produce Scorpio.

[]Siege Ballistae: This design of the Field Ballistae is meant for sieging down a base, town, anything with walls and other defenses, it takes a long time to assemble, needs between four to six people to operate and takes a long time to reload, on the other hand it is very powerful, capable of going through dozens, maybe even hundreds, of undead before stopping, it is a must have if we are to lay siege to a place, otherwise we may be there a long time.
Cost: 5,000. Value Needed: 0/200. Reward: Can produce Siege Ballistae.

[]Plague Mask: With all the cauldrons and mushrooms spewing out the plague and spores we need a way to protect our soldiers from being infected, luckily Aldan has an idea, using leather he will make a mask with what he calls a filter, the filter is something that is supposed to stop unwanted things in the air to get inside the body, he just need time and money to get the best combination.
Cost: 3,000. Value Needed: 0/140. Reward: Can produce Plague Masks.

Learning – Magic: With someone able to teach magic you can finally get more mages into your army, of course you will need a safe place for them to practice. (Pick 1)

[]Train Mages: Now that we have Arellas with us we can start training new mages, of course it will take months to train the new mages up to an acceptable standard and without the proper facilities it will take even longer.
Cost: 3,000. Time: 7 Month. Chance for Success: 100% Reward: Can train 15 Mages each time chosen.

[]Build Arcane Sanctum: When Arellas asked about the training area for the mages you admitted to not having any place specifically built for it, luckily Arellas was willing to share some of the secrets for building an Arcane Sanctum, not every secret about how it functions but enough to serve our purpose, not only will finishing this cut down the time it takes to train new mages, it would also let us conduct magical experiments in safety
Cost: 10,000. Value Needed: 0/180. Reward: Shorter training times for Mages, Can train more mages at the same time, Can conduct magical research.

Piety: High Priest Isillien has taken on the priestly duties that is needed. While he still continues his sermons about the undead, he has started to focus on rebuilding Lordaeron. He also has some proposals. (Pick 1) Locked

[]Capture - Plagued Animals: The researches requests that you capture different kinds of Plagued Animals, they wish to study why the Plague has a different effects on animals and humans.
Cost: 1,000. Time: 1 Month. Chance for Success: 75% Reward: Can study Plagued Animals.

[]Study - Undead Corpses: Isillien believes that by studying the undead corpses that we have, we can figure out their weak points, at least for their most basic troops, those being ghouls, zombies and skeletons.
Cost: 1,000. Value Needed: 49/60. Reward: Knowledge of weaknesses for Ghouls, Zombies and Skeletons. Will continue this month.

[]Study - Humans: Isillien has requested permission to study those we believe has the Plague, he wants to study how the Plague converts humans to undead, he hopes to find a way to stop the Plague at one of the stages and a way to revert the transformation.
Cost: 3,000. Value Needed: 0/150. Reward: Information on how the Plague effects humans, Further research on Humans, ???.

[]Train - Priests: With Isillien overlooking the training of new Priests we can be sure that they will be well trained, but we can only train 25 Priests at a time, luckily those that will receive training has been part of the Church for a long time and has studied the Light for since they were young, so it will only take a couple of months to get them ready for their duties.
Cost: 2,000. Time: 3 Month. Chance for Success: 100% Reward: Can train 25 Priests each time chosen.

[]Expand the Church: As of now we can only house 150 Priests before we run out of space, we will need to expand the Church before we can house more than that.
Cost: 6,000. Value Needed: 0/150 Reward: Can house 250 Priests, no longer need Isillien to train Priests.

[]Make a Safe Container: We will need a safe container to keep abomination bodies in before we can study them, the Research Team will see if they can come up with something.
Cost: 3,000. Value Needed: 0/100 Reward: Can contain abomination bodies for study.

[]Fungus in Humans: Now that we know of an possibility of detecting the plague in humans we need to study and do research if it is possible, using volunteers we hope to discover a method to safely find out if a human is infected by the plague, of course some of the experiments can be painful and invasive and it may be best to try the methods on animals first.
Cost: 3,000. Value Needed: 0/160. Reward: Able to detect Fungus in Humans.

[]Fungus - The Light: The Light may be the key to curing the land without having to hurt it further, we will need to do research to figure out a way to use the Light in such a manner.
Cost: 6,000. Value Needed: 0/250. Reward: Can use the Light to cleanse the land.

[]Cleansing - Fire: With how the state of the land is it may be better to just cleanse it with fire, of course this will have some consequences, first we would burn the trees making the lumber mill useless for the time being, secondly is that fire is dangerous and if we were to lose control the results could be catastrophic, thirdly is that we have no idea what burning so much fungus may have for side effects.
Cost: 2,000. Time: 3 Month. Chance for Success: 75% Reward: Land between Tyr´s Hand and Corin´s Crossing will be cleansed, No Income from Lumber, ???, ???.

Personal Actions: With both Brigittes and Lilians help you are able to do your work faster, giving you more free time to spend as you wish. (Pick 2)

[]Train With Brigitte: The battle last month showed you that you need to work on your endurance, training with Brigitte will not only help you with that, but it will also let you spend some personal time with her, something both your duties has prevented for some time.
Cost: 0. Value Needed: 0/60. Reward: Increased Closeness with Brigitte, Can last longer in Battle, Less penalty in a long Battle. Note: Will use Martial stat.

[]Horseback Combat Riding: Before the battle you were prohibited from joining the cavalry portion of the army, it is time to make sure that you can do several roles in battle, whether from foot or horseback.
Cost: 0. Value Needed: 0/100. Reward: Can fight from horseback. Note: Will use Martial stat.

[]Warfare with Saidan: You have decided it is time to learn what it means to lead during a war and in battle, and to do this you have sought the help of Saidan, he is more than willing to teach you what being a leader encompasses.
Cost: 0. Value Needed: 0/200. Reward: Learn how to lead in battle, Increased Closeness with Saidan. Note: Will use Martial stat.

[]Sparring with Alexandros: While you have the silver glow under control now, it could never hurt to spar with an experienced opponent.
Cost: 0. Value Needed: 0/60. Reward: +1 Martial, Increased Closeness with Alexandros.

[]Learn from Invar: With the threat of Scourge assassins looming over you, you have decided to seek the help of Invar and learn how to protect yourself from the tricks that could be used to kill you.
Cost: 0. Value Needed: 0/75. Reward: +1 Intrigue, Increased Closeness with Invar.

[]Study under Aldan: Aldan has some interesting ideas going on and you are interested in learning about them, he is also well traveled from his search of technology and can offer tales of what he has seen on his journeys.
Cost: 0. Value Needed: 0/60. Reward: +1 Learning, Increased Closeness with Aldan.

[]Religion with Isillien: What you have learned about the Light fascinates you, wanting to learn more you have continued your lessons with Isillien.
Cost: 0. Value Needed: 0/80. Reward: Increased Closeness with Isillien, Knowledge about the Light. Note: Will use Piety stat.

[]Translate the Notes: You are very curious about what the book contains, translating the notes written in it will be the first step in understanding it, but it will take some time to properly translate it.
Cost: 0. Value Needed: 44/200. Reward: Notes in Book translated. Note: Will use Learning stat.

[]Getting to know Lilian Voss: Now that you have a new bodyguard it is time to get to know her, just like you did Brigitte, her father said that she has been trained in many kinds of combat, including magic, maybe she could teach you some of it.
Cost: 0. Value Needed: 48/75. Reward: Learn to dual-wield(3/3), +1 Martial or +1 Intrigue (Random), Increased Closeness with Lilian.

[]Customs with Maxwell: It may be a good idea to study the High Elven customs together with Maxwell, not only would you brush up your own knowledge, but you could use this chance to learn more about Maxwell himself.
Cost: 0. Value Needed: 0/60. Reward: Chance of +1 Diplomacy, Increased Closeness with Maxwell..

[]Class Training: You have decided that the others are right, it is time to start some advanced training in combat, you only have to choose the direction to go in.
Cost: 0. Time: 1 Month. Chance for Success: 100% Reward: Can train in a Class.

Survey is up.
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Turn 15 - Results
March 28 AFW (After First War)

Turn 15 - Results

1500+[48+63+17+77+70+49+88+85]= 1897-1897=0

New Low Class Citizens: 1897-123=1774

Reduced Refugees: 24557-103=24454

2d100 - 75+48=123

New Reserves: 123

Military: Saidan Dathrohan has been appointed the Grand Crusader, the one in charge of all military matters with Highlord Alexandros Mograine and High General Richard Abbendis as his subordinates. They have given you a report on the state of the military and the options that are open to you. They have also appointed Brigitte Abbendis as your bodyguard. (Pick 2)

[]Expand Barracks: Expanding our current barracks will allow us to recruit more soldiers to our army, of course we will need to make sure we can handle an increase in soldiers so that we don´t tank our economy.
Cost: 24,000. Value Needed: 0/200. Reward: Can expand army. Rolled: 66+6+20=92 New Value: 92/200

-Our work on expanding the barracks have begun. Will continue next month.

[]City Guards:
Right now our soldiers are guarding our city, preventing them from joining the battle against the Scourge and other enemies, widening the number gap between us and our enemies, therefore Richard have been proposing that we create the City Guard, a separate entity from our army, the Guards is to take over our soldiers duty in the city and protect it from attack, giving the army time to arrive and help drive the enemy back, as well as free up our soldiers for battles.
Cost: 4,000. Value Needed: 131/140. Reward: City Guard created, Soldiers no longer need to stay behind and defend City. Rolled: 80+11+6=97 New Value:228/140

-The training of the City Guard is done, now we no longer need to leave behind soldiers to guard our territory. While the City Guard isn´t as good as our regular soldiers they are leaps better than our militia and they have cheaper upkeep cost, not only that but if we were to take over a town or city and rebuild it, the City Guard will be sent to protect it, freeing up our soldiers and allowing the positions that were emptied to be filled again, boosting the number of City Guards. Reward: 1,000 City Guards Employed (Low Class Citizens), Soldiers no longer needed to guard cities and towns, City Guard will automatically expand to cover newly acquired cities and towns (Will take a few months).

[]Patrol Western Plaguelands:
Now that we have an idea of what is happening in the Western Plaguelands we can send in patrols to protect the Refugees and thin out the Scourge in the area, of course these first patrols will only cover up until the small mountains before the crossroad.
Cost: 1,000. Time: 1 Month. Chance for Success: 70% Reward: 100+2d100 Refugees each Month patrols are out, Patrol Upkeep -500. Required: 30. Rolled: 38+9+4+6=57

-Patrols have been sent into the Western Plaguelands, already they have saved several refugee caravans from Scourge attacks and they even got some information on Tirisfal Glades, it seems that there is still a human military force in the region, though one that is weakened and on the defensive, they have hold onto the Monastery of Light in the northern part of the region, taking in any refugees in the region, they are calling themselves the Brotherhood of Light. The refugees have even heard rumors that one of their leaders was able to bring someone back to life with the Light. Reward: 100+2d100 Refugees each Month patrols are out, Patrol Upkeep -500, Information on Tirisfal Glades.

Diplomacy: You are smart, beautiful and able to charm almost everyone you meet, is there any wonder why you have taken over the diplomatic aspect of the Crusade? (Pick 2)

[]High Elves - Walls: While Abbendis was escorting the rescued Elves he noticed that while the Lodge had walls to protect it, the wall was only made of wood and, considering the color at some spots, probably rotten wood at that, which is no surprise considering how close the Lodge is to the Plaguewoods, but now that we have a Stone Quarry we could send stone to them to let them build better walls, we may be able to get some magical knowledge out of it.
Cost: 4,000. Time: 3 Month. Chance for Success: 80% Reward: Quel'Lithien better protected, Magical knowledge. Required: 20. Rolled: 73+6=79

-Our diplomats were able to convince the High Elves to agree with the trade, we will send them enough stone for a proper wall, which should take around three months, and in return the High Elves have agreed to share some of their magical knowledge. Will be done in two months.

[]Contact The Weeping Cave: We don´t know if the humanoids in the cave are friendly or not but approaching them peacefully could win us new friends and anyone able to survive in a place like that either has skill and power on his/her side or is very good at hiding, either of which would be a great asset for the Crusade.
Cost: 2,000. Time: 1 Month. Chance for Success: ??% Reward: Weeping Cave contacted. Required: ??. Rolled: 66+9+3+6=84

-Interlude Later.

You are a Genius and nowhere has that been more apparent than now, seeing you quickly and efficiently going through piles of reports and paperwork concerning every little thing in running the realm are awe-inspiring. (Pick 1)

[]Rebuild Corin´s Crossing: Now that Corin´s Crossing is under our control we can start rebuilding it, it will take time and money but getting the town up and running will relieve the pressure of our ever expanding Refugee Camp.
Cost: 8,000. Time: 3 Month. Chance for Success: 80% Reward: Corin´s Crossing rebuilt, alleviate housing problems. Required: 20. Rolled: 61+6=67

-Corin´s Crossing is finally rebuilt, already people are moving in and new shops are opening up, this is a momentous occasion for the Scarlet Crusade, for the first time since the loss of the Capital we have taken back something destroyed by the Scourge and rebuilt it, proving to the Scourge, our allies and ourselves that what we fight for is possible and that this is just the first step towards the revival of the Lordaeron Kingdom. Reward: Corin´s Crossing rebuilt, Alleviate housing problems, Boost to Morale, +50 Nobles, +1,100 Middle Class Citizens.

[]Expand Integration Office:
With our current numbers of Refugees and with the possibility of more arriving as we expand and spread out it has been suggested that we double the number of officials handling the Refugees to make sure we aren´t overwhelmed.
Cost: 16,000. Value Needed: 0/120. Reward: +1000 Refugees becomes Low Class Citizens each month. Rolled: 85+5+6+40=136 New Value: 136/120

-It wasn´t easy but we managed to double the number of workers in just one month, slowly but surely we will reduce the number of Refugees, provided that the number of refugees coming in each month exceeds two-thousand. Reward: +1000 Refugees becomes Low Class Citizens each month.

With a competent Spymaster and with a proper Spy Network in our employee we will finally be able to do some real danger to our enemies. (Pick 2)

[]Noxious Glade – Sabotage the Slaughterhouse: The longer the Slaughterhouse stands the more Abominations it can produce and each abomination can take out several men on their own without problems, if we let them build up their forces they will easily be able to overrun us or at least inflict heavy casualties.
Cost: 3,000. Time: 1 Month. Chance for Success: 60% Reward: Slaughterhouse damaged. Required: 40. Rolled: 36+8+6+10=60

-Success, our agents managed to infiltrate the Slaughterhouse and plant the bombs, the agents report that they managed to destroy a third of the Abomination production rooms, even managing to kill a few Abominations in the rooms, this will hopefully set them back a few months, though there is no doubt that they are going to try and repair the damage. Reward: Slaughterhouse damaged, Abominations killed.

[]Stratholme – Contact Paladin:
We could attempt to contact the Paladin in Alonsus Chapel in Stratholme, hopefully he will be friendly and haven´t become unstable from his time alone, surrounded by the undead and the destroyed city. The Eternal Flame he is guarding would be very useful for us.
Cost: 2,000. Time: 1 Month. Chance for Success: 80% Reward: Paladin contacted. Required: 20. Rolled: 41+6=47

-Yana made contact with the Paladin inside the chapel, he introduced himself as Aurius Rivendare, son of Baron Rivendare, who is the current ruler of Stratholme and a Death Knight. Aurius was suspicious of Yana when she first appeared but when she showed him the royal seal he warmed up.

With both wanting some information from the other and one being a Paladin and the other ordered to be friendly, they agreed to exchange some information, Yana as a show of good will started by telling Aurius about the Crusade, what you wish to do and what you have accomplished, and about your survival.

Once he heard that you had survived his face lit up in happiness and his eyes started glistening, he had thought that Lordaeron was done for, that even if the Capital City was retaken the ones that took it would fight amongst themselves over who gets to be the King, but to hear that the Menethil dynasty still existed brought great relief and happiness to him.

In return he told Yana about what he knew about Stratholme, the city is under the control of Baron Rivendare, he holds up in the eastern part of the city, guarding a massive Slaughterhouse, he has several subordinates that is guarding Ziggurats that has massive crystal inserted, crystals that he hasn´t seen on any other Ziggurats. There is also a lich in the western part of the city, working on some unknown project.

He also told Yana about the Eternal Flame he was guarding, he stumbled into the building after having tried to kill his father, unfortunately he failed and was wounded, the Flame prevented the undead from chasing him, allowing him to recuperate, since then he has ventured into the city to slay the undead roaming the streets, retreating to the Chapel when necessary and being careful to avoid the attention of the Scourge leaders.

He expressed an desire to join you but he had made an oath to himself that he wouldn´t allow the Flame to be extinguished and it wouldn´t be easy to move it, Aurius tried once to sneak away but the Flame attracted the attention of what seemed liked half the city, he had to quickly retreat to the Chapel. Until we are able to move the Flame, Aurius will not join us. Reward: Paladin contacted, Information on Stratholme.

Learning - Tech: With both a Research Leader and a Research Building you can finally start researching the heavier projects. (Pick 1)

[]Plague Mask: With all the cauldrons and mushrooms spewing out the plague and spores we need a way to protect our soldiers from being infected, luckily Aldan has an idea, using leather he will make a mask with what he calls a filter, the filter is something that is supposed to stop unwanted things in the air to get inside the body, he just need time and money to get the best combination.
Cost: 6,000. Value Needed: 0/140. Reward: Can produce Plague Masks. Rolled: 85+9+6+20=120 New Value: 120/140

-Aldan was quick to find the right combination of material for the filter, now he only needs to make sure that the masks are sealed correctly and fulfill its function. Will continue next month.

Learning – Magic: With someone able to teach magic you can finally get more mages into your army, of course you will need a safe place for them to practice. (Pick 1)

[]Build Arcane Sanctum: When Arellas asked about the training area for the mages you admitted to not having any place specifically built for it, luckily Arellas was willing to share some of the secrets for building an Arcane Sanctum, not every secret about how it functions but enough to serve our purpose, not only will finishing this cut down the time it takes to train new mages, it would also let us conduct magical experiments in safety
Cost: 10,000. Value Needed: 0/180. Reward: Shorter training times for Mages, Can train more mages at the same time, Can conduct magical research. Rolled: 75+6=81 New Value: 81/180

-Construction of the Arcane Sanctum have begun Arellas is overseeing the project to make sure that it is built correctly and to make sure that it is properly warded. Will continue next month.

Piety: High Priest Isillien has taken on the priestly duties that is needed. While he still continues his sermons about the undead, he has started to focus on rebuilding Lordaeron. He also has some proposals. (Pick 1) Locked

[]Study - Undead Corpses: Isillien believes that by studying the undead corpses that we have, we can figure out their weak points, at least for their most basic troops, those being ghouls, zombies and skeletons.
Cost: 1,000. Value Needed: 49/60. Reward: Knowledge of weaknesses for Ghouls, Zombies and Skeletons. Rolled: 32+7+6=45 New Value: 94/60

-Isillien is finally ready to present his findings on the weaknesses he has discovered from the undead corpses.

First up is the Skeleton, the best way to deal with skeletons is to use clubs, maces and heavier weapons to break their bones, cutting weapons can be used but they would have to be aimed at the Skeletons joints and piercing weapons are worthless unless you are very strong or accurate. The fastest way to kill a Skeleton is to destroy or sever their spine, without that the magic holding the Skeleton together won´t work.

Second is the Zombies, depending on the state the zombie is in, it can be as fast and strong as a normal human or slow and weak, barely holding itself together. The one advantage Zombies have (except for their numbers) is that they don´t stop, they don´t feel pain and can keep going until they fall apart, the best way to deal with them is to sever or destroy their heads, you could also cause their bodies enough damage so that it falls apart. The most dangerous part of the Zombies is that they can carry the Plague in their bodies, so make sure to keep your head and wounds away from the blood and other things that may leak from the Zombies.

With the help of Abbendis and Aldan we have created a modification to our existing spears for our Defenders to use, it is designed to stop a Zombie that has been impaled and prevent it from moving forward and at the same time make it easy for the Defenders to pull the spear back, preventing it from being stuck in the Zombie, this could be used to block the other enemy forces from reaching our defensive lines, it is easy to modify our existing spears and it would take no time at all, you would only need to sign it and it will be finished before the month is over.

Last is the Ghouls, they can be considered an upgraded Zombie, a bit more fragile, though their ability to regenerate makes up for that, they are stronger, faster and smarter than the average Zombie, able to use primitive ambushes and attack strategies, despite their ability to regenerate, I would consider their most dangerous ability to be the fact that they can leap into their air and over or into our Defenders, attacking them in the back or targeting anyone behind the lines. Best way to deal with a Ghoul is to destroy or sever their head or spine. Reward: Knowledge of weaknesses for Ghouls, Zombies and Skeletons, Scarlet Defenders spears modified, Basic undead units defenses lowered.

Personal Actions: With both Brigittes and Lilians help you are able to do your work faster, giving you more free time to spend as you wish. (Pick 2)

[]Translate the Notes: You are very curious about what the book contains, translating the notes written in it will be the first step in understanding it, but it will take some time to properly translate it.
Cost: 0. Value Needed: 44/200. Reward: Notes in Book translated. Note: Will use Learning stat. Rolled: 81-12=69 New Value:113/200

-You have once again started to translate the notes, it is a good thing you decided to do so as you almost threw away the notes you have taken yourself on the little work already done with the translation. Can continue next month.

[]Getting to know Lilian Voss: Now that you have a new bodyguard it is time to get to know her, just like you did Brigitte, her father said that she has been trained in many kinds of combat, including magic, maybe she could teach you some of it.
Cost: 0. Value Needed: 48/75. Reward: Learn to dual-wield(3/3), +1 Martial or +1 Intrigue (Random), Increased Closeness with Lilian. Rolled: 37+6=43 New Value: 91/75

-Lilian has finally declared you good enough to dual-wield in combat, though any blade you decide to wield in your off-hand will not be on the same level as Clarent.

You also learned that Lilian tends to become very obsessed with something, usually a task given to her or a challenge she came up with to better herself, she won´t stop attempting to do something until she either succeeds or until someone she respects tells her not to do what she is doing.
Can´t let her down.
While this is a good trait to have in moderation, you fear that she may go too far someday, you have noticed that when she isn´t spending time with you, she is often out training, pushing herself very hard, you are starting to worry that she will hurt herself and so you have decided to keep an close eye on her. Reward: Learn to dual-wield(3/3), +1 Martial, Increased Closeness with Lilian. Must become stronger.
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Dead and Alive - Start

Dead and Alive - Start

Your procession slows down when the cave comes into view, leading it is Maxwell flanked by Knights and behind him is you, guarded by Brigitte and Lilian, around you are Defenders, Archers and more Knights guarding the four of you.

At the entrance of the cave the guards starts to move, one of them run into the cave while the others move into defensive positions. When you are close enough you notice that they are covered in vegetation, moss and vines cover their armor making it hard to accurate determine what race they are.

"Stay where you are, don´t come any closer!" A raspy male voice yells out, coming from a man appearing from the cave. "Who are you and what do you want?"

Maxwell motions for the knight flanking him to take a few steps back before responding.

"I am Maxwell Tyrosus, one of the leaders of the Scarlet Crusade, an Crusade dedicated to retaking Lordaeron and ridding the world of the Scourge, with me is Crown Princess Angelica Menethil, we have come here seeking to know who you are and provide aid should you want or need it."

As soon as your name is mentioned the guards, with the exception of the leader, started to whisper to each other, but they stop when the leader starts to speak again.

"You lie! The Princess died when the Capital fell" Anger now color the man's voice. "I will not allow you to tarnish her name." The man draws his sword, his companions doing the same as more people appears from the cave, including several archers.

Your own escort reacts quickly, Defenders sets a line in front of you, the Archers draws their bows and the Knights surround you, waiting for orders, but before an attack from either side is ordered you ride forward, stopping besides Maxwell.

"Stop!" You yell out, getting the leader to focus on you, as you take of your helmet. "I am Angelica Menethil, thanks to the brave sacrifice of the Royal Guards I managed to escape the City. I have with the help of several others founded the Scarlet Crusade."

Your reveal has a curious effect on the leader and his men, some of them, including the leader, lowers their weapons, while other seems more ready to attack.

"I-I thou…We thought that you had died by your brothers hand, but to hear that you have survived, I-I can´t express how happy I am." His voice quiver a bit, but you can hear the happiness in it. "Just give me a few minutes to talk with my companions."

You nod and he turns around, you watch him whisper with his men but soon one of them raises his voice, you only hear "can´t betray Mistress Sylv…" before he is hushed. They argue for several more minutes, both sides getting more hostile towards each other, gripping their weapons, soon enough there is two sides, but luckily it doesn´t come to blows, the side opposite the leader breaks away and moves into the cave, the leader moving towards you.

"Excuse me for making you wait, but I had to make sure that my subordinates behaved. Let me introduce myself, I am Leonid Barthalomew, Deathguard of the Forsaken."

Something about his name seems familiar and you try and remember where you have heard it before, meanwhile Leonid continues to talk.

"We are here to report any movement between the Western and Eastern Plaguelands, it has been quiet for almost a year now, we have wondered why but we haven´t had the resources to investigate, but I can only guess that it was your Crusade that have been stopping them."

While listening to him speak you have been searching your memories for his name and you found it in a memory from a few years ago.

"I remember you Leonid, a few years ago you were rewarded by my father for protecting a few towns from remnants of the horde, if I remember correctly you also led the force that hunted them down and killed their leader, it is good to hear that you survived the Scourge, would you join us? we could use a man like you."

Leonid shifts where he stands as he looks down at the ground and stays quiet, you wait for a few minutes and when you are about to ask what is wrong he looks up, he begin to talk while starting to remove the vegetation covering him.

"No Princess." The majority of the vegetation falls of, revealing his rotting body, in the stunned silence that follows he removes his helmet as well, showing his pupil-less eyes. "I did not survive the Scourge."

Your response to this reveal?

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Dead and Alive - Part 2

Dead and Alive – Part 2

It only takes a few seconds after Leonid´s reveal for your soldiers to spring into action, drawing their weapons once more, a few Archers takes aim at Leonid while the rest aim at the entrance of the cave, for a moment you are worried that they would attack, but they are well trained and are waiting for your command.
Martial Roll: Success
"Lower your weapons! They have yet to attack us and we will offer the same courtesy." You order your troops, waiting for them to lower their weapons, some more reluctant that others, before addressing Leonid again.

"Now then, I have a few questions, if you don´t mind answering them?" Despite the questioning tone of your voice, it is clear that you won´t take no for an answer. "First, why aren´t you and your companions under the Scourge´s control, secondly, can the method that freed you be replicated?"
Diplomacy Roll: Success
"I don´t think that the same method could be used, at least not reliably or safely, we have been told that the reason the Lich King lost his power over us is because something or someone weakened him enough to lose control over a part of the Scourge and even then not all of us regained their minds, some just lost control and attacked everything that moved, even later some Forsaken loses their mind, unable to handle what they have done under the Scourge´s control or just unable to handle their new lives. Unfortunately the Lich King is becoming stronger, a few Forsaken has reported that they have started to hear his voice again, we believe that it is the fact that we have been under his control before and our own will to stay free, that has caused our subconscious to fight off his attempts to control us again."

"So we would have to attack the Lich King directly or sever the connection to his minions to free those under his control, either option would be hard to do." You mutter to yourself before questioning Leonid again. "I can guess that the free undead calls themselves the Forsaken, but why that name? Who is your leader and what are your goals?"
Diplomacy Roll: Success
"Our leader, the undead High Elf Sylvanas Windrunner, named us the Forsaken because the living would not accept us, that we were abandoned by them and we were alone in the world, at least that what she told us in a speech. Sylvanas goal, and thus the Forsaken´s goal, is to take revenge on Arthas and find lasting freedom for us, it is possible that she has more goals in mind for us but those are the one we were told."

"I see, is that why the others were hostile towards us?"
Diplomacy Roll: Success
Leonid winces slightly.

"Some of the Forsaken hates the living, jealous that they don´t suffer as they have, some hate the nobles because they didn´t do enough to stop the Plague and some hate you, or rather the Menethil family, they see you in the same light as Arthas and wants you to pay for what he has done.

Of course not all feel that way, some are still loyal to your family or to Lordaeron and wants to see it prosper again, whether under the living or the undead or both, some wants to join with the Alliance but are hesitant, not knowing what would happen if they showed themselves in Dwarven or Human lands."

"It is good to know that there are those that still feel loyalty to my family." Your tone softens with the next question. "What about you? How did you get here?"
Diplomacy Roll: Failure
Leonid hunches slightly in response to your question.

"I was killed during the time Arthas was gone from Lordaeron, I had come in contact with some surviving soldiers that was protecting a small town, I don´t remember the name, but a long story short I was killed when the Scourge overran us, after that I was brought back and I…" He stops, his gaze is far away and he looks stricken, his body language makes it seem like he is exhausted. He soon comes back to reality. "I don´t want to talk about, I don´t want to remember that part of my existence."

You nod, this is the first time he really looks like he is undead, before he had a spark of life inside him, something you only noticed once it vanished. Not wanting to cause him more distress you move onto another question once it seems that Leonid has recovered.

"What do you do with any Refugees you encounter?"
Diplomacy Roll: Critical Success
Leonid shifts uncomfortably.

"There really isn´t a set policy on how to deal with them, it depends who encounters them and where, some Forsaken hide and leaves them alone, unless they are attacked, some even disguises themselves to try and appear human or the race they were in life and guide them towards safer routes, but some attack them outright, killing them. Sylvanas neither condemns or supports either side."

You nod, careful to not let your emotions show on your face, your soldiers on the other hand aren´t afraid to show how they feel, scowling and muttering angrily but they stay still.
Martial Roll: Success
Was it anything else you wanted to ask them?


Note: The last write-in is still in effect, this is just for any more questions.
Dead and Alive – Part 3

Dead and Alive – Part 3

Knowing that you shouldn´t push your soldiers discipline you decide to only ask a few more questions.

"Is there any information you can share regarding the Scourge´s activities? I am mostly interested in Andorhal, the Cauldrons littering the area and especially Scholomance, I am sure you have noticed the purple lightning. I would also appreciate any news you have about Hearthglen."
Diplomacy Roll: All Successful
"Hearthglen haven´t been a priority so we don´t have any information on them, regarding the Cauldrons we only have information on Felstone Field, which is protected by around 1,500 Skeletons and Ghouls, and on Dalson´s Tears, which is protected by around 2,000 Zombies and Skeletons, the only information we have on Andorhal is their estimated numbers, 16,000, and that we have seen every undead type in the ruins, we have also noticed that they have been sending units south towards Hillsbrad, they seem to be fighting something, but we don´t know what. We don´t have any information on Scholomance, we have sent in agents but they never return."

"Good to know, I only have two more questions, could you show me the Forsaken banner and could you give us information on what is happening in Tirisfal Glades?"
Diplomacy Roll: Success, Failure. Intrigue Roll: Both Failed
"The banner is simple, the background is blue, in the middle is a broken mask crying blood, and behind it is three arrows, one pointing up, one pointing right and the last one pointing diagonally up between the other arrows points. Tirisfal is split into three parts, the south which the Forsaken control, it stretches from Deathknell, formerly Vandermar Village, to Brill and then to the entrance to the Western Plaguelands, where construction on a wall has begun, the north is primarily under Scourge control, their territory stretches from Solliden Farmstead to the Agamand Mills and then down to Balnir Farmstead, but there is still Scourge holdouts in our territory. The Monastery is under the control of human forces, but we try to stay away from them, we have enough trouble with the Scourge and don´t want to start a fight with another faction, though we have seen their forces venture into Venomweb Vale."

Leonid stops for a moment, seemingly waiting to see if you have any questions, before speaking again.

"We managed to drive the Scourge out of the Capital City, but we don´t inhabit it, too many memories and too many deaths, instead we have dug out the sewers underneath the city, taking care to not disturb the ruins, we don´t want to…" He trails off for a moment, when he speaks again his tone is somber. "You can still hear echoes of that day, the cheering from the people on the walls as they welcome their prince home, the celebrations in the street, the bells ringing for the joyous occasion and when you enter the throne room…you can hear what happened in there that day."

Your breath hitches as unwelcome memories flood your mind, you try to banish them but you don´t have much success, in the end you decide to ignore them the best you can.

"I-Thank you for the information, we have stayed here long enough, but before we leave I will give you some information to tell your superiors.

You already know the Crusades goals, so I won´t repeat myself, we control territory from the Thondroril River bridge up to Blackwood Lake, including Tyr´s Hand, Corin´s Crossing and Light´s Hope Chapel, there are two big Scourge bases that we are blockading in the area, we seem to have the same intel on Andorhal, we have made contact with the Elves and hope to cooperate and remove the Scourge from Lordaeron and Quel'Thalas, the Elves seems to be rebuilding, but the Trolls have taken advantage of the Scourge invasion to attack both us and the Elves. We have also heard news that Vereesa Windrunner is still alive and fighting, in case Sylvanas don´t know.

I am afraid that is all I can share that would be relevant to the Forsaken, anything else would not be of use to you."

You pause for a moment, waiting in case Leonid has any questions, when he doesn´t ask any you give the order to move out, but you have one more thing to say before leaving.

"The fact that free-willed undead such as you exists is enormously important, some would call it a miracle, your existence could change the war against the Scourge, now then, farewell."

With that said you leave, wondering how your council will react to this, though you have an idea.

Later at Tyr´s Hand

As soon as you returned to Tyr´s Hand you called for a meeting, the council was shocked when you and Maxwell told them of who, and what, you had meet.

"It doesn´t matter that they are free from the Lich King, we know that they are unstable, we were even told that these Forsaken lose their mind, there is no guarantee that a half year from now they won´t be mindless undead again, their loss of mind might even allow the Lich King to control them again, there were some Forsaken that had started to hear him again if you remember." Isillien argued from where he sat, opposite Saidan. "And how would we know if a Forsaken really is who he says he is, for all we know they are an echo of the real person, their soul gone or trapped in their bodies, writhing in pain as a fake walks around in the body, being forced to watch as the fake taint what it ones treasured, no, it would be better to kill the body and give rest to the soul, and don´t forget that their bodies may still carry the Plague and other diseases.

Once Isillien stops talking, Saidan is quick to retort.

"Those Forsaken that lose their mind was those that couldn´t handle what they had done while under the Lich King´s control or those that couldn´t handle being undead, that doesn´t mean that every Forsaken will fall into madness, and it was just some that heard his whispers, whispers, not commands or anything like that, it doesn´t prove that they will fall under the control of the Scourge again, and does it matter if it is only an echo, they believe that they are the person they are, doesn´t the action of a person matter more than who he is, either way we can´t prove that or if the soul is in pain, not yet, maybe never, but I agree that we must be careful of anything their undead bodies may carry."

Abbendis speaks next.

"Don´t forget that they attack Refugees and their leader don´t do anything to stop them, and yes, Leonid said that it was only some of them, but he could be lying, there is no way the Forsaken can reproduce normally, for all we know they could attack the Refugees, or let them be attacked by the Scourge, wait for them to be raised, kill the ones that lose their minds and take in those that remain sane, this way their ranks grow and they can just say that the ones that died were saved from the Scourge by the Forsaken."

Alexandros shakes his head and response.

"And there are those that help the Refugees, we can´t lump all the Forsaken in the same group, just as we can´t do it to humans or elves, and those Forsaken that attack Refugees need to be stopped, but we can´t attack every Forsaken we come across on the off chance that they are involved in that, and as for your second accusation, we don´t have proof either way, but it is a possibility, we will have to gather information on the Forsaken before we can trust them enough for an alliance, if we want to go that route."

Invar interjects in the arguing.

"However we choose to deal with the Forsaken, we will need to gather information on them first, that way we can either sabotage their efforts against the Scourge, maybe get them to weaken each other, or support them and put them in a position to help us, we must also decide what we should tell the population and what orders we should give our soldiers regarding the Forsaken, it would be a shame if an misunderstanding ended our relationship before it started."

That started another round of arguing, all of them wanted to tell the truth, at least their version of the truth, Isillien and Abbendis wanted to focus on the darker side of the Forsaken, while Alexandros and Saidan wanted to focus on the helpful Forsaken, Invar just wanted to know if he should spread rumors to support either side.

What should you tell the population?


How should your Soldiers react to any Forsaken they meet?


What will the Crusades policy be towards the Forsaken?

Dead and Alive – End

Dead and Alive – End

It had taken hours of discussing but you have finally decided on what to do.

"Saidan, I want you to inform the officers we have in the city of our stance on the Forsaken, Alexandros send out messengers to our outposts and patrols, they are not to attack the Forsaken unless it is deemed necessary by the local leader to complete their mission or to protect Refugees, they are also not to cooperate with them unless deemed necessary by an officer with the rank of Captain or higher. Invar, find out more information about the Forsaken, we will need it regardless of what our future relation with them is. Any questions?"

Getting no answer you continue.

"In a few days I will hold a speech for the citizens regarding our discovery of the Forsaken, I will handle the preparations, but I want Maxwell and Isillien to go over the speech I will write. If there is nothing else anyone wants to discuss the meeting is over."

As there were nothing more to discuss, you all left to carry out your orders.
From the Sea – Start

From the Sea – Start

It is afternoon in the beginning of April when the alarm sounds, you quickly drop what you were doing and start to dress in your armor, while you are getting dressed both Brigitte and Lilian move to help you, seeing this you shake your head and speak to them.

"Lilian, you stay and help me, Brigitte, I want you to find out what is going on."

Brigitte nods and rush to fulfill your order, you are almost finished getting prepared when she returns.

"Ships spotted on the sea, the lookouts were unable to see a flag, their superior decided to raise the alarm in case of an attack."

You nod as you finish dressing and head towards the War room, arriving you see that Abbendis is already there, talking with the other officers that have arrived, they greet you as you enter but quickly get back to what they were doing, you listen in on their planning but you wait for Saidan and Alexandros to join you.

Once they have arrived Abbendis lays out what they have come up with.

"There are three battlefields that we can defend on, the Beach, the Farmlands, the Town and the City.

Fighting on the Beach would cause the least damage to our farms and other infrastructure, but it would be hard to fall back if needed and our Knights would not be very useful, at least not mounted, and depending on the state of the beach it could get hard for our soldiers to stand still or move around if the sand were to turn into mud.

The Farmlands would be the best option for a defensive fight while trying to keep our farms intact in my opinion, our knight would be effective and it would be easier for our troops to fall back if it came to that, it would also be easy for our troops to hold their position and not have to worry about losing their footing.

I would only recommend fighting in the Town if the enemy proves to be too much on the field or if they have an overwhelming number of soldiers and it would be foolish to try and take them straight on, but thanks to the fortification we built we have an advantage if they continue attacking us, but we would probably lose all the farms lying outside the Town.

If the worst happens and we lose the Town we can retreat into the City, but if that were to happen we would probably lose everything we have built in the Enclave."

Abbendis stops hunching over the plans made and straightens up.

"Now then, do any of you have a plan we could go with.

What is the plan?

[]Fight on the Beach

[]Fight in the Farmlands

[]Fight in the Town

From the Sea - Part 2

From the Sea – Part 2

Even with the time it had taken to arrange the army, the ships were still some time away. You and the rest of the military commanders were situated behind the army, planning and issuing orders, the only exception being Maxwell, who was accompanying the army incase diplomacy was possible.

At the moment Saidan was speaking and while you were listening to him you couldn't help but feel like you had forgotten something, it was only when Saidan mentioned landing that you remembered that it was an possibility that the ships had cannons and would bombard the troops you had stationed on the beach or the cliffs, but before you had a chance to speak up you were interrupted by a messenger from one of the lookouts.

"Flags have been spotted on the ships, we have confirmed sightings of both Kul Tiras and Stormwind emblems."

Acting quickly you first dismiss the messenger and then you start to issue orders.

"Pull back the soldiers on the beach, have them take position on the top of the hills leading down to the beach and send a message to Maxwell, he is to meet the leader of the ships and bring him here."

Around half an hour later the ships stops and lets down a few row boats who starts to row towards the beach where Maxwell is waiting, it takes a few more minutes before the delegation arrives at the command camp.

The first one you recognize is the diplomat you sent those many months ago, you don´t remember his first name but you are certain that his last name was Crowley, the next two you look over you presume to be the leaders of the delegation that has come, both of them are wearing tabards, one having the Stormwind emblem and the other the Kul Tiras emblem.

Studying their faces you don´t recognize the man in the Kul Tiras tabard, but you do know the man wearing the Stormwind tabard, Bolvar Fordragon, you met him when you visited Stormwind in the past.

When they finally stand in front of you, Crowley introduces them.

"Greetings, Your Majesty, may I introduce you to Highlord Bolvar Fordragon of Stormwind and Admiral Barean Westwind of Kul Tiras" Both of them greet you respectfully. "They have come here to assess our situation and dispel any doubt of your survival."

Bolvar takes advantage of the pause and speaks up.

"Yes, unfortunately there are does that doubt the legitimacy of your organization, it doesn´t help that the information we got from the refugees fleeing to us indicate that you were in the throne room when your father was killed and the Capital overrun by the Scourge, that has led many believe that the Scarlet Crusade is just using your name, I was sent by the King to find out the truth."

"It is the same for me, the Lord Admiral wanted to make sure that Crowley was telling the truth, we already sent ships looking for survivors on the eastern coast, but all we found was the undead, we had given up hope that there were any more survivors, but we will need to know what has been going on since Crowley was sent to us before we can pledge any support."

You take a moment to gather your thoughts before beginning your tale.

Will you tell them what you found concerning the Scourge?




Will you tell them about the Blood Elves and/or High Elves?


[]High Elves only

[]Blood Elves only



Will you tell them about the Forsaken?




What else do you want to tell them?

From the Sea - Part 3

From the Sea – Part 3

Both Bolvar and Barean stayed silent when you finished telling them of what has happened since Crowley left you. A few minutes pass before Bolvar speaks again.

"I see, thank you for sharing the information, the Forsaken would explain a few things that haven´t made sense regarding the Scourges actions and the information about the Elves will also be helpful, unfortunately we don´t have anymore information on the lightning than what you have, we have brought the matter to Dalaran and our own mages but neither have found anything concrete, in any case we will bring your information to the Alliance leaders, but we also have information to share."

"I guess I should start with the refugees fleeing Lordaeron, it seems that the majority have fled to us in Stormwind, but Kul Tiras have also received a lot of survivors, we also know that a large number of survivors was rescued by Lady Proudmoore and have followed her to a newly discovered continent called Kalimdor, they are protected by military attachment from several nations, including survivors from the Lordaeron army that managed to escape the Scourge."

Barean speaks next.

"Unfortunately we haven´t heard from her since a ship arrived telling us that she arrived safely, the Lord Admiral have even put together a fleet to try and find her, he was a few days from leaving when Crowley arrived, but he has decided to stay until I come back, though he has sent a few ships in advance in case they are needed."

Bolvar reaches into his bag and retrieves a map of the region of Lordaeron from his bag, on the map are several spots, some of which have been crossed, and to lines drawn in several places, there are also a combination of letters and numbers written at these places, you guess that these are designations for military outposts and defensive lines.

"I don´t know how much you know about the situation in the southern part of the region so I will just tell you, both Dalaran and Stromgarde was almost destroyed after Lordaeron fell, Dalaran was first attacked by the Scourge and its leaders killed, after which they were invaded by demons. They have started to rebuild, but they are years away from completion. Stromgarde on the other hand was destroyed both from within by a criminal organization called the Syndicate, who we believe to be involved in the assassination of King Thoras and invaded by the Boulderfist Ogres, the Trolls in the area have also taken territory in the eastern part of the Highlands, Stromgarde have lost most of their territory, including their Capital. Most of its civilians have fled to either Stormwind or Kul Tiras, but some have remained to serve under Prince Galen and his League of Arathor, an organization he created to retake Stromgarde. Both nations have the backing of the rest of the Alliance.

Bolvar first points to the province of Hillsbrad and then to a crossed out mark south of Andorhal.

"Hillsbrad is almost completely under Alliance control, with the exception of Alterac Mountains and Durnholde Keep, but I will come to that later. This is Chillwind Point, it was our outpost in the Western Plaguelands, we hoped to use it to attack Caer Darrow and Andorhal, unfortunately it seems we attracted too much of the Scourge attention, they attacked and forced us back to the entrance to the mountains, luckily the Crushridge Ogres that controls the mountains hates the Scourge and has been attacking them, allowing us to fortify the entrances."

"Dalaran and Southpoint Gate protects the western entrances into Hillsbrad from Silverpine Forest, but so far we haven´t had much trouble on that front, I´m guessing it is thanks to the Forsaken, Durnholde Keep is under Syndicate control, they have fortified it so that any assault on it would inflict more casualties than we can afford right now and we can't siege it as it would take more men that we can safely reassign, but we do have it under surveillance and we are attacking the patrols and caravans they are sending out, as long as they aren´t too heavily guarded."

Bolvar sighs, rubbing his head.

"I should also tell you that the Alliance is in a bad state right now, Stormwind is under attack from several directions, the dwarves of Ironforge is mourning the loss of Muradin and Brann Bronzebeard, not only that but King Magnis daughter have been kidnapped by the Dark Iron Clan, the gnomes have lost their home of Gnomeregan and they have sought shelter amongst the dwarves, Kul Tiras lost a lot of men and ships against the Scourge while trying to help any Lordaeron survivors, but don´t worry, we will still be able to offer assistance to you, which, unless you have any questions, we can talk about now.


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