Walk of a Phantasm

First Quest: Delivery to the Elves Part 4
Without thinking, you throw up your hands let the building heat out. The result is a huge gout of crimson fire that hits the pigman full in the face. He bellows in surprise and pain as he stumbles back, his massive hammer pulling him further off balance, not helped in the slightest by the bending handle as the metal rapidly heated to the point of softening. You stumble back, both from the unexpected force of the fire and from the sudden inexplicable drain of energy that hits you. Before you can fully recover, the elf beside you curses and grabs you by the collar.

"Move it kid!" she shout as she drags you away

You stumble, but regain your balance as you follow her over to the tent where the other Elves who had remained had reclaimed their weapons and were dealing with the remaining bandits.

"What are you talking about?" you ask, "That fire was hot enough to melt metal!"

"And Orks can handle molten metal bare handed," says the elf as she snatches up a wicked looking, barbed spear made of an odd looking white metal, "Trust me, that wont keep him down for..."

She grabs you again and throws you down, just in time to avoid having your head taken off by a red hot warhammer as it ripped through the tent.

"I'm gonna make this HURT!" snarled the Ork as he stomped forwards, completely ignoring the blazing mass his hair had become.

He lowered his head, pawed the ground a few times, then charged, tusks first, barrelling towards you with incredible speed for something so massive. You scramble out of the way as the elf took off, swooping around and diving at the Ork, spearpoint first. The massive pigman barely grunted as the razor sharp blade bit into his thick hide without much effort and took a swipe at the flying elf, forcing her to abandon her attack.

You quickly look around for something you can use since you really didn't fancy getting to close to something that could casually punch your head off and spot a couple more Elven spears sitting close by. The only problem was, you had no idea how to use a spear, although it wasn't that difficult to just stick it in the distracted Ork. Alternatively, you could still feel the fire inside you, now back to its previous intensity and can feel a faint tickling sensation that you somehow know is the fire still burning on the Orks scalp. It might not be able to hurt him, but another blast could distract him long enough for your temporary ally to land a fatal blow.

Try to stick the pig with a spear.

Try to distract him with another fire blast.

Try to take control of the fire on his head.
[X] Try to take control of the fire on his head.

I want to make him look like Ghost Rider, only in a bad way.
First Quest: Delivery to the Elves Part 5
Once again, you find your power reacting without much conscious input from you and the flames licking the Orks scalp abruptly erupt, burning white and hot enough to cause the grass around the Ork to begin to turn yellow. It was also enough to bypass the Orks resistance to fire as the massive warrior screamed in pain and stumbled back, swatting at the flames as the smell of burnt pork began to fill the air. The elf didn't hesitate and dove once again, angling her spear in just the right way to pierce straight through the pigmans back and out the other side. The Orks scream became a gurgle as his flailing slowed and he slumped to the floor.

"OK, you can put him out now," said the elf, "Preferably before you start a forest fire."

You frown and close your eyes as you reach for the fire again, clenching your fist as you will it to go out. For a moment, the almost living element resisted, before your will smothered it and the flames vanished, leaving the bandit leaders head blackened and charred.

"Well, that was certainly interesting," said the Elf, "Thanks for the help kid. I honestly don't know if I could have beaten him on my own. I'm Suzu, Captain of Lady Sphing's personal guard."

"Its not a problem," you say, "I'm Alex, I'm a...well, a new Adventurer."

Suzu raises a thin eyebrow.

"How new?"

"This was supposed to be my first quest," you say, "I wasn't expecting to have to fight bandits on a simple letter delivery."

Suzu stares at you for a moment, then snorts.

"Kid, you never know what the road will throw at you, doubly so if your an Adventurer," she says, "Anyway, lets go and make sure that the non-combatants are alright."

She turns to head towards the trees where her charge had vanished, but before you could follow her, she stops as Carnex emerges from the trees followed by the butterfly girl and the Elves who had accompanied her.

"Ah good, you've finished up here," said Carnex as he approaches, "Thats a relief."

"Sir Carnex, what a surprise," says Suzu, bowing to the Bard, "I wasn't aware that you were in the area."

"I have some business in Coirceoga and happened upon the sight of the attack," said Carnex, "Lucky I did since it appears that something...unpleasant may be afoot in the Elven Court."

He frowns as he eyes the massive corpse of the Ork.

"I doubt that he was a regular bandit," he says, "I can believe Wargs not realising just who they had captured, but no Ork would be so foolish as to not recognise an Elven royal and definitely wouldn't be foolish enough to kidnap one. Not only that, but he had to know that this road wouldn't have much in the way of worth while marks to make up for the danger of being so close to the Forest."

"He did mention something about a boss," said Suzu, looking thoughtful.

"But why?" asked the butterfly winged girl, presumably Lady Sphing, "I mean, I am a royal, but I'm not in line to inherit anything more important than the Archives and theres nothing in there that would be of value to anyone who can't just go in and find it. Having me wouldn't even let them get access to the Forbidden sections without permission from Mother."

"That is the question, is it not?" mused Carnex, "Unfortunately, I don't think we'll find the answer standing around here."

He turns to you.

"Alex, I suggest you go on ahead and finish your quest quickly," he says, "I need to stay here for now. I doubt that there will be any more attacks, but I want to make sure that Sphing makes it back to the city safely."

Agree and head off on your own. Your part here is done.

Stick around. It might not be your quest, but you might as well see it through to the end.
[X] Agree and head off on your own. Your part here is done.

We have a message to deliver.
[X] Agree and head off on your own. Your part here is done.

Chances are we can ask about it later. Maybe.
[X] Agree and head off on your own. Your part here is done.

Although I'm pretty ambivalent about the two choices. I could go either way.
First Quest: Delivery to the Elves Part 6
With the excitement over, you leave Carnex and the Elven entourage and return to the road. The rest of the day passed without incident and you finally arrived in Sett Village, a poorly named place as it turned out as it was less village and more small town. It wasn't large, but even so, it was well defended with a wall and a decent number of armed and armoured Elves patrolling both on the ground and in the air. Considering that it acted as the main point of entrance into the Forest and the Elven kingdom that didn't require who knows how long slumbering around in the notoriously confusing and magical woods, as well as serving as the main headquarters for the Elven boarder patrol forces, the high military presence wasn't surprising.

It also didn't keep the inn from being remarkably comfortable, or the breakfast you were served before you left from being incredibly tasty either. The fact your Guild Card and mention of your current Quest got you both for a mere five copper coins only made it better.

With your energy restored with a good nights sleep and an excellent meal, you head out from Sett, following the path into the woods. Under the canopy, the Lost Forest was incredibly quiet. Oh, it wasn't silent and you could occasionally hear a bird call or the rustling of an animal going about its business, but the sounds were muted and hushed, as if nature itself didn't wish to break the peace of the day. Dappled light leaked from above, lighting up the path in patches and causing strange shadows to dance across the trees and mist that hung oddly in the air.

All in all, it was pretty much exactly how you'd expect the forest home of an Elven race to be.

The remainder of the journey to Coirceoga took a further two days, during which time you made sure to keep meticulously to the path, as you had been instructed to by the Guard who had seen you off from Sett. You weren't entirely sure if it was because of Magic, not wanting to get mistaken for an enemy by patrolling soldiers or simply because the forest was just naturally confusing, but you weren't going to risk getting lost or impaled by the remarkably viscous, barbed spears the Elven warriors seemed to favour, not after seeing the mess Suzu's spear had made of the Ork bandit.

Eventually, you reach the gates of the city, a pair of massive, white wooden things between a pair of strangely shaped trees that continue off in both directions in an unbroken, white tangle, creating wall that had to have been created by Magic. After being checked by the Guards, you enter the city and stop and stare in amazement.

Despite the fact that the Elves you have encountered so far haven't exactly acted like you'd expect, the city you now find yourself in is straight out of Tolkens work. The entire place appears to have been shaped from the white trees of the forest, with the trees themselves having been moulded into the buildings, creating a strange, otherworldly look that appeared bizarrely futuristic. The city was on multiple levels, some of which didn't seem to be accessible from the ground, but as many Elves could fly and all of them could climb incredibly well, that didn't really matter to much. Vines criss crossed the streets, providing places to hang flags and the strange, coloured lanterns that, as well as a number of brightly coloured, glowing mushrooms, served to light up the city under the thick canopy that threw the city into perpetual twilight.

After regaining your composure, and ignoring the smug chuckles of the Guards, you head out and make your way to the Guild Hall, a building made up of a number of trees that had been grown in such a way that the branches and trunks wove together to create the walls, while the canopy itself served as the roof. You enter and find, to your surprise, that it is a lot like the Guild Hall back in Crossroads Keep. It even had the large, loud lady manning the bar, only this one wasn't a Dwarf. She was an Ork, just as massive as the one you fought out on the road, but with much softer features, smaller, blunter tusks, softer looking hair pulled into a ponytail to keep it out of the way and wearing a huge version of the Guild staff uniform.

You make your way across the room and stop in front of the bar, catching the attention of the Ork behind the bar as she set down the glass she was polishing.

"Hey there sonny," she says with a friendly smile, "I don't think I've seen you around before. You new?"

"Um, yes," you say, pulling out the letter and putting it on the bar, "I've got a letter for Evelyn."

"Ah, that'll be for me then," said the Ork, picking up the letter and pressing a hefty finger against the seal.

There is a brief flash of light and a flare of...something you cant identify and the wax turns to dust. Evelyn pulls the note out with a flourish and quickly scans it, her eyebrows going up as she did.

"So, your a Sorcerer, eh?" she says once shes done, "Lucky you. Unfortunately, theres not much I can do to help you learn to use your powers. Sorcerers don't really learn how to use their powers, then tend to be more instinctive than that. I can only recommend that you experiment and meditate to try and figure out what you can do on your own."

She sighs.

"Its difficult for non-Sorcerers to really understand how different we are from Mages," she says, "I get people sent to me every now and then, no matter how many times I tell people you simply can't teach Sorcerers in the same way you can teach Mages, even if it seems like you can sometimes."

She shrugs.

"Sorry I cant be more help."

You nod, more than a little disappointed in the revelation, but at least you now had a starting point.

"Bah, enough feeling bad," says Evelyn with a wave of a shovel sized hand, "Your first Quest is done, congratulations."

She smiles.

"It might not seem like much, but its the first step on your journey. Give me your card and I'll register it, then find another job on the board."

You hand your card to the Ork, who stamps it with a glowing stamp she pulled out from under the bar. The card glows faintly for a moment, then returns to normal, with the addition of a single tally on the formerly blank back of the card.

"Your first promotion will come after you either complete 20 Quests or do something to really impress the higher ups," said Evelyn.

"Thank you," you say, taking the card back.

You head over to the board and start scanning the flyers It doesn't take long for two specific jobs to catch your eye.

Kelpie Horn wanted. Deliver to Marian Redscale at Redscale Mechanics at Rugged Coast. E-C rank, 30 silver-10 gold depending on horn quality.

Skilled Adventurer wanted for temporary party for dealing with a nest of Giant Spiders infesting a mine near Stillford Village. D rank, 2 Gold reward, along with a share of any regents gathered on the course of the quest.
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[X] Skilled Adventurer... Giant Spiders

Let's get some experience with fighting and combat (with a party to back us up when we get in trouble).
Interlude: City of the Elves Part 1
Fun fact, both of the beasties from the Quests were alternate options for Alex's first meal.

With your decision made, you pull the flyer off the board head back to the bar.

"Made your choice then?" asked Evelyn as you put the flyer on the bar, "Ah yes, not a bad choice. Alright, I'll get this registered for you. Oh, but before you go, I suggest that you take a look around the market. That gear is fine, but you might be able to find something better around here. Elven equipment is renowned for being light and strong, although it is a little pricey in most places."

You take the flyer back and tuck it into your beg, before saying your goodbyes and leaving the Guild hall. As you do, a Guard in a blue cloak approaches you.

"Are you the Adventurer Alex?" he asks.

You nod slowly.

The Elf eyes you up and down and grunts.

"Lady Mori has requested your presence at the Royal Archives," he says, "I suggest you come along quickly. Its best not to keep her waiting."

Without another word, he turns on his heel and marches away, clearly expecting you to follow. After a moments hesitation, you do so, following the Elf through the city until you reach a truly massive tree located in the centre of the city. The entire thing is large enough around that it could fit the Guild Hall twice and so tall that its top vanished into the canopy above. It was also hollow and the inside had been hollowed out and transformed into a building worthy of the rulers of the forest kingdom.

The Guard lead you into the tree palace, barely slowing as you tried to simultaneously keep up and gape at your surroundings, which only reinforced the impression of both royalty and the close connection to nature the Elves clearly had. Eventually, you and your guide reach a pair of double doors deep inside the tree, carefully carved with a breathtaking, swirling pattern that seemed to shift and change under your gaze and gave the impression of both a magnificent tree and a figure with the wings of a butterfly.

You don't have long to admire the carving however as the Guard opens the doors and leads you inside, once again leaving you stunned as you enter a truly vast library, with shelves seemingly grown or carved from the tree itself that extended all the way up so high that you can barely make out the tops. A number of Elves, many clad in blue robes, moved around the stacks, moving almost silently and looking up with some interest as you and your Guide cross the vast room.

Eventually, your guide stops in front of a door that appeared to be just one of many that surrounded the room and turns to you, fixing you with a glare.

"Wait here for a moment," he says, then turns back and knocks on the door, "My Lady, I have brought the Adventurer you requested."

"You may enter," says a soft voice from inside.

The Guard opens the door and, with one last glare, waves you inside. You enter and find yourself in a well decorated study/sitting room with a currently unoccupied desk at one end and a small sitting area around a fireplace that was burning with a slightly odd looking, pale blue flame. Occupying the seats around said fireplace were Carnex the Dwarf, Sphing, the butterfly girl whos party you had helped save from the Bandits, Suzu, who was now in full armour and stood at her Mistress shoulder, a woman who looked like an older version of Sphing wearing the same blue robes as the Scholars who inhabited the archives outside and an Elven woman wearing a simple, white dress, with leaf green eyes, long, silvery hair kept back by a thin, silver circlet, pearly white skin that, along with her dress and hair, made it look like she was glowing and a pair of elegant, orange and black monarch butterfly wings.

As you enter, all eyes turn on you and you find yourself pinned under the gaze of the two older Elves, ironically enough, like a butterfly under a microscope. For a moment, you feel like the two women are somehow Xraying you, right down to your core, before the blonde woman smiled and the feeling vanished.

"I understand I owe the safety of my Niece to you, young Adventurer," she says in a voice that sounds like ringing bells, "I shudder to think just what a fate would have awaited her had you not been there."

Brush off the complement. It wasn't like you were alone.

Ask why you are here.

Ask who she is.
[X] Brush off the complement. It wasn't like you were alone.

Some modesty may serve us well here. As to who she is -- that's obvious (Lady Mori, the queen). And as to why you're here, partly for her to offer thanks, partly because she has a request that she's about to get to... (request or just quest?)
Fun fact, both of the beasties from the Quests were alternate options for Alex's first meal.

I can imagine the Kelpie belonging to the swamp. I'm guessing that the gaint spider would be the Dark trail with the bittersweet smell.

[X] Brush off the complement. It wasn't like you were alone.