Walk of a Phantasm

[X] Take the Athame. Adventures thrive on adversity and it would be incredibly useful in the future.

What's the worst that can happen:V
[X] Take the Athame.

Yeah, I'm reversing my previous caution. There's still risk, but I understand it now.
[x] Take the Athame. Adventures thrive on adversity and it would be incredibly useful in the future.
Spider Hunt Part 13
With no sheath available, you are forced to wrap the Athame in part of a bedsheet to safely stow it in your bag, doing your best to ignore the smug smile Angela was directing your way in the process. With that out of the way, the party regathers and continues deeper into the mines. Almost immediately, it becomes clear the the spiders are intent on completely claiming the mines for their own as the walls are covered in webs and more than once you have to cut your way through walls of the sticky substance that had been spun across the tunnel. Occasionally, someone finds a dead body of one of the unlucky sods who hadn't managed to escape wrapped up in the web, mostly desiccated and dried out with massive fang marks on their chests, but a few appeared to have exploded from the inside out while still alive if the looks on their faces were anything to go by.

It is difficult to truly keep time underground, not helped in the slightest by the increasingly frequent and vicious attacks, but after what feels like hours, the party eventually reach the deepest parts of the mines where part of the wall had collapsed, revealing what appeared to be a brick wall composed of shiny black stone, which had also been broken down. A chamber had been excavated around the hole in the wall, clearly intended for use as a base camp for those exploring the newly uncovered structure, and had held a number of crates similar to the ones up above, but they were now all broken and covered in yet more cobwebs.

However, something is different about this room. You are unsure as to what it is, but your nose itches and your hackles are rising as every one of the instincts you have, both old and new, are screaming at you that something is very wrong. Apparently, you are not alone in this feeling as Wyld is growling faintly from where she is practically clinging to Sams back, Charlie is muttering to herself in a language you dont recognise and holding her gun a lot tighter than she had been and the two Clerics are as tense as bowstrings. The three normal Humans in the group seem less effected, but still clearly uncomfortable.

"Somethings not right here," says Sam, "It feels almost like a Sanctified Temple, but I've never felt anything like this."

"Your right, this place isn't Sanctified," says Jackson, "Its Desecrated. Something happened here, something horrific that went against everything the Gods stand for."

"Like what?" asks Cassie.

"A Falling," says Angela, tightening her grip on her staff, "One of the Clerics who served the Widow here turned their backs on their God and used the power of the Temple to perform a ritual most vile. Something truly evil happened here, something that cannot be allowed to escape."

As if on cue and against all logic and reason, a gust of wind blew out of the hole, carrying the stench of decay and poison, causing the party to recoil. Sam curses and shakes his head.

"Damn it, I should have known something like this would happen," he growls, "Well, we can't very well turn back now. Lets get this over with."

He squares his shoulders and walks through the hole, quickly followed by the rest of the party.

On the other side of the wall, you find yourself in a large hall full of shelves and podiums, most of which held all manner of artefacts that even your untrained eye can tell have great significance. Some of the shelves and podiums are empty, their continence loaded into yet more crates ready to be transported out.

"Looks like they managed to break into the main treasure room of the temple," says Charlie, "That was lucky."

"Indeed," says Angela, "And they managed to disarm whatever security was here. Interesting..."

She walks over to the massive double doors at one side of the room and starts examining them. The rest of the Party follows her, but you notice that the three rude Templars linger at the back and, when it appears no one is watching, split off and duck into the stacks, quickly disappearing from view. You pause and glance at the rest of the party, who don't seem to have noticed. You hesitate for a moment. On one hand, this was an interesting place and Sam hadn't said to stick together just yet, so they could just be curious or even just looking for treasure. On the other, the way they were acting was extremely suspicious. That said, interrupting Sam and Angela at the moment seemed to be a rather bad idea.

Ignore the Templars. They're rude, but theres no need to suspect them of foul play because of that and being a little shifty.

Go after them. They are acting very strangely and you don't trust them at all.

Tell Sam. A bit childish, but this situation isn't exactly the sort of one where you should be going off on your own.
[X] Tell Sam. A bit childish, but this situation isn't exactly the sort of one where you should be going off on your own.
[X] Tell Sam. A bit childish, but this situation isn't exactly the sort of one where you should be going off on your own.
[X] Tell Sam. A bit childish, but this situation isn't exactly the sort of one where you should be going off on your own.

If anything, them sneaking off after the way the have been acting makes me assume that they are planning something or might even know something the rest doesn't.
Telling the others would likely be the best choice right now since i'm guessing that they will attack us if they notice that we're following, and we can likely track them if we need to.
[X] Tell Sam. A bit childish, but this situation isn't exactly the sort of one where you should be going off on your own.

Our team is in hostile territory, we need to act as a team, communication is saves lives.
[X] Tell Sam. A bit childish, but this situation isn't exactly the sort of one where you should be going off on your own.

Please tell me they are not the burn the heretics or destroy this unholy site and do a inquisition sort cause the party don't need or want them offending the arachnid deity even more
Please tell me they are not the burn the heretics or destroy this unholy site and do a inquisition sort cause the party don't need or want them offending the arachnid deity even more
Wellll, kinda. The Gods demonstrably exist in this world, mostly through the Clergy, but they do occasionally pop down to kick their followers up the arse if they ever go off track. As a result, the Church of the Lamb cant really risk pissing them off since their God either doesnt exist or isnt interested in Earthly afares, so burning the heratic tends to end badly for them. On the other hand, they despise anything not wholey Human and have a nasty habit of stealing artefacts of power for reasons unknown but that are probably very bad for the rest of the world.
Spider Hunt Part 14
"Ah, Sam, a word," you say.

"Whats up?" asks the white lizardman.

"Those three templars just went off on their own," you say, pointing in the direction the three knights had gone.

Sam turns with a frown.

"Oh for...thats all we need," he grumbles, "Angela?"

"This will take a while," says the Witch, not looking up from the door, "Temple Treasuries always have a lot of security and this is especially nasty."

"Right, in that case, I'll leave you to it," says Sam, "Charlie, Alex, come with me, the rest of you, stay put."

"Is that really necessary?" asks Charlie, "Its not like they'd come after us if we went missing."

"True, but we're currently a party and that means we don't leave anyone behind," says Sam.

The sharpshooter scowls, but follows Sam as he leads the two of you in the direction the Templars had vanished in.

The Treasury wasn't actually that large, although the way it was constructed and laid out meant that sound was absorbed fairly well. However, despite that, it didnt take long before you got close enough to be able to hear the three men. Sam leads the way to the end of the shelf and stops, pressing a finger to his lips as you and Charlie stop behind him and settles in to listen to the conversation.

"...this it?" one of them is saying.

"I think so," says a second.

"Finally, I'm not sure how much longer I could take taking orders from that scaled freak," growled the third, "Hey Richter, any chance we can deal with those freaks? We could have some fun with the bitches to."

"You my friend have a problem," says the first voice, "I dont know how you can possibly find those animals attractive. Then again, that traitor bitch is rather easy on the eyes. Maybe we could grab her and take her home? She'd make a great addition to the pleasure house, once shes been broken in a little."

"Quiet, both of you," growls the apparent leader, "We dont want to get caught."

"Aww, whats the problem Richter?" asks the first man, "They're just a bunch of pathetic Adventurers, we can take em!"

"You really don't pay attention to the briefings, do you?" growls Richter, now sounding really annoyed, "Our 'glorious leader' is the White Dragon! Hes an A ranked Adventurer and a fucking Dragon Phantasm! We can't beat him without an entire platoon and even then, he'd probably flatten us!"

The other twos exclamations of surprise were cut off as Sam apparently got tired of listening and stepped around the corner.

"Well, I guess my reputation proceeds me," he says as the Templars spin around, drawing their weapons.

"You!" hisses Richter.

"Me," says Sam, "I should have known something was off about you three from the start. Templars of the Ram don't just randomly show up and offer to help with Guild Quests, especially when the leader is a Beastman."

He smiles a cold smile.

"So, what are you after?" he asks, "A Magical item? Or some kind of lost Magic? Just what Dark Elf treasure is your magpie of a Master after this time?"

"Don't talk about Lord Peter like that scum!" snarls one of the two minions.

"I'll talk about him however I want," says Sam, "Tell me, is he still limping or have you idiots managed to heal the scars I gave him yet?"

Richter grabs his subordinates before they can pounce at the squad leader, although its clear that hes just as angry as them.

"Strong words for a coward who stabbed him in the back," sneers Richter.

"Is that what he told you happened?" asks Sam, looking like hes enjoying himself, "Guess I'll have to enlighten you as you as to what really happened. But first..."

His amusement vanishes as he draws his sword, the bone white blade lighting up with a faint glow that crackles slightly like lightning.

"Hand over whatever it is you've taken."

Richter scowls and reaches into his tabard.

"Go to hell Beastman!" he snarls as he whips something out and smashes it on the floor.

Intently, the entire room is filled with a black fog that completely blocks your vision and fills your nostrils with a foul smell. You hear Sam and Charlie collapse, choking on the smoke. However, aren't as badly effected and, while you cant see or smell anything, you can hear the three Templars sprint away in the direction you are pretty sure is the hole in the wall. You are fairly sure you can track them by sound, although exactly how much you'll be able to do without being able to see. That said, once you got out of the smoke, you would be able to stop them. On the other hand, fighting three well trained soldiers alone is probably a bad idea, so it may be better to stay put until you can see again.

Try to go after the Templars.

Stay put.
Looks like i was right on my suspicions, as most of us were.
we should try to stop the templars and aim to keep them occupied long enough for the others to catch up, since they will likely get away if we stay with them.

[X] Try to go after the Templars.
-[X] Aim to occupy them long enough for the others to catch up to us if we can keep up with the templars.
[X] Try to go after the Templars.
-[X] Aim to occupy them long enough for the others to catch up to us if we can keep up with the templars.

Should he use the athame? Find a web to attract the spiders or just try to annoy them to want to kill him
[X] Try to go after the Templars.
-[X] Aim to occupy them long enough for the others to catch up to us if we can keep up with the templars.
Should he use the athame? Find a web to attract the spiders or just try to annoy them to want to kill him
if i remember correctly, the elements we can use as a sorcerer is fire and darkness, which makes me think that with the right motivation, we should be able to magically blind them at least temporarily.
After that we should to contain them pretty easily with the occasional fire magic to disorient them.
[X] Try to go after the Templars.
-[X] Aim to occupy them long enough for the others to catch up to us if we can keep up with the templars.
Yeah, let's make it unanimous.

[X] Try to go after the Templars.
-[X] Aim to occupy them long enough for the others to catch up to us if we can keep up with the Templars.
Spider Hunt Part 15
After nearly running into a few podiums and shelves, you manage to find your way out of the cloud and are able to properly start chasing the fleeing Templars as they headed back out the hole in the wall. However, it appeared that they were expecting someone to follow them and it is only your elven armour that prevents you from being skewered by an arrow. You quickly dive behind cover, avoiding another arrow in the process, and peak out. The Templar archer is stood in the tunnel that led to the surface with another arrow on the string. An arrow with a bulbus tip that was glowing a faint, rather venomous green.

"Burn freak!" he shouts and lets loose.

The arrow hits the stonework just above the hole and instantly explodes with liquid fire that burns a virulent green. You yelp and skitter away as a small amount hits you, somehow managing to burn you, despite your resistance to fire. As you do, you spot a few flasks that had been attached to the walls of the tunnel and Temple that appeared to be full of more of the green substance. It didnt take a genius to figure out what would happen once the green fire met the flasks.

The Templar gives a mocking salute, then books it as fast as possible back up the tunnel, which was now completely blocked off by the green fire that was ripping through everything flammable in the room at tremendous speed and rapidly approaching the flasks. You look around, trying to find a way out. The easiest way would be to go back through into the Temple, but that would leave you trapped underground. True, you wouldn't be alone and the others were probably used to situations like that. On the other hand, you could brave the flames and get out through the tunnel. The problem with that option is that you aren't entirely sure if you can beat the flames and if you did, you'd almost certainly end up burnt and having to face the Templars alone and with no chance of backup.

Head back inside.

Brave the flames.
Is it possible for us to take control of the green flames and force it to go out or redirect it to open a path for us to go through without taking damage?
the best possible action we can have here right now isn't just to head back or try to force our way through, but to test if we can actually take control of the green flames and use the outcome of it to decide if we head back or head through.

[X] Head back inside.
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You can...but the question is, is it worth risking getting blown to bits or buried under tons of rock if you can't manage to take control of the flames. Cus both of those will definitely kill us.
Agreed. Second choice (if there's time) take down some or all of the flasks on the wall -- why abandon a valuable weapon? Third choice run back inside.
[X] Attempt to take control of the green flames to either smother it entirely or open a path to pass through unscathed.
-[X] If unsuccessful at opening a path or smothering the green flames, then attempt to keep it from spreading further than it already has long enough for them to go out on their own.
--[X] if unable to quickly gain control, head back as quickly as we can manage to avoid the eventual cave in.