Walk of a Phantasm

[X] Green person.
Tech? Something that your previous-world experience might let you appreciate? The potential for items or devices you might be able to use? Hell, yeah.
Spider Hunt Part 5
You head up to the front of the room where the green skinned person was sat. As you approach, one of their long, batlike ears twitches and they look up to reveal a wide face with high cheekbones, a wide mouth and large, green eyes with green tinted whites, made even larger by the magnification of their goggles. The shift also reveals her figure, which is small, but undoubtedly female. At the sight of you, her lips thin and she pushes up her goggles.

"What do you want mutt?" she asks in a tone just shy of hostile.

You pause, a little taken aback by the unexpected hostility.

"Um, nothing, I just wanted to try and get to know my party members," you say.

The green woman snorts and turns back to her project.

"Names Charlie Redscale, Machinist," she said, "Thats all you need to know, so fuck off."

She ignores you as her long fingers return to their work and quickly reassemble the parts on the table into a large, steampunk style gun with a massive barrel and an equally large rotating drum that she quickly and effectively fills with bullets the size of your thumb, before snapping it shut and nodding.

"That...is a very big gun," you say.

Charlie gives a slightly evil grin in response.

"Oh yeah, Theresa here is more than powerful enough to blow any oversized bug to bits," she says, stroking the massive barrel with the air of someone just a little bit to into their weapon, "Along with any idiot who decides to annoy me."

She shoots a glare your way and you decide to take the hint and back away. You turn back to the room at large and glance at the clock. Judging from the time, you have time to talk to one more group before you have to leave.

Talk to the Holy Warriors.

Try to talk to the still glaring Templars.

And before anyone asks, no, we cant get a gun. The only people who can make any that are reasonably usable by Adventures are the Goblins, who really, REALLY don't like outsiders unless they fly a Jolly Roger and even then, it would take some serious work to get one to trust an outsider enough to actually teach them how to be a Machinist.
Well, I was thinking the Templars might provide an explanation, but probably not. I'll go along with the others and say,

[X] Talk to the Holy Warriors.
Spider Hunt Part 6
Deciding that the men who were looking at you like you were an especially disgusting worm they'd just found under a rock probably won't be very friendly, you instead make your way over to where the two Holy Warriors were sat. Before you can say anything however, the woman looks up and smiles.

"Don't take her attitude to personally young one," she says, "Goblins have not had the best time in recent years and, as a result, are understandably wary of outsiders, especially Humans. I suspect that she may have been more willing to talk to you, but those three being here have likely put her on edge."

She indicates to the Templars.

"I see," you say, "I do think that threatening to shoot me was a bit much though."

"Perhaps, but Charlotte is a skilled and trustworthy person to have on your side in a fight," says the woman, "Despite her foul mouth and worse attitude."

A balled up piece of paper bounces off the back of her head.


The woman completely ignores the Goblin as her companion chuckles softly.

"But where are my manners," she says, "I am Angela, a Witch in the service of the Eyes of Heaven, Mugen and this is my protector and partner, the Paladin Jackson."

"Charmed," says Jackson with a slight bow.

"I'm Alex," you say, "I'm...sort of new."

"Oh, that much is obvious," says Angela, fixing you with a rather strange look, "My Lords presence has only barely brushed you. I sincerely hope that you do not know his touch for a very long time to come."

"Um, thank you?" You say, not entirely sure if thats a good thing or not.

"If you have questions, don't hesitate to ask," says Angela, "We have a little more time."

You hesitate for a moment. On one hand, you are rather interested in the history that made the Goblins so hostile, but on the other, you know practically nothing about the Clergy of this world or how it all works.

Ask for more details on the Goblins recent plight.

Ask for more details about the Clergy.
Hooo boy, its been a while. Nearly six months according to the site. Honestly, I wish I had a better excuse than because I lost inspiration, but hey, thats life. Creative juices ebb and flow, just like the tides. I have no idea if anyones still interested in this, but if they are, well, I'm happy to get back to our story. If not...well, lets cross that bridge when we come to it.
Spider Hunt Part 7
Well that was a decidedly lukewarm reaction. Oh whatever, I'm mostly doing this for fun anyway. Lets see if we can get more reactions from an actual story post, eh? I'll go with the previous choice since, well, thats what really stumped me last time. Turns out, figuring out how to translate the ideas of a fictional religion to text is harder than it looks. Anyway, enough of that, lets go.

"I haven't met anyone from the Church before," you say, "I'm curious as to what sets you guys apart from other Adventurers."

"Ah, a good question," said Angela, "The simple answer is that we channel the powers of our patron Deity through prayer and rituals. The process is simpler than Magic as it simply requires one to memorise scripture, but it takes a lot of mental strength to withstand the after effects."

"After effects?" you ask.

She smiles a little thinly.

"I'm sure that you've noticed that Jackson and I don't exactly look...normal, yes?" she asks, "Mortals are not meant to touch the power of the Divine and doing so has a tendency to change the user. The exact effect depends on the Deity, the person and how and how much they use their powers. Those who can withstand the Divinity flowing through them will retain their Human form and faculties, while those who cannot..."

She trails off with a grim look on her face.

"Death is considered a mercy for them," says Jackson, "Fortunately, such individuals are rare and usually only occur when someone is foolish enough to dabble in the Priestly Arts without supervision and training."

For a moment, the two remain silent, heads bowed, before Angela sighs and looks up again.

"But enough about our fallen comrades, you wish to know more about our orders, correct?"

Ask for more details.

Excuse yourself and take a seat to wait for the briefing to begin.
[X] Excuse yourself and take a seat to wait for the briefing to begin.

Turns out, figuring out how to translate the ideas of a fictional religion to text is harder than it looks. Anyway, enough of that, lets go.
I can imagine that. It's easy thing to create a fictional encyclopedia about all sorts of stuff, but hard to then compress it into a readable format.
Spider Hunt Part 8
"If at all possible," you say.

"Well, its not exactly a secret," says Angela, "Hmm, I don't think we have time for a full lecture on the Gods and their roles, so I guess I should just cover the basics."

She clears her throat and sits up straighter with the air of a teacher preparing to give a lecture.

"At its core, the Clergy is split into four broad categories," she begins, "Priests and Paladins serve as the representations of their Deities benevolent side, offering healing, protection and divine aid to those in need. Witches and Dreadnoughts serve the Deities more...dark inclinations. While they still act for the good of others, they are more direct, removing threats directly, placing curses and dealing out Divine justice. Each Gods will have different ratios of followers, with the Healer having more Priests, while the Crawling One has more Witches and so on. Most serve the temples directly, so its fairly rare for a member of the Clergy to be involved in a Guild quest unless they requested it, but the Watcher is Patron of Travellers, which includes Adventures, so our order are permitted to join the Guild to assist Adventurers."

"Huh, interesting set up," you say, "So Witches and Priests are Magic focused, while Paladins and Dreadnoughts are melee?"

"More martial than melee," says Angela, "Some orders have a focus on archers than knights."

You are about to question her further, but before you can, Sam steps up to the front of the room where a chalk board is set up and clears his throat.

"Alright, now that everyones here and we're all set, we can get started," he says.

You quickly take a seat as the others present all turn their attention forwards.

"Alright, the mine where the spiders are infesting is located in the hills just outside the town," he says, "We're not entirely sure where the spiders have come from, although the miners that reported it mentioned breaking into something underground, so keep an eye out. The spiders themselves shouldn't be to dangerous, but they do have a nasty bite, so we'll be providing antidotes and our Clerics can remove it if needed. That said, please don't get bitten if you can help it."

He pauses and picks up a stick of chalk and starts drawing.

"We'll split into groups, with melee fighters up front and our ranged fighters supporting from the back. I'll leave which group you go with up to you since you all know your strengths best."

He puts down the chalk and turns back to the room.

"Finally, I probably don't need to say this, but keep your eyes peeled and guards up. This is a D rank Quest, so we're not expecting much in the way of threats, but experience has taught me to expect the unexpected. There is a chance that something much bigger and nastier is lurking in those mines. Any questions?"

"Yeah, I've got one," says one of the sneering knights, getting to his feet, "Why is a newt like you in charge? And why are you letting scum like that join us?"

He jabs a finger at Charlie, who turns and fixes the Human with a glare.

"You trying to pick a fight Lambbrain?" she sneers.

The Knights friends grab him and try to stop him, but he shrugs them off and takes a step forwards, a hand going to his sword.

"Try it greenskin," he snarls, "I'll put you back where you belong!"

Charlie's cheeks darken as she scowls and goes for her gun. However, before things can escalate, Sam steps between them, a thunderous look on his face.

"ENOUGH!" he thunders in a voice loud enough to shake the windows, "This is not the time or place to start fighting! Charlie, put that away."

Charlie scowls, but does as she is told as Sam turns to the knights.

"And you, stand down and keep your mouth shut," he says, "You took this mission knowing full well that you'd likely be working with non-Humans and the Guildmaster accepted your request. You don't have to like or approve of anyone here, but you will keep your thoughts to yourself and work with us, understand?"

The knight glowers for a moment, before relenting and sheathing his sword. Sam glares at him for a moment longer, then turns back to the room at large.

"Alright, now that thats out of the way, lets get going," he says, "Melee fighters with me, range with Angela."

The Witch waves and the party starts sorting itself out. After a moments thought, you decide to join...

Sam. Now is a good chance to get some experience with your sword.

Angela. Practice with Magic is always a good thing.