It was early in the day when the three got up. Ulos had thought about this the night before.
Ulos frowned, and looked down at him from his perch on the top bunk.
"Can you help me meet people?"
Madavian looked up at him, wiping the sleep from his eyes.
"Yes, technically. Any people, or someone in particular?"
"Just... other students. I feel like I don't know anyone beyond you two, and as much as we're friends, I think we should maybe branch out a little bit."
"Fair enough. Look, I figure if you want to do this, we do it right. Let me introduce you to some people I've met. Breakfast first, then we go meet people, ok?"
"Sure thing."
Abraham grunted from his position on the floor, legs under Madavian's bed.
"Count me out. I've met enough people, thank you very much. I'll stick around here, look over my Magical Theory books. We're still on for this evening, Ulos?"
Ulos nodded.
They walked down to breakfast together, quickly showering - two showering at a time while one stood guard, and then the last one showering once the other two had dried out. These little pieces of paranoia seemed to be coming into his life again, Ulos thought. Where he had been paranoid in the Empire, he had spent a few glorious weeks simply thinking about learning, and then he had gone and picked a fight. Still, life was like that. If you didn't have enemies, they tended to find you for some reason or another, unless you were too weak to be noticeable. On the whole, he decided, he'd rather have enemies with power than have no enemies and no power.
Breakfast was a simple affair - bread and soup, not the usual fare they had on weekends. They ate quietly, and afterwards Madavian stood up.
"Alright, Ulos. Come meet someone."
Madavian walked over to another table.
He looked down at a girl who was perhaps as normal as Madavian was odd. Where Madavian wore ridiculous glasses and coloured his hair flashily, this girl had twin braids, a pair of neat horn-rimmed glasses, and wore a quiet, conservative grey dress.
"Junotrin. What do you want?"
Madavian struck his hand to his chest.
"Henrietta, I'm hurt! I thought we were friends!"
"No, Madavian. My mother happens to be friends with your father. Junotrin and Aufstadt are allies. Ideally we'd be allies from much further away, but unfortunately life doesn't yield everything you want immediately. Don't worry, though. Once I'm head of the Family, I'll buy you a nice island in the Archipelago so I never have to see you again. Not that I'm likely to ever be head, but a girl can dream."
The words were delivered in a tired monotone, as if this conversation had been had before.
"Gosh, Henrietta. Don't worry, just because you don't think we're friends doesn't mean I'll stop being your friend. In fact, I'm such a good friend I thought I'd introduce you to someone you'll find interesting. Ulos, this is Henrietta Aufstadt. She's a boring old lady stuck in a boring young lady's body. Henrietta, this is Ulos. He reads more books than you, so surely you'll be friends."
She looked him up and down.
"Literacy is hardly a prerequisite for friendship, Madavian. Thought I admit in your case the lack of it is somewhat jarring. Why should I be interested in him?"
Madavian looked down at her, smiling widely.
"Ask him about magical theory, Henry."
She sniffed, and turned away.
A few moments later she turned back.
"Please tell me you know something about magical theory and you're not as insufferable as this one."
Ulos smiled nervously.
"Um, I could definitely tell you about the basic elements of transformation between domains and some of the mathematical underpinnings of switching spell domains."
Her eyes narrowed.
"How would you know that? We haven't even covered that in class yet, and even being far ahead in the book... wait, I haven't seen you in class. You are a first year, right?"
Ulos nodded.
"I'm just being tutored outside of class, after Mage Inukar thought it was a good idea."
Her entire body snapped around to face him, her eyes intent.
"That was you?"
(Diplomacy Roll: 86 + 10 (Cha) = 96 vs DC 40 (Family Junotrin Ally!). Excellent success!)
"Well. Sit down, Ulos. Madavian, go away. Nobody likes you anyway."
Madavian shrugged, and spoke.
"I like me."
By then, though, Henrietta was already ignoring him, asking Ulos questions at the speed of bullets about magical theory. He did his best to answer, and the two sat there discussing theory for around half an hour.
Henrietta smiled at the end.
"Madavian was right. You are moderately interesting. Anyway, I'm off, but talk later."
(Gained Relationship: Henrietta Aufstadt. Acquaintance: Academic Peer)
Madavian found him against at lunch.
"Ulos! Come meet my next friend!"
"Are they really your friend, Madavian?"
Madavian looked not at all abashed.
"Everyone's my friend, Ulos. Unless I don't want them to be. Now, come on."
They'd just finished lunch, when Madavian took them outside.
As they came towards a girl, her eyes narrowed.
"You didn't tell me he was Empire, Madavian."
"We're all Empire, Lucy. I mean, if you go back far enough. Poor Ulos here was just born a little earlier than the rest of us, geographically speaking."
"That doesn't even make any sense."
Madavian smiled at her. This girl was tall and lanky, towering over the two boys, though she still would've been towered over herself by Abraham. Her hair was short, cut nearly back to her scalp, and her frame was wiry and muscular.
"Look, I know you like Souls and Spirits, right? I mean, I don't, but Ulos is pretty knowledgeable."
"Yeah, he knows about the light in the room or something."
The girl looked at him, bright blue eyes suddenly interested.
"You can see in the darkness of the classroom? You figured it out? That was you?"
Ulos nodded nervously.
"Um, yes. It's pretty basic once you figure it out, though a lot of luck was involved."
She smiled suddenly, going from suspicious to utterly friendly.
"I'm Lucy. Lucy Firefield. I know, I know. The name is from my great-great-whatever-grandfather when he fought against the Empire back in the Rebellion. No hard feelings, right?"
Ulos was a little shocked. This was a little different from the last few times he'd met Narubite students.
"Well, no. I mean, I didn't fight in the war."
She laughed.
"That's the spirit! A lot of Narubites hate you all because you're the Empire, but Madavian said you were a flit. Basically every Narubite was a flit before we rose up, you know? I think it's silly not have the notion of solidarity, I mean, you probably suffer worse than we do from the Undying. Bunch of bony jackasses. Still, it's not like I'd be popular being friends with you..."
She took a breath, and Ulos flinched.
"But then, I wasn't really popular before. No skin off my face, you know."
"No, know."
Lucy laughed.
"Look, I figure bad history between nations doesn't mean bad history between people."
Ulos nodded.
"You know, I think a lot of it is overblown. When the war happened, virtually all those Undying who ruled the region were killed. The remainder almost certainly helped Narubar get free, even if it was just them trying to destroy their rivals."
(Diplomacy Roll: 23 + 10 = 33 vs DC 80 (Narubite). Major failure! Reroll! 76 + 10 (Cha) + 10 (Lore: History) = 96 vs DC 80. Bare pass!)
Lucy's eyebrows rose.
"Huh. I didn't know that."
Ulos smiled.
"Yeah. Anyway, what are you doing here? Out to practice something, or go for a run?"
Lucy shook her head.
"You know, I only know this pink-haired one because he helped me out buying school equipment. Met him down at the marketplace a few weeks back, got me some good bargains. Then he comes into day, asking if I wanted to meet his friend, so here I am. Thought he was going to try and set me up. Not that I'd say no, but my ideal man is more..."
She waved her hands.
"Gigantic and shooting fire from his hands and nostrils. It's a family thing. Anyway, how did you do the Spirit stuff?"
"Well, I..."
The two chatted for a bit. Ulos didn't exactly feel like he'd made a friend, but being able to talk to someone from Narubar without them being the enemy was surprising.
(Gained Relationship: Lucy Firefield. Acquaintance: That One Empire Guy)
At dinner, Madavian looked over at him, and jerked his thumb towards another table.
Ulos whispered at Madavian somewhat despairingly.
"Oh, come on Ulos, it'll be fun!"
He led Ulos over to a nearby table.
"Hi, this is Ulos! I'm Madavian!"
(Diplomacy Roll: 45+10 (Cha) = 55 vs DC 60. Bare failure!)
A boy looked up from the table.
"Please go away."
"Oh, come on!"
"No, we're eating dinner. I'm sure you're perfectly nice, but please, don't bother us."
The other people sitting at the table nodded, or ignored them.
Madavian sighed, and walked away.
"Ah, well Ulos. Can't win them all."
Later on, they were in the Library, Ulos tutoring the two about Magical Theory.
"Madavian. Again. Reinald's First Theorem, in maths."
"Um... x..."
Ulos sighed in frustration.
"Here. Write it down ten times. Then try reciting it to me again.
"But Ulos, this is so boring. Can't we go meet more people?"
Ulos looked down at Madavian.
"Twenty more times."
Madavian shook his head.
"I'm going to die here. Die writing in a book! How does that make you feel, Ulos! Killing your friends with books and learning?"
Ulos ground his teeth.
"Write. It. Down."
If he'd had any idea Madavian was going to be so dramatic about the entire thing, he would've said no. Getting the other boy to sit down and focus was like pulling teeth, and right now it felt like they were his own.
It was several hours later when they'd left, Madavian having finally memorized the first two Theorems. Not that he could explain them, but at least he could recite them. That was... something. Abraham on the other hand had made slow progress. Ulos was surprised at how far the two were behind. Admittedly, he was probably halfway through the term's work already, but those two didn't seem like they'd even finished the first week!
Madavian looked over at Ulos.
"Hey Ulos."
The words came out in an angry tone, and Ulos immediately regretted them.
"Hey, don't worry. I'm not good at this, and I know I'm no fun to deal with. I was going to ask, though. Henrietta's pretty obsessed about being the best at magic, so she'd probably join your study group if you asked. Lucy... well, I figure she'd might be interested as well. To be honest, Sunette and you don't seem close at all anymore, and Abraham... he can't keep up with you. He's a great guy, but he's not the best at studying, sort of like me."
Ulos thought about this. What to do?
[ ] Invite Henrietta - Henrietta is clearly really interested in Magical Theory, so her joining the Study Group isn't really that much of a jump. It'd give you a good opportunity to make friends with her, too.
+ Having a intellectual rival will help keep you sharp.
+ Has similar interests to you, will allow sharing of research.
+ Highly likely to succeed.
+ Study Group offers a free Diplomacy roll for anyone you invite to it.
- Aufstadt and Kerek don't like each other, so Sunette will be rubbed the wrong way and possibly leave the Study Group.
- Really locks you in to the Aufstadt-Junotrin Family alliance side of things in Vorstal.
- Abraham is kind of antsy right now, may upset him.
[ ] Invite Lucy - Lucy might not seem super interested in studying with you, but she's friendly in general, so she'd likely say yes. I mean, probably.
+ Will unlock Souls and Spirits option in Study Group.
+ Make a Narubite friend!
+ Study Group offers a free Diplomacy roll for anyone you invite to it.
= Moderately likely to succeed
- Inviting a Narubite to the Study Group is really going to upset Abraham.
- Doesn't offer a whole lot in terms of History or Magical Theory.
[ ] Invite Both - Heck, get the whole gang together! Invite everyone!
+ Will unlock Souls and Spirits option in Study Group.
+ Pros of both options otherwise.
+ Get two free Diplomacy rolls!
- Bringing in two new people makes it less likely you'll get either one. Lower chance of success per person.
- Abraham is likely to be really put off his game. Two new people and one is from Narubar? He might freak out quite badly.
- Cons of both options.
[ ] Invite Neither - Easier on the group dynamic. Keeps all your current friends there, and allows you to proceed at your own pace
+ Changes nothing, can still make friends with your new acquaintances.
- Changes nothing, but lose the opportunity to challenge yourself with new intellectual rivals in the Study Group.