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Some questions first.
If we purchased a Tutoring session, would it then start a relationship with the tutor or we would have the option to reschedule more tutoring, or would we have to go back to the Marketplace and re-buy another Tutoring session in the same subject?
How does Lore: Alchemy and Craft: Alchemy interact? Would it make sense for someone to have a Craft:Alchemy high but with a much lower Lore: Alchemy or do they usually go hand in hand?
I 100% understand why we have Souls and Spirits, we need to try and unlock our channeling 6 as soon as we can. But by the same token Souls and Spirits is ultimately a Cha based school. Long term I wonder if we might want another option to devote time to once we have Channeling unlocked.
I originally thought Alchemy as we have the Mushroom information and Alchemy supplies. But thinking on it don't we already have some skill in Runes? And if we get our theory up we should be right in time for dropping in when the class changes from Theory to Practice.
[X] Plan Runes and Save
-[x] Buy Full Camping Gear 7 coins
-[x] Buy Potion of Speed 18 coins
-[x] Buy Tutoring (Lore: Runes) x 3 60 Coins
-[x] Buy Superior Writing Equipment 22 coins
-[x] Buy Quality Geometric Tools 52 Coins
-[x] Sell Average Quality Measures and Weights 32 Coins
-[x] Sell Masterwork Cutting Knife 90 Coins
This Plan leaves us with 201 Coins left to help with use however we need to. I got the speed potion because it lasts 30 minutes and running fast has a lot of uses. Other than that I value the flexibility of having the cold hard cash over a bunch of items that could help us.
If we purchased a Tutoring session, would it then start a relationship with the tutor or we would have the option to reschedule more tutoring, or would we have to go back to the Marketplace and re-buy another Tutoring session in the same subject?
How does Lore: Alchemy and Craft: Alchemy interact? Would it make sense for someone to have a Craft:Alchemy high but with a much lower Lore: Alchemy or do they usually go hand in hand?
I 100% understand why we have Souls and Spirits, we need to try and unlock our channeling 6 as soon as we can. But by the same token Souls and Spirits is ultimately a Cha based school. Long term I wonder if we might want another option to devote time to once we have Channeling unlocked.
I originally thought Alchemy as we have the Mushroom information and Alchemy supplies. But thinking on it don't we already have some skill in Runes? And if we get our theory up we should be right in time for dropping in when the class changes from Theory to Practice.
[X] Plan Runes and Save
-[x] Buy Full Camping Gear 7 coins
-[x] Buy Potion of Speed 18 coins
-[x] Buy Tutoring (Lore: Runes) x 3 60 Coins
-[x] Buy Superior Writing Equipment 22 coins
-[x] Buy Quality Geometric Tools 52 Coins
-[x] Sell Average Quality Measures and Weights 32 Coins
-[x] Sell Masterwork Cutting Knife 90 Coins
This Plan leaves us with 201 Coins left to help with use however we need to. I got the speed potion because it lasts 30 minutes and running fast has a lot of uses. Other than that I value the flexibility of having the cold hard cash over a bunch of items that could help us.