Voices From Beyond: A Skullgirls Quest

Well, Android 21 is strong enough that she's about at the upper limit for characters I'll allow (she does fight people who can blow up celestial objects and doesn't immediately die), but yeah, her and Labrys would both be options.

Fist of the North Star was originally a manga, but the rest definitely count (though with P4A your only option's Labrys).

Well, there's also Sho for persons 4 arena ultimax.


Sho Minazuki

Sho Minazuki is a character appearing in Persona 4 Arena Ultimax. Persona 4 Arena: As the "Eerie Voice" in certain characters' story modes Persona 4 Arena Ultimax: Playable Characters Persona 4 Arena Ultimax (Manga): Major Characters Persona 4: The Ultimax Ultra Suplex Hold Stageplay Persona 3...

Thoguht yeah those are the choices so far
Well, there's also Sho for persons 4 arena ultimax.


Sho Minazuki

Sho Minazuki is a character appearing in Persona 4 Arena Ultimax. Persona 4 Arena: As the "Eerie Voice" in certain characters' story modes Persona 4 Arena Ultimax: Playable Characters Persona 4 Arena Ultimax (Manga): Major Characters Persona 4: The Ultimax Ultra Suplex Hold Stageplay Persona 3...

Thoguht yeah those are the choices so far
I forgot about him, thanks for reminding me. Yeah, he counts too.
there's this game called Bloody roar where the characters can transform into half animals…one of them can turn into a penguin…which then transforms into a phoenix!!!

That could be useful, giving her several transformations with abilities to draw from…thoight not sure if it would be an upgrade from what she can do currently? More like a side upgrade I believe?

Hmm, would Marie be able to do some of the moves from Arms but with skeletons/bones instead?
For ARMS, I'd go with her getting the ability to stretch her arms (or hair, I guess, if you wanted to go with Twintelle) really far, or else maybe something the specific ARMS character you're borrowing from can do that the rest of the roster can't.
there's this game called Bloody roar where the characters can transform into half animals…one of them can turn into a penguin…which then transforms into a phoenix!!!

That could be useful, giving her several transformations with abilities to draw from…thoight not sure if it would be an upgrade from what she can do currently? More like a side upgrade I believe?

You've impressed me. For a free power, you may choose between giving Marie an animal transformation from a character in Bloody Roar that you pick or giving her a mystery ability from a character in Guilty Gear that I pick.
For ARMS, I'd go with her getting the ability to stretch her arms (or hair, I guess, if you wanted to go with Twintelle)
Well at least Cerebella won't be the only one with another set of fists to use if we go with hair.

or else maybe something the specific ARMS character you're borrowing from can do that the rest of the roster can't.
Well besides Min Min, what other fighters can she copy?

You've impressed me. For a free power, you may choose between giving Marie an animal transformation from a character in Bloody Roar that you pick or giving her a mystery ability from a character in Guilty Gear that I pick.
And congrats @Kingster
Well besides Min Min, what other fighters can she copy?
Any of the characters in ARMS that debuted in that game. I've never actually played ARMS, I just know a little bit about it through osmosis, so I reserve the right to decide later that a specific character's off-limits because I learned more about them.
You've impressed me. For a free power, you may choose between giving Marie an animal transformation from a character in Bloody Roar that you pick or giving her a mystery ability from a character in Guilty Gear that I pick.

I'm so tempted to go with the penguin transformation for the lols… like you have NO IDEA how much I want to see Marie transform into a penguin XD

But… I don't think Marie would enjoy that tbh, and while some of the other characters have interesting transformations they don't appeal to me that much.

I'm gonna go with: Picking the mystery box from a Guilty Gesr character, curious to see who Marie gets
I'm so tempted to go with the penguin transformation for the lols… like you have NO IDEA how much I want to see Marie transform into a penguin XD
And Peacock won't be able to stop with the bird jokes as well, plus I doubt anyone would take a penguin seriously here.

I'm gonna go with: Picking the mystery box from a Guilty Gesr character, curious to see who Marie gets
I can't wait to see what Marie gets, maybe a Playlist of guilty gear music that plays during fights.
I'm so tempted to go with the penguin transformation for the lols… like you have NO IDEA how much I want to see Marie transform into a penguin XD

But… I don't think Marie would enjoy that tbh, and while some of the other characters have interesting transformations they don't appeal to me that much.

I'm gonna go with: Picking the mystery box from a Guilty Gesr character, curious to see who Marie gets
All righty, then. Behind door number 2 is... Baiken's Baku. If Marie survives an attack, she can turn its power back on her attacker and also prevent them from blocking or escaping her own attacks for a brief period. She can only do this up to four times in a single fight, but if she gets into two separate fights in quick succession she will still start the second fight with all four uses of Baku available.

(In the actual game, Baiken has to choose between taking away jumps and dashes, taking away blocking, or forcing the opponent to take additional damage, but I'm giving you all three effects at once.)

And Peacock won't be able to stop with the bird jokes as well, plus I doubt anyone would take a penguin seriously here.

I can't wait to see what Marie gets, maybe a Playlist of guilty gear music that plays during fights.
The playlist will have to come from the players beaming it into her brain. Though it does mean you can subject Marie to whatever music you want whenever you want.
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If Marie survives an attack, she can turn its power back on her attacker and also prevent them from blocking or escaping her own attacks for a brief period. She can only do this up to four times in a single fight, but if she gets into two separate fights in quick succession she will still start the second fight with all four uses of Baku available.
Yeah if we came in before Last Hope, I don't think they'll survive against this, but if it's after well i can see a lot of fighters having trouble.
All righty, then. Behind door number 2 is... Baiken's Baku. If Marie survives an attack, she can turn its power back on her attacker and also prevent them from blocking or escaping her own attacks for a brief period. She can only do this up to four times in a single fight, but if she gets into two separate fights in quick succession she will still start the second fight with all four uses of Baku available.

(In the actual game, Baiken has to choose between taking away jumps and dashes, taking away blocking, or forcing the opponent to take additional damage, but I'm giving you all three effects at once.)

OKEY!!! I like this a lot! Will be very helpful when Marie gets into some fights! Specially if we do help Marie take the fight to the Medici. We need to give her as much iuntelk in Lorenzo, Black Dahlia and Cerebella, heck even Eliza if theyd ecide to call her in for assistance.

We need specially to have her get rid of Lorenzo Life Gem.. Heeeeeyyyy funny thought, what would happen if Mariegot her hands into that? Would that counterattack some of the effects of the Skullheart or just give her super regeneration I wonder?
We need specially to have her get rid of Lorenzo Life Gem.. Heeeeeyyyy funny thought, what would happen if Mariegot her hands into that? Would that counterattack some of the effects of the Skullheart or just give her super regeneration I wonder?
You'll find out if she gets her hands on it. All I'll say is that it would certainly do something.
[X] To answer your question. No, we are not part of the plan for the skull heart, in fact you could probably say that we are an accident by the skull heart. You see, when plugging in various corruption dohickys into your metaphorical thought processes it managed to cross some wires and screw up some of the setting dials. Like turning a knob too far when tuning a radio and picking up the wrong station.
-[X] So while it can still do the evil whispers thing, this time we get a ringside seat as well, and more importantly for you, someone who can play angel to the devil already on your shoulder, if required.
Well, it seems there are three different votes with clear winner between them. Would you all prefer I give you more time to come to a consensus, roll dice to pick a winner, combine all three into one thing, or do something else?
Huh, I thought we each say something not voting on what we say.
Since there's only three different votes right now, I can do it for this next story post, but if there got to be too many votes for a post I'd have to start picking and choosing which messages get a response just to keep posts from being too bloated, and that's not a path I want to start going down. It's better to have things be a vote from the start, to my mind.
Either roll to pick the winner or combine the 3 votes I would say?
If no one breaks the tie in the next two hours after this post, I'll start writing the next story post using all three votes combined into one.

But for the future, I do ask that everyone please stick to voting for your preferred option.
Guess I'll cast my vote then.

[X] To answer your question. No, we are not part of the plan for the skull heart, in fact you could probably say that we are an accident by the skull heart. You see, when plugging in various corruption dohickys into your metaphorical thought processes it managed to cross some wires and screw up some of the setting dials. Like turning a knob too far when tuning a radio and picking up the wrong station.
-[X] So while it can still do the evil whispers thing, this time we get a ringside seat as well, and more importantly for you, someone who can play angel to the devil already on your shoulder, if required.
Bona Fides? New
[X] To answer your question. No, we are not part of the plan for the skull heart, in fact you could probably say that we are an accident by the skull heart. You see, when plugging in various corruption dohickys into your metaphorical thought processes it managed to cross some wires and screw up some of the setting dials. Like turning a knob too far when tuning a radio and picking up the wrong station.
-[X] So while it can still do the evil whispers thing, this time we get a ringside seat as well, and more importantly for you, someone who can play angel to the devil already on your shoulder, if required.

[Ability Upload Commencing...]

The tension in Marie's body lessens as she listens to the returning voices. If this is a plot to lower her guard and kill her, it would be much too obvious for anyone competent enough to pose a threat to her. And the Skull Heart, or its... keeper(?), Double, would never describe its words as "evil whispers." Both beings reek of self-righteousness, even with mere days around either one Marie is certain they wouldn't admit to any wrongdoing, even while pretending to be someone else. And it would be nice to have someone to talk to again.


"I suppose I can believe you for now," she says as she resumes her long walk to New Meridian. "But if you want to play the role of my conscience, you'll be disappointed. I will be killing every member of the Medici Family I can find, and I've been told most consciences frown on that sort of thing."

[Upload Complete!]

Whatever else Marie planned to say vanishes as knowledge blooms in her mind like a drop of ink spreading through water. Now, as if she had studied it her whole life, it's as natural as breathing for her to take the force of an enemy's attack and and make it her own, keep the enemy rooted in place, make them suffer their own strength added to hers. And just as she knows how to accomplish this feat, Marie also knows that this technique was given to her. Not by the Skull Heart, it has nothing to do with that thing, but by the voices that want to be her conscience.

It fits their claims. Marie is no expert in symbolism or hidden meanings, but it's obvious that an ability that she can only use when she's been attacked is meant to keep her from being too aggressive. Scold her when she steps out of line and give her new toys when she plays along, perhaps? Marie can work with that. New Meridian is the heart of a massive criminal empire, she won't need to try hard to get attacked by someone she wants dead, and the voices are clearly willing to let her defend herself.

Still, New Meridian is a long way off. A few more days of walking should bring her to Canopolis, and from there she can wait til nightfall and sneak on a train to her destination. Hopefully the voices won't mind if Marie steals a ride by lying on top of a train car. Getting hit by signal lights won't hurt her, and the rail company won't even lose any money. No one would sell a ticket to the Skullgirl, after all. But the thought of the voices does remind her...

"What do I call you voices? You haven't introduced yourselves yet. I am Marie Korbel, the newest Skullgirl."

A/N: The implication of the game's story mode seems to be that Marie got to New Meridian thanks to Double leading her there through Gehenna. In the quest, Double noticed that Marie's started hearing voices and left her alone on the assumption that she's going crazy and will probably start killing people soon, because a young girl wandering around on her own and clearly hallucinating would seem like a vulnerable target to the sort of people Marie wants to start killing. And if Marie does somehow make it to New Meridian without incident, she's going there to kill people, so Double still gets bloodshed. It's win-win for our least favorite blob creature. Also, any ability you get for Marie will be given to her during the first story post after you've gotten it for her, not in the instant between one post and the next. It rides along with your message to her.