Voices From Beyond: A Skullgirls Quest

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Sit on the shoulder of one of the most important characters in Skullgirls and offer her whatever words you want to say. Whether you're helpful, silly, or just along for the ride, shenanigans await.
Introduction New

Small Nerd

Out There

Bullets land in her back, tearing the life from her body. She falls forward, eyes already turning sightless as they gaze past the men who ruined her life and into the world beyond death. But this is not the moment her soul moves on from the land of the living. A pact was made, and the terms shall be kept.

Unnoticed by the men who do not scruple to kill unarmed children, a blue flame blazes within her body, one that has no warmth. All this flame brings is the chill of the dead and one final breath of life, held in her decaying lungs until she is killed a second time, by someone with greater strength than the men before her could ever possess.

Unnoticed by the men who do not know their lives are about to end, a black skull enters her body, removing her heart to take its place. The Skull Heart has claimed its newest host, and it will give her as much power as she dares ask for, power she does not want but must take if she is to have any justice. And in time, she will seek not justice but revenge, and later still, once her will has been eroded by the artifact maintaining her half-life, she will seek death.

Unnoticed by even herself, Marie Korbel has gained not one connection to otherworldly beings but two. The first, she expects. Few in this world are ignorant of the Skull Heart and its malice, and so Marie was aware of its efforts to corrupt all who contract with it. The second, no one expected. In what may be a quirk of fortune or some whim of a capricious god, the process of connecting Marie Korbel to the Skull Heart has opened up a link between her and another dimension, one unknown even to the would-be gods that claim to control this world's fundamental forces. And through that connection, voices come.

The voices offer information, comfort, entertainment, and a thousand other things. But of all the voices Marie hears from this strange new world, the ones that come through most clearly are yours, giving her whatever words you see fit to send her. But while this second connection forms, time does not stand still. Already, Marie has killed the men who tried and failed to kill her. Already, she has discovered that they are but cogs in a larger machine, one that has its heart in the city of New Meridian, far south and west of the remains of her home. Already, the Skull Heart has begun to secrete its poison into her mind, changing her goal from keeping safe her loved ones to attacking those who threaten them.

In the coming days, Marie Korbel will meet many potential enemies, any of whom could slay her, many of whom will want to. And yet, these will also be potential allies, who may yet choose to help free her from the chains she has been shackled by, perhaps even join her in battle against the hidden enemy, source of the Skull Heart and enemy of all to ever live: Lamia. The road ahead is long and filled with peril, but it branches into defeat and triumph alike. What path will Marie go down? None can say, but it starts with a greeting from the voices from beyond.

What will you say to Marie?
[] Write-in

A/N: Welcome to my latest quest, brought to you by a combination of me getting into Skullgirls and reading through the old Communication quests over on SB. As such, you'll be interacting with the world of the quest by deciding what to say to Marie, though as the quest goes on you might get the ability to communicate with other characters as well. Also, as is usual with this kind of quest, you can earn the ability to give your host powers from other media, but since Skullgirls is a fighting game, you can only give her the powers of characters originating in other fighting games. How will you do that? Good discussion, writing omake, clever plans, and anything else I feel helps make the thread better. For those interested in the quest and not familiar with the story of Skullgirls, I'll be putting a summary of things in a spoiler below. Last but not least, have fun!

In the world of Skullgirls, which definitely isn't Earth but doesn't have an official name as far as I know, there is an ancient artifact called the Skull Heart which can grant any wish made on it by a woman (or girl), but if the wish is not "pure" by the Skull Heart's standards (and it pretty much never is), then you become a Skullgirl, a monster with power over the spirits (and skeletons) of the dead and a desire to kill and destroy indiscriminately. The mental effects of becoming a Skullgirl can be staved off, but they can't be prevented completely. By the time the events of the game's story happens, the current Skullgirl is one Marie Korbel, a war orphan who made a wish to keep her loved ones safe after they were attacked by members of the mafia and has been resisting the influence of the Skull Heart for several months by the time the game's story starts, not entirely successfully.

Unbeknownst to most, the Skull Heart is the creation of (and possibly a manifestation of, the game isn't clear on this point) Lamia, an ancient sorceress-queen who was deposed long ago and exiled to another dimension along with her two daughters, who have power over space and time. The three of them form a group called the Trinity, which is the object of worship for a major religion of this world, Trinitism. The Trinity wish to end their exile and rule the world as god-queens, and as part of that have spent ages trying to erode everyone's will to resist their rule by using the Skullgirls to demoralize the world. Though at the time the quest starts, probably no one alive knows of the Trinity's plans besides their agent, a shapeshifting creature called Double that has tempted many people into making a wish with the Skull Heart (including Marie), and a few very old Parasites, a kind of intelligent being that gives a person power of some kind in exchange for a host body. Some Parasites are actual parasites, some work with their host in a symbiotic relationship, and all Parasites can live for as long as they can find a host body, so they can live for very long times (and their hosts can too, at least in some cases).

Most of the game's story takes place in and around New Meridian, a city with strong 1930s/40s vibes that is somewhere in the Canopy Kingdom (the geography of the Skullgirls world is very vague), one of the major powers of this world. The Canopy Kingdom was in a long, grinding war with the other two great powers of the world called the Grand War that lasted for ten years, until the queen at the time made a wish on the Skull Heart to end the war. She became a Skullgirl so powerful that the three warring countries had to team up to stop her, which they managed to do around seven years before the game's story begins. As part of their efforts, the Canopy Kingdom funded several Anti-Skullgirl Labs, which are connected to several of the game's characters (mostly as experiments of some kind, naturally). It should be noted that the Canopy Kingdom has significant internal tensions because it isn't only humans that make up its population. There are also Ferals (animal people of various kinds) and Gigans (giants with horns), who are discriminated against and are most likely somewhat small minorities within the population. Parasites and their hosts are also discriminated against, but it seems they don't exist in large enough numbers to matter much. New Meridian is also the center of power for the Medici Family, a mafia organization with significant power and reach (Marie's home was outside the Canopy Kingdom, so their operations must be international), so naturally several of the game's characters aside from Marie have a bone to pick with them. There are a few countries besides the Canopy Kingdom that the game's story mentions, but there's very little detail given about them, so don't expect to see much of them in this quest.

As for our main character, Marie is a young girl (around 12 or 13) who has spent much of her life trying to look after her fellow orphans, whether they want it or not. To try and get the other kids to take her seriously, she took to wearing a maid outfit because it made her seem more grown-up, and this is probably also the reason she tends to speak somewhat formally. Still, Marie isn't completely made of stone. She enjoys watching pro wrestling (which is real in this universe, at least sometimes) and cartoons (mostly when her friend Patricia badgers her into it), and she seems to know how to skateboard, since she can be seen doing a kickflip with a vacuum cleaner in matches of the actual game under certain conditions. The skateboarding thing might not actually be canonical, but it amuses me, so I'm including it for this quest. Marie's wish on the Skull Heart was to keep everyone else who lived at her orphanage safe after the mafia raided it, which didn't work out very well since the orphanage's caretaker was killed in the attack, along with some of the orphans. Marie herself was shot while trying to rescue the surviving orphans from the mafia's clutches, and that killed her body, but Skullgirls are hard to kill permanently if you aren't strong enough (and the Skull Heart probably wanted to get more use out of her). Marie was reanimated, and she used the powers of the Skullgirl to kill the mafia men who attacked her home before heading to New Meridian to kill as much of the Medici Family as she could... along with anyone else who was connected with them, thanks to the Skull Heart's influence (with Double egging her on too). Still, Marie was able to resist these influences enough that she could stay mostly focused on her goal of eradicating the Medicis and even occasionally hold back from killing people connected with the Medicis if they really didn't do anything wrong. That resistance also kept Marie from accessing much of the power a Skullgirl would normally have, though she was still able to summon armies of the dead and keep a building from collapsing by physically holding it up. Overall, Marie is trying to do the right thing, but the evil magic skull shifting her definition of "the right thing" isn't helping.

Skullgirls the game doesn't have a mode telling the single canonical story (and it probably won't for a long time, if ever), but each playable character has their own story that one can play through, and this set of events is fairly consistent across the different stories, so far as I can tell, since it's all backstory. What happens once Marie's been in New Meridian long enough for other to people to notice her activity depends on whose story you're playing. In general, though, Marie gets killed by whoever you're playing as, since even if she's not using her undead armies to kill everyone yet, it's only a matter of time before she starts doing that. That's not a permanent solution, though, since the Skull Heart will survive her death. Even smashing the Skull Heart doesn't get rid of it permanently, it'll just reform later. However, in Marie's story, which I assume is intended to fit with the eventual canonical story, she gets freed from the influence of the Skull Heart thanks to a few other characters teaming up to beat her and shattering the Skull Heart (via space-time shenanigans) in such a way that all that's left is a small piece keeping Marie alive(-ish) but not influencing her mind anymore. This naturally gets Double pretty agitated, and Double's attempts to regain control of the situation lead to Marie freeing not only herself from the Skull Heart's influence but also all the spirits of the dead that it controlled (and since it controlled the spirits of everyone ever killed by a Skullgirl, there's a lot). That's a big setback for Lamia's whole plan, since those spirits gave her additional power she planned to use to get out of her prison once she collected enough, and Double's malding about all this means Marie becomes aware that the Trinity is evil and plotting to return to do more evil, so she decides to work with all those spirits she just freed to make sure that the Trinity's plans can never come to fruition. This also means that Marie in playable form is quite a bit weaker than when she's a boss in story mode, but that's just how it is in fighting games. Though "Marie has way less juice and has to ask the dead for help rather than ordering them around" is a decent justification for it, in my opinion.

And that's the broad strokes of the story of Skullgirls. There's plenty more detail I could go into, naturally, but most of it has to do with specific characters, so I'll leave that information for when any relevant characters show up in the quest. Still, if there's something you're not clear on, feel free to ask about it.
[X] What will you say to Marie?
-[X] "Hello, Hello! Anyone there can you hear me? ...am I doing this right? First time actually doing this."

(OOC: OMG a Skullgirls quest! Yesyesyesyes!!! So excited for this! And we are staring this with Marie! This is awesome! First time participating in a communication quest (Or al least finding it since the start, so eager to participate!)
Rules New
I've realized the first post isn't as clear as I'd like about what you can and can't do, so I've decided to make a post listing that out. This can and will be updated as needed.

  • You can communicate with Marie using your own words or by including a link to a video in your plan, in which case Marie will hear the audio from that video, but she won't see the video. You can include both audio from a video and your own words in a plan. She'll hear your communication clearly no matter what's going on around her
  • You can give Marie new powers/abilities based on those of characters that debuted in other fighting games, and you'll earn chances to do that if and when I decide that someone posting in the thread has made an especially good post, come up with a particularly clever plan, or otherwise done something to make the quest better/more fun. When I decide that you've earned the chance to give Marie a new power, there'll be a vote between a few options I provide, but write-ins will be allowed as well if I like them enough
  • You can not show Marie images or appear to her in a visible form... yet. You may gain the ability to do either or both of those things later down the line. If and when you gain the ability to show Marie images, this will include being able to show her the contents of a video that you include a link to in your plan
  • You can not interact with the world of the quest physically... yet. You may gain the ability to do that in some way eventually, with the precise manner in which you would interact with the world depending on how things develop
  • You can not control Marie's actions directly, only communicate with her and try to persuade her to make the decisions you'd like her to take
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First Impressions New
[X] "Hello, Hello! Anyone there can you hear me? ...am I doing this right? First time actually doing this."

Marie startles as the nonsensical babble that had taken up residence in the back of her mind finally resolves into something she can actually comprehend before pausing completely and giving her peace and quiet for the first time in days. Enough peace and quiet that, on some level, she notices the whispers of the Skull Heart and firms her resolve against it once more.
But since she was asked a question, she decides it would be best to respond before the voices get impatient and start filling her head with noise again. Thankfully, Double has left Marie to her own devices for now, waiting for her arrival in New Meridian, where the real bloodshed will begin.

"Yes, I can hear you. Who are you, another part of the Skull Heart's plan to turn me into a monster? Or have my spirit minions decided to start talking with me?"

Unspoken is the third alternative she dare not voice, that someone hunting the Skullgirl has found her and seeks to catch her off guard by confusing her. And so, as she speaks, Marie readies herself for a fight. She is not afraid of death anymore, but she refuses to die before accomplishing her vengeance.

What do you say?
[] Write-in

A/N: Future story posts won't have the question "what do you say" typed out, since that's all you can vote on for the time being. If and when you get more options for what you can do, the format of story posts will change accordingly.
You can not show Marie images or appear to her in a visible form... yet.
So we can be like a stand to her, would anyone else be able to see us as well or would we be invisible to them?
You can give Marie new powers/abilities based on those of characters originating in other fighting games),
Just fighting games right?)

[X] Worry not young lady we aren't part of the Skullheart's plan, but we aren't spirits of the dead either.
[X] "No, I'm not part of that horrible Trinity or their tantrum. Mmm…and I don't think you are at that point where your minions can talk…yet. I'm a tag-along you could say I suppose? I will be with you from now on during this crazy ride and I'm here to help. Nice to meet you! Hope we can become friends!"
[X] "No, I'm not part of that horrible Trinity or their tantrum. Mmm…and I don't think you are at that point where your minions can talk…yet. I'm a tag-along you could say I suppose? I will be with you from now on during this crazy ride and I'm here to help. Nice to meet you! Hope we can become friends!"
(Got a name in mind for what she and others can call us, cause I'm down with Legion.)
(Got a name in mind for what she and others can call us, cause I'm down with Legion.)

(Good name, thoguht a bit cliche in my opinion, wild go with "Myriad" myself.

Also we need a game plan and find out where In The timeline we are, how likely is that Marie has already assaulted Valentines lab, slaughtered her colleges and forcefully recruited her?)
(Good name, thoguht a bit cliche in my opinion, wild go with "Myriad" myself.
(Fair enough, was just my suggestion. And not a bad name.)

Also we need a game plan and find out where In The timeline we are, how likely is that Marie has already assaulted Valentines lab, slaughtered her colleges and forcefully recruited her?)
(I thought Valentine and her team found Marie and was defeated by them except Valentine, but yeah we need to figure out when we are first before we plan anything else.)
(Fair enough, was just my suggestion. And not a bad name.)

Sorry if that came out bad, wasn't my intention, just have seen the name Legion used many time that feel a bit repetitive to me to use it, it if you and whoever else wants to join want to use it in fine with that.

We could also ask Marie to name us/give us a name if we can't decide on one.

(I thought Valentine and her team found Marie and was defeated by them except Valentine, but yeah we need to figure out when we are first before we plan anything else.)

That might be it, I might be misremembering details tbh.

Info gathering right now is vital to know what has happened/will happen so far.

The absolute important things I think are clear is that we need to kill Double sooner rather than later, that blob needs to go, thoight convincing Marie to do that might be hard at the start.
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So we can be like a stand to her, would anyone else be able to see us as well or would we be invisible to them?

Just fighting games right?)
You'd only become visible to others if and when you get yourselves a body to use in the world; that body would be visible when you're using it. Before that, though, you could totally cosplay as a Stand once you've gotten the ability to show Marie images. No actual telekinesis, though. And yes, the extra powers you can get for Marie would only come from characters from other fighting games.

Also, you don't need to go to any trouble to specially mark that you're speaking out of character. I'm only counting the text that's explicitly part of a vote as what you're saying to Marie. Everything else is counted as background noise she can't make sense of. Though if you all want to, I can make "understanding what the thread says outside of votes" an ability you can get for her later on down the line.
Sorry if that came out bad, wasn't my intention, just have seen the name Legion used many time that feel a bit repetitive to me to use it, it if you and whoever else wants to join want to use it in fine with that.
No it's alright, that was just the first name i came up with.

We could also ask Marie to name us/give us a name if we can't decide on one.
We are guests in her mind, so it makes sense she would name us.

Info gathering right now is vital to know what has happened/will happen so far.
Especially on one family she could avoid as well.

The absolute important things I think are clear is that he need to kill Double sooner rather than later, that blob needs to go, thoight convincing Marie to do that might be hard at the start.
Would she be strong enough to beat her now though?

You'd only become visible to others if and when you get yourselves a body to use in the world; that body would be visible when you're using it.
So like we can possess a skeleton she has on hand.

Before that, though, you could totally cosplay as a Stand once you've gotten the ability to show Marie images.
Any certain images we should avoid? Also I'm down with helping Marie destroy the mafia.

No actual telekinesis, though. And yes, the extra powers you can get for Marie would only come from characters from other fighting games.
Hmm, well at least this opens a lot of interesting potential for us, especially on fighting games like Smash bros.

Though if you all want to, I can make "understanding what the thread says outside of votes" an ability you can get for her later on down the line.
Definitely something we need to be careful with before we say anything she's not ready to learn yet.
Would she be strong enough to beat her now though?

I think not? Maybe with Valentines help if she has already been forcibly recruited, if Marie can gain enough of her favor to help her in the fight without backstabbing Marie after/during it's done.

Also I'm down with helping Marie destroy the mafia.

Oh hell yeah! Me too! The Medici need to pay for their crimes!

Just…let's try to keep the body count a bit more low if possible, at the very least the heads and black dahlia need to die. Also we need to help Cerebella see how truly awful they are.

Aside fro. That, Brain Drain and Eliza are also in my list to ask Marie to help get rid of. Could probably help also Painwheel regain her mind/get rid of Brain drain control…as long as she doesn't end up killing Marie

Hmm, well at least this opens a lot of interesting potential for us, especially on fighting games like Smash bros.

Honestly there's plenty of stuff we can draw off. The main thing I hope Marie is able to learn is to do the teleport fire thingy from Scorpio of mortal combat.
If I remember right, currently Marie is needing herlsef/sand bagging by resisting the Skullheart corruption, that's why the other main characters are able to defeat her 1 to 1 most of the time.
Right now before we get to too crazy abilities from fighting games might be good to look for powers and techniques that are easily accessible to her current state? Not sure if what I'm saying makes sense

Currently checking darkstalkers game and checking some characters move sets, maybe something interesting can be found
I think not? Maybe with Valentines help if she has already been forcibly recruited, if Marie can gain enough of her favor to help her in the fight without backstabbing Marie after/during it's done.
That would definitely be a challenge if we came after she killed the other members of Last Hope.
Oh hell yeah! Me too! The Medici need to pay for their crimes!

Just…let's try to keep the body count a bit more low if possible, at the very least the heads and black dahlia need to die.
Yeah definitely not targeting the regular family members that aren't part of them, and no targeting kids.

Also we need to help Cerebella see how truly awful they are.
She's very loyal though, what do you have in mind?

Aside fro. That, Brain Drain and Eliza are also in my list to ask Marie to help get rid of. Could probably help also Painwheel regain her mind/get rid of Brain drain control…as long as she doesn't end up killing Marie
Oh yeah can't forget about those two as well, and do you think we can get Marie to recruit Carol or should we let her join Big Band and Peacock instead?

Right now before we get to too crazy abilities from fighting games might be good to look for powers and techniques that are easily accessible to her current state? Not sure if what I'm saying makes sense

Currently checking darkstalkers game and checking some characters move sets, maybe something interesting can be found
So basically powers, moves and etc that fit her theme.

Anyone know of undead or maid fighters?
That would definitely be a challenge if we came after she killed the other members of Last Hope.

Yeah…it's gonna be hard, but aside from maybe also having her contacting Peacock and asking for her help, valentine is the only potential choice that could help with Double, the others will either run away from Marie at first sight or try to kill her…maybe Annie but again, need to fend the initial murder attempts.

She's very loyal though, what do you have in mind?

Nothing concrete yet honestly, thought I think having her direct evidence of their crimes/directly from the mouth of the guy she considers a father (can't remember his name) would be the most direct way…but also would devastate her the most pretty sure.

Oh yeah can't forget about those two as well, and do you think we can get Marie to recruit Carol or should we let her join Big Band and Peacock instead?

Having her join could be nice, maybe Fillia too. Could also send her to the labs where Peacock is from to see if Dr. Avian could help undo the changes Brain Drain did to her,

Honestly, I would let Carol choose what she wants to do when we get to that point, but would be great for Marie to have more allies than a manipulative blob and a ninja nurse that is secretly plotting to kill her, while also having. A death wish (we need to do something about that, Valentine is one of my favorite characters and wojld suck to see her die), she needs more people in her corner than a voice in her head.

Anyone know of undead or maid fighters?

Only from Mortal Combat…and not sure anything in Blazblue applies?

Will look for maid stuff and undead/bones stuff. There's also flame manipulation that Marie can do, there's plenty of stuff we can find about that
Yeah…it's gonna be hard, but aside from maybe also having her contacting Peacock and asking for her help,
And it's normal like Peacock has a way for us to contact her as well.
valentine is the only potential choice that could help with Double, the others will either run away from Marie at first sight or try to kill her…maybe Annie but again, need to fend the initial murder attempts.
Yeah we're gonna need a lot of help, maybe Beowulf?
but also would devastate her the most pretty sure.
That would not be a good thing to watch.
Honestly, I would let Carol choose what she wants to do when we get to that point, but would be great for Marie to have more allies than a manipulative blob and a ninja nurse that is secretly plotting to kill her, while also having.
And Carol would want to kill Valentine, yeah we definitely need to get some more help..
A death wish (we need to do something about that, Valentine is one of my favorite characters and wojld suck to see her die), she needs more people in her corner than a voice in her head.
So try to talk to her if we're to late, although I'm sure Valentine would be interested in us.
Only from Mortal Combat…and not sure anything in Blazblue applies?
I'll start looking for characters that fit for Marie.
Will look for maid stuff and undead/bones stuff. There's also flame manipulation that Marie can do, there's plenty of stuff we can find about that
I remember a maid character from a samurai fighting game.
No it's alright, that was just the first name i came up with.

We are guests in her mind, so it makes sense she would name us.

Especially on one family she could avoid as well.

Would she be strong enough to beat her now though?

So like we can possess a skeleton she has on hand.

Any certain images we should avoid? Also I'm down with helping Marie destroy the mafia.

Hmm, well at least this opens a lot of interesting potential for us, especially on fighting games like Smash bros.

Definitely something we need to be careful with before we say anything she's not ready to learn yet.
Possessing a skeleton Marie's summoned would be an option, but there are other ones as well. When it comes to images to avoid, if she thinks you're insulting the memory of her dead friends/family she'll be less willing to listen to your advice. And I think I should clarify what I mean by "characters from other fighting games." I don't mean "characters that have appeared in other fighting games," I mean "characters that originate in other fighting games." So, using Smash Brothers as an example, you couldn't get anything from Kirby, since he's from a series of platformers, but you could get something from Terry Bogard, since he's from a series of fighting games.

If I remember right, currently Marie is needing herlsef/sand bagging by resisting the Skullheart corruption, that's why the other main characters are able to defeat her 1 to 1 most of the time.
Right now before we get to too crazy abilities from fighting games might be good to look for powers and techniques that are easily accessible to her current state? Not sure if what I'm saying makes sense
Your connection to Marie doesn't depend on the Skull Heart, so her lack of power as a Skullgirl wouldn't prevent her from making full use of whatever you give her. It wouldn't hurt her, either. The consequences of using that power might hurt her, but the power itself wouldn't. You can give her whatever as long as it comes from a fighting game and isn't too busted.
So, using Smash Brothers as an example, you couldn't get anything from Kirby, since he's from a series of platformers,
Well at least it shorten the list a bit, so no Marvel characters as well huh.

but you could get something from Terry Bogard, since he's from a series of fighting games.
Hmm, now I'm curious on Tekken for Marie.

When it comes to images to avoid, if she thinks you're insulting the memory of her dead friends/family she'll be less willing to listen to your advice.
Thanks for the advice.
Okey so pure fighting games got it, so far we have the common choices:
Street fighter
King of Fighters
Dead or alive
Mortal Kombat
Virtual Fighter
Soul Calibur.

…we still have quite a list of options to draw from. Useful

And it's normal like Peacock has a way for us to contact her as well.

Nah, at least that I know, they don't have. A way to contact, Noe they know the other is alive, but with Marie being the Skullgirls and depending how active she has been already, it's probably a matter of time when Peacock comes looking for her, that's the moment they probably will be able to talk, thoight there's also the choice of telling Marie about Peacock and encourage her to look for her? Not sure how good of an idea that is
Yeah we're gonna need a lot of help, maybe Beowulf?
Uh, Beowulf could be an option… gonna kee him on the potential list.
Okey so pure fighting games got it, so far we have the common choices:
Street fighter
King of Fighters
Dead or alive
Mortal Kombat
Virtual Fighter
Soul Calibur.

…we still have quite a list of options to draw from. Useful
Yep, those are probably the most well-known fighting game series. There's plenty more fighting games out there, though, and I'll leave it to you to think of them. Impress me on that front and I might just give you a power for free.
You do get Ruby Heart and Amingo as options since they debuted in Marvel Vs Capcom 2, but that's about it.
Oh so we can also choose abilities from fighters that are exclusive to fighting games?

Like for example…android 21 from dragon ball fighter Z? Or maybe Labrys from Persona 4 Arena?

Edit: I meant labrys, Damm autocorrect
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Got a few more fighting games as well:
Samurai Showdown
Killer Instinct
Fatal Fury
Fist of the North Star (This would be a dangerous option to introduce to Marie, mostly cause of her revenge)
Guilty Gear (and has some good songs we can play for Marie during fights.)
Persona 4 Arena (Marie getting a Persona would certainly be helpful)
A way to contact, Noe they know the other is alive, but with Marie being the Skullgirls and depending how active she has been already, it's probably a matter of time when Peacock comes looking for her, that's the moment they probably will be able to talk, thoight there's also the choice of telling Marie about Peacock and encourage her to look for her? Not sure how good of an idea that is
Yeah that could lead to trouble since i doubt Marie can hide that she's the Skullgirl so it would be tough for her and Peacock to meet.
Uh, Beowulf could be an option… gonna kee him on the potential list.
We have a short list of fighting characters in skullgirls, so we'll probably need to include background characters as well.
Oh so we can also choose abilities from fighters that are exclusive to fighting games?

Like for example…android 21 from dragon ball fighter Z? Or maybe Lapis from Persona 4 Arena?
Well at least it opens some interesting options for us as well.

Edit: Alright so no Jojo or Naruto as well huh.
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Oh so we can also choose abilities from fighters that are exclusive to fighting games?

Like for example…android 21 from dragon ball fighter Z? Or maybe Lapis from Persona 4 Arena?
Well, Android 21 is strong enough that she's about at the upper limit for characters I'll allow (she does fight people who can blow up celestial objects and doesn't immediately die), but yeah, her and Labrys would both be options.
Got a few more fighting games as well:
Samurai Showdown
Killer Instinct
Fatal Fury
Fist of the North Star (This would be a dangerous option to introduce to Marie, mostly cause of her revenge)
Guilty Gear (and has some good songs we can play for Marie during fights.)
Persona 4 Arena (Marie getting a Persona would certainly be helpful)
Fist of the North Star was originally a manga, but the rest definitely count (though with P4A your only option's Labrys).