Victories of the Soul [Worm/Avatar/ME/Multicrossover] [SI]

You're building up and up, where does the spirit realm end? How many dimensions do the entities have dominion over?
The Spirit World exist around(within?) every known parallel iteration, some 10^92 number of universes, acting as an buffer from the space between multiversal clusters. Worm sort of…messes up with the usage of dimensions, there are spatial dimensions of which there are 11 in a typical universe, with the eleventh acting as the Bulk for the multiverse. The Entities know how to manipulate the 11 spatial dimensions to warp reality, but their knowledge isn't absolute so they can't control them perfectly. It's what let's them leaf through universes like they're pages in a book, as well as open holes to divert matter and energy.

The normal Entities of course do not know how to manipulate the Spirit World because of their…imperfections, but it makes them no less dangerous than any spirit. Spirits are limited by their Bans, and can be killed even if not permanently…and you don't want to know what can kill them forever.

Entities are some of the most powerful beings that can exist, with Zion-Eden being made up of trillions upon trillions of shards. Even a weakened Warrior can blow up a continent in multiple parallel worlds at the same time. So for spatial dimensions, most of them are under their control, though their knowledge is still imperfect.
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Ah I guess that makes sense hmm anyway how is basilla connection to the Tech tree like
She's kind of like a Tinker Eidolon with a dash of Taylor for the multitasking and Thinker abilities required to be able to keep all that tech in her head without exploding. She at the moment has two slots, with each slot dividing into several branches deriving from the same tech tree. There's Mass Effect, which is mostly complete but missing a few pieces either due to some things being lost or deemed too dangerous or useless. There's the Thranx dark matter(WIMP) technology, which is incomplete and missing the branch's of other races. There's more to it than that, but even her power has arbitrary restrictions.
Hmm…definitely Taylor, most of White Lotus isn't terrible but most with the exception of Dinah are less dedicated.
Ah that makes sense and Dinah is too young to match Taylor fully oh also does Taylor QA Avatar projection inherit her skills and apart from bombs what else can bakuda build
Ah that makes sense and Dinah is too young to match Taylor fully oh also does Taylor QA Avatar projection inherit her skills and apart from bombs what else can bakuda build
I guess the projection would inherit some skills? As for Bakuda, she can build anything related to Explosions/Implosions as a fuzzy concept, so artificial muscles that work through detonations of air, or cannon or gun versions of her bombs, jetpacks(directed explosions) or energy generation(fusion bomb reactor). Not quite as general as Wavelengths, but still fairly expansive with some Rules Lawyering.
Recuperation 9.4
Recuperation 9.4

June 19th, 2011. 6:30AM

Basilia Rubio

I placed a hand on the wall of the waterlogged former school, at least until repairs were made and the place was rebuilt from the bottom up. Winslow was a quiet place now, and would probably be back up in anywhere between two weeks and two months. It was the same for the other schools I didn't even know about in the city. Not that it was that important.

"Is this truly the best use of your time, human?" I rolled my eyes at Balaam, ignoring him for the moment. He had been the one trying to teach me a new technique of metaphysical energy manipulation. Chi for more sensible people, and I was using it for what was a minor purpose on a grander scale and I was fine with that. I was trying to reach through the paths that link all that exists in creation, the line that binds the universe together to find a single special and unique object.

It had led me to this single wall, to this single place that remained standing after it had been torn down by spirit and monster. This place had been a hall once, and I saw the burnt out remnants of her locker after a fire spirit had gotten to it at some point.

"Everything is connected." I knew enough to say that was true, and I had watched enough Avatar to know that too. There was a spark, a pulse that came from my body and snaked along my arm until it touched the wall. It came to me in flashes of images, memories muddled by decades of use and by the error brought by the echoes of humans.

I looked between the chaos, finding order in disorder, finding connections where there should be none after all this time. I saw a person carrying a thin black box, a malicious grin on their face making my blood boil. But I didn't let my anger get in the way of searching for it.

I searched the line of connection between my target and myself, linked together through the bonds I had made in this alien world. I was no longer in the ruined school, and I followed the line of connection. The memories continued to flow, and I saw the flash of the box being kept in a room for months on end, left to rot until a hand lifted from the darkness to pick it up. It moved elsewhere until it was casually thrown away into the trash riddled streets. I kept following the flashes of insight, and I caught the rotting box sitting somewhere on a beach of sand.

The beach was…I knew that place, and I saw it from the skies many times. Which meant I was more than capable of finding what I had been searching for.

I had been trying to come up with something to give Taylor for her birthday, a nice and practical gift. I had been working for days on it, and while I found it a perfectly suitable gift I had come up with the idea of this second gift at the last second. From what I could tell the party was going to be small scale, inviting a few friends and it would be down to Earth because she didn't much like big parties.

I didn't disagree but I was fine with whatever choices would be made for the party. It's not like I can't handle it anyway…especially since there's been at least a few days of partying in the city once the repairs started coming in and donations shored up and kept us from regressing like what had gone down in the other timeline.

I pushed myself off the wall, and murmured an apology to the spirits for my failure in protecting their sanctum. The only hope was that the school would be rebuilt into a less shitty place since the money was flowing and my minor friendly status with the mayor opened a few doors. Bastard was stingy but he was slowly opening up to more spending when I showed him data on the kind of programs that could pull a city out of an economic slump.

I took off, my armor refracting light so I could become invisible to any normal passerby. I kicked off the ground to take a flying leap some twenty feet into the air, and reduced my own mass to the point that the wind could bat me aside.

If I wasn't using my airbending to keep me on track.

The world blurred around me as I spiked at just over half the speed of sound and then dropped down to a more leisurely sprint. I followed my vision, and the same was pushed back my turns of my heels into the ground. Sandbending had proven to be more my style in comparison to metalbending though I was capable of both.

The beach swirled around me, and my hand clutched the box in my vision, the visibly damaged item letting out a low pulse as I gently held it. It was damaged and broken but it's Spirit was strong and resilient, a sign of a spirit not so far from being awoken through sheer age alone.

I could hear the whispers, the memories of something older than me, of more than a century of accumulated history singing within the confines of the black container. Spirits danced around me, of flame and water and air and earth and void.

I looked around the beach and found it quite empty, which served my goals just fine. I took the box into my hands and with a hop I moved at the fastest speed I could manage.

There wasn't anything else I needed, though the knowledge of what I did to acquire the box would be useful in the future. Being able to seek out the connections would mean I can find things that don't want to be found with ease.


I had a few hours of time to kill, and I was almost glad that my firebending made me rise with the sun. Then I remembered the interactions from little sleep and sun related compulsions and immediately changed my mind.

I had shit to do, and then I was going to spend some more time not worrying about the end of the world.

And that was that.

June 19th, 2011. 6:00PM

Basilia Rubio

I pouted as I sat down with gift(s) in hand, scanning the area that would comprise the birthday girl's celebration grounds. The party was relatively small-scale, and we(well Taylor really…) had invited a few more people than what was originally planned. Dinah had wanted to show up, and we were going to meet her parents face to face for the sixth time. How we had managed to keep that up for months on end was beyond me, and Dinah was quite sure that her parents wouldn't say ever a single word about us.

It was a less than 2% chance, and would lower further if we put a protection detail on them. Mostly a few spirits keeping them safe as well as literal death machines since I had thousands of mechs. Danny wasn't inviting many people himself since not many were available due to the city being in need of workers at a fairly high and constant basis.

Grace hadn't invited anyone, the Dallon sisters had brought Dean and their family with even Carol tagging along. Dinah had apparently invited Missy of all people, but I had no reason to stop her. Because my identity was kind of worthless at this as a form of protection. I was going to be a magnet for trouble, whether or not I had a secret identity and it was simply a legal fiction that would break down at some unexpected moment.

I already had plans for it, and legally I had tested out of a number of college courses, most of them being math and science courses and with greater difficulty I managed to get by a few literature and composition classes. Other classes would probably be taken in person, and I would sweep my way through college in a matter of months to years to acquire numerous degrees.

While it could be considered unusual, there were a lot of freaks among even regular human beings. There was one man who had acquired 145 degrees and he was in his 50s. Having a degree in biology, physics, business, economics, a few engineering degrees and a few fun ones was not going to put me on the spot.

Being an omnidisciplinary was unusual but even regular scientists often had to widen their horizons to more than one field depending on what they were doing. A geologist in the arctic for example, has skilled cold weather survival, was good at fixing engines, better at fixing electronics in the cold and decent shots due to wild animals. Turns out having to perform science in isolated spots of the world tends to make them widen their skills just to survive and adapt.

Honestly I was thinking about hiring a few field scientists and seeing what they would make of the wildlife of other alternate Earths and distant alien worlds. I was good but I was only one woman, only one person even with a hundred thousand machines doing my bidding. Even Lotus wasn't perfectly explored, and I didn't have a perfect understanding of the ten million species that live and die on the planet.

I had bases across about a dozen worlds, and infrastructure on twice that number for dimensional hopping. I knew there was a way to make it all smaller and more efficient but I didn't have the knowledge to do so, since Veda didn't seem to communicate beyond a certain amount with other shards. I'm good at Mass Effect and Dark Energy and Matter science fields and dabbled in other fields with the help of tinkers and other capes.

Hell scans of Professor Haywire's portals let me tell that his portals were considerably more efficient than my current iteration even with cheating by using the properties of the spirit world. Science wasn't really something pushed forward by some single super special scientist, it was the work of many across countless generations to gain a greater understanding of the world…and while I could manage it on my own.

I didn't want that responsibility, and didn't have the ability to perfectly mimic any piece of tech I had on hand.

For example some of Haywire's more esoteric tech like shunting people into other worlds was out of my reach in a handheld format, and I only managed that with shuttles to shift between realities. I could…probably shift attacks between realities but again on an even larger scale, a frigate would be the minimum. I couldn't make Collin's nano-thorns with the same quality and the same versatility as he could but I did use their disintegrating properties to break up matter and reassemble it in the omni-forges.

I couldn't perfectly copy Kid Win's modularity but took his principles into account for the inner workings of my megaproject cruiser frame. I couldn't quite match the firepower of Bakuda, but did improve my ability to create explosions/implosions. Which was her actual specialty, since at some point her shard had split in two because of…

"Hey there. I'm haunting you." I rolled my eyes when one of my Golems, a six foot tall trooper waved its arms in a spooky fashion.

"Clarke. How's your attempt to make yourself into Jesus going?" I asked almost sarcastically if I didn't know that was perfectly possible nowadays. The robot crossed its shoulders, and it was slightly unsettling to look at once I realized I had made the death bot resemble a human-shaped Geth.

Thank god that working with Dragon's code made it possible to restrict intelligence in a safe and ethical manner. Sapience is nice and all for a human direction, but it's not needed for a toaster.

"Pretty hard actually…Panacea seems a little disturbed by the thought of growing a whole human body, and there aren't a lot of other biotinkers who aren't crazy."

"So you're stuck like that…?" I questioned the tinker.

"Not for too long I think…I've been busy trying to see if my shard stored up my DNA somewhere." That had been a troubling development, and apparently Grace had felt her shard splitting to give Clarke a space of his own in the Firmament.

"So you're going to be there there for a while then." The man shrugged.

"It's not so bad really, there's a lot of places and rooms to explore up in Shardspace. Though sometimes I swear something is watching me." I twitched at the offputting comment.

"Right, so are you just trying to bother me or did you want to tell me something important?" I was being abrasive today wasn't I?

"Couldn't it be both?" Was what Clarke replied with. "To be honest I'm not even sure if there are other people in the Firmament and shards are…odd."

"Fair enough." I couldn't begrudge him being a little odd since navigating the shard spirit world would be a nightmare for someone who wasn't a shaman.

"Well…I'm going to be bothering Dria for a little while, see ya." He vanished and the machine returned to its original setting of being shut down.

For the party we had placed it on another counterpart, one much closer to ours but devoid of humans due to some disaster about ten thousand years ago. It was taking place in a Prefab base, and was nice and cozy as well as safe from being ambushed by a conventional Parahuman or otherwise force.

It also made me realize I had very few friends who weren't involved with cape business and wondered if that was a bad thing. This was no formal party though, it was a small and comfy shindig that would include a few new friends.

"Hmm…maybe this could work." Amelia was working on something with one of the Warriors, One Hundred Murmuring Trebles of the Desert Winds was a cold Warrior, but was meticulous and scientific and had a deep understanding of biology instilled in him by his Queen.

"What are the two of you working on?" I was curious, and the Rachni directed an almost haughty tilt of his head.

"We are working on the Abu Seed, improving its qualities and genetics to make it more fit for use as a terraformer." It chittered in a high tone and I blinked at the idea of a haughty Rachni, would the wonders of this world ever cease?

"That plant the Rachni use to help with building colonies?" Amelia nodded, holding the large seed in her hand, the life form flexing and rippling as she made genetic tweaks and alterations. It was based on an organism from Suen that acted as a common food source for the deadly planet, a combination of fungus and plant with great resistance towards harsh environments.

They were used to mine, and the Rachni seemingly co-evolved with the plant which was why they had such a wide range of digestive and chemical manipulating biology to begin with. The same type of acidic cell capable of processing things with great efficiency.

"What are the changes you want to make?" I asked Amelia, curious about what she would say.

She grinned almost madly. "Well the Rachni already use them to mine prospective planets, with their whole seeding process." I nodded remembering the simple procedure.

They would drop the seed pods on the planet in question, their buds would burst open and dig their roots into the planet and extend a root system while a sprout generates solar energy. The plant will help workers dig out a vast hive without the use of heavy machinery and generate oxygen for them. It was genius biological engineering in every aspect of the word.

"I was thinking that these plants could create a sort of organic cellular habitat membrane, a canopy to protect people from the harsh conditions of certain types of planets. We could make big habitats, easily a few kilometers in diameter." She sounded excited, a light flush to her face as she answered.

"Do…Rachni actually need domes for that kind of thing though?" The two sapient beings shared a meaningful look.

"It's for humans Basilia." She looked exasperated and my face heated up.

"Oh. Okay that's fine then, it's not like I knew that. I've been busy with my own projects." I defensively replied back, and the biokinetic smirked.

"Of course the Rachni don't need it, it's for you humans and your…squishiness." I didn't know how to reply to that, feeling out of my depth. I stared at Murmuring Treble in abject horror.

Is Amelia now a bad influence on alien bug people?

There was the snap of portals opening, and I found some of New Wave attending the small party. They were all here including Mark who was on a good day due to a more effective prescription. That was the work of Panacea, since through Athena we got a procedure for drug trials to reduce their costs and find out which drugs are effective or not. There were at least a few effective drugs against clinical depression with practically no side effects, and Amelia had the option of having Mark's body produce the drug in a safe amount to negate his depression.

Of course she wasn't sure about that herself and Carol would probably veto it out of at least concern. Paranoia was the less optimistic option however.

Most of the team was here, minus the majority of Palanquin who were doing their own thing with the exception of Elle. They might pop up later though, and Charlotte was amiably chatting with a flushed Theo. I was starting to suspect things there were moving onto a more romantic front but I wasn't going to say anything without knowing if it was true or not. If it was though then his grandfather had to be rolling in his grave like a madman.

I let out a breath and took the time to look around and smell the roses. The part was partially outdoors, and I could see that Danny was grilling up some food. A few of his friends were around him, including some tall strong Dockworkers. The base was large at some fifty thousand square feet and a square, though the section leading outside had a patio that led to a kitchen, a living room and a few dozen rooms. Taylor's dad was grilling burgers, Crystal had apparently brought pasta and I had made a few burritos that I was keeping warm with a special container. Guacamole was of course abundant, and I managed to make it smooth instead of chunky for some tortilla chips.

It was a potluck where all our guests were bringing something to eat. Charlotte had brought roasted chicken, and noodle kugel that her grandfather had made. Apparently he was in much better health despite being rather old, walking around like he was twenty instead of eighty. Theo simply brought snacks, little cheeses and blocks of ham and meat. A certain former Nazi super villain had made them…which was a sentence I never thought I would say.

Also apparently Faultline could make a mean homemade Pizza from what I saw Elle bring. Which reminded me that she was the leader of a mercenary team, controlled a club, searched for the truth of Case 53s, and went to college all at the same time and was now an expert pizza maker.

God she would make an amazing sitcom protagonist if her more…negative personality traits were toned down a notch. Let's be frank she did kidnap a child, and that doesn't change that she's worked for some shitty people in the past.

Out of New Wave only Crystal had made food, though both sides of the family brought drinks alcoholic or otherwise. They had set that aside in a cooler, and I could see that Eric was being harassed by Dinah, Missy, and Elle. The poor, poor bastard. The 'secret' space warping cape had managed to bring a few bags of chips of different brands, and was alone since her parents were busy.

A portal opened to spit out Grace with three different dishes, her cheeks dusted with…red as she balanced the containers. I went up to greet her, narrowly beating Amelia when she moved on her from her…biotinkering? She's still sort of a tinker right…even if she needs no equipment?

"Grace." I waved with a tiny smile. "How was your talk with your parents?" I hadn't known too well on what her family was like, only that it was doing poorly until Grace took the initiative in fixing the broken relationship.

The bomb maker snapped out of her own head and smiled back at me. "My parents and I had…a long…long talk about getting our shit in order." She scoffed, but there was a happy look in her blue eyes. "Mom cooked up some Yakitori and hot Soba. Dad made baked beans." She rolled her eyes. "Apparently they wanted the people keeping me from blowing up the moon to enjoy the food of my people."

"So they know you're Bakuda?" She laughed aloud, covering her mouth at my query.

"They've known since the moment I showed my mask in Brockton Bay." She didn't seem happy about that, but she didn't seem unhappy about that either. "They're okay with it, especially since I graduated and my cover as a worker in Athena makes everything a lot less complicated for them. Especially since it was my tech that helped put down Leviathan." Her grin was shark-like in appearance and I nodded in response.

"Right." She cackled, hurrying over to the table with her dishes in hand. A few Rachni workers scurried about and I saw the one Rachni leave with a huff that was far too much like Amelia for my comfort.

"Basilia was it?" I turned around at the voice of Anna, Dinah's mother and the sister of the mayor of Brockton Bay. Anna was blonde while Dinah has inherited the brown locks of her father.

"Enjoying the party…or is it a little much?" I scratched my cheek, hoping she wouldn't be put off by the strangeness of some of our guests. The workers were scurrying about, holding toast in their little appendages and chewing them up into some type of paste. They had the courtesy of facing away from us so we wouldn't see the process but it was still weird. Anansi was around too, gently interacting with the youngest here.

"It's certainly strange, but it's obvious you're putting your all into helping our daughter adjust to her powers…and she isn't alone." The mother gestured to Dinah talking animatedly with the few people close to her age here.

"I'm not…entirely responsible for that development, they managed to become friends on their own." I did feel a soft smile pull at my lips though at how nice her life was in comparison to what could have been. Elle no longer faced the mental fuzziness from her powers, Dinah faced far less headaches though a few popped up now and then. Elle was mostly out of the mercenary lifestyle, though she wasn't safe from the terrible, terrible shit that spirits can do to shaman.

There's a reason it's not a common tactic to become Host to a spirit, at least if you're not a Turian. It's not unsafe but it's definitely one where one should take care of the wording of the deal. Best case you gain incredible physical strength, regeneration and the ability to directly use the powers of a spirit instead of mimicking or calling upon their powers. Worst case you become the meat puppet of a spirit and mind controlled into doing…unspeakable acts.

Which was probably why the world was only going to be marginally better than before simply due to the sheer screwed up nature of a ton of spirits.

I felt a tendril gently poke me, and I raised an eyebrow when Anansi offered a plate with some strange dish that was obviously rather makeshift since Rachni food could sometimes be toxic. It looked a lot like a steak and potato skillet, though a brief analysis with my omni-tool found that it was some type of human compatible root plant and a meat-textured fungus equivalent with garlic and butter.

"I have prepared this myself, but I misplaced it some time ago." Anansi let loose an apologetic chitter. "And it is suitable for human consumption, it is a sharing of dishes between our peoples." I grabbed the large iron container, and flinched as the heat nearly burned me before I diverted the heat with bending.

I put it down with the rest of the bounty of food, and the two parents nodded at me before turning to make hesitant conversation with Anansi. There were very few people missing…no the only person missing at this point was Taylor herself. She had apparently been busy doing something at the Trainyard which was getting mostly dismantled since it got ruined. Apparently there was already a project to turn parts of it into a community park by hiring a few shamans and benders plus people with experience in designing urban parks.

I pulled away from the party, but not before grabbing a few pieces of cheese and little meat cutlets to pop into my mouth. I gestured to Dean, eyes narrowed and Missy followed us, stepping out of sight while the Rachni kept some of our guests distracted. She warped space and we grouped together against a large oak tree and I glared at the two Wards.

"So I get why Dean is here, but what's a little miss space warper doing around here?" Missy scowled but didn't put on a brave front, not that she needed any. She has two years of being a cape on her belt versus my four months.

"Piggot already suspects that the 'rules' are pretty much worthless because of the shard network…and wants us as…liaisons for the younger members of the White Lotus." She answered professionally, and I thought about how wrong it felt for someone that young to act like some soldier. We taught Dinah how to fight through any means necessary(as long as it wasn't needlessly cruel) but while she had her own interest in entering cape fights we discouraged her from being stupid about it.

I…still didn't like it though.

"It's nowhere that bad, there are literally millions of shards." From what I could feel even now nor every shard had landed and set themselves up, though I wasn't even sure there were trillions of shards scattered across multiple dimensions.

"You knew it was me though?" Missy said with narrowed eyes, and I laughed just a little.

"You got me there…but again it's irrelevant since I don't know where you live and I don't care to find out. I could probably find out a ton of capes on Earth without a hint of trouble, but I'm not going to because that doesn't fix jack shit."

"Plus the aura thing…because how would you know if it affects capes if you can't sense them?" Missy had a bright future ahead of her if she could keep those deductions going.

"So does the government know who I am or is that a secret between us?" I asked.

"We won't break the rules for someone who hasn't done anything wrong. Not that it would stop you to begin with." Dean was the one talking, and I could hear Vicky listening in, floating in the air while Fragile One hung next to her like a clingy girlfriend.

"Well obviously. I've got practically unlimited resources, having a few dozen uninhabited Earths at my disposal tends to do that." I was dry with my response, feeling bemused are their mildly shocked expressions. "I could probably build hundreds of anti-Endbringer cannons a year, build thousands…hundreds of thousands of mechs." I pointed at my chin, grinning wildly. "Luckily for everyone, my only interest in weapons is to blow up inanimate objects and giant monsters. I've got better uses of my times than beating down people in the streets." That was more a Taylor and Bakuda thing, and even Golem was more interested in cape fights and crime fighting.

"Are you trying to give people heart attacks?" Missy looked concerned and I almost wanted to pat her head. The confusion on her face was adorable.

"I don't want people screwing with me because I'm not under their control." I was honest, I had a business to run and tech infrastructure to buol. "I'm also going to drag people into a technological revolution whether they like it or not." I thought about the statement. "Well not really, I'm not interested in causing economic collapse through stubbornness and stupidity. Much less unsustainable stupidity, you see this thing here?" I pointed to my blue glowing Omni-tool.

"What about it?" I was excited to answer Missy.

"This omni-tool uses an optotronic computer, a form of fiber-optic based electrical switching and quantum laserpath logic circuits that can perform nearly unlimited amounts of computation while being mostly immune to EMP and heat build up. This model has more processing than a good fraction of the Internet, and it's holographic interface is made out of solid light. Can anyone on Earth make that?"

The two shook themselves and I crossed my arms, nodding gruffly. "No." Missy added.

"My tech is kind of worthless if no one knows how to repair it or make use of it even if I can describe how to maintain it." Which a lot of times is going to require components and precision lacking on Earth. "The moment I go poof the world is on a timebomb for the tech to degrade and fall apart once something breaks in the omni-forges."

"So is that why you don't sell your Tinkertech?" Dean asked and I gave him a thumbs up.

"Pretty much, anything I've sold or licensed is centuries behind my Tinkertech even if it's a decade or two ahead of the average technological level." Which wasn't that far ahead of reverse engineered Tinkertech that was slowly filtering down to the little people. I was probably going to set up an affordable room temperature superconductor soon enough…so that was going to be interesting. Renting my Tinkertech was possible though, but I was no Toybox with their more mercenary outlook.

"So…what are your plans?" Missy asked loud and clear, her expression set into a low but serious scowl.

"Mostly just waiting to see how the legal landscape changes with bending and shamanism on the rise." I swayed from side to side, looking over at the casual party. "That I haven't gotten the government on my ass over Athena is either luck, or I've managed to toe the line enough with my company since nothing I have counting as Tinkertech." Even if I decided to add Eezo it still wouldn't count for shit, because you can find that shit in the ground just fine. "If the restrictions can be loosened or at least refined then I can expand more openly." I was probably sticking to heavy R&D, and would probably be fine making deals with larger corporations.

I would probably have to be hiring some lawyers and lobbyists. Because hey while evil corporations might use the power of money for evil, I could certainly use that moment to push for causes that weren't evil.

"You…really aren't interested in caping are you?" There was a revelation in her tone; and I grinned at the younger woman.

"The first time I went out, I got my shit kicked in by Mush and Squealer. That was enough of a wake up call for me to realize that caping was useless outside of its use of kicking out any villains keeping the city even more screwed over than it already was." I had a few causes going towards a lot of things needed for a stable economy that didn't try to shit on the poor as much as it did.

"So you're saying what we do is useless?" Missy seemed annoyed at the comment I made.

"It's a specific tool to combat specific problems, one that barely functions to hold back the utter collapse of the country." I replied flatly, and Missy flinched. "For every villain you bring down, two more will pop up from elsewhere to fill the power vacuum unless you can bring down enough force to keep them out. An endless cycle of fighting, collateral damage and death until something breaks that cycle permanently. Poverty almost always leads to crime, which further drains the resources of a city or country…poverty leads to poorer schools which means less education and reduced opportunities leading to a higher rate of crime. Kids and teenagers will join gangs out of fear, stupidity or desperation, then they'll either die to a bullet to the back of the head…whether due to cops or other gangs or go to prison."

"There's a third option isn't there?" Missy asked.

I nodded, letting out a sigh and crossing my arms over my bouncy chest. "At least one of my parents would have qualified for those who can push past that and better themselves. But they're simply examples that proves the rule, my own uncle got a bullet to the back of his head." I wet my dry lips, a light pang in my heart sounding out at the thought of that. "People can change, but they don't change easily…they go to prison, and if they're not strong enough will be wrapped up in the culture of a shitty prison and come out ten times worse than when they went in."

Dean coughed. "You're really passionate about this." I giggled and he looked a little surprised at it.

"I've never been one to want to be ignorant, politics is a passion of mine…as well as culture in general." That was completely the truth, Earth Bet was different but enough concepts seemed to come together even in this distant universe.

Including the bad and toxic cultural issues that pervaded my country of birth. And in many ways multiplied by powers, and especially powers gained from trauma and what were effectively psychotic breaks.

"It's a bit abnormal for most Parahumans to be so calm and…peaceful." Browbeat was the only case I knew that was like this, and that could easily be because of a misconfiguration in shard settings or the shard itself being rather chill.

"When did I ever say I was a normal cape? Just look around for the proof of that." I waved my arms to emphasize my point in this pretty New England woodland. "We're in an alternate universe, one of more than a dozen I have access to and I've somehow come to have the second largest Parahuman group in the city." The disbelief tinged my own tone as I realized how absolutely ridiculous my own life had become. "The Leviathan is dead, the others are dormant and people are getting superpowers right and left." God this was all a bunch of nonsense, and if I ever wrote an autobiography no one was going to believe me.

Missy opened her mouth and then shut it to my confusion and I suddenly sensed that someone was behind me. I whirled and a strangled yelp escaped my mouth as I saw that Taylor had materialized behind me. She was wearing a white blouse with blue skinny jeans, and I swallowed as I couldn't help but check her out.

Insects swarmed around her in some pattern I couldn't identify, most of them made up of butterflies and bumblebees, though they simply hid the wasps and hornets from sight under their wings. The two Wards were pulled back into the party by Dinah and Vicky and we were on our own.

"Hi." I greeted her brightly, bouncing on my toes as my nerves got me jittery like social interactions often made me.

"Hey." She said back, wide lips pulled back into a soft smile. I leaned against the oak tree, and I could hear it ask a request as I sat beneath its shade. I activated my omni-tool, and a flick of my wrist killed a surface fungal infection dead.

She stared, eyebrows raised at my action. "What?" I defensively said, blushing just the slightest bit honest!

"You're totally going to hug a tree at some point." My ears burned and I reached out to shut her up and was instead lifted up for the trouble. I squealed when her hands drifted down to barely above my butt, and I poked her nose in outrage.

That only made her smile wider and dumber, and I wondered if my lollygallying on our relationship status had made her take a more dominant role.

I licked my lips, staring to the side for a second. Not that I minded.

"Could you put me down, I kind of have a fear of heights." I dangled in the air, and I still marveled at the tallness that Taylor had inherited.

"Very funny." Taylor deadpanned, but put me back down on the safe earth.

"So…welcome to your birthday. It's nice right?" Taylor seemed happy at the sight at least, and overall wasn't very worried about the number of people. Then again it wasn't five hundred people coming together so much as maybe 20 people.

"Of course it is…though I'd still be fine with a quieter party." I snorted and she looked at me in befuddlement.

"Then you've never been to a Mexican party my friend." I patted her arm, and was briefly distracted by the muscle. "Ahem…I've been to a lot of parties with my family…they're loud people." Dad's side of the family was quieter, and better singers too. Which was why I was practicing a bit of singing on the side…because that was one of the few connections I had left of them.

"Friend?" She looked coy and I couldn't help but change my posture, aiming for a flirty look. I could just about manage one, though my smiles were always just two steps behind being crazy.

"Girlfriend doesn't roll off the tongue for that sentence, though I'm sure we could find a way to make that happen." Taylor laughed, and I ignored the heat in my cheeks. "Did it work?" I asked meekly.

"You tried…you're very good at being pretty at least…" I feigned disappointment.

"But not sexy?" I pouted and she laughed some more, shaking her head.

"I think you can definitely manage that…but I think you're a little too shy for that."

I rubbed the back of my neck, with a grin. "I'm not going to deny that, I've got no experience flirting or being flirted with." Taylor leaned forward and beckoned me to do the opposite and lean upwards and onto the tip of my toes.

It took some maneuvering but I soon got to enjoy the semi-rare pleasure of kissing someone I like a lot without any expectations or nerves. My cheeks were rosy and warm, and I just felt happy at that instant.

Taylor flushed, and I kept my smiley outlook, and I pulled her back to the party myself with a bounce in my step. "Basilia? Why are you…?"

"Happy? Giddy? Acting a little stupid?" I kept bouncing, and I caught her eyes moving up and down at something. What was she looking at? And why was Amelia face palming and Carol looking perturbed.

"All the above." She stated plainly.

I hummed at her, switching between half remembered songs at regular intervals. "Well as I've mentioned with my unrecord of a love life, my feelings will tend to make me act kind of stupid. And unlike those past crushes, I'm dating you, kissing you and cuddling with you. I'm not a complicated creature Taylor…and even someone as socially inept as me wants love and companionship. Even if I don't get why." I muttered near the end, and she looked understanding.

"You're a good person, you try to be honest and you're fine with telling me when you're not or can't tell me something. You're a bit derpy but you're sweet when you want to be…though it's kind of obvious you're naturally a big grump."

"As a guy I was an asshole, and as a woman I can be a bitch on wheels if I feel like it. The only reason I'm not is because nobody needs that." God it was hard to remember how much of a dick I could be to my younger brother, plus those outbursts that still happen every so often.

"You're still a raging bitch on wheels, I've seen you with Amy." She pointed out.

"I tend to clash with crazy people far too full of themselves and too bitchy to make friends." I growled, remembering how annoying Amy could be with her blatant and clumsy attempts of manipulation when she got in her moods. Vicky was better if only by dint of being more willing to change than her sister.

Fuck we had punched each other out at least three times, because a lot of Amy's comments could be downright disrespectful and hurtful. Eventually my plain bluntness on her shittiness got through to her, plus the space away from her family had started to crack her darkened heart.

"But I still like you despite your flaws." She said brightly to my comments, and I straightened up in my walk. Then my mood sank down again…

"You only like me for my body…"

"Yes." I almost tripped on my face, and I held myself through earthbending the ground.

"W-What?" I gaped at her, and her cheekiness was written all over her face.

"Basilia…I might be repressed but I'm not blind. You're the curviest girl I've met in my life, and you're very good looking." Missy was suddenly behind Taylor, Amelia behind her and whispering in her ear. The blonde teenager smirked.

She simply lifted her hands, and very blatantly made the shape of my body with her hands. She repeated this in a pattern several times before Taylor glanced back and she stopped, whistling innocently. Amelia waved and I clenched my teeth at her.

"Has…has someone told you to give out compliments?" I wasn't going to say no to them because they made me feel good, and there was a genuity to every single one.

"My dad did. He said mom always liked giving out compliments, and it made her popular with the ladies."

I blinked. "Your mom dated girls?" She looked uncomfortable and embarrassed.

"I didn't ask but…based on my dad's face I wouldn't say she dated them at all." I opened and closed my mouth, taking time to respond coherently.

"Your mom was a chick magnet?" There was the brief consideration to use a much more vulgar word but I suppressed that to the deepest abyss of my mind.

"Guys too." She was utterly straight faced.

I ducked my face into my palm. "This went in a completely weird direction didn't it?"

"It's still better than sticking around in your lab surrounded by spirits and robots." I didn't laugh, but I did playfully bump into her. She wasn't wrong about that.

"Then let's get to your party…we have a few hours of not having to save the world or fight giant monsters. An 18th birthday should be fun and special…" Honestly I was ambivalent on that personally, parties weren't that important for me but I liked the food and the atmosphere would be nice sometimes.

"It's nice…a little weird but nice." I looked at the question and she grasped my hand to add to her next words. "It's the first time I've gotten to celebrate my birthday with more than just my dad in…a long time."

Good…that was good for Taylor.

"Well of course…most people deserve a good birthday if that's what they want."

She looked sad, but there was happiness replacing that old hurt that I couldn't fix besides giving her my…my love and affection, platonic or otherwise. "Yeah."

Now it wasn't a time for introspection and personal hang-ups, today was a day for celebration.
AN: 9.4 is here, it's not overly exciting outside of it being an introduction to a birthday. The next chapter should be a little more exciting, and the chapters after that one should move on to different things soon enough. Enjoy.
Cool I guess Annette being a chick magnet makes sense albiet I presume she wasn't as dominant as she usually is when with Danny and Taylor is actually taking a more active and slightly perverted role in the relationship which is hilarious if only basilla family can see her now
Cool I guess Annette being a chick magnet makes sense albiet I presume she wasn't as dominant as she usually is when with Danny and Taylor is actually taking a more active and slightly perverted role in the relationship which is hilarious if only basilla family can see her now
Not too perverse really, more friendly if flirty teasing. Basilia is awful at intimate situation, and rather shy about those things outside of her own head.
Not too perverse really, more friendly if flirty teasing. Basilia is awful at intimate situation, and rather shy about those things outside of her own head.
Eh true can't blame basilla though I'm not great at it either even with my family albiet Taylor flirting and giving out compliments is hilarious really with Taylor body she could theoretically be good with both the ladies and guys
So there's going to be a one day delay of Chapter 9.4, and the schedule has been changed to a chapter once every 4 days. It's an easier pace to manage.
This question is a bit out of left field:

How does the Spirit Realm interact with Time Travel, or Paradox, or other temporal phenomena?
There's at least some time travel phenomena, though most of it is limited to the weird tricks that the Entities can pull off as well as the abilities f certain types of spirits. So time stopping/slowing, time looping like Grey Boy and Perdition. With someone like Phir Se, I'm probably going with only some limited time manipulation and Precog to generate his death beam laser.

Time travel in the classical sense is in most ways impossible, at least in this iteration of the multiverse(probably). It's a fundamental law of reality, and would be like gravity ceasing to work and lead to waves of instability in both physical and material worlds unless there's some method of compensation like however Doctor Who does it.

Thouhh time travel in some fashion is required for how a lot of phenomena works, FTL itself counts as a form of it and the only reason that doesent happen is because the multiverse runs on something similar to Relativity but just different enough to make dimensional travel and FTL possible. Plus the spirit world itself acts as an anchor, since it exists throughout all times.

But otherwise interacting with the past or future is incredibly limited, though certain shamans and unique people can predict the future by listening to the Void.
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There's at least some time travel phenomena, though most of it is limited to the weird tricks that the Entities can pull off as well as the abilities f certain types of spirits. So time stopping/slowing, time looping like Grey Boy and Perdition. With someone like Phir Se, I'm probably going with only some limited time manipulation and Precog to generate his death beam laser.

Time travel in the classical sense is in most ways impossible, at least in this iteration of the multiverse(probably). It's a fundamental law of reality, and would be like gravity ceasing to work and lead to waves of instability in both physical and material worlds unless there's some method of compensation like however Doctor Who does it.

Thouhh time travel in some fashion is required for how a lot of phenomena works, FTL itself counts as a form of it and the only reason that doesent happen is because the multiverse runs on something similar to Relativity but just different enough to make dimensional travel and FTL possible. Plus the spirit world itself acts as an anchor, since it exists throughout all times.

But otherwise interacting with the past or future is incredibly limited, though certain shamans and unique people can predict the future by listening to the Void.
Ok but...

The question was: how does the Spirit Realm interact with such phenomenon?
Ok but...

The question was: how does the Spirit Realm interact with such phenomenon?
It's not really affected by it it all, except in the general sense of time travel requiring a warpage of reality. Mostly it has Bans stopping time travel from doing things like accidentally erasing reality, and warping of time isn't too uncommon in certain spots. Areas of degenerate time, stopped time and so on and so forth. Advanced enough technology using the spirit realms can warp time, useful for traveling at great speed.

Time powers will either work uncontested or they won't work because the person with a time power pissed off an angry spirit and got killed. The Spirit World is an anchor, keeping reality from popping like a soap bubble because someone was stupid enough to screw with the integrity of space-time.

So as long as you're not trying to go too far the spirit world does not care. So Perdition can use their power, while Grey Boy may or or may not be able to because he's creating a large field of altered time. Which works through 4th dimensional phase alterations.

So time phenomena work but are limited to keep the universe from falling apart and melting into nothing.
Recuperation 9.5
Recuperation 9.5

June 19th, 2011. 6:45PM

Basilia Rubio

I pounced on some Yakitori, enjoying the fruits of the labors of others as I sampled my way through everything on the table. I thanked the energy consumption of Biotics, licking my lips as I allowed my appetite to build up for this bonanza of food. I could sense Carol behind me, the older woman fidgeting rather openly.

"What's up?" I turned around and she looked a little startled, obviously she hadn't figured out lithographic sonar for herself. Which made sense, it was a highly specialized skill and metalbenders were maybe a tenth of the earthbending population in a useful fashion. Her firebending would be no help, and I had to shake my head at the flames that nearly licked at my arms.

No control…but better than the ticking time bomb she had been at the start.

"Amy seems…a lot happier." There was a tone I couldn't identify, and I saw what she was looking at. Amy was sticking close to Grace, and I could see her lift her arms to gesture to something on one of the tables. Sometimes her sister would show up, brightening up the conversation before leaving to talk with Dean or Charlotte or Missy.

"I suppose she would be happier, she has a lot more friends than just her sister." That her attitude was adjusting down to sarcastic but well meaning was much better than her attitude of being a bomb that would destroy everything she touched out of incompetence and mental instability.

Carol's expression was shifting many different ways, fast enough I couldn't tell what she was thinking. I ignored her and went back to eating the Japanese food that Grace's mother had lovingly prepared for us. Eric(Shielder) was busy being harassed by Dinah, the brown haired girl flicking rocks to test out the shield. He was showing off how he could change the properties of his shield, like letting air through or not or changing their shape.

He formed a sloped barrier, multiple shields layering together with slightly different properties to form a composite energy shield. At least based on what I could hear from ten feet away.

"You don't like me do you?" I was forced back into a conversation with Carol and I pulled a sullen expression.

"Well of course I don't like you." She looked stunned at my response and I rolled my eyes. "What…did you expect me to be meek and not say it to your face?" There was a lot about Carol that I couldn't respect, she was a good cape…a good lawyer but that wasn't the foundation for a good life.

"I…maybe?" She looked concerned as if unsure what to say.

"I don't like the kind of person you are, and I don't like the results of your bad parenting." She looked outraged, and I shook my head at her. "I actually talk to your daughters you know? There's not a lot to say other than that I want to maintain minimal contact with you…but you're still their mother." I pulled away from her, and she looked almost bewildered as I turned on my heels to move to somewhere else.

Her face twisted and Mark got in her way, looking sullen but with just enough energy to keep her out of my way. I felt my skin crawl, and I scratched my arms lightly as I made my way to Charlotte. Taylor was talking with her dad, Kurt and Lacey, and I left her alone to talk with family.

One of the lucky things with poaching a lawyer from Carol's firm was that the Miss Merchant was rather ambivalent towards her so there wasn't a high chance of her blabbing anything we talked about to Carol. One of the things I was working with was life/work balance, trying to keep the cape life from utterly consuming the lives of my teammates, trying to give them things outside of fighting and combat.

Carol was a commander, a leader…and she seemingly only did well during such a period of stress. But that wasn't a way to live your life…I didn't want that for myself and I certainly wasn't going to let my friends and allies fall into the same trap. I wasn't going to let her have power on me, and even if she wasn't evil she was certainly toxic.

My dad was a bit of a workaholic, a bit of a control freak…but he was a damn bug in comparison to Carol. The familiarity was unsettling, and my dad had at least gotten better after the divorce and any troubles he had were no longer my problem. He could make his own fuckups and I wouldn't let his shit back in my way. Carol was worse though…

Love shouldn't be conditional.

"Hey Charlotte…" Charlotte didn't react with surprise, which was obvious to me since she had half the Broadcast shard lending her its power. "So you and Theo huh?" Despite her lack of surprise, her cheeks turned a deep shade of pink.

"It's not like that." She denied it, and I grinned wildly. "We're just friends, there's nothing there."

"I never said anything about romance Charlotte, just that the two of you seem to have hit it off." Was I so good at words or what? Look at me talking to people like I was normal.

"Oh. That's okay then." Charlotte got back into the mood for talking and we sat down on one of the wooden benches we had placed down beforehand. "Yeah I think we're good friends, he's a little shy but he's easy enough to talk to. He's a good guy, and his earthbending has been getting better with my help." I almost teased her about it but decided against it when her expression changed. Right forgot that her Thinker power is there.

"Well I can certainly imagine, he's got a strong power and the determination to keep moving forward." He didn't have Jack Slash to spur him forward, instead he had the Mother of Miseries, and the death of the Empire 88. Once we brought him in on what the White Lotus was for, he had grown in leaps and bounds with his control and ability. We were here to stop the end of the world, here to keep the world from spiraling further into despair and moral event horizons.

We had kept potentially hundreds if not thousands of capes alive simply because the Endbringers were dormant or dead or…repurposed. Veda was quiet but she still spoke to me, partially drowned out by the voices of the five souls somewhere in my soul.

I was already coming up with different plans for killing the Simurgh and killing Behemoth. Though in the case of Behemoth, a gigantic Stilling cannon was the best bet since that was what killed him with Scion. The Simurgh needed to be countered by multiple Precogs working in unison(not an easy thing), capes capable of blocking or weakening her future sight like Mantellum and Shamrock, then capes and weapons capable of damaging her. So Eidolon, Bakuda, Flechette, Echidna, and myself…though I'm sure there were others who could manage.

As well as counters to her scream which Bakuda was capable of with a few types of bombs or continuous beam cannons generating the anti-Master effect. Dragon and Armsmaster could certainly come up with something…that or I dump her into another dimension and then strap her onto a rocket with a gigantic bomb inside of it to reduce her to atoms.

"So you were talking with Carol…are you okay?" Her expression was empathetic.

"I'm fine, she just makes my skin crawl." Charlotte nodded in understanding, looking perturbed as she saw the tension building between Carol and her husband.

"A bit rude to say that about my aunt." I jumped when Crystal made her entrance known, but there was no righteous anger burning in her eyes.

"Am I entirely wrong for feeling that way…?" I murmured and she looked terribly, terribly sad.

"No…not with what I've heard." The pretty older blonde looked awkward, but her uncertainty turned to happiness as she saw how her cousins were doing well even as Carol seemed to be regressing. "New Wave…it's not really doing well after you showed up. Not that it's your fault."

"How bad is it?" I had to ask, and Crystal looked sad but accepting.

"Since Vicky and Amy are both adults, they're probably going to join your team full time. My aunt and uncle…they've been at odds a lot more than usual, and…I don't really want the cape life for myself."

"So I'm going to take a quarter of New Wave?" I would have been speechless if I didn't love the sound of my own voice.

"They're already basically a part of your team Basilia." I had to agree with her on that, both spent a fair amount of time with us and worked closely with our team and Amelia had officially joined. "And I've heard that other capes have been trying to join your team."

"There's a few…most of them are Rogues though." So not useful for fighting but useful to provide new subjects for Parahuman studies, plus I was curious to see if any of them would come up with something new.

"If those requests go in you'll become the largest group of capes in the city, and if your company keeps growing enough…" Crystal hummed, seemingly speculating in her own head what the possibilities were.

"That sounds like a mess I don't really want to get into, but at the same time I don't mind it. We need less capes beating each other on the streets and more of them acting as semi-functional members of society with strange powers." I would have said normal but that was never going to be a thing, they weren't normal and were never going to be normal again. But they could certainly be taught to cope with their issues and traumas, and the needed skills to not misuse their powers if they got it through Amenthes.

"That's not going to be as easy as you think." She sounded doubtful and I rolled my shoulders as I grabbed one of my burritos to bite into it, dabbing hot salsa to feed my hunger.

"True. But I have a much deeper understanding of powers than almost anyone on Earth, so I might surprise you." Crystal nodded, curiosity brimming.

"About that…could you…tell me about my shard?" I looked at her in shock. "I was there when Taylor went into that…place. I'm just curious." I gestured for her to follow me, and Taylor waved without needing to look at us.

Once we were out of sight, I crossed my arms and started tapping a foot. "So what do you want to know about your shard?"

"Could…is it possible to talk to it?" Crystal threw me for a loop, and I actually got curious on whether that was possible. Out of my team only some of their shards talked to them, and that included numerous noble shards or very odd shards at least. Taylor had the Administrator, Amelia had Shaper, Elle had Desmenes-Keeper, Vicky had the Fragile One and Veda herself was once an Administrator.

Was that possible?

There was the smell of the shards, that scent of grinded crystal and gunpowder and void. Her shard materialized behind her, hanging over her like a specter even if one that was friendly. She wasn't quite her mirror, appearing more like a guardian angel with wings made out of blades of hardened light than anything else.

"It should be yeah." I said with a flat tone and I heard Crystal let out a held back scream that died in her throat. Her shard simply bowed her head, appearing as a being of light with crystal forming a net along her star-like skin. The Pelham girl reached out and her hand passed right through the avatar's arm.


"Your shard isn't really here, this is basically a reflection, a sliver of herself to let you see her." The laser blasting cape bobbed her head absently. "If you want to talk you can talk right here and now.

"You're my shard." The shard-spirit blinked.

"I am Assail of the Everburning Light, yes." God the shards were becoming increasingly melodramatic with the names they were calling themselves, though not all of them cared. "I am the one granting you an expression of my power."

"So…powers come from aliens from beyond the stars?" Crystal looked so done with this, but there was no stopping her from asking more questions later.

"If you're talking about Parahuman powers yes, benders, shamans and spirits do not get their powers from the Shards of the Void." That was the name that had been given to them by the world, creatures once seeking a victory over all things in creation. Creatures shaped by the space between worlds, conduits of great power with mastery over time and space, with near-mastery of reality itself.

Beings of Void, other concepts turning them into something new.

"They're different things? How?" Crystal asked.

"The control of the elements and the spirits themselves come from a source far older and greater than my kind. We do not know that origin, only that it exists." Assail of the Everburning Light responded to her host, and the New Wave member looked a little bewildered. It was probably weird to talk to the entity with a piece of itself lodged into your brain. "You have sought me out for answers, and I will answer what I can."

"Why did you give me powers…why do you give anyone powers?" Assail glanced over and I shrugged, giving her free reign to answer in whatever manner she wished.

"We seek those who are broken, those who will fight and war with each other to provide data for the answer we've been searching for. We have done so for some three thousand iterations to three thousand species."

Crystal mouthed the answer to herself before speaking up. "None of the species you did this to survived, did they?"

"Some did…there have been many incomplete Cycles across the ages, and we fled from such worlds or destroyed them while doing so. But…in our case, our shard cluster was created some 900 years ago. Three cycles ago."

Made sense, not every shard was going to be ancient. Based on what Queen had told me there was a hierarchy of shards, those closer to the core of what made up an Entity. The Destroyer was one of them, the result of one of its kind learning to slip between realities near the beginning of the species. Queen was another example, an Administrator functioning as a part of the central nervous system of an Entity. Though unlike a normal organism it's function was one they could live without, which was where Scion had gone wrong.

Without Queen he couldn't modify the shards, and there was effectively no way for him to intervene without the Thinker.

"You're obviously not supposed to talk to us…so what changed?" Crystal questioned and my stomach twisted with bitterness.

"The world changed, and the Vyasha is simply one of the agents of that change, out of their own free will at the least." I scowled at that, wondering if it was even true. "Some of us wish to make amends…though not all of us will, I'm sure." Some shards were inherently violent and sociopathic, and they wouldn't change unless we forced them to act. Phase was one of the shards that had been caged when Queen got more shackles loosened.

Functionality-wise the Amenthes network was a lot like Glaistig Uaine's flock but without the direct control, a proto-Entity with maybe about…600 shards? We didn't get as many as you would expect because not every shard had split itself with buds like Fragile One.

Cauldron capes for example usually shared a single overstressed shard that had gotten data packets from other shards to stop them from killing their hosts. They had some more separate buds but there seemed to be numerous mechanisms on how buds worked.

There was a list of about two hundred thirty vials, a note left to us by Fortuna.

Faultline had apparently found the vials that in another timeline would have been stolen by the Merchants. From what she had told me it had been because a new natural Trigger had screwed up the meeting and the case got lost.

She had given me the five bottles, largely to get it out of Cauldron's hands and because she hoped that monstrous capes would stop being a thing. Very few of the Case 53s liked even my unwanted contact with Cauldron, so I impressed on them how fucked we were if we tried to go against them without a plan and that even if we won the planet would be screwed in the long run.

It still left a bad taste in my mouth, but it didn't stop me from studying the shard fragments that would establish a connection between host and shard.

The Beast formula created Changer/Brute powers, incredibly powerful ones in fact with some rivaling Alexandria in strength and often resembling animals in appearance. The Oculus formula led to eye focused powers, eyes that shoot out black holes, lasers, plasma or particle beams, or other power effects including Master powers.

The Numerology formula offered a calculative engine, enhanced mathematical intelligence, like a weaker Numberman. Hephaestus was a combat tinker formula, with everything from chainswords to power armor. Niflheim was a cryokinesis formula, creating and controlling ice.

Fortuna wasn't rushing into…whatever this point of contact was, and I still felt unsafe in her presence because she was utterly terrifying. She didn't show up for more than seconds at a time, leaving a bottle once a week. It made me think about the situation in the Firmament.

From what I could tell, a lot of shards pretty much ran business as usual though broadcasts from Queen had shut off the conflict drives in lesser shards. More aberrant or more prideful shards tended to ignore her orders, and they were often distant enough to avoid her wrath. Even so most had calmed down, eager to have some direction for the first time in decades. While many were confused on the new direction for the cycle, they had obviously known that something was amiss and decided trying something new wouldn't hurt.

So at the least conflict was dropping fairly consistently over time, though there was always going to be a simmer of war and suffering simply due to human nature.

The shard network was vast, but even now incomplete since it was only made up of the shards that had landed on the Earths over the last thirty years. Tens of millions of shards, with most of them dormant or still setting up due to damage or simply taking time to prepare themselves.

There were likely trillions of shards still landing, with quite a number permanently crippled due to what happened to the Thinker. However without the core of Eden they were no less dead. And it would be decades before they would land and set up for a broken cycle.

I wonder what the Fairy Queen made of this nonsense?"

"Basilia?" I snapped out of my daydreaming, and Crystal was giving me an amused expression.


"Have I answered your questions sufficiently?" Assail questioned her host and the New Wave cape smiled with a mad edge to it.

"Yes you did…and I think I'm going to have a long talk with my cousins on not hiding dangerous secrets…and that goes to you too." I gulped at her accusative finger, and her smirk lightened. "But not today, because there's a party to enjoy."


I hustled out of there, and felt my lips twitch into a smile when a butterfly landed on my shoulder. It was a time for celebration and not for conflict, so I'm going to do my best so act like it.

I blinked when I saw that Carol was taking shots, urged on by her sister and by Dinah's parents of all people. Grace was secretly giving a curious Amelia a sample of Sake and I sealed my lips on that. Carol took two more shots and I gaped.

I'm not going to have fun like that though.

June 19th, 2011. 7:30PM

Taylor Hebert

This birthday was a lot livelier than anything I had ever expected to get after mom died and dad fell apart. And after Emma had gone as insane as she had, then even more so because of those spirits. The adults(did I count as an adult now?) were mostly huddled close together, and I saw that my dad was done grilling burgers for the potluck birthday.

I turned around, passing a plate to Missy since Dinah had been hanging out with her. The scuffs on her arms meant that at some point they had a friendly spar with each other out of sight of everyone except Basilia, Charlotte and Dean.

And I had been sensing their movements and their powers rather easily through my swarm. I was slowly starting to get a much better idea of how Missy's powers worked. It was a weird combination of space warping and matter printing, and was obviously limited to less than spatial supremacy like what should be possible at full power.

"Thanks." Missy moved fast and sat with Dinah and Elle on one of the picnic tables, with Anansi taking the other side completely with his giant bulk. I could feel the presence of his mind, like a dense spot that I couldn't grasp onto. Not that I wanted to, because that would take over a person's mind.

I could sense the hunger reflex of the tens of thousands of flies within a quarter mile of us, and let them get eaten by more useful bugs but kept enough breeding pairs to keep everything nice and stable.

Basilia was sitting casually, shifting from side to side with her usual inability to ever stay still. She propped her chin up with her right arm, another arm waggling in the air as she described…

"So the power train is some form of matter-energy conversion drive?" Basilia spoke excitedly, her soft monotone becoming more energetic and passionate, smiling from ear to ear through the vision my swarm was giving me.

"I can catalyze a fusion reactor and add a small conversion drive to replace the Antimatter plasma torch drive. Plus I can make the powertrain a little more compact, I'm not sure I can safely scale up the drive to the scale of a ship."

"The Thanix should be able to get an adequate power source then, though hybridizing the thing with shard-based attacks is not going to be easy." Basilia chuckled, looking cute as she dramatically rubbed her chin.

Grace nodded. "That reminds me…how does this Thanix cannon work?" I rolled my shoulders as they talked shop, because even though I had some tinker aspects I didn't really have the time to make use of them outside of coding. Basilia had said I was going to be a better coder than she was, and I had even managed to design a simple VI using an Omni-tool.

Basilia bounced, pride entering her brown-green eyes. "I'm glad you asked. The Thanix is a superweapon, starting with a plasma compression chamber to flash-melt nickel into a liquid state maintained by high pressure conditions. Magnetic containment will load the hot liquids into a mass effect shunt." My blood had run cold the first time Basilia had described the weapon to me.

The shunt was the same kind used in that Turian weapon that could turn a seven hundred foot cone of air into plasma but much larger. The aperture on a cruiser would hit harder than any atomic bomb ever made by humans, and could destroy anything short of an Endbringer.

"You trying to implement Sting into it?" Grace asked and Basilia shrugged, her eyes shut and her smile thin.

"I still haven't really gotten it down, though I could probably implement a space shearing field around it to add some extra punch." At this point it was obvious that Basilia was being casually terrifying on purpose even with how friendly and plush she usually was.

I just smiled, even if my face was a little hot from a few memories of hugging her. She was soft and cuddly and it was hard not to like that from time to time, I hadn't gotten a lot of hugs…not until she came into my life.

Basilia let out a soft laugh and I glanced over to find she was being accosted by butterflies…oh god. She gave me a bemused look at the pretty insects crawling on her hair with their light delicate flaps. She didn't seem to mind, and Grace was openly cackling at my expense.

Basilia ignored that, instead waving at me and flashing me a wide dorky grin. I couldn't help but smile back, and she looked utterly pleased with herself before going back to talking shop with Grace.

"You've got it bad Taylor, but I can't say you don't have taste. Even if she's a giant dork." I scowled when Amy popped out from the sky, landing on a cushion of air. "Whoever or whatever made her, seems to have added a few consolation prizes for stranding her in Bet."

"I'm not that bad, Basilia is just sweet." More butterflies covered her hair and I let out groan at how my power responded to my feelings. She simply ignored it, smiling more and her face lighting up as she designed something using the projector of her tool.

"C'mon you're kidding yourself, I'm like 90% sure that if someone managed to badly hurt her you'd probably reduce the person to a shadow of ash on the ground." I tried to deny that, tried to say that I wouldn't do something like that.

But I flashed back to when she fell down onto the ground, ears bleeding, eyes turning red with popped blood vessels, bruises and skin splitting at the seams as she started to die…and the idea of someone doing that to her made me…furious.

For a single second there was a loud buzz that briefly paused the party and I had to focus back on the present, and I sank into meditation, taking constant calming breaths. The angry swarm calmed, and Amy apologized, looking perturbed at my response.

"Okay…so maybe that wasn't the best way to go on that." Amy was shaking her head, smiling and pawing at her freckles. "How about we talk about much you like watching her come and go." I was going nuclear, my face on fire when she started.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." I pretended that wasn't an outright lie but my poker face was too weak to Amy's snark.

"I'm lesbian and you're bisexual, even if obviously you're not immediately going to tap tha—" I blasted her with air and she sputtered before continuing on the same line of thought. "Basilia started out as a boy and it shows, even if she was already a part of the rainbow beforehand." I actually couldn't disagree with that, she had mentioned developing a small crush on a guy she had been friends with once. "Out or everyone on the team she's the most…titillating." She suggestively waggled her eyebrows and I groaned. "But she doesn't seem to give a single fuck about it, and it can be…distracting can't it?"

I…had no way to respond to that without lying.

"I'm not sure how to answer that." There I found an out and I was going to take it. But I did glance over to Basilia as she lounged about, looking at her figure.

She had a nice figure, with wide hips and thick thighs, a slim waist and a large bust and her smile was pretty.

I should stop making eyes at her before Amy gets suspicious.

"Right now is a good example of her being distracting…" I ripped my attention away from Basilia and gave Amy's forehead a good flick.

"Shut up." She rubbed her forehead with a growl, but that didn't stop her from talking.

"Taylor I'm not letting go of this prime teasing material, you and I both know that." Oh damn it all of course she was going this route, she was a snark monster and nothing would change that. She tilted her head, grinning from ear to ear. "So what distracts you the most my bisexual comrade? Is it her womanly curves? Her unreasonably large chest or her rather nice butt? Or maybe it's something simpler, like her smile or her eyes?"

I placed a hand on her shoulder and with a single gesture froze her biotically. I had used that power often enough with some of the stronger earthbenders, the kind of people capable of being thrown through a building and getting back up again.

Carol didn't seem to care that I had frozen one of her daughters solid but that was mostly because she had gotten incredibly drunk in the span of about forty five minutes. I left Amy behind knowing that she was going to be free in about a minute, and she was safer than we were since her frozen energy state meant she could take a missile to the face without worry.

"Taylor!" Dinah walked up to me with her mother in tow, and I smiled at the mother of one of our youngest teammates.

"What's up?" I stopped her from slamming into me, because it was like getting by a brick wall rather than someone sixty pounds lighter than me.

"Well my mom was a little curious about what you've been teaching me, would it be okay if I could show her?" There was a bright curiosity in both their eyes and after a moment of thought…why not?

I led them a bit out from the party, though I could see that New Wave and Missy were both watching closely. Anansi had leapt out of his poor wooden seat, his one ton bulk only barely held up by whatever Basilia had reinforced the wood with. Dinah's father didn't seem surprised in the least, and I remembered that Anansi often joined them or the mayor for dinner.

"What exactly did you want to know?" I asked slowly, carefully probing on what Anna Alcott wanted.

Her smile was warm. "You've been teaching my daughter to fight and to defend herself…and it's not hard to notice a few oddities outside of her powers." There was more to it than that, and she elaborated without me saying a word. "Also I wanted to know if it was possible to teach me a few things…" She had a sheepish hopeful grin.

"Maybe…though I might have not enough time today." I mused on whether that was true or not.

"I don't mean today, but I'm curious to know what kind of training can make a young girl strong enough to compete with people twice her size." She hummed thoughtfully. "I just thought it would be better for my husband and I to be a little more prepared. The life of a cape can be dangerous, and your team has a lot of attention because of what happened to Leviathan. I don't want to be a liability."

"I'll see what I can do." I guess Dinah had to get her spunk from somewhere and I liked that her parents seemed to be supportive of her…even if it was so hard for them.

We found a flat patch of dirt, and I tapped Dinah with my heel, and she lowered herself into a stance.

I shook my head. "A little lower, shuffle your feet into position." I ordered lightly, and she followed dutifully. "You already know how to breathe, how to sense the flow of your own chi."

"Chi?" Anna popped the question, her eyebrows lifting up.

"Basilia says it's a type of energy that exists and flows between all things." I could feel the flow of my own chi, a breezy current that surged upwards whenever I bent air. "Everyone has chi, this limitless well to draw upon…in benders they can expel their chi to control the elements, to create flame, to move earth and water and air."

"So it's like the Force?" Anna asked, sounding even more curious than before.

"Pretty much. Dinah can't bend but she does have a talent in bending her own energy." I flicked my eyes to Dinah and she beamed, dragging Anansi into the flat patch. This despite him weighing a literal ton. "She can sense disruptions in her own chi and the chi of others." Some tests with Vicky's aura found that she could detect the power and deny its touch, and that she might be able to give herself immunity to Masters. "One of the things she can do though is block the flow, even projecting some of her own chi to…" Dinah lashed out with her tiny fists, lip pursed as she tapped her arms like a hammer against one of Anansi's legs.

He toppled as one of his legs stopped responding, and Dinah let out a smug and haughty laugh, one of her hands lifting in a dramatic fashion.

"Oh…oh my. I…aren't Rachni the equivalent of Brutes? She managed to bypass their armor?" She looked suitably impressed, and her arms lowered into a mimic of her daughter's technique. "Would I be able to…" She shifted the positioning of her fingers into a shape better fit for striking.

"Do…you have experience with fighting Anna?" She stopped her posturing and smiled sheepishly.

"In my youth I was…rather more rambunctious than I am now. I managed to get caught up in the cape scene, and fell in with a bad crowd." My jaw dropped, and she smirked. "I was the grunt of a charismatic cape, and it was my husband that managed to get me out of it when Charlemagne started ramping up."

I had heard of him…he was a cape from the mid 90s, who started as an activist for government reform but eventually went full on crazy, turning towards violent revolution and towards the attempted creation of a Parahuman dictatorship. He had the ability to imbue power into both himself and objects around him, though while his powers were strong they didn't get stronger with time.

He had managed to best Alexandria at one point, and the only reason he didn't keep going was because he had died under mysterious circumstances after wiping out a neighborhood.

"He never did have a direct immunity to poison." I didn't know how or whether I should respond to her casual admission to murdering a cape almost as strong as Alexandria. "He became about cape supremacy, and about how those who were lesser would help their betters take their rightful place. Shows him…"

Holy shit.

Dinah was staring at her mother like she had grown a second head and I was definitely doing the same.

"So…why were you enticing Carol to get drunk?" I changed the subject immediately.

Her dark expression changed so fast it gave me whiplash. "Oh that was Dinah's idea, apparently she foresaw a high chance of Carol disrupting your party and we came up with a solution to nip that in the bud."

I'm starting to think it wasn't our fault that Dinah was as weird as she was.

"It's more fun this way, at least if she gets mad it'll be a lot easier to keep her from hurting herself." Dinah added to her mom's answer, and was then pushed into the ground by Anansi, and I could hear his laughter loud and clear.

Carol was still drinking and at this point Mark wasn't even trying to stop her. My dad was talking amicably with Dinah's father and Crystal's dad and I shook my head.

"I think I've shown you more than enough." I turned on my heels so I wouldn't get sucked into the insanity. Charlotte was setting something up with Theo, apparently the older adults wanted to set up their own fun. Which I was totally okay with, it seemed to make my dad happy and we could set up something fun for us…well me I suppose.

A portal opened, and I raised an eyebrow when Newter popped right in baggy green pants and a white tank-top, he flashed a smile and dropped a present into my hand.


"Not mine. Apparently a certain blue power ranger wanted me to deliver you a little present." I got a present from Armsmaster.

I got a present from Armsmaster.

"So do you plan to stick around or…?" He grinned.

"Is there food?"

I stared. "It's a party."

"Then yes." He jumped over me in a single step, getting thirty feet of air as he hopped from foot to foot towards Elle. I held the neatly wrapped blue box in my hands and blinked to the table where a few presents had been placed down. There was one from most of the team, two from Basilia, one from my dad, and two from Kurt and Lacey.

I didn't get gifts from everyone but to be fair I knew my team a lot better than I knew their parents and family.

Basilia had moved on from her long conversation with Grace and was helping with whatever they were going to set up for the younger portions of the party. The air was crisp and clean but it was starting to get cold as night fell. So it was getting closer to having to go indoors to shield ourselves from the cold. It wasn't going to be hard of course, the base was big enough to house a hundred people, so less than two dozen partygoers should be easy.

This was the first energetic birthday I had in years, and it was so foreign to think that I was really going through this. Hard to believe that my dad was paying attention again, that Winslow was behind me for the rest of my life, that I had something to look forward to beyond today. I had connections that wouldn't abandon me so easily, and I didn't have to worry about that happening.

It was nice, and I was going to enjoy this night.

June 19th, 2011. 9:00PM

Taylor Hebert

I winced when I heard the drunken rambling songs of drunk Carol, and Amy was wheezing, leaning into Grace for support. The older adults had been on the karaoke machine they had brought for a good forty minutes, and almost all of them except dad were drunk as hell.

Everyone else was bunched together in the large living room, split up into different activities. Dinah, Elle, Eric, Newter and a new guest had shown up too. Kaida, Lung's daughter had wanted to hang out and brought a gift from…someone?

It was a large box, easily two feet long and rather thin and it had been checked for anything weird. But they found nothing out of the ordinary.

The group of girls and two boys were busy playing a heated game of Uno, and Dinah was cheating using her future sight…though they managed to trick her at least a few times by also cheating.

I was sitting down on the couch, keeping my swarm running in the background so I could focus on the room instead of everything within a three mile radius.

To my left, Basilia, Crystal, Vicky and Theo were busy playing Cape Fighters. Vicky picked Alexandria, Crystal used Legend, Basilia picked Dragon while Theo went for Vista. This new version was updated, and Alexandria charged a fire blast in Legend's face with a recorded shout. Legend was the same as usual, while Dragon was throwing exploding drones like they were going out of style.

Vista was throwing biotic blasts, or compressing space to move very quickly. She could make attacks miss with her space alteration, and could kick and punch with a biotic aura around her.

It was surprisingly complicated for what was supposed to be a fighting game, and Basilia was deeply concentrated on the game, sticking her tongue out as she got used to the controls. I was feeling a little left out, though it wasn't that bad either with how calming this night was.

"Did…did you want to play?" Basilia was staring at me with her big and innocent looking brown-green eyes, slowing her button mashing. "It's okay if you want to. I've never been one for playing games like this a lot…not in a long time at least." She tried to add something else, but instead her eyebrows furrowed and she let out a growl when her character was taken out by Theo.

"No you can keep playing if you want, I'm not too interested." She gave the controller to Anansi, and the Rachni chittered curiously at the device.

She scooted over until we were only a few inches apart, leaning slightly in my direction. "Is something wrong? It's okay if it is…and it's okay if everything is fine too." She rubbed her hands together, interlacing her fingers together and doing her best to express friendliness.

"No it's fine. It's fine…" Her lips twisted into a sad pout, and I felt like I had kicked a puppy. I placed a hand on her shoulder and that seemed to snap her out of her mood. Instead her eyes sparkled and her frown turned into an uncertain smile.

"That's good…I want you to enjoy the party…they're not really my thing, but I have no reason to not support your birthday." I had to smile back at her own shyness about us.

I wasn't any less nervous about this than she was. I had never dated anyone before, I hadn't even been sure I liked girls to begin with, and I believed my thoughts about them were out of petty jealousy rather than attraction. Though Basilia had proven that wrong even if it was completely by accident, plus technically speaking I was actually dating a guy. But one that was currently a woman-shaped person instead of a man-shaped person.

Which reminded me.

"How…how do you feel about yourself?" Her expression shifted, befuddlement obvious.

"Pardon?" I heaved out a sigh, and went for being more specific, hoping this wasn't going to be too personal.

"About being…you know." I gestured to my chest, and I caught her lingering gaze. I didn't much get it since it wasn't like there was anything to see, not in comparison to her or Vicky.

"About being a woman?" I nodded at her answering whisper. She grimaced, her eyes shadowed by her unruly bangs. "I…never gave it too much thought besides considering my…gender identity much less important than I expected." She looked uncomfortable, fidgeting in her seat and sinking into the couch. "It was strange and hard to manage at first…but I learned to live with it and I learned…a few things about myself." She was silent and I offered her a shoulder to lean on, she took it with grace, resting her head on my left arm.

"So that's it?" She shook her head, her smile weak.

"Sometimes it's hard to look at myself in the mirror, and think that the person reflected there is me." She was openly leaning on me, and I let her as she just talked. "I thought that I would be uncomfortable in my own skin, that I would feel something for what I used to look like. Apparently not." She laughed, though it was muffled since she was muttering into my shoulder. "It's honestly really confusing, I'm not sure what the term is for that…that kind of thing is not my strong suit." I wasn't sure what she was referring to but she didn't elaborate. "No what I have a problem with is…other things."

"We can talk about it." The look she gave me told me that forcing her to tell me would only end badly.

"Maybe someday…but not on your birthday." I sighed and kept my disappointment from showing on my face.

I knew that she was keeping so much close to her chest, and it was worrying even as slowly started to open up to what she was hiding. For example I knew that she said my world was somehow a myth, that bending was a myth too. I had caught her slip-up but didn't call her out on it. Her world was strange, and I very much wanted to get to the bottom of it.

But she was hurting. She pretended that everything was okay. I knew that it wasn't okay though, even if she pretended it was. She had lost her home, her friends, her family, her world. She didn't get a choice in coming here, she had been trapped here against her will, and it made me want to punch out whatever had done this to her.

Even if it was a literal god I was going to punch its face anyway, and if what Basilia said was true I had killed a god in another timeline. Pulling it off in this timeline shouldn't be impossible.

But it was hard to get her to open up when she didn't want to, and it was almost hypocritical how she said we should get up help but she didn't get help for herself. But there was the looks she gave me whenever I offered her time to vent that told me she knew that. That she knew she couldn't keep this up forever…

But she was right about one thing, now wasn't the time for moping, and it was my birthday today. I had the right to celebrate it, and I had the right to spend it with people I care about.

On a whim I decided to grab onto Basilia's waist, and she let out the cutest squeak as I pulled her onto my lap. There was a wolf-whistle from Amy, a few of the green Workers mimicking her as they copied her bad example.

I rolled my eyes, and simply let it go. Basilia looked up, and I laughed at her dumb expression of surprise.

"Hi?" Her voice was cracking, and I was easily getting her tells. She was adorably awkward about these kinds of situations, and I couldn't help but tease her since she made it so easy.

"Hey there." She seemed to melt in my arms, and I smirked just the tiniest amount at her response. She was easy to fluster and I didn't have to try very hard to get her riled up.

"Did…you really have to do this?" She whined just the slightest amount, but the fact she was getting herself comfortable was more than telling.

"You make a better pillow than I do." She glanced down to herself, and shrugged helplessly.

"Apparently. Genetics for the win…" She said dryly. "So you think this party is going to pick up at all…? The parents are starting to get really drunk."

"Starting?" I snarked and got another shudder when I listened in on more bad singing, god Carol's voice was like listening to a banshee screaming into a barrel of beer. Dinah was throwing her cards up in the air, glaring daggers at Missy and Elle and Kaida.

Vicky had switched with Newter at some point, and was busy sharing a drink that I was pretty sure was alcoholic, and Amy and Grace both looked rather tipsy. Charlotte was starting worriedly at them, and I nodded at her. She immediately understood my unspoken order.

Her power to read other people was really convenient sometimes.

"So…it's going to be a giant mess?" I laughed at Basilia's comment and leaned forward to plop a kiss on her forehead. She squeaked again, and she murmured her own affections.

It was going to be a mess…but it was my mess.

June 19th, 2011. 11:00PM

Basilia Rubio

I kept my distance away from drunk Amy and failed to escape from her grasp, the brunette drunkenly singing a butchered theme song that I was very familiar with.

"Gwanna ba the very…best! Like no one evar wass…" I had to pry her grip off of me, and I was thankful that Shaper had a built-in off switch nowadays for situations like these. Grace had simmered at tipsy so she was the logical one of the duo…oh god she was logical one of the duo.

"No…don't do that…yer…not supposed to lose your virginity just yet." I glared at Grace in outrage, and I caught her staring at my chest. "Well…least she's got nice tits." I squawked and was tempted to knock the two of them out before their insanity infects me.

"Holy…shit they're completely plastered." Crystal looked astounded and I couldn't deny that it was a little odd and I was increasingly convinced that drinking was not for me. Not that the smell hadn't turned me off of it years ago.

"And they might need to lay down." Taylor's voice came out gruff from the couch, the bug girl clinging onto a large pillow like a hissing cat, glaring daggers at the drunk duo.

"I mean…you're right." I didn't disagree even with the slight discomfort in her tone.

"Hey. Hey. Hey!" I robotically mustered a glance towards Grace, bracing for the madness.

"What?" The dread was building at her sappy dumb face, the blush from the alcohol clear.

She pointed violently at my collar. "You. Me. Mila…and tall, dark and handsome over there." She gestured to a now red faced Taylor, and I felt my own face heat. "We got a bed, we got time and Tay's barely legal…you get the gi—" I lifted a finger back, and with gentle slowness pushed on her face with a delicate index finger. She tipped back, eyes crossing before she collided with Amelia and they fell into a sleeping drunkard cuddle pile.

I stepped backwards until I was a good ten feet away from the horny drunk college graduate, defensively raising my fists to strike at anyone I had to.

"Did…Grace just proposition me for a foursome or did someone spike our drinks?" I pointed to my second cup of water tonight, and Crystal shook her head.

"No that happened…" Her brows dropped in what I sensed as paranoid worry. "You're not secretly building a harem are you?" The sheer terror she invoked with that thoughtless comment was beyond words.

"By the gods above and below no." Her fascination at my curse was ignored by me as I broke out into a rant. "Those two are batshit insane, one of them is an explosion tinker who can build bombs big enough to destroy a small state while the other is the most powerful biokinetic outside of Nilbog. Charlotte is nice but I don't think she's gay or bi, and everyone else is too young, too old or too crazy or both!" I shook her to further make my point, and she crept away from me with a fearful aura. "Plus harems are stupid unless you're talking about a consensual polyamorous relationship." I'm not in the market for that, though it was something I was intrigued by…mostly in the sense of how it worked.

The only example I have was the creator of Wonderwoman and that one polyfusion from Steven Universe. I imagine it wasn't impossible but it required people with a certain type of mindset and willingness to communicate and compromise. Taylor was probably not the right fit for that kind of relationship, and honestly I had no idea where my opinions lie on that myself.

So…ixnay on that hot mess.

"Which reminds me…where did Dean and Glory Girl go?" Taylor flushed at my question, dropping her face into her hands. Missy let out an angry chuff, and I quickly got what was going on.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me." I rubbed my face, not able to believe that this was happening.

"I've pretty much tapped out of the room they're in for my own sanity." There was so much that I sympathized with in that sentence that it was crazy.

"Maybe it's time to open your presents?" I tried to move on to a line of thought that didn't relate to the bunch of weirdos that I considered my friends for some inane reason.

"Hmm…what about everyone else though?" I pointed to the transparent sliding doors with a raised brow.

Carol was passed out, sprawled over her much less drunk husband while her sister and brother-in-law kept their own eyes on her. Dinah's mother was busy harassing another Rachni Warrior, dragging the thing out of a tree he had climbed without being crushed under the bug alien's weight. Her husband didn't, couldn't stop her and there was a sudden flicker of terror at what Dinah would become.

Her power was becoming increasingly stronger, which when thinking about how her power was a heavily restrained Path to Victory could be quite scary. Though it seemed to be following a different algorithm, likely making use of Coil's shard to create new methods of predicting the future.

She at least seemed to have the ability to directly look into possible futures, but like any form of Precognition it was limited by bias and limited by the questions she could ask of it. Plus Blindspots, and even if she had less of them, they would generally be quite unpredictable due to interference from certain powers. There was the recursive loop of trying to predict what a Precog was going to do who was then trying to predict what you were trying to do.

Precognition works through a combination of some of the most effective and accurate predictive algorithms known, their ability to compute at FTL speeds through portals and reality warping, and the ability to send out pulses from higher physical dimensions to map and scan planets to make their precognition accurate. They were then plugged into the network, gaining further information from dozens of other information gathering shards.

I hadn't spoken with Contessa much, but her shard was likely the same way and due to it not being dead it could freely leech energy from other worlds and tap into Eden shards to improve its predictions…and apparently tapped into Scion shards as well.

Queen called it an odd shard, it was alien even to them but not actively malicious barring the events that turned Contessa Titan.

Best not to think about that scenario.

"Basilia." Taylor had all her presents in hand, holding them aloft through a combination of lift and pull. "Could you help me with this one?" It was a present from Elle, and I couldn't help but be intrigued at what it was.

I could feel the whisper of spirits, and a single brush of my hand made the wrapping unfold itself. Taylor opened it up and found a key in it, one that looked like it was made out of bone.

"Skeleton key. It'll open almost any door." Taylor looked interested and a few butterflies flew around Elle for a moment. Cute.

After that Taylor continued to open presents, since there was no cake after a few naughty Rachni had eaten it. Most of it was simple stuff, like clothes or even a few power made gifts. Theo had been nice enough to make art out of some aluminum he conjured up and then reshaped using bending. Amelia had gifted her a glowing lotus flower, one that she could use as a nightlight by pressing a fleshy button. It used sponge DNA to form glass fibers, and photophores to generate the light. Together an organic light bulb.

Her dad gifted her a wooden trinket he had clearly made himself while his friends gave her nice clothes. She whittled down the gifts until she was down to three people.

The gift delivered by a sleepy Kaida was revealed to be an old chipped blade with an engraving in Japanese. Collin got her some type of grappling hook, and now only mine were left.

Taylor smiled. "Did you really get me two gifts?" I flushed.

"I only planned for one and thought about the second one at the last minute." I fussed with my hands hoping she would like the gifts.

"Which one is the original?" I pointed to the one wrapped in green, and she unfolded the gift using her hands to deftly unwrap the present. She held the gift in her hands, her face lighting up.

"Do you like it?" I was anxious, I didn't know much about gift giving and I wanted her to like what I had made. The gift had taken over three attempts, including earthbending and manual cutting and carving.

She lifted it up. "A necklace?" I nodded, anxiety churning my stomach. That had been my third idea for a gift, the first idea was a scarf, then a knife and then this.

It was a black choker, with a pendant made out of alexandrite that had been dug out of a mine on Earth Lotus. The jewel was carved and refined into the shape of a scarab beetle, something in me pushing to make the shape a reality.

"Put it on…I wouldn't give you just a necklace." I encouraged her, happy to hear that she wasn't repulsed by it. She easily placed it around her neck, and I grinned as there was a flicker of energy around her.

"What does it do?" She glanced at the multicolored barrier around her, and I rubbed my hands together in glee.

"I bound a spirit from Fragile One's court, a spirit of Light and Protection. It can provide a shield that can block a heavy hit as well as Master powers." It's light would burn away outside influences, essentially making use of the idea of light as a purifying force. It was a better defense than even her barriers, though it would drop with a single large hit.

While replicating the power technologically was not an impossibility this required less maintenance as long as the spirit artifact could feed on ambient essence or be recharged by a shaman. Just binding the spirit took hours of effort and then it was a matter of days to make a good looking necklace.

So not mass reproducible until one could figure out how to fully turn shamanism into technology…which I was dabbling with.

"Thank you." I preened at the words from Taylor, and I bowed my head in response. It felt good to give presents. "Now what about this one?" She pulled the larger boxed present, and I gave her the self evident permission to open it.

Charlotte was peering over from Theo's shoulder, as were the others who were not out of their minds. Taylor let out a sharp intake of air, and the torn wrapping was left to fall to the wayside. The box it was in had its aged wood repaired by spirits of healing, and what was held within was fixed by both myself and a random person experienced with repairing what had returned to Taylor.

She gently gripped onto a white flute that was pristine despite its age and wear. It was an old instrument, far older than I had expected from what little I truly knew. Maybe a hundred years old and lovingly maintained despite all it has suffered through.

Most objects barely had spirits, some only had reflections of themselves in the spirit world. But this flute had a strong and resilient spirit, one that would endure as long as it stayed with those that owned it.

"You…found it?" She asked, voice faint.

"I had to learn a new trick…otherwise I would never have found it but yeah. Then I cleaned it up, so I thought I'd give it back to you." She held her mother's flute close to her chest, her fingers brushing along its smooth cylindrical surface.

Taylor crossed the six foot distance between us into two long strides, placing down the flute and grabbing me without a second thought. I was dipped, and my brain short-circuited when her lips met mine. We didn't kiss too often, still testing out the waters on boundaries and our own levels of comfort. This was a little deeper and a little more intimate.

Even as the haze washed over, I still had time to think. It felt nice…she smelled nice and her lips were soft…softer than my chapped ones at least. This kiss lingered for more than ten seconds, and I let it happen…enjoying it until the moment she released me.

"You…liked the present?" I couldn't make words after that, since my brain was broken and Taylor broke my brain even more just by existing.

She beamed. "I love it." there was a cheer from outside, and I knew this party was going to keep going for much longer.

I was okay with that.

June 25th, 2011. 8:00AM

Basilia Rubio

The next morning was an easy morning for me to wake up, but it was obviously less so for everyone who had gotten drunk or plastered at the party. Most of the elders had not gone home, and had been left to conk out on the beds in the base.

I took a deep breath as I got up from the couch, eyes flitting about to stare at the people who had effectively slept over. That included the youngest of the guests, and luckily Missy didn't have issues with getting away from her parents with a party.

At least when my parents got divorced they didn't try anywhere near as often to use their kids against each other. So she was here, slumping on one of the chairs while Dinah was sleeping on the table, holding a bunch of Uno cards to her chest. At some point Newter had left to head to Palanquin, and I had my suspicions on what he was up to.

None of my business what he does however.

"You hungry?" Taylor appeared above me, her long curly dark hair tickling my cheeks as she loomed over me. I tightened my hold on a warm blanket, and smiled at the sight of the necklace she was now wearing.

"Mhmm…hey Taylor." I grumbled a greeting, rubbing my crusted eyes and yawning loudly. "You…I'm not hungry…ate too much." I must have eaten three or four thousand calories in a single sitting and I was feeling the consequences some six hours later.

"I'll go wake Dinah and Elle." She stretched and I watched as she sauntered away, then poked the two youths with her index finger. Elle woke immediately, eyes bloodshot but perfectly aware. Dinah protested but the skinny blonde shaman took the opportunity to smoosh her face and make her wake up. Missy cracked and eye open, only pretending to be asleep for reasons I didn't understand.

I managed to rip myself away from the couch, and did my own stretch, standing on the tips of my toes as I extended my arms and body to the sky. There was a slight pulse of mild pleasure from cracking my bones, and my hands moved on to pulling back and then smoothing out my wavy hair.

"Someone is going to have to take Missy home." I talked to myself since Taylor was busy serving herself a cup of water, and I suddenly had a thirst for the clear liquid. I ended up grabbing a cup of my own, and quenching my thirst in the process.

Danny was up, bleary eyes blinking as she adjusted his glasses. He was the adult in the most control, the only one who had kept away from alcohol with even Dinah's parents falling prey to the drinks.

"So…did you have a good time?" Danny said in the dullest tone possible and Tay snorted.

"I feel like I should be asking you that instead." He smirked.

"Capes are crazy."

All in all it had been a good party and a good day in general, and the relaxation had gotten me in the mood to push Athena and White Lotus plans forward. The time for action was coming, and I wasn't going to be left behind.

So once I have breakfast I'm going to get right on that…it was going to be a long process.

But it would be worth it in the end. Even if only to put my own mind at ease.

AN: Not much to say on 9.5 other than that it came out at nearly 11K words, and that follow up chapters should be closer to the usual 6-9K range. Besides coming up with one background that was not originally in the outline until I made this one. 9.6 already has 2.5K words, so the new 4 day update schedule shriek simplify things. Enjoy and reply if there's anything off with it.
Cool but how does a biotic freeze work? And also I suppose Dinah might match Contessa Precognition one day
That's just biotic stasis, a pretty standard biotic technique. As for Dinah, I've thought of her power as being something similar to Garnet's Future Vision, a river of infinitely splitting streams rather than a single adjusting path. She has to ask the right questions, and walk down the right paths to make an accurate prediction. Basically a hybrid of her old power with Coil's.
That's just biotic stasis, a pretty standard biotic technique. As for Dinah, I've thought of her power as being something similar to Garnet's Future Vision, a river of infinitely splitting streams rather than a single adjusting path. She has to ask the right questions, and walk down the right paths to make an accurate prediction. Basically a hybrid of her old power with Coil's.
Ah okay so what are the limits of biotic stasis oh also would basilla unlock any more parts of the Tech Tree
Ah okay so what are the limits of biotic stasis oh also would basilla unlock any more parts of the Tech Tree
Stasis is a power that falls under Dimensional Control biotics, it locks the energy states of anything it hits, freezing it in place until the dark energy supplying the power runs out. It freezes everything including light, creating a shell of frozen photons. In this state, nothing short of a tank cannon could bring it down but the moment the stasis drops the target is splatttered into a pool of red by the frozen projectile.

That is a standard stasis, another technique instead creates globe of stasis to catch limbs, this has a lower cool-down but can be broken out of. The third power once used by Salarian STG creates a wall of stasis that can quite literally block anything. However the moment it drops, all the energy it took in explodes outward and kills the biotic maintaining the field.

Limits would mainly being skill and the ability to supply enough dark energy from your Eezo nodes to keep them going. As for new tech trees?

Not in this arc.
can she uses biotics freeze with her bugs or QA Projection and can Basilla do it? Oh also in terms of canon worm how powerful would basilla and Taylor to the likes of Brockton bay heroes and Villains
can she uses biotics freeze with her bugs or QA Projection and can Basilla do it? Oh also in terms of canon worm how powerful would basilla and Taylor to the likes of Brockton bay heroes and Villains
Hmm…she hasn't really used biotic technique with the swarm so maybe? Also Basilia has used stasis a few times but not often since she's nowhere as physical as Taylor or other capes in general. As for their…levels, they'd be incredibly high simply due to the number of power and the general breadth of their powers. Taylor is the strongest Master in the city, with the Trump aspects of her power projection through her swarm making her absurdly lethal to anyone within six miles. Ants being slow as hell does not mean much if they can be chucked at your face at high speed and enhanced enough to reduce you to bone in minutes. Only capes capable of interfering with her swarm could really hurt her, so Leet, Lung, Armsmaster and Kid Win with swarming drones.

She can generate plagues to project numerous power effects through shaped projections of energy, either in the form of an aura or a directed beam. So…heat blasts, siphoning heat from other realities, cold blasts by siphoning heat from her own reality, electron beams, or generate telekinetic force through sending energy through micro-portals like most powers do. Her bugs are basically dimensional channels, siphoning matter and energy through specific configurations made meticulously by Taylor.

So…Master 8, Shaker 8 at least, a Blaster rating around 8 due to the airbending, biotics and energy blasts from her swarm projection. She's a monster by the standards of most capes, and Basilia in a lot of ways is worse.

Comparable Shaker, Blaster ratings, a temporary(deadly) Breaker form and Trump powers through manipulation of spirits and spirit magic. It's her tinker power that's the biggest threat though, since she's basically a Mover: YES with unlimited dimensional travel and FTL travel. The Blaster rating as a tinker that would be much higher too since she can build ship-scale mass accelerators, missiles, torpedos and weapons of vast untapped power. I beefed up Mass Effect(though that's from being partially derived from LogicalPremise) a little, so a cruiser could wipe a city in a single shot, and Thanix…it'll erase any city on Earth.

Lower than String Theory with her cracking a Moon in half and possible Endbringer killing through sheer force but far more than anyone on Earth can handle.

So they're up there in the scales.