Recuperation 9.2
June 12th, 2011. 12:30PM
Basilia Rubio
I walked out into the streets, my boots hitting the ground as I took off. My ruffled black skirt flowed in the breeze, and I knew my decision to wear boy shorts underneath it was well made. A bright white polo shirt completed the look, and I tried not to bounce too much as I walked.
Turns out big boobs are a real detriment to things like running and jumping, which was why I had become inspired to help with the science of bras just so other people have better and less shitty times.
Because unlike me with advanced manufacturing they had to deal with nonoptimal measurements while I could get them fitted to extreme precision. I also began to understand my own mother's complaints, and I almost cursed that my own damn genetics had come back to haunt me.
Today was a Sunday, and I was taking a day off that would be spent hanging out with a few friends of mine. Taylor would be there, as would Grace, Amelia and Charlotte. Vicky was spending some time with her cousins, though there was a good chance she would show up later. Golem…or well Theo was going to show up and I was going to find that
completely hilarious. He was 100% going to carry all the bags, and I felt a tiny smirk on my face as I moved at a fast pace.
I sashayed confidently, each step giving me a clear and accurate picture of what was around me. I wasn't the best at using seismic sense but I had gotten better at the ability after my…transformation during the Leviathan fight. I was moving at least a street or two down from my place of residence, and my nose picked up certain scents wafting off of people.
Some were airy and light, others were salty and cold, or earthy and metallic, and some smelled like a warm fireplace. A fifth scent was like smoke, a prickling of vacuum. The sixth was…hard to pinpoint, and I had my theories lined up.
Air, water, earth, fire and void were the first scents while the sixth was the potential for shamanism. Out of about fifty people only one of them had something that was more mixed…and those had to be the
very rare dual-benders that became a thing for reasons I didn't yet understand. Maybe one in ten thousand benders.
It took me some time, but I eventually found my way towards the spot that they said they were going to be. There was a near silent rumble, and I raised an eyebrow at the vehicle that showed up. It was a large but quiet truck, some model I didn't care to recognize but that was quite obviously either a hybrid vehicle or full electric several years ahead of my homeworld. It honked its horn and Amelia poked her head out the window, nudged by Grace in the middle passenger seat of the six seater full-size truck. Charlotte was in the rightmost front seat, and Taylor was on the rightmost rear seat while an awkward Theo took the left seat leaving me with the middle.
I hopped right over to the truck, barely keeping my feet on the ground. Not that the need would stick around forever once benders became a normal part of society. I'd probably have to limit myself to two elements, because three is one tenth the chance of two, and four is one hundredth of that. Biotics would bring
that down to less than ten people on the entire planet with five elements.
Shamanism would reduce that to one.
I learned forward as the large vehicle parked, and I waved at Amelia. "So you got yourself a nice truck?" The biokinetic shrugged, her expression turning haughty.
"Well unlike a
certain someone I've got an actual driver's license." My ears heated and I flipped her off. She laughed and the door to the back of the truck opened up.
"Shut up." I shuffled across the floor, taking care to not accidentally crush Theo with my big butt. I sat down on the middle seat, wiggling into a more comfortable position that was
slightly closer to Taylor. Though most of that was to make Theo more comfortable. Amelia snickered and with a huff I turned to Taylor and flashed her a broad smile. "So…how's your day been?"
Taylor looked bemused. "Kind of boring…you can only hear about 'A more efficient RNA polymerase…' so many times before things turn stale."
Amelia narrowed her eyes. "Bitch." I flicked a stray rock at the back of her head and Grace cuffed the back of my neck and then took a stray butterfly smacking her face with its wings.
We were almost all up in arms before Theo intervened with a signal of all encompassing terror on his face. "Uhh…shouldn't we be driving?"
Amelia coughed, straightening her back and I saw a dusting of red on her face as she glanced over to Grace who wasn't looking at her. "Right…he's right, we're off to the mall!" She pointed dramatically and Charlotte coughed.
"The mall got flooded really badly." Amelia shifted gears in an instant.
"Then we're off to the Boardwalk!" She set the truck into drive and we got moving under the motive power of the hybrid engine. The truck was nice even if it wasn't my style, and I lifted my arms and wrapped my hands around the back of my neck.
Today was going to be a day for relaxing instead of working and thinking and planning, and I was going to have fun with friends and was going to make a new friend in Theo. I might be wearing a skirt but that didn't mean a guy friend wouldn't be nice to talk with. Newter is also a good option in the future as long as he doesn't do something stupid.
I was going to see if there was anything neat to buy at the place, and we were going in style even if it was an aesthetic I didn't much care for.
Today was going to be a fun day.
June 12th, 2011 1:00PM
Basilia Rubio
"So why a skirt? Doesn't really seem your style." Amelia leaned forward, lips lifted in her usual expression of bitchiness that I had gotten used to. I intentionally hiked up my legs in a quick march, the skirt flowing in the wind.
"It's comfortable and easy to wear." Amelia rolled her eyes, and I caught Taylor staring at me with red on her cheeks. I felt a small prickle of pride, and I puffed myself up, hiding a laugh.
The Boardwalk was full of activity, though less than what I had seen from a distance. A good number of wooden walkways were damaged or destroyed and the beaches were bustling with several hundred crabs of all things that had washed up from a light secondary wave that had hit after Leviathan kicked the bucket. It wasn't strong though, but it was enough to bring in a lot of confused sea animals.
The main issue was the crabs that didn't leave the beaches or the city, they were large easily 16 pounds each with some reaching a good thirty pounds. In fact upon closer inspection I wasn't even sure they were crabs at all.
They were large and
looked a lot like crabs but their exoskeletons were missing in parts that twitched with muscle. The fact they could get so big was another red flag, and I had seen one eat a seagull and then crush it with its claws was scary.
"Not…crabs." Taylor answered me, and I glanced over to her. She flicked her fingers at the floral printed shirt that Vicky had convinced her to buy. "They're related to crabs I think…but they're not from around here."
"Piggot ended up talking to me, asking if I could get rid of them." Amelia added, her face pinching with distaste as a crab launched itself at a murder of crows. "Surprisingly she didn't think I had made them…but only because they weren't monstrous enough." She rolled her eyes. "I said if I knew where they came from sure…so Dragon is looking for their source."
"Are they dangerous?" I asked and Taylor and her both shrugged.
She can control them." She gestured to Taylor. "But they're almost at the point of being outside the limit of her power. They're complex for a bunch of dumb crabs."
"Why do
I have to carry everything?" Theo grumbled one complaint and I was tickled pink. He was carrying a few bags of shit we had bought, mostly clothing for Charlotte and Taylor, and a few things from a video game store for me. I didn't really
need them but making my own games would take away the enjoyment at least a little. Barring fighting games I imagine…
"Because you're big and strong and don't know how to say no." I was honest with him, marching with a spring in my step. Taylor was staring at me and I remained in my good mood. "Plus it's not going to be for very long, we're dropping this off at the truck and then we'll find someplace to eat." I saw the truck parked where it needed to be, and I nearly took off then stopped at the whisper in the back of my mind.
Something that resembled a living lustrous grey diamond shifted into reality, fractal arms popping into existence. I lifted my hands, eyes narrowed at the item spirit, a spirit of the joys of buying a needless diamond ring. I exhaled and simply
stared. In an instant it retreated back into the spirit world, and I smiled smugly.
"There are more of those spirit things popping up, aren't there?" Charlotte spoke up, eyes narrowed and eyebrows furrowed.
Grace lightly bumped into Amelia, nodding in agreement. "Hell there's been a few incidents at Cornell since a homeless guy has been beating the shit out of some spirits that were trying to eat some of the students."
"Physically or spiritually? There's a difference, and that difference can be quite important." Eating you was horrible enough, but ripping out your soul and draining you of your life essence could be considered worst
"Both I think…one of those things kinda looked like a…a really ugly Skidmark covered in shadows." That said a lot because Skidmark was already ugly as hell from all the drug abuse.
"Probably some type of death spirit related to addiction…they get off on people overdosing effectively." There was slight horror on their faces.
"That's fucked." Amelia was the one saying it and I shrugged as she got back to leave our stuff in the truck.
aren't evil but they aren't good either. They are trapped within their own behaviors, it's how they work. Brockton Bay's spirit world used to be a lot worse before I got my hands on it, and a certain demon's intervention drained the Spirit of dangerous monsters." I had beaten the shit out of a lot of the more murderous death spirits, and they had a good variety of them.
Death-By-Drowning, Death-By-Bullet, and various other spirits related to gang activity.
Some I had fought indirectly, mainly by empowering spirits I found acceptable and safe to fight them on their level. Dream Snake was a good friend of mine, a fine protector of dreams from those who would feast on them.
Frankly it was a wonder that Director Piggot hadn't gotten a damn heart attack at this point. I could certainly develop Master and Stranger powers with shamanistic study and practice. Now the fact it often took great stretches of time and great effort and occasionally trauma to get these gifts was probably the saving grace.
As well as the fact she could train any common mook with the potential, as well as beat it into their heads that they're
fucked if they misuse their powers outside of the required times outside of their work. PRT shamans were going to be a thing out of common sense if nothing else. They get the right shamans in the right place and they can fuck up even the strongest Parahumans in the right circumstances.
Which made me wonder if Cauldron was recruiting any of their own, because I can't even
begin to imagine how fucked up the spirits world around their slave town has to be. I wouldn't want to be within a hundred mile radius of the hell on earth they created.
"Hey…" I let out a clipped yelp when Taylor lightly brushed her fingers along my back, a tingly feeling running up and down my spine at the intimate touch. "I think you should be a little more focused on the present yeah?"
I coughed. "Oh? Alright…sorry…sorry?" I got flustered, snapping out of the tangent in my head as Taylor got close. I had no idea how to respond, and Amelia rolled her eyes while Charlotte just smiled.
We spent maybe five minutes getting everything into the truck, and once that was done we were on our way to get something to eat. While the Jasmine Dragon was nice, it was more built for breakfast than lunch. Not that their lunch food was bad of course. Thankfully it didn't seem like Panacea was particularly popular, so we were bothered by random people. God knows how often that had happened with her sister.
Probably a good thing we didn't hang out so much in public, but it was still unlikely to bring anything more than five minutes of fame.
Another few minutes found our little group at a Mexican restaurant just off the beaten path, not too far from the Boardwalk itself. The place had tables large enough for five girls and one growing guy. I was sat next to Theo on my left with Taylor taking the right while Grace, Amelia and Charlotte were on the opposite seats of the booth.
We had ordered already, and I was happy to know that they had a chicken burrito though the next time it would probably be some carne asada. Hmm…I never do think in Spanish do I? Is that weird even though I'm fluent?
"So Theo…how are things?" I decided to start the conversation myself since Taylor was busying herself with the other three on his short friendship trip. We were teammates and we had talked a lot less than we should have. The closest he had reached was becoming good friends with Charlotte since the both of them were Earthbenders, and they had time to talk more since neither were Tinkers.
"I've been doing good…the money you're paying me has helped a lot after my father got put away." Medhall was still operating but at far reduced capacity, and there had been months of legal battles on what would be left to Theo once everything was sorted. "I've been getting better at some of my skills…" He gripped the table with his hand and I nodded. "I'm still…not too sure if I'm cut out for this."
I laughed at that, I had read a good amount of the Slaughterhouse 9 arc to know he had some big cojones despite being a little plain in some ways.
"You serious?" Charlotte turned, looking disapproving of Theo's statement. "You're perfectly cut out for the job Theo…you're certainly braver than I am." He had no power when he had his talk with Jack Slash. Yet he had survived, whether it was luck or something else. He had gone on to be a hero, without influence from anyone he pushed himself to become someone better than his parents
I could respect a man like that.
"You shouldn't talk down to yourself like that. You're a good guy." Charlotte smiled at the blonde, and he flushed slightly.
There was a single TV in the food shop, which I thought a little odd when I thought about it. I was
Mexican and had gone to a bunch of restaurants on both sides of the border and neither had televisions. Grace was staring at the TV, jaw dropped and others in the restaurant had similarly intense looks. I turned my attention to the TV and rubbed my eyes to see if I was hallucinating.
It was clearly a view from a plane, and despite the speaker being so quiet there was a rumble in the air. What looked like large twisted steel buildings covered in plant-life were rising out of the waters. I could see glimpses of spirits of various different choirs and groupings, and for a moment the sun seemed a little brighter.
As you can see here…the island of Kyushu is being uplifted through unknown means, likely due to a powerful Parahuman. This has been reported to also be happening in Newfoundland." One of the customers, a blonde woman in her mid 20s grumbled.
"Not a damn Parahuman…one of those spirit things that keep talking shit about a change coming." I only heard her due to my ability to parse information, and one of her eyes was foggy for a second before shifting back into a normal eye.
I ignored the rest of the broadcast, sagging into my seat as I realized how much the world was changing. Entire land masses were literally rising from the grave, and I was very much just done with the surprises at this point. If I suddenly found out Jesus and the Buddha were coming down from the heavens on Falcon Heavy rockets I wouldn't even be shocked.
"I'm going to check on the food if that's okay?" Taylor moved out of the way for me, and I briefly brushed shoulders with her as I stomped down to the front. I licked my lips as I found that our meals were ready, and I had a suitable distraction from the nonsense making the world crazier than ever.
At the very least today was going to be a break day, and I had a few things to do at least though it was going to take place elsewhere.
But first I was going to stuff my face, talk with my friends(I have friends) and then go home with a few things to do.
Today was a break day, and that was all there was to it.
June 12th, 2011. 6:00PM
Basilia Rubio
"Lyre…first time I've seen you in a while." I happily greeted the first reborn Rachni Queen, and I could hear the noisy affairs of the Rachni. Heard the sounds of chittering mandibles, scuttling legs and the psychic song that sunk into the area itself. The mountain here had been effectively carved out into a massive network of chambers and tunnels by the Workers, their cheery sweet demeanor seeping into their short sharp songs.
The place was dizzying but beautifully alien in design and structure, seamlessly melding organic and synthetic. Light fixtures were artificial while the walls were metal, polished stone and interspersed organic structures that contracted and relaxed to their own rhythm. Workers scuttled about, and there was a metaphorical clearing of the throat from Lyre Tenuto of the Rejoicing Rebirth Songs. She had grown a lot, probably massing in at just under 5000 kilograms, and had to be about 32 feet long. Her height dwarfed me by a good 11 feet and I felt small around her.
"Greetings, we welcome you gladly to our hive Basilia. It is always a pleasure to have you with us." I was sure I lit up at the altered tremor to her tone, the Rachni has told me about making adjustments to their songs to better speak with squishy colorless humans. "And we greet Dinah Alcott as well…she treats my kind with respect and honor."
I grinned cheekily as I caught her hanging out with One Hundred Anansi Reciting Tones of the Heathland Breeze. The two were working well with the workers, bribing them with toast.
"I see she also provides toast." I replied dryly and there was a light chuckle equivalent from the queen.
"Toast is good." How she said that with a straight face I had no idea though to be fair while my senses hinted at their song I would never be able to fully appreciate it. So maybe she
wasn't keeping a straight face.
Anansi had grown tremendously since his early days when he was shorter than me. He towered at some nine feet tall and was still growing, and would probably tap out at around ten feet which was
average for Rachni Brood Warriors. They were the leaders below the Queens themselves, their lieutenants, their scientists and engineers and field commanders.
Soldiers and Workers were sapient certainly but holding a long and meaningful conversation was a rather difficult process. But despite being
terrifying looking, when they talked I couldn't help but be enraptured by their personalities.
Of course that didn't make them not dangerous when they wanted to be. They were geniuses in their fields, and performed their selected task by the Warriors and the Queens with excellent effectiveness. They're Savants essentially, and on their own were more than a match for any soldier or average Parahuman. Even they served as engineers, though it was effectively programmed. But they had some flexibility in their organic neural network.
"Was there something you wanted to show me Lyre?" I was fine with acting familiar with the first queen, she had used my own 'song' to keep herself sane. So there was no reason not to be friendly…she was a good space bug.
"Yes. We…I have had much time to prepare, much time to ponder and wonder." I hopped after her as she got up on her chitinous and robust legs. I followed behind her, and a few more Brood Warriors shadowed us. She had a total of ten warriors in her hive, but had few auxiliaries due to the bottleneck in population due to food limits. Which was no longer going to be a problem for her due to Panacea making super crops and their own genetic engineering capabilities.
For every Brood Warrior there were a dozen who were muted at birth, backups in case the most intelligent non-Queen Rachni were killed. They were larger, stronger and smarter than their brothers without the ability to tap into genetic memories and the innate ability to coordinate entire swarms. They acted like aides to their stronger brothers, direct subordinates and immediate support.
Rachni like Anansi had genetic structures prone to mutation to create genetic diversity to found new bloodlines from their genetic seed. They each led the branch or firqa that had genetic relations to them and can modify each Soldier to change their jobs essentially. I found it a little strange as a human, and I'm like 90% at least a few dozen Soldiers at this point were founded from his genetic material.
Bug people were weird is all I was going to say on that matter.
The hive was confusing but I slowly made my way through the complex systems of tunnels and environments maintained by machines both synthetic and biological. It took a few minutes, and I made use of my seismic sense once I got tired of going in blind. The tunnel we were in was a good thirty meters in diameter and was a half kilometer in length. It led to the outside, where vibrations reverberated all the way to where we were.
"What exactly did you want to show me?" I asked as a few minutes of leisurely walking led us to the surface. I stopped as I saw the workers strapping down a ship about a hundred and eighty meters in length. It was sleek and organic but not in a conpletely stupid way. Kind of like a beefy space shuttle mixed with a beetle and without the external tank. The
aesthetic was sort of insect like, but that was more due to the plating and the coloring of the plating giving that bug-like feel.
There were three pairs of wings, with the rear pair being more for aerodynamics while the next two pairs were in fact radiators, though there were long strips along the ship that served as additional cooling systems. Usually it was a mix of radiating fins(sails), liquid droplet systems, heat pipes, heat sinks and other much needed backup systems.
A thermal superconductor was another material that was well integrated, and the ship was purring as I thought aloud.
"My children have constructed a way to the stars once again, and I plan to send them off to colonize new worlds. I imagine this is not a problem?" I rolled my eyes at the question.
"I have no jurisdiction over your hive besides being a liaison between our two species Lyre. Plus maybe some compensation for mapping out the local stellar neighborhood." Around fifty six probes were currently mapping out a total of a dozen parallels, with the scanning sped up by comparative analysis between dimensions.
They had been salvaged from all the shuttles, with their main guns taken and powered by alternative means. I still had a shuttle or two but different methods of attacking would serve better for the next time if there
is a next time.
"That does not mean I do not want to ask for your opinion Basilia." She replied casually, and I scratched a cheek at that.
"Okay then. What's your first colony that you're picking out?" I was curious to see what they would pick.
"You would call it Proxima Centauri B…and it will be a gift to one of those yet to be born. My first two daughters wish to exploit this alternate Sol system as a part of a Brood." Right I remember how that works.
A Hive is the personal holdings of a Queen, along with her immediate children, brood warriors, and the infrastructure itself. At their smallest they were city states, and at their largest they were multi-planet domains. A Brood was all of that plus those she commands indirectly like her daughter-queens, weaker hives that submitted to her and bloodlines she's married her sons and daughters into.
Turns out hive politics totally is a thing but because of the population there won't be much of that going on for a little while at least. Not until there were enough scattered hives and broods to form their own interstellar empire. Which wouldn't be taking long with the reproduction rates and their own fierce intelligence.
The saving grace of their species was that
unlike ants they had complete control of their reproductive systems and wouldn't needlessly consume the entire galaxy. Though I gave it less than twenty years before they outnumber us because of their ridiculous growth rate.
Less even.
"So how many Queens are you planning to send out?" I brushed off dust from my skirt, and Lyre didn't pause in her lyrical tone.
"Four…we are sending four each for each current Queen." I gulped as I realized how serious she was then. A single queen could birth a clutch of Rachni every few hours, and a single clutch could easily have a hundred or more eggs. Four eggs per current Queens would add up to fifteen in total, each capable of producing at many,
many times the rate of even Krogan, though admittedly the bulk of the population would be made up of tiny Workers.
"So you plan to make more contact with humans as well then? Because you certainly have the high ground." If the Queen had met Earth Bet without the barrier between her hive and the people the chances of her being killed outright were beyond high. She was quite literally the PRT's worst nightmare as a self replicating species capable of outbreeding humans by several orders of magnitude as well as outright
psychic powers.
It was a wonder that they hadn't done something outright stupid. Maybe I was a lot more intimidating than I thought I was? I mean…it's not like I'm that much of a threat right?
Lyre glanced at me, humming a tune that made me feel like I was missing something important.
"I have plans, yes, we can not hide away in the dark forever, our song must be heard. We will repay the debt…
we will restore the song of humanity." There was a slight alteration in tone as she shifted back and I smiled sadly.
"It's not going to be easy, humans are a stubborn sort of people. Not all them will accept you, some will hate you…some will consider you an abomination." I was slightly bitter at the thought, the Rachni were unlike anything I had seen before, their souls were unique. Their existence was special, and it felt…
wrong for them to be treated like monsters instead of sapient beings
Wariness sure, that was warranted with any intelligent species or race but…
"But not
all of them, I feel their songs crying out even from across the gap between worlds, from paths yet unopened. They are a people lacking hope for a better future, living in a world enslaved by the will of a greater power." The unspoken roar of
never again was loud and clear. "I will give them hope for that future they have lost."
"People will stand in your way, people who stand to benefit from the status quo. As well as Zion." I pointed out how difficult it would be and she let out a crooning call.
"The Rachni will hide no longer…there is no Sour Note to threaten us, no fear holding us back. We will not repeat the same mistakes."
I wondered about that…how much
did she remember about the last Queen, before whatever the fuck took down the Reapers and cut off further memories of the Citadel Races?
"As long as you're not being too reckless you can do whatever, just remember to set up a colony first…no set up a dozen like you mentioned."
"Already done." I blinked and one of the soldiers approached me, holding an omni-tool in its hands. Only warriors, auxiliaries and the Queens had genders while the lower classes were neuter. The tool expanded an image of deep tunnels being dug by numerous workers as well as some limited organic inspired machinery they made use of. They were guarded by some type of Rachni warbeast. Using Rachni genetics to create a long snake-like infiltrator some two meters tall and five meters long and draped in chitinous armor.
It had two pairs of arms, one muscular and built for tearing through metal while the other was built for fine manipulation to hold mass accelerator arms
besides the ones lined along their jaws.
Maybe I shouldn't be wondering why they weren't attacking or threatening the Rachni anymore.
"So is the planet good enough?" I asked despite knowing the answer all too well.
She was wistful. "It reminds us of home."
June 12th, 2011. 7:00PM
Basilia Rubio
I dropped down onto the sofa of my home with a sigh, and with little hesitation leaned into Taylor. She let out a quiet murmur, eyes wide and a little shock building as I got comfortable.
"Are you…getting comfortable?" She sounded hesitant but not displeased so I didn't stop with the very light cuddling.
"Yes…you're very warm and I'm very tired." I loosened up in the sanctity of my own home, and in the closeness to my…my girlfriend.
Huh. That's a thing now…
"Well you could move a bit…you're kinda crushing my arm." I released my grip a bit and adjusted my positioning a bit. Her face wasn't much less flushed however, and the feeling of my chest on her muscular arm made my lips twist in quite a bit of amusement. Guess being voluptuous brought a few problems of its own, which was why I tended to not go out.
It felt…
weird to get stared at by guys though I got over it eventually and only cared if they did something creepy like follow me or try to flirt with me. I mean sure I've found I've got a thing for some guys but girls are just plain
"So anything new while I was off tinkering?" It was about two hours or so but it was important.
"Amy took off to a therapy session after we left the Boardwalk." There was a sudden pause and I felt an imperceptible weight lift off my shoulders. "Without so many things getting in the way, there's more time for…well not fighting every other day." She shrugged her shoulders and I got even more comfortable on her.
"That's good, that's really good." I cared about Amelia as a friend and wanted her to get better, but…despite that…that was never why I wanted her to get therapy.
"Can we talk?" I nodded, twirling a dark lock as I vaguely picked up on what she was going to ask. "Why were you so concerned about Amy getting therapy?"
"There's a lot of reasons for it…one is that even if it didn't start out that way we did become friends. Another is the terrifying potential of her power as a villain." It's potential was ridiculous beyond comparison even with the togglable Manton limit. "A third is…her sister."
"You said she did something to her sister." There was a note of horror and realization in Taylor's voice. "You weren't trying to help her…you were trying to help Vicky. Why?"
"Tell me…knowing what Amelia was like over the past couple of months. How do you think she would act if she did something truly
The pause was notable for how long it was. "You…were
terrified of her for a long time." Not a question. "But you still wanted to help her…even if it was just to keep her sister safe."
"Shards don't tend to pick the best or most stable people Taylor…it's not how they operate." I wrapped an arm around her, taking comfort in someone who was there for me and could barely keep myself from breaking out into a tired, tired laugh. "Shards usually pick someone who is fundamentally
broken in some way."
She looked a little hurt, and I didn't get what I had said. "So I'm not any different then? That's what you mean?" I adjusted my positioning, tilting her chin so she would look at me.
"It…it shouldn't matter…that doesn't matter to me." Did I use the wrong words? Should I apologize…I didn't want to hurt her. But I also couldn't lie to her, I couldn't let my bias get in the way of the truth. Taylor was a
lot of things, and she wasn't a fundamentally different person from the potential Skitter that could have existed if I or
something else hadn't intervened. Of course it was only potential, I wasn't arrogant enough to believe that the future was set in stone. I had changed fate because I had been given the resources to change it.
should matter." I leaned against her, nodding my head carefully as I tried to think of how to reply. "I'm…I don't want to make
her mistakes."
"You're not going to…because you're not the exact same person as her." Being similar was distinct from being the same. I smiled tentatively at Taylor, and she looked unsure of herself. "Skitter was someone who managed to isolate herself from anyone that could have kept her from descending into villainy." Unspoken was of course the numerous screwups on the part of other people to lead her there. "She was good at compartmentalizing, good at justifying her actions to herself as being 'for the greater good." Taylor winced, and I was more grim than before. "She wasn't willing to see from the point of view of other people, and is willing to throw away
anything to get what she wants." It wasn't exactly the words I meant to convey but it was close enough.
Skitter was a person molded by her environment, her own trauma and personality and
then her shard coming into play to create the kind of person she became in that story.
"But you accepted that…even when I broke the rules and found you out." She sounded sheepish and I giggled slightly.
"Still a little pissed about it…it's also why I felt like mindfulness meditation would be rather helpful." Meditation had done wonders for keeping me on track but it was no balm for whatever kind of psychological problems I had developed from being stuck on this shitstain of a planet.
Earth Bet had done no favors on my mental health.
"Are you sure you're not a Thinker?" Taylor said with a straight face, but I could see a grin perking up for a split second.
"No I'm just not an idiot." I responded flatly. "I might not
immediately get someone's mentality on the first try but give me enough information and I can probably figure it out after a few days or weeks. Not very useful." I wasn't Tattletale, all I wanted from Taylor was her friendship, and now…well…we'll get there when we get there.
"I know that…you're not really good enough to put anything you learn about other people into practice." I swatted her shoulder, and she yelped though there was a playful teasing look in her eye.
"You don't have to be so blunt about it." She only raised an eyebrow and I hid a blush since I never held back when I felt like saying something.
"So…what's the plan here…now that the gangs are gone, now that Leviathan is dead. What are we doing next?" I chewed on my lip, thinking deeply on the possible plans for the future.
"Well…obviously we're going to hire more personnel, carefully vetting people who won't blab about what they learn the second they learn it." I lifted a finger to count the first objective. "The Rachni are going to colonize a few star systems and I'm going to set up a few Prefab bases on other planets close to Earth Bet's solar system. Despite the dimensional isolation, there's no guarantee that
he can't brute force it." I'm not even sure there was a guarantee he couldn't extend the tunnel connection to his avatar a few dozen light years. "We probably can't expand much more than what we have in our role because of NEPEA-5."
Taylor smirked, with a grin reminding me of a hungry shark. "Well I've heard there's been a few movements there to change things up."
"Good…good." I yawned and with no regret lounged on Taylor like a cat, she let out a dying choking sound and I smiled as I loosened up a little more.
Her brows furrowed."What are you doing?" I leaned up, and plopped a kiss on her lips. It was short and sweet and tasteless since Taylor wasn't one for wearing lipstick. I pulled back as my shyness got the better of me, and I simply felt a little tired.
"You make me happy…you know that right?" She nodded, eyes soft and equally relaxed despite the initial tension from my surprise affection. There was a flutter in my chest, one that had been growing since I had realized my feelings toward Taylor.
I was…new to all this…but I wanted it to work.
"Yeah…you're great too." I laughed and sank into her.
"Okay if I just…rest my eyes for a while?" She nodded, obliging me without a single word.
It took a while, but the peace and silence let me slump into a deeper and less oppressive embrace. I simply listened to Taylor's heartbeat and breathing, and the rhythm lulled me into a deeper meditative trance.
Another five minutes saw me falling asleep against her as I sank down into nice and safe dreamland.
June 12th, 2011. 9:30PM
Basilia Rubio
I woke up in that alien landscape that I was starting to recognize as a memory of the Batarian homeworld, before its destruction at the hands of the dark Makara and the Reapers themselves.
"Balaam. It's been a while." I was already in a sitting position, as was the alien soul who had died some eleven billion years ago. He was cultivating some type of alien chili pepper as well as a meat mushroom of some kind, and with little hesitation pulled them to him with a precise application of airbending.
Since that day I had burst with a power my body wasn't built to contain, the distant whispers had been silent. They had mostly gone unnoticed before, easily blocked out by the buzz of tinkering, of bending and shamanism and living my own life. But once they were gone I could easily feel their absence, murmurs at the back of my mind that offered advice I couldn't make out, feelings that weren't my own and flashes of insight that gave me clear glimpses of the lives lived by races long gone.
The last continued but it was more formulaic and robotic, a separation from the insights that gave more details but less…emotional understanding. That had been useful, and I had started writing down every detail that I could manage, every little tidbit…so that there would be more than a memory inside of my head.
"It has been hasn't it? And you are starting to ask questions…starting to despise your ignorance." He was blunt, the old man rolling his shoulders taking a bite of the meaty food source.
"I can't keep moving like this…there's so much context I'm missing here. So much history that I
don't know, blurry and incomplete even while I borrow technology not my own." The history of the Thranx was itself blurry even if it was clearing up with time.
"I can't give you all the answers, we give wisdom but we only know the inklings of those who came after us." He looked similarly frustrated and I grit my teeth.
"Then can you tell me what
your age's history was?" He didn't seem affronted but his four eyes gaze sharpened.
"That I can give you…" He gestured with his hands, and the vortex of air became the emptiness of space. The grand
Citadel hung in the air like a flower of steel and iron, ships of all kinds creating defensive fleets.
"In my time the galaxy was dominated by the Citadel races…the Asari." The Destiny Ascension caught my attention, and I gaped once the true scope became obvious. The ship was four times the size of even the heavy Turian dreadnoughts, nearly as large as a
Reaper in the vertical direction. The Y-shape common to their fleet was because of the ring-shape of their Cascade cores, something that had been taken into account with my own alternate ship design.
"The Turians." The perspective changed to other dreadnoughts, a long central hull with two swept back wings that were shaped more like armored radiators than wings. There was drift towards a small window, and I saw an armored Turian looking at the void of space, mandible flicking a few times.
"The Salarians." The ship I saw was swoopy in design but it had very little sticking out besides the radiator wings at the rear. I remember that they used a rather neat multiphase liquid ceramic heatsink that went through energy phase shifts when energized by say…heat with the excess vented through the complex piping in every 'wing' design. Turns out most ships were built like submarines, a pressure hull covered up in a more complex secondary hull mostly for armor and mounting of other components.
A Salarian was there, whispering into an omni-tool and walking rapidly past me until Balaam pulled me back.
"W-What is th—" Balaam shushed me and I listened intently.
"For generations the galaxy was baffled by a power that the Krogan and my people possessed." The Citadel vanished, to reveal an Krogan in red armor, and with a laugh he uplifted…
dear fucking god.
A wave of rock and stone a hundred feet high followed in his wake, hundreds of thousands…no…
millions of tons of earth following his brutishly elegant martial arts. A veritable army of Krogan rallied, with some countering him with their own bending and failing as that monster crushed them under foot with raw bending power and skill. It took firing at him with a damn frigate gun to put him down, and I stared.
The genetic memory switched to a bronze Batarian, sweeping golden fire that shattered stone and rock with ease. She smoothly transitioned to a move I was familiar with, even if it was accounting for their distinct biology. Forked lightning shot out from her fingertips, and the explosion that ignited when it struck against a wall of black metal was more like the barrage of a battleship than the power of a
single living being.
That would have killed
dozens of people in a single strike. If it hit a tank it would have blown up, and if it hit a carrier it would have terminated every power line in the ship.
"They thought it to be a form of biotics…" Balaam scoffed. "In the end…they were
wrong. Humanity proved that with their arrival." A fleet of Alliance vessels came up from the void, with their signature wedge wings which were squarer than I had imagined. "Humanity came with their bending, with their Avatar and with a knowledge of the spirits that only the Turians would equal." Four different humans showed off the power of the elements, and a fifth human covered in light was the Avatar, demonstrating power that would shatter cities and sink land masses.
"The technology of the soul." I breathed and he smirked grimly.
"In time…they would expand to every niche they could take and find, and my people would fight them at every turn with slave raids and protests." There was a memory of a diplomat declaring their retreat from the Citadel. "Then on a fateful day…the Geth would attack Eden Prime." He seemed to skip over that, and I flinched as
one memory came in nice and hot.
A ship two kilometers long approached with a fleet of Heretic Geth. The design was different from my memory, their insect design turned into a smooth tube instead with the coloring retaining the theme. More like a bobbit worm than a cockroach of all things.
There was a resounding hateful boom despite being in vacuum and I shuddered as a red beam reduced a cruiser and its crew to slag in less than a second of firing.
The Sovereign of Nazara extended its tentacular arms. I suddenly felt nauseous even from the echo of a dead twisted affront against nature…and I heard the screams from within that mortal shell, a sea of souls so wracked with pain and agony it almost left me catonic. It was a Pit of despair, a rending of soul and flesh so deep…created with dark sorceries and sciences never meant to be explored.
For a moment I tried to come up with a prayer,
any prayer to any god or greater being. I prayed to any god or goddess I knew, not even caring that I didn't believe in any of them…or at least found no need or reason to worship them.
The Abrahamic god, the Hindu gods, the Shinto gods…I prayed even to demons and monsters. It didn't matter for the horror of that
thing's existence. The image faded and I let out a breath of relief.
Balaam shook his head sadly. "The Avatar destroyed the Nazara with her bare hands. You know the general…
storyline even if it's inaccurate." Yeah…I was starting to wonder if my Earth wasn't secretly home to powerful Postcogs and Precogs since this took place eleven billion years ago. It also confirmed a lot of strange facts that were confusing and
I had never thought of my world as the Real World, though at times I did think about how those other worlds were supposed to be fictional but weren't.
We weren't even the first humanity, somehow humans existed when my galaxy was still young, when the cosmic dust that birthed our star was still scattered and lifeless.
"The Reapers came eventually…but you don't have the full story either." He chuffed without annoyance.
"They're not memories that belong to me, and I have no memories of what came after the Crucible brought its limitless light."
"But it's better and clearer than anything else…though I would still like more details on the history of the species that gave me my technology." I smiled a bit even with how strained it was.
"That is a task you will have to commit to on your own…though I can teach you to search through your own soul for it. Are you up to it Human?" His grin was sardonic and his voice teasing and deep.
"I am." I pressed my fists together as I sat in a Lotus position.
His four eyes opened wide, a soft glow to them. "Then open your eyes…" The glow increased "
And embrace the memory of the ancients!"
June 12th, 2011. 9:40PM
A faint light lit up the room that Basilia was in, nearly snapping one Taylor Hebert to wakefulness in the process. It passed the confines of the room, shifting to a frequency that no human could see. Victoria snapped awake, waking with a sun she couldn't see but could feel. That warm sensation was later corroborated by her own mother.
The light faded and a golden man stopped his flight, glancing over at the distant spirit portal. There was a flicker of surprise, and Scion simply flew away. The golden god had felt the spark of something unknown and considered it unimportant at the current juncture.
Deep within the spiritual heart of the city, amidst a landscape of bending skyscrapers, brick towers and wriggling metal flesh, a city god rumbled. An eye opening to glance at what it felt before falling into dormancy once again.
Only a few more days, and it's question would be answered or not.
AN: 9.2 has been posted. I'm currently a third of the way through 9.3 and have a few bits for 9.4 more or less. Not much to say other than to enjoy.