Victories of the Soul [Worm/Avatar/ME/Multicrossover] [SI]

Ah okay so @AEM how long till we see cauldron again and also how close or similar is basilla Personality to yours since she is kinda your SI

Edit: is fire or heat still effective against Taylor bugs even with the biotics shielding them and also what are the limits to what Taylor can do with her biotics
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Ah okay so @AEM how long till we see cauldron again and also how close or similar is basilla Personality to yours since she is kinda your SI
They…probably won't show until after this Arc if you don't include Alexandria and Eidolon showing up to the Endbringer fight. As for Basilia, she's 100% more determined than I would be…though it's probably more out of necessity than due to a real personality difference.

She's far more paranoid, and that's saying a lot when it comes to me. Honestly she's probably not too far off from me besides the adaptions she's had to make for survival, with quite a few of those adaptions being unhealthy. Maybe a little more independent and more confident, because while I don't like change…if I'm forced to I will change out of pragmatism if nothing else.

She's also more willing to accept certain parts of herself that I honestly only started realizing myself because I started writing this story. Also she's 300% more traumatized than I've ever been, with all the near-death experiences, the constant fear of the actual end of the world, being ripped away from her home against her will and other things that will eventually come to roost.
Ah so is fire or heat still effective against Taylor bugs even with the biotics protecting them and also what are the limits to what Taylor can do with her biotics exactly @AEM
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Excition 8.1
Excition 8.1

May 24th, 2011. 12:15PM

Basilia Rubio

We had managed to dodge the chaos of evacuation, and I was busy running the numbers on where barriers should be placed and the pattern of movement they should follow. Terabytes of combat data from previous Endbringer fights were put into place, and additional processing was dedicated to unorthodox usage of the Leviathan's powers. Data on how it would stop holding back was few and far between, and I pretty much made every guess imaginable. Could he control the water in someone's body? Could he use his hydrokinesis at far greater power, or was the difference entirely in faking some of his behavior instead?

Their rate of attack was probably what allowed them to last for three hundred years, if they attacked every day they would burn out their reserves. And I had managed to relay my suspicions to Collin, citing the numerous attempts to kill them in the past that had failed drastically. The guy was an ass but he hadn't yet committed to the plan that would screw him over because of his own stupidity and factors involving a stupid/smart fifteen year old skinny girl.

Hey. Even I know that Skitter was kind of…crazy. That this world's bug controller turned out more stable was because of glitchy shards and a literal miracle.

Anyhow…Collin had his nano-thorns modified, though they'd never hit the core even with the spatial shearing applied to his nanomaterial. He had been nice enough to lend us a few nano-thorn knives, about ten in total that he had made and given a few to other people in the Protectorate.

The building was one I had seen every other day, nondescript in every way besides the barrier between worlds being fairly thin here. It was brown and dark tinted and sat alone on the grassy hill that bloomed with odd flowers. And it was becoming quite crowded. Dozens of people had gathered, capes that had been brought in secret over the last day or two. Still more were coming, and the numbers would grow with the four hours we still had before Leviathan would start his fight.

How many would show, a hundred, two hundred? Brockton had only fifteen minutes in that other time and place, and so many people had died in that instance. How many people would die here? Would I be able to have more people survive, or would things get so much worse from here on out?

A massive armored suit plunged down from the sky, Dragon had arrived with a new model. A giant draconic themed machine easily thirty six feet high, and half again as wide. Several esoteric engines pulsed loudly, and multiple cannons were firmly emplaced within the machine's body. As well as two shoulder mounted missile launchers. She faced the water, three dozen smaller suits of different design following behind her. Each of them held different weapons and tools, and others seemed bulkier…built more for defense than doing damage.

The PRT squad let us pass them by, and a few that I sort of recognized nodded at us. Quite a lot of them were nervously bending their respective elements, with at least two waterbenders among the medium sized squad. Healers would probably help a lot with casualties, especially if there are other capes that could help among them.

A thunderclap followed, space folded to connect two different points in the fabric of reality. I easily recognized the people that had shown up out of nowhere, and Taylor's breath hitched.

Alexandria stood tall, the center of attention as she exudes the confidence only borne from decades of experience. Her straight black hair waved in the cold salty breeze, her dark helmet covering much of her face. Athletic, tall and heroic like something only seen in a comic book. The people around her belonged to her team, none that I cared to really name. Strider tipped his hat to one of the heroes staring, and I circled around a group of teenagers that ranged from Dinah's age to being nearly old enough to go Protectorate.

Weld was there, looking like the same metallic Adonis statue as always though he looked as relaxed as someone facing an Endbringer could be. The other teenagers spread out a bit, and I saw that the rest of the team had joined up. Golem was off in a corner, his fists gripped tightly as he stared at Beacon. Kayden Anders.

Weld didn't pat my shoulder for obvious reasons, but he did clasp Taylor's shoulder with a winning smile. Taylor nodded silently, her swarm naturally creeping around her like a billowing cape. We entered the lobby, and I saw that the crowding was growing worse.

Everyone who could sit down did, all on hastily acquired folding chairs and whatever else they had lying around. Menja was here, fists tight and shaking with Othala sitting awkwardly next to Bastion. Without Kaiser there wasn't anyone dickish enough to be smug with him. Oni Lee had made his reappearance, his hands on two odd mysterious blades.

Everyone was here.

Aegis was talking with Weld, and there was a quiet conversation between Vista, Flechette and Parian. Browbeat was in the back, talking to some new independent hero in Brockton, a tinker cape by the name of Turnaround. His shard was cobbled together from Browbeat, Aegis and Armsmaster and had meandered from its original purpose. He wore something like a more sophisticated Mark 1 Iron Man suit, a little sleeker and more…organic. It shifted constantly, and seemed to be connected to the guy's body.

Probably some form of adaptive micromachine based armor that could adapt and compensate for damage. He had probably injected himself with those machines to make the connection more effective.

New Wave was waving us over, and I smirked at the looks they garnered from the locals. Even Vista seemed a little impressed, though it's not like she hated Vicky to begin with. Glory Girl had changed her costume, deciding that now was the best time to make her debut, to transition away from the person she had been.

Her new costume was a lot like what her Antares costume would have been in a timeline I was doing my best to steer this world away from. The cloth was black and weaved out of carbon-tube interlaced with reinforcement from exotic metals that made it tougher than any fiber material on Earth, and dyed with white trim, and instead of a hoodie, a helmet would unfold from the back to offer similar coverage with far greater protection. Apparently her Antares costume had been in the works for months already.

The armor was a white-gold created from the strongest alloys within the archives inside my brain, and the materials that Bakuda could make with her bombs. It covered her chest and upper collar bone, her sleeves were themselves armored with a near impervious alloy, and her legs had great coverage with the articulated plates of white-gold. Her back was covered with armor as well, and her gloves had built-in omni-blades that could modulate their sharpness from butter knife to cutting a rhino in half. The armor could project a potent kinetic barrier, and was built with equipment proved against environmental hazards like acid, water, space, intense radiation and raining matter.

She had a secondary and tertiary mask in case the helmet was damaged, and they had rebreathing devices within them. Her boots could project heavy kinetic blasts, and would serve as a final line of defense if the fourteen layers of her armor was penetrated.

I stopped and pulled and lifted a table and a few seats. "Seems like Glory Girl has got some new gear." I smirked, knowing I had made it for her.

"Polaris." She muttered, her eyes glimmering behind the rather clear glass of the hoodie-like helmet. "It's Polaris."

"That's a good name." Taylor complimented her, swarm sweeping around her into a roughly human shape. Vicky smiled, her shield shimmering gold before receding back into the non-visible spectrum. Which…hilariously I could see just fine. The rest of New Wave had the same costumes as usual, though they had been refined on a deeper level. They had to be Dragon made, and they had the built in components for limited energy barriers and aquatic survival. She had built even more for other people…probably. I haven't really asked.

"Still just Panacea." This time I directed my attention to Amelia with her own new costume. It had taken inspiration from several sources, because Amelia had gotten interested in the stories I knew of the elemental nations, of the people that came long before us.

She wore loose beige pants, with a billowing water nation blue cloak in the style of the air nomads obscuring some of her figure. Beneath that was a red fabric that was in fact a one-piece suit obscured by the top layers of her costume. She had long sleeves, with the same red color ending right before reaching her hands. Her shoes were standard airbender affair, though toughened by my own means.

The cloak also had a hood, and the red suit wasn't really fabric but instead a symbiotic organism that she made with her power. It was apparently based on studies of the incomplete shards I could make, as well as experiments with the synthetic organisms of the Rachni. They were masters of biology, and that had given Amelia a source of trustworthy expertise.

In turn Amelia had learned how to weave power expressions into the suit, and it seemed at least partially multidimensional. A lot like my more complicated equipment. The suit was bound to Amelia's will, much like a machine spirit was bound to my orders. It was basically a heavy suit that would protect her from something like a hypersonic projectile, and had a limited ability to project an energy field. She was at least as strong as her sister was before her power had gotten stronger, and maybe not that much weaker than my cybernetics.

Kind of jealous actually.

Actually…there seems to be thin patches on New Wave's suits…that are definitely biological. Must not have had time to make a full suit.

Taylor was talking with the two New Wave members, and I saw that Shielder was idly playing with his shields as their shapes became more fractal, more esoteric. His power was stronger, and seemed to be edging towards a specific evolutionary direction. I could probably ask, but that sounded rude to catch a shard while they're still working out some kinks.

The Protectorate was here in force. Armsmaster was standing proud, with a long spear in one hand and his trusty halberd in the other hand. Both weapons were awakened, idly chatting with each other. Miss Militia was speaking with Legend, the Blaster glancing at me for a moment before returning to the conversation he was having. He was a flying artillery platform, outputting every bit as much firepower as some of my larger mass accelerator cannons.

Countless heroes and even a few villains mingled with varying degrees of awkwardness or lack thereof. Myrddin, Chevalier, Narwhal with her almost obscene costume, layered with fine crystal scales over her seven foot frame. She was well…

Gorgeous was the bare minimum, though something about her scared me off. Probably the fact she went through a second trigger…those don't tend to leave people with complete sanity.

The Voyagers were here in full, and I could see Rhizome waggling his eyebrows at Bastion. Noelle slapped him, growling in a way that made the guy as pale as a ghost. The few other Boston heroes that had shown up were cracking smiles at that point, despite the grim look in their eyes.

Palanquin was making their way to a few empty seats, and Labyrinth was openly poking Chevalier's cannon blade, moving quickly by opening three dimensional rifts between worlds before popping back into our reality in an instant. She had shown talent with manipulating the barrier between the Material and the Ephemeral and I didn't doubt she could learn a Veil-Rip…which was essentially an artificial portal into the spirit world that one could form with the right rite and talent.

I had taught her how to Veil-Hop though, since that was a talent possible through our shard's natural abilities in navigating and traveling across dimensions. She had likely implemented that into finagling her power into teleportation. I moved on from that, waving at Elle as I found him.

Eidolon was behind one of the television sets, staring out the window with folded arms. The same blue-green skintight suit that expanded into a billowing hood, cape and sleeves. His hood had a flat mask that glowed with the light of green LEDs. I could see his shard, simmering behind him with a metaphorical pout. My hand quivered at the physical appearance of the shard, and I wanted to rub my eyes.

It was a female, long hair flowing in multiple dimensions and skin colored with the same shade as Eidolon's costume. The appearance was uncanny, and I swallowed when I perfectly recalled the single piece of art that I had seen that had depicted Eden's avatar.

It wasn't identical, but it was similar enough to give me a heart attack. It made sense too, Dauntless had only gotten a fragment of the shards that Zion used to control his own shards, while Eidolon had the entire vital shard all to himself. It didn't make it any less worrying though…

But then there was the strangeness of the shard shadow…it wasn't complete, it hadn't fully transitioned though it was creeping up to converting to spirithood within a short matter of time. And there was…was…flickering?


I blinked, turning my head and trying to see if I had heard something. When I found nothing I shrugged.


Other teams were milling about, including a lot of Haven people, four corporate teams with varying degrees of friendliness between one another. I saw both Mouse Protector and Chubster among the crowd of dozens upon dozens of Parahumans. To my surprise Squealer was out and about, though she actively shied away from other people and looked much less…her than usual. A good number of villains were around, and the Undersiders were huddling together with a few dogs barking every so often.

A good two dozen members of the Guild were doing their thing, and I could imagine there being well over a hundred capes, and we still had four hours to go. We might end up with another hundred at this rate, likely the highest attendance rate in history.

"Erudition." Dinah tapped my shoulder, hood pulled up and her face covered in a full mask and set of light armor to protect her better. Apparently she had an easier time predicting Leviathan in the same dimension. "It's starting." I blinked and saw that Legend was going to start his pre-battle speech. He pointed to me and I sputtered.

I was pulled away from the table by Dinah until I was placed between Armsmaster and Legend, the Precog pushing them away. This girl had no chill huh?

Legend started. "We owe thanks to Dragon, Armsmaster, Erudition and Delphi for their early alert. We've had an immense amount of prep time, and we have an estimated several more hours before Leviathan reaches the city. With this time, with this breakthrough and with a lot of luck and teamwork, this can be one of the good days." His expression turned grave and I braced for the tone shift

"But you should know your chances going into this fight. Given the data from previous encounters with Leviathan, even a good day will have a quarter of the people here dead by the end of this fight."

And there it is.

May 24th, 2011. 12:30PM

Basilia Rubio

I focused on other things while Legend essentially rehashed the speech he had given…would that be rehashed or just hashed?

The rain was still light, but the storm cloud on the horizon was simply the closest edge of a vast weather system guided by violent application of mass hydrokinesis. I still vaguely followed what Legend said, but I already had an intimate knowledge of what Leviathan could do and what he had done in the past.

"Newfoundland." I tapped back out, murmuring to myself as I got to work with communing with the spirits that had fallen under my territory. I had completed transactions and quests for them, and they would give us wider margins of error with their unique knowledge of the city.

We couldn't let Leviathan slip away from us, a constant assault upon his person would be required until he retreats. Any way of damaging him would be welcomed, so on and so forth. The armbands worked largely the same but were more refined and sophisticated, and their communication lines were far more hardened. All the little features, including a medi-gel dispenser though I had hundreds of drones in the city and golems dedicated to health concerns, essentially mobile auto-docs.

It was my turn to talk, at the one special difference between this Endbringer fight and any other. I cleared my throat, and relaxed at the thumbs up from my team.

"There is a third addition to this fight, a factor that should make today a good day if we're extremely lucky." I had to be honest here, so I opened a portal and stepped through it to a point behind Legend before popping up behind good old Armsmaster. "I've long since had an effective portal network, and have made notable improvement in preparation for this fight. Every participant will have access to this network for the duration of the battle." I shuffled my feet, and demonstrated with bringing in one cape who would barely fit in this very large lobby.

Singer-of-Rebirth emerged from a large five meter portal that easily fit her thirteen foot tall frame. She was covered in a black organic crystalline armor, inches thick in places, a living suit connected to her vast mind. I gulped once I figured out exactly what kind of heat she was packing. Two back mounted plasma throwers, a spatial plasma bottle that would essentially teleport a storm of solar heat and spatial shearing deep into the Endbringer's body.

Her arms held two modified warp blades, surrounded in a field of distorted space that would cut through matter like a lightsaber. I slowed down my thoughts and continued without a long awkward pause.

"These portals are linked to you, and will automatically assess the required movement to save your lives. Voice command can open portals within a space of about fifty five kilometers and it will know about any attempt to abuse it. Doing so will revoke your privileges, but will retain the emergency evac protocol. The portal will also provide limited shielding during the transit, reducing the chances of being killed while entering the portal." It was also a good thing that portal cutting wasn't possible with this method of teleportation. "The portal network will also provide supplies at a constant basis, food, water, medical necessities or transportation to a medical expert. My drones will be your friends in this battle." One of over three thousand machines hovered above my head, and more were built with every passing minute. Along with further barriers, everything needed to keep that monster off of us.

I had more industrial capacity than an entire city, and I was going to fucking use it like it was supposed to. Which was why the cruiser had been placed on hold about two days ago, that could wait until later.

I added a few more comments, answering unspoken questions to the hundred plus capes that filled the lobby. More were still coming in, and Damsel of Distress of all people showing up with Licit and Edict shadowing her. Her power was a little less twitchy, and her shard was a maelstrom of incredible gravity warping, a dozen arms flowing around a hundred spear-like wings of detonating reality.

It was staring at Taylor, eyes narrowed. She turned, and her swarm turned with her, it's head cocking. The Disruptor flinched, and Damsel of Distress relaxed further.

Good thing I had a constant scanning blast of the city, because examining her power might be of great interest in making more weapons.

People rose at Legend's voice, and I retreated from the spotlight as I focused more Machine spirits on the task of combat simulation, the BattleNet operating at far greater capacity without interference. This was the way that ancient civilizations long gone fought wars, with machines and muscle and willpower, with powers born from the soul and the spirit.

Another portal let out Bakuda, in a thirteen foot tall battlesuit with a dedicated barrier tough enough to shrug off several blows from Leviathan. This was a barrier that would usually see use on a small corvette rather than two tons of armor, carbon muscle, computer systems, and heavy weaponry. Missile launchers on the back would launch a wide array of bombs, all of them built in a tinker frenzy until there were hundreds of them. One arm held the Halcyon, a Stilling directional explosion that would attune itself against Leviathan and nobody else.

It couldn't kill him, since it wasn't a perfect replication and without a deep scan of his Core we couldn't attune to the area of warped space. But it would cut deeper than anything else we had ever built before, perhaps shredding up to 200 layers before stopping at the core.

The one that Bakuda held was seven feet long, and a four foot long model was
held out to Victoria. She grabbed it with her shield, quite publicly revealing her telekinetic powers with a manipulation of her force field. She didn't seem to care, her face set into a much more serious expression. The gun rotated around her in a lazy arc, pointed away from everyone. Ten gun ships were flying high in the air, maybe about a thousand feet or so. Their maneuvering capabilities were absurd, easily pulling hundreds of G's or even thousands and phasing through dimensions to dodge attacks. Their barriers were potent, and they could certainly take a hit or three.

Hit-and-Run tactics were the norm here, because every ship loss was a loss in combat effectiveness.

"—o with your instincts!" I nodded, half listening and keeping the words within myself as I slowly started to find my role here. Definitely not a front line fighter, and I didn't need to get up close to provide expendable minions even if I included spirits into the equation.

Assault and Battery were moving in, and I couldn't follow that up even with much stronger barriers and shields than before. We were fast, and honestly search and rescue plus logistics was what would fit us best. Theoretically our barriers could block a glancing blow before going down…and then we'd be splattered if any more energy from the hit remained after that.

Rebirth was another story, so she was a frontliner due to her biotic barrier being a hundred times stronger than what we had. The barrier overlay would block multiple hits from Leviathan, and her teleportation and weapons would keep her out of trouble. Some of her children would run as support, those few brave enough to fight a monster.

I took the armband absently, stating "Erudition." Without a second thought. Confirming it was just as easy.

Legend talked about backup defense, and I almost shifted until I thought better of it. My technology was already doing that, and a pull wouldn't do shit against that fucking lizard.

"Movers!" I grabbed Taylor then, and she nodded with trepidation. My hands were shaking, and I took a deep intake of fresh oxygen. Taylor could act as a long range attacker, and her multitasking would let her do so across 36 square miles of land. She could track the Leviathan, as could the hundreds of drones hidden in every nook and cranny of this town. I qualified in the end due to being a tinker, but I wasn't critical in keeping the machine running.

That was what the Rachni workers were for, and what the machine spirits were for.

With the portals Movers were redundant, but every second counted. The difference between life and death for hundreds if not thousands of people. I could feel the sheer anticipation, the spirit world was shifting, a primal rage causing the ocean and river to swell. They would return again, and that would buy us precious time against the Citykiller. Even if manifesting wasn't possible…rebellion against an invader was far easier to manage.

Charlotte was taking her place more in the back, her earthbending was no direct help here but her vast range of awareness was every bit as important as Taylor's swarm sense. Even a single bug would make a difference, and I still wasn't too sure it would succeed.

I jumped when Myrddin clasped my shoulder, the wizard cape smiling grimly. I'm sure he realized why I was acting like this…this was terrifying, but I wasn't going to be a coward.


What madness had possessed me? How insane was I to not run screaming, to want to fight a monster that had killed so many?

Another cape emerged, and I flinched at the blank stare of Kaida, Lung's kid. She didn't have the best costume, a simple robe and a mask. She barreled her way toward the frontline combatants, fire burning around her as she received an armband.

Bakuda was a long range combatant, and would launch missiles and bombs from across the city if she had to. Several dozen different craft were flying above us, and I would build as fast as I could. 24 or more cannons, and each could be updated on a software basis if need be to shape better metrics. Dozens of hypersonic missiles with exotic payloads, and a city terrain weaponized with all the effort that would require.

Spiritual warfare was the domain of about ten shamans, with only five of those being of any note. That would be me, Bitch, Elle, Gallant and Kaida.

And that girl was going to turn into a dragon within the next few hours.

The storm was getting closer, and my fingers twitched at the idea of making some final preparations. I was a shaman, and I was going to turn this city into a death trap for the beast. Every other shaman would commit to the same idea, and the aura I felt from Elle told me she had found an appropriate spirit to deal with him.

Every city had an incalculable host behind it, a grand spirit that could be supplicated. I had quite accidentally offered it much, I had slowly purged it of the poison crushing its heart and it would retaliate with all its might against the culling unit. It wouldn't manifest, because that's not what those kinds of spirits tend to do but it's court would not have the same problems.

Every part of my being was telling me to keep moving forward, to throw everything I had to kill the monster strangling humanity in its cradle. This was one of the few things that could be stopped with only minor consequences from a moral standpoint.

Taylor kept moving me, and I opened both my World Eyes. The landscape was twisted and I shifted carefully, hundreds of spirits had gathered and they were in a frenzy. At this point, about half of Brockton Bay had been tamed by the efforts of about two dozen shamans. Most of them were inexperienced, so I had found a few friendly ancestor-spirits to teach them the basics so they wouldn't be killed.

Soon the spirit world would be cultivated, a balance would be made that would benefit all. I was going to do my job as a shaman and as a tinker, and do everything in my power to make this fight end with a better outcome.

It was all that anyone could ask for at this point.

May 24th, 2011. 3:15PM

Basilia Rubio

The rain was pouring now, but the primary storm was still a while away, a growing blight on the once clear sky. Maybe about thirty to fifty minutes out, and I was sweating after going through a final tinkering session. Over four thousand drones were hovering around the city, and I had built up two more craft with space warp cannons. Bakuda had tinkered up a few more bombs, and Taylor had spread out her swarm to every nook and cranny she could find. Plus bringing a few hundred million exotic insects to bolster her useful numbers. There were somewhere around 200 plus people, and the numbers would probably grow a bit more from there.

I didn't have much less to do, so I instead focused on another task entirely. My hand slammed into a solid 50 kilogram chunk of steel, and I felt the metal itself. Modern materials had so much greater purity than alloys from centuries ago, but that had never been anything more than a crutch…an early way of thinking of metal as refined earth. Purity mattered, but so did density and steel was nowhere dense enough to be immune.

The metal warped under my hands, shifting like liquid before me. Charlotte was showing Armsmaster how to bend metal, and several PRT agents as well. They would never fight Leviathan but helping out was not out of the question. I wasn't the best at it, but there were at least a few dozen metalbenders in the city besides my team.

I really wished we could just portal them out…but that would trigger him. Doing it during the fight was apparently the only chance they had. Portaling him out was unlikely to work due to his afterimage and his natural supersonic speeds. It didn't mean there wouldn't be attempts when the opportunity came. At least as a distraction, plus I had taken the time to construct more power plants. All of it put in other worlds inaccessible to both powers and technology.

There was some inherent difference between the alternates of my world and of Bet. A gap that could only be crossed by shard-spirits or by more powerful entities. Scion might be able to manage it but the Simurgh and her ilk could not, which was why some crude dimensional locking had been put in place. It probably wouldn't stop him, but I wanted to have an extra guarantee just in case.

Which was why I was planning to plop down a few prefab bases in a few star systems, and I would probably need to set up a relay system to speed up travel between two points in space.

I was outside, and a gunship was humming quietly in the rain, it's fusion engine purring and it's mass effect field keeping it aloft. The vessel had no room for people, fully dedicated as a machine fighting force. Which is why I had to run some interference to keep it from being fucked with. If the Simurgh could mess with computers from Earth orbit, that meant she could mess with my systems.

I wasn't going to let that happen…so I didn't let it happen.

Two spirits manifested, and I blinked at the spirits that worked in concert with my computer spirits in tearing out secrets as well as obscuring them. Lies and Deceit might sound malicious but they had been largely friendly towards my cause and owed me much. That debt was two sided of course.

They didn't speak, insteading pointing out something behind me. I reacted and they receded from the physical world. When I turned around I saw Taylor gently falling back down to the ground. I read her body language, her anxiety, her sheer nervousness, the way she fussed with her hands and the gentle bite against her lip. I could feel her frame shiver once and then twice, and I didn't know how to respond to that. I saw that Charlotte was giving her a thumbs up, being very smiley. Taylor chuffed, and I felt my own nerves creep up.

Taylor placed a hand on my shoulder, her mask further elevating the intensity. "I think it's time we had that talk." I probably looked like a fish beneath my helmet, and I nodded shyly.

We moved around the crowds of people who had taken residence outside, everything from PRT agents, emergency medical staff, as well as capes of all stripes and colors. I brushed away the water from my person, simply bending it around me with practiced ease. I might not have the natural talents of Panacea, but I was still a good waterbender.

Taylor started pulling me, her hand silently wrapping around my wrist as she took me to a place a little more out of the way. She leaned against a wall and quietly invited me to do the same. Together we looked up the dark cloudy skies, distant lightning flashing across the sky. Several seconds passed before the sound hit, and I saw how the vast weather system shifted unnaturally.

One of my eyes opened to the spirit world, and saw the deluge of angry storm spirits and spirits of lightning and water. Around us, spirits of all shapes and sizes came together under the call of war and conflict. I could see Gallant speaking to his familiar of sorts, the blob spirit partially manifesting to act as a healer. An avatar manifested into a world not its own.

Vista was holding the mannequin close to her chest, and in the spirit world I saw how a battle-spirit slithered around her with a soft click of its claws on the ground. An eagerness to a battle unlike any it had faced in the past, and it wanted in on the action. Bitch was murmuring to her dogs, the sparks of spirits surrounding their bodies. Over two hundred shards were in close relative proximity to each other, and I glanced at one of the newbies.

Specter-Lupus…not the best name, but it wasn't my decision. Ghostly metal jutted out from her palms, back, and forehead, spinning phasing blades leaving others around her nervous. So I guess we had a replacement for Shadow Stalker and Hookwolf, and the extra capes meant the initial losses didn't mean the difference between life and death.

"I know you don't want to talk about this thing between us. But we're not going to have a lot more time, Basilia." She spoke through our isolated communication line, rubbing her arms and expressing the social anxiety that I felt. "We're fighting an Endbringer this time…we can't get cold feet today." Her stare was deep and intense and I swallowed.

"Y-You're right. I'm just…" I shut my eyes, rubbing the back of my neck. "Afraid." To my shock Taylor moved until she was directly in front of me, hands clasping my shoulders. One hand moved, and without a second thought she removed her helmet. She brushed back her long hair, her spirit mask keeping her identity as secret as usual. Not that I had a problem since it didn't hide identities within the group.

Unless they were Mastered or traitors.

Her smile was shy, her naturally wide lips expressing a mix of emotions swirling together into what had to be a big mess. Personally I thought she was rather pretty, though ironically my own body type was closer to what I was naturally attracted to. But she had the height and the tasteful muscles that I also found attractive.

But that wasn't why I liked her. She was…a lot stronger than I was…maybe not a lot smarter though certainly more determined than I was. I admired that, admired her and I think I…I've never felt this strongly for anyone before.

I pulled off my own helmet, not caring about the rain droplets streaking down my face. I had magic water powers, rain couldn't hurt me. But…commitment could.

"I'm…not very good at this kind of thing." She murmured quietly, one of her hands creeping up to cradle my chin. I blushed, smiling sardonically.

"Welcome to the club." I laughed almost hysterically, my body shaking.

"I…get why I'm nervous, I've never had anything like this before." She shrugged her shoulders, her flushing face making me smile. "But why are you so scared?"

My shoulders dropped. "A couple reasons I think…" I whispered back as I rested on the wall. "You're two years younger than me…which is about the age gap between my parents. They…didn't work out and the time they took to…separate was a little…" I also didn't want to feel like I was trying to manipulate someone younger than me…I wanted this to be real. I purse my lip as I thought about what had gone down with my parents.

It was uncomfortable. And I didn't completely understand because I was starting to hit puberty when things started to fall apart. And it took years still after that.

"Oh." I didn't move back like I sort of wanted to, chewing on my lip as I kept going.

"I'm also a little scared, I've never been with anyone before. Never been with someone who tolerates my bullshit, my monologues, my occasional temper or someone who understands when I don't get something." I always got yelled out by my mom, or by others for not just getting it on the first try. They were too opaque when they wanted something.

It made me feel stupid, but Taylor got that I sometimes needed structure and needed specifics. I…loved that she just understood.

"I'm not exactly versed in this myself." I nodded at her response, fear curdling in my gut.

"I just…you know how dangerous our world is." She followed, eyebrows furrowed. "I don't want to be with you just to watch you die…but it also feels wrong to leave this unresolved. I…can't do that to you." I really couldn't, letting my cowardice get in the way of something good. Didn't seem healthy, and it wasn't just my decision to make either. It took two to tango, and it was obvious that Taylor wanted to tango.

She pulled me closer, still gently holding my chin. "I get it, I don't want you to die. I don't want my friends to die, but that's just how things are sometimes. You can't let fear and a need for control dominate your entire life." She was sincere in her words, and I felt my heart hammer in my chest. "We're doing everything that we can to survive, it's all we can do when the world is as screwed up as it is. But I want this. And I know you don't feel any different." Her tone turned soft near the end, eyes looking at me like I was the only thing that mattered to her.

My face was on fire, and I felt a tremble through my body at those words of hers.

Fuck it.

I stood up on the tips of my toes, but when I still couldn't reach Taylor confusedly obliged me, lifting me up until we were level. The fact she didn't know what I was going to do made us both oblivious dorks.

I pushed forward, and kissed Taylor with no hesitation. She almost dropped me, but I ended up wrapping a leg around her before she could ruin the moment. She kissed back, and I tasted her for a bit. No lipstick, and it wasn't some fireworks moment.

It was simple and sweet and I wanted to kiss her for longer. But she still has to breathe so…

I pulled back, holding my body weight with a single arm and leg, face burning and my stomach doing flips and oh my god I kissed a girl, I kissed a girl oh my god!

Taylor looked incredibly stupid, her expresion vacant and I started to snort-laugh. It was too cute, just too cute, and I simply gripped her tighter, resting my head on her shoulder because I could do whatever I wanted.

"So that's a yes?" She squeaked and I nodded and I squeaked back when she pecked me on the lips again. I giggled into the kiss, and then froze when there was a flash of an omni-tool taking a picture.

I robotically turned my head, and my face had to be crimson. The Dallon sisters were there, plus their cousins and a few Wards including Clockblocker with a laugh escaping him. Amy had led them here…

"For fucks sake!" I screeched and tried to pull at the optotronic device and instead took a blast of wind to the face. "MOTHERFUCKER! AMY I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" I clawed at the air, and I enjoyed how her face paled and twisted in fear. She fled, and I roared. "You better run you bitch!" I finally sagged into Taylor, letting her hold me up as my rage left me.

Taylor nuzzled me, cheeks flaming with a cute smile on her face. "You got that out of your system?" I muttered angrily, but said yes regardless.

"Can I kiss you again?" She smiled and nodded and I totally didn't let out a chirpy 'yiss' when I carefully maneuvered my lips into another kiss. An electric thrill ran through me, and my nose bumped painfully with hers. We seperate, my cheeks puffing up at the mistake.

"It's okay." She put me down, and placed her helmet back over her face, passing my helmet and placing it on my head. I adjusted it and it connected back to the rest of the suit.

I was stunned at what had just happened, at what we had just done and even with my fears…I couldn't care less. I hugged Taylor tight, smiling stupidly at her.

"Okay…so this is happening. Probably not the best time for it, but that's kind of my own fault." Taylor gave a so-so gesture with her hand and a cheeky air and I laughed near silently. "I'm definitely going to be really bad at this, interpersonal relationships are not my strong suit."

"Well we'll work on it." I loved the sound of that, but that joy didn't last as the rain became pouring, buckets of water falling to the ground. The barriers were active, and the water diverters were doing their jobs. A few stealth craft were reporting in, essentially poking their cameras from another dimension to reduce their signature.

"Leviathan is on the move." Every cape in the area heard my warning, and another thousand drones popped in from a literal assembly line. We had twenty armed vessels, a dozen ones built for carrying people, and several fast fighter craft built to distract the bastard with hypersonic maneuvers.

Taylor squeezed my shoulder as Legend, Alexandria and Armsmaster made their approach.

Collin was blunt. "What did the scan pick up?" I generated a hard light projection, generating a one tenth scale image of Leviathan. We still had some time, but I was going to go through this quickly.

"Dragon's interdimensional scanners combined with my technology have surmised that Leviathan is made of an organo-crystalline material with an innate ability to vary their density and shift mass between dimensions. Each layer roughly doubles in strength up to a certain point, centered around a core that acts as a lense of interdimensional portals to shift mass to regenerate its body."

"What does that tell us?" Legend asked, clearly wanting me to not hold back. So I didn't.

"Besides the fact they've been playing humanity like a fiddle for almost twenty years?" I replied flatly.

"What?" Armsmaster was angry.

"Based on their sheer density and the tensile strength 200 layers down…" I went with the truth. "Any expression of pain has been a total lie, and no conventional attack can harm them without killing us all."

"Explain." Eidolon popped in, almost giving me a heart attack. His arms were crossed and he was glowing green

"You would require at least several hundred to several thousand Petatons of energy to collapse the core and kill an Endbringer. The only one with that type of firepower is String Theory and she's in the Birdcage. Any 'pain' they've felt has been a lie since their nervous system is apparently unconventional." I tapped the hologram, pointing out how the body was entirely crystal, with no discernable organs or even muscles.

"My nano-thorns would never have been able to reach deep enough." Armsmaster deduced things quickly.

"Oh Leviathan would definitely end up killing you once it got tired of playing its game with you." He looked indignant, and then it turned to realization.

"You built those cannons before the deep scans you took…you already suspected?" I answered in the affirmative to Armsmaster.

"I know more about powers than anyone on this planet, Parahumans and Endbringers seem to come from the same or a similar source though the expression is far different." I stared at Alexandria, and she stared back.

She subtly dropped her chin in a nod. She got what I meant then…and confirmed that Cauldron knew that I knew about them, and that I know that they know about me knowing about them.

"Any forms of reality warping powers are far more likely to have a major effect on the stability of their dimensional connections. So Damsel of Distress, Chevalier, Flechette, Clockblocker, and Eraser." Turns out Scrub triggered with a mildly more controllable version of his OG powers due to being dragged into the spirit world by dark spirits. "My Nihilim cannons, and Bakuda's Halcyon phasers are both of a similar caliber."

"Can any of them damage this core…?" Eidolon sounded skeptical and I glared at him.

"Flechette can, but she can't reach the core on her own, and any cape that can kill Leviathan will be prioritized out of self preservation if nothing else. "All of them are too squishy to hit him directly if he quits holding back." Portals would do wonders I'm sure.

"Then we'll have to work up a plan to have our top hitters in fighting condition." Legend shifted, light sparkling off his form. "If what you're saying is true, we have the best opportunity to severely hurt an Endbringer for the first time."

"Eidolon should be a big help there…if he can keep Leviathan still for long enough, or find a power that can damage him or both…"

"Leviathan falls." Alexandria stated.

"Possibly." More rain poured, and I switched priorities. "Welp…I've told you all I can, there's a final thing I need to take care of." I ran off before they could say otherwise.

I lifted my palms to the sky, and murmured a chant. There was a ripple in the spirit world that the other shaman in the area felt. Vista didn't move as her spirit companion shifted into its full protean form, a hiss of pleasure escaping it.

The darkness would be breached.


There was a subtle change in the city, the streets and buildings taking on a unique quality. The Lord River was bubbling, ice floes materializing from nothing. The Bay was waving back and forth, a roar of the deep echoing as the barrier between the two worlds thinned.

We had only minutes, and I had everything to throw at this beast of apocalypse.

My soul screamed to fight this beast of the inevitable, this avatar of entropy. Lung's child emerged from the lobby, scales flaring as she called herself Kiyohime. Echidna had grown three feet, grey plates emerging along her arms. They thought the same.

Leviathan will be denied.
AN: So the Excition Arc has started, and marks where the story will go off the rails at least a little bit. 8.3 should be finished sometime today, which should be out in nine days or so. The Arc will be eight chapters and two Interludes though I think I've already mentioned this. I've got a lot of Arcs left in me though, since I don't plan on getting stuck after Leviathan.

Which does make me ask how many Worm fics got past an Endbringer arc to begin with?

Anyhow there isn't much else to way other than hoping you enjoy it.
"Larger than a tardigrade though only a single cell and the fact that you've probably never heard of Stentor…"
Isn't this from Journey to the Microcosmos's video on Stentor? Specifically, Stentors: Single-Celled Giants? I recognize it from somewhere...
Anyways, Loving the story, its connections to Mass Effect and ATLA. I wonder what's gonna be brought in next? Halo?
Isn't this from Journey to the Microcosmos's video on Stentor? Specifically, Stentors: Single-Celled Giants? I recognize it from somewhere...
Anyways, Loving the story, its connections to Mass Effect and ATLA. I wonder what's gonna be brought in next? Halo?
I was watching that video while making the chapter, and it ended up getting integrated since it wouldn't leave my headspace at the time. As for anything else, that's mostly future things that haven't been fully elaborated on or outlined. But we'll see.
though ironically my own body type was closer to what I was naturally attracted to.
That was intentional, the Amalgamate Overgod foresaw your issues and forced you into a body that your old self would find attractive to jumpstart your self confidence.

It was a small concession to make, as this and other notable benefits are all apologies for the necessity of having your new persona being designed via committee. Be thankful you did not come out the other end as an anime catgirl sparkledog, as being dead does nothing to deter the spirits from having bad taste.
That was intentional, the Amalgamate Overgod foresaw your issues and forced you into a body that your old self would find attractive to jumpstart your self confidence.

It was a small concession to make, as this and other notable benefits are all apologies for the necessity of having your new persona being designed via committee. Be thankful you did not come out the other end as an anime catgirl sparkledog, as being dead does nothing to deter the spirits from having bad taste.
Heh…well the part about being designed by committee isn't a 100% wrong. Though some of it is definitely just natural genetics showing through to Basilia's chagrin.
Hahahaha yes finally seriously it's about time. Personally I can kinda see why Basilla is attracted to Taylor even though she's not my type this Taylor is very determined and has been Basilla support so I can understand why also I love it that Taylor despite being younger than basilla was the one to approach basilla first albiet it was Basilla that actually did the kiss hmm I'm also imagining how the kiss would be like if basilla still had her male body since Taylor would probably still need to lift him up
Excition 8.2
Excition 8.2

May 24th, 2011. 3:55PM

Basilia Rubio

We had barely gotten in place in time for the first wave to hit as it arrived without Leviathan. A wave of water smashed like a bomb against the shore, and a shudder went up and down my spine as the barriers flickered as they activated upon contact. Destroyer and Light Cruiser-class barriers were built to push the waves back, and the amount of kinetic force behind a tsunami was enormous. But these barriers were built to withstand multiple low-relativistic impacts with yields up to that of a tactical nuclear warhead of several kilotons.

The sheer impact knocked down buildings across the city, and the tsunami slammed into the cargo ship, the vessel very nearly colliding against a city barrier before turning against the flow of the flood of water. Cameras picked up the Leviathan, the thirty foot monstrosity crashing down with a kick at one of the barriers. Our range combatants took the free time to get up to the rooftops, and the Boardwalk was shaking itself apart as the kinetic energy translated through the ground.

The downpour was insane, and we had already been setting up environmental barriers where we could, since most of the barrier manufacturing had been taken up by the ones blocking a wall of water from drowning the city. Some of the waves flowed backwards, and I saw glowing eyes as something enormous swam in the waters below.

Leviathan noticed the weak spot, and the air shattered as it flew upwards at near Mach speeds.

Sigil popped into existence, an aspect of itself warning everyone of what came next. Right as Leviathan nearly smashed a shield to pieces with a combination of himself and his water echo, half a dozen gunships popped into existence.

A sound like a hurricane, a volcano, and a vacuum combined blasted into my ears. Light lensed around the two cannons firmly attached to the vessels, and the area of space warping speared toward the Endbringer. In a single second dozens of layers sheared apart in a wave of crystalline flesh and ichor. The Endbringer twisted, its whip-like tail knocking a vessel into a spin. The barrier endured, and it phased out of existence before a water echo could rip it apart.

The Leviathan spoke no words, and the barrier cracked with a single impact as the rain turned into spikes of hardened water. Dozens of long range attackers created a volley of energy, esoteric flames, exotic matter and other elements. Legend's lasers reached him first, shredding a few layers in before stopping like most attacks did. Specter-Lupus launched her ghost metal, shapeshifting into an amorphous mass of grinding steel and dimensional shift. The bolts passed through but did only modest damage to the Endbringer. The bay had stilled completely, and a second wave some three stories high rode over the bay water and slammed into the coast again.

The clouds overhead were growing more violent, a maelstrom that rained down deep pools of water above the city. The water vanished into portals embedded into the kinetic barrier courtesy of Dragon scanning Vicky. We didn't need Leviathan having any funny ideas once the barriers break. The modules were held aloft by gravity nullifying fields, simple flat rectangular platforms doing their jobs of projecting shaped bubble fields.

When not if was a matter of course with an Endbringer.

Bakuda let out a scream through the comms line, and a beam of golden light harmlessly passed through the city barrier. Leviathan moved instantly, pushing off a water echo and twisting at mindblowing speed. The first hit raked along his tail, and tore it clean off. There was a pause of a tenth of a second and Bakuda fired again, three shots in rapid succession. Two missed but left boiling craters along Leviathan's chest, and the third erased his head.

He didn't stop though, and a much larger second wave nearly buckled the barriers. He threw a series of punches with immense inhuman force behind every blow and strike, and the environmental barrier held by the slimmest of margins before Eidolon launched himself at the Endbringer.

Three powers spun around him in my mind's eye, and he speared forward with a whirling crimson energy around his fist. The field exploded out into a beam nearly thirty feet across, and the monster flew back at supersonic speeds. A second power formed some form of bubble that acted as a Brute/Striker ability. Eidolon shaped the bubble into multiple whip-like appendages, restraining Leviathan. The third was obviously a flight power, and Alexandria joined him in the fray above us.

She brought her hands in front of her as a water echo rose to meet her, and white-hot fire clashed together into a blast of steam as it hit the multiple tons of transonic sea water. The rest of the water was broken apart by her own fists, and she grabbed the Leviathan by what was left of his neck, throwing it further into Eidolon's restraint. A dozen of my weapons popped into reality, and Leviathan spun and generated a midair whirlpool, knocking around the two Triumvirate heroes away with the move.

24 space-warp lances made their mark, shearing through countless layers before eventually stopping in some of the denser layers, though other lances went deeper still.

As expected.

Dragon had taken flight, followed by a hundred other Dragonflight suits. She broke the sound barrier, and her machine's claws raked across Leviathan's punctured chest. Her Halcyon Cannon was buried in her abdomen, and an eight inch wide door opened. Golden streaks punched all the way through Leviathan but his combat effectiveness wasn't reduced at all. Tens of thousands of tons of water lifted from the waters he had to bring from further out in the ocean. Dragon fired again in a widespread beam, stilling the waters which harmlessly slicked off the crumbling barrier. Once that happened the barriers began to regenerate.

The other suits were distractions, firing missiles that took his attention off of the Brutes holding him back. He flicked a hand and an expected move was pulled by the monster. The water that was already in the city attempted to crush us, and with a wave of my hands the pool around us was ripped from his control. Other waterbenders picked up the rest of the slack and the Lord River responded with unadulterated rage.

Pillars of ice rose, and accelerated like bullets. The Leviathan flicked its wrists, lashing out with its hands. The spears froze his water echoes solid, and bits of ice found themselves lodged in his wounds, freezing and cracking the outermost layers. They grew with every second, and the Endbringer simply exerted so much excess force that the ice shattered to bits before steaming under the heat generated by the act.

Those who could generate barriers and force fields took to combatting the local flooding, and the mobile barriers did their job of funneling water away from everything as well.

A hundred beams struck Leviathan straight on when it attempted to drown Alexandria while headless. Which was completely terrifying on a primal level to fight a monster with only a single weak spot buried under layers of hyper-durable matter. The Endbringer froze, and without a second thought it hopped away before throwing itself into the ocean.

And from the ocean numerous water shadows formed from the ocean, each of them three to nine times the monster's size.

Dinah screamed. "MOVE!" Thousands of tons of water that hadn't been dumped into the river and assimilated by Lord River were propelled at supersonic speeds, and inner barriers shifted to block them. The Rachni Queen had reacted, and a group of Wards was narrowly saved from being shredded with an application of a Wall anchored to a building.

Sham down, CD-5, Edict down, CD-5, Resolute down, CD-5…

That anyone was still alive was either a miracle or a testament to how prepared we had been, and I monitored the flow of supplies. Medi-gel, surgical tools, auto-docs, food, water and even kinetic barrier modules flowed between worlds in moments.

More waterbenders pulled on the waves, hastily wrestling them out of Leviathan's control. Thousands of tons of sea water was dumped, and hastily separated to placate the river. Alexandria and Eidolon were stuck fighting his shadows, and Dragon was constantly stilling the waters, sapping their kinetic energy. A dozen suits took off to scout the Endbringer since they were disposable.

I tilted backwards into a portal, and rocketed on wind and biotic power, grabbing Flechette and Damsel of Distress to pull them away from crushing waves.

"FIRE!" I adjusted a confused Damsel's aim, and a zone of annihilation struck the shadows and boiled them away into pockets of gas. I opened a portal about one hundred feet up, and a smaller portal was opened for Flechette.

"I…" I pinched her arm, and she fired three arrows in ten seconds as I slowed our fall. There was a rumble on the other end and the portal closed shut.

I dropped Damsel at a building and placed Flechette with Aegis(a waterbender) and Shielder. I stepped forwards into the Boat Graveyard that had turned into a Verge, spirit plants growing hungrily and vehicle spirits briefly popping in and out of reality. I didn't step out of the barrier though, but the hull was firmly pressing against it.

The cargo ship-spirit was clear as day in my eyes, it's anchor raking on the soaked ground as the last ship of an old era stared out at the ocean where Leviathan lurked.

"You want to fight him, don't you, you old rusty ship?" I smirked sardonically, and the ship let out a loud foghorn sound despite being broken. The ship's spirit was dormant until Leviathan made its approach, just like how most material spirits are dormant, merely reflections of themselves. A dog spirit can choose to either separate itself from its mother or retain the mooring from which it was born. Usually it was a little of both, and a spirit like this was firmly attached to its physical body.


He screamed in my mind, and I nodded.

Something beyond mortal ken made me place a hand on the barrier, speaking gently to the vessel. Whether it was Leviathan that had caused its death or simply changing times, the ship wished for vengeance. And the Endbringer was an excellent target.

I started to hum, infusing it with my own power, with my own soul. The entire ship rippled, and its anchor was torn out from the waters that had shrunk due to Leviathan slamming it against the defenders.

Fiercling down, CD5. Triumph down, CD5.

"Do it." Dinah murmured on the comms, and I spoke to the spirit.

"Awaken to battle! AWAKEN LAMENT-OF-ENDURANCE!" I slammed my fist into its old steel, and the air cracked as the ship moved. An animal shriek of rage bellowed from its engines, the cracked rusted hull replaced by pristine steel and iron and paint. The ground liquified as forty thousand tons of ship dragged itself from the Graveyard and back into the waters. In seconds the vessel was restored, and it moved at speeds beyond what was possible for a ship of its size and mass.

I could hear the sounds of people panicking as the ship hit the waters, steam blowing around its hull as it accelerated toward a spot some four kilometers off the shore.

I blinked out of reality, dodging a water echo and jumping 80 feet up before spinning and taking off in an air spiral. Vista was busy turning space into a pretzel, collapsing the remaining waves down into nothing with her power while her spirit companion tore into the waters with animal hunger and greed. The city barriers were being battered relentlessly, being pushed harder and harder with each wave that Leviathan threw from a distance. They were attacked from the waters within, by grates full of seawater, mundane puddles, any source of water with no spirit to resist the control of Leviathan.

All things had reflections, but not all of those reflections were aware. If they were then the spirit world would be rather crowded with the sheer number of insects, nematodes and bacteria. Insect spirits might be common but not like that.

I dodged another wave of water, ducking behind a barrier. The wave was brought to a halt by a passing Aegis, his waterbending freezing it solid and dragging it away from other people. The attacks were dropping off as he lost his hold on the water in the city, but I could feel the ground shake.

Draining the reservoir would probably cause a lot of issues if it came too fast, which was why I had set up portals to shunt it elsewhere until he was gone, we were all dead or he was dead.

I received a call from someone. "What was that?!" I responded quickly.

"An awakened spirit is going to sacrifice itself to attack Leviathan." The war cry shook the skies, and a wave over two hundred feet high slammed into the ship. It sheared through the flood with willpower and rage, propellers turning as it struck the wave at over 160 knots. The water dented its metal but it didn't falter in its suicide charge.


The caller hesitated. "It seems…angry?" The vessel screamed at the Endbringer, and I gaped as boats were dredged up from the sea bottom. They bounced off and instead of being destroyed they took up the same shine as the primary vessel in the sea. It launched them back with unerring accuracy, striking at the brief glimpses of the Endbringer as the boats hit the ocean. The vessels shattered, bending around the unyielding crystalline flesh of an Endbringer.

"Well it does seem to hate Leviathan with the passion of a thousand suns." I deadpanned as the ship collided with a confused Endbringer. Chains wrapped around the monster, the anchor swinging like an executioner's axe. Half the ship crumpled under the force of a fourth wave, and the chain went taut and held.

A fighter burst into existence, peppering the beast with disruptor torpedoes. The unstable swirl of shifting mass was good at warping space, and it showed when it crushed 15 to 20 layers in a single strike. They wouldn't get much deeper than that though, maybe up to 22…and honestly their density shift was chaotic enough to screw my calculations.

And it wasn't a lethal blow, not even close.

The ship whipped Leviathan into the open air, and the craft did what their programming demanded. Firing.

40 strikes were launched before the shuttles popped into a nearby reality, and one had a wing sheared off in the storm of hardened walls of sea water. Another was cored, and the detonation was diverted and then launched into Leviathan's face.

A fifth wave over sixty feet rose up from behind the Endurance and Eidolon launched himself at the high wall of liquid H2O. The water was frozen, the hero using his own hydrokinesis. What he didn't catch was stopped by Dragon, stilling the encroaching waves and making them lose their impact.

I got a text from Dinah.

Behind you.

One of the waves had diverted itself, washing away an evacuated town and reducing it to splinters and rubble. Eidolon broke away from the fight, and vanished into an emerald portal. The Endurance continued to crumple, and I flinched as the Endbringer shredded hundreds of tons of steel with its long bulging arms.


I stepped onto an Athens warehouse near the shore where Bakuda was shooting our continuous golden rays of light. Polaris was doing the same, reducing the kinetic energy of the waves to keep Leviathan from drowning us.

"Bomb." I growled and didn't topple when she dropped a 200 kilogram warhead into my hands. She grunted and kept firing her imperfect rendition of the Warrior.

A portal opened and I dropped the weapon with a message on the path that carried it. The Endurance was split in half, and one half was launched towards the city. Alexandria simply grabbed it and swung it like an enormous club. Leviathan cut the ship apart with water pressure but failed to detect the bomb as the other half collided in homicidal rage. A new golden sun rose on the horizon, and the monster emerged tattered but alive as always.

It's tail was cut off, and it's fingers and feet had skeletal looks to them, and two of its newly regrown eyes had been marred. It flicked a wrist, and two columns of ocean grew from water it has total control over. But it was still lacking control of water directly in the Bay. There were areas where Leviathan had literally boiled, chunks of flesh as big as cars ripped out of him. He had lost three fingers just now, and an inch wide hole had been punched through him.

"Okay two tests for striking at Leviathan with portals, do we need a third?" I spoke aloud for everyone who could listen on the joint communication like to hear.

The water in the city was largely gone, but the city was shaking as Eidolon fought desperately to stop the kilometers of water that had isolated Brockton Bay from the rest of the country. Roads had vanished and the ground collapsed as water was pulled from the ground to fuel the attack. The waves were pushed out further collapsing the empty shores, and finding purchase outside the territories of spirits.

I followed the cameras of my drones, plucking at the flow of information and keeping an eye around me. Armsmaster adjusted his halberd and responded with few words.

Damsel of Distress was the first to launch an attack, the insane glee in her eyes unnerving as she generated a swirling pool of reality warping about twenty feet across. Leviathan stumbled as a leg was splintered by the shattering of physical laws. The recoil on her arms was immense and she was thrown into Armsmaster who cushioned her with his biotics. Eraser went next, and Leviathan's head went flying as his mass was thrown and scattered across different dimensions. It quickly began to regenerate and the beast wasn't slowed in its attack volley.

Specter-Lupus shoved her hand into a portal, and a weave of metal phased into the monster's body even as it took off along the surface in a gallop. Two portals opened to reveal a stream of thread that was frozen in time and sheared through multiple layers before timing out. A ball of water hit a portal at supersonic speeds, and bounced off a spirit-made barrier. Even if it had made it through, it would have simply splattered on a spirit path. The space wasn't noticed because space was compressed but it didn't always have to be that way so…

I stepped into a spot indicated on the map, and a few heroes were resting with minor injuries obtained from water shadows. Dozens of dragon machines broke apart, many taking the blow for the main one to reduce the risk of critical damage.

Velocity had a badly hurt leg, and I reached for him…and one of the medical volunteers let me past, and I bent a gloop of water and placed it on the wound.

It glowed with the flow of chi, and Velocity relaxed. The people with actual medical experience took over, accompanied by several drones with various different purposes. Some were helpful for emergency surgery, others were for setting up barriers and defense. Others still were warning systems, extensive sensor suites built for detecting odd activity.

Leviathan dove back down into the ocean, and I hissed. The portals worked better with air than in water, and it left him free to send out waves until we were crushed by his power. Eidolon was busy wrestling the flood waters from our east side, the vast dearth avoiding the origin of the Lord River from a nearby mountain. Trillions of gallons of water was tearing away at the soil and the few towns that remained, and I was thankful they had been easier to evacuate. But…they had lost everything anyway.

A portal about twenty five meters in diameter opened, and Kiyohime emerged in a storm of flames and burning hard-light scales. She dove into the waters to my consternation, and an explosion of light boiled hundreds of thousands of gallons of water. She had gone from about five feet and a hundred pounds soaking wet to over a hundred and sixty feet long and one hundred thousand pounds.

A skintight bubble field surrounded her, and spikes of water lost all their momentum as they hit the scale-armor. She was absorbing energy, from his attacks and filling a deep well…a charge. A blast of fire covered an area as wide as half a city block and Leviathan emerged from the firestorm unharmed, simply striking the transformer girl in the head with immense force. That was then multiplied by a dozen water shadows striking at all sides. But that seems to only further deepen her charge, and two pairs of tattered gold-red wings sprouted from their serpentine body.

Her tail ended in a jagged axe-head and she flipped through the air to strangle the Leviathan.


I flinch, and turn my attention to the east where Eidolon was fighting the waves. Keeping Leviathan from driving water underneath the city had been a doozy with more dimensional shunting of water but that didn't stop the land around Brockton Bay from being shoved off into the sea.

Oh…oh fuck me.

The land west to Brockton Bay had vanished under the roiling sea, and I was already adding cruiser-level barriers and felt thankful that the dark energy amplification effect meant we didn't need terawatt level reactors to power standard mass effect technology. Also pulling energy from other dimensions to energize an Eezo core was really convenient. Which reminded me…where was Echidna?

"Here." I kept a scream from leaving my throat when Echidna appeared from out of nowhere and the pressure she emitted was enormous.

Any retort died when I saw what stood behind her.. "Oh…hello." Shard-spirits had manifested, and the resemblance to Alexandria wasn't unrealized. Another looked like a twisted fox of all things, a sense of something that came off it while it stared at me. One shadowy figure absorbed energy, and I blinked at the Darkness bud, and then blanched at the Sting bud. It was a figure of warped space-time, a humanoid tesseract, arms shaped like vicious multi-bladed scythes.

"I've been making preparations for him. The rest of my…creations are busy elsewhere." She hesitated, and a barrier shattered before getting replaced by another with barely enough time to spare. Millions of gallons rushed into the city, and as the wave crested Labyrinth rose to meet the unnatural disaster. For two hundred fifty meters around the landscape became a non-Euclidean nightmare, and the water was shunted away into other worlds. The kinetic barrier twisted with the field of altered space, and Labyrinth actively started to shunt the flood.

"So why are you not fighting him?" I questioned her, and her expression turned flat. She whispered to the Alexandria bud and I was knocked down by a sonic boom as the shard-spirit crossed the barrier. It cracked against Leviathan's skull, and bought an opening for two dozen portals. They all struck true but didn't cause lethal damage, and Leviathan went back to dashing on the ocean surface at supersonic speeds. I placed more barriers down, because the sheer energy exertion was going to start burning out some of the power infrastructure.

A water shadow rushed behind me, and I barely ripped it from his hold. I wheezed where some of the hard water flecks struck with enough force to crack a kinetic barrier.


I was now in a different sector, and I pulled Flechette away as I left Echidna behind. She was starting to transform so I left her in peace.

"W-What?" She almost shot me and I pulled on her arbalest to keep her from doing so.

"Prepare to fire through a portal, I'm going to accelerate your bolt. Do you understand?" The Ward nodded and right as I opened a pinhole portal I used a Biotic throw on the area around the unfolded projectile. The bolt accelerated to just past the speed of sound, and a drone caught the three foot long bolt striking the culling unit. The weapon remained lodged within the Leviathan, and it moved wildly as the Sting projectile continued doing damage until the space warping effect stopped.

From the ocean I saw masses of crabs latching onto its skin and nestling within its wounds. Shrimp did the same, crawling within the tunnels made of much of his body as they launched different effects within the Endbringer.


I felt the vibrations in the Earth, and one of the fears I had was coming true. The mountainous origin of Lord River was left alone, but the surrounding area was all water that had seeped up from below or been funneled in by Leviathan.


The land was mostly uninhabited at this point, since there were only a few settlements close to Brockton Bay and the mountains were only about a dozen miles off.


The Verge had kept the Graveyard intact, and the barriers in place had kept the city from being sunken to the bottom of the ocean. But there was no protection for the land around Brockton Bay, and we were going to pay the price for that. We had been hemming him at every step, but he wasn't playing the game anymore.

There was a dull roar as the land sunk, chunks of land the size of buildings and the size of multiple city blocks falling into the ocean. A hundred portals opened in unison, knocking the Leviathan back as it began to circle around us. The West had deep enough swells to hide himself, and he would no longer be restrained by Lord River or the Guardian of the Bay. There was nothing with enough metaphysical weight to stop him within the thirty meter deep swells.

And if he didn't retreat now or we didn't kill him, he was going to reduce Brockton Bay to nothing but a memory.

I pressed the button on my wristband. "I'm going to start evacuation of civilians, the situation is growing untenable." A few portals winked shut, and another power plant was being connected to open evacuation portals in a camp set up further inland. Communication was obscured, Lies and Deceit working their magic to maintain communication isolation.

The Simurgh was watching us after all.

May 24th, 2011. 4:10PM

Basilia Rubio

I sat down, hands shaking as I kept searching for Leviathan's weak spot with the assistance of the Thinkers scattered across the city. The Thinkers were constantly on the move, because eventually at some point the Leviathan would pull out a new trick and get that barrier down. He couldn't undermine the foundation of the city, but covering us in a wave of water hundreds of meters tall was much less complicated. Which was exactly what he was doing as he dove into the new western sea at three or four times the speed of sound.

Eidolon had switched powers again, with supersonic flight, the same Brute/Striker power from before and a potent Thinker power letting him parse out Leviathan's motions. Liberal use of my gates let him move at incredible speed, and another portal shot out a beam from Armsmaster that froze a wave a good hundred feet tall in time. Three frigate-class barriers had burned out from the overuse, one Destroyer-class had been wrecked b—

Menja deceased, CB-3. Adamant down, CB-2. Mush down, CA-5. Terra down, CD-1.

I choked, my throat bobbing as my teammates' health was checked. A wave that got through nearly severed her leg, and before she had passed out she had launched a block of ten thousand tons of earth to deflect further waves until another barrier was emplaced. Thankfully it had only taken Panacea seconds to stabilize her, and it would only take minutes to heal her once she took care of a half-dead Adamant who had lost two legs and an arm.

Both were okay…but it was no less terrifying to see what the results of a normal Endbringer fight would be. We had lost only one person so far, instead of twenty in the span of seconds.

Evacuations were well underway, the area was about one hundred and fifty kilometer inland and I had to set up a roadway in the spirit world to get that done. Actually I had a few ideas about developing the spirit world for shamans and people who would benefit from shamans. Villages and towns weren't uncommon sights in more domesticated Spirit Wilds.

Not now.

We had about ten percent of the population evacuated, and the numbers rose as we got a system of departure going. No matter what happened to the city, it's people would not be killed with it. But at this rate he was probably going to try sinking New Hampshire, and was more than capable of managing it with it being smaller than his previous victims.

Hundreds of scans continued to try locating the core, which was insidious in how well hidden it was. The distortions in space-time were difficult to parse, and there was some trick that managed to make the dimensional vibrations get swallowed in the noise of being a walking spatial anomaly.

The fox(?) shard was a more conflict oriented version of Tattletales power, essentially an analyzer for weak spots, and was working with her to locate the core. Scanners of all kinds were pulsed relentlessly until the core was located and it was going to be a while until…

Tattletale stiffened from her seat where she watched camera footage from all angles, and I hummed as I healed a chest wound given to Turnaround. I could see that he was a bit of a skinny kid but with potential, and blonde hair poked out from a healing slash across his helmet. Did…did he seem familiar?

She rose to her feet, checking one of my data feeds as well as Dragon's feeds. I triggered a portal opening right as she said the sentence

"The core is in his chest!" The Endbringer stilled. "Right around where his stomach would be and about three inches to the left." The communication VI successfully interpreted her answer. "Hit him hard there and Leviathan dies." Her bud added further specifics, and strategies were made by the Battleminds giving out orders and commands that capes would listen to. All moderated by Dragon operating near light speed.

The barrier was shattered by a wave of water hitting with the force of an atomic bomb. The Ferry was erased from existence, and we barely vanished out in time, with the Rachni Queen meeting the tsunami head on, and creating the largest Wall I had ever seen in my goddamn life. The tsunami stopped in its tracks at the biotically frozen air, and the cruiser-level barrier field was barely up before Leviathan crashed into it with fifty water shadows behind him. The barrier dropped by .5% and my blood ran cold. It took between five to eight hits from their own main guns to bring down a cruiser, though that could notably drop by accelerating to fractional C to add kinetic energy to a round.

Which meant that Leviathan had hit us with a force equal to a modest tactical nuclear explosion. Maybe half a kiloton of energy output, and the barrier could barely recharge fast enough. I had two barriers of such defense placed on the east side, and the land for several kilometers North of the Lord River and west of the western mountains was gone. The crust shattered to pieces and created mudslides that tinted the ocean a gross brownish green.

That was going to cause a lot of toxic algae blooms in a couple weeks wasn't it?

Leviathan slipped into the waters below, and a wave as high as the highest skyscraper in Brockton formed from the swells of churning ocean water. Eidolon fought desperately, grappling into a Leviathan that was no longer playing his game. He pulled on a fourth power, and a decent Blaster power created a gravity beam that crushed the Leviathan's outer layers. Nearly a hundred portals opened at once, and spat a wave of attacks.

The Endbringer threw Alexandria into a Stilling wave, and it passed right through her and cut off a bulging muscular arm. It grabbed the limb and knocked Alexandria into one of my space warping weapons, again it passed through her and struck the Endbringer head on. Both super-weapons were built with friendly fire in mind, and any friendly would have a deep scan that would make the beams and waves phase right through them. Any other attack that would hurt them was easily funneled through my portals and would hit from the opposite direction they had come from, though the exact angle was randomized to keep the bastard on his toes.

Dragon had brought another mech of equal size to her main one, and it's Halcyon phaser slowed the waters on the west side while Dragon's first suit slammed into Leviathan, a green barrier blocking his building crushing strikes. She fired a beam toward his chest, and it flung itself away by kicking off of a water echo.


Right as Leviathan dove into the safety of the new sea, I gaped as a quarter kilometer of ship lifted him up into the open air. The ship was scarred but not broken, and I swallowed when drone sensory sweeping found that all the pieces of the ship it had fettered were gone. Nearly a hundred attacks hit in a one-two-three pattern, going from least damaging to most. Even then the Endbringer didn't stop, blocking attacks with thick compressed walls of water and diverting hits to his core. Alexandria appeared in a flash of emerald light, drop-kicking Leviathan and buying an opening for Kiyohime. Her hard-light scale armor was shifting to different colors, blocking a myriad of effects from kinetic energy to freezing cold and other forms of attacks. She struck fast, and a charged explosion burrowed her fist nearly three feet into his abdomen. Flames burned inside of the beast, and the Endbringer swung wildly and a wave knocked the young Parahuman away from him.

There was an electric feeling in the air, and my senses went wild. I stared at the hurricane above us, the way the clouds folded in on themselves and my warning went out with a—


Bolts of lightning struck down everywhere at once, and the barriers flickered. I was never more grateful for my development of hard-light projection in that moment of pure panic. Because Leviathan had made so much friction with his powers and created lightning.

But while they didn't pierce through, they did cause notable damage. Another barrier failed, and the flood struck brutally.

Narwhal down. CB-2. Biter down. CB-2. Woebegone down. CD-3. Oni Lee down, CA-1. Laserdream down, CB-2.

I moved.

I gripped directly onto a wave of water that was coming down on the people in this section, and I caught Aegis doing the same as he linked up with the numerous other waterbenders. A flash of something greater passed through me, and I stopped a wave some one hundred feet high with my own power. Then I reacted and opened as many portals as possible when another wave made it into the city.

A massive bubble of energy barely kept me from being reduced to a red puddle on the ground. I nearly let out a shrill scream at the enormous fist that had stopped just short of crushing my body. I got to get a nice and personal look at the monster that had killed so many in only a scant decade and a half.

As expected he had no ears or mouth, a rigid scaly face that expressed no emotion. Two of his eyes had been sliced apart, slowly knitting themselves back together. His vaunted whip-like tail was gone, and flesh was sprouting from where it had once been. He was standing on only a single leg, hundreds of gallons of blood dripping from wounds wide enough and deep enough to let me see out to the other side. His head bobbing and very out of sync with the rest of his monstrous body.

And despite knowing what it was, it's two remaining eyes seemed to burn with rage. He stepped with water flooding behind him, and I grabbed at it and tore it from his grip. His power washed off of my newly commandeered water, and it struck the rose-like barrier put up by Shielder. Another wall cut off the outside flow, and the Rachni Queen launched herself at Leviathan. The Endbringer struck violently…but missed as the most powerful Biotic in the world blinked.

She was teleported 25 feet back and invoked a Biotic power that I had seen only in my memories. The Hunter's Lance, a biotic charge applied externally to a target, a mass effect shunt that took a column of space some thirty feet in front of the user…

And brutally shoved the entire column ten feet forward.

Endbringer flesh exploded outward and the Leviathan stumbled in its charge, grabbing at a hole three feet across where its innards had been blown out into the flood waters.

"Dear god…" There was a sudden darkness, and a wall of ravenous flesh slammed into the Endbringer like a meteor. I fully recognized the beast as Echidna, twisting tentacles, heads and eyes glancing over to me before forming a more humanoid form. The hands reached out to nearby Parahumans, pushing them all back into portals before spawning more shard buds. Every single one of her offensive shard-weapons slinked behind her, obviously being given some upgrades.

Four pairs of wings extended from the mass, one a beautiful white pair and the other a bedraggled dragon-like pair. Her long eel-like tail sprouted and extended with a squelch, and a humanoid torso emerged with a slickness to it as Echidna changed her huge form. The grey-red scales covered most of her body, and her cloak flared with a howl of radiating quintessence. She was larger than Behemoth, and her tail reached out to over twenty meters. At her back I saw a mandala burned into her corpus and my brain skipped a beat. It's design was intricate, but it was only two layers deep, a sputtering concept that gave her flesh power and her soul metaphysical weight.

She slammed her fist into Leviathan's chest, and a dozen cars were flung at the speed of sound making the hydrokinetic stumble back. I saw the Robin golems letting our low roars.

Multiple suns flash boiled the incoming sea water. An anchor shot out from outside, the chain wrapping around Leviathan's neck. With a crack of the sound barrier shattering, Leviathan was pushed back into the new eastern sea, most of Echidna's more offensive creations following behind her with glee. Chunks of Endbringer flesh and ichor were left behind, and I discreetly plucked a few pieces for myself. A portal spat out a large circular barrier projector, and the cruiser barrier did its job of blocking the waters once again.

I felt all the strength leave my body, and I nearly collapsed to the floor. I felt like throwing up, but kept the bile from coming out of my throat. Laserdream was up again, and offered me a hand as I held my hand on my wobbling knees.

I had almost died. Oh god I almost died.

My eyes kept staring at the mandala at Noelle's back, and I felt my back burn like a hot iron was striking it with great force. I drew a trickle of blood from my lip, tasting the sweet metallic flavor on my tongue.

I took her hand, and stood up straight, and brushed away a few chunks of fresh Leviathan meat. I opened a gate and we were back in the zone where various patients were getting dealt with. There has been only a single death so far when Menja had been crushed within a wave with more pressure than a diamond anvil. Even her power could only reduce the damage so far before being…terminated.

"Erudition." I whimpered when I heard Taylor's modulated voice, and I latched onto her without hesitation. She let out a surprised yelp and I only held on tighter. She wrapped her firm arms around me and I sighed. "You're…not okay."

"Give me a minute to…process." There was a rumble surrounding the city, and I knew we needed to keep Leviathan down or contained in some way before he collapsed the city with a mega-tsunami.

"Something is happening." Charlotte emerged with a limp, and a hand gripped where armor had been torn asunder and the limp vanished as nerves were flicked on. Amelia.

"Like what?" There was a shift in Taylor's tone and I saw that Queen Administrator had gathered and passed the barrier. Multiple swarm-clones sought to confuse the Endbringer, peppering the beast with distracting bites. The larger humanoid figure was a good twenty feet tall, and moved as fast if not faster than Taylor does with her airbending. She pushed the Leviathan's limbs with bouts of telekinesis, and raked her claws with shredding cuts of shaped projections of energy. She weaved between it's near supersonic strikes, and those that hit passed through air as her insectile body split.

"I'm not sure…I'm hearing it. It's like…a low humming in the air. Or like…code, and I don't think it's good." Charlotte was staring at Eidolon as he rejoined the fight, with a telekinetic shield power that provided durability and flight, a darkness ray that ate away at Leviathan's outermost layers, a Precog power, and a slow-time power for the monster's waves. Alexandria, Echidna, her creations, Kiyohime and several spirits joined the fray. The space warping battle-spirit was laughing, and fought with a low creepy vigor as it ate one of Leviathan's eyes. The Sting spirit generated spikes of dimensionally unfolded air that sliced right through Leviathan.

But the bud was small, and it's pseudo-Sting continued to miss the core by the slimmest of margins.

"What does it say?" My back itched.

"Something is…being woken up?" Charlotte scratched the back of her neck, and I blinked…and then felt fear.

"What's wrong?" Legend emerged, firing a dozen beams through a few portal to strike at multiple possible angles.

I don't know what this fear was, I only know that Leviathan needs to die now or retreat before it's too late.

"We need to freeze him and fast." Was all I said, and the capes scrambled then and there. Something was going to go bad and I didn't like that I didn't know how or why it would.

One portal allowed Dauntless to generate a wave from his lance, the attack taking into account what Leviathan was made of to do notable damage. Shifting between energy and matter to do an optimal job. I gripped my hands tight and took a long easing breath.

It didn't help.

"You're…glowing a bit." Taylor commented, pointing to my helmet. Checking on a shattered mirror found an emerald light burning from inside my helmet right as Echidna sprouted a scarlet light from her own eyes.


Another chunk of land fell, and I sighed.

This was going better than expected but worse than I had hoped. The emerald glow in my eyes continued to brighten and my sense of dread only grew.

AN: 8.2 is here. I've pretty much been writing quite consistently even with me adding some four thousand words to that Pokemon SI. I've started 8.4 at this point, so that should be released about nine days from now. Honestly by the time it gets published I'll probably be finishing up with the Arc unless my writing slows(which is a possibility)

So enjoy my writing pace I guess?
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Fucking glorious.

So many things happening at once that it is confusing, and that is a good thing. This is an endbringer fight after all. But damn even with time to prep and proper plans, there have been a lot of close calls and really any hit that doesn't kill that scaly bastard is just stalling since he can regenerate.

My favorite part though has to be the ship spirit that exudes "Too Angry to Die" energy constantly hounding Levi.

God, I love this chapter. And that foreboding end. I'm anticipating that poor Basilia is going to deal with a lot more mental anguish than I first anticipated.
Fucking glorious.

So many things happening at once that it is confusing, and that is a good thing. This is an endbringer fight after all. But damn even with time to prep and proper plans, there have been a lot of close calls and really any hit that doesn't kill that scaly bastard is just stalling since he can regenerate.

My favorite part though has to be the ship spirit that exudes "Too Angry to Die" energy constantly hounding Levi.

God, I love this chapter. And that foreboding end. I'm anticipating that poor Basilia is going to deal with a lot more mental anguish than I first anticipated.
Yeah well I have read the Leviathan arc two or three times to get the general gist of an Endbringer fight. I have no reason to tone down the powers of an Endbringer besides the things they don't ever do even under duress. So no precision hydrokinesis because he never does that, small things like that. As well ignoring some WOG that makes no sense like the galaxy-scale bullshit. But…it still takes reality warping and planet cracking to kill them. And Basilia certainly can't crack planets.

Also that ship has been one of my favorite additions to the fight itself. But I wanted to keep the general feel of an Endbringer fight anyway, doing otherwise unless it's a specific part of the story feels wrong. It's good that I managed that atmosphere.
Just something I've been writing up since about a week and a half ago. I tend to write a lot of stories that I never end up putting out, with one of them hitting 60K words before the inspiration left me. I might put up the Pokemon one eventually but that probably won't happen until it hits I don't know…ten chapters? It just gives me space to write different things so I don't get oversaturated with Victories of the Soul. I've got about four as of now.
Well I guess that makes sense. On the Endbringer fight I have to say it's pretty well done and the fact that many of the heroes are still trying to adapt while the spirits are holding leviating off is great also thank you for not including small scale aquakinesis cause that never made sense to me when we never saw it in canon also I presume that basilla is planning to hold Leviathan down while Flechette can use sting to kill him
Well I guess that makes sense. On the Endbringer fight I have to say it's pretty well done and the fact that many of the heroes are still trying to adapt while the spirits are holding leviating off is great also thank you for not including small scale aquakinesis cause that never made sense to me when we never saw it in canon also I presume that basilla is planning to hold Leviathan down while Flechette can use sting to kill him
The main issue with Endbringer fights is that the heroes never knew their weakness to reality warping attacks so any damage was always superficial. They could never cut deeply enough to make it matter, and they had no clue that they had a core to begin with. That changes the playing field a lot even if they quit holding back. That makes people like Scrub, Damsel of Distress, Flechette, Clockblocker, and Bakuda vital in delivering attacks with enough force to rip apart the walking space-time metric that allows an Endbringer to exist.
The main issue with Endbringer fights is that the heroes never knew their weakness to reality warping attacks so any damage was always superficial. They could never cut deeply enough to make it matter, and they had no clue that they had a core to begin with. That changes the playing field a lot even if they quit holding back. That makes people like Scrub, Damsel of Distress, Flechette, Clockblocker, and Bakuda vital in delivering attacks with enough force to rip apart the walking space-time metric that allows an Endbringer to exist.
Pretty much as I expected and even then these guys need to get at least a clean shot at Leviathan in order for their space-time bullshit attacks to even matter and basilla can only do so much on the other hand they are doing better than most endbringer fights
Basilia Art 2
So I recently commissioned someone to draw art for Basilia, it took a few days of waiting and adjustments but I've got the picture that I commissioned from Owleeve here. It should work fine. It's Basilia in some random part of the spirit world. It's a little closer to my mental picture of her since the first art was…a little too pale. This time it's without her armor. Neat huh?

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Holy heck, @Owleeve can draw sexy?! 😲🤯

When did their art advance so far, and where do i find more!? 😍🤣🥰
Since a while apparently, though I didn't know you were familiar with her art. I did leave a link to her Deviantart page, that has some of her own links. Seems like I picked well though.
This is better than the first one I guess also this is kinda how I pictured Basilla face to be like most of the time when not around Taylor
This is better than the first one I guess also this is kinda how I pictured Basilla face to be like most of the time when not around Taylor
Yep. This was closer to my mental picture of Basilia, and her expression isn't far off from her normal one, though a little more…grumpy. Though she can be quite smiley even without Taylor around her…though it can tend to be offputting at times. Since she is a SI, she inherits a natural supervillain laugh that tends to scare people off. Usually more of a snicker though.
Yep. This was closer to my mental picture of Basilia, and her expression isn't far off from her normal one, though a little more…grumpy. Though she can be quite smiley even without Taylor around her…though it can tend to be offputting at times. Since she is a SI, she inherits a natural supervillain laugh that tends to scare people off. Usually more of a snicker though.
*People see basilla smiling*
People: Okay I prefer Taylor training to that anything but that
But on the other hand her face in the pic seems a lot like the face I make a lot of the time and also it's saying something that even Taylor was wary around a laughing Basilla