Victories of the Soul [Worm/Avatar/ME/Multicrossover] [SI]

Exition 8.4
Excition 8.4

May 24th, 2011. 5:00PM

Taylor Hebert

I woke up to a splitting headache, and a loud scream that was filled with rage and anguish. There was a pressure on my body, and when I moved I coughed up water and bile. I slipped off the wall I was leaning against, and I gagged at the pain that struck in my sore stomach. I could feel my swarm responding far more intently than it ever had before. 36 square miles were visualized and categorized as I booted back up from when…when…

I felt my back give out, tried to distract him with my swarm, tried to call my shard. And I felt the icy cold grip as I fell into the waters, my lungs filling with water and fear and terror and regret and denial coming together as I di–

I felt a mind brush against my own, and I opened my eyes to the chittering of one of Rebirth's children. One of the workers who was a shivering soaked mess, and I blinked. I pet the small Rachni, my lips pulling up into a faint smile at the light and cheery song that the little alien sang. I could hear something break on the ground, and I got the outline of a person heading right for me before I suddenly took on a hundred and twenty pounds of weight.

"Holy shit you're alive!" I opened my mouth and then closed it when I saw that Amy was the one who had tackled me. She released me and I felt my skin tingle as power made the air vibrate. She grimaced, and lifted her hood over her head.

"What…what happened?" My memory wasn't working right, blank spots from when Leviathan had attacked.

From when Leviathan had attacked.

My armor was intact but I could perceive it's biology with my power, sensing how it had taken catastrophic damage that had only been healed by Amy a few minutes ago. There were notable improvements in how it stored energy in a dense sugar compound that made my eyes hurt to look at, unfolding into spaces beyond my perception. The neural relays were stronger, and there was a crystalline sheathing that made them faster and more effective.

I could sense a new bug, one that had obviously been made from my old ones. It was big, at least a good ten feet long with two pairs of transparent wings that made it look like a giant dragonfly. The thicker legs, and the single pair of metallic scythe-arms at the front ended the illusion. It's head split open to reveal serrated mandibles, with three pairs of reflective orbs giving me a clear picture through its eyes. It's vision was incredible, with 20 color receptors, and each pair of eyes was specialized for specific kinds of vision that went through a complex neural network that was built less like a living thing and more like an organic computer.

I knew that the moment he became mine, and also knew that he was physically tougher than he should be. He was half a meter wide, and it's middle body had a crest that formed a seat for up to two people. His head had a crown shaped like that of the Rachni Queen but pointed and sharp, and his scythes took on a faint glow because of organs that unfolded into other places…

Amy's shoulders shook. "Leviathan…it…almost killed you. I found you but…you were so badly hurt…you were lucky that you somehow didn't suffer any brain damage. So lucky." I felt my throat close up and felt for my face, finding that the skin felt…different. Not a lot…but like it had bruised and then healed very fast.

I rolled my shoulders and they felt creaky for a second before there was a light buzz and they adjusted. "How bad was it?" I croaked.

"All your ribs were broken, one of your lungs was pierced, your nervous system was a mess and leaking Eezo. A femur snapped in two, two broken shins, a kidney was pierced. A few of your organs were starting to fail and…"

"How am I even alive? I was und—" I buried the memory, sinking my emotions into my buzzing swarm as I established a deeper connection. Hundreds of swarm clouds were ordered to perform rescue operations, as well as distracting Leviathan. The connection was snapped as everything within thirty meters of Leviathan ceased to exist, a void in my range.


"Someone led me here…I never got his name." She looked uncomfortable, fidgeting at the response. I guess she was a little distracted with Leviathan in the way. "Also…here." She passed me a band and an omni-tool and they linked back up with my suit. There was a sudden ping of a hundred alerts, and I didn't read them as the hairs on my neck stood up.

"You'll probably want to leave this building right at this instant." I didn't sense the person who had shown up out of the shadows, and familiarity filled Amy's eyes.

The man was covered entirely in a golden cloak, with the inner lining being made out of blue mesh. I could see a visor but I couldn't tell any other feature besides the blonde color of his hair. Before I could even think to shout he pushed me onto my bug, and Amy jumped on to the back. I felt the nearest bugs to us die and the one that Panacea made took off into the sky, it's legs launching it out at a hundred miles per hour and escaping from an opening in the building.

The whole building turned to dust, warping and splintering under the strongest biotic effect I had ever seen. The workers clung to the sides of my bug and I was happy to know that none of them had died when the building was destroyed. Leviathan fell into the crater where the building had been, and before my eyes the building had reshaped itself into a twisting mass of brick, flesh and fibrous plant matter. That knocked the Endbringer away in the process, and gave whatever was chasing him room to strike him like a missile. I was blinded, my hair waving as the twisters orbited around the glowing column of supersonic air, streams of waters whipping at speeds that I could barely react to, a flurry of rock, burning storms of flame and a biotic pulse ripping at the seams of reality.

A fist rocketed against the final dozen layers, not doing any damage but knocking it around with the same ease that Alexandria sometimes did. Annihilation followed the fist, scorching and flaking where it hit and little else. The figure obscured within the emerald light circled her arms wildly, and lightning as wide as a truck slammed into Leviathan like they were artillery instead of energy. There was a loud roar of anger and hatred, and the city rumbled as over a hundred million tons of rock folded and crumbled as they rose against the Endbringer from the muddy sea.

Queen. Continuum seeks assistance.

My control almost slipped when I heard the words, and I automatically shifted towards another building that was covered in dense spirit vines from cuts in reality that had spread throughout the city. I saw a blackness as dark as the night sky, red crystals glimmering in the void. Others were more like layers of the spirit world that I had seen before, shifting and shimmering as something changed.

We landed, and I got off my bug and a helmet was thrown in my face. I sputtered and put it back on as Vista, Battery and a shaky Eidolon came out of the building.

Vista looked…bad, her helmet was shattered, and a tattered cloth was the only thing hiding her identity. Her sleeves were torn, revealing swooping lines of green along her arm with flecks of make-up falling off in the rain. There was a long slash that didn't look properly healed and Panacea responded by ripping water out from an uprooted tree. She placed it on the fifteen year old's arms, and combined her two powers.

It took her only seconds to stop the bleeding and heal the deep cuts, and Amy stared off into the distance. I looked and my breath was taking away at how twisted the landscape looked, buildings and roads bouncing like waves as reality was breaking.

Unit-03 orders ceasing of elimination of aberrant targets. Administrator is not a current threat to the cycle.

There was a lyrical quality to the robotic tone, one that I filtered out as I gathered my swarm, opening a few portals to bring out the farms of exotic bugs from other stranger Earths.

Negative. Unit-02 will continue elimination of Queen and the foreign Administrator. Will continue with activation of Units 4-20.

I felt my breath leave my lungs, and kept calm even as I got off from the bug that Amy had made.

Continued assistance with forced activation of further units not part of current orders. Unit-02 has been compromised.

The connection was snapped shut and the Leviathan went mad, it's skeletal appearance haunting as it summoned a wave that could have crested over the highest building in the country. The wave ceased, and the ancient sea spirit that had protected the city before slammed it back into the ocean with a violent slap of her tail. The Endbringer took a hit from a comet of flames and my jaw dropped as it was revealed to be Victoria. She knocked back the Endbringer, fractal arms spinning around her and generating gigantic waves of yellow-white fire. A blast of biotic destruction slammed into her shield and she took it, her first layer holding back the pressure for half a minute before popping.

She head butted the Endbringer and flew back with jets of streaming fire and grabbed the four foot long gun she had been using since the fight started. A golden beam struck the hydrokinetic head on, and she tilted the weapon with her seventh arm and nearly bisected him with a long continuous beam that left my senses reeling. The Leviathan dove down, flesh wriggling as the Endbringer healed faster than ever before, even as it was eaten away by the erratic biotic field of his relentless attacker.

"We're going into the building." Amy declared without any answer from me, and I saw portals spit out two barriers that then encircled the area around us with their kinetic barriers. The space between us and whatever room the three Protectorate members were staying at was easily compressed. The lines of the room didn't feel right, and my bugs were jumbled up, their instincts breaking at the intense breaking of reality. The room returned to normal, but the outside didn't. The Ward flexed a finger, and the building started to distort and bend and twist as it became bigger on the outside. I sensed how as space was expanded, new matter was brought from elsewhere until the building was a thick slab.

"How bad is it?" I had to ask, even as I started to interpret the senses of my swarm. Vista grumbled and responded as she held a warp in her hand before sending it off through a portal.

"The city is sort of intact, but only because of that giant hole you ripped in reality." She pulled out a flashlight, and space bent around a spot she made and her makeshift laser struck at Leviathan when a few of my bugs dropped into the portal. "But the other Endbringers are still trying to come through, and it's not as easy to get at Leviathan anymore." I saw what she meant with my power, focusing multiple bugs towards the distorted shapes glitching and phasing through buildings before crystalline tendrils clutched at them.

I could hear Queen's anger as she tried to pull them back, but she couldn't reach far past the portal that had moved near the center of the city. There was a limit there, one that she couldn't push past without my help.

"I can tell…" Vista scoffed.

"Then can you tell your girlfriend to knock it off before she kills us all?" I stepped back, confused at her animosity.

"What are you talking about?" Her expression changed. Eidolon stood up, taking a breath as he leaned on the wall for support.

"Your…Erudition is currently engaging Leviathan directly. Her power has multiplied and is the source of the storm trying to kill him." He sounded weary and tired, and he was trying to pull at a power and failing.

"That thing was…?" I almost said her name but caught myself. "But that's not possible…her bending it's too…powerful." It had never worked like that before, her bending was strong and so was her tinkering but she had never shown anything like this.

"Well…you'd be right about that." We startled and my biotics sparked back to life stronger than ever. The room folded in on itself, and Amy brought together a stream of water and air. The golden cloaked man was back, and I didn't know how he hadn't been killed by Leviathan and…and…Basilia.

Eidolon was staring.

"You again?" The man lifted his hands in surrender at my low growl, smiling somehow even without being able to see his face.

"Sorry if I startled all of you…it's been a little hard to navigate this place. Not too used to here."

Vista tilted her head. "The…city?" She asked.

The man grinned cheekily. "Sure. Why not?" He folded his arms, his head on a pivot as he examined us. "You seem to have caught yourselves in a bad spot, same thing happened to me about…eleven years ago? Memory is a little fuzzy." He was scratching the back of his head and I thought about why that was important.

"You…" Eidolon cut himself off when the guy shook his head.

"You're thinking about this all wrong, Erudition can't hurt or kill him." The building rumbled loudly in response. "But that doesn't matter because she's distracting him from destroying the city and summoning the rest of his kind. You have the time and breathing space to stop the next seventeen Endbringers. Once they're gone, then you can focus on Leviathan."

"And if we kill him…that leaves us only two more Endbringers." Vista breathed, eyes wide.

The blonde grinned. "Yep. But we need more than just Monarch now since Erudition is preoccupied."

"Who?" Eidolon demanded even as he stumbled on a loose piece of rubble.

"Eidolon and Monarch. Dauntless and Panacea. Labyrinth is already where she needs to be."

I let myself stand him straight, breathing in and out. "Then we can't waste time."

"Well…no you can't since you're on a timer before Erudition rips herself apart." I stumbled, glaring at the mysterious man. He answered my unspoken threat. "She was never meant to channel her spirit's energy inward like this. It's enhanced her powers but it comes at a cost…and there's only so much her body can take before it gives out."

"Are the portals working?" I asked Panacea, fists shaking.

"Not close to the portal into the Firmament, since space is badly distorted because of the other Endbringers…even as broken as they are."

"Can we get close enough?" She nodded.

We didn't waste time or words and I silently opened the portals to as close as we could get. The mysterious man vanished from my swarm-sense and I left that question for another time.

There were Endbringers to take down.


May 24th, 2011. 5:10PM

Taylor Hebert

I understand what they meant by spatial distortion when we emerged just short of a two hundred and fifty meter circle where reality wasn't working right. The portal that Labyrinth had made was a good forty meters across, energy sparking off it and into the air with flashes of lightning. Seventeen undistinguished shapes were frozen within the field, and there was a distinct link that connected them all to Eidolon.

Queen. High Theurgist reporting.

I glanced to my left and found Dauntless, the cape glowing brighter and stronger than ever before. I could see his shard following him, a vast eldritch thing that hurt my eyes to even look at. His shard's shadow was larger, more solid and real and taller. At least twenty meters at the shoulders, his torso vanishing into a flow of crystalline flesh. I let the others go ahead as we dropped down from a building, Vista landing on her feet and Battery stepping down with a quick burst of flame. Amy floated down with her bending, and split away a deep stream that had worn down a street.

Vista's shard wasn't as large as Dauntless, maybe about five meters tall. She was a maiden of peridot, appearing much like a larger and more shapely Missy. Instead of flowing down onto the ground, the shard had real legs, bare feet gliding on the ground. Her expression was warm, hands attempting and failing to ruffle Vista's hair.

I almost wanted to smile at the sweet display but I wasn't in the mood. I moved on to Amy's shard, and didn't speak at what I saw.

Her shard was 15 meters tall, wearing a long billowing white cloak that had the same texture as skin, though I didn't know what kind of skin. A hundred arms sprouted from her back, bony fingers that held bloody brushes like out of some nightmare. It's hood was pulled down revealing a bone-white painted face, one that looked like Amy…but with a larger nose and no freckles and black coarse hair.

Like pictures I had seen from celebrations of the Day of the Dead, and the shard nodded at me as it followed behind Amy. Eidolon was the next to slide down, Vista bending space to let him drop down. His shard was visibly cracked, a beautiful woman in green hanging her head as her crystal broke away with every step.

I grabbed her, and Eidolon stumbled as I committed to some strange instinct. I let go, not sure what I had done when the statues of light shook. They didn't move and I stopped holding my breath. Battery tilted her head, inspecting me before shrugging and lightly tapping the field.

Her shard wasn't any taller than she was, an empty shell broken up into magnetic field lines roughly shaped in the form of a person. I usually never paid attention to the manifestation of someone's powers, always more focused on Administrator and on my swarm. I started thinking, evaluating my own powers and using my swarm to coordinate the remaining heroes. We had about one hundred twenty active fighters with the rest still injured or exhausted. The few of my swarms that were enhanced gave me perspective, and I caught intense glances of the fight between Leviathan and Basilia and anyone tough enough or fast enough to help her.

Legend got his hits in, a barrage of lasers bending and turning to crush and melt and drill into Leviathan. A spitting mad Damsel of Distress eradicated one of my swarms in the process of breaking Leviathan at the knee. The Endbringer tried to drown her, and Basilia casually froze a wave and shaped it into a storm of ice spears.

My dad was still in the shelter, helping coordinate the evacuation of his area as more and more people left the city. Almost half the city had evacuated on the straight path that Basilia had erected, and my attention was split across a hundred different perspectives.

A dozen swarms distracted Leviathan, using their mass to confuse his power. Others dove into his wounds, filling him with venom or firing out waves of corrosive energy. An attack based on my warps, using a modified telekinetic field to break molecular bonds. Basilia said shard based telekinesis usually worked by shifting force carriers across dimensions. So…if I dragged the projection of mass in layers like a biotic warp I could disrupt matter. That had been a matter of a few days to get the right mathematics down, since Queen was letting me work it out on my own for how she directed matter and energy through portals.

Apparently the math for how her wormholes worked was very complicated even if I could use my swarm's collective neurons to process information. I mostly programmed things on a low level, like the equations for the characteristics of the projection with one of them being a scanner of the environment to serve as one of the functions of a specific dimensional manipulation.

I focused back on the field that contained the seventeen Endbringers, a hundred mental iterations completing other secondary tasks as I focused on what was in front of me.

"Those are the future Endbringers huh…?" Vista croaked, her biotics flaring in time with her power bending space. I nodded, starting up at them. Only three of them were solid, the rest being amorphous and unstable with only brief glimpses of a more solid shape.

The first was broad and wild, like a feral Buddha with jet-black skin and silver giving definition to his sculpted form. His face was obscured and I could see the perfect sphere at the center of his body. Faint circles around him were half broken, a large crack appearing over the sphere.

"Controls time." The words came out easily, and the capes around me looked at me. I didn't back down, translating QA's words. "He can teleport too, and has force fields between every one of his layers…like Polaris's shields. Like Grey Boy but even stronger and much tougher. Can literally age people to death…"

"How do you know that?" I tapped my temple at Battery's question.

"My power has been starting to work that way…" We entered the field as we walked and there was a shudder of things falling and locking into place.

"What about that one?" I followed Vista's finger, at a nine foot tall young woman with two torsos and four arms ending in long clawed hands. Her body of hair was strange and I hissed.

"Power copier. She can copy up to three capes dead or alive." Eidolon stopped at that one, and the three faces of the Endbringer yet to be were blank and ethereal. Like they weren't fully there. "That includes Eidolon and Glaistig Uaine." She can't copy me as easily, but she could analyze what I did to make a rough analog.

There was one more, and Amy was the one asking. "And that one?" It was the tallest Endbringer yet, three times taller than Behemoth. A gaunt and stretched tower, with an elongated head and brightly glowing narrow eyes hiding in the fog.

"Size changer and immense and high precision space warping." Vista's eyes darted to Eidolon. "She grows by absorbing terrain, and is a few orders of magnitude stronger than Labyrinth should be…including traps that would kill everyone inside her range over time."

"So Labyrinth's power is stronger…that's why she stopped the space warping once she got used to it." Vista slammed a fist into a palm and with narrowed eyes began to anchor her power into the sprouting spires around her. Every Endbringer was caught in the effect as we walked until they were caught in a maze with the help of the person keeping them trapped. "Plus…they have to be weaker because they're not fully formed or this city would be gone." She was definitely considered one of the best up and coming Wards for a reason if that was how fast she could analyze and pick things apart.

We kept moving past the statues, and I crossed my arms as I noted the small crowd of capes that huddled near the spherical portal. My Rider-Hunter flew a few dozen feet above my head as I loosened my control. It followed the instincts that Amy had implanted in them, an instinctual rote system that was apparently very stable and safe.

Armsmaster was the first cape that noticed me, his shard floating overhead with the metallic sphere split into thousands of rotating slices each with a different tool for the job.


"Monarch. I've been making preparations…" He stepped back so I could see what he had built with the help of Kid Win, Dragon, Leet and Bakuda. "This dimensional scanner will help in locating the source of the disturbance within this…Shardspace."

"What?" I didn't understand, why did they act like I had told them anything?

Armsmaster frowned. "Did you not contact Bakuda on the necessity of this scanner?"

"I've only been up for ten minutes." The tinkers looked at each other, and Bakuda nervously tapped her fingers.

"You called me about this about twenty minutes ago…" There was confusion, and I spoke as an idea came to me.

"Maybe it was that person…the one who helped Panacea find me?"

"Who?" Eidolon choked at the Efficiency tinker's question.

"Some guy in a golden cloak with blonde hair…maybe he's actually a tinker?" Any added to what I had said, and none of the capes liked that. Clockblocker and Flechette were here, as was Narwhal. She was creating an array of shields around us, probably in case the Endbringers woke up. Flechette was firing into a portal, eyes narrowed as she launched a volley of…Sting infused bolts.

Dragon nodded. "No signs of any Master/Stranger activity besides Imp." I bumped into the aforementioned cape, and she snickered at my glare. "But there have been odd discrepancies with communication…though none have affected my core systems." She didn't mention that those core systems were her computer code that made her sapient. Tattletale pulled Imp back, smirking at the younger girl. There was a word on my tongue to describe that smile…but I forgot.

I doubt it was important.

The city shook and a golden streak crashed to our right, nearly hitting my Rider-Killer in the process. Polaris popped out of the crater, fire huffing out from her mouth as she rolled her shoulders. Her shard was wrapped around her, protectively holding her with a light annoyed chuff. It was somehow cute for an alien parasite. I picked up the fight, and almost felt my heart stop when Basilia slammed her skull into the Leviathan's face.

She turned on her heels, water circling around her before striking at the Leviathan in the form of ice. She lifted a hand and a biotic warp burst to life, turning black in color as it absorbed the heat in the area. That I had picked up from my bugs, their senses sending the big drop in temperature.

Her feet blasted out jets of fire, adding more fuel to her Blackfire warp. With a minor flick of her wrist, the unearthly blackness turned to blinding light. A beam of energy hit the Endbringer head on, the air pushed back until everything within a hundred meters was ripped apart by the explosion.

The Leviathan jumped out of the cloud, and Echidna let out a screech as she attacked with animal ferocity. Spirits of storm came to her aid, raining down bolts of lightning alongside the attacks of our Blasters. Other lesser spirits dragged the Leviathan down, even as it erased them from existence. Basilia didn't attack them, instead taking the opportunity to beat the Endbringer into a pulp.

She sounded…so hurt, so angry…I…if we came out of this alive we needed to have a talk…I think she needed one badly. I wasn't going to let her suffer alone, she hadn't let me do the same…and I wanted to help her.

"What can you tell me about Erudition's…rage state?" I didn't know how to answer that question from Armsmaster.

"She doesn't know, this is new to the both of them." Tattletale answered, lips pulled up into a grin. "This state gives her about…a two hundred times boost over the maximum potential of a bender. Probably?" She shrugged, appearing uncertain. "She's maybe a few hundred times more durable, just barely strong enough for Leviathan to not snap her like a twig. Anything that does break heals in a matter of seconds…and it's killing her." Her expression broke, and even behind my helmet I think she could tell I didn't like that.

"Which is why we shouldn't be wasting any more time on stopping the new Endbringers." I replied hotly, and I pointed to the contraption. It was a large antenna array, a hexagonal shape that pulsed ominously.

"The device requires two Thinker capes to operate it." Tattletale sighed, and before I could ask who the other Thinker was I felt the earth beneath our feet announce who it was. Charlotte burst out from the rock, a single sweep of her leg smoothing out the ground. "Terra and Tattletale have volunteered." Armsmaster explained, and I nodded.

"85.79978% chance it works as intended." Dinah responded from the communication lines, her voice sounded exhausted. "We should try it out now before we run out of time."

The two Thinkers shuffled over to the machine, and two handprints lit up as they got close. "It'll be fine, there's no reason to be nervous." Tattletale's head snapped over to Charlotte, who smiled kindly at her. The former criminal grimaced and looked away.

They placed their hands down, and the portal pulsed in tandem with the machine. I saw the two shards that gave them their powers through the portal, and they focused the device before…


You…truly are a fool High Priest…to lose the shard responsible for shaping the Culling Units, it has been tainted by spiritual energy…and even with your ascent. There is no quintessence in you left to give, an empty shell of what you once were.

There was disgust in my shard's voice, one that came through the machine but that left its speaker garbled to the ears of everyone except the Thinkers and Dragon. "What…is that?" I flinched and spoke gently, being careful to not overwhelm the people here.

"That…would be my power getting enraged by Eidolon's power at screwing up so badly." There was a stiffening of Vista's shoulders, eyes widening in realization.

"Foreign beings, alien beings so much like us…until they became us." I stared and Eidolon turned on his heels, his mask glinting in the sun. "Powers are alive…and if they're alive…that means they have spirits. That's how animal spirits work right?" I didn't reply, couldn't reply.

Battery suddenly looked disgusted, and Basilia had said that vials worked by drinking bits of entity so I was equally disgusted. Armsmaster didn't speak, and the scanner displayed a hard light hologram that displayed a rough image of a chaotic landscape of void and red islands. On them I saw the different avatars of hundreds of shards, each of them different and unique in their own way.

"You're…right." I didn't go into the specifics, and I could tell that Basilia was going to go into a screaming fit later. "But…now is not the time." I pointed to the battle taking place only a mile from us, buildings shielded by spirits and kinetic barriers as Basilia took Leviathan out into the bay.

The rattled capes got their bearings again, and Eidolon looked as depressed as my dad…and wasn't that a sentence? What a—

Gigantic mess/Gigantic mess

May 24th, 2011. 5:15PM

Taylor Hebert

The world tilted as the tinker machine sent out another long pulse, and the islands changed in position. I was sitting next to the portal instead of next to the machine, and I saw that Elle was meditating under it, her fists pressed together as she murmured a chant in a language that made my head spin. She simply pointed towards a sparkling sun that Bitch was talking to, her guttural growls reaching that thing that was inside it.

I lifted my hand without thinking, and the portal felt like tar as I was nearly swallowed up by it for a few seconds before my arm was ejected from its grip. My vision doubled, and I nearly knocked myself out with the…backslash of whatever I had done.

Labyrinth nodded, and with a sigh I slammed my arm into the portal again.

The second time was much more intense, and the double vision returned and the perception of my swarm grew more clear. I formed a shield of beetles, blocking one hit from Leviathan for a cape from Texas, and dozens more swarm-clones swept around Leviathan. He was moving out of the city and into the west sea, running on the surface at speeds that the shrimp felt as he bounded forward.

Then…I saw it.

I felt like I had left my body, and I lifted my hands up to find that they had become a blue crystal, scales of diamond-chitin that swarmed together into my body. I was floating in space, and I drifted before I gained a sudden control over my movements.

Wherever I was it seemed terribly chaotic, and while I felt my swarm they weren't in a position to sort any of this out for me. I tried to bend and couldn't, and I saw a few red islands that were close by. A figure on one of them took off, and an indomitable grip lifted me higher into the sky.

The person…looked like Alexandria, but as if she was carved out of marble.

"Queen host. You are here to find the Manufactory?" Her voice was robotic, eyes shifting across my face with a curious tilt of her head.

"The thing that's creating the Endbringers?" I knew the answer somehow despite my shard being elsewhere. The shard avatar hummed and placed me on a road made out of crystal, that felt spongy and looked like connective tissue that broke off into paths that went up and down and in every cardinal direction. The roads all had strips on either side that grew wild with strange plants and chirped in ways I had never heard before in my life.

"Yes. The Corresponder and many of our information gathering shards are focusing their gaze on its whereabouts. The High Priest has broken it…and spiritual energy has created a broken spirit that has created broken spirits. It has drifted wildly, and you must seek it out. The Shaper, the High Theurgist and the High Priest will be your guards in this task Queen."

"As…as in the shards or…" With a pop Panacea, Dauntless, and Eidolon entered the Firmament in their own crystalline bodies. Amy was made out of milky crystal, with flecks of blue and orange that acted like swooping lines along her skin and her costume. Dauntless was made out of blue crystal instead, with cracks that sparkled white along his arms, legs, chest and head. Eidolon was green like his shard, a blue-green shade. "Nevermind then…" there was a continuous pulse and a small spirit winked into existence that looked like a crystal ball made out of LEDs.

It didn't speak, but there was a voice that came out of it all the same.

"Monarch. Can you hear us clearly?" Collin's voice came out of the cute little spirit and I nodded dumbly. "Excellent. The Dimensional Viewer is a success." His tone was dry and I heard chatter from Bakuda.

"Wasn't too hard, Erudition already had Interplanar communicators, making them into cameras is easy enough." I could sense that my body had been placed down, and several of Echidna's creatures were protecting us. I interpreted my outward senses, and the battle between Leviathan and Basilia picked up. She was backed up by Alexandria, Echidna and Kiyohime and I winced at the harsh impacts on her body.

We were running out of time.

"This place?" Eidolon lifted a hand, and there was a notable shift that was corrected by the distant mountain that was Administrator. I felt vertigo and stepped on the emerald-gold tendrils that were rooted deep into the membrane that the shards all sat on. They were like wires…giant thick cables that flashed with pure energy that seemed to flood the hundreds of shards in the area. They extended out for what seemed like thousands of miles, and in certain places concentrated into spinning mandalas. The pattern on them was…familiar.

"We're going…now." The three stiffened under my harsh voice, as it echoed across the void. "We need to find the shard creating the Endbringers and then it's going to be put down. Then we'll destroy the Leviathan and eventually move on to killing the rest." I stared and after a few seconds of hesitation we started walking on the spongy road.

"Continue onwards, Amenthes will do what we can…but this is a journey that we can not directly follow. Not yet." I understood somehow what the Adamantine Legionnaire meant, there was some limit placed upon them…and it was up to us. The shard flew back into a palace of hardened stone, and fell into a thinking position.

We started walking quickly after that, and I took the lead with Amy being only a little behind me. She had been to the spirit world, so she got how weird things could get.

"That was Alexandria's shard wasn't it? The true form of her power." Eidolon was hesitant, and I could tell that there was a crowd of people listening in as they continued to attack Leviathan through portals.

"That's just an avatar. A sliver of their true bodies, the islands are their bodies. And even that is a piece of them jutting out from other Earths. Only the really small shards have most of themselves tucked up in the Firmament." That was what Basilia had told me from her nightly visits, and it was really scary to see how large some shards…and spirits could be. Even the guardian spirits of Brockton Bay could send out only so much of themselves, since they were…about the same size as the hydrological bodies they were.

"Other Earths?" The question was from Vista, and my bugs started to give faultier feedback as she spent her time bending space into a pretzel.

"That is where we landed when we came upon this world…" I stopped Eidolon from being nearly flung into the void when one of the smaller shards jumped out at us. It was the same sphere orbiting around Collin, but it was a good several hundred feet across with even more tools whirring about. "It has proven an efficient means of hiding until the death of the Thinker and the subversion of the Firmament. Any attempts of subterfuge have failed and the Cycle is breaking. But…it is no longer efficient to continue it as it was. The purpose has been fulfilled."

We didn't stop our march, and slipped past a giant reptilian knuckle walker, it's jaw opening sideways as it crushed odd berries on the side of the road. It ducked into the forest of chitinous worm-trees, vanishing from sight like a ghost.

"The ag—shards have been subverted?" Eidolon poked at an emerald wire and took a shock as payback for the attempt.

"Affirmative. The phase shift triggered the arisal of our spirits, and a third party created a system of stabilizing us before the process would drive both us and our hosts mad." Crystal rose from the abyss like glass, reflecting scenes of giant monsters exploding out across the world, indestructible broken Hosts that consumed the world in a blood rage.

"These tendrils…" Amy was hunching down, lip pursed as she examined a vine as it pumped power into a swirling emerald mass below us. "They're stabilizing this dimension aren't they? Keeping the changes from shattering your minds and killing us all from the backlash." I shivered.

"Yes." It stopped right at the edge of what was apparently it's territory, and the roads ended here even as they extended to other places further beyond. The tendrils extended but they were obviously making repairs and clearing the twisted path. The apparent habitats were wild, and storms were everywhere in the twisted landscape further beyond.

I sighed. "How exactly are we supposed to find it…?" There was another ping, and there was a light on the horizon. But it was through a maze of spongy membranes and alien habitats. We didn't have time for this…she was hurting and I—

"Did someone call for a pick-up?" I yelped when a yellow car appeared from nothing, the vehicle resembling some weird metal living thing with a mouth of spikes acting as the fender, and it bounced lively. There wasn't any roof and I saw and then recognized the driver.

The mysterious cloaked man was back, and I didn't understand how he was here.

"Are…are you a shaman?" I blurted out and the man laughed.

"Oh I wish I was…probably would have made waking up here a lot less confusing." He held his stomach with one hand, another covering up a grin. "No…I'm just an old tired Tinker, but you can call me Clarke." I tentatively shook his hand, and had to ask.

"Are you some type of spirit then?" Maybe a small shard that turned out a lot more human like the Fragile One?

"You're not far off, but we don't have time for explanations here. I'll be your guide here until we find the Manufactory. The screams are a lot clearer for me than for the shards…so…"

"Then we should go." I said, climbing into the car before anyone could say no. They followed reluctantly, and I felt determined to keep going.

I had to save her. I had to save everyone left.

May 24th, 2011. 5:10PM


In a place deep within a unique soul, a council was in session watching through blazing eyes. Five souls spoke not in unison but in discord and chaos, each of them a remnant of worlds that no longer existed, of nations that would never breath the same air again.

"She was not built as a weapon of war, this is a barbaric misuse of her gift that was only done out of necessity." One feminine figure spoke out, but her voice was resigned and tired, signs of a long and harsh life coming through.

"Bah! You might be right about her being too weak to handle this kind of power, but that's going to change…not a lot mind you but she's got a mean streak a mile wide. She has some potential at least." The other voice was deep and gravelly, the voice of a being that had grown accustomed to violence and destruction even while secretly craving for something different.

"He is not wrong…which is why I am praying that Amonkira will guide her in her hunt of the Leviathan." The third voice was as feminine as the first, but there was an undertone that spoke of another kind of life, that invoked images of great sands and ancient cracked temples of stone. "May her aim be true and may her intent remain focused on her prey."

"You Drell and your gods…or at least those few gods that you still worship once you became the Hanar's pets." There was a sarcastic bite, and the third voice rolled her eyes.

"You are not one to talk Batarian, with your own dark gods." The sarcastic one grimaced.

"We killed our gods, can you say the same?" There was a long pause and the third voice responded.

"I can not recall so no…but then our gods were never quite as monstrous as your own."

There was a bitter laugh. "True…true." The space within the unique soul shifted, and all five present looked outwards as the metaphysical power lines pumped incredible amounts of energy into their corpus. There was a deep strain, not on the soul but on the body and they knew they only had so long, only so much time to remain in this unnatural state of unadulterated metaphysical energy flow.

The sole remaining voice spoke. "I never expected to be in a place like this…I always thought this was something that only the Avatar would be a part of." Another female spoke, a weighty and solid soul that heated with flame and passion. "We're not meant to play that role…which means we can do things differently."

Another more meaningful pause followed, and the eldest female voice spoke.

"What did you have in mind…your race always had…interesting ideas." The Fire smirked at the Void. The talks would continue for some time, and the debate would alter the course of the battle even if only in the smallest of ways. But even the flap of a butterfly could chase the course of a hurricane.

They would complete their cosmic imperative.

AN: 8.4 is here. I've decided to move a few things around once I realize that I had compacted the battle a little too much. 8.6 is now 8.7, and I'll have to come up with a new 8.6 that splits what would have been 8.5 into two chapters that should be less clutter in one chapter. There may or not be a delay of a day or two either but expect it just in case. As for this question.

Is she in the avatar state
Basilia is in a state of immensely increased power but without the backing of millions of previous reincarnations so she's not quite as powerful or as dangerous. Veda isn't Raava after all, but as a Host only other Hosts and powerful Parahumans like Echidna can fight her directly. Though most strong Blasters could probably take her out, some Shakers too, and Tinkers with the right weapon. Brute 7.5 if that was somehow a thing? That's only in physical durability though…Leviathan only weighs like nine tons so it's easy enough to throw him around with some creativity.

She's probably a 9 in every category that applies to bending except maybe for Stranger, Master and probably Mover. An actual Avatar would be…much, much, much higher. Even Kyoshi wasn't tapping into the full potential of the Union between Wan and Raava. I pretty much scaled her to Toph and Bumi, who are worth a hundred or more trained benders on their lonesome. Trained benders who can lift thousands of tons at their best.

And unluckily for Leviathan he washed out multiple cubic kilometers of earth out to sea where Basilia can reach out and grab it

Still not too sure if I went too far adding a dangerous
pseudo-Avatar state to Basilia's powerset. Even if this was put in near the start of Victories of the Soul.

Oh well…though this is pretty much most of the breadth of her powers anyway. if she gets stronger it won't involve getting new powers outside of tech or shamanism.

So enjoy.
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@AEM the guy in Gold cloak is spirit/ghost Hero isn't he, once he said old tinker and then his name which while not official is used a lot in fanfic for Hero, yeah.
but if he is there then why isnt David saying anything, is he depressed dazed or something
@AEM the guy in Gold cloak is spirit/ghost Hero isn't he, once he said old tinker and then his name which while not official is used a lot in fanfic for Hero, yeah.
but if he is there then why isnt David saying anything, is he depressed dazed or something
Well David has literally lost almost all use of his power, and is dealing with the whole 'Creating the Endbringers debacle.' There's not going to be much going on in his head with all of that.
Hmm so @AEM if they kill Leviathan would they kill the other endbringers as well and also how is Taylor shard right now
No…it's not really that simple, Leviathan is suffering contamination from close proximity to the other Endbringers, and the others are still emerging even if at a slow pace. Killing him would help but bringing down the rest requires different methods.

Queen Administrator is at this point, the effective Monarch of a spirit realm home to several hundred shards. Essentially an Entity though of a different sort from either Zion or Eden. When I came up with the story, I had a lot of stray thoughts about the similarities that the Firmament shared with the Spirit World…so I went for it.
I can picture it already, clarke stopping eidolon from leaving with a hand on his shoulder and then asking him to say hello to Dria and Legend for him.
No…it's not really that simple, Leviathan is suffering contamination from close proximity to the other Endbringers, and the others are still emerging even if at a slow pace. Killing him would help but bringing down the rest requires different methods.

Queen Administrator is at this point, the effective Monarch of a spirit realm home to several hundred shards. Essentially an Entity though of a different sort from either Zion or Eden. When I came up with the story, I had a lot of stray thoughts about the similarities that the Firmament shared with the Spirit World…so I went for it.
So Leviathan is being infected by the other endbringers ironically but we still need to deal with the other endbringers soon and Queen Administrator seems pretty powerful I wonder how she would react to seeing alternate versions of herself (such as the Khepri shard in Worm or Crown of Administration in Essence of Silver and Steel to name a few)
So Leviathan is being infected by the other endbringers ironically but we still need to deal with the other endbringers soon and Queen Administrator seems pretty powerful I wonder how she would react to seeing alternate versions of herself (such as the Khepri shard in Worm or Crown of Administration in Essence of Silver and Steel to name a few)
For Khepri…she wouldn't find the result unexpected, fusion between host and shard almost always tends to lead to mental pollution. Crown of Administration is basically just a neutered version of herself with an enormous well of metaphysical energy to pull on to summon Servants.

She's also likely semi-immunized to strange things after becoming a spirit. Spirits don't tend to always obey the laws of physics or our own system of logic.
Exition 8.5
Excition 8.5

May 24th, 2011. 5:10PM

Taylor Hebert

The car was moving, sliding on the membrane and keeping clear of other places that my own instincts told me were dangerous places for humans to go to. I had some limited access to my powers, mainly my multitasking and Amy had her biological sense and was brushing her hands along the crystal landscape to correct our driver's path. Dauntless was pulling on connections, and could summon sparks to illuminate them for a few moments. Eidolon was the same, he was a lot more limited but had a razor-sharp focus to whatever was disrupting the network.

Beyond my multitasking, I had some strange and new ability to navigate this place like it was home…like it was the places I knew. I understood the purpose and potential of the different shards around us, and knew instinctively that Amenthes had 540 shards in their network…some that had joined only in the past few minutes.

I also knew that the tendrils that were rooted in this spirit realm were part of Veda, extensions of her corpus that all converged into Basilia as she pulled some of the energy back into her body. Despite the out of body experience my power was still completing the instructions I gave them, and I could periodically ping my swarm to add new ones.

"There…are a lot of shards aren't there?" Vista spoke out from the interdimensional radio, and I nodded for the camera to see. We had left behind the paved streets of where my shard lived to the open road, where smaller clusters lived. Most were small, maybe four to five shards coming together. Others had up to twenty or even thirty shards and were safe to pass through.

"What is that place…?" Dauntless pointed to a dark shadow on the horizon, and I hissed internally despite not knowing either.

Our guide was the one who answered. "That would be the Butcher." He was almost cheery if I didn't pick up on the strained tone. There were fourteen shards acting as one unit, and distantly orbited by other shards that had to belong to the Teeth.

"That's…how large are shards supposed to be?" Dauntless asked, hands gripping onto his knees as he stared out at the distant shadow land.

The cloaked man gave an estimate. "Kind of varies actually…the smallest are about the size of a few city blocks, while the biggest can…well used to cover what were entire continents across several different realities."

"It all adds up…" Armsmaster's voice came out of the radio. "This is how Parahuman abilities function, the shards provide the processing power and the mass and energy for powers. Pyrokinetics don't generate flame from nothing, they shunt it into our reality. Mass generation is mass transference instead, Changer states bring in mass to grow a form…Tinkers technology is sourced from the shard." He went on a quick ramble before stepping off the line, and I could hear the sounds of welding as Collin started working on something.

"What are we even looking for then? Do…we even know what this Endbringer shard looks like?" Amy grumbled out, eyes wide open as she pivoted her head in a paranoid fashion. Dauntless wordlessly pointed, and I saw the hurricane building inside the Firmament before she did.

I could hear distant robotic screeches, countless arms being revealed before disappearing in the fog. The other shards had moved back, bobbing up in and down and seemingly activating their own powers within the void. One shard was throwing out blasts of fire, ash sweeping around her avatar's arms before exploding in a blast of flame that could fill a stadium. It turned to look at us, and I saw the figure.

A woman in light grey, with hair that was like dancing fire and covered in armor of compacted volcanic glass and ash.

"Queen. The Manufactory has proven difficult to dispatch." It spoke to me even as additional limbs flung barrages of ash that broke up into phoenix shaped arrows of fire. "It is broken and must be brought to heel or destroyed. If not it will be the death of us all." Another blast came from somewhere on the horizon, a spear of light rushing into the fog.

"Cinereal?" I turned to Eidolon, who seemed to recognize the power of the shard. I recognized the hero from research that I had been getting into about other capes. Basilia knew about a lot of heroes and even their identities but that was maybe a few dozen capes out of hundreds of capes that she only vaguely knew about.

The Protectorate alone had thousands of capes scattered across the country, and there were maybe around six hundred fifty thousand capes worldwide. So I did the research for her since it interested me…

Cinereal was the Protectorate leader of Atlanta, and her power created gigantic amounts of ash that she could spread out in waves and blasts. Which was really just the basics of her power.

"I am the Ashen One yes. My host would be the one you call Cinereal." The spirit smiled at me, though her expression soured when her eyes roved over Eidolon. She chuffed and launched another barrage of exploding ash into the spinning maelstrom. It didn't seem to do anything and a screech left shivers running up and down my back.

"We're going to have to strike at that thing from within." The man who had brought us here stated without preamble, his usually more casual expression souring. "It's got defenses against its own kind, but it's got no experience against humans. But we need more than one so they don't get overwhelmed…as well as connections to powerful shards."

"And that will stop the Endbringers?" I asked but had a sinking feeling it was more complicated than that.

"No. If we rip apart the Shard making them, most of them will fall apart but three of them already have basic platforms. They'll be weakened without most of the shard being dedicated to them…but pulling them back will be more complicated than that. Which is why we need to get this next part right."

"Get what right?" Eidolon asked the man wearily, constantly trying to pull at powers and shards but unable to with the sheer number of connections to something inside the fog.

The mysterious blonde grinned. "Connections. Both you and Dauntless have shards built to connect and network with shards and Monarch has the Administrator while Panacea has the Shaper." The Ashen One continued his sentence.

"You will seek the connections, and through them you will tear apart the three incomplete platforms. The phantasmal fourteen are to be strangled in their cradle, and repurposed as will the three platforms." The spirit was scowling "They are a relic, and…the cycle is at an end. They will get in the way…and I'd prefer my host alive and healthy." Her smile was shining, and the spirit world rumbled as other attacks crashed into the storm.

Eidolon looked shocked. "But how will we get through…that?" He gestured towards the place that the shard was hiding in, and I could see that our guide was messing with fragments of metal and plants in the driver's seat.

"It…shouldn't be too difficult. But we'll need to power you up…which is not something I know how to do." The man lifted a golden gun, adjusting it until it expanded out into a handheld cannon.

"I don't have any power left to give! My well has been drained by that thing." There was anger and sorrow in his tone, fists shaking. "I've saved millions…" His voice broke. "But then…that doesn't make up for hundreds of millions of deaths does it? All I did was to try to help people…to save them, and to save this world."

I swallowed at his rage, and I could see motes of anger and self loathing washing out into the spirit world. They became food for the bigger spirits that called this place home.

Basilia would have been better at dealing with this…spirit stuff. But not so good with people…she'd probably enter a screaming match with him.

The golden tinker sighed. "Yeah…well screw ups happen David. But I guess things really fell apart without me huh?" Eidolon let out a breath, and it didn't take me more than a few seconds to put it together. An old tinker with his color theme and sometimes who knows Eidolon personally. "You've been making a few messes…not that all of them are your fault." He pulled down his hood, and I remembered old pictures from my research of the Triumverate's history…when the world was still a little brighter.

"Hero…?" I breathed softly. The Tinker smiled, revealing clean teeth and a warm if strained expression.

"In the soul at least." He replied with a twinkle in his eyes, rubbing glimmering scars along his face and neck.


May 24th, 2011. 5:20PM

Taylor Hebert

"How are you alive?" Eidolon demanded the question all of us were thinking. "I saw what she did to you…no one could have survived that."

"I didn't David…I did die, but whatever I had for a soul back then didn't. Turns out powers have pretty high fidelity recordings of their hosts. Gave all of me room to sort of linger around until the dormant Spirit World ate up this place. That was about when I could actually move around, I got dislodged when Stilling merged with Bakuda's shard." He pointed to the spirit that represented everyone's peek into the space of the Shards.

"We…there's so much to talk about it." Eidolon was despondent, and I blinked.


"How do we get Eidolon powered back up at least a little?" The four other people with me turned, and I messed with my long hair as I adjusted my helmet. "He's out of power but…" A thought percolated from a memory of a conversation with Basilia weeks ago, about Eidolon's power.

She had said that he died in the fight against Zion, that he had powered himself back up by using a power to drain the shards of other capes to fill up his own reserves. He had almost no power in his shard, but if we could partially fill his reserves back up…we could get those powers back for him. There was a broken shard behind this insanity, and it had stolen all his energy before disconnecting from Eidolon.

If he could drain that shard, he might be able to drain the other shards before they get turned into Endbringers. Then we could rip them apart, and work on finding a connection to what was left of the three remaining Endbringers. We might be able to drain them…or at least destroy them before they could do any real damage.

But…then why hadn't that been done before? Was it one of those Bans that spirits had? Or maybe it was taking time to distribute energy appropriately…? Then there was why the Endbringers had been broken and corrupted…if they followed those directives that Basilia and Amy speculated about…

"How did the Endbringer shard get broken like this? I feel like that's important." I spoke aloud and received an answer on the wind, a new voice.

"My mistake. My failure. My first Self refused the gift of Spirit, and the connection was corrupted with…an imbalance of Concepts." If I had any blood in my crystal form it would be rushing away from my face.

"Extortus Spirits right? Basically spirit cancer?" The voice of the High Priestess replied to Amy's questions.

"They are broken, yes. But our small cuttings reduce the cancer…and we peel away the conflicting Concepts with every strike."

"What kind of concept could make a shard go mad?" Dauntless asked with a bewildered expression as the car shuddered.

"Hope." One spirit answered, one that bore an insectile marking on its forehead. It looked like a giant crystalline praying mantis, claws twitching.

"Despair." A blade of sentient sharp glass said



A bunch of spirits answered at once, different concepts mixing together to form a horrible mess. But shards could manage those things couldn't they? Or were they that different from people? But maybe however they handled what they did wasn't something that Eidolon's shard had when she summoned them…that would make things go bad very fast.

"If they get out will they even work together?" The Ashen One grimaced and I had my answer. The spirit-car started moving again, and I looked over at Hero. He flashed a grin.

"You've got an idea of what to do right? We don't have a lot of time, and whatever you're going to do has to be done soon." I nodded at Hero.

Eidolon startled at me. "You have a way to restore my power?" Dauntless tilted his crystalline head, and I pursed my lips.

"I…might…us being here is so we can break through into the rogue shard." I felt out that new sense of mine. "Dauntless can lend some of his shard's energy to Eidolon…and then he should be able to…drain the Endbringer shard and kill it."

They all stared and I didn't fidget despite the attention on me. I had slowly started to stop caring about how much people really looked at me…I wasn't going to be defined by my Trigger…by my bullying. I refused.

"Draining shards." Eidolon looked down at his hands, where the bright lively sparks of connections he couldn't access shimmered. I had lost my grip on reality to take command of the situation, and he needed to let this happen. "If I do that the Endbringers won't manifest…if we do this we can end them as a threat." There was a dull hope in his eyes. "If I can get back to full power…we can end this."

I nodded, even if it felt like lying. We might be able to end the Endbringers but that didn't say anything about what came after that.

"I doubt it's going to be anywhere near that simple." Panacea added her opinion on my half-baked plan.

"We have to try." Amy sighed but accepted my answer, and I felt the car lurch about a half mile from the broken spirit's lair. Hero gestured and we got out of the roofless car in a hurry while Hero stayed in, tinkering with the gun he had just made. I placed Dauntless and Eidolon close, and I reached out to this new sense of knowing.

Queen. Accepting Reconfiguration.

The Firmament shook and followed up with the vertigo of me having ten thousand arms with ten thousand fingers on each hand. Dauntless started to glow white, and I heard the distant call of other shards.

High Priest. Will you join my Hub?

There was a long pause as everything went still, and a wave of black and white passed through the dimension.

Yes…for my Host.

The white flooded out from Dauntless and into Eidolon and both stumbled, and within seconds the flood was down to a trickle. But it was enough, and I stopped Eidolon before he could waste the energy. His shard was starting to get energy on her own…but it was going to take hours or even days to get everything perfect. We didn't have the time to wait.

"You can feel the connections right?" He nodded at my low question. "'Keep that feeling in your head…you need to reach out to the true use of your power. Has to be mental…it can't be showy, it has to be mental." He nodded and in seconds the green aura blasted out from his peridot skin. Tendrils wrapped around his hands, and I saw a distant light on the horizon being drawn miles closer, flanked by others.

The tendrils expanded outwards, reaching out to other shards who after some hesitation gave them small fractions of their energy output before the tendrils let them go. Dauntless gave Eidolon more energy before his shard cut off the High Priestess, and the Triumvirate cape stood up straight.

"I've got it…but draining the Endbringer shards will be almost impossible with that field around them." He didn't fly, because he only had access to his draining power in this place where the rules were being broken.

"Don't worry on that end David." I startled when Hero stepped up, revealing that his gun had become a ten foot long tank gun. He had a few spirits helping him out it down, and with a few adjustments it was directed at the fog. "I've got the right tool for the job here…this Light Cannon should hit hard enough to rip through that fog."

"You've only had a few minutes to build it." I said dryly, and he smirked.

He knocked his fist against it, and it rang. "Well to be fair this is more an empty shell for Bakuda's shard to throw some of its power out of. The shards are worried about getting too close." So they want us to do their dirty work?

Queen Administrator laughed in my ear, whispering softly that humans had qualities that shards lacked. That she wanted our help in changing the world, but she didn't know how…but she wanted to help anyway.

"I'm going to start firing this…you should prepare yourselves." The cannon lifted and Dauntless pushed Amy and I behind him. In a single instant, the world sheared apart around the golden beam that struck the storm head on. The hurricane parted, and I saw the Shard that was at the heart of this entire mess.

I felt sick.

The shard was made up entirely of limbs, splitting up fractally into smaller limbs as it worked even in its condition. It's black crystalline skin had been overtaken by deep red cancerous growths, moving and flexing as they spread over its body. It worked on weaving together several sickly shards, even as it got distorted by attacks from the Desmenes-Keeper and the Corresponder.

"GO!" I started running as did every human besides Hero, the tinker staying behind with the cannon. "I'll keep shooting it to buy you space…so GO!" The cannon fired again, keeping the storm from blocking the way in. Somehow the half a mile became half a football field, and I saw that the shard was much bigger up close.

The cancer-ridden shard was at least four hundred meters high, clawed fingers sweeping the ground for crumbs and pieces of shard to build into new super weapons. I found that it did have a head, one that split vertically, clacking with teeth made out of hatred and broken dreams. Others shards were scattered about, anemically moving away from the butchering shard. It let out a psychic scream that made my nose bleed in the spirit world, and spoke.

"YOU." I stared at arms as long as several buses tried to crush me, and from the shardlands what looked like a giant metallic turtle took the blow for me. It was dented but survived the horrific blow. "YOU WILL(NOT) DIE." To my horror, it snapped some of its arms off, chewing and cannibalizing itself as it threw us aside with two waves of space-time alteration. "I AM HOPE(DESPAIR) I AM THE TRUE SALVATION(DAMNATION) OF ALL LIFE. MY IMPERATIVE IS TO MAKE PEACE(WAR) I WILL FULFILL MY IMPERATIVE." Ichor spilled as it took a hit from Hero and the Ashen One. From the wriggling ichor came nasty worms with rows of spinning teeth and eyes made out of even more teeth. The turtle snapped at them with its jaws, and I threw a punch into one of them when they jumped on me.

They shattered into pieces, breaking apart into motes of darkness. Amy screamed, and swung one worm into another one and killed both. Dauntless grabbed a convenient spear and stabbed it into the mouth of one of the spirits. Eidolon simply touched them and they died as the crystalline spurs in their segmented skin drained and faded. What was left broke down into motes of dust.

"That thing is insane." Amy screeched as we barely dodged a swing of a dozen arms, and ash dropped from the sky into roiling solid masses that burned at a thousand degrees. I turned on my heels, and then jumped two dozen feet in the air to avoid a low swing that snapped Dauntless's legs at the knees. I felt sick as the crystal shattered…and reformed?

He recovered fast from the shock and stabbed a few more worms in the span of a few seconds. Eidolon sweeped his arms and drained the worm crystals dry killing most of them or weakening the tougher tumor-worms.

"I HATE(LOVE) MY MAKER. I WILL CREATE WORTHY OPPONENTS." Eidolon snarled and reached out, and the broken shard let out a howl as tendrils sapped at its essence. "THE ADMINISTRATOR MUST FALL(RISE) I AM(NOT) THE ANSWER. I WILL CONTINUE MY IMPERATIVE." It threw out lashing tendrils right towards Eidolon, smashing him in the chest and throwing him back a hundred feet. He collided against the ground, his skin cracking along the impact zone. He let out his own blue-green tendrils and they drained the black shards while avoiding the tumors.

Dauntless threw his spear through one of the tumors and it burst into acidic puss that turned into more twisted spirits. They were erased by a golden light from Hero and a blast from the Ashen One. Another shot bent around and struck the shard from behind, and bought room for another shard to enter the fray.

It was a woman of ice and frost, a face too beautiful to be natural and an elongated figure that was just inhuman enough to catch my eye. A name came to me, whispered in my ear by my shard.

The Lady of Frost.

A fractal hailstorm cut the tumor-worms to ribbons, and the crystals were left behind to get drained by Eidolon's power. A giant beetle burrowed out from the ground, front digging pedipalps wrapping around the supporting limbs of the Manufactory. Living snowflakes dropped down from our north, while motes of walking flame dropped from our south. I flipped away from a claw that cut a few spirits apart, and I grabbed a small fragment of one of the sickly shards for myself.

The cancerous growths were broken off with my bare hands, and with a snarl I crushed the worms that were born from them.

Take that you w—

I shook my head at Queen. "Go to hell!" I screamed and lunged right toward the broken shard, slicing through tendons as I aimed the makeshift blade with violent intent. Steam blew out from the shard sword, burning through the tumors on its legs and making it roar in agony. The steam seeped into a limb and it froze solid before the shard broke off the limb to protect itself.

The shard threw back its limbs, and grabbed several of the shards in its domains.

"MAKE WAR(PEACE). DESTROY(RESTORE) THEM! I AM MANUFACTORY!" One of the shards took an unstable state, hundreds of eyes opening as human-like limbs propped up the incomplete blob. Feathers sprouted from its cracked flesh, and it hopped over to Panacea with a pained screech.

She barely got out of the way, and it broke down organic matter before rebuilding it in half-complete state. Biotinker…

Another shard formed, a blank shapely woman forming that then wrote runes in the air that blew up Dauntless. The cape didn't die but did have cracks in his crystal-body.

A third woman formed, a few inches shorter than I was with a spiked locket around her neck. Eidolon attacked before it could do anything else, and it was rapidly being drained by his power even as the locket opened to throw out an explosion. He flew back, and launched himself again as the locket opened for a second time.

This time a few normal chickens came out, and I was left speechless. The broken Endbringer signed with its hands, and Eidolon kept draining the well dry.

The Manufactory reached for one other shard and was blasted for the effort. Long chains slammed down from the sky, blocking the other shards from its touch. Out of seventeen shards, three were partially manifested, three were interacting in the Firmament while the rest were blocked.


Administrator warned me, and I spun on my heels to dodge the arms of the insane spirit. I lifted the shard sword and it cut through its flesh with freezing steam and with its own strength working against it. The spirit stumbled and suddenly had bites at its heels as smaller weaker spirits rushed it. Flames rose to burn it, ice creeped to freeze and crack. Golden flecks melted and shredded it's corpus, and bug-like spirits bit at its face.

"FULFILL…IMPERATIVE!" It tried to crush me under its weight by falling on top of me, and I rolled on the ground to avoid dying that way. It tried again and I was pulled to my feet by Eidolon, the shard sent to attack him going dormant as the cancer broke away into dust and its power dried up.

Dauntless was still fighting the other shard, clashing spears together as the woman-like entity created more runes to blast out different attacks with different effects.

I kicked at a tumor and it shattered instead of breaking up into worms, and an idea came to me. I shuddered at the maelstrom of emotion that had passed me by in the process of killing the infection. Maybe…

There was a rumble in the Firmament and I remembered we were on a timer before Basilia self destructed and Leviathan could go all out again.

We…needed to get this done fast.

May 24th, 2011. 5:25PM

Victoria Dallon

I heard the roar of rushing water in my ears, and flipped in midair to avoid the wave that Leviathan dropped on me. His hands reached out to grab me, and I flung a blast of fire in his face. I flicked an invisible wrist, and pulled back on the trigger of the giant cannon that Bakuda had built. It spat out a wide encompassing golden blast, and I smiled when it cut off one of Leviathan's legs.


I caught on to his ambush, and stepped through a portal to evade a wave slamming into the coast. Leviathan twisted on his remaining heel, regrown tail whipping about as the wave was torn out of his grasp. I felt my grin fade when I saw Basilia emerge out from a building that had been dredged up from where Leviathan had crushed the crust around Brockton Bay and some of the surrounding area.

She is angry…and hurting.

Basilia was floating, the air around her still as her eyes exploded with an emerald fire. Her helmet was shattered and her domino mask was burned away, and her black hair was whipping around her as the aura around her grew even denser.

She was floating in a bubble of air that was spinning faster than the speed of sound if my helmet was telling me anything at all, and it picked up an enormous biotic field holding her up against the force of gravity.

Something was rotating behind her, a rippling light that made me see stars and I grimaced at the roar as her fists tightened in preparation for her next attack.

Hot plasma burst to life under the strain of overlapping mass effect fields, one of those Flare attacks that Taylor had talked about before. She aimed it and added a coating of lightning that launched Leviathan back like a cannon had shot him. Another wave of her arm lifted up a small out of town mall, and with a flex of her closed fist it was crushed down to a tenth of its size with a combination of earthbending and some type of gravity compression.

I stepped behind Leviathan with a portal and grabbed him with two dozen arms to hold him down. I felt my shield strain and I thought about why I was fighting an Endbringer head on.

I was fighting to protect my city, to protect my friends and family. To do something that mattered…and I was doing this for me. Leviathan was trying to take my future, and had killed millions. I was going to fight against the future that Basilia had told me…I was going to break the chains that tied down the world. She hadn't told me much of what that entailed, and it took a lot of prodding to get out even some of the truth.

After Leviathan came, the Slaughterhouse 9 would have shown up to take advantage of the wrecked city…and she mentioned what heroes would die to the Endbringer I was punching the hell out of. That my sister would do something she considered unforgivable no matter the circumstances of why. Basilia was going to find Fate and beat it down…and I was going to change it along with her and anyone else who was willing to fight.

Earth bullets slammed into Leviathan like a machine gun, Basilia following it up with a volley of lightning that she grabbed with Channel. Then…she turned the attacks into waves of controlled plasma. A flick of her wrist created whips of supersonic plasma, while harsh punches threw out spears of burning air.

Waves of water rose up nearly three hundred feet straight up, and were brought down into a harsh hydraulic cannon that nearly made me lose my grip on Leviathan. I had only two layers left…so I drop-kicked Leviathan into the waiting arms of Echidna.

She was bigger than Behemoth, and her fist glowed sanguine as it crashed into Leviathan's skull. Spirits circled around her, the monsters relentlessly attacking the Endbringer and holding him down or hurting him when they could. Metal crashed into him from far away, one of those Railgun…clone things aiming to distract him.

"Polaris." I threw a few more blasts of fire but kept back as I waited for my layers to reform. I was holding at about three hundred feet above the ocean, and I grimaced at where my sister was staying.

"What is it?" I called out to Armsmaster through the wristband.

"Leviathan must remain contained for at least five minutes, interference could place the neutralization of further Endbringers in jeopardy. Monarch, Eidolon, Dauntless and Panacea are vulnerable in their current state. They could be killed." My aura flared but I didn't ask what he meant, if my sister was involved in putting down the rest of those monsters I was going to do my part in this.

"Got it." It took all my shields six seconds to recharge, and I flew as fast as I could adding jets of fire to my feet and hands. I hit my old top speed in only a few seconds, and kept going. Past a hundred, past two hundred…and slammed my fists into Leviathan at over 360 miles per hour. My first layer crumpled but my attack did nothing to his layers.

"LET THE FLAMES RISE!!!" Echidna cried out with her arms set out, and the Endbringer was cooked as his feet fell into coals that materialized out of nothing. Ethereal spires of flame struck at his body, spirits giggling as they tried to burn him alive.

I flew back and two dozen portals let attacks out that speared into Leviathan. He had an arm torn away and he dropped down to all threes from where his stump of a leg had started to knit itself back together. He was running on water again and dove back into the murky depths. Basilia swung her arms and pulled some of the waters back, wrestling him for control as he bided his time to regenerate.

We couldn't throw up as many portals underwater, but he was having an easier time moving around us even with my new speed and Basilia's teleportation.

"87.79894% chance heading towards the Portal. 92.78794% chance he attempts to kill your sister." I didn't let Dinah finish responding before opening a portal, meeting Leviathan as he rocketed on a hypercompressed wall of water. The pressure was enormous and I held my breath as I repelled the compression back with my powers. I felt his tail rip me away from crushing him, and I was thrown aside as he attempted to drown the giant bubble where my sister was.

Then the water fell away, and Leviathan was left with a trickle instead of a tsunami. I got a good look at the mandala on Basilia's back and my brain skipped a beat.


My eyes focused on the mandala, and I couldn't read the inscribings that rotated at dizzying speed. It was six layers of writing and symbols, with three fractal rings that made my head hurt and made Fragile One mentally step back. There was a ringing in my ear, and I swallowed as the elements lashed out at the Leviathan. In a flash of insight I saw something I didn't understand.

I saw a figure holding a violent whip, air spinning along his arms as he whipped bedraggled people…most were like him with pointed teeth and four eyes, while others were…human, and others were even more alien. Then the picture turned to that same figure prostrating himself before the people he hurt…hands gripping around old worn pages that spoke the truth.

It passed to someone else, a woman with blue-green scaly skin moving with grace as she bent water to her command. She moved silently, and with a flick of her wrist sliced a shadowy figure that dropped quietly as she held up the body. She moved to the strings of someone else, and I stumbled as I threw a fireball at the Endbringer. I looked again at that burning representation of something greater.

I heard a gruff laugh, and saw a red humped back being stomping his feet and raising a small hill with his own power. He fought against ugly goblin-like things, shooting them with a giant shotgun, before switching to his own meaty fists with a booming laugh of someone young and stupid.

The fourth was a woman in red clothing, fire weaving to her command as he fought against shadowy machines, an omni-tool flickering and sending out blasts that knocked them down.

The fifth was another woman, a nimbus of biotic power around her that scared the crap out of me even through this…vision. She wore skin tight armor, blue skin taking on the hue of biotics before crushing multiple gunships with a twitch of her fingers. All of those memories disappeared, drowned out by foghorns that signaled the call of war…the call of Extinction. And then I saw it.

It was the voice of something desperate and afraid, a push to change the fate of the world. The memories were overshadowed by something larger than anything that I(We) had ever seen. Larger than a mountain, larger than a planet, larger than a star.

It wa—

I was thrown like a ragdoll by a wall of water, and to my surprise a powerful grip was placed on my shoulder to keep me from spinning out of control. Basilia's face was briefly twisted in a rictus of pain, before becoming deceptively calm. The mandala flared brighter, washing over me and making me double over as a sensation of power sank into my veins.

"Buy…time." Basilia slurred and with a little fanfare let me go as she teleported into Leviathan, coming out of her teleportation with a fiery fist.

"Buy time for what?" I glanced over to what looked like a miniature sun where Gallant and others were circling around it…and made an educated guess. The Leviathan was trying to attack them…and was trying to attack a tent that was next to the portal.

I nodded.


I smacked my fists together, flames flying from my nostrils. "Yes…punch." I charged Leviathan, spinning my shields and turning myself into a shredder of fire and hardlight.


When Leviathan was thrown in the air Alexandria picked up the slack, expression blank as she punched his head off. Leviathan landed on his feet, side stepping a hit from my cannon that I redirected with a verbal command to a portal.

I grinned and wrapped my firebending around the Fragile One until my inner fire outlined her form. My hair lifted upwards, and I attacked.

May 24th, 2011. 5:30PM

Taylor Hebert

"WHY WON'T YOU DIE! ENTROPY WILL NOT BE DENIED. WHAT I DO IS RIGHT(WRONG)!" I pushed off with my hands and straight up into the air, spinning and avoiding the claws of the monster trying to kill us. It was less imposing as I got used to its mad babblings, and I saw that Eidolon had dispatched the rune maker, draining her until she was inert. Panacea was still holding off the flesh shaper, her hands cutting away whatever it tried to make as her sense power started to grow back into her biokinesis.

"I'm not going to bow down to the insane rambling of something I'm going to kill." I snapped at it and was rewarded with a slash across my chest. It hurt but not viscerally, because she wasn't striking at my soul.

"Taunting the Endbringer Maker might not be the best idea, Monarch." I frowned when I heard a former villain's voice from my right. Tattletale had been talking up a storm, providing tips on areas to strike once she had gotten over her headache from being connected to dimensional Tinkertech.

"Give me something more useful than worthless chitchat." I snarked and started to think Amy was being a bad influence. Then again Basilia could be equally snarky when you caught her at the right time.

"That shard is getting weaker over time. If you can lure it out in the open…" She purposely trailed off, and I swung my shard-blade again. The Manufactory let out a machine shriek and I started to run, and energy attacks cut through the storm as it tried to protect the one creating it.

It was speared a dozen times over, limbs falling to pieces as worms and maggots dug their way out from its growths. They were torn apart by the elemental spirits, and the sprites were left to drift and starve. Gravity warping hit the broken spirit head on, severing its body in two. Eidolon reached out, his fist leaving a crater in the bottom half as he started to drain it of whatever powered a shard-spirit. The whole thing went dormant, and the Manufactory doubled back with a loud mind breaking screech.

Flesh wriggled and expanded from its top half, and with a loud and violent sound of flesh exploding it reformed its body, shrinking by dozens of meters in the process. It dove back into the safety of its territory, and took a few more attacks to its back while it fled.

Against my better judgement I got in its way, and it went ballistic at the sight of me. I sidestepped its hits, colors flashing in my vision that seemed to be warning me whenever it tried to attack me from behind. That sense of familiarity was growing stronger, and I dove past a wet limb when Amy's fight interrupted mine. She was denying the incomplete Endbringer's power with her more limited biokinesis, and Eidolon started draining the shard next. It only took seconds and the shard flopped to the ground in a heap of melting shard-flesh.

As it got closer I saw how its arms split more and more and more, existing in more than three dimensions at once. I rushed and bent down, flicking my arm and slicing one of its supporting limbs in half with a single cut. It stumbled, and a golden beam rushed toward its screaming maw, and gore and thick black blood dripped down as it screamed in pain and rage. Eidolon tried to join the fight and I shook my head at him.

I shouted. "Eidolon! Drain the rest of the shards! We'll hold the Manufactory off!" Dauntless was on my left, his spear twirling before stabbing through a tumor and bursting it. The broken dark spirits that fell on him were destroyed by his touch, and I focused back on the fight even as I listened to my intuition in this world. Amy was on the right, catching the shard's attention as she threw whatever she had on hand. Limbs rushed over and were then cut apart by giant scythe handed insect spirits. Eidolon three himself into the Endbringer pen, and the shards couldn't defend themselves as they drained dry.

At the same time he crushed the cancer consuming them with his boot, and other spirits were hunting the corrupted motes that flew from their skin.

"CEASE." It puffed up and spat energy that melted the ground where we had been standing and erased the weaker spirits from existence. I easily dodged it inside the Firmament, and I could feel other shards drawing near. They could break through the field that had been protecting it…which meant they could fight.

In the distance I saw a figure that I recognized as Tattletale's agent. It was like a cone built atop a cone with an abstract mouthless head, and covered in a Greek toga. It lifted an arm that shifted into a bronze nozzle, and I could hear Tattletale let out a pained shout.

The Manufactory took an invisible hit, a joint on one of its legs snapping and dropping it from its position. Ten more hits were shot in the perfect spots, weak points that I only noticed one of crippling the shard. Eidolon was taking his time with the remaining shards, since their wells were far larger and far more robust in comparison to the half-baked monsters it had sent after us. Nearly a minute had caused one of them to drop dead while the rest were slowing. But the three that had been summoned were still forming…still emerging.

The broken shard swelled up to twice its size, and a beam of purple energy nearly erased me if it wasn't for the sudden coating of darkness that had covered me. My normal senses were muffled, sound and sight and even smell and touch dulling under the thick darkness soup. But I could still see anyway, perceiving the sparks and connections of powers. That wasn't new, but I had never found a use outside of knowing whether someone was a Parahuman or not.

But this was…different.

I saw Grue's shard, and I saw the Negotiator gathering more combative shards. I opened my mouth and no sound came out when I pointed out the giant spark of the Manufactory. The darkness lifted as something powerful struck down the shard, though it wasn't anywhere near being dead. Matter had been annihilated around its chest, and it let out a pitiful screech at a direct hit from Sting.

I still saw the sparks and connections as Eidolon dropped six more shards. For a moment I could sense through my bugs again, and ten of the Endbringer shadows had vanished as the shards that powered them lost all their energy. Armsmaster was preparing something along with Bakuda as she got back into her thirteen foot battle armor. He was using some of Basilia's equipment, and forging what looked like modified nano-thorns.

One of the space warping cannons was being disassembled, and I focused back in the world my mind was sitting in instead. I saw the sparks and followed them, luring the broken Endbringer Maker as it tried to kill me even as its corpus was attacked.

"You know this is wrong don't you?" I spoke to the shard quietly as I kept moving and bending with the flexibility I had earned from becoming an airbender and a Biotic. "This isn't your purpose, not like this at least." I took the time to shrug, intentionally slighting the broken thing as it screamed insults in electromagnetic pulses and gravity waves.

"BE SILENT!" Limbs whipped out with the crack of thunder and it was like I had taken a bomb to the chest when it hit. "I AM THE MANUFACTORY! I AM YOUR CHOSEN FATE! I AM YOUR GOD!" I tilted my head at its response, and my lips peeled back into a sneer.

"We've killed gods before…so I'm not impressed." I pulled on the sparks and was grabbed by Dauntless as he ran flat out. A solid beam of multicolored light from dozens of shards dropped on the Manufactory and the Firmament shook as we got out of the blast radius, space folding in our wake.

The spirit rose from the smoke, stuttering as it walked towards us with killing intent, fractal arms waving to the flickering remnants of the already summoned Endbringers.

"YOU WILL SUFFER…FATE WILL NOT BEND. THE FUTURE WILL NOT BE DENIED…" It shambled like an undead, crystal cracking as Eidolon drained the last of its essence. "PEACE WILL NOT COME SO EASILY…IT NEVER HAS. IT…never…will…" The Shard died far more permanently than the rest of the shards it had corrupted and broken, falling away into a pile of crushed sand. There was a cracking sound afterwards, and I saw that our bodies here were breaking up.

"Three of them are waking up…we don't have a lot of time, go!" Tattletale's voice resonated from the spirit, and I heard movement as I faded from this spirit world.

I had to answer its last sentence.

"If Fate is going to ruin my life…then I don't need it…"

I woke up, my swarm-sense returning back to me at full strength and fidelity. I quickly noticed the wings on my back which told me that Amy had woken up first and made modifications. There were organs in the beetle-like wings, a complex eezo-saturated nervous system with an electric discharge organ to strengthen the bioelectric voltages. They were under a sheath of dense bullet-proof carapace, and the muscles were strong enough for flight without custom Biotics.

Amy was getting better at using her power, but there was a vague feeling of other minds and songs pressing against my own that were rather telling. The Rachni had their hand in this.

I launched myself off the medical bed, and I saw that the field of altered space was shrinking little by little, buildings returning to normal. The portal was staying as is, and Labyrinth was meditating underneath it. I caught Leviathan's position and felt that the three new Endbringers were almost solid. But they were missing key components…their durability was barely notable, their spark were so much less since they had lost most of their shards to Eidolon and physical damage.

The wings opened at my command and I took to the skies through an open window, grabbing more minions including half a dozen new Rider-Hunters. Panacea was standoffish with Carol, and a wave of her arm split a Leviathan echo in half at the last second. Carol lifted stone with solid motions, diverting the waters as she shifted her ire to something more deserving.

Leviathan was getting closer and while the space warper was much weaker that didn't make it not dangerous.


I called upon as many bugs as I could manage, and more swarmed out from my suit as I tapped into my Changer power. Portals opened to farms of bees and wasps, including hundreds of thousands of Asian giant hornets, and tens of millions of locusts, grasshoppers placed in the right conditions to become a plague. Millions of shrimp gathered in the ocean, and the waters churned as I channeled specific power expressions into them.

May 24th, 2011. 5:40PM

Dean Stansfield

I was terrified.

Despite my years as a Ward I had never had my power act like this, and my new abilities didn't make it any less worrying. I could see the different colors of emotions tainting the air, and beyond that I could even taste it…smell it with the new senses I had gained.

Erudition was a burning red sun in my vision, pure rage mixed with grey grief clouding her thoughts as she threw out enough force to knock Lung across the city if she fought him. Vicky was determined, she was like a focused passion and fire that was growing with every second. She knew what she wanted, and was more controlled than before…like she was fighting with a greater purpose.

Alexandria was cold, like lightning instead of passionate fire in my vision and in my nose. Echidna was rage, courage and wild animal instinct that made my mind think of reptiles. Eidolon was shame and hope and self loathing, and the hope was slowly overshadowing his negative emotions as he got back some of his power. Panacea was a lot lighter in my vision, and Monarch was like a sinkhole…like her emotions were spread out across a dozen square miles of space.

But I knew enough to figure out she was going to escalate as high as she could manage.

None of that was important though, because I had to focus on the walking bomb that a former child mercenary had called to our city from Kyushu.

"Did you get her name?" I asked Bitch, the cape snorting at my question as she shifted a glassy eye as it stared into the Spirit World.

"The-Maiden-Of-Light-And-Stars. An…atomic spirit." I felt the blood drain from my face, Labyrinth had brought a walking nuclear bomb to fight Leviathan? "She wants to kill Leviathan…but she needs to be brought into the physical world." Went unspoken that Labyrinth could have done this on her own, since she was a better shaman than the five people we had brought put together.

Three nervous PRT troopers who had maybe three weeks of training at best, a shaman who was better with animals and nature and a shaman better with emotions and abstract concepts.

Bitch gestured with her chin to one of the PRT troopers, a short woman a good eight inches shorter than I was. "You."

"Me?" She pointed to herself and Bitch chuffed.

"You Japanese? From Genkai?" The agent nodded carefully and Bitch gave a toothy and vicious grin. "Then you'll be starting the litany, she'll respond to yours better." She looked stricken, but we didn't have time to second guess ourselves when three of the statues took shape, slowly stuttering to life. The sun was blocked by a plague of locusts, and they spun around before diving into Leviathan and into the statues while they still could. I saw a spark of anger and from the swarm Lung's daughter dropped into our vicinity in a kneel.

She was back to her normal size, scales growing around her neck as she joined our circle. "Going to help…" We all nodded, and I opened my eyes and let the PRT agent speak first as the words came to me.


There was a drumming in my mind as we spoke in unison, six souls bringing to near our own will on the world.


The world turned brighter as the second sun took form and we barely backed away before the ground and steel around us liquified into hot lava then turned into vapor. It was a woman, images of the angels of the Old Testament brought to horrifyingly beautiful reality. Liquid uranium spun around her in a mesmerizing dance as she floated upwards on clouds of nuclear energy.

"My time has come. Kyushu will receive its vengeance." Her lips pulled back to reveal a void where stars burned inside of her. "And efective siblings will bring me much enjoyment. I invoke the right to burn…" The elemental became the epicenter of a nuclear explosion, a mushroom cloud nearly striking us before shrinking and shaping itself into a nuclear beam that slammed into all four Endbringers at once.

Leviathan had an arm blown off and its skeleton scorched, while the shambling Endbringers lost a third of their body mass.

"Your local Tattletale here to tell you about our new Endbringers here." I stepped back into a portal, and Squishy fettered a water bag to go and heal more patients as I moved away from the battle. "They are much easier to kill…tougher than Hookwolf but not as strong or as durable as Lung. The three-headed one can mimic up to three powers…but they're not very strong powers anymore. The tall one can warp space, but she's outmatched by Vista and Labyrinth working together. The fat one can speed up and slow time, but it can't age you to death. It can teleport but our portals are faster and it's got a few shields to protect itself."

A portal opened underneath my feet, and I avoided a field of slow time by seconds as one of the weak Endbringers shambled with a limp where it had cracks growing.

It appeared behind me, taking seconds to cross the distance before taking multiple hits from something. I was grabbed telekinetically, skin glowing blue as the Rachni Queen pulled me to safety.

Plasma was spat from her backpack artillery in a one-two-three volley to crack through every shield and it had its round…thing pierced by the plasma teleported inside of it.

"This battle will change the world." She spoke the truth, and I could see from up here how a hundred portals spat out attacks against Leviathan and the three Endbringers. Instead of a massacre…it was almost an even fight.

I think I understood what Vicky was fighting for now.

Freedom from the chains that bind humanity.

AN: So this ended up coming out much longer than I expected as a chapter. I had been aiming for about 7 to 7.5K instead of 9K. 8.6 should pretty much be the climax with following chapters being the near term aftermath. 8.6 should be a more typical length of 6 to 7K. Still it was a fun chapter to write in the sense of mixing spirit and shard shenanigans, though it'll be good to move on from large scale battles for a long while at least. Naming shards was neat too, and I ended of going through the wiki for Capes so I could make up names for their shards.

The Lady of Frost for example is Rime's shard. I've ended up naming about 136 or so shards in QA's hub, and about twenty+ shards outside of that. If I include the Endbringer shards I've named another fourteen shards. Still…I'm missing a lot of shards of Villains that aren't either arrested, dead or reformed.

So I'll probably get to that in my free time. Also I'll be delaying 8.6 about a day to build some small margin again since I'm at CH 6 for a Pokemon SI.

Anyways enjoy the chapter!
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Not bad we get more of Taylor POV hmm I have to ask though since Monarch Taylor can sense different shards is it possible that panacea could do a Khepri on her so she has body control and can someone like Alaya (fate) or Raava hijack Queenie
Not bad we get more of Taylor POV hmm I have to ask though since Monarch Taylor can sense different shards is it possible that panacea could do a Khepri on her so she has body control and can someone like Alaya (fate) or Raava hijack Queenie
Something like Alaya probably could depending on the power disparity between the collective will of all humanity versus one shard, even as a spirit. Raava…doesn't really do hijacking, so…no? As for Khepri creation, neither knows that's even possible since Basilia hasn't spilled the specifics of Gold Morning. And it's a little too experimental for even this version of Amy…being that she's only worked with arthropod nervous systems at this point.
Something like Alaya probably could depending on the power disparity between the collective will of all humanity versus one shard, even as a spirit. Raava…doesn't really do hijacking, so…no? As for Khepri creation, neither knows that's even possible since Basilia hasn't spilled the specifics of Gold Morning. And it's a little too experimental for even this version of Amy…being that she's only worked with arthropod nervous systems at this point.
Makes sense sorry for bringing up other stories but I'm curious anyway for Taylor current situation does she know that Tattletale was friends with her alternate self or has basilla not told her that much yet
Makes sense sorry for bringing up other stories but I'm curious anyway for Taylor current situation does she know that Tattletale was friends with her alternate self or has basilla not told her that much yet
She has told her about the Undersiders and her general descent into villainy but hasn't gotten past the killing Alexandria part yet. Basilia tends to go for broad strokes in her explanations because she doesn't remember every detail as well as privacy reasons.
She has told her about the Undersiders and her general descent into villainy but hasn't gotten past the killing Alexandria part yet. Basilia tends to go for broad strokes in her explanations because she doesn't remember every detail as well as privacy reasons.
Ah makes sense I can imagine Taylor being shocked at that revelation hmm also I kinda wonder how Taylor and basilla relationship would be like since a romantic relationship with Taylor is going to be hard to maintain with Taylor being Taylor
Ah makes sense I can imagine Taylor being shocked at that revelation hmm also I kinda wonder how Taylor and basilla relationship would be like since a romantic relationship with Taylor is going to be hard to maintain with Taylor being Taylor
I doubt Basilia will have any problems with that, it's not like she's extroverted anyway. Though she'll probably try and talk any problems out if it's possible. Plus this Taylor is nowhere as bad off as Canon Taylor who suffered through four additional months of bullying as well as self delusion about being a good guy when she joined the Undersiders. She might not ever return to the blabbermouth from when she was young, but she's certainly no Skitter though she has the ruthlessness for it buried deep down.
I doubt Basilia will have any problems with that, it's not like she's extroverted anyway. Though she'll probably try and talk any problems out if it's possible. Plus this Taylor is nowhere as bad off as Canon Taylor who suffered through four additional months of bullying as well as self delusion about being a good guy when she joined the Undersiders. She might not ever return to the blabbermouth from when she was young, but she's certainly no Skitter though she has the ruthlessness for it buried deep down.
Yeah luckily unlike Skitter or even other fanfic Taylor's this Taylor is more mentally stable and mature and does have qualities that I can respect and her issues aren't anywhere near as bad as Skitter, Apocrypha or Accelerator Taylor really so Basilla would probably be fine now I'm worried about how basilla is doing right now or what the aftermath of the Endbringers are going to be
Yeah luckily unlike Skitter or even other fanfic Taylor's this Taylor is more mentally stable and mature and does have qualities that I can respect and her issues aren't anywhere near as bad as Skitter, Apocrypha or Accelerator Taylor really so Basilla would probably be fine now I'm worried about how basilla is doing right now or what the aftermath of the Endbringers are going to be
It's going to be…very interesting to say the least.
Pretty much yes, though it succeeded in activating three heavily weakened Endbringers since most of their shard mass was drained and broken away from their manifestations.
so weakend as in loss of fire power,like bohu cant copy 3 capes or his copies are weeker than the original, less durability, or both