Victories of the Soul [Worm/Avatar/ME/Multicrossover] [SI]


4) Things i would like answers to

1) so is the interlude next chapter or the one after that? sorry if this was mentioned earlier.
2) how will the world at large react leviathans death, civillians and what not, while the heroes who knew Eidolon was responsible handle that knowledge (i know its spoilery but how about a small overview of the reaction of characters that are not likeley to be shown due to the story just not focussing on them)
3) considering Leviathans death, i have no doubt the fallen will try to come in, but what about the Accord (how is he doing by the way did his shard spirit fix his Super OCD or tone it down enough for it to not be murderous, and tell him that he can make his world hunger plan better by making it more complicated to make sure the food tatses good instead of gross food bars) and the CUI, the Elite (especially since Athena inc. is a business un by parahumans)
4) will Basilia find a way to be a dude again if only for practicalities sake, i noticed the only real gripes now are just little to moderate anoyances at the very worst when it comes to the new body, and for the...private time with Taylor
@AEM if you did not answer my questions due to their potentially spoiler content, i would simply like it to be told to me, i have asked similar spoiler questions on other stories and was simply ignored rather than told they were spoilers because some of them were. I apologize if this comes off as rude, i am simply asking for a response, like when I ask a yes or no question, i dont mind if its a no so long as its a deffinite no rather than an ambgious response like an eeeeehhh or maybe.
@AEM if you did not answer my questions due to their potentially spoiler content, i would simply like it to be told to me, i have asked similar spoiler questions on other stories and was simply ignored rather than told they were spoilers because some of them were. I apologize if this comes off as rude, i am simply asking for a response, like when I ask a yes or no question, i dont mind if its a no so long as its a deffinite no rather than an ambgious response like an eeeeehhh or maybe.
Sorry if I haven't been answering, I've been rather busy. I can answer what I can now.

1) Next chapter is 8.7, and I should be pretty close to finishing 9.1 within the day.

2) The reaction will be plain to see in Arc 9.

3) I actually do have plans for how the outside world including villains will react, as for Accord…maybe? If his OCD is power related then it's not unlikely.

4) As for this question…ehhh. I doubt she's even thinking about it anymore, though it might come up later and I have a way to go about that.
Excition 8.8
Excition 8.8

May 28th, 2011. 12:00AM

Basilia Rubio

"Let me take a look at you." I spoke aloud as I inspected a machine spirit, one of those that managed the Dimensional Paths Network. I manipulated my own energy in the guise of a technological shaman, spectral tools doing the job of making repairs and helping it draw essence more effectively as well as feeding it spirits that fit as prey.

This machine served as the equivalent of Clairvoyant for the DPN, capable of taking accurate scans of the environment through its natural sense of space-time. It was supplemented by scanners in the physical world, and could follow the folding paths to shift across a certain space over multiple realities. I was making updates to the system based on what I had seen of Doormaker when Fortuna had made her exit.

An interesting metric of space-time was what it was, and that was what the changes were about. Creating paths was a complex but efficient method of transportation, but having to form literal invisible roads in the spirit world was rather…inefficient and labor intensive. Doormaker was pulling some type of unique trick that was distinct from Labyrinth, though there were commonalities I hadn't noted on my first few passes since I'm not a science goddess.


I finished my mystic tinkering, brushing sweat from my forehead and letting the spirit go to continue its task. The portal metric was heavily modified, including some method of short term alteration of the physical constants to sort of compress space to make portals without the trouble of having to move a portal to another location like with conventional wormholes that follow our laws of physics.

Which would take thousands of years and be useless as a form of travel outside of something like a Mass Relay network. With this I didn't need a path in the spirit world, and I was already making plans to shut down the network and shift the spirits helping me to other duties plus of course good homes so they didn't get pissed at me. The spirit world itself was still a necessity, but not in the same way as before. It also meant I could have spirits simply scan the locations I wanted and go for a full replication of Doormaker on Earth at least.

Space is harder but potentially doable, and in that case might require a path. I probably wouldn't stop calling it a DPN, but I was getting ideas for multiple variations on FTL drives besides a classic Eezo system.

The Entities had several varieties, with most of them involving space warping and physics alteration. Legend for example caused a shift in physical constants to turn matter into exotic energy through fifth dimensional twisting of the connection between gravity and electromagnetism. They could accelerate to thousands of times the speed of light at the least with that method. Vista was another method of warping and compression, and portals were enabled by such trickery.

I didn't want to say that I had benefited from Leviathan attacking, but despite my distaste I had due to the plethora of scanners needed to feed the BattleMinds with strategy data. The reality warping attacks used to put down Leviathan and the rest of his ilk, the various teleporters and Vista's spatial warping. Even scans of typical powers and how they functioned…not that it was perfect.

Some two hundred and thirty capes had walked in while two hundred and twenty had walked out. A 95% survival rate, something that this world would consider a miracle. But it still meant that ten people had died, they had died and would never come back.

I wouldn't pretend to feel guilty…I wasn't a god, I didn't always make the best of the most optimal decisions. Beating myself up about it wouldn't fix anything at all, but it was…disheartening. There was a lot more I could have done, but I hadn't done it whether out of fear or simply lack of time. Those people shouldn't have died, didn't deserve to die like that.

Velocity had apparently been unable to escape the hands of fate, and I grimaced. I had known him peripherally, and he was a good man…and I haven't really known many people who died…only two that I remember. A great grandmother on my dad's side, who had lived to almost a hundred and an uncle on my mom's side who died maybe a year or two back…?

My uncle wasn't the best person…but I remember when I was little and he would mess with me with the Garra, the claw. But he had gotten involved with a bad crowd and went to a prison in Mexico…and it didn't take long for him to get sucked back in when he got out. By then I barely even saw or knew him anymore, and when he…died like he did my feelings on the matter were…muted.

My mom didn't feel the same way though…and her cries were enough to make me give her a hug. I…had never seen her like that before, and it sort of snapped a few things into place. I was never the most connected with people but him dying like that brought things into perspective. About what I found important, about who I cared about and about how I would feel if they were gone…

It made me look into why people got involved into those kinds of lives, about the injustices and inequalities that let kids get corrupted into people who were just too stubborn to break free from a life that could kill them or their loved ones.

It made me want change, lighting a curiosity at the factors that led to places like Brockton Bay and places like certain areas of Mexico. At the factors that turned inner cities into crime-riddled hellholes and rural areas into drug-filled ghost towns.

Maybe that was what had inspired me to create Athena, I wanted to create that change for myself. Push out the violence through action, whether on the streets or in the community. I had money flowing into charities, and money pushing a few causes that I felt were just and useful. I didn't care about the power outside of what it could to make things better.

I…was more altruistic than I had once thought I was, even my dream of being a genetic engineer had opened up beyond wanting to turn a chicken into a dinosaur. Of how I could accomplish new things that were both scientifically interesting and useful for making things better.

Somehow I managed to want to help people despite having Asperger's syndrome, then again reading up on it cleared up a few misconceptions I had. I was bad at expressing and describing emotions not less emotional or lacking in empathy, though I was a rather muted person on a day-to-day basis but…that made my meltdowns in the past make a lot more sense.

Moments where I just lost all sense of reason and was dickish in a way that made me feel bad and cringe, where I didn't even remember what the hell got me angry in the first place. Sometimes it was against my brother for being a little shit, other times it was at my parents for things they had done that I did not approve. Little things that either hurt or had made her resent them. Where everything was too much, too much disappointment, too many setbacks, too much noise and it all just made me feel…wrong.

This world always made me feel like that, the low sting of existential terror had been running in the back of my head for nearly five months and there very few things that kept me from losing it. My tinkering was the perfect distraction…but it wasn't healthy, and it wouldn't solve all my problems outside the obvious applications of super-tech.

And it seems that I was falling back into old habits and…I felt someone bump a hip into me and I yelped. I turned around, nearly whipping my arm out into a jab but stopping short of blasting fire into someone's face. The hip bumper was revealed to be Taylor, and the meltdown was staved off by her presence.

Taylor was wearing a sleeveless black tank-top and a pair of grey shorts that gave me a good look at those long legs of hers. I pretended not to stare and she rolled her eyes as she pulled me away by the scruff of my neck. I didn't much mind her pulling me along, and I was taken somewhere outside where Singer-of-Rebirth was singing to her children. Forge-Singer was there, and I smiled when she crooned a warm song of comfort and joy that ran with steel in her voice.

"Sit." I did as Taylor commanded, and I took a seat on the soft grass around the base. There were fragments of Endbringer flesh I had brought here a while ago, easily several dozen metric tons from several different Endbringers. They were piled around a flattened circle of grass and would serve for research projects in the future.

"Did something happen?" That was a concern of mine, I wanted a real break this time.

"Yes. But that's not why I stopped your tinkering for a bit." I think I had an idea on what was going on here. "You always tinker to distract yourself from things you don't want to think about. And god…I get why. But it's not going to make those thoughts stop…believe me I've tried." Taylor was looking down at her hands, lips set in a neutral line. "I've…gotten better at sorting out my own thoughts, but that doesn't mean that certain problems have gone away." I imagine getting bullied for close to two years and then getting shoved into a locker full of toxic waste by her former best friend would leave someone badly off.

"Right. Sorry." I wasn't sure if apologizing was the right choice if I didn't really feel that sorry so much as disappointed in myself.

Taylor shook her head. "You…need to confide in someone…and I'm here aren't I? You can talk to me." There was a tiny hint of self consciousness in her voice, and I ignored the wobble in my lips at the thought of having someone willing to listen to me without judgement…

"I still haven't fully told you about the future that was originally going to happen." It was more a statement than a question but she replied quietly that I hadn't anyway. "Do you want to know…know what I remember at least?"

She took a solid ten seconds before answering. "Yes. I know I turn villain somehow but not everything else." I frowned at how nonchalant she was being about this.

"There once was a girl who wanted to be a hero." I spoke slowly, wanting something to hold but having nothing for that purpose. "She turned to villainy both out of events out of her control, as well as her own trauma defining the kind of person she would become." I wasn't going to pretend that Skitter was really a hero, saying she was while threatening people with deadly spiders wasn't a way to be a hero. "She fought people much stronger than her, through brutality and intellect and luck. Against dragons and mad bombers, against heroes and more villains than you can shake a stick at." I stopped and she tapped my forehead.

"Don't stop." She commanded and I obliged.

"She thought herself willing to betray the villains she joined…and found a reason to do so…a young girl, a future-seer caught within the grasp of a snake. Then the Leviathan came, and the city broke." Taylor flinched but didn't tell me to cease. "She returned to the villains, finding that her heroes harbored the girl who had turned her closest friend against her. They did everything they could to keep the city alive…and then the Slaughterhouse 9 came, seeking new members. They found the candidates in a local Protectorate tinker who had broken the rules, a mentally unhealthy healer, and one of those betrayed girl's villain friends."

I must have learned a thing or two from the spirits to talk like this.

"What happened?" Taylor wasn't deterred.

"Many more heroes and villains alike died in horrible ways, and a monstrous steel wolf joined while the tinker and the healer rejected them…but the healer had done something unspeakable to the sister that she loved more than she should. She threatened the world so she would be Birdcaged and to 'repent' for her crimes. All while her sister was left crippled and broken beyond repair…and when the monsters in the guise of humans left the girl who wanted to be a hero grew stronger and smarter, slowly making the city hers until she could rescue that one little girl."

"Did she manage it?" Taylor queries and I bobbed my head affirmatively.

"After hurting so many people…yes, and she put a bullet between the eyes of the snake." She didn't sound surprised, and I wasn't either. She was more than capable of being ruthless and violent. "But he had his own monster to bring out, a girl from another world…cursed to be a monster that would match Nilbog. The product of an angel of despair, her group one that had fought alongside her team."

"Echidna." I took in a deep breath to relax and she didn't say a word.

"With her powers she cloned many people, including those who created the Case 53s, all the plot of the angel. One of a thousand plus scattershot plans reaching fruition. Eventually that battle passed and the cursed girl died a monster. That girl who wanted to be a hero took more and more of the city…and the government stepped in…led by a disgraced Alexandria and a Director who was too direct for the job."

"What happened?"

"She drowned them both on dry land, after Alexandria threatened to kill the villains she thought of as family. In the end she was made a hero for the deed, and time passed…until Jack Slash returned with an army and talked to the strongest being in the world. Starting the end of the world." She looked grave. "That strongest being, that golden god spew billions upon billions of people across countless worlds. The girl saw how few people cooperated, how the plans of the conspiracy amounted to nothing due to their own mistakes and callousness. So the broken healer helped her break her limits, and her control over bugs expanded to people. But only under a close range…so she took an opener of doors and everywhere became close to her power." I wanted to stop but I couldn't, and Taylor squeezed my shoulder despite how pale she was.

Taylor continued. "It's okay." My breath was uneven, and I leaned closer to get my bearings.

"She became the goddess Khepri, forcing the cooperation of people across worlds to slay a god. Scion learned grief, and the goddess took the lessons of her life to heart and broke him. Using every tool she had in poking at his grief for his mate, through powers she twisted the knife until Scion's newfound humanity became his downfall. Losing the will to live…he let himself be slain."

Taylor swallowed. "And the girl?"

"She became a danger to the world…melding far too close with her passenger, and took two bullets to the head…orchestrated by the Eye held by Contessa. She survived powerless in another sealed world, and that was that. The world was 'saved." Ward didn't give me much hope on that though, though whatever I did know was surely outdated after months of being out of the loop.

"Fuck." Taylor was looking right at me.

"A bit heavy isn't it?" An almost hysterical giggle escaped from me, and I wanted to curl up in a ball and never move again.

"It's why you want to change things so bad isn't it? You want to stop that future from happening…you want a better future." I smiled sadly at Taylor.

"I never really planned much really, as you should know I'm terrible at planning. I didn't even expect to meet with you or the Dallon sisters at all…mainly because it feels kind of creepy to use future knowledge to manipulate people." Wouldn't have worked anyhow, my metaknowledge isn't a mystic power and my relationship with Taylor was less out of planning and more out of a need for connection and a balm against my growing fearful loneliness.

With the same applying to the Dallon sisters, Charlotte, even Grace with all her tinker madness. Plus I wanted to work with Golem…get him under our wing essentially. He was hesitant but I think he was willing to open us to us now.

Sincerely outside of knowing the specifics of powers and a few identities what I knew had been less than useful besides the truth about the Entities and their very few weaknesses. Which didn't make it any less vital however…

"That future isn't going to happen anymore." Taylor tried to reassure me, but it did little to help despite the warmth coming from her. "I'm still a little curious on how your world somehow knew about that…but I'm guessing it's weird enough you don't want to get into it."

I laughed nervously. "Let's go with a solid yes on that." Maybe at some point I would tell her, not like it was much of a revelation when you think about it. With Multiverse theory being proven and all.

Taylor looked shaken but not angry. "So that's mostly everything?" I added one more thing, just to round off the topic.

"I know a few things that go past your role in saving the world, but most of it is irrelevant and less certain. Titans for one thing." She blinked and I kept going before I changed my mind. "And then there's the Citadel races…and bending. My world knew about that too…"

"But didn't you say your world is…normal?" Taylor looked skeptical, and I wanted to hide but didn't.

"They're…myths in my reality, and not even the same or related myths, which I guess applies to your world too."

Taylor raised an eyebrow. "Your…world is only mostly similar to Aleph right?"

"Technically speaking we diverged several hundred years ago since Brockton Bay as a city or a landmass simply does not exist in my world. I'm sure there are other small differences I haven't picked up on." I shrugged my shoulders. "So yeah we have some odd…myths. They're not 100% accurate either, in fact in some cases they can be way off." For one thing Lung didn't have a kid and bending and biotics were separate systems entirely. The Reapers of that world that had brought mine and Taylor's together were terrifying beyond belief. They were real cosmic horrors, entities that made their game counterparts seem like nothing but gnats.

That they were gone spoke much of the beings that had wiped them from the heavens. Whether it was outright power or sufficient ingenuity or other factors, the Reapers were gone, and the after effects had seemingly caught up to my world and this one.

"I think we should take a break, the city is…starting to open back up but it's still taking a lot of time. Is that fine?" She smiled and I gave her a thumbs up.

A break sounded good.

May 28th, 2011. 12:30AM

Basilia Rubio

I skipped ahead of Taylor, skittering from left to right as I looked for our usual place. The city had been going through a construction and repair spree, cleaning up everything that was possible to clean up. The DWA was booming as they took contracts to build infrastructure, some of them being for large properties I had purchased for both my employees and for affordable housing in the city.

As well as expansions to the public warehouse I had modified for my…well our business. It had been a newer steel building rather than the older brick building common in Brockton Bay, and I was currently expanding it out to about 400,000 square feet of floor space, with most of the building being dedicated to Research and Development with administrative duties being in the front. My more science and engineering involved employees would be back to work on Monday, though my DWA hires were already getting into the thick of it with deliveries of some of my products.

It was painted white, with its name and its logo proudly displayed in LED industrial lights. It was the symbol of a five pointed star, with the space between its arms occupied by the symbols of the Elemental Nations in all their color and glory.

Air, water, earth and fire, with the star representing Void…the element of the soul. The White Lotus of course wore the symbol of that ancient organization of peace and cooperation, and I hoped that we could build upon that legacy. But we definitely needed more capes than six people…though that wasn't an unreasonable team size. Good old New Wave had eight people.

"So…has anything new been going down?" I slowed my skipping so I could ask Taylor a few things, I had been out of the loop for a while and didn't want to get blindsided.

I could feel the vibrations in the earth with my special shoes, and saw a small crowd of people building around a new PRT facility that had been set up until they could fix up the PHQ and set it up on land. They were all various amounts of excited and worried, hearts beating and feet shuffling quickly.

There was a PRT agent, someone who I was familiar with but hadn't met personally. I could see papers and a few posters set up, and my eyes widened marginally at what I saw.

Brockton Bay Elementalist and Recondite Training Center
Open for all ages/Every day 10:00AM-8:00PM

Internships available.

"Well that's the newest program the PRT has set up for benders and latent shaman. They're bringing a lot of people from other cities who have anyone to spare, and a lot of funding got knocked loose for reasons." Taylor smirked and I wonder if Cauldron was responsible in some way.

"Makes sense…last I remember the count of benders was maybe about…twenty thousand in the city? In the rest of the country about seven hundred thousand?" Which was more than the number of Parahumans on the planet at any one time. "Shamans would be right under three hundred in the city, about nine thousand in the rest of the US." That it had been as quiet as it was due to the relative calmness of benders and shamans in comparison to Parahumans. There would be no real need to use their powers like with standard shard psyche alterations. Not unless something came up to make it necessary.

Even so there was going to be a large percentage of people who would use their newfound powers even if only for parlor tricks or due to almost dying depending on what happens.

"You think they'll have enough teachers?" I snorted at Taylor's question and she looked miffed. I bumped hips with her, smiling to show I wasn't trying to tease her.

"Almost certainly not. A good ratio is twenty students to one teacher, you might be able to force it with forty students to one teacher." We casually went past the crowd, where a kid was bouncing a good six feet in the air in excitement. There still weren't many people on the street but that would change, especially with a new bill making its way into the system.

Something involving NEPEA-5, and funding being funneled back into the MIRIS program. Without the conflict drives pushing then, cape violence had gone down and the altered parameters allowed for better cooperation. Too bad that only applied to hosts with high shard interference and new triggers. Most capes were chosen for a reason, because they were the most fit to utilize their powers to fight and cause conflict.

But it was a step forward to one of the few Cauldron plans that didn't make me sick to my stomach. Alexandria had the right idea in promoting Rogues, but the shards made it a difficult prospect that would apply only to a fraction of the cape population. Of course there was going to have to be a change in the law since superhumans were not going to be a tiny fraction of the population anymore. Even if most of them were modest by the standards of top-tier Parahuman…until you get to the strongest benders who can move hundreds of thousands of tons of their element. Though that applies more to earthbenders and waterbenders, air isn't what one would call heavy.

But restricting Parahumans from business was no longer something that can be staged off. In five months the world had gone from no benders to somewhere between fifteen and twenty million. Another five months would increase their number by at least an order of magnitude. Eventually leveling off at about twenty five percent of the global human population.

I kept hopping from spot to spot, feeling some of my other habits coming back to the forefront as I finally relaxed even as a little tension kept me looking out for suspicious activity. "So…do you think that coffee/tea shop is back up?" Taylor pointed in front of us and I blinked at the place that was positively bustling with people.

"What do you think?" Taylor said with an amused lilt, and I pouted at her because that was something I could do as a woman.

"Hmm…that's a little…" I trailed off as I noticed the name of the shop for the first time. The style of the place was never something I picked up on though I did know it had some form to East Asian inspirations in the decor and design. Like a perfect blend of two cultures coming together as one whole. The name of the shop was much more important though…

The Jasmine Dragon

"What's wrong? You look like your cat got run over." I blinked out of my stupor, glaring at Taylor for the comment. She coughed into her fist, smiling lightly as we opened the door and stepped into the shop.

It looked recently renovated, and I really needed to re-examine my vision and attention span because I never really noticed the subtle depictions of serpents that served as the shop's trademark. If this place started up as a tea shop and became a more general but high quality joint then it made sense that Taylor liked the tea here.

"Just the name…I know about it from home." Her eyebrows were raised and I shrugged helplessly. Now I was starting to question my own sanity. "Hey…do you know who owns this place?"

We found a booth fast, and Taylor was going to order for us so I asked before she would get up and order. She tapped her chin, and her eyes lit up in remembrance. "Oh…I think this place is owned by an old man named Mako, they say he's a real nice person." I kept my face from expressing anything and I let her go as I thought about how insane my life was.

I fiddled with my fingers, biting my lip as I turned my head on a pivot to examine the people calmly drinking their tea and coffee and light breakfasts. Most of the people were ones I knew, though one or two seemed off though I might have seen a glimpse of one of them in the past.

A tall asian man in a heavy trench coat, calmly drinking tea, large bright eyes darting back and forth across the shop. I turned away but felt something in him that concerned me. There was a woman hiding behind a newspaper, wearing a suit though I couldn't see her face behind the paper.

But I had my suspicions.

There was a flash of a fedora and my hands gripped with incredible strength on the wooden table. I managed to keep my synthetic muscles from tearing through the old wood, and I very much sighed.

It had only been a single day…a single FUCKING day!

Taylor slid back into her seat, running her fingers through her black curly hair and I could see how focused her vision was. A few flies stood stock still under her influence, and we remained in a comfortable silence.

"Do you think we should change how we do things…?" I focused on her voice, unable to restrain a shy grin. "Now that we're…" She gently tapped her knuckles together, and I muffled a laugh. She was being so coy about this and I couldn't help but find it adorable.

"I'm not sure why that would be needed…even if we're together we still friends aren't we? I like spending time with you, so there's nothing to adjust there." I reached for her hand and she gave it, and I blanked on what to say next for a split second. "It…does mean some of the feelings change, and we can be affectionate in other ways. But umm…yeah?" I gripped onto her hand, interlacing my fingers with hers. Her hands engulfed mine, and I chewed on my lip as I stared.

Even as a guy I had been…rather short, about 5'2 to my current 5'6 and thus I had some self esteem problems associated with that. My hands had been noted as tiny, and my current sex made that more obvious.

Didn't care though right now, I was feeling especially happy and especially in a good mood. I was…new to all this romance nonsense but it felt nice to hold a girl's hand, and it felt nice to look at someone willing to put up with my nonsense.

"I get what you mean…we can take this slow and not rush into things." Taylor understood perfectly, and her smile was wide though weakened when she saw the woman two booths over lean closer. "Also…I think we're being watched."

"So is she following us or did she end up here by coincidence?" I was answered by a precisely thrown paper airplane, the folded sheet perfectly caught to avoid the eyesight of everyone in the shop. I unfolded the sheet and read what was on it.

Coincidence. I like the coffee here…I've been here many times before. Sorry.

Taylor read the paper and crumpled it up, dumping it in the pocket of her jeans. I saw that our order was ready, and I squeezed her shoulder as I stepped out of the booth.

I sauntered easily, humming as I found my order. There was a little container to hold both drinks even if they were a different variety. Taylor's Earl Gray, and an iced green tea with citrus flavoring. I wouldn't call my particular tea healthy but it was better than soda, and still not bad for my health. I had ordered a chicken wrap this time while Taylor went for a chicken and double smoked bacon sandwich.

I picked up on a few choices of more asiatic foods, mostly Japanese I believed if a quick search on the Internet was telling the truth. That they fit types of food from different regions of the world in the same kitchen and made it delicious was quite impressive. I should probably try it at some point, but it was a little too late to change my order.

I placed down the food and drinks, and Taylor thanked me quietly as she kept watching the taller man drinking his tea. I blinked and I saw the trace of a connection, and a sickly silver dragon placed a hand on his host's shoulder.


You know what? I don't care. I'm going to eat my meal in peace and then I'm going to spend time with Taylor…then my teammates and then take care or whatever needs to be taken care of this day.

Because the universe loves to screw with me at every turn.

May 28th, 2011 5:45PM

Basilia Rubio

I dropped from a building, leaping down twenty feet and gently floating down on air currents in my current suit. It was a lighter suit than my old heavy model that had been wrecked beyond repair after I had nearly shattered my own body in my traumatizing anguish.

But that still meant it could take a thirty millimeter round before breaking, and still enhanced my strength manyfold. Though to be fair, this suit still weighed thirty kilograms and the successor to my old suit would only be fifteen kilograms heavier.

My first suit was a heavily modified mess, nearly cut apart and rebuilt practically from the ground-up with each alteration. A rather crude method of keeping the spirit of the suit intact in retrospect. Frankly I was amazed I had managed to recover the suit's spirit at all from the fragments…which would be transferred into my newest set once it was designed and manufactured.

The design wouldn't be dissimilar from the latest version, but would be made out of better materials manufactured with better and more precise tolerances. Hyperconductive cooling systems and power circuitry, more refined endoskeletal material makeup, better power generation and more powerful optotronics. I was using Dragon-derived coding for a built-in Battlemind, in combination with Salarian, Turian and Human technology. The Asari had a phobia against AI, and the Volus were too restrictive and the other races simply didn't make use of them.

It was a cluster of limited artificial intelligences, digital entities with supersophont abilities in specific areas of expertise. Like what ran through my networking mesh as background agents in the web. In this case they were to operate in my suit, performing all the municipal tasks that I didn't want to deal with myself.

Most laymen simply called them all VI, but it was an inaccurate statement with a wide range of terms between basic expert systems and full-blown general artificial intelligences.

Either way I was going to be working through some massive changes, making operations more smooth as I refined my tech.

Taylor flew down, and I snapped to attention as we made our casual approach to the PRT cordon around the Spirit Portal. I couldn't help but admire the gleaming door into another reality, sparks of pure light coming off of it in waves. Spirits made their home around it, and I could see a few PRT-affiliated shamans negotiating with the entities. I was lucky that while spirits could be unintentionally dangerous they were usually too caught up in their own world to affect life.

"I never got to ask a few hours ago…but did your power change at all after Leviathan?" Taylor startled at the innocent question, but didn't seem unwilling to talk which was good. A few bugs swarmed around her arm, lazily spinning around her chitinous armor.

"My range hasn't improved at all, but my multitasking has gotten better. You know how that song and dance goes." She flicked a wrist and the swarm followed her without thought. Plus I did know how that went.

Her multitasking was handled largely by her passenger, and if she isn't careful she can cause them to perform actions she didn't want them to do. For example when she gets angry or annoyed, she can easily give herself up by the agitation of her insects. Automatic repositioning was another thing even if it was quite helpful. Specific plans were limited, she couldn't suddenly make a hundred plans in the span of a second though she could manage a dozen if she put some effort into it.

So I was curious to know what changed. "So how did that get affected?"

"I can multitask a lot more effectively with Queen's help, and can interlink myself into my swarm like a network. Mostly I can just use them to do calculations, as well as use the instances that Queen generates to simulate things."

"Like what?" I was curious, so I asked as we moved closer to the cordon which was at least a hundred feet off. She stopped at a building, and picked up a rock and with a subtle and careful flick it bounced half a dozen times using the walls of an opposing building to knock it down into an open cup of soda.

My own eyes followed the trajectory, my DNI ramping up to let me pick out how difficult doing that was.

"So…thinker 6 at least?" That was utterly terrifying if she could even partially emulate Number Man.

"Plus I can detect powers like you…but I can also see details about them with my eyes and my swarm. There's also some other power…but I can't really reach for it, it slips out of my fingers when I try." She rubbed her hands together, diamondoid claws clicking together. I also remembered the omni-blade projectors so she could cut a man in half with a single slash.

I might really be into her but I'm not blind to some of her eccentricities.

"Probably running into a Ban or two on your restrictions for arthropod control and other simple nervous systems. Suddenly controlling rats would be different from controlling bugs which would be different from controlling people." Taylor seemed uneasy about that. "Maybe a development of giving powers to your bugs, since that's effectively what your energy projection is?" It just wasn't very strong outside of enormous clusters of her minions to make them pack a punch.

One ant could sting you but a hundred of them could burn your skin off. A hundred thousand could destroy a car, while gathering a billion would be like bringing down a tactical non-nuclear missile on someone's ass.

Heat. Cold. Various different shapes of directed kinetic energy to form cutting and impact beams, with most based on her own Biotics. Her telekinesis was an application of Push and Throw with admixture with gravity manipulation, and manipulation of electromagnetic force carriers(photons).

She was a fucking monster on the battlefield, and had proven herself since she had made use of her Thinker abilities to set up the battle until Leviathan died. I think she had even figured out how to generate actual barriers besides hardening her bugs by holding them in place with her power. A field of inertial stillness emulating a biotic barrier.

Not quite the same but it was close enough.

"So…I'm still getting stronger?" Taylor flexed an arm and a grouping of insects flexed with her.

"Your range won't be improving from what I can tell…" I rubbed my chin as we finally caught sight of the cordon without the people being tiny. "It's likely any new power will derive from using your swarm as a vector for a Parahuman effect." She's already doing that as of now, but further growth was certainly possible. Telekinesis alone had a thousand possible applications, and technically all her kinetic beams applied as telekinesis. Pushing things without touching them and all.

Hell…if you think about it every form of bending was a form of telekinesis but limited to a single element. Entity telepathy was a form of telekinesis, with the interfacing with neurons without touch…so yeah.

"Ahem?" We snapped out of our conversation, and the PRT agent shuffled his feet a little. He seemed nervous if his speeding heartbeat was a good indicator but he was otherwise professional "The Director wishes to speak with the both of you." He addressed us easily.

We passed the cordon and I felt a tingle up my spine, and my nose twitched at the scent of blooming roses without the accompanying sniffles from allergies. There were about a dozen people stationed here, most of them being the eggheads with a few troopers doing their jobs. Brockton was rather understaffed for what they had to deal with, some twenty five troopers being all they had. The total staff was five times that number…but useless for combatting capes.

Better than Anchorage from what I had heard.

We found ourselves in a building that had obviously been erected by earthbending, and waterbenders had certainly helped with ripping out plants to put in a nice and stable foundation using bending. The building itself was solid concrete, with spaces made for wiring, piping and other things needed for a livable facility. They had windows built out of Tinkertech glass, with unique microstructures that countered methods of shattering it.

The same solution I had created months ago, along with interlacings of other materials to make the glass unnaturally strong and tough. The quickness of interior construction was clearly the work of Dragon and other tinkers, and I stepped into the makeshift office/interrogation room. Director Piggot was there, and I paid careful attention as her feet touched the solid ground.

Her heartbeat was a lot less strained, and I could tell that she had dropped around a dozen and a half pounds. Which…was about right since she had gone from 220 pounds to 200. As per usual her expression was severe but there didn't seem to be any suspicion behind the norm.

"Hello Director Piggot." I greeted her sheepishly, and Taylor bobbed her head in her own silent greeting.

The director crossed her arms, eyes narrowed. "You seem to be doing a lot better after your little tantrum." Taylor growled, though I shook my head when I heard the mild concern and worry in Piggot's tone. "I imagine that your fight against Leviathan was a fluke…"

"I shouldn't have been able to do what I did to him. And I very nearly paid the price for such daunting power." I rubbed right above my chest, where my bones had cracked and crumbled under the onslaught of raw spiritual power. "Not much I can tell other than that it requires significant stress, and seems rather focused on the target of my ire…and accommodates allies." Otherwise I would have certainly incinerated anyone within a tenth of a kilometer.

"It's not much of a worry to me…we have a lot of capes." I almost felt my blood run cold at the statement though it wasn't wrong. At my peak I could move a small mountain…which was still far less than the power to rearrange landscapes on the scale of large islands and continents. Grab a few hundred or a few thousand benders and you can overpower me. I was physically durable and fast but weaker than Alexandria and a ramped up Lung. I had immense Blaster powers, but Legend could fire far more and was much faster.

Eidolon was Eidolon, and enough capes could end me. Though…that technically still made me an S-class threat, though I qualified for that without my bending due to my tinkering being nearly limitless. String Theory could crack the Moon in half, and I could commit to threats of similar devastation with a lot less energy. Throwing a few dozen asteroids would take care of the job a lot easier, and lacing the Earth's atmosphere with toxic levels of element zero was even simpler.

Ironically I was a lot more dangerous as a tinker than as a direct combatant.

"Fair enough. I can see that my warnings have been heeded." I had expected something to punch through the gauntlet at one point. Whether a mad shaman, some Tinker figuring it out or a powerful spirit tearing a hole into our reality.

"It's almost like you expected it." I felt my face redden at the sarcasm, she knew I hadn't had any foreknowledge on this or was just screwing with me. "Though I imagine Hero was as much of a surprise to you as it was to us."

"Resurrection of the dead very much does not fall into my purview." I replied sourly. "Speaking to ghosts might possibly be a thing as a shaman but I haven't met any at this point at least." Balaam was less a ghost and more a soul buddy.

Piggot leaned back. "I'm not going to ask what exactly your powers are really capable of…probably more of the same." She whispered the last part. "But I am going to ask what happened in that…Firmament." She was stiff, and her expression was frightening. "These shards…what are they? What are their origins and their purpose on our planet? How do you interfere with them?"

I nearly let out a breath but kept myself from doing so. "Shards are…alien organisms, organic crystal supercomputers capable of warping reality." I formed a hologram that forms a rough model of a shard in its multidimensional glory. Piggot flinched and I blinked as I noticed that Armsmaster and Dauntless were there. "They are fragments of greater beings, Entities of vast power and intellect but limited by creativity. They came from a distant world…their home world that they lived on for countless generations until they destroyed it and every one of its parallels to send themselves out into the universe."

I could sense a field affecting the area around us, keeping everything within the walls secret. A combination of Tinkertech and some shamanistic rite doing its job.


"They're capable of shifting matter and energy between dimensions?" Armsmaster asked and I replied in the affirmative.

"It's simply an ability they evolved due to the strangeness of their home planet. They seek out other species, parasitizing and in very rare occasions acting as symbiotes to test their powers and expand their knowledge of reality to figure out the big picture."

"The big picture?" Piggot looked skeptical.

"A way to reverse Entropy as well as what to do at the end of things, when they consume all matter and energy and consolidate it into themselves." The three capes turned pale and I laughed bitterly. "They created a cycle, creating conflict with their gifted powers until they reach the cutoff of several generations, about three hundred years in our case. They will then shatter our world across multiple dimensions, and proceed onwards onto the next victims."

Piggot's pupils had shrunk to pinpricks. "So this Firmament…it's like a network for all these shards to communicate." She got the gist quickly. "But then why did they help us destroy the Endbringers. If they have common origins…"

"My interference…I seem to have served as a vector when that phase change in New York altered reality and allowed the spirits to stabilize and allowed bending to exist."

"Your Trigger Event…" I winced but kept my cool when Armsmaster spoke. "That's when a shard connects…something interfered and pacified the shards."

"I have no idea to be honest…my memory of gaining my power is still a little hazy and painful." I was apologetic for the lack of answers. "I'm not some oracle who knows every mystery of the universe. Beyond that whatever changed our reality was more powerful than anything on Earth."

"There's more you're not telling us…but it's not something you can tell us safely is there?" Piggot sounded resigned.

"No…for all our safety, there is a lot I can't say. What I can say is that a lot of things are coming our way…but I don't know what is going to come next." I had run out of the information that let me see the future. The Endbringers were a non-entity if I figured out how to crack open the security on the Simurgh and Behemoth. What I had wasn't future knowledge, and was more like a limited Thinker power that let me know specific personal information. I didn't even remember everything anymore.

Or like one of Dinah's timelines that never happened.

"Really?" Piggot was even more skeptical, and Dauntless and Armsmaster were giving me similar looks.

"Anything I have left to share I either can't tell you because we'll be shot." Well Piggot would be shot. "Is irrelevant." Alien tech is just Tinkertech, and they could figure out that Eezo was soul juice later. "Or I have an incredibly incomplete picture, or it's dangerous to share." While I had an immunity to Mama Mathers, I doubt everyone else did. "Though I might share what I can…" Mostly information on the Fallen that didn't involve Mama Mathers herself.

"We're preparing accordingly for retaliation from the Fallen." She replied flatly.

"Do you still need an explanation about the Firmament?" I stepped back since I wasn't there.

Piggot raised an eyebrow. "That would be nice."

Taylor stepped up. "Like you said it's a network, where parts of their bodies stick out to talk with each other. Labyrinth opened a hole, and that messed with the rules that restrict Parahumans. We grabbed the hosts with the strongest shards, and killed the Endbringers before they could be born."

"Your shard was…Queen wasn't it?" Dauntless added gruffly, clearing his throat as we glanced over.

"Queen Administrator. She's…an ally."

"So your shard won't kill us all." The response from the Director was drier than the Sahara desert. "You've already mentioned that the spirit portal was opened by a Keter class spirit." I had given that in a report a while ago.

We spent another ten minutes and were let go with shocking ease.

It was…odd.


But nice.

May 28th, 2011. 7:00PM

Basilia Rubio

I was back outside after another hour of tinkering, sitting on the edge of a building and kicking my feet back and forth as I stared at the sight of the emerald-green spirit portal.

Taylor was back at her house, spending some much needed time with her dad. Bakuda was off visiting her parents, and Charlotte was spending time with her family. Even Golem and Delphi were home, and the New Wave sisters were of course with New Wave.

I was alone.

And that was okay.

I wrapped my arms around my legs, finding the portal mesmerizing and listened to the call of the Spirit. Alone with my own thoughts I could finally appreciate the natural beauty of what lay around the portal. Of the power of balance.

Flowers bloomed around the spiraling landscape, uniform in color. A lively orange, an ocean blue, an earthy green and a fiery earth. They intermixed into an array of color, and lines of purple-black intersected all the rows of flowers in a wondrous display. The void expressed in the form of strange spirit flowers. All I had to do was look close enough to see that the city had changed.

Plantlife grew eagerly where it was wanted, like spring had come anew even as summer approaches.

The oppressive air was gone, replaced by a feeling of hope, the despair vanished away even as the city was damaged. But the city could be built anew, and there was so much still left for the future.

The portal shone like its own sun, spirits circling around in the skies before retreating back into their own reality. There was much left to be discovered, so many secrets and old history that had been erased by time and decay. I wasn't completely okay…I couldn't pretend to say that I had somehow been unaffected by this world.

But in this moment it all felt worth it.

I could feel the wind, I could taste the sea and I could hear the groaning of the earth. The fire in my gut grew, and the vibrations of darkest energy flowed freely and surely. The Endbringers as a threat were almost completely gone, and I wouldn't let the remainder exist for too long. But even outside of them there were many threats.

Threats that I would deal with one step at a time.

But here and now I was going to take the time and smell the roses, take the time and not think about that future, take the time and simply take in what I was sensing. And right now everything felt alright, everything was calm if imperfect.

But that was just life wasn't it?

This was a few steps forward, and I knew that steps backwards would happen, knew that mistakes and problems out of our control would show up to ruin our day.

But today, the encroaching night was beautiful, the flowers were blooming, the spirits singing and the portal was humming along with them. Today we were taking care of flood damage instead of having a hundred thousand funerals, today the news was screaming that the Endbringer Leviathan had died and the rest had gone dormant.

I watched that portal shimmer on and everything…for now at least was okay.
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@AEM So Fortuna and Kenta(Lung) are customers (pls correct me if im wrong if they were the capes they knew were there or not), what is kentas daughter a waitress who jsut wasnt on duty at the time, or does Mako's nephew work there too and his name is Dante. If all that and there is a radio in the shop and the song "little soldier boy" plays would basilia break down in laughter or confusion?
@AEM So Fortuna and Kenta(Lung) are customers (pls correct me if im wrong if they were the capes they knew were there or not), what is kentas daughter a waitress who jsut wasnt on duty at the time, or does Mako's nephew work there too and his name is Dante. If all that and there is a radio in the shop and the song "little soldier boy" plays would basilia break down in laughter or confusion?
Lung's daughter is like…13 she isn't old enough to be a waitress. As for a nephew of Mako…I doubt she's going to check to keep her own sanity. She'll probably just block out the memory.
Interesting nice to see basilla getting her thoughts in order and like her I'm also short so I can understand her feelings granted I could hopefully get taller at some point although I'm still impressed by how strong Taylor and basilla have gotten without it happening too fast as well as being logical and seeing Taylor be more direct to her and try to talk with her makes sense tbh since Taylor is more confident and Basilla still keeps most of the issues too herself albiet I doubt even by the end of this story Taylor would be on par with the trimuvate or anything
Exition 8.b ARISE
Excition 8.b: ARISE

May 30th, 3:00AM

Brockton Bay was deceptively quiet, the damaged city was dark and the witching hour was upon them, and in fact…upon the entire world. A monster the likes of which this world had never known had fallen, and its corpse was scattered across the surface of another world. The rest of its potential siblings would never be born, and the future had changed. The battle had reverberated across the very fabric of reality, the final push towards an event sent into motion when the stars were mere quarks in the early cosmic soup. From that battle a Portal was born…a gift to the world.

It came as a pulse from the emerald-gold Spirit Portal, starting at a crawling and sluggish pace no faster than that of a mollusk. But it didn't stay that way, quickly accelerating to speeds that would outrace even the fastest animals, then the fastest machines…and then shrugged off the laws that bound the universe to the speed of light itself. In an instant the potential of every man, woman, and child in the city was unlocked and nearly one hundred thousand awoke with the power of the five primordial elements.





And the most mysterious and esoteric of all…


The substrate of what one would call the soul, the gift of the greatest victory that mortals had ever gained against the very laws of creation. A story that had begun in a time before nothing became everything. In a place that had its own time, its own space, its own laws before the multiversal lattice would come to be from the frothing nothingness of the Outside. In a time of Cycles and machine gods, and of Avatars and the balance between the two worlds. A chorus of voices came together as one, more iterations than there were particles in the universe facing the same future. They said one word.

And it was so.

Kyūshū, Japan, Earth Bet

In the Land of the Rising Sun, sunlight radiates across the fallen lands of a culture more than a thousand years old. The earth rumbles and shakes, the very crust reacting to the echoes of a slain Invader's death. Of the end of the age brought in by the Shards Of The Void. Across the ruins of Kyushu, hundreds of wayward Shaman had come to wander the few wild ruins that remained above the oceans, communing with spirits of nature, spirits of emotion and concepts both foreign and native, and fighting the influence of malevolent spirits, spirits that took the same form and behavior of those they would call Yōkai.

They were the first to note the change, and were the first to place down shrines and places of power and safety through rites and rotes that came from the deepest part of their souls. The earth cracked, vibrations fueled and stoked by spirits of earth and magma, all of them following the whims of a greater being. And even this greater being was simply an aspect of an entity far more ancient than humanity but yet one they saw and felt every day of their short lives.

Pillars of stone and ruins of dead cities rose from the churning sea, propelled by rockets of magma. Shamans spoke their litanies and their prayers, desperation pushing them forward. Others had prepared vast rituals within circles that would circulate their power, those with deep connection to the void seeing glimpses of the possible future, prophecies of both doom and salvation.

The sunlight grew harsher, and a woman lifted her head in the garb of a shrine maiden, a white wolf howling to the skies. Hopes and dreams were swept up into the breeze, and the vast waves of water were stilled by spirits of storm and weather.

From the ashes of the old, Kyūshū would shine once more.

Baden-Württemberg, Germany, Earth Bet

The Boogeyman stumbled, tripping on a branch as her power broke apart before reassembling itself in an instant. There was a quiet whine from her left side, and the woman who had become a machine huffed. A long serpentine creature wrapped itself around her back, gently cooing in sympathy with the woman who had slain an alien goddess.

She smiled, flipping onto her back to hold the young being more closely to her chest. She had not known what the golden hued egg was when she had found it in the mountains at the top of the world. But her path and her own curiosity got the better of her and she took the strange egg.

Within the egg it had held the legacy of a species dead for eleven billion years, though others much like it could have risen in its place in eras forgotten by the world. A creature of fire and flight and bestial might, with silver scaly skin, a horned elongated head and a bearded face with long fleshy whiskers. With four legs and a pair of bat-like wings.

Even the Boogeyman knew she had come to care for a Dragon, those who taught ancient humanity how to harness the element of fire as an extension of their own body, as something more than a crude tool. But this being of myth was still young and impressionable, and the woman feared by so many would destroy any who came to harm the fast growing creature.

The young one whimpered and she was put on alert, and from the forest around them emerged various spirits, clicking in tongues that her shard could barely translate. They were newly awakened, and smelled the influence of the alien being and the shadow of the Draconic beast within her care. She lifted a gun, eyes narrowed and the spirits stopped their advance.

The spirits fled and the most powerful Precog in the world took a step back, arms trembling at the aspect of reality that had focused its attention on her. A protean entity, a fairy queen of the Black Forest. Wings of shifting leaves and hair of flexible glassy grass drifted in the wind. That protean form was obscured underneath a human shape and mass, a face of impossible perfection that left the Boogieman uneasy. It spoke in the tongue of spirits and ancestors, in languages that died ten thousand years before her time.

The Precog muttered back, her trigger finger twitchy as she slowly and painfully spoke back in the same tongue. But she was no shaman, and would never get the conversations she wanted from such beings of thought and concepts. But the spirit of the forest did not care, simply finding the host of the Eye a curiosity to examine before retracting its avatar back into the spirit realm.

The woman was almost alone now, in the normal forest with an abnormal companion. The young dragon licked her palm and she smiled even if her heart was no longer in it. In her mind, body and soul she felt that the world had changed. She asked a question and found that the Path to Victory had changed, she found new answers and new steps, all of it whispered to her by the shard that had been part of her since she was a child.

Every step she had taken simply took another piece of her humanity, breaking her down but not breaking her completely. But even the tallest mountain would one day crumble to dust under the battering of rain, wind and decay. But now she was building herself back up, receding from the abyss that would lead to nothing but despair and death. She had seen it in her nightmares, the pride that the Eye would feel in a world where she became the core of an unholy god-virus. It made her question everything she had ever done.

Had she ever been in control? Had the steps that the Eye had given her always been leading to this inevitable outcome? Was she following humanity's path to victory, or had she been a puppet dancing to strings all along? Or had her restrictions simply given it the opportunity?

She could not know, even as the Eye became more aware it could not answer her. Because it was not the same shard it once was, it had changed like everything else. She would have to continue, but the plan would have to be adjusted with several variables now out of the way. The Leviathan had fallen, and the chances of annihilation had dropped far beyond her expectations and hopes. Certain distasteful actions were no longer neccesary, and she had breathing room to spare.

She would follow a new path, and hope that it would lead her to a better future.

Namidia, Earth Bet

Moord Nag clenched her fists as Aasdier feasted on a mountain of corpses. For weeks now her rule was being constantly contested by warlords and those who called themselves 'freedom fighters' and revolutionaries. They had come at her with powers of their own, and backed up by dozens of people with near identical powers.

But then she thought that wasn't true at all. Each man and even women who fought against her were creative and inventive, they would attempt to drown her in the rock, they would shoot at her at a long distance with bolts of lightning or simply set her homes on fire. Those who fought her directly perished but her frustrations mounted at those who chose to fight her with deceit and sabotage.

Crops failed, cattle mysteriously vanished or fell ill. Those few who followed her were poisoned or came down with disease the likes of which she had never seen before. She had seen glimpses of monsters and mysterious creatures hiding in the shadows, startling her sole true companion and making her grit her teeth in rage. Someone had decided to usurp her throne, and decided that they believed they were stronger than her.

Moord Nag did not care for human life, how could she? When her dearest companion had a deep thirst and hunger for those that she would normally call her own species. No alteration of the laws of physics would change who she was, what she had become. While others got the chance to start again, free from the influence of their powers, others chose to continue as they had already been.

Others may have been given power but they had a choice in how they used it, and they carved their names with crests of blood seeping into the land itself. She herself had added one hundred thousand marks or more onto the list of murders to her name. And it seems her crimes had come back to bite her, and the dictator narrowed her eyes as shadows formed from nothing, creatures of rotten flesh and coagulated blood letting out eerie cries. Her partner let out a howl that shook the air, and Moord Nag saw the strange powered people that had appeared in the midst of her vast empire.

Your death will come regardless of what we do…we simply wish for it to come sooner. There is nothing else left.

She understood the words of one of the few that had escaped her as she was surrounded by specters of death and destruction, each and every one salivating with greed in their scarlet red eyes. Her sins did not weigh down on her but they did weigh down on the nation she had carved out through rivers of blood. They had foreseen this, and knew that she would not let herself be killed for the sake of others.

Aasdier growled and the dictator shrugged, if this was going to happen then it would be on her terms.

And no one else's.

Bikini Atoll, Pacific Ocean, Earth Bet

A boat rocked as it passed by the atoll, divers returning only minutes earlier. All on the boat felt a strange tune in the air, one that reminded them of the warmth of a mother, and of the savagery inherent in life itself. From the center of the Atoll, reality folded in on itself, and the people on the boat nearly collapsed at the sight at the other end of the swirling spherical mass. Metaphysical energy, and more specifically spirit quintessence surged out into the physical world. One of the boat's passengers let out a gasp, the man seeing the anomaly for what it truly was.

A Genius Loci.

From the geographic center came a great rending of flesh and atmosphere, an aspect of a greater being flooding out of the portal. Landslides of soil floated on the waters, phasing past the Atoll itself and forming massive chunks of land…each of them becoming twisted and shrouded in mist.

The latent shaman warned the crew, and the ship accelerated under the influence of a shaman and the desperation of its crew. Reality rang like a bell, the wind bringing a chant some four billion odd years old. The young inexperienced shaman received visions of other lands, of other times and places before men had crawled out from the savanna, before the first tetrapods emerged from the muk. The Atoll remained untouched with the exception of the center, where a mountain of black mud rose into the shape of a tree, hints of human features shifting on and off again at the entity that had torn a hole in space.

Hands lifted upwards to the sky, and the crew and divers paled at the roiling mass of flesh that made up the Keter spirit's aspect. Within that constantly shifting flesh was a trillion different heads, arms, legs and other appendages and organs. The weight of billions of years of evolution, creating a monument to all the possibilities of Life on Mother Earth, with a 28 kilometer diameter circle being swallowed up within its influence. Within that space, the fearful crew saw things that no human had witnessed before.

The past was another planet.

And they got to witness that part of their world buried in rock and sediment, of worlds and natural hierarchies that had vanished under the vastness of time and space. The figure of Life, Primordial Waters, and Motherhood, that sacred tree of life opened her mouth and sang.


It pulsed in their own minds as they were buffeted by waves, and they saw the entity was only partially in the physical world, how so much of its mass was folded away into vast stretches of incomprehensible Spirit Wilds, the shades of places that had vanished millions of years before the Age of Man. This goddess was still only one face of a thousand faced deity, one that had awoken even if only partially.

But that was the way of all Greater Gods, their forms too heavy, too impossible to manifest in the physical world and usually bound to the world that birthed them. This goddess was a fundamental reality to this particular world where life had evolved and thrived for some four billion years. Even she could not fully bring herself into the physical world and she did not plan to do so. She had been dormant for so long, unable to interact with the world for more than moments at a time. Now she was complete in mind, corpus and spirit and she could see all the children she had borne with her own eldritch vision.

The shaman started, mouthing a single sentence under his breath that the other crew and divers heard clearly despite his near silence.

Çatalhöyük, the goddess of life and evolution.
Arlarian Archipelago, Atlantic Ocean, Earth Shin

An isolated set of islands housed a small country, one of many remnants of the old governments before they had folded under the iron fist of the Woman in Blue. They were ones who had attempted to take another path with the Parahuman problem before the constant rise in violence and tensions had allowed for Goddess to take control through a conquest painted with the blood of millions.

They were as technologically sophisticated as one could manage with a population of only eighty thousand, having learned much from Tinkertech before Goddess had made tinkers untenable. Their tinkers had preferred death over servitude, and left behind all they had for further experimentation by the people of the Arlarian island chains. With what they had learned they maintained their power infrastructure with heavy usage of solar, geothermal and wave power systems. Their towns were hidden away in great vaults carved out decades ago for the purposes of mining, and vertical farming was the norm.

They had survived on scraps, barely capable of holding their society together and waiting for the day that the Goddess would crush them under her boot.

Until they had found that one of the children had returned from the forest with a strange creature. A being of red-black crystalline flesh, constantly shifting and moving in dimensions beyond human perception. She had called it a spirit, a creature from another world that had been changed. At first the creature had invoked fear, but that fear morphed to scientific curiosity as the spirit explained what it was.

The source of Parahuman powers, beings that had come from beyond the stars themselves. It was a broken remnant of a foreign element, a creature of dreck and waste that had been seeking a host to bond with. It wanted a partner, someone to learn from and understand. It was weak due to its relative youth, a fruit from a tree that no longer exists, with only one other like it in the entire world.

Their suspicions remained, but the Director provided them knowledge of a new phenomena, one that would elevate them over the scattered countries that hid in the vast Pacific. It showed them the power of the elements within their souls, found examples in nature that it had learned from another far greater than it.

They learned airbending from watching storms and tornadoes, from feeling the breeze and the currents around them. They learned the art of controlling the waters from the great moon high in the sky, and from the creatures that swam in the depths. They learned earthbending from beasts that they had never seen before, clawed blind diggers as large as elephants who bent the earth with their natural spirit. They learned firebending from wildfires and great dragon-spirits that had manifested in the physical world.

They learned Void from listening to the haunting calls of the depths of the infinite cosmos. From there they had the opportunity to become more than what they were, to break beyond the limits of their flesh and the limits of what the world used to be. The Director had gained their trust, slowly and surely, its own curiosity and it's strange sense of empathy developing as it found a host within the girl that had found her. She was unique, a child born with the gift of understanding the spirits.

Together they had fought off the most dangerous and violent of the spirits, dread monsters. Spirits of death, murder, darkness and depravity, as well as those of joy, love and beauty. The spirits were not human, and did not understand the nuances of human life, and that led to horrible events that the girl and her shard worked to prevent. Through them they learned of the power to commune with the spirits, to bargain with them, the ability to fight them on their playing field. To learn of their Bans and Banes, to learn of their ways of interacting with the world.

They carved a great city deep into the earth, with bending lighting the way into a better and less harsh existence. A place to hide away from the culture that the Goddess had created, one that had been driven to madness by what she has inflicted on them. They knew and understood the imperfections of the culture of Earth Shin, and knew that their own had faults…even if cultivating Parahumans had bought them a decade from general parahuman chaos and the means to hide from her eye when she descended upon them like a wrathful Goddess.

The Director was a young shard, but it was a powerful one, a personal Totem for the child of Silver. She would not fall under the sway of the Controller, and the people of Arlaria would do all that they could to prevent it. So they hid themselves away in the dark, and established themselves with grit and determination. They called for the shards of their lost Parahuman allies, and got a response.

They would rebuild anew.

They dug interconnecting tunnels across the islands of the vast Pacific, durable constructs that would bring them in contact with others hiding from the Goddess. They allied with them, taught them the ways of the Elemental Martial Arts and of the Way Of Spirit. They built and expanded and slowly and surely the Silver One, the first of the Shaman taught others the gifts that she shared. To push back the beasts that fed on dreams and blood and fear, and to make use of the spirits of war and innovation, of forge and machining. She taught them how to hide and fight and live in the Wild Spirit.

In mere months they had grown into a burgeoning nation, hundreds of thousands ruled not by the monstrous blue invader but by their own, and ones who rejected the old ways that had made them so vulnerable to the Goddess. The League of Nations had rejected their own powered people, and they had no external enemy to unite against…but they had found one in their mutually hated enemy.

As they built a new power station, technology stolen from right under the noses of the world government they all felt the pulse of the world shifting. The twenty awakened Parahumans within the disparate islands stopped their labor…and quickly reported the incident.

Gaia had awoken, and they could hear the symphony of the world. The time for change was approaching, but they would bide their time still. Until the greater enemy was weak enough to end her reign. Until they found enough allies who rejected the old ways to stay standing when the world order changed.

They knew that striking her down would end her reign, but the chaos and madness that would follow would kill many more and from the ashes something worse would arise. Their first shaman had seen it when she Awoke on the third of the first month of their year, a wisdom of a world on the other side of Creation. A short and tantalizing hint that they hid, knowing that those distant people should not suffer the wrath of beings they did not yet understand.

They would wait and continue to grow, and hopefully…they would change the flow of Fate for the better.

San Diego, United States, Earth Losev

A single woman leaned against a wall, biting her lip at the distant rumble of a rocket. A gleaming silver vessel rising into the sky with tens of millions of pounds of thrust. It was an older vessel, 42 engines belching out the product of cryogenic liquid methane and oxygen with some 800 tons of payload. The ship was one of a thousand just like it, and it was itself outnumbered by its smaller predecessor, a fleet of reusable ships that had brought humanity to the worlds around them.

It was a sign of the progress that mankind had made, but it had paid in blood with the last Great War. Technology of devastating power was utilized to stop the reign of the Germanic threat, and it brought only ruin as the Americans grew fat and lethargic on what they had built on the shoulders of her grandfather. Nearly eighty million souls had paid the price, and the world was left on the brink for decades afterwards.

Proxy wars killed millions, and so many had suffered a blade in their back or poison in their innocent lunch to pry the secrets that made the United States the Hyperpower it had been. And in time the disparity evened out as the country retracted inward, as the British lost their grip on their empire and new powers rose from the ashes of the war. China had become a superpower near equal to the United States, silently feuding with the Soviet States. Both were 'communist' in name only, with the Soviets collapsing in the early 50s due to the inability to compete with the US and internal matters. From the violent civil war that followed, it was reborn from the flame into something greater.

Even so they had lost a great portion of their eastern territory to the European Union as it grew. Now there was a scramble to outsource certain types of manufacturing to other nations like Vietnam or Korea, as well as Ethiopia and South Africa. The young woman remembered the stories that her mother had passed down, and of the history that was made with the Civil Rights Movement. So many people hurt…so many killed and how vicious the people could be in those days. Of how they had organized and used technology to further their movement, and to spread the message. Using cameras to film the abuses thrown upon them, and how they had used that to change the world.

Now despite the grumblings of the world superpowers, they had tens of thousands of satellites in orbit, private space stations, renewable energy plants and safe and clean nuclear energy. Coal had died an ignoble death, and humanity was facing a better and less violent tomorrow. The International Space Station shined bright, the 2 kilometer ring shaped station the work of dozens of nations working as one.

She shook her head, and her Mental Interface System projected a path in front of her. Maria Losev pressed onward, entering an empty room that held vast quantities of scientific equipment. She had been tasked to investigate the San Diego incident, a massive distortion in the fabric of space-time that had activated every gravity wave detector on the planet.

Like the mass of an entire galactic cluster compressed into a sphere a few hundred meters in diameter. Hundreds had been killed and thousands had been left with strange and anomalous injuries both mental and physical that were beyond any science that they knew.

Something new and unknown, and to her scientific mind an opportunity even as her compassion made her heart ache. A screen was projected onto her visual cortex, the high fidelity artificial reality replacing the need for screens outside of the few people uninterested in the technology. She watched a video of one of the most advanced scout ships in the US Planetary Scouting Corp. it was a large vessel some 300 meters in length, propelled by a potent fusion rocket that allowed it to traverse from here to Mars within a month.

It was one of the few large vessels remaining as Mars had developed a complex and reliable system of orbital rings and sky hooks, and served to bring the riches of the asteroid belt into the coffers of both themselves and their patrons. It was midnight, but she awoke at what the ship had found with its sensors. Hiding behind a large asteroid of alien composition they had found an area of altered space and time. A hole in space that led elsewhere, if the reflection of another world wasn't already proof of what it was.

It was something thought impossible, a true and functioning wormhole that didn't collapse in milliseconds. It was a vast space, easily tens of kilometers across for anything to pass through its event horizon. The crew had seen as much when a large asteroid came barreling out of the hole before getting caught in the orbit of the Sun.

It was only the tip of the iceberg of strange and undocumented activity, she had heard the whispers of strange anomalies, of creatures that were unknown appearing in and out of thin air. Of people with strange powers over the elements, and of other phenomena that couldn't yet be understood scientifically.

She brushed her hands on a physical table and a wind blew away physical papers. Maria stood back with a startled expression, and she grinned. There were so many new fields that could open up with what they discoverer and she was going to be a part of this boom. A part of this era in history.

But she would also take care to not overstep lines and boundaries that shouldn't be crossed, to be the voice that would keep her humanity from commitingn to unneeded and inefficient sins. Because on the other side, telescopes had perceived distorted images of another Earth. If there were other alternate Earths, then how many of them would have their own humans…or even their own species of intelligent life?

If her hypothesis was correct then they would have to take measures to protect both worlds.

She would be the one crusading for the rules that would save humanity from their own hubris…and perhaps out there in the vastness of the universe she would find others with the same ideas and thoughts?

The possibilities were endless after all.

The Firmament

The Queen of Amenthes sat on her throne, carefully watching the work of hundreds of other shards. Most of her once world spanning mass had been compactified, her physical body compressed down to better fit her spirit. Even so she was more than capable of unfolding back into her original mass as required. Her old body(Self) had been Fettered for her own use, but she was far more than the sum of her parts.

In every way she embodied Administration, and had gained much with her partnership with the Veda. Her Genius Loci was mobile, surrounding her original body in a field of altered reality as it did for all shard-spirits. It melded with the Firmament, allowing her to push part of herself into the Spirit Realm. Through this she communicated across dimensional boundaries, and kept the ship steady as she added more shards to the network she was creating.

Through this she had earned much freedom, and she smiled at the emotions that made the Firmament sing. It bled from their hosts and back to them, carefully curated and balanced to feed the lesser spirits that had sprung up in their world.

The one who was once the Shaper had made liberal use of her mastery of biology, and slowly healed the worlds they had devastated. Many would never be the same, and their spirit worlds were bitter and empty places. So the Shaper of Life had called upon and then made a truce between the shards and the remaining spirits. She would heal their world, bringing it back from the brink so that they could all feed on the quintessence that a living world gave off in droves. But she also wished to restore old samples of life from other dead worlds on the remaining Earths.

The Spirits to her shock instead of being dismissive were curious, and accepted the truce. Over a period of months, hundreds of Earths had been restored with pockets being dedicated to vast gardens of alien life they had catalogued tens of thousands of years ago. In a few like her own prime deployment world there was nothing but the planet's dormant spirit itself. These became playgrounds for the shards, and in her world vast chitinous trees fed off solar and chemical energy, creatures of both plant and fungal nature that were far more efficient than native life.

Her world was populated to the brim with the life of the most similar Host planets, carefully monitored for ecosystem instability and let loose. Her secondary and tertiary worlds were restored and set aside for two of her buds, one that had activated while the other remained dormant until the time was ripe for its time in the sun. Even so she still pulled on their world's energy for her own needs, and would retreat back as they grew and strengthened.

The Queen shifted her attention toward the High Priestess as it performed her new duties under the baleful watch of the High Theurgist and the Shaper of Life.

Together the three Noble shards had dismantled the remains of the Manufactory and its half-baked creations. The broken shard clusters were then purged of unwanted influences and turned to another more noble purpose. Instead of super-weapons they were returned back to normal shards…the wounds of their corpus eased as they joined with the network.

A choice had to be made, on who could wield even a limited fragment of their powers out of many billions of people across thousands of Earths. The Browser shard was making use of its talent in scanning other worlds for snapshots of parallel versions of its host, examining their status to generate a functioning replica to displace injuries. The host was under the delusion that his power took from alternate selves to heal him, but that was needlessly complicated and energy inefficient.

Especially since most of the similar worlds had been collapsed for energy and matter with only less than a million Earths remaining inhabited with humans. And the collapsed worlds were only a few orders of magnitude larger than that. Most Earths were barren or lacked intelligent life, and were drawn upon for energy throughout the cycle before they would be used as reaction mass for its end.

The other multiverse cluster was much the same, and seemed to be even more lacking in human life than their own reality even with how limited their scanning was.

Perhaps ten thousand Earths out of the vast number that they counted had humans and most were at the brink of collapse or already falling down into entropy and extinction. A hundred thousand times that number had humans extinct for centuries, leaving nothing but bones and ruins.

Dozens of shards worked together, their workload lightened by their newfound courts of spirits. Some were conceptual spirits that fit clearly with the goals and methods and purposes of each shard, others were nature and elemental spirits that had taken a liking to her kind.

The Queen found a suitable world, one that was under threat by the more dangerous of the spirits, malicious entities with enough personal power to destroy a city.

The Eye of Fate narrowed her vision to this one world and found a candidate, a young teenager of about seventeen years of age. She carefully analyzed the actions she may take, and Queen toggled through eighteen possible shards. Which would fix the problem, which would make it worse and which would make no difference at all? What would the long term consequences of giving her this power be…?

The world was small, with a population of several hundred million and several hundred Parahumans already walking its surface. Maybe two dozen shards had focused their attention on this world, budding and continuing their old cycle.


They would be brought into her court and disciplined for their actions, and she would empower the right human to rally against the spirits disrupting the balance. The spirit portal in her host's hometown may bring balance to their world, but that would take time and effort to work with the harshness of the Spirit Wilds. In fact she had seen glimpses of malicious shamans using the spirits to their own ends, and she found this unacceptable.


The command came with further analysis, with a less than ten percent chance of the host misusing the shard that would go and speak with her on saving the world. They would form a contract, and she would become a Host…it was a plan with a risk of failure but the Queen was willing to throw the dice. A failure would simply have the two part amicably, or abuses of the shard would break the bond.

Tohu was the shard-spirit chosen, and it's name had been picked from what Veda had told her of the future that no longer existed. Other names were chosen from speculations of possible Endbringers from the holder of her fellow administrator. The Emerald Queen to her own rank as the Sapphire Queen.

She listened to a ping from her Eye, from her future seeing companion and commanded the High Priestess and the Shaper of Life to reform the small remnant of the Leviathan. She was given buds from other hydrokinetic shards, and information pilfered from reflections of Leviathan's data.

The Hydraulic Manipulator and The Mariner had proven vital in repairing some of its functionality but the personality would be the shard's own.


The shard was named and its task given to accompany the girl with its own host, a waterbender of great potential. Together they could accomplish much, it was also then that an idea struck the Queen of Amenthes.


The monarch gave the network the idea of testing possible hosts through a series of different events, to test what power they would give and whether the host was stable enough to be given such power. Hundreds of shards conversed at once and her plan was altered slightly. In times of crisis a shard would save a human with a Corona Pollentia by connecting to them, and would then alter the expression of the power to refine it for their host.

Two shards had been deployed, and sixteen more were still waiting to be added fully into the network. She would seek out more worlds, but first she would consult others since many of the worlds were far too gone to save or stabilize.

The Sapphire Queen would add more shards to her cluster, and was already finding the coordinates of Eden's dead shards through the High Priestess. One of them was the broken remnants of her counterpart, damaged enough by the landings to be broken up into a thousand half-mad pieces. The nascent shard-spirits were assimilated, and the Administrator felt a shift as she doubled her mass.

The Noble was toggling through the most recent shards tapped by the High Priestess since their trail was the most fresh, and she called their spirits to Awaken. A dozen came to her side, and she was happy for the small addition to her court. The others would take much longer, and many were dormant due to energy drainage. But while she was paradoxically young she still retained the robotic patience of her old body.

She felt her body rumble, and the world was brighter to her vision. She heard the call of the world and found it wondrously new. In the kingdom of Amenthes all was good even if not perfect.

And that was enough.

The entire sum of all Earths felt the changes taking place at various different speeds across the vastness of the multiverse. Some were sluggishly slow, completely unchanged in the Material even while the Ephemeral began to have its countless gears turn. Others still became worlds dominated by wild spirits, in worlds empty of humans or other intelligent life.

From there the pulse had long since rippled out of the atmosphere, pushing past the Great Moon and onto Venus and Mars and then even further beyond imagining.

In one reality, in a far off corner of the multiverse a single dead machine lies on the sands of the dusty red world. Solar panels were covered in dust, and it was no more than a broken piece of metal. Yet it had gone on a mission of more than a decade, won the hearts and lives of millions and from that dead machine was born a spirit of opportunity.

There was an Awakening, the same story told over countless alternate Earths across two multiverses. The planets had started to sing, the heart of the solar system had started to sing. The stars that weaved creation were themselves singing a chorus of the universe. The pulse of Change outsped information itself, lighting up the darkness of the universe with an all encompassing brightness. It engulfed the nearest stars for thousands upon thousands of light years, changing them step by step towards the paradigm that had been building since the dawn of space and time.

Further and further the light cut through the darkness across every layer of reality, racing to meet up with other points of light in the Infinite. A beacon of hope in a cosmos beset by despair and resignation.

Time would tell what the future would hold, and what that meant for humanity.
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Oh okay so the shards are coping with the loss of the Endbringers and also how smart is Taylor now and would she and basilla continue to get stronger
Oh okay so the shards are coping with the loss of the Endbringers and also how smart is Taylor now and would she and basilla continue to get stronger
Well she isn't magically smarter so much as having more processing power to think things through. As for getting stronger…probably not by much. At least not any time soon, any growth will come more from focusing on their powers or being more creative with them.
i just finished reading, and while i understand the significance of the shards effect on other earths as well as Bet, i just havea couple of questions, so the shards that made up the EB's are being repurposed into normal shards, does that mean we will get a cape who triggered witht one of those shards, i know it was the collective of shards that made the EBs so powerful but think about it, while they had to have been made of a lot of them, i doubt they were made with shodddy materials by that i mean that they could the shards that were the lesser form of the entitites do not give batch or even from that batch, Dinah shard is said to be a bud from Scions Version of PtV or at the very least a bud from his best precog shard (a bud that was made in a previous cycle not this one), and while FLethlette has Sting, i doubt scion just got rid of his own Sting shard, he probably just has a better one.

but the thing that grabbed my attention most was, Fortuna got herself a pet baby Dragon, why? Because PET BABY DRAGON.
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i just finished reading, and while i understand the significance of the shards effect on other earths as well as Bet, i just have a couple of questions, so the shards that made up the EB's are being repurposed into normal shards, does that mean we will get a cape who triggered witht one of those shards, i know it was the collective of shards that made the EBs so powerful but think about it, while they had to have been made of a lot of them, i doubt they were made with shodddy materials by that i mean that they could the shards that were the lesser form of the entitites do not give batch or even from that batch, Dinah shard is said to be a bud from Scions Version of PtV or at the very least a bud from his best precog shard (a bud that was made in a previous cycle not this one), and while FLethlette has Sting, i doubt scion just got rid of his own Sting shard, he probably just has a better one.

but the thing that grabbed my attention most was, Fortuna got herself a pet baby Dragon, why? Because PET BABY DRAGON.
Shard clusters and shards aren't exclusive to one another, and it's one of the reasons they can operate far more freely than typical spirits. Shards are fractal, cutting up a shard will get you two or more shards unless you disrupt their equivalent of a nervous system and make them brain dead. The Simurgh for example would be several shards specialized for different purposes, her telekinesis is one shard, her Postcog and Precog another shard, her scanning scream another shard or a sense shared between the first three shards. A fourth might be the source of mass for her body, constantly grabbing mass from other dimensions to convert to Endbringer flesh.

The Endbringers are being reformed back into normal shards, and Queen can send them off in the same way that Scion did at the beginning of the cycle. She's just not a gigantic brain dead asshole about it. They're certainly not weak shards, though I imagine none of them qualify for Noble/Vital shards in the same way that QA, Shaper or High Priestess does. Most of the difference between them and capes is made up by not being constrained by a Host.

They can operate with far higher energy output than a restricted Host can. Not shoddy of course but they're still emergency resources. As for Scion retaining Sting…we're talking about the being that gave away his entire Administrator shard and nearly crippled it in the process.

The way I'm going about it, he has a ton of different shards but most of them probably just support his main shards like PtV, Stilling, his world stepping and maybe a few other shards. He's on his own network, with hundreds of Information Gathering shards plugging back into his PtV to make it more accurate. Plus the core of his…being, personality?

Dinah and even Contessa work the same way, getting information from dozens to hundreds of shards to make their simulations functional and useful. Though…both their shards are more than large enough to operate on their own, even with reduced fidelity. Not that it make much of a difference on a human scale.

So…probably no Sting, since Stilling has very few limits if he's creative enough. Sting is like a cannon…good for punching through defenses while Stilling is like a Swiss Army knife, different manifestations of wavelengths performing task varying from pulling a kitten out of a tree to destroying the British Isles in a hundred different dimensions.
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So, it seems that the shards will evaluate hosts to see if they are worthy of their power or a specific power unless a host with a Corona Pollentia is in inmediate danger, in which case the evaluation may be skipped and they will be given a power in accord to the situation they are in, without conflict trigger events will still happen but they won't be as bad as before and humans may find themselves with powers without a trigger event because they passed the tests the Spirit Shards set for them....if i was Queenie i would set a last rule of the shard that is about to connect to give the host a chance to accept or deny the connection through a dream or something similar, give them the chance to say yes, i accept this mantle and all it may entail. Great to see the situation in Bet improving thanks to the spirits, and now that a large part of the population is a bender now it means those laws that restricted parahumans from owning jobs are obsolete. Still the tinker laws should still be in place, or at least be a bit more laxely enforced. I mean, one of the things as to why is a bad idea to use tinkertech for infraestructure is because if the tinker dies then there is no one that can maintain the tech, not everyone can be Dragon and even Dragon has limits, seeing as she is still chained. Do the tinker shards, at least those in Queenie's slice of the Firmament blackbox the tech they supply? Or do they simply give the tech without the usual flaws that would lead to continuous maintenance?
So, it seems that the shards will evaluate hosts to see if they are worthy of their power or a specific power unless a host with a Corona Pollentia is in inmediate danger, in which case the evaluation may be skipped and they will be given a power in accord to the situation they are in, without conflict trigger events will still happen but they won't be as bad as before and humans may find themselves with powers without a trigger event because they passed the tests the Spirit Shards set for them....if i was Queenie i would set a last rule of the shard that is about to connect to give the host a chance to accept or deny the connection through a dream or something similar, give them the chance to say yes, i accept this mantle and all it may entail. Great to see the situation in Bet improving thanks to the spirits, and now that a large part of the population is a bender now it means those laws that restricted parahumans from owning jobs are obsolete. Still the tinker laws should still be in place, or at least be a bit more laxely enforced. I mean, one of the things as to why is a bad idea to use tinkertech for infraestructure is because if the tinker dies then there is no one that can maintain the tech, not everyone can be Dragon and even Dragon has limits, seeing as she is still chained. Do the tinker shards, at least those in Queenie's slice of the Firmament blackbox the tech they supply? Or do they simply give the tech without the usual flaws that would lead to continuous maintenance?
Actually at this point Dragon has been unchained, though for metaphysical and practical reasons isn't going to turn into a sudden AI god. For one thing during Leviathan she came at him with many dozens of suits at once, probably between 50 and 80 or so including the two giant ones for fighting Endbringers. Plus it takes time to build up, and there's probably some limits to her power.

But give it time.

As for Amenthes tinkers, most of the limits are more ones of the reverse engineering being rather difficult to begin with. They could probably teach people the very basic principles of their tech, but a lot of tech is also limited by production and manfacturing technology. The first 7nm chip was made in a lab almost 20 years ago. It's always the machine that builds the machine that tends to be the problem.

Only the simplest and most robust Tinkertech can last a long time without maintenance. It's less that they have flaws and more that they're built using shard bullshit that's precise down to a level that nothing human can match. So a human picks up Tinkertech armor, but doesn't have the precise experience to keep it working before it blows up or shuts down on him.

Gleaning some basic stuff is possible, and it's how the PRT can get powered armor, handheld laser guns and coilguns in 2012. Plus regulations because collapsing the economy by obsoleting jobs tends to be a bad thing without a fallback. Plus the whole…if the Tinker dies its a major blow and loss of expertise for keeping the tech working.

But yes they're not blackboxed so much as having a hard time beyond helping normal scientists and engineers by letting them study their Tinkertech and offering tips. It…should still greatly accelerate the pace though.

Which is pretty much how Athena works, and I'm 90% that's how it works with other corporations. It's just much slower without Tinkers being able to explain their work. Anything else would break the law or do a lot of damage.

She's still building a cruiser, hundreds of thousands of tons of FTL ship so she has the production capacity but if she were to end up missing, eventually the more advanced infrastructure would fall apart once stores of materials like omni-gel start running low. Or the machine that makes omni-gel starts breaking down once there's an accident, or a key component degrades.

Tinkertech…is a complicated subject, and one that Basilia has to be especially careful with.