Victories of the Soul [Worm/Avatar/ME/Multicrossover] [SI]

Ah but how would she do without the avatar and also how would Taylor without help do against Ozai, Canon Slaughterhouse 9 or The Red Lotus
Probably better but she's still dealing with people far more experienced than her and stronger than her. She'll last longer than someone with her size and experience should but will lose in the end, unless she takes a longer route of using her Precog to mess up their lives.

Also Taylor…should be able to deal with Ozai in a one on one fight. Also the Slaughterhouse 9…isn't something she can instantly deal with even if she can ignore Broadcast. Her projection and swarms are vulnerable to Bonesaw plagues, she can't kill Crawler though she can drop him into stasis for a while. The Siberian is immune to all her attacks, though if she can find Manton he's done for. Most of the human-level combatants are screwed unless they can take cover or get away from her swarm.

Bonesaw enhancements might make normal bullets a waste of time, but Taylor does know how to use mass effect firearms…which hit hard enough to rip a man in half, or she could just use biotics and reduce them to red smears. So on her own she'll lose but might be able to survive anyway. Crawler definitely won't die though.

As for the Red Lotus…not too sure on that one, it could go either way.
interesting this Taylor is powerful so I expected this to be honest so how many times can Taylor use stasis and for Basilla would she be able to build something that can counter bonesaw plagues or Mannequin
interesting this Taylor is powerful so I expected this to be honest so how many times can Taylor use stasis and for Basilla would she be able to build something that can counter bonesaw plagues or Mannequin
Mannequin is pretty dangerous though with him, just using a mining laser on him would be much easier. Bonesaw…Basilia might be able to kill her viruses with selective warp fields or block them with filtration equipment but she's not a specialist in biology like Bonesaw or Panacea.
Mannequin is pretty dangerous though with him, just using a mining laser on him would be much easier. Bonesaw…Basilia might be able to kill her viruses with selective warp fields or block them with filtration equipment but she's not a specialist in biology like Bonesaw or Panacea.
hmm interesting so what are Taylor limits with biotic stasis and between Vista and Dinah who would win in a fight and are the two of them friends
hmm interesting so what are Taylor limits with biotic stasis and between Vista and Dinah who would win in a fight and are the two of them friends
Biotic stasis tends to take a lot of energy, though it has a low cool down to charge it up and natural short range. There's also a mass limit so she can only freeze up so much mass, so Endbringers can't be frozen, and other large capes are a maybe. Also Vista would win, and they are friends.
Biotic stasis tends to take a lot of energy, though it has a low cool down to charge it up and natural short range. There's also a mass limit so she can only freeze up so much mass, so Endbringers can't be frozen, and other large capes are a maybe. Also Vista would win, and they are friends.
Hmm interesting so how effective would Cyrokinesis be against Taylor or Victoria and also who is the most powerful spirit now
Hmm interesting so how effective would Cyrokinesis be against Taylor or Victoria and also who is the most powerful spirit now
Err…depends on the cryokinesis? Both of them can generate heat in some way, but a strong enough cryokinetic could theoretically freeze them solid. As for the strongest spirit…that would be delving a little too far into the future.
Err…depends on the cryokinesis? Both of them can generate heat in some way, but a strong enough cryokinetic could theoretically freeze them solid. As for the strongest spirit…that would be delving a little too far into the future.
Ah I guess that makes sense I was thinking of Cyrokinesis being a potential weakness for Taylor hmm also aside from basilla who is the strongest out of white lotus and can energy Absorption be used as a means to counter biotic stasis or biotic freeze
I've been busy, and do really like this story, but now that I'm behind (still behind) it's really tough to catch up, simply because you write so much so quickly. It's also admittedly a bit morose in places, when I tend to like to read more lighthearted things sometimes.
I also found a few typos, and unless I had a previous post here awhile ago, I think I lost the stored typos for the chapters previous since at least the Spirit fight...

she was using her forcefield(The Fragile One…)
Needs a space before the parentheses
"And because it annoys me right?"
me, right?
relaxing under the softness created by trillions of simple emulating microrobots "Bakuda snagged us a few movies from Earth Aleph, and I brought a few from home."
add some form of punctuation after "microrobots"
I literally only knew Palpatine from memes
Needs a period on the end
In this alternate version I was dubbing Earth Losev, Hugo Gernsback managed to successfully bring him to the US and promoted his research enough to change everything. We're talking transistors by the late 1930s, 60s tech during the Second World War, and the personal computer in the late 50s. The technology spread like wildfire, and the various space programs benefited from it greatly allowing for more sustainable space innovation, leading to a space boom in the 80s as private corporations took off.

Based on what I've…spied on, they've got spintronic computers, nuclear fusion and fifth generation fission, and renewable energy is far more efficient and cheaper due to the immense costs and complexities of fusion power plants. Genetic engineering is common enough, and the Cold War seemed to end in a very different fashion. Actually Earth Losev is really pretty great, and the changes in society pushed everything far enough that they seem to be better off than my planet. Though there was a decade or two of instability due to unemployment and the rapid changes leading to culture clashes, and things festering up like the aftermath of the Civil Rights Act coming to roost back home.

Then there was Earth Song, where a version of the Song in a divided China not too dissimilar to Europe in my timeline managed to slam right into an industrial revolution during its conquest of the country about one thousand years ago. Apparently about three hundred years later, the planet collapsed ecologically causing the mass extinction of most life on the planet. Which is where things got…weird. I had mostly gotten that information from some type of e-reader with a carbon-14 nuclear battery, and the rest came from many, many scans of the planet.
Are those reading suggestions? That second one sounds vaguely familiar, but I can think of a few that it might fit. I have no idea what the first one is.
"No I'm not doing this."
No, I'm not
Taylor back home…my life was a lot simpler
Taylor, back home
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I've been busy, and do really like this story, but now that I'm behind (still behind) it's really tough to catch up, simply because you write so much so quickly. It's also admittedly a bit morose in places, when I tend to like to read more lighthearted things sometimes.
I also found a few typos, and unless I had a previous post here awhile ago, I think I lost the stored typos for the chapters previous since at least the Spirit fight...

Needs a space before the parentheses
me, right?
add some form of punctuation after "microrobots"
Needs a period on the end

Are those reading suggestions? That second one sounds vaguely familiar, but I can think of a few that it might fit. I have no idea what the first one is.

No, I'm not

Taylor, back home
No that's completely fair, even I still can't believe I've managed to write this much and I'm the author. Though I have started to write a little slower since it's been harder to keep to the schedule. Every four days now instead of every three. As for morose…that fits quite well with my demeanor and thus fits with the main POV. Plus I'm taking more from the source material than other fics, though toned down a notch or two from the more…constant setbacks and missteps of Canon Worm.

But I like lighthearted stories just as well, though I admit there's probably been a few too many Arcs that involve fighting and conflict. As for reading suggestions, I actually got the utility fog thing from a really old discussion on SB. Though I think there's a anime that uses that, Make My Abilities Average…?

Earth Losev was from another discussion on SB, and it's actually true. He made the first LED, built the first solid-state amplifiers, electronic oscillators, some type of radio receiver but ended up languishing in Soviet Russia until he sadly died of starvation and his achievements forgotten. Earth Losev is effectively a what-if where things turned out differently.

Also I'll be accepting those corrections for the chapters, thanks on that.
No that's completely fair, even I still can't believe I've managed to write this much and I'm the author. Though I have started to write a little slower since it's been harder to keep to the schedule. Every four days now instead of every three. As for morose…that fits quite well with my demeanor and thus fits with the main POV. Plus I'm taking more from the source material than other fics, though toned down a notch or two from the more…constant setbacks and missteps of Canon Worm.

But I like lighthearted stories just as well, though I admit there's probably been a few too many Arcs that involve fighting and conflict. As for reading suggestions, I actually got the utility fog thing from a really old discussion on SB. Though I think there's a anime that uses that, Make My Abilities Average…?

Earth Losev was from another discussion on SB, and it's actually true. He made the first LED, built the first solid-state amplifiers, electronic oscillators, some type of radio receiver but ended up languishing in Soviet Russia until he sadly died of starvation and his achievements forgotten. Earth Losev is effectively a what-if where things turned out differently.biliti

Also I'll be accepting those corrections for the chapters, thanks on that.
I had figured that the Losev fact was real, but was hoping that someone made a story about it. I should make a list about these people, simply because of that reason.

In some ways it's a lot like Tesla, but I have to admit that Tesla's was kinda his own fault. (Plus, even now, we have little idea how many of his inventions actually could have worked, since between rumors of death rays and all the kooks with perpetual energy scams, the legend has gotten a bit... fuzzy.)

I have Abilities on my to-read list, but I'm having trouble finding it on a site that's not paywalled or otherwise crappy...
I had figured that the Losev fact was real, but was hoping that someone made a story about it. I should make a list about these people, simply because of that reason.

In some ways it's a lot like Tesla, but I have to admit that Tesla's was kinda his own fault. (Plus, even now, we have little idea how many of his inventions actually could have worked, since between rumors of death rays and all the kooks with perpetual energy scams, the legend has gotten a bit... fuzzy.)

I have Abilities on my to-read list, but I'm having trouble finding it on a site that's not paywalled or otherwise crappy...
Heh…yeah it would have been interesting if someone had written a story about that. He basically is a lot like Tesla but without the mental illness and other issues that were his own fault. He was the right person but at the wrong place, and with 'insufficient' credentials to be taken seriously until it was too late.
Quantum laser-path logic circuits

What does that even mean? I spent nearly a decade in a nanofabrication lab and I have no clue what you're getting at here.

components out of carbon... ? It looks like you separated a sentence into one sentence and a fragment.

A quantum optical spintronic hybrid that could perform almost unlimited amounts of operations at incredible speed while being far more resistant to EMP and heat build up.

Another fragment. And at the start another bit of technobabble that actually takes away from the story.

haptic display projector

Haptics are for touch. Haptic display is sort of an oxymoron.

Don't even ask me how because I don't want to talk about it…

Who is being talked to here? This is a fourth wall violation.

Mass field stabilized hard light molecules, plus an array of sensors to make sure that the computer did exactly what I wanted it to do.


Why…was I…why was I a woman?!

Good question. A better one is why didn't she notice it while walking or speaking. Different center of gravity. The dimensions described also would result in a noticeable bounce in the chest and obstacle for moving the arms. Noticing this only when looking in the mirror seems extremely unlikely.

My arms were a little flabbier than before but they still had more muscle than before.

How does that work? It's self-contradictory.

A part of me wanted to simply move away, but I didn't know the rest of the world enough to not accidentally get caught by the Nine or some other shitty grimdark scenario.

That also seems pretty thin. The odds of the second part are very low, while the odds of getting caught up by the Nine, Leviathan, the Teeth, and who knows what else in the Bay approaches 100%. I get that she needs to be there for plot's sake, but that sentence was weak.

There was Dragon but with her backdoor, a single slip could see her getting erased by Saint.

So don't slip. The capabilities already shown in this chapter are far more than enough to free Dragon. Not doing so is a plot issue, not a character limitation.

The young woman(had to be 17 or 18…)

Huh. That should be interesting.

Overall despite all the nitpicking I wrote above I really do like the first two chapters. It's an interesting start, albeit somewhat OP. Looking forward to some more explanations of the changes from canon.
It would make the guy a lot less cute if he was a spy.

Wait, so now that this guy is in a female body he's into guys? I don't think an involuntary body-swap is sufficient to change sexual orientation. I hope that's not a thing here.

Kind of weird that the old lady was so ready and willing to sell her home to a stranger like that.

Why? I've bought two houses, and both were from complete strangers. That's generally how it's done. It's pretty rare that people buy homes from someone that they know.

"Well of course it was, the woman was a Parahuman after all."

And the MC didn't know this why, exactly? She detected Taylor, Faultline, and Labyrinth before even seeing them, yet didn't notice that she'd bought a house from a parahuman? Inconsistent! I call Shenanigans!

The material(I'll just call it Eezo) was a product of the soul

Soul this, soul that... is this gonna be a religious story?

using a mass effect field

Or a Mass Effect crossover? The name implies that, but that's just what the MC is calling something based on, I guess, prior knowledge of video games? Or is this actually a Mass Effect crossover? Either way that field needs some introduction since this is primarily a Worm story.

I could bend Fire to my whim
She said the elemental martial arts

Or an Avatar crossover? That's probably the only place I've seen "elemental martial arts" and the term "bend Fire" also implies ATLA.

Honestly, this chapter is all over the place and in only chapter three the story is starting to come apart at the seams. Some actual exposition is in order, because it appears that the MC's power is "everything plus the kitchen sink, and whatever else would be fun at the time", and that's not all that attractive.

and due to their lack of combustion can be used underwater.

A hypersonic round in water (or even air, but water is worse) is likely to result in hydraulic shock waves that could damage even the wielder.

"Veda what else should I be practicing besides tech?"
Guess it's time for some power testing then?

Why didn't this happen in the week prior? It seems like priority number one, before even deciding to settle in the Bay. "What is my power, and is it strong enough that I should risk staying in Mayhem Central? Or should I go elsewhere, build up some tech, and come back later?"

placing my hands just above my fists

Good luck with that... lacking four or more hands, anyway.

The start of 1.4 is... rough. Our MC goes to the library to stalk Taylor (why?!), is randomly mugged (convenient) and saved by Taylor (twice as convenient), and then Taylor starts to stalk her (again WHY?!). OK, so you as the writer want the MC to become friends with Taylor, but this was one of the clunkiest ways I think I've ever seen it done.

That would require a supercomputer just to manage everything, not even including her inherent knowledge of their biology.

Once again, why the surprise? This is an MC/SI who knows the story of Worm, knows that Taylor has a continent-sized supercomputer available to do just that, and even has one herself.

It was a Saturday and my time in this world was now at about twelve days

Is it? In the last chapter it was a week at the start, and then nine more days passed. At least, that's what it looked like. It should be sixteen or seventeen days, not twelve.

In hindsight it should have been obvious that Taylor wouldn't just leave me alone to stew in the books at the library. I had already gotten on her radar after all, and my encounter with her swarm would probably make her nervous.

Why not? Why the hell would Taylor want to talk to someone she'd just saved in her cape identity? Canon Taylor never once stalked someone she helped to get to know them, and this MC has no reason to think that this Taylor is too much different from canon other than her apparent age (and since canon Taylor was tall for 15, how does the MC know that she's 17 rather than just the tall 15 that's expected?). Neither, in fact, do I as a reader, so this comes off as extremely weird.

I flew back several a quarter of a meter.

What does that mean?

a cute sounding puff of mass effect field held air

And what does THAT mean? If you're talking about force fields, just say force fields. What the hell is a "mass effect field"?

I kicked off the ground again, leaping more than a meter in a single bound

For someone who's out of shape, that's a world record jump. I looked it up: "The highest vertical leap we could find was WNBA star Deanna Nolan who recorded a 34-inch vertical leap. Nolan earned the nickname "Tweety" because of her extreme leaping abilities. She was a five-time WNBA All-Star and has three WNBA Team Championships rings." A meter's about 31, 32 inches, and she leaped MORE than that, so basically she just leaped a world record right after complaining about not being in shape. If she has a Brute rating, that's fine, but the way you seem to be writing it she doesn't. Which makes this yet another inconsistency.

I placed a hip on my fist

Maybe reverse those nouns?

The limited internet connection was replaced with a modern modem and fiber connection, which was secretly enhanced by a multitude of optronic computers spread out throughout the house.

The sheer internet connection was in the hundreds of exabits per second, while the data storage was in the Zettabytes. Computing power was in the Zettaflops

I have no problem with the storage or computational power. But the connection is limited by the fiber unless you're building satellite uplinks. And no fiber is giving you exabits per second. Even if it magically did, that would be extremely noticeable, as are the changes to the house's power expenditures.

I had also started working on making some Omni-gel

Now THERE is the first actual proof that this is a Mass Effect crossover as well as an ATLA crossover. Which seems a bit trite since the MC just randomly decided to call the "soul material" EEGO because she didn't have a better name for it. It's just so precious that it actually was EEGO after all.

I don't usually mind multicross fics, if they're handled well. This one, though... isn't. It's an isekai SI/MC with random body-swap and apparent orientation swap for some reason plus ATLA plus Mass Effect, all of which the MC happens to know all about but which aren't explained in-story well enough that a reader who does NOT know about those things will understand. The story assumes knowledge of three settings (so far), only one of which is mentioned in the title and the other two are not explained well in-story. And it's all just so... convenient that the MC knows all about them.

I really liked the first two chapters of this story. Like, I was really stoked to read more. But I equally disliked the second two. There are too many inconsistencies, too much plot convenience, and not enough in-story exposition, and the actions of the characters (all three so far) make sense only around half of the time.
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Wait, so now that this guy is in a female body he's into guys? I don't think an involuntary body-swap is sufficient to change sexual orientation. I hope that's not a thing here.

Why? I've bought two houses, and both were from complete strangers. That's generally how it's done. It's pretty rare that people buy homes from someone that they know.

And the MC didn't know this why, exactly? She detected Taylor, Faultline, and Labyrinth before even seeing them, yet didn't notice that she'd bought a house from a parahuman? Inconsistent! I call Shenanigans!

Soul this, soul that... is this gonna be a religious story?

Or a Mass Effect crossover?

Or an Avatar crossover? That's probably the only place I've seen "elemental martial arts".

Honestly, this chapter is all over the place and in only chapter three the story is starting to come apart at the seams. Some actual exposition is in order, because it appears that the MC's power is "everything plus the kitchen sink, and whatever else would be fun at the time", and that's not all that attractive.

A hypersonic round in water (or even air, but water is worse) is likely to result in hydraulic shock waves that could damage even the wielder.

Why didn't this happen in the week prior? It seems like priority number one, before even deciding to settle in the Bay. "What is my power, and is it strong enough that I should risk staying in Mayhem Central? Or should I go elsewhere, build up some tech, and come back later?"

Good luck with that... lacking four or more hands, anyway.
I admit there was some early…weirdness with the early chapters. Though no there hasn't been a sudden swap in orientation, because well that's just…kind of messed up. As for not knowing…again I would attribute that to early weirdness. As for the crossover…I already solidified what I was going for with it, though the early chapters definitely suffer from issues that I haven't gone back to fixing. As for powers…it's a bit of a kitchen-sink power yes, though the limitations are made more clear later. For the bullets…she only mentioned that they could be fired not that they would work well…though dialing the speed down might work.
I admit there was some early…weirdness with the early chapters.

The biggest problems I have are the inconsistencies and bizarre character interactions in 1.4. (I updated the post around the same time you were responding, I think.) Are you telling me that this sort of thing stops being a problem later? If so, how far do I need to go before the characters and plot start to make sense, because in the second two chapters there were more questions than answers.
The biggest problems I have are the inconsistencies and bizarre character interactions in 1.4. (I updated the post around the same time you were responding, I think.) Are you telling me that this sort of thing stops being a problem later? If so, how far do I need to go before the characters and plot start to make sense, because in the second two chapters there were more questions than answers.
I…think so? To be fair it's been so long since I wrote the early chapters that things have started to blur together a bit. As for the stalking…she was going to the library anyway and had no reason to not go just because Taylor was there. Perhaps that wasn't obvious?

As for days…she said it was a week, and then said that she had been there for 9 Total days. Also again no orientation swap, because again that's a little too much, any attraction she feels towards anyone wouldn't change based on gender. As for her computers being noticeable…it sort of depends on how much power her optotronics require wouldn't it? Most people in Mass Effect have supercomputers on their wrist without it using enormous amounts of power.

But yeah…definitely messy.
Hey @AEM how powerful is Taylor Queen Projection and what are its limits and can Queenie influence or control other shards or even alternate Versions of herself such as crown of Administration or Canon Worm Queen Administrator
Recuperation 9.7
Recuperation 9.7

June 30th, 2011. 5:00PM

Basilia Rubio

I moved quickly, unencumbered by armor as I formed a wave of earth beneath my feet, and pumped my arms to push the wave of earth forward. The earth flowed and I let out a whoop as I accelerated to speeds that would probably kill me if I was a normal human. To my left I saw that Sveta was keeping up with me, making use of her unusual biology to keep moving at top speed without tiring.

A brief test using her tendrils ended up launching herself well over a hundred and seventy feet in the air, and she tumbled through a block of cast iron I had laying around for metalbending practice. She was seemingly much stronger than before, but only if she exerted herself. Instinctual uses of her power on unarmored people did much less damage than they should, like she was hugging chunks of metal instead of living people.

Even so it still caused bruises and made her hysterical, so for now she was partnered with Vicky. On a shard level, Queen was making adjustments to Nautilus, so the shard would restructure and fold and someday it would bud in the future.

It was easy to sink into the logic of the shard, easy to understand their alien thoughts and mental processes. It was no less difficult than understanding the logic of the spirits, and the shards themselves were at a strange precipice between soul and spirit. It made sense too…because I was a being that was both shard and not, even if one who was restricted to the frame of a human.

Not that there was anything wrong with that.

The Entities were not a species I wanted to emulate outside of their ability to warp reality. They were selectively stupid in a way I didn't tolerate, like babies given god-like power and with all the creativity of a computer.

She hasn't been fully filled in on every detail on our mission, and she had a weekly session with Doctor Yamada coming up later. For now we gave it a few weeks to adjust to not being inside an asylum, and the weekly sessions would likely stay in place for months.

Though it was clear that she knew a lot more than she let on but was willing to go at her own pace as we set things up. Obviously her shard had been whispering to her like they did to certain capes like Fragile One. She could also be considered our second pure brute on the team, since we used barriers and our physical toughness made us brute 3 at best.

I could very much see why she had managed to kill so many people, and Vicky would be good for her, and she was obviously friendly with a certain metallic soon to be former Ward.

I was definitely going to have to take some care on how we broached that subject, because if the Case 53s were going to find out I would rather try to preempt some of the stupidity of them trying to kill Cauldron during the literal end of the world.

If they're going to kill them, do it later when the world isn't falling apart, at least in this case where we have an actual chance at not dying off as a species.

But I wasn't going to bet on that going well, so I had contingencies so they wouldn't try to kill me for the 'ties' to Cauldron that I wanted nothing to do with. Which was why I was making a nice and cutesy presentation explaining in detail why Cauldron committed their horrific atrocities for the greater good.

Moving on.

I kept swinging my arms, and Sveta's legs unraveled and a bracing of poweful muscles launched her forward like a grasshopper and accelerated past me without a struggle. She was one of the fastest people on the team, equaling the speed of an airbender but without any bending or special powers besides her own beating soul.

I let the earth slip away from my grasp, and with another shout I exploded out in a burst of compressed wind. Air friction became a thing of the past, and my hair whipped past me as I sprinted on the wind.

I immediately matched up with Sveta, and I marveled at her ludicrous speed and the sheer amount of power that had to be outputted from the muscles to do this much work. The nervous system was a net of conductive polymers interlaced with copper and encased in an insulating waxy lipid, sending signals at immense speed to let Sveta move and react at the speeds that she can launch at.

I eventually slipped ahead of her, bounding from step to step in the fashion that airbenders did. Sveta finally slowed down, and a Rachni soldier gave her a fruity juice before wandering off to perform manual labor.

I rolled in the air, and with another laugh I did a cartwheel to slow down from about a third of the speed of sound to a standstill in the span of several rolls. I pulled back my hair, and pulled out a blue hair tie from the many pockets of my green cargo pants. Once my hair was up in a ponytail, I adjusted my tank-top, briefly scratching my stomach as I took the time to look around the local grass plain.

A few strange native animals grabbed my attention, a large avian creature about as tall as Manpower, a short beak poking out from the fluff of fleshy cheeks. It sort of looked like a feathered biped hadrosaur, and a yawn revealed grinding plates forming a sort of jaw-tongue that the beast was using to trim tall grass. It was a large animal, easily six hundred pounds based on the vibrations I was picking up with my feet.

It was this that saved me from an embarrassing tumble when a large feathery predator emerged from the darkness of a bordering woodland. This was a real monster, about ten feet tall and twenty feet in length and covered in a mottled brown and black feathery coat. It caught one of the grazing birds, and with a snap of a pseudo-toothed beak snapped the long neck of a majestic gazelle equivalent.

It was a big one, a three thousand pound monster with a bite force of more than two thousand PSI. The top predator in the region, and a shockingly social one though this elder was currently alone. It easily cut into the flesh, and slashed at the grazer's hide with its massive foot claws.

I simply called him Bishop.

The old bird tilted its head at me, and I simply lifted an eyebrow right back. I could hear his questions as if they were in my own mind, and I shrugged.

You have brought the Many-Limbed Mimic…why?

I scoffed at the beast, wrapping my arms around my slim stomach. "Because she's part of my team. Besides she's not one of the Many-Limbed Stalkers, they only have ten limbs at most." I waved off his concern.

You speak the truth, Emerald Child.

The elder let out another chuff before taking off with his kill, and Sveta was staring at me from a perch in the shadows of a large tree.

"Did…did you just talk back to a giant bird?" She sounded confused and I giggled at her utterly baffled expression.

"I'm a shaman, we'll talk to toasters just as readily as we'll talk to trees, animals and people." She looked no less baffled, and a loud boom echoed out from a nearby mountain that was serving as a launch site for the Rachni. We were a good one hundred miles from the main base on Earth Lotus, and thus seventy miles away from the first Rachni hive.

"Okay…" Sveta left, and I took the time out of my time to think as I leapt from free to tree towards a local observation base for animal watching.

The Rachni had been busy, numbering about 20,000 with the number of Queens having gone up from three to seven, four young ones sent out with armed guards and workers to take to the stars once again. They would be taking at least one to three weeks to start putting out their own eggs and starting their own bloodlines.

There was still an usually low number of auxiliaries, but 20 Warriors and 200 soldiers were nothing to scoff at. A single warrior would qualify for about a Brute 5+, while soldiers were Brute 3+ without accounting for technological aids like living armor, kinetic barriers, and mass effect firearms. Each worker was relatively weak but they could survive in almost any conditions, could spit deadly acid and build nuclear reactors from scratch. With the same acid spitting applying to higher Rachni.

Their four systems currently had patrol boats keeping an eye out, and they were laying down an orbital assembly plant to pump out frigates and eventually cruisers. It was actually rather impressive on how fast they were at putting down roots, and I could only imagine what another two years would do for them, and then another two years including Ward.

They were almost certainly taking notes on my own technology, and making use of their inherited genetic memory from their work on the Crucible…though they had apparently had the schematics plucked from their memory.

A…rather frightening aspect since that involved precise manipulation of metaphysical psychic memory. Probably for the best however since whatever sorcery the Crucible caused was strong enough to destroy the Reapers and their maker and end the cycles of extinction. Something powerful enough to engulf an entire galaxy was not something that needed to exist.

I had also built a bunch of guns, perhaps a little too many. I could probably arm everyone in the city in a matter of a few days(weeks?) if I felt like it too. The Rachni were also building military vehicles, including gigantic tank-walkers some seventy meters long and smaller tendril-tanks with mass lightened treads. I had a few patrol boats, gunships, and fighting vehicles as required and quite a few sets of armor as required.

Teaching the team how to use the weapons wasn't the easiest prospect, simply because I had a complete lack of military experience, and I cheated a bit with implants and auto-targeting software.

Though it turns out Melanie is very good at using guns, and picked up on how to use mass effect weapons very quickly and was taking up the slot of teaching everyone else now. Unfortunately a good amount of that was only useful for specific situations since mass killing criminals was not a long term solution for fixing literally anything. The Drug War back home was a testament to that, though cape gangs were a little more simple as well as less simple.

Taylor of course made an amazing sniper and I once saw her shoot a penny out of the air from three kilometers out. Bakuda was in turn amazing at throwing bombs, and built herself a fuckoff huge grenade shotgun that hit like a tank. Plus her Halcyon cannons were limited applications of Stilling.

In…fact speaking of Taylor, I spotted her patrolling along the tiny base and grinned as I squatted on a large branch, my hands providing further support as I grasped the swaying tree part.

Taylor didn't seem to notice me, though based on how the insects were swarming away from me that had more to do with practicing her powers than a true lack of awareness. I watched, curious to see what she was going to do with her growing power.

She gathered a swarm of insects, creating a swelling mass as they floated in the influence of her telekinetic rotes. She snapped her finger, and in a blink the mass accelerated like a bullet and collided with a solid chunk of rock. There was a hiss that followed as the mass spread out, the rock breaking down as they burrowed into it while surrounded by a blue-white aura.

A modified telekinetic attack, breaking molecular bonds and weakening the rock as the insects cut into it. A sort of replication of warp by precise teleportation of force carriers to break up matter. The heat from breaking the bonds was absorbed by her shard, likely a modular set of reality warping methods that Taylor could click together to generate offensive or defensive effects.

One effect formed a kinetic energy absorbing Breaker field, negating kinetic attacks and momentum. It wasn't indestructible however, because the Sapphire Queen couldn't directly make use of other shards to make her power more efficient. The dimensional portals had leakage, and could only divert so much power at a time.

Studying Taylor had been an excellent use of my time, since both she and Elle worked on the nitty-gritty weeds of mathematical formulas and equations describing the specific methods of warping reality that the Entities made use of.

As shard-spirits, they had a unique set of abilities that were intrinsic to them and dimensional transference and spatial warping were two of them. It was literally what they had evolved into…and it meant I had a lot of examples to pull from when examining Taylor's powers.

It didn't hurt that Taylor was nice to look at.

The kinetic energy could also be reflected back, looping back the kinetic energy through another set of portals with a mild efficiency hit. So the right modular code could make a less versatile Assault powerset.

In this case it was purely making use of Queen's own abilities, her ability to shunt matter and energy between realities was of course rather innate, and honestly I was starting to wonder if Taylor couldn't just open up portals to spew out whatever she wished. It was how she made her commander bugs, with some of her food being broken up to fuel a biological matter printing process to create special bugs.

They then proceeded to push out of her body through a short-lived dimensional bridge and were smarter, tougher and better able to handle the stress of acting as portals for powers.

Her heavy Trump aspect was basically a shard waste powerset but paying some respects to the concept of administration. Dimensional shifting and then creating powers from that, flight, and the general applications of entity powers.

But her powers were less efficient and not as intuitive as they are for other people, and she couldn't turn herself into Alexandria even with a suit of minion meat. Though making herself far tougher than she should be was an easy feat with her armor. She couldn't do something ridiculous like stealing powers, but she could link up different functions to form a single power. Grab water from one dimension, sap heat energy from it until it freezes and then launch it with a telekinetic push.

I…was probably going to have to check on that with her, see if she can pull it off even indirect. There might be a limit to only diverting energy.

Taylor spun her swarm around until it formed a shield, insects clinging onto each other with their legs and their bodies shimmering as they were saturated with power. One of the drones was commanded to let loose a barrage of 2mm mass accelerator bullets and they plink off of the bug barrier as their kinetic energy was robbed. She made a slicing motion with her arms, and the shimmer shifted and the swarm came down like a knife and cut the unshielded drone in half.

With a smirk I make my entrance and turn myself into a human cannon, Taylor turned on her heels and swept her swarm out of the way. I collided with her, and I let out a squeak when my chest hits her face for a moment before I slid down a bit.

"Hey there." I let my voice turn a little sultry and husky, and Taylor let out a grumble that told me that my choice of tone was working. I was more than willing to use my newfound feminine wiles, and Taylor didn't seem to mind it.

"You're a lot more affectionate than I thought you would be." She didn't resist the urge to cuddle though, and I wiggled my hip as I slid back down to my feet.

"We're both touch starved and your muscles are nice." She flushed and I didn't much care that I was acting a little more feminine. Taylor's little ticks and her blushes were adorable and precious.

I…felt my own face brighten, as I noted just how tall she was. My face was about upper chest to shoulder height with her, and if I leaned up on my toes a little I could nestle into the crook of her neck.

"You're very nice to hug too…I like your b—" She cut herself off, her face going nuclear. What had she been going to say?

"We should really go on a date sometime, just the two of us." She looked surprised at my easy admission, but I was in a good mood and I wanted to date the hell out of her right now.

She smiled sincerely. "That would be really nice but we're still getting everything in order and the Voyagers needed to talk with you." I wilted, but didn't try to hide it behind a fake smile.

No point to lying.

"I'm going to hold you to that. There's probably a lot of bending based pick-up lines I can make use of."

"Please don't." She might sound horrified at the prospects but I in fact enjoyed puns and we needed more of them in this bleak and cruel world.

"So did they want to see me now or…?"

"You have about thirty minutes to freshen up." I grinned and gave her a peck on the cheek, she smiled and I immediately went on the plan of ruining it.

"See ya honeybee." Her expression was priceless and I waggled my eyebrows. "You know…like BEES!" I fluttered my fingers and made the sound and she made a choking sound that was either frustration or laughter.

"Just go." She was exasperated, and I tilted backward into a dimensional doorway.

"I'll bee back." She let out a chortle and I left right then and there, shutting the door behind me.

I glanced down at my sweat-soaked clothing and knew a hot shower was in order.

June 30th, 2011. 5:35PM

Basilia Rubio

I pranced about in one hundred pounds of armor until I skidded to a stop in front of a bemused Echidna. Most of her team was apparently elsewhere, though I could see Rhizome working on a computer, several cloned organisms circling around him with light clicking sounds. Cody was lounging about, frowning as she gripped onto her long hair…the Japanese girl they had stolen from the Yangban was rubbing her shoulders and I nodded respectfully.

I could easily imagine that she was dealing with the change much more poorly than I was. I was weird and didn't mind it in the specific sense of it messing with my head but did dislike the lack of consent of effectively being mutilated against my will.

I just didn't like thinking about it and Cody made that harder.

I blocked that line of thought from my mind, and greeted Noelle. "Hello again. It's been a while since we've seen each other…probably a little too long when I have the ability to get you all home." Cody chuckled darkly but was quickly distracted by her friend.

"It's not a problem…we needed a break first and foremost and we can go back at any time as long as we ask." Noelle had a calm demeanor, a rather different prospect from her insanity due to the incorrect configuration of her power. "But that's not really too important right now…I've been thinking about the future of my team."

Here we go.

"Go on?" I was hesitant on what exactly this was about, because I didn't really fancy outnumbering the government and getting them all flustered. Though that possibility had long since left the station when I had an alliance with an alien race, I could set up bases on other worlds and built weapons capable of damaging Endbringers.

"We finally have a way back…but a lot of our members are from Earth Bet and and I'm not so sure the PRT will enjoy former criminals gallivanting on another Earth."

"Well Rhizome wasn't exactly an angel before you…honestly I have no idea how in god's name you ended up with each other." Noelle looked contrite, and Rey looked like he was in hell.

"I like to think this is divine providence for being an asshole." He turned back to his work and I couldn't disagree with his statement. He had multiple assaults to his name, as well as damage to property and certainly a murder to his name. The only time he had stepped up was against Bonesaw and that was butterflied away.

Without him or Cranial the Slaughterhouse 9000 was a no-go, and there weren't really many other options.

"I didn't really have many other options…and Noelle is nice enough." Fume Hood didn't seem to mind though I wondered how a group this size managed to survive for so long. Undersider-type groups were much more stable due to the conflict drives, a combination of minor shard interference and preying upon psychologically broken people. Plus major shard interference towards capes that can make a difference like Tinker 15.

His fate was beyond horrifying but it wasn't outside of the norm from what I had learned from scrolling through the history of the Citadel races in the past. They had done some war crimes at least a few times, and the Reapers abominations gave me nightmares.

"Well…it turns out to be a lot easier to corral capes when you can make their shards shut the hell up." Noelle replied bluntly, and I remembered she was fused with her shard and thus was capable of broadcasting to other shards. "I had to figure it out all on my own…but that's just what shaman have to work with." I had never gotten any advice on communing with spirits, that was more instinctual as well as a case of natural talent.

"How…is that anyway?" I was too curious for my own good.

"It's…overwhelming, there's so much information…so much data and instincts that I have to fight and break." She looked tired but relieved. "But I pretty much have complete access to what I took from Division."

So she could clone capes by grabbing pieces of other shards, and could probably make use of other expressions of Division to some extent. At the least she could generate new shards to add to her network but with her stable mind wouldn't screw up other shards by forcing them to overbud.

With Rhizome, she could bind a shard to a few bodies and program the bodies into living biological weapons. Or simply unleash shards into the physical world…though she didn't do that because it would bring too much attention. She could also steal shards, though that required killing their hosts and using the same mechanism to force buds and turning it into a crude version of Glaistig Uaine's harvest.

Or maybe it was something like creating a cluster similar to Null, though her shard was only so large and powerful since she hadn't consumed the entire thing. Either way she had then reassigned the shard to her little orphan buddy and edited it by adding buds from the former Yangban member/prisoner.

"So you want us to what…keep an eye on your Bet teammates so they don't pull off something stupid?" Noelle nodded, and I was now being appointed to being the watchdog of a second biotinker, a poison throwing dumbass, a little kid with vast strength and power resisting aura, and a fugitive from a dictatorship run on slaves with superpowers. With a power making use of nullification waves using a shard that was a cousin to Stilling.

The main difference was that the shard was smaller and thus had less overall power to offer its host, and less modularity to its nullification waves.

"What exactly do I get in return for this mess…? Because I have no reason to trust the man who used to be Blasto, and I have enough on my plate with the size of my team."

"We have a lot of powers to offer." She gestured to herself and her joint creations. "I know you've been working on studying Parahuman powers and I might be able to help with that."

I took a soothing breath, and acceded to the madness. "That…should be acceptable, but I have my doubts that you're leaving this to just me."

She laughed, rubbing her cheeks and shaking her head. "You'd be right about that, the PRT is going to make regular rounds and while they're not going to try to arrest Rey anymore. They're not going to let their guard down either…and he'll have to work for it."

Rey scoffed. "Hey…I managed to save that village in Puebla didn't I?" Noelle gave him a skeptical look.

"Only after that blood spirit tried to drink you like a fruit juice pack. You built a giant frog-bear-lizard thing and bought me time to gather some styptic herbs."

"There was that time with the Bear spirit…" Rey sounded sheepish, scratching the back of his neck.

"You knew this wasn't going to be easy from the start, you hurt and scared a lot of people…I hurt and scared a lot of people." There was certainly a history I wasn't familiar with here, which made sense to my mind because I wasn't the center of the universe. Shit happened outside of my range of influence, and some of it was good while some of it was bad or even neutral.

"So I'll be your teammates' minders along with whoever the PRT assigns." I pretended to not be exasperated, and Noelle quietly confirmed it.

"Pretty much, and since the arrangements have been made I wanted to…get it done." Her voice was soft, and I could hear loud shuffling from the Aleph natives peeking from a door in the warehouse they had somehow acquired legally.

"Gate to Earth Aleph." An interface formed in front of me, and my machine spirits sent a scanning pulse along higher dimensions, narrowing it down to a single location. Madison, Wisconsin was on the other end and the portal itself had been placed down far out of sight from anyone capable of sensing it.

It's not quite as instantaneous as Doormaker but it was still an effective substitute for the guy, and without the moral implications of using broken people as tools. Most of my work with portals was in figuring out how to better utilize them with my technology that didn't involve other dimensions.

My Nihilim cannons were crude weapons, brute-force portals diverted massive amounts of energy from other dimensions to power the machine and warp space. The mechanism for spatial warping was a miniaturized Posigravity drive. This was made possible by the micro-fusion reactor that opens up dimensional rifts, dark energy slipping through to power a metric-altering wave of warped space.

But I could certainly make better equipment, make smaller more efficient portals that would lose less energy to defects in the metric. However this portal was more than good enough for what it was needed for and the expression on the Voyager's faces made that obvious.

"I will set up a base of operations…then we'll try to figure out what we'll tell our families." She stepped through in a hurry, numerous creations following behind her. Most of the team ducked back behind the door, and I could hear loud and annoying muttering from them as they left to do something.

I shut the door so that energy wouldn't be wasted holding it open, and I was left in an awkward silence with Rhizome, Cody and her friend…?

"You're going home then? I'm sure your parents will be surprised." She spoke with a mild Japanese accent, and Cody scowled.

"Asami…not now, please." Asami pouted but listened to her friend and simply helped her relax, humming a tune I vaguely recognized. It was almost sad, and I swore I should be able to remember it but I couldn't.

I…had no reason to be here anymore, but it felt rude to leave and I would probably need to open the door for Echidna again. So I was going to wait until she was done with whatever she was working on.

I found my way to their couch, ugly as sin but heavenly in its support and softness despite looking like wet garbage. And that was from under the layers of armor and bodysuit made out of tough fiber. Couldn't begin to imagine what it would be like with a single layer of clothing.

Rhizome was working on his computer; and I decided that was the best use of my time. I was a wet tinker, though I had nothing on the very high tiers of biotinkers on the planet with some of the more bullshit uses of biokinetic powers.

I glanced over his shoulder and while at first he looked annoyed, it became less so when I started to rapidly scan the written genetic code running on the computer.

A scan of one of the bodies in his machines found an eclectic genetic admixture of human, bird, crustacean, and axolotl. Though the human part seemed to be specific lines of code that corresponded to the growth of a Corona Pollentia and little else. That was something I had noticed myself when I analyzed the gene sequences of capes. Simulations indicated that growing a clone would clone the Corona Pollentia, which was rather obvious even before I had come here.

He was creating sterile organisms with power expressions weaved into them, though there was some stray genes relating to parthenogenesis from monitor lizard DNA.

"You should probably update this one's genetic code, it's got parthenogenesis working." Rey paled.

"Okay…that shouldn't be…shit." He cancelled a procedure on his laptop, and the life signatures on the organism all flatlined at once. Three redundant hearts stopped beating blood, the complex unidirectional saccular respiratory system stopped bringing in oxygen, and electrical activity in the computer-like brain ceased.

He had rigged up a method of controlling the organism with precise pulses of light like what was done with certain biological experiments back home but far more advanced.

"I guess you really do need to be watched." His face twisted into a scowl and I grinned cheekily even if he couldn't see. I didn't much like him but it was going to be fun to mess with the guy.


June 30th, 2011. 7:00PM

Basilia Rubio

I sat comfortably in the glowing library of knowledge lying within my soul, opening the text dedicated to a particular species that I knew well at this point. I gladly read the old words, perhaps some of the last words of a race long dead.

The Thirty were ancient hunting clans, the only Asari to be taught by the goddess Athame and the first to found the great thirty cities of Thessia. They accrued wealth and power due to their proximity to the seas and it's bounty and…

I snapped a book shut as I heard some footsteps, and listened carefully as I saw a figure in the distance of the mind palace. It was a woman in blue, her fine features obscured by distance and by a spiritual fuzz that blinded me. She was looking at a book, and glanced at me before scurrying off into the deeper recesses of the vast memory palace.

I shook my head, feeling quite irritated at the fact that most of the aliens in my brain didn't seem eager to talk. So I decided to move from looking at Asari history to looking at the history of the Thranx. The library melted into a cacophony of sound and a flurry of color and light.

What I saw was much more vast than I expected, rows upon rows of books continuing on for what felt like miles. Like every text in here they sparkled with emerald, and I blinked once I realized they weren't all in the written language of the Thranx. It was some type of symbolic cant, capable of converting both their complex whistles and clicks and gestures with their multiple limbs into a written and understandable form.

I could just about write in it but the language gave people headaches due to its complexity, though teaching them the spoken variety was easier with a little tongue twisting. Getting their history was difficult due to the fog, but as I made more and more use of their technology, the fog appeared to clear up with time.

Laser and plasma weapons were seemingly not uncommon, and I had managed to create a vibro-blade vibrating at 50 gigahertz. The specially designed blade would vibrate back and forth 50 billion times a second, more than enough to obliterate matter.

A bit…how should I say this…stereotypical and impractical with modern technology but possible. Not useless though, though it really was more of a novelty item that needed significant resources, supermaterials and then be designed to be safe to prevent carpal tunnel that made it kind of garbage.

The particle beam and laser pistols were neat enough though, but quite odd in how they functioned.

I moved on from those thoughts and began to walk across the library, and saw scenes of dead races, flashes of memory that were lifeless and empty even as events and strife and war and conflict and peace and love and every possible spectrum of emotion existed within them. Two of the races were familiar, one was Thranx while the other was…human.

They looked human, they sounded human, they were human. Centuries passed by in the blink of an eye, wars and conflict and galactic intrigue and apocalyptic threats from behind the stars. But no matter how much time passed there was no bending, no spirits…and certainly no Eezo.

But it didn't mean they didn't have powers, though they seemed to be limited to Empaths and Telepaths. Thousands of years start to pass by, and one by one the various species start to wink out until only a half dozen remain, including humans and Thranx before they too winked out of existence.

Eventually only a single species remained, an ursanoid alien much larger than a man and twice as broad. They were building tunnels and the group collectively lifted their heads in seeming realization.

For a moment there was a flash, a memory of an empire that spread across a million stars, building atop the corpses of dead stellar nations, long since decayed to near nothingness before they too winked out from existence.

There were a lot of texts now, and I knew it wasn't going to be quick or easy to start writing down what little I could manage or translate.

"At some point you're going to have to talk to me." I called out the people who were in my head, and who were thankfully busy doing their own thing inside whatever space held the spirit of Veda.

I didn't get an answer back, and with a sigh I let myself sink back into my physical body. The library flew apart and I was back in my room, sitting in a Lotus position and shimmering a bright emerald. The sensation of unadulterated power faded and rubbed my face as the headache from diving deep started to set in.

I had kept trying to piece together the past, and each time I got more and more questions than answers. In the last cycle of the Reapers there were humans and the Thranx themselves became the closest allies of humans, though they certainly weren't the same humans.

Why and how?

The worst part was that this clearly wasn't happening as soon after as I had originally expected. There was some vast gap of time between the rise of this particular era, at least millions of years if not hundreds of millions of years. There was also the intuition that getting the full picture was beyond my ability, that the restrictions to only a few branches was deliberate. Tinkers had access to the database of hundreds if not thousands of species, but distilled down into a specific specialization, whether a methodology, a certain type of technology or a more general power due to minimum restrictions like Hero.

I was still trying to figure out how to make improvements to what I had gleaned from the races I had on hand. The Posigravity drive was being tweaked constantly, and it had been dismantled three times in the course of the last month to increase its efficiency. Vista has been a boon with some scanning pulses whenever she used her power, providing efficiency boosts of more than 25% or so.

I needed a fast ship, something capable of traversing space at speeds that wouldn't take decades to cross the galaxy. That was certainly not going to be the first model however, and the Entities became a much bigger problem if I decided to push myself out too far. There was the vague feeling to keep away from Earth Bet's sets of Andromeda's but that didn't tell me shit beyond that.

"God this is getting tiring." My belly rumbled and I realized I was hungry and angry at the same time. Hangry?

I growled.

Let's go with that.

I launched myself onto my feet, and instead of opening the door normally I entered the Outer Sphere for shits and giggles. Spirits wandered about in my home, and the door was open here while it was closed in the physical world. I stepped through the door and with another blink I was on the other side.

I stomped down the hallway of the second floor, and leapt off to land gently on the first floor and was glad for the way the building was built to facilitate such childish tomfoolery.

I thought of making something but my eyes instead caught on to a clear plastic box of chocolate chip cookies and the decision was made on what my dinner would be for tonight. I grabbed a glass of milk, a sweeter brand that I preferred for its lack of lactose even if my body perfectly tolerated the stuff with my genetic enhancements.

Not that I had any actual issues with lactose, that was more a habit I had gotten from my mom buying the stuff for my brother(I think?) for years. The brand was delicious so it's what I ended up sticking with even in another world.

I was a creature of habits and routine.

I skipped over to the empty dinner table, and sat my butt down on the soft plush chairs I had bought what felt like a lifetime ago. I dunked a cookie into the water, and once it was softened enough bit into the delicious and unhealthy treat.

I was…reminded of home, even if the choice of brand was different, even if the milk didn't taste quite the same and the cookies had a slightly different texture.

Was I happy?

I stilled at the question to myself, feeling at a loss for words on how I should answer that. I was safe, I hadn't died even if there had been far too many close calls…and I hadn't lost anyone except…

I remembered the Endbringer memorial that had been put in place, a large pillar of stone made by bending and then reinforced by Tinkertech to make it tough enough and dense enough to resist further manipulations. Out of more than two hundred participants just under a tenth had died, mostly out of towners but we had lost a few no-name independents and Velocity.

Of all the names he could have had…Robin was certainly one of the most fitting.

He had been killed when Leviathan had managed to shatter the city barriers, I remember catching a glimpse of his body as it was crushed, the waters turning red even as he had tried to accelerate away from the danger and failed. Even when my eyes closed I saw it and I saw the sheer hate on Leviathan's face as he did all he could in trying to murder me.

If any more of my tech hafailed at any instant we would have failed and I'd be six feet underground at best and scattered pieces of rotting flesh at the bottom of the ocean at worst. My cannons were only barely reliable and I had needed at least one or two more iterations for a more reliable and stable system…Bakuda had to patch them just so they wouldn't accidentally kill everyone by generating a singularity.

If he had arrived faster he would have torn through the barriers and picked us apart. If he had stopped jobbing sooner and gone full Skitter on us with hundreds of water echoes we would be dead. If my prediction on his Manton limits has been wrong he would have made us explode like balloons.

I remember my ribs cracking, my arm retching itself out it's socket. The burning in my chest and the overwhelming grief at watching someone I loved die. Because I did love her…and not just her, I loved my friends, the people willing to stick by my side and stick with my nonsense and awkwardness and occasional social gaffes.

I had been so afraid.

That loss of autonomy and control as I entered that rage state was beyond revolting and I still shuddered when I tried to think back to what had triggered it and about whether it would happen again without my control.

I barely restrained myself from shattering the glass of milk in my hand, and tried the breathing exercises. They worked by only the slimmest of margins nowadays so I dunked another cookie.

I wanted to scream but didn't want to make my neighbors suffer, the lady next door had a cute little baby and I didn't want to disturb them more than I had with fixing up cars for people in the area. It…was something I had picked up on doing when I had the urge to get down and tinker without having to leave the house and gave me an excuse to need parts.

Getting a driver's license was also easier than I thought, and I was fairly sure I had a Thinker ability related to the operation of things I make like Squealer.

"Haaaa…" A sigh came from my mouth and I continued to munch on my cookie until it was gone. I leaned my head back to stare at the ceiling.

It wasn't going to get easier from here…that much I was sure about.

AN: Turn out dealing with Earth Bet's shit brings a lot of stress and grief.
Hmm interesting so Taylor is finding herself more attracted to basilla interesting oh and also how powerful is Queenie as a projection in comparison to the trimuvate or other Brockton bay capes and can she influence other shards
Hmm interesting so Taylor is finding herself more attracted to basilla interesting oh and also how powerful is Queenie as a projection in comparison to the trimuvate or other Brockton bay capes and can she influence other shards
Strength wise…I guess maybe a Brute 7…? And similar ratings for the relevant powers to the projection such as Blaster and Shaker. As for influencing shards, she is the Administrator it's sort of her job...though really any shard can influence other shards, broadcasting is just what all shards do.
Strength wise…I guess maybe a Brute 7…? And similar ratings for the relevant powers to the projection such as Blaster and Shaker. As for influencing shards, she is the Administrator it's sort of her job...though really any shard can influence other shards, broadcasting is just what all shards do.
Hmm makes sense apart from Basilla who is the most powerful member of the White Lotus now and how is Taylor relationship with Queenie like now
Hmm makes sense apart from Basilla who is the most powerful member of the White Lotus now and how is Taylor relationship with Queenie like now
Probably...Panacea? She's still a Striker 12 and all the things that entails. As for Queen…it's a symbiotic relationship rather than the more manipulative and parasitic one they would have in a standard cycle. So they're fine?
Probably...Panacea? She's still a Striker 12 and all the things that entails. As for Queen…it's a symbiotic relationship rather than the more manipulative and parasitic one they would have in a standard cycle. So they're fine?
Hmm makes sense so since Taylor is getting more creative with her skill sets I assume she doesn't have the same weaknesses as before although I'm still wondering if she can combine her biotics with her bugs now and what is Scion doing now