Victories of the Soul [Worm/Avatar/ME/Multicrossover] [SI]

They're not masters of their craft but they're far more effective than the average person. Also plans for Cauldron is future chapter things.
Makes sense I pictured Basilla being better than average fire nation soldier and Taylor is at least on par with Zaheer in terms of Airbending skill and anyway I really look forward to what is happening next and man Basilla is going to have a headache
Are shards of the Amenthes Network capable of forcefully hacking in behavioral software updates of a non-compliant Shard by subduing its host parahuman and netjacking the hardline connection of the Corona Pollentia and Corona Gemma?
Are shards of the Amenthes Network capable of forcefully hacking in behavioral software updates of a non-compliant Shard by subduing its host parahuman and netjacking the hardline connection of the Corona Pollentia and Corona Gemma?
Shards have certain behaviors and instincts that are innate to them as a species. They have an instinct for attempting to make connections, to share data, and make broadcasts. Automatic processes that some can deny or override if they're lucky enough or strong enough. Weaker shards are easy to overturn for shards specialized in such like Queen, High Priestess, High Theurgist, the Formless Tohu or the Fairy Queen's shard.

So in some cases they can, though the difficulty will vary from simply merely talking to a shard to subduing the Host or the shard itself in combat. So Fragile One is being quite literal in needing to beat down non-compliant shards since she's only recently started to grow beyond a barely functional waste-Shard.
Recuperation 9.b
Recuperation 9.b

July 4th, 2011. 10:30AM


Eidolon flew over the looming islands that rose up around the uplifted landmass of New Kyushu. He didn't listen to Keith as the man tried to talk to him, and he could hear the call of the man's shard loud and roaring in his ear.

The interference comes from here. We must deal with this issue ourselves.

Eidolon grumbled at the low tone of his passenger, one full of remorse and guilt that was both her own and his own. He had crossed over from America to here by way of Doormaker, accompanied by Legend as they searched for a disturbance that Contessa enlisted them on dealing with. Why she couldn't do so herself was something he didn't know but perhaps she was too occupied with her strange pet.

How she had found a real fire breathing dragon of all things was beyond him but it seemed to humanize her, reduced the stress of using her path and made it mildly less amenable to requiring quite as much sacrifice.

He began to drop fast, the air warping as he fell at several times the speed of sound before coming to an instant stop, the tips of his toes gently dipping into the cool seawater.

He'd reached for four powers and no more, a flight ability that granted durability as a side-effect. It was a self-limited form of telekinesis, holding onto his atoms tightly enough to resist immense forces from kinetic to energy and even gravity manipulating attacks. He felt a mental dial where he could toggle how much force he could apply to his body to send him moving. At the maximum of 10 he could fly at over forty times the speed of sound and impact with immense force.

The second power was a precognitive danger sense based on smell, rotten smells indicated danger while less threatening senses indicated lesser or non-threats. His third power was a powerful blaster ability that created a spear of warped space similar to Damsel of Distress if more controllable. The fourth was a weak power that could detune other powers, knocking their effects off course by the smallest of margins.

Eidolon frowned as he dodged a rotting smell where there was nothing in the air, and gestured for Legend to approach.

"Don't stray far…" Legend nodded and the Trump cape started to land but stopped just short after catching a whiff of a strong but still potentially dangerous smell.

It was a picturesque wild forest, like the forests that would be filled with fairies and imagination…then again most fay were far more capricious than what modern media would tell you.

"Don't step any closer." Eidolon stepped back with alarm at the female voice that had come out of nowhere, and the smell became stronger but below a hostile threat.

There was a woman wearing the garb of a Miko, accompanied by a white wolf as large as a bear. The strange and beautiful red symbols on its face briefly caught David in its spell, and he blinked at the strange sight.

"Who are you?" Eidolon questioned the woman and she crossed her arms in response, eyes narrowed.

"Sakura Kobayashi. A shaman." She was blunt, and David didn't doubt her claim when he detected the danger surrounding her in a swarm of what had to be spirits not visible to his eyes. "What brings two thirds of the Triumvirate to New Kyushu?" The obvious sarcasm didn't bother David, it wasn't the worse…he had done worse things before.

Alexandria had not spoken to him in weeks.

"We heard rumors about something dangerous in Kyushu…" Legend made peace, lifting his hands calmly and slowly.

"There are a lot of dangerous things in Kyushu, which comes with being one of the most spiritually active places in the world." She shrugged her shoulders and gestured for the two heroes to land.

"Is there anything more particular?" Eidolon asked gruffly. "Something stranger than usual…?"

"There are numerous broken spirits coming through a portal…at first I thought it was a gate into a higher plane but one of my helpers tells me it's a portal between universes instead. A crack in reality." The two heroes glanced at one another.

"Do you want any help?" Eidolon winced at her scorching glare though it softened when the large white wolf chuffed and gently nudged the shrine maiden.

"Having one of the strongest heroes in the world helping out would make things easier." Sakura replied dryly. "Come…I'll take you to the anomaly." The two heroes followed her, and she quickly took off into a run.

Both heroes lifted off, following the woman from above as she took a winding and distorted path through a mix of ruins and growing forest. The wolf vanished from their sight, appearing from behind trees with no trace before her emergence from the shadows.

Eidolon felt it before he saw it, and he lifted his hands at the anomalous warping of reality in front of them. It was a swirling cut in spacetime, a glitch that left one of the strongest beings on Earth Bet uneasy.

"What…is that?" Legend asked and was answered by the maiden.

"An interdimensional portal, one that's been spewing out spirits for the last month or so. Some strange residue made the spirits go insane and while it's pretty much run dry…there are still a few broken spirits passing through."

Eidolon remembered using a reading power on Contessa due to her use of Doormaker across certain specific locations. He began to understand why they had been sent then if this involved spirits.

There was a vibration in reality, and the woman reached for a strange staff that for a second Eidolon thought was an oversized brush. She began to chant, and she flicked the object and brought color into reality. They were spirits, flickering entities slowly taking specific shapes and forms. One was what looked like a turtle, water nearly spilling from a pool on the top of its head. Another was a mix of man and bird, though Eidolon couldn't take a good look as his focus shifted to the enemy.

The four spirits that emerged from the flickering portal were wrong in his eyes, twisted and maddened. The first was a red-blue ursine shaped creature, with dense fur replaced by scaly black skin oozing rivulets of red fluid, instead of a face a single unblinking eye flickered with energy. Two were red as blood, like naked moles with countless mouths gnashing their teeth together.

"Blood spirits too…?" The female shaman narrowed her eyes, and the fourth was the largest in size.

It was an enormous serpent with the same color and texture as asphalt, three heads emerging and twisting into one another and a single set of pillar-like legs held its sinuous thirty foot long body off of the ground.

Eidolon kept his fists at the ready and the shaman nodded as she began to chant.

"ARIISSE!" A large air spirit came to her aid, and Eidolon rushed into battle.

At the least this was a better use of his time than entering a screaming and punching match with Alexandria. Better than the self pity and doubt from the sheer depth of his own mistakes.

It had to be.

July 4th, 2011. 2:00PM


I processed the information I had been gathering, establishing connections to hundreds of suits, though most of them were autonomous machines that could operate with their own logic framework. My central mind was operating a large amphibious Dragonflight craft, about seventy meters in length.

I was accompanied by the tinker that was on the radar of likely every PRT department in the know, the grey armored woman crossing her arms as her legs dangled off of the autonomous hover vehicle she had built. It was a flat platform, essentially a solid block of steel. The woman was huffing, a frustrated sound being emitted from her mouth.

"Perhaps you were a little too candid with what you've shown the PRT?" She shrugged at my careful response.

"I can't be ambiguous with my statements. Because that leads to issues of miscommunication that can screw up everything." The young tinker was a strange one, but I had to admit she had a genuine want to help others, even if it wasn't completely altruistic. "You've seen the things that once were haven't you? With Kala?" I flinched mentally, my perfect memory proving a detriment at the vivid reminder of that thing we had faced months ago.

I had more than a hundred instances operating at once, each of them operating at vast speeds in modeling new inventions and possible uses for Tinkertech. Yet I was almost lagging behind Basilia…but seeing what I had meant I knew what was possible. It made her urgency more concerning however…

"It's about those…Reapers isn't it?" Basilia flinched back.

"They're dead but there are certainly things out there that could be equally dangerous or threatening enough to human civilization. Having a defense against such threats and the ability to safely explore local space can't be ignored. The Rachni were certainly never going to restrict themselves to one planet. Too much trauma there…"

"Trauma?" I asked, and she replied with an air of being uncomfortable.

"Their species has been nearly driven to extinction over half a dozen times, and enslaved almost as many times. It took a miracle for them to get another chance, and they're not going to go gently into the night. Not again…"

"They don't want to die." She nodded, tilting her neck to look up at the clear night sky in the Atlantic. Erudition grabbed a large triangular device, the object glowing in a circuit pattern

"Is this where you've been getting the signal?" She pointed to the dark ocean.

"I've taken scans of the local coral ecosystem and found evidence of dimensional distortions similar to what's found around portals. Sealing off this portal is needed to stop whatever invasive species have come through." This was the danger of opening the door to other worlds, things could come through that were far too dangerous if one was irresponsible with the power.

"Then I'll send this drone to close it." With no fanfare she dropped the drone into the ocean with a soft plop. It dropped silently, and the air was filled with an awkward silence.

"It's going to take some time to find the portal…my sensors indicated it was in a nearby cave system." I spoke to end the silence and I could tell that Basilia was uncomfortable. "Is something wrong?" I asked, sincerely concerned.

She started. "I'm not too…sure, I've just been a bit nervous lately. Maybe it was something I ate?" Her fingers rapped against her thighs, the woman literally twiddling her thumbs as we waited for an alert from the drone.

I detected a sudden splash, and I reacted quickly as a person emerged from the ocean with a strangled screech on short blasts of flame. It was a young woman, not much older than Battery.

"Why…? Why would you do this you damn golden little…" Basilia pulled her onto her platform as the flames gave out, and the unknown woman coughed. Her hair was cut to pixie cut and topped by a soaked dark grey beret. Basilia had frozen, and my systems made hasty updates as the waves battering my sub stilled, the winds moving a little slower, the sunlight shimmering a little less intensely.

Scion floated only a few inches from the stilling water, and I strangely felt a chill as the most powerful cape in the world stood before us. Moisture fell away from the golden aura around him, and it cast reflections that were disturbing to look at.

His face was utterly expressionless, yet a profound sadness radiated from him regardless of the impossibility. His entire body was a burnished gold down to his eyes, and his white costume was pristine.

"Don't know why you keep bringing me…I can't close weird portals." A scan of Basilia found that her heart rate was spiking, and I didn't understand why that was. The man didn't speak, simply shifting his head, eyes brightening for less than a thousand of a second.

Scion's gaze shifted between the woman and Basilia, and he ignored me entirely as he drifted closer towards us. He lifted a finger and wicked away the water from the woman's clothes. He proceeded to ignore her and hovered only inches away from a terrified Basilia, eyes narrowing for one ten thousandth of a second.

She was like a statue when his expression shifted, so still as to almost look like she had died standing up. He lifted an arm, briefly placing it on her shoulder. There was a strange…uncertainty that the man projected, and for a moment there was a vertigo that made my code recoil.

Two vast wyrms, rotating around the other.
Bending and flexing and unfolding with countless reflections.
They were…

The vision ended abruptly, and Basilia shrugged out of Scion's grips nearly falling flat on her rear if it wasn't for his speed. His grip on her shoulder was released and Basilia showed even more signs of stress.


There was another flicker of something from Scion, a shift in expression so abrupt it left me reeling. I couldn't tell what the man was feeling…but there was a sense that he had learned enough.

In a blink of an eye the woman and Scion were gone, and Basilia dropped to the ground. Alarm hit me when I saw that she had passed out.

"Shutting dimensional anomaly! Shutting dimensional anomaly!" The alarm from her compact wristband computer was loud and obnoxious. But that didn't matter since I was more concerned with Basilia.

What had that been about? What was that vision? Why had Basilia passed out?

I had the sinking feeling these weren't going to be easy questions to answer.

AN: So the last interlude of Arc 9 is here, and I've already mostly completed 10.2 though I'm still dabbling with changing the Arc name to something else. Not much to say other than that the Universe loves to give Basilia curveballs.
...Did Veda just counter hack Scion's [QUERY]?

Is that woman a reference to some fiction?
All will become more clear with the next Arc, as for the woman not really. She's just an example of the consequences of the soul, one of the shamans keeping Japan from being fucked with by spirits. Thing is while spirits are helping fight the cycle that does not make them good guys. They are alien to our own mindsets, with their own goals and wants and needs. This being Japan, a lot of spirits will be the more malicious and dangerous variants of Yōkai. Plus spirits of murder are a thing.

Spirits are sort of a mixed bag, their appearance screwed over the cycle and bought breathing room for Veda to mess with the shards, but they're almost certainly responsible for a few horrible, horrible acts. Some are nice though, or at least amenable to tithing and contracts.
Discernment 10.1
Discernment 10.1

July 10th, 2011. 10:00AM

Basilia Rubio

"What should I wear?" I hummed out the question as I laid out my clothing for the first official date with Taylor. I was stripped down to my briefs and a lacy black bra that Charlotte and Vicky had somehow gotten me to buy despite my general distancing from more sensual or err…sexy styles of clothing.

I might have become biologically a woman and enjoyed certain outfits considered socially 'acceptable' for women didn't mean I was into all of it. At least not as of right this instant.

A pretty black dress was a good option but it felt a little too stuffy and formal, and a green sundress was cutesy but I didn't feel in a happy-peppy mood. Something casual should probably work, how about jeans?

I shimmied into a comfortable and loose pair of blue jeans, and scratched my belly as I moved on to looking for a good top. I didn't feel the urge for a blouse, or anything with cute ruffles. Taylor could pull those off better in my opinion.

My gaze dropped to a single black shirt with short sleeves with a yellow five pointed star on its chest. I pulled the article of clothing towards me, smiling at the successful use of mass effect field based telekinesis. I slipped on the shirt, biting my lip as I adjusted a strap that was chafing a bit.

Events had picked up the pace after I had revealed my ship, the nearly complete vessel clearly impressing on the PRT what the future would look like. There was a little known bill that was making its way through the system, one that I supported due to the sheer amount of effort and work put into refining it.

It was a refinement of NEPEA, a loosening of the rules and the emplacement of a better system to handle Parahumans of all stripes. Mainly because the numbers were going to explode since on a societal scale benders and shamans were little different from Parahumans outside the psychological. Plus some shards are still going to be total assholes no matter what we tell them to do.

Bending was spreading like wildfire, and every PRT member from accountant to soldier was learning, out of self preservation if nothing else. We were lucky bending wasn't automatic or we would've had some 90,000ish people in this city throwing around the elements like morons.

At the moment the police force was going through the motions, learning how to bend through classes taught by the more talented among the PRT instructors. They were likely going to provide the bulk of training simply due to proximity and their given governmental powers. When the PRT employs somewhere around eighty thousand people in the US alone, it's easier to scale things up. Plus there were a number of freaks who could learn what took most people months or years in weeks.

I had gotten firebending down in a month or two, airbending was more than that and biotics was a little easier but had more techniques. Waterbending was my poorest element and earthbending was a meh skill in comparison to the almost Toph levels of bullshit coming from Charlotte.

In airbending Taylor was my superior, and at one point she threw a Mako tank mockup with one of her bigger and more compressed blasts. There were going to be more than a billion benders over the next few years, and getting in front of that mess was going to be the difference between civilization surviving and complete and utter collapse.

Plus from some word on the grapevine quite a few business leaders involved in the creation of NEPEA and litigations against Parahumans ended up with bending of their own or had children who were shaman. And there's cases of people back home making a turnaround the moment it turns out their own kids are going to be screwed over for being gay or other things by things they championed.

Because everyone is gung-ho for fucking others over until it turns out to hurt family. Though obviously not everyone was going to give a shit…but some would though and that might be enough on its own.

The cruiser currently had no name, and while it was mostly done there were refinements that needed to be made…and possible insights to be gained by letting other tinkers play with it. At the moment though I only had two tinkers besides myself, and one of them specialized on adjustable and compensating equipment primarily focused on maintaining himself or life processes…oh.

Turnaround would probably be a good fit for making changes to the life support system as well as making equipment capable of compensating for damage, and being adjusted and tweaked on the fly. His armor was an example of such, essentially made out of a cellular structure that linked together and could be tweaked and receive massive damage without failing. They shifted by way of an energy field, moving to the basic programming he had put into the things.

At the moment I was taking a look at a special heatsink he was making, one that could serve as an upgrade for the lithium heatsink of the stealth drive. The main issue was the offensive systems, because due to the combination of technologies it had superior firepower to any cruiser its size and mass.

The main gun was a cruiser-scale Thanix cannon that was being continuously tweaked. The weapon was an odd one, scaling up more in impact than in raw firepower. A frigate could core a Turian battleship, a monster more than a kilometer and a half long with triple kinetic barrier between the hull layers. Hell if I had gone for a normal mass accelerator, it would hit harder than multiple Hiroshima's. More than eighty kilotons of throw energy.

The energy output of a Thanix projector was…higher.

Then there was the largest payload cannon at about 540 meters in length for some tactical bombardment with air-burst warheads. Then there was the sandstorm cannon firing charged micro-particles to knock frigates and fighters out of the sky. The third main weapon is four dual-linked Halcyon cannons.

They were as of now still incomplete systems, because scaling up Stilling to this scale was still beyond Bakuda's expertise and my tentative understanding of wavelength manipulation was rudimentary. The basics are that it was an application involving quantum-scale motion, you take a specific pattern and set it to zero, slowing or stilling the motion on the macroscale. This was projected outwards in various shapes, speeds and forms and involved a beam of dimensional manipulation to effect properties down at a quantum-scale.

Kind of like Sting but tuned less toward severing physical laws and extending across dimensions and more towards focusing and cancelling such alterations of reality. Then again most powers trigger small alterations in the local laws of physics to be possible to begin with. Glory Girl's shield was very similar to an Omni-shield but with a better photonic molecule configuration for greater efficiency, and small physics alterations to make it better than it should be…and creating dimensional bridges to negate the consequences of getting hit.

I mean she can still get thrown around of course but not as badly as she should be. The flight was a fifth dimensional effect, triggering alterations of reality to fly. That was one of the warpings I was most experienced with, and I was working out the path to powering it with dark energy invocations on a human-scale.

Sixth dimensional alterations were likely responsible for the incredible durability of a Mass Relay, and enough time would let me figure out how to build true Relays. However I had nowhere near the titanic amount of Eezo required for even a single pair, though the smaller relay was not out of bounds. Hell the bridge from here to the ninth planet was a pseudo-relay. So I might be able to cheat around the problem with shard magic.

With every step on the ladder of the Entity tech tree we were getting closer and closer to simply replicating their abilities in full or substituting with dark energy reality manipulation. Though to be fair dark energy itself was only one of the outputs of the fifth fundamental force and was likely fundamentally different before it was coupled with the alteration of physical constants.

The weird glowing was more a side effect of dark energy being used up in a way that wasn't normal. Dark energy was dark for a reason. Though with Thranx tech the glow was negligible.

Our success with growing Endbringer flesh was modest, and it took hybridizing it with other genetics to make the stuff grow within a nutrient pool. The interface allowed us to shape the flesh into the projectors for dark energy fields, and were better effectors for warping space due to coming from Bohu.

While I had the very basic knowledge of the composition of Entity flesh down, most of it had been limited to facsimiles and bulky machines to warp dimensions. Even the more successful attempts could only go down so far on the scale of construction. Shards were biological picotech, smaller even so much of my work was cheating using dark energy manipulation and spirit world related shenanigans.

I was close but most of my experimentation was on creating picotech components of my own design. Which was why I had one or two projects coming up that would put together a few heads, mainly Dragon, Armsmaster and Turnaround. His nano-thorns had at least some structures down at the scale even if it as of yet was unrefined.

Once I got a more complete understanding for shard biology, I could likely build my own true shards as required. Though the main issue would be feeding them to grow to actual practical sizes, because they needed to eat matter to grow the exotic elements that compose their semi-organic biology. I've had success with creating exotic matter, though not at the scale that Bakuda can manage with her bombs.

The exotic elements could emulate conventional matter, and others possessed metric-altering properties to perform the phase shifting between realities that the Entities figured out with greater efficiency. Not something new but it was difficult to copy, and despite my misgivings the seven vials I had on hand were useful, and I had the ability to differentiate between what led to what.

Turns out the vials provide a direct line to the shards they came from, so I could just talk to a shard to get a good mix for a power, plugging them into the network to stop deviances.

Beast was a shard to create strong Brutes though in past cycles it had been used as a tinker shard. Oculus was actually a cluster shard, a toolset shard for siphoning certain types of signals and forms of matter-energy. Numerology was a distant cousin to Numberman's shard, a calculative engine of vast power. Hephaestus and Niflheim are self-evident, though Niflheim's source shard was one specialized for generating cold and creating and manipulating types of ices using portals and local physics tweaks to divert heat.

Two new vials were neat, Alchemy was an unstable formula related to chemistry and matter transmutation that was only halfway configured to become a tinker shard. It was…very rarely used.

The Well vial was power sources, batteries and better reactors…and if I ever found someone I could trust to take the thing I would have been okay with using it to build better generators for the ship.

All seven shard vials had been intensively scanned for hours on end by everything I had available from every possible pulsing of EM, ions, neutrinos, dark energy, and to special scanners for dimensional phenomena through emission of certain types of unique hyperdimensional particles.

The scanners allowed for intense detail down to the level of where atoms are, where I found that they were only kind of crystalline all the way down. They were mostly nanotech, but were likely made up of even smaller subatomic structures to form shards on the fly. My pseudo-shards were much more primitive and bulkier in comparison, and had only worked because I had the math to create a dimensional shift, I needed hundreds of kilograms of the stuff to manage a small shift for one shuttle while real shards could be a tenth of the size…though that mainly worked because they would divert energy from other realities to power the effect.

In fact my pseudo-shards didn't really even make portals to send their own matter between themselves…and were outdated as well. A bit more organic than their modern machine-like descendents, even if they were already quite crystal-like.

Modern shards were something like sponges and fungus combined with computers,
My fakes were nanotech but not quite as effective as their modern biology.


It took deep scans to get anything out of them, anything that could be considered structure and order. Shards were made up of a flexible crystal sheathed in a thin resilient polymer coat made mostly from carbon but a good 30 percent of it was made up of elements outside the current periodic table, with a similar percentage in the crystal itself.

It was hard to get the detail because of how dense and opaque the flesh was to light, so I made use of electromagnetic-eezonic field vectors and a neutrino scanner made by Grace to get some better resolution. The crystalline material was semi-organic as expected, but closer inspection found that the crystal itself did form components but this was down at the nanometer scale and again they were opaque enough to require intense manipulations to figure out.

The flesh was a form of exotic smart matter, a…crystal polymer that could be induced to shift density and molecular properties and could phase change between liquid and solid as required.

The smallest components were the snowflake-like elements made up of a slurry of organic and inorganic compounds interlinked in hexagonal 'cells' forming organic circuitry making use of what had to be multiple different computing mediums at once. Molecular machinery that was beyond my current technology and my own description had to be inaccurate in some way. Shard memory appeared to be holographic, seemingly storing data on a subatomic(if not quantum) scale based on weird transmissions when I pushed apart or destroyed the less dense samples with my tech.

I picked up proteins and XNA fragments, though they were probably indirectly used as data storage, and more likely were used as part of the nanomachine network of a shard, with the data stored in some type of energy lattice held in place by dimensional manipulation. Probably…maybe?

It was amazing…and unnerving.

I caught a flash of gold in my peripheral vision and my heart ceased and my vision blurred when I turned around, hands gripping at my shirt until it went taut.

There was nothing but the glint from some circuitry I had been working on and the air returned to my lungs. I shivered and I ignored the spike of fear and terror invoked by a simple glint of the light. There was nothing wrong with some nerves, nothing wrong with…with…

A fist the size of my body rocketed past me, the beast letting out a silent roar as waves of compressed ocean water surged…and I saw Velocity in those waters.

The Mother of Miseries let out a mournful scream, and I swallowed my terror as I heard the screams of the damned.

The golden man hung in the air, all the air stolen from my lungs. I didn't want to d—

I took in a deep gulp of fresh air, smiling fakely. That didn't matter…

I had a date to get to anyway…

July 10th, 2011. 11:00AM

Basilia Rubio

I stared at the place that I had been told was the meeting spot for our date, and I was both impressed and disturbed at the rapidity of the repairs made to the city and the addition of new infrastructure. The trainyard had been hard hit, and we were lucky that the separation from the mainland wasn't too substantial. Benders had managed to summon up a stable pathway to set up the stations that were still used while the rest were demolished and a few were turned into parks like New York did for old railroads.

But I hadn't expected what I was seeing here while waiting at a freshly made wooden bench.

The former railway was gone, with only a few historical buildings behind erected barriers, grass growing through the tracks and numerous young trees planted in the soil, with a single healthy oak tree some twenty feet in height that was proudly growing.

A week ago the tree was sickly and full of disease and now it literally sang with life. There were a few dozen people tentatively hanging around and I kind of understood why. The power base of the gangs was scattered and broken, but the people had a decade of terror and oppression from multiple Parahumans still on the brain.

I glanced around but didn't sense her with my feet off the ground and my ARO focused on other tasks. So I checked my breath and found it not disgusting, and I was ready to call her when I saw her head poking up from a crowd. She was about a half a head to a head taller than most of the people visiting the modest park though a few were around her height.

Taylor weaved between people and I felt my lips pull up into a smile as she stepped out of the crowd. She wore a plain grey sleeveless tank-top, and my gaze lifted to the refined muscles that I very much liked. She wore a pair of skinny jeans that had obviously been a product of Vicky's pushiness, and I did my best not to stare.


I waved my hand in the air, and Taylor turned on her heels to move in my direction once she was free from the crowd. I watched her, shifting one leg on to the other and bouncing it nervously as I realize I had no fucking idea on what to do.

I didn't go on dates, didn't get girls wanting to date me, and didn't have a wonderful woman like Taylor ready to fight by my side and help make my dreams a reality and…and…oh she's wearing the necklace I made for her too.

"Basilia?" I blinked and then blanched when I saw that Taylor was looming over me, concern in her eyes.

"Sorry just panicking because I have no idea how dates work." I was self deprecating, chuckling at my own expense. Taylor simply smiled and reached for my hands, interlacing our fingers together in a soft show of affection.

"I'm not better off either Silia…" I flushed at that stupid barely used nickname that Elle came up with to make me suffer. "But we have a whole day to figure that out, we can hang out like normal…get everything straightened out." I felt warm and the urge to melt was strong but resistable. Sometimes Taylor really could be so charming. And sometimes she could be incredibly…incredibly sexy.

I licked my lips, and did my best to put away those thoughts for a later time. I don't know if it was slightly reduced stress or the opposite but I was in a weird mood if that was what my thoughts were reduced to.

"So what…are we going to just wander around the city for a while, see if there's anything nice to look forward to?"

Taylor nodded. "It's a little easier to walk around without the chances of getting mugged. All the Rehab centers and other systems are…a big help, plus since the unemployment rate is dropping…"

Oh…that had born from talks with the mayor where I had advocated for larger social nets so less people would fall through the cracks. Which were only made possible because the gangs were broken, and we proved to the world that the Endbringers were killable. Now I just needed a way to block the Simurgh's Precog and counter her telekinesis, though I did question how her Postcognition hadn't worked out my tech.

Maybe she couldn't see my past for some reason? Or…the shards were there when the boundaries between our two reality clusters shattered, maybe that had more than screwed with her power. Perhaps the spirits themselves were interfering with her sight?

I benched this train of thought for my sanity.

On the unemployment, while there had been an initial increase from the damage to the city, the money pouring in made repairs go quickly as did bending in mass. There was likely going to be a massive local industry related to teaching it, and we had directly employed well over a hundred people which likely indirectly led to many times that number in jobs.

The level of economic failure in parts of the city would likely continue to drop, but it also meant the possibility of gentrification and the kicking out of people who were no longer needed or wanted in the new economy. I'm not sure I could solve those problems but I was going to do my best to at least keep that issue more manageable.

A finger tapped on my big nose, cutting off my thoughts. "Are you doing that thing
where your mind starts wandering onto other topics?" Taylor asked, and I leaned back at her tone.


Taylor playfully pulled me from my seat with a small tug of her arm. "You are! It's a pretty rude thing to do."

I smiled dumbly. "You're not easy to ignore Taylor…you are very easy on the eyes honeybee." She flushed and I flashed a toothy grin, uncaring for how dumb that sounded. "Actually…I just realized this place is perfect for a picnic."

Her eyes widened marginally. "That would have been something to think about before we came here. We don't have any food here." Besides a few small shops being set up to sell to people that go here.

"Why not though? We have free time, plus…you know…" I made a gesture that was circular and hoped she got it.

Taylor tilted her head and said."You're sure you want to make that trip?"

"I like cooking with you, it's relaxing and it gives me time to admire you." She looked stupefied, and at the moment I only had eyes for her.

"Okay." I grabbed her hand, and she shook her head.

So we were going to make some food and then we were going to have a picnic.

Nice and simple and safe.

July 10th, 2011. 12:00PM

Basilia Rubio

We sat down beneath one of the larger planted trees, a wispy one about half the height and a tenth of the mass of the oldest tree in the park. The food we had brought was nothing special, just two chicken wraps with guacamole for me and a boring ass turkey ham, cheese, lettuce and tomato on whole grain bread for Taylor. I had made some iced green tea with citrus and honey for myself, and Taylor had a bottle filled with the same tea for her own needs. Crisp apple slices added some additional sweetness to the meal.

I had ended up tying back my hair, once I realized the tips were past my shoulders again. I liked my pretty hair, especially once I figured out how to wash it right and started doing actual self maintenance instead of being lazy. Even if I had started to lose track of that again.

But I had my limits on the practicality, Taylor might be okay with her long hair but I was not.

We were lying down on a spot that had particularly lush grass, a place that called to me in some ways. I glanced at the spirits that wafted around us, spirits of plants, of community, of air and earth, and the growing aspect of the Park itself. It was young…barely more than a reflection of the material world.

A few wisps of love hung around us, my eyes narrowing in response. At this size and scale of power they were harmless, merely feeding off of the resonance of love rather than stoking it. Any attempt at tainting my relationship would be met with a fiery fist and oblivion. The wisps knew not to provoke me, if their growing distance was any indication.

"Do you see them?" Taylor asked quietly, carefully, curiously, I knew her feelings by my familiarity with her and the way her tongue flicked and her heartbeat changed and her legs shifted in position even as we were sitting down.

"Always." I murmured back, letting my sweet tea swirl as I moved the bottle it was in. "It's nothing I'm not used to…and they're friendly and helpful enough. They have wisdom and knowledge to share that I was meant to know." Even so I did not often speak to Void, such things were difficult for even the greatest of shamans, the ones on Earth were content to drift and exist and the ones that came from the space between worlds were dangerous and alien in form and purpose even to the local spirits themselves. Even so…Void was everywhere.

"What's it like…to be able to commune with the spirits?" There was a burning curiosity in her eyes, and I felt obliged to try and answer her.

"It's an expansion of one's understanding of the world, the ability to smell color and taste sound, to see doors where there are none, to see an additional layer to reality that few others can understand. It's…natural to me, instinctual and…" I fumbled over my words, having a hard time describing what it was like to see the abstract in physical form

"I'm not sure I understand…but it's a bit like my bugs isn't it? It's not easy to put it into words, but you can sort of describe it through analogy." I smiled at her attempt to understand.

"Being a shaman is an experience that is fundamentally at odds with common sense or modern logic, though there isn't a complete lack of one either." There was some logic to spirits simply because they were concepts given form and flesh. For spirits of fire, it was obvious that many would have weaknesses to cold, to water and suppressants to their existence. Other aspects corresponding to fire would give them additional weaknesses and thus areas to exploit. Rage, anger, passion, all could be turned against them.

It was why Shard-spirits were so dangerous, they had few Bans because it was in their nature to evolve and adapt and become greater. They were at that borderline between spirit and soul, or perhaps their souls were so much more like the spirits than was the norm due to their very nature.

Then again Koh was a spirit of Void and his power was once unrivaled.

"Basilia?" I turned away from my inner thoughts, ignoring how I 'knew' how powerful the Face Stealer was.

"Sorry." She shook her head, and took a bite from her sandwich, chewing easily and watching me with an odd look. "I'm just thinking, but maybe we should try talking about other things? Else we'll be here all day."

"That wouldn't be a problem, but whatever makes you comfortable." Taylor tentatively let the topic go and moved on to another conversation. "I've been wondering about your family."

My smile broke, my emotions taking a turn for the worst at her words. At what she wanted to ask of me. "O-Okay…I've told you a bit about my dad and mom right?"

"Not a lot. You never really seem comfortable with the topic and I didn't want to overstep myself." That was kind of her…but maybe I should have been talking about it.

I shrugged my shoulders, doing my best not to express too much negativity. "What do you want to know?"

"Anything you're willing to tell me." She was accommodating, and I recalled that natural charisma and gravity that Taylor possessed. It was a dangerous trait but appealing if one could see past appearances. I had done my best to try to push back on some of her…natural need for control. She could be harsh and demanding, but had softened up because while she was nominally the leader I still had ultimate control over Athena and the White Lotus.

At the least she was being more receptive to the thoughts and feelings of others. I tried my best not to be biased, and wanted others to try to be the same…if only to improve themselves, to be able to step back, take a breath and look at something from another angle.

I had a hard time with the same concept, because I was only human. But I tried and that had to be enough, and it wasn't then it was a first step. So I took a deep breath and started talking.

"I'll…talk about my parents first." I wasn't sure if I was saying this to her or to myself. "If you want to know about my dad…he's well…a bit like me but with a much stronger control freak problem." I laughed awkwardly, but there was a tension that almost hurt as I talked. "He used to be an athlete for a while, until the niche sport he was playing died out in the US."

"What sport?" Taylor inquired and I was almost glad to oblige her.

"Jai alai. Seems popular enough in Spain but not so much so here…so he worked for a non emergency medical transport company for a while. Think of it like a taxi for decrepit people." Hey not every person was old and weak from dialysis, though like a third of them were. "Big transport vans with gurneys, wheelchair lifts and oxygen for the weaker patients. Way less expensive than a five thousand dollar ambulance ride. This was about ten years ago I think?" My memory from my youth was a lot spottier than my current memory and even then I often 'culled' other memories to keep my attention on today.

"What happened?" She asked, leaning back on the picnic blanket.

My lips curled up without my permission. "We ended up moving away from Florida and back to my ancestral homeland of Cali. Not too far from the border which was where most of my family was. Minus the aunts and uncles I may or not have."

Turns out a good portion of my family whether by blood or marriage were pieces of human garbage and shit.

"What was that?" She sounded surprised at my vehemence.

"My grandfather on my mother's side is a shithead." Was the explanation I gave to her. I didn't feel like elaborating because even what I had overheard about him painted him as a total bastard. Actually quite a significant fraction of my family had some amount of issues varying from high tempers, alcoholism, control issues, unhealthy diets and various amounts of toxicity.

It was…a problem I was at least partially insulated from simply due to distance or lack of social interaction with the more…extreme members of my family. Though it was not quite to the point of being completely dysfunctional. And I might be letting my own biases exaggerate the problem.

"Oh." I smiled at her reply, and sipped at the bottle of iced tea with a happy humm.

"My parents ended up partnering with some close friends with more money to start up their own transportation business…and it worked out until they started to get pushy and more…insistent. Eventually we split the assets while they kept the name and my dad and mom came up with a new similar name."

"What happened to the company?" Taylor asked.

I nodded with a smug grin. "Turns out funding a business doesn't give you the acumen to run it. We were a healthy upper middle class family even while my parents' marriage fell apart." She frowned.

"Fell apart?"

I bit into a chicken wrap to forestall the need for explain that. "My dad screwed up, and their marriage became increasingly toxic and unhealthy as they fought more and more until…I couldn't take it anymore." I let out an uneven breath, I wasn't much younger than Elle when that relationship shattered after 23 years. "My mom was a bit of a spitfire, though more in the sense of being strong willed I guess? She was a bit neurotic too and I got…tired of their attempts to patch things up before my dad would screw it up again, or they simply stopped being able to stand one another."

"I'm sorry to hear that." I crossed a shapely leg over the other, my expression more sad than anything else.

"Yeah well…a perfect life really doesn't exist though they at least tried to raise me right and I didn't come out a raging psychopath so they did well enough." I took a more playful tone, and despite lingering resentment towards them…it didn't mean I didn't love them.

"So they aren't together anymore?" She was looking down into her bottle of sweet tea with an odd look.

"Not really. They still work…together but they've got their own lives and while they still snipe at each other from time to time they're on working terms at the very least." It wasn't an amicable separation but neither was it hateful.

"You said you had brothers?" We continued the one sided twenty questions.

"Two of them, my full brother who should be nine this year and my half-brother who should be three." My smile was watery. "They're both a bunch of brats, but at the least I cared about them even if I could be shitty at showing it." God I knew how much of an asshole I was as a brother, and E—my full brother was good at pushing my buttons.

"Do you have any pictures?" My body froze and my thoughts realigned towards something else.

Did I have pictures?

I shakily checked the secured data of my omni-tool, using the HUD built into my eye. I had downloaded everything on my old phone before scrapping it for parts and to remove all evidence by melting it down into omni-gel.

I found a bunch of pictures, most from before January since I hadn't taken many and was taken on the third if my fuzzy memories were right. Pictures of art I liked including a drawing of Lung, of Hero, and…numerous pictures of both my brother, myself and my mom with most of the ones with myself and my mom being from a trip to DC that got screwed over by the government shutdown a year ago.

Fucking orange bastard…

I pulled out a display glass made to resemble a phone, and showed Taylor a picture of my mom posing with a Barack Obama figure. Her eyes narrowed.

"She…you look a lot like her." She seemed a little shocked. "I didn't expect her to be so…uhh." She shut up and I giggled, but gave her a pointed look for staring at my mother like that.

"I inherited my looks from my parents, it's to be expected." I replied dryly, raising an eyebrow. "I used to look more like my…dad." I murmured but she heard it just fine.

"Do you have…pictures of what you used to look like?" I searched and found a few from when we posed with life-like figures in DC, I let her look at them and a few from a visit to the Library of Congress and her expression changed.

"What?" I leaned back a bit as she took a nice long look at some of my old pictures that I had forgotten I had.

"I didn't know you were so tiny." I felt my face heat at the comment.

"I…what?" I leaned back and she easily shifted over, leaning on my shoulders despite her eight inch height and twenty pound weight advantage. "I wasn't that tiny." Her mischievous grin told me I had fallen into her trap.

"You were shorter back then than you are now, and you're still rather small." I growled and then melted when she leaned down, pressing into my unprepared back.

"I'm only small to you because you're a giant." She flinched and I kept talking. "A pretty one to be sure, but still…tall. Not that there's anything wrong with that." There really was not. I had a thing for height, one that was probably sourced from my lack of it.

"You okay?" I expressed my confusion, leaning my head back and blinking moisture from my eyes. She looked sad. "You're crying." I'm what?

I reached for my eyes, and found salty water that I traced back to them. I rubbed them, and tried to calm my shaking body and failed.

"I…I'm fine." The immediate leap towards lying left a bad taste in my mouth and Taylor wasn't impressed if her grave expression was anything to go by.

"No you're not." I felt weak, and nodded limply.

"No I'm not."

"You miss them? Miss your home?" She said what I expected and I lost most of my remaining strength.

"Yeah…" What was there to hide on that front? I wasn't going to hide that from her because she was too perceptive for her own good. "It's nothing to worry about." I didn't know why I kept putting my foot in my mouth because Taylor looked pissed.

"Then why are you still shaking…?" I steeled myself, trying to suppress the shakes and barely succeeding.

"I…I…don't know." She must have seen something on my face because she squared her shoulders and stared me down.

"You…don't have to tell me if you're not comfortable. But…you should open up a little more if you can. You talked about your family…and I think I'll do the same."


"I'll tell you what my dad has told me when I asked him. My family on his side was…"

July 10th, 2011. 4:30PM

Basilia Rubio

I found myself following my instincts, sauntering in the same clothes as on the date with Taylor. There was a scent I was following, one that I couldn't fully identify though it made it no less enticing. I had gotten myself turned around half a dozen times but it didn't throw me off the trail of what I was telling myself.

"Hey you!" I snapped my head down to a squeaky voice, raising an eyebrow at the small child that had decided to approach me. It was a girl about eight years old, with dirty blonde hair, green eyes and tan skin. Not white, more a pale Mexican with high European genetics, though there was a sense of precociousness that made me wary.

"What's up?" The girl looked at me like I was stupid, and pointed down. I stepped back from the cliff some fifty feet high, brows lifting to their highest peak. None of the places on the new island of Brockton had cliffs this high that I knew of which meant I had moved quite a bit without noticing.

I shrugged, it wasn't that important.

"The pretty lady in the hat wanted to talk to you." Contessa was the first name to come to mind, though she wasn't why I had walked over twenty miles from the city.

I lifted my shoulders, and the kid walked back towards a small town that was affected but not destroyed by Leviathan. I 'saw' Contessa through my feet, though it was slightly muffled since I had normal shoes on, and thin soles were less effective than the special material that made up the soles of my other pairs.

She was sitting down on a flat smooth stone, crossing one leg over the other in a casual fashion. There was a confidence that I lacked even at my best, one that put Taylor's best intimidating stances to shame. She was moving her lips, obviously speaking to someone, though without visual contact I couldn't tell what she was doing. She was calm though, her heartbeat impossibly steady and her breathing was normal.

I turned a corner across a hill of craggy rock, and found the woman most key to Cauldron's continued existence. She was in the same outfit that was her signature look, expression blank though her heartbeat rose a bit in response to my approach.

"What do you want? I asked placidly, wanting to get back to what I was looking for.

"You were not meant to be on my path today…but then at times it seems destiny likes being funny." She was almost emotional, a low drawl that had to mean she was pissed off.

Void whispered, so quiet and barely perceptible to my ears. A silvery light flickered at the edge of my vision. "You'll be useful then." I gripped onto Fortuna, and she looked decidedly shocked as I pulled her into the spirit world. There was a taste to the air, tainted by something foreign and yet familiar. The Outer Sphere was in turmoil, spirits angry and annoyed and they called for me in their language of the Root.

I stepped without hesitation, up and out into the High Spirit where the looking glass was far less clear. I followed my instincts, let something beyond mind and logic guide me and my passenger across the meandering roads of the Wild Spirit.

We popped into the town directly, and Contessa pulled out a green cloak, finding it laying around and giving it to me. I nodded and put it on, and my omni-tool was used to make a simple mask.

"I know where we need to go." Contessa said plainly and I followed, the woman smoothly stepping towards the threat I was seeking to stop. A person stood in the way, and I saw that it was a grey haired woman with widening eyes.

"Are you here for it?"

"We are." She stared for a moment and made a motion of zipping her lips, eyes twinkling. Fortuna's lips twitched and we were met with no more interruptions as I felt the disturbance in the spirit world. The town looked tired and sounded tired, and I squared my shoulders at the loud scream that came from the rending of reality. I left Fortuna free to do her part and began to murmur as I started to work on my part.

There was a forest filled with fog, and Fortuna kicked off the ground and jumped up into the trees. So that confirmed the presence of a soul, not that I lacked the ability to check, though turning it off was best because it was too distracting outside certain circumstances.

Instead of avoiding the fog I marched into it, and opened the World Eyes. Numerous people were trapped in the fog, from people about twice Contessa's age to half my own. I couldn't move them because they were being held in place by black tendrils that bent the fabric of reality.

I let out a breath, one that pushed back at the fog, one that flashed with the light of the spirits. Biotics lit up in a one-two-three neural flick, a barrier brought to full strength as I followed my gut and stopped at the center of this mess. In the trees was where Contessa laid down her attacks, her pistol spitting heavy bullets at the creature creating the warping of spacetime.

The spirit entity materialized, and my blood ran cold even as I gained an edge in understanding.

Glass rose up, scintillating edges forming a comprehensive shape and order as the being compressed a vast bulk into a single body. A storm of shards, with each fragment a well of spinning spacetime. A near-infinite edge to its glassy makeup, it stood on four crab-like legs, black-red flesh pulsing and holding up an elongated serpentine form made out of glass teeth ending in a black demonic mask with no eyes, mouth or nose.

It was the spirit of a shard that had forgotten its name, and with no name it was a creature in fear and terror and pain, trying to make connections with humans and unable to out of a lack of experience with its new form. It was taking bullets and receiving no real damage from them, but that wasn't the point of it.

The spirit screamed and I fled into a biotic charge, each shard of glass cutting through matter and erasing it where it stood. The fog swelled, and my eyes narrowed as it charged up a blast of energy that if it hit…would wipe nearby buildings to the former community park from existence. Each filled with dozens of scared innocent people.

I threw back my arms and let out a shout, my borrowed cloak waving in the building wind. I opened the doors of my mind, body and soul and asked.


As I spoke there was a shimmer and that great and terrible droning beam was stopped by a barrier of countless spirits of virtue and duty, guardians of the innocent and protectors of the world. The whirling edges shredded reality, but even they could not penetrate. I bounded away from the beast, taking Contessa with me in a blast of wind and biotic force. The town held, shimmering with a bright and wondrous light. She threw out her arm, and with grit teeth pushed with all her might to kick an mostly uprooted tree onto the spirit as it ran flat out. That bought us the precious seconds I needed.

We landed and I chanted once again, eyes widening and throat clearing in preparation.


Spirits came to my aid, pulsing radio waves becoming as solid as rock and steel, lashing together a rope of spirits of connection and broadcasting. The spinning storm of glass faltered and I smiled.


The beast of broken shards let out a warble, black light radiating and slowly burning through its short lived chains. I trusted that this being would serve a greater and better purpose, and I trusted my own thoughts to the task at hand. Fortuna was convenient as a source of the spirits I needed and I grinned once more. They swirled around her, and I continued. A hand filled with nothing and I chanted.


A chain snapped and Contessa's bullets flew true, energy was set off in waves and another chain snapped. I simply continued to do the task I was made for.



Doctor Mother held a vial, a new one that had a particular strong percentage of the Foreign Element. She kept the vial far from her, especially once there was a pulse, and a flicker of something passed through her. A name came unbidden for what she could call this shard.

"Fang." There was a brief sensation of solitude, and the Doctor sighed.

July 10th, 2011. 5:00PM

Basilia Rubio

I hadn't stayed long in the town, parting ways with Fortuna who had been giving me a confounded expression that I had promptly kept as a permanent memory in my brain. I hadn't offered them healing because they already had their own waterbenders, and I wondered how many benders were in New Hampshire since they were more than forty five miles away from Brockton Bay. Fortuna had other business to attend to, since the removal of the spirit as a factor opened up a path or some bullshit. As well as revealed other things she needed to take care of…

The shard spirit had followed me home, though it had fortunately retreated into the Outer Sphere, and was searching for an empty world to call home. It was a large shard, some once broken fragment fro—

"Basilia…what the fuck is that?" Vicky startled me, eyes wide as she wildly pointed at the shard. I turned and the shard-spirit tilted its flexible neck made out of crystalline interlocking teeth, and I understood her mortal terror. It hadn't changed in appearance much, though it's blank mask had turned white and ugly scrawl made it resemble a smiley face.

It didn't help.

"Vicky…meet the Fanged Self. A shard that forgot its name and tried to eat a town." She looked at me like I was crazy, but that was impossible, I was perfectly and completely sane. Hell I had an excess of sanity, and could give some away if needed.

"Why…when?" I had no idea what she was about so I kept going.

"About thirty minutes ago, and the implications of shards manifesting in the physical world has started to set in. Plus there's the readings from the portals that indicate that there are multiple portals to other realithidden across the world and causing problems. It's nothing complicated."

Her concern was visible. "Are you okay?" I twitched violently.

"No. Not really."

Does the Vyasa-hub require assistance?

Sometimes I really resent the circumstances of my life.

AN: So this chapter was delayed a bit because I was busy writing another story and it was late when I remembered I needed to post it. Probably a bit too much technobabble, but that's the thing with having a Tinker SI. Though it does let me talk about how Shards could function…in a fictional universe rather than in reality.

Regardless of how it may or may not work it's fair to say that shards are bullshit Clarketech with nearly limitless processing power and energy storage and distribution mechanisms.

As for this Arc? It's going to involve quite a few things, mainly the more subtle consequences of being the epicenter of the death of an Endbringer. As well as other consequences of course of being an unwilling SI to begin with.

Because I see in a lot of them how they are generally able to deal rather well with being dumped on another world, and I have only a few I've read where that isn't true. Basilia isn't magically shielded from trauma and emotional problems for one thing.

Those are simply challenges she'll have to deal with.
Nice chapter. It's cool to hear more about basilla past life as Brandon and how her family was like albiet I do find it hilarious how much in love Basilla is with Taylor and really if I didn't know Basilla and Taylor Personality at this point I would be surprised that they didn't sleep with each other yet especially with all the....stuff basilla thinks about. Anyway I do wonder how basilla family would react to her now
Nice chapter. It's cool to hear more about basilla past life as Brandon and how her family was like albiet I do find it hilarious how much in love Basilla is with Taylor and really if I didn't know Basilla and Taylor Personality at this point I would be surprised that they didn't sleep with each other yet especially with all the....stuff basilla thinks about. Anyway I do wonder how basilla family would react to her now
I suppose so on that front though you have to remember that Basilia isn't one to rush into things, and despite her thoughts she's kind of a prude relating to actual intimate situations. Ignoring jokes of course. As for her family? At this point they would think she was…not in this world anymore.
I suppose so on that front though you have to remember that Basilia isn't one to rush into things, and despite her thoughts she's kind of a prude relating to actual intimate situations. Ignoring jokes of course. As for her family? At this point they would think she was…not in this world anymore.
Yeah I guess that makes sense despite the jokes her and Taylor are still quite prudish a bit and yeah I feel really sorry for basilla family at this point
Discernment 10.2
AN: Some spoilers for the Kyoshi books here, haven't read them myself but heard they were good. I should probably buy them…

Discernment 10.2

July 14th, 2011. 2:00PM

Basilia Rubio

I coughed and spoke the magic words. "Alright, calling the meeting to order." My pivoting brought the attention of the most senior positioned employees in Athena. The VP/Directors/Top Managers(?) of the company, mostly just the highest ranking Managers and senior engineers who had been doing their best jobs since I had started up the group. Along with the CFO, who was not so much invisible as just being plain busy. She was a hire from Taylor who had gotten sick of running the finances since she well…lacked any qualifications.

Running VIs was a possible alternative but I'm not entirely sure it was a legal one though Samantha Anderson did much enjoy the use of artificial intelligence to simplify the workload.

"I'll start out with the numbers, plus look at the progress of divisions and departments as well as any current issues." I took a breath, hiding my nerves as best as I could and surely failing if their amused expressions didn't make it obvious. "As of today Athena has 240 employees and the expansion of our current Headquarters is pending. Which should be done by next week. We have about four thousand applications as of this moment. So…who's going to start?"

Not every division or department of Athena was here, since I was a bit more hands off in some ways due to my poor natural organization skills. As my President and Chief Operating Officer Taylor oversaw the day-to-day operations so she was the one often speaking to the heads of the company.

The CFO started first, the redhead brushing back her hair with a cold expression. "The current revenue of the company at this point is one hundred million USD, annualized it's about 1.2 billion dollars." I coughed up some water, since I wasn't wearing a helmet but was wearing a mask.

"Continue." Taylor smirked and I avoided her chastising gaze.

Samantha did so. "Our total labor costs are about 42 million dollars annually, and other expenses related to material purchases from suppliers, cost of property and maintenance, and R&D add up to an annualized operating expenses of 80 million dollars. We're left with a potential net profit of about 784 million dollars, though for this month it would be just over 65 million dollars."

"Most of that would be from our license deals wouldn't it?" I spoke aloud, roughly remembering that the number was.

"80% of revenue comes from licensing of various technologies or processes we've created or discovered. The other 20% involves industrial and medical machinery, though our recent acquisition of a Medhall facility means production of medi-gel should increase to a level beyond the boutique." That would easily dwarf most other revenue because even small amounts of the stuff was worth a fortune.

"So are there any areas where we can safely trim costs, or are we good on that front?" Mostly because the more costs we could cut, the more I could produce to make the world less shit.

Samantha shook her head. "Not without compromising quality or reducing the wages of workers. Costs should drop as we start buying more materials in bulk however, and there might be areas to trim some expenses."

I nodded and knew I was going to skim over her reports and let Taylor take a second look to clear things up. "Then what's the legal landscape for Athena?" I asked the VP of Legal.

Talitha Merchant was one of my earliest employees, a lawyer of similar skill and threat as Carol but not quite as much a bitch. She was tiny at five foot nothing but she was dangerous and not someone to underestimate. Plus she didn't like Carol so we didn't have to worry about the blonde trying to subvert her.

Because that would be a nightmare.

"Athena is skirting right at the edge of what NEPEA-5 allows even with the weakening of the law over the years. Fortunately it seems that US corporations have learned their lesson on excessive litigation due to being outcompeted by foreign companies willing to employ tinkers. But I would still keep that in mind for the future. We're backing an bill related to reforms of Parahuman law, as are multiple other groups. Thankfully none of them seem to have many ties to the Elite but it remains a concern."

"But so far it's been quiet on negative fronts, and a continued expansion of Athena shouldn't be problematic." Taylor added to the conversation, expression focused and intense.


Talitha nodded. "The word of the month is Repeal and Reform, and the bill should leave the House in about three days. The Senate will take longer though, four to six weeks. Since most of what the White Lotus does could be considered 'normal' cape activities there isn't much that a state AG or worse could do to us."

"What about public outreach? I know how suspicious the general populace can be of capes, much less a team of eighteen capes with hundreds of minions." I was being serious but there was a chuckle that passed from person to person for a time.

The VP of Marketing and Communications was a youthful looking asian man, though he was a decade my senior. He was about my height with fluffy dark brown hair and dark eyes.

"We're generally doing quite well on that front due to your local investments into the economy and the regular interaction of the White Lotus with the public. As well as the rather consistent donations to charitable foundations and nonprofits." That wasn't initially subtracted from our profit margin because alongside expansion and R&D that was an expected expenditure. Though another run would reduce our profits further.


While PHO was familiar enough, there was other social media though I didn't much like Facebook. Which hilariously enough only shared a name with my world's Facebook and its design was distinct while its purpose was identical. But they were there and as a company unfortunately necessary to our functioning communication systems.

"It helps that the mission statement of the White Lotus is generally peaceful, though where you got the idea to make it about the sharing of knowledge across boundaries, and the seeking of truth, beauty and philosophy is a mystery."

I coughed.

I had made the White Lotus model itself after the old Order, and it couldn't be a purely cape organization. Even the Protectorate had the PRT to back it up, and having more regular interactions between those with powers and those without is needed. Outside of the regular talks that my team had with employees and engineers for power testing and picking apart the physics behind them.

Taylor made her way back into the conversation. "Then we'll need to move forward on our plans, we have a massive excess income that isn't being put to good use." Our CFO agreed with the caveat that some of that income would be diverted to investments in other companies as well as cash reserves.

The heads of the various product divisions of the corporation looked at one another, and then at the head of Finances since at our size that was what a CFO was.

Oh dear…

July 14th, 2011. 4:00PM

Basilia Rubio

I sighed, placing my hands on the back of my neck as I wandered the long winding halls of the cruiser that were as of yet unnamed. The life support was fully functional, and I had factories back on Lotus making replacement parts in mass as required.

My eyes freely saw the local Extranet, thousands of computer systems connected together in a system that was isolated in a suitable manner through an onion shell system. Important systems were protected by physical isolation, special network switches and very tightly written OS. The computers supported a literal army of artificial intelligence, a hierarchy from basic AI agents for Daemon administrative agents to Clustered Intelligence networks, like non-sapient Geth. Which was only possible because I had their code and the Thranx had their own experience with AI due to humans.

At the very top of the tier were dozens of AGI agents, modeled off of Dragon's technology. They were only semi-sapient designs, their psychological designs and. limited intelligence making their use as far from ethically questionable as possible, no soul but they did have spirit in spare.

50 command AGIs, 90 Engineering AGIs, and hundreds of limited purview intelligences with sentience but no sapience of any kind. The AGI were like puppies but built for the purpose of operating a million plus tons of space vessel.

Thousands of robots from the size of a common drone to the size of a vehicle made servicing and maintenance easy within reason, along with over a thousand craft defense and crew service robots. All of this was run by the vast optotronic banks, using the most modern designs I had in my mind. My earliest designs had to be compromised to make them easy to make in the safety of my own home, but modern designs utilized the full extent of the quantum cascade laser circuitry.

For a chip about the size of a penny one could store and transmit multiple yottabytes of information and data, and I had much larger chips and banks doing their job of running the ship. I had many orders of magnitude more processing power than all of Earth Bet, and I only knew a few Earths with similar total processing power to a few optotronic chips.

Earth Losev had over a thousand times more data than Earth Bet, Aleph and my Earth combined, with decades of greater technological advancement and were at at almost Ghost in the Shell levels of tech.

Either way there was more than enough space to fit over 1600 AI agents in the Extranet mesh network. Though the most efficient method would be to have it be administered by a fully sapient AGI with a human-like neurological digital profile.

But I was a little too chicken to bring a true sapient being into existence even if the method was painless and didn't require nine months of time. So for now it was run by the equivalent of digital animals with alien mindsets.

"Hey I'm not that bad anymore!" I turned my head to face our third tinker on the team. Turnaround was working in the guts of one of the ship's ECLSS modules, apparently trying to construct a highly redundant version that could shift functions to other parts of the machine as required.

They were marginally heavier but would be more reliable, and their closed loop nature meant that less waste would be made for the ship's life support systems.

The blonde hair wasn't recognizable enough but the slight but vanishing disdain on Taylor's face told me who Turnaround used to be.

Greg Veder.

Of course the socially awkward guy wasn't actually talking with Taylor, though they worked out things out of my sight. He was talking to Sveta, the Case 53 shifting awkwardly but not dissuaded from her own thoughts.

"Maybe…but you can't say that you were…the most sensitive to other people's feelings." The man winced, and I had to agree with what I had heard from the people who knew him best. He wasn't a bad person but he had issues that needed to be worked out.

"Well I got better at least…my power helped. Indirectly anyway…" He muttered the last bit as his hands dove back into the thing, each hand holding different tools to work on the machine.

He wasn't as scrawny as I would have expected, in fact he had grown rather buff and was maybe an inch or two short of six feet with enough bulk to look like an athlete. Though his dorky expressions reduced that image down to almost zero.

There had been no real drama from him because well…Taylor didn't really care as much anymore. Her problems were over and done with and this Greg has at least been man enough to talk to the police. His power was tinkering, preferably self tinkering though he was good enough at life support to dabble in other areas.

His basest technology was a modular chip, made out of biomechanical circuitry that had a limited ability to adapt and shift functions to other parts of the chip. It was mostly synthetic but it had biological inspiration for many of its systems. He could use the chips and hook them together into different technologies within a certain limit of speciality.

The earliest versions derived power from solar energy, and stored them away in a superconductive storage device. It was a sort of limited programmable matter, similar to a more advanced version of my dabbling in programmable quantum dot arrays. But much bulkier and a little more reliable…but every single one had the basic programming to shift functions around when damaged as well as self repair protocols.

His initial suit was basically just a few hundred chips linked together into power armor, increasing his strength by three and making him resistant to pistols. His newest versions implemented better methods of self modification, and telekinesis to strengthen his armor and make him resistant to anti-material rifles and more.

Plus specialized implants in his body to modify his genetics, though that came surprisingly late in his career. Improved power generation was another, involving a cold fusion process that would charge the energy reserves of his chips.

I moved on from one of the many rooms in the ship, jogging at a healthy space and moving into the section of the ship that held the main battery. It took me only a few minutes and I saw the room full of holographic displays, accompanied of course by electromechanical backup controls.

Bakuda was sitting down at one of the consoles, murmuring to herself as she looked at the numbers, biting into a pencil of all things. A bit out of place on a warship centuries more advanced than anything on Earth barring Tinkertech.

"Grace?" I called out and she stopped her relentless chewing. She grumbled but greeted me back.

"Sup." She was rubbing her hair, sighing loudly and I gave a concerned hum. The half asian woman smiled tiredly at me. "Don't give me that look Basilia…it's just that building the Conversion Drive has given me a lot of ideas…especially since I had to dumb it down to make it mantainable by shmucks."

"Tell me again how it works?" I had a basic understanding of her technology and could just about replicate some applications of Stilling.

She rolled her eyes with an added scoff. "It's pretty simple." She conjured up an image with her hands with her own omni-tool. "Stilling is the application of a multidimensional energy field to fuck with reality. Messing with the properties of matter and energy with the right application of force." She messed with a simple simulation program, one that revealed the field from higher dimensions tuning things, sapping energy from certain quantum motions. "Most of my inventions are big expansions or contractions of matter and energy."

"Explosions and Implosions." I nodded, sauntering over to take a better look at the program she was messing with.

"I need something big and stable for a generator, and it has to be bulky both because of that and because I can't be the only one able to fix it." I followed so far. "The Conversion drive basically selectively stills the strong nuclear force, making matter turn right into energy."

"And you can only scale it up so far because this is your first time making anything this big."

She cackled. "Got it in one!" She flicked off her omni-tool with a smirk. "You can at least keep the parts running if I ever blow myself up, since it uses dark energy to cheat a bit." That was a Thranx invention, translated and improved by combination with other technology. Fucking with gravity and nuclear forces was difficult but not impossible, and managing that had brought part of the propulsion train to life.

There were multiple systems, backups upon backups as required for operating the ship. Microwave resonance plasma thrusters, along with magnetically accelerated plasma. A fusion torch through electromagnetic and gravitic confinement, a second torch catalyzed by nucleon decay, and the conversion drive itself as the third torch.

There were multiple secondary thrusters, as well as emergency thrusters with some being methalox and metallic hydrogen maneuvering rockets. Somewhere north of sixty thrusters were built into the damn thing. The propulsion train was of course distinct from the powertrain.

Four linear protium fusion reactors, with minor emitters to allow for stilling of electrostatic barriers. The reactors were over a hundred twenty meters in length but far smaller than the original 425 meter design. They generated far more power than they should as well, exciting the drive core to a greater level and gathering more dark energy as needed.

Two plutonium pebble-bed reactors served as backup power alongside an array of twelve methalox fuel cells, 5 superconductive capacitor banks and other forms of redundant power storage. This ship was built for operations in the many months at a time, and I had the schematics for every component down to an individual gear.

Radiators had already been described, though shunting of heat into other realities was being investigated in tandem with the Normandy-style heat sinks we already had fully functioning.

"So…did you manage to get that unfolding trick down?" Grace asked from her position working on more Tinkertech.

I sighed. "I managed to on a small scale after changing some of my perceptions of the basic functions of Sting. At first wormholes sounded right but working with Elle has made some things more clear…ish?"

"Go on." Grade said with burning curiosity in her eyes.

I sat down, folding my arms around my chest and nodding. "Sting appears to involve the generation of a field of severely altered space, one that 'unfolds' itself into multiple now intersecting realities, merging distinct layers into the bubble of energy." This field of modified spacetime manifold would target many dimensions at once, allowing for a strike to impact at all required branes. The sensor array for targeting multiple realities at once was there, making use of samples of Haywire tech the Protectorate had let us use in exchange for basic papers on Eezo and simple machinery they could make with it.

Even the basic kinetic energy manipulation applications of Eezo were amazing and better they learn how to use it safely rather than an accident cause more biotics with far less stability. Biotics were the very rarest of the elements, and only a fraction of that number could harness it without technological assistance. I'd rather not be indirectly responsible for giving babies cancer.

"Can you scale it up?" She sounded curious and I rubbed my chin as I thought about the question.

"At the moment the largest field I've managed to generate is about the size of my fist?" I demonstrated, biting my lips as I thought about it. "The largest space warping weapon I've built is the Nihilim cannon, and that's only about four to ten feet in length versus hundreds for the Thanix." I spun on my chair, and noted how odd it felt to sense the roar of dark energy seamlessly passing through my body. "The output of each cannon is enormous, not far off from the Asari miniaturized cruiser cannon but still dwarfed in comparison to our new main gun. It'll take at least a good month."

"So the super-Halcyon should be ready before that." Grace smirked a Bakuda smirk. "It'll send anything tough enough to damage the barriers packing, though the settings are pretty limited right now." Again she was a specialist in explosions, simply due to practical limits on how much one tinker can do without more severe mental enhancements. Her power armor was powered by tiny explosions, and even her artificial muscles were dimensionally displaced blasts of electromagnetic force.

Which meant her Stilling mostly had an offensive bent, so most of the settings were designated as such. Scion's golden aura was out of her reach unless we got Hero tinkering for us. Even so a single shot would shatter more or less anything barring something completely bullshit.

"That sounds great…" I patted Grace on the shoulders and continued onwards, still thinking about the ship's other weapon systems as I took off into another hall.

Four Halcyon cannons, nine torpedo tubes firing at 150km/s, and 30 tubes at 60 kilometers a second. Four 60-cell missile launchers, and four 30-cell missile launchers made up a part of the offensive weaponry. Everything from nuclear tipped to the more exotic degenerate matter would be onboard, though I was currently getting that out of the way by setting up a station on the nearest neutron star.

The difference between torpedoes and missiles was one of mass, cost and velocity. Missiles were cheap and shot out at far greater speed while torpedoes were very expensive but would devastate shields, with a single neutronium flex weapon being able to crush a dreadnought into pulp through the sheer warping of spacetime and the blast of particles and hard radiation.

But a single torpedo had the same devastating costs as a fighter, while one fighter could be hooked up with multiple missiles. Of course the array of explosives was far more exotic than one would expect due to Grace, and I also found that the array of technology that the Citadel races use was more…diverse than one would expect.

One of them was a kinetic projectile with a lithium deuteride payload that upon contact with the stopping force of kinetic barrier will detonate in a massive nuclear explosion.

Honestly this cruiser was overkill against anything that wasn't effectively indestructible, since the mass effect shunt was effectively hitting at a significant fraction of the speed of light and could incinerate Tokyo in maybe a few seconds. With the main gun alone.

One of the warheads was a single-use variety of the low range Nihilim cannons, a devastating distortion of spacetime.

"I'm thinking too much about this…" I muttered aloud.

I'm going to see how the Rachni are doing. Maybe Amelia will be there?

It would be nice to feel safe…

July 14th, 2011. 4:30PM

Basilia Rubio

I leaned back on a chair offered to me by a soldier, the roughly one hundred fifty pound giant bug giving me a soft greeting. The hollowed out asteroid the Rachni were now calling home was filled with thousands of Rachni, as their numbers swelled due to the Queens spending time laying multiple clutches per day along with the recent maturation of the higher classes.

I think the numbers were at about one hundred twenty thousand, most of them of course were the tiny cat sized workers, with around two percent of that number making up the Soldiers and the Warriors. So well over two thousand of the larger and more intelligent non-Queens. This time they finally had Brood auxiliaries, the muted intermediaries between Brood Lord and Soldier. They had about seven Queens, and six more were dormant until they could find new worlds and new purposes for them. The four new ones had only started laying eggs recently

I expected north of two million Rachni by the end of this year, and around twelve million by the second year mark. Two years from that date a population greater than Texas and California combined. In twenty years, somewhere in the billions.

Exponential growth is some scary shit though at the least the Rachni had greater restraint than simple animals and bacteria. And they weren't complete assholes so that reduced their threat.

Not very comforting for Earth Bet of course but what can you do?

I remembered the names of the newest Queens, smiling slightly as the smaller bug aliens split into groups for other tasks aboard the space station.

Euphonium Clef of the Boundless Shaping Melodies. The specialist in genetic manipulation and geneforging, the shaper of the elements of life.

Dayereh Bayati of the Unbound Ephemeral Chants. One born with a song that could even more deeply touch and reach out to the things beyond the physical. A Shaman-Queen effectively, and many of her Warriors have that trait, though at the moment it's only three. Rachni don't really get bending, and shamanism is a rarer trait among their species, though they can talk to them even without being shamans.

Their psychic song is an odd one. Moving on.

Mandolin Pizzicato in Eight Exploring Notes. A queen of exploration and diplomacy, her mission? To explore new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations. To boldly go where no Rachni has gone before.

So the Rachni version of Kirk.

The last of the young ones was Aspiring Alto Echoes in Forbidden Notes. A mad scientist and researcher rather than an engineer and industrialist like Erhu.

There was a skittering sound, a light cheery song of greeting that I immediately recognized as Lyre. I took a step back as the chamber became a little smaller, she stood up on the pillar-thick insectile limbs and her mandibles parted in a smile.

She wore a glimmering set of armor, a deep emerald and an aura coming from it that was oddly…familiar. The interlaced plates were draped with curtains of aquamarine silk, and her crown held similar silks to form a delicate gem encrusted headdress. She was nearly at adult size, 41 feet long and six and a half meters in height from the tips of her legs to her chitinous crown. I took a scan with my Omni-tool and choked.

"Are…are you wearing Leviathan's flesh as armor plating?!" I gasped, since so far I had failed to do the same because it was far too heavy without dimensional tech to make it light enough for one person. A ship core was one thing, we pretty much just spread out a small fraction of the mass we had and it wasn't as dense as Leviathan because it came from the much weaker Bohu.

"It is very thin but incredibly strong, and my strength is far greater than yours." The Queen murmured, a psychic undertone remaining in her more effective translation to human language. "We greet you, and ask what ails you?"

My throat closed up at the response of the eldest Rachni.

"Nothing. I'm fine." I denied and there was a distinct taste of disappointment, a sour green that made my tongue numb and my nose curl up at the smell. The large alien circled around me, her limbs hanging loosely as she gestured with her mandibles and pedipalps.

Lyre sang sadly, projecting her song in a way a human mind could understand it. "You are not. You have seen the face that would end a thousand worlds, the puppet of a monster responsible for a scale of misery and death beyond anything you have ever seen. It is not bad to be afraid Brandon. It is not bad to be only human." I shuddered, and I didn't know how to reply.

"I can't be only human, not in a world like this. Not in a world of monsters and powers and secrets older than the human race."

"Humanity was what killed Scion." Lyre countered, and I started when a rather insectile finger tapped my forehead. "You are human, and no matter who you become in the future that will always be a part of you. You ignore the encounter, and you need another to help you through it." I sagged, and I didn't say a word when Taylor, Amelia and Victoria both materialized, along with Dinah.


Dinah scoffed. "86.78% chance you'll be here in this chamber, give or take a few percent." She made a so-so gesture with her small hands, and I understood.

She was getting better at predicting me, which made sense because she was around me a lot more often, and her power was getting good at modeling metaphysical phenomena.

"You haven't been taking care of yourself." Vicky was hovering, her aura pulsing outwards for a moment before receding back.

"I'm not sure what you mean?" I didn't get it and the others were visibly concerned. What was up with them? I know I wasn't in the best mental shape but I was fi—

Victoria crossed the distance between us in under a second, and a mirror floated out from behind her with a casually delicate touch. I looked at myself and was left with a bit of a shock.

I looked…tired.

My hair was a lot messier than I remembered it being, and while I was a little more tan than before, that didn't make the dark bags under my eyes vanish. My eyes were bloodshot, and everything about me was a walking disaster, with a dirty and unclean white shirt, and torn up cargo pants. I didn't look tired…

I looked like shit.

"How much have you been sleeping?" Taylor demanded, voice breaking.

"Two…three hours a day?" I ventured and she looked shocked at the answer. I hadn't added any mods to reduce my need for sleep so I was feeling the effects.

"You're seriously going to pull a me here?" I wince at Amelia's scathing words, and couldn't deny their truth. I might not be overworking myself but I was definitely over stressing myself. My shoulders dropped, and I was tired.

"What exactly happened…?" I jumped when Taylor placed a hand on my shoulder and I shivered.

"We can show them…if you wish." The Rachni Queen was singing in low tones, waiting for permission as well as willing to accept a lack of it.

"Go ahead." It wasn't like my feelings mattered anyway. There was a twist of reality, a chitinous finger placed on my forehead. The chamber was replaced by the ocean, and I saw my past self frozen as Scion floated only inches from my body.

The others had turned pale, and I didn't say a word as Scion tried something new and unexpected. A terrifying prospect when it came to the most powerful being on Earth. His lips didn't move but his words colored the air and reality, and my past self kept as still as possible.


I still remembered the resounding boom of his true voice, like a screaming in reality that left me far more unnerved than I had expected. Behind the entity pretending to be a man's expressionless face was something alien and desperate.


The entity had been loud and almost insistent and I had remained as still as possible, kept my words from being projected outwards on any plane of existence. The parahumans that I called my friends winced, more of the nuance coming to them due to the better relationship between them and their shards. Especially so for Vicky with the youth of the Fragile One. Only some of the newer Parahumans in our team have young shards like hers, for example Charlotte and Greg.


It gave its name, and I ignored it…ignored him and hoped he would take the hint and go away. My own current heart rate was spiking, and I felt a grip from Taylor on my shoulders. The past me kept silent and Scion probed more.


It kept talking and I kept pretending it wasn't there even as surely as trying was impossible, with how he could probably read my mind or use PtV and how he was going to wipe us off the face of the Earth at any minute.

It proceeded to place a hand on my shoulder, and I still remembered how faint I was when I was only inches from potential death. It had sent out a sweep of its powerful senses, something that had gone unnoticed in the moment but was clear in the memory that Lyre dug up.


It had asked for my name, and as it kept trying to talk it seemed to pick something up from whatever scan he took of my body.


That was about the time when it left and the memory landscape faded as Lyre removed her large hand from my face, and we were back in reality rather than experiencing a memory.

"So you got jumpscared by the golden idiot. That alone doesn't explain your complete inability to take care of yourself." Amelia's dismissal was almost cruel, and something like anger rushed through me.

"You…shut up!" I threw my arms back and a wave of flames, biotic force and air nearly knocked Taylor over as she hopped back at the last second. "I don't need to hear that from you!" My entire body felt hot and unsteady, and there was a brief flicker of emerald as I stomped my foot. A crater formed where my feet had impacted against compressed rock, and the group watched me carefully.

"W-Woah, calm down." Amy's eyes were wide, hands uplifted in a gesture that somehow pissed me off more.

I was beyond angry, and Lyre pushed me back with a tendril, biotic flaring and weak blue-white flames sparked to life along my arms. I was shaking and for the first time I felt like hurting something. The flames burst and rose higher, and another wave of biotic force pushed back the larger insectile Queen.

Not by much but it was noticeable with her sheer mass.

"Please…" Dinah had opened her eyes wide, a powerful set of puppy dog eyes starting into my soul. "You can't keep this up…"

"Did you see it?" I questioned caustically, and she looked sad.

"I'm not stupid. I don't need to see the future to know that you're burning out." Dinah's eyes were even sadder, and I barely kept my temper in check, everything in me wanted to lash out, to insult and belittle and piss them off, and I felt my throat close up the malicious thoughts running around in my brain.

I gripped my head, everything feeling like it was too much. Too much talking, too much attention, too much of anything and everything and anything and everything.

Make it stop!

I didn't know when I had curled on the ground, my head pulled down as far as possible as I gripped my head so tightly that it hurt. Keeping myself from lashing out was scarily hard…and I was so tired.

Vicky and Taylor had both made their approach, and I felt a hand sweep through my hair, had to be Taylor's based on the size and feel. A calming aura entered the air and despite my concern over the emotional manipulation I didn't move. But the calm was better than the swirl of emotions that made my head hurt and made my breath short and made me feel like shit…

I…think I've had enough.

July 14th, 2011. 5:00PM

Basilia Rubio

I was freshly out of the shower, and didn't bother to do anything more than put on undergarments, simply waddling myself in a container of warmth and blankets. I could pick up what they were saying through the thin walls of the door of one of the few working rooms and showers in the unnamed cruiser.

"So she finally cracked?" I growled at Amy's voice, and I could hear the admonishment from Grace of all people.

"Probably best not to say that to her face Mila." I could hear the annoyance from Amy and smiled slightly. "But yeah…I kinda had a feeling she's been putting herself under a lot of pressure. Months of those kinds of feelings and expectations tend to get to a person. I should know…" There was a rare gentleness to Grace's tone, a quiet going over whoever was on the other side.

"I've looked up a fair bit about how tinkers work…and why they tend to become tinkers." Taylor replied and I snuggled deeper into the blankets. "She didn't Trigger in the normal way…but she's under enough stress that if she wasn't someone with powers…" She trailed off at the implication, and I wasn't sure how to feel about it.

Because it wasn't an attempt to slander me…and I couldn't pretend I wasn't affected by what I had seen or what I had been through. Even at my best we had lost one in ten people to Leviathan, one in ten people on Earth was 620 million souls, across thousands of realities it would be hundreds of billions, if it spilled over to my set of realities it would be trillions more.

Especially since certain dimensions clustered closely together, with the ones with extinct humans being far enough away to be culled away easily. Lotus was distant, and my measurements used it as zero. Earth Bet was MV X+300,968, and was at MV Y 977,000. Though similar realities to it were much farther than it was, but it had switched coordinates with another reality at some point…

I wasn't sure if I wanted to know what could move an entire universe.

Almost all other human worlds were far closer, grouped together for whatever reason on the cosmic scale of things. The more similar they are the more likely to be dimensionally close with a few exceptions sprinkled about. Which meant it was likely closer to a hundred billion worlds to sort through rather than the impossible number imposed by the vast scale of the multiverse.

But that would bring my world in contact with this one…and I had no idea how that would end. If that feathered bitch ever woke up and decided to take some nice and useful dimensional tech for a spin she could tear apart a world not built for giant monsters or leave cracks in reality to let Parahuman warlords get through.

I wouldn't allow it.

"I'd ask if my cousin would offer some sessions…but I know she's been pretty busy with other patients. We've only just set up to get a team therapist…" Grace kept talking, and I kept listening as they talked about me behind my…well behind the door. "Most of our teammates who really need it already have their own…it's just a fucking mess." Grace cursed and I further compressed myself into a ball.

I just wanted some peace and quiet, I didn't need to hear about how screwed up in the head I was. It's not like it was anything new…and it's not like it'll change anything.

There was a longer pause, and the shuffling of feet told me they were leaving as fast as possible. Probably Charlotte had picked up on it with her Thinker powers, it had been useful for screening workers and for security. I had all types of sensors and scanners and protocols to protect my data, and the dangerous ability to detect dimensional phenomena made it easier to detect Parahumans.

Only kind of though…Corona Pollentia and Gemma are quite small, and even my current improvements in dimensional technology had large margins of error.

I flipped onto my back, staring up at the ceiling and listening to the roar of an activated Eezo core. The music of the spheres, of the void, and of dark energy flowing through my body and through the matter of the ship.

I had tremendous power in my hands, great control over the primordial elements, the ability to talk with spirits and gain their boons, the ability to communicate with shards as a consequence of what I was, and one of the most potent tinker powers in the world.

But Eidolon had so much more and he wasn't happy was he? He had an enormous complex, a complex so powerful he summoned three giant monsters ranging from a walking nuke to a mindraping fallen angel. Parahumans got powers but that didn't make them happy either, and even if conflict drives weren't a thing or shards didn't specifically choose messed up people it wouldn't change a thing.

The Avatar had power but power alone was never what made what they did possible, it was simply another means to their purpose, for their reason to exist in this world. I had the history of some of the Avatars embedded in my mind, just as I knew quite a few of the sins and secrets of other dead races.

Roku failed to stop the rise of the Fire Nation, failed in his duties to bring balance which lead to the genocide of the Air Nomads.

Kyoshi's failures led to the birth of the Dai Lee, the instabilities from killing leaders like Jianzhu and Chin made way for the decline, corruption and fall of her homeland. Under her watch Firelord Zoryu centralized the power of the highest position in the nation, and with that centralization, it set up the stage for Roku's failures.

Before that was Kuruk's hyperfocus on combating malicious spirits until he fell to spiritual curses and the decay of his values, and that led to instabilities in the mortal plane. Which were the failures of Yangchen, making pacts and promises that humans couldn't and wouldn't keep to. She had left a peaceful world but one ill suited to deal with the angered spirits arising from broken pacts.

Each and every one of them had the power of a demigod, and it wasn't enough.

I didn't have anything in my repertoire that would directly help with my issues that didn't involve using cybernetics and that didn't seem like a very healthy coping mechanism unless I used it in tandem with other more normal methods.

I curled up, wrapping my arms around a pillow, shutting my eyes and slowing my breathing, letting the silence lull me into a deep sleep.

It wasn't going to be fast but…but…but…

My thoughts drifted away, and I dreamt of the golden sea.

AN: I wasn't too sure about this chapter, but it felt like something that needed to be addressed at some point. Most SI's tend to somehow deal very well with the circumstances of their transportation for one reason or another. Whether that's hand-waved by being dead or not caring about their old life, a lot deal with it without undue problems. I think there's a few that have those as issues but I don't remember any in particular on this site.

Though I remember some where they go the opposite route of wish fulfillment and go with making their…SI get screwed over and over again. I'm not sure where I fit on that line between wish fulfillment or literary masochism.

Basilia is based on me…and thus is very good at simply moving on and ignoring any problems she may or may not have. She might get pissed off but she burns out and moves on. She was a bit of a recluse but she was fine with her life, unfulfilled perhaps but she was willing to go at her own pace and accomplish her dreams.

She got that option taken from her.

She might be making things better, but that was a matter of a thousand and one things going right, and the stress of the entire world ending isn't exactly easy for most people to swallow let alone a socially inept college kid from California. Who already has high stress from normal everyday problems. Plus all the times she almost got killed by everything from a drug addled Tinker's weapon's to a biblical ocean beast trying to personally shank her.

At some point it was going to get to her. From here on out, most things should be a little more subtle than constant fights. Leviathan is dead, the world is changing. At the least I'll try that out since I'm past the point that most Worm stories die. Hopefully it'll still be enjoyable.
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So they have an actual financial advisor? That's good cause Taylor isn't the most qualified for that role and yeah is it just me or does panacea get pushed away or nearly beat up a lot by basilla and it's nice to see that the White Lotus are helping basilla through her issues as true friends should
So they have an actual financial advisor? That's good cause Taylor isn't the most qualified for that role and yeah is it just me or does panacea get pushed away or nearly beat up a lot by basilla and it's nice to see that the White Lotus are helping basilla through her issues as true friends should
To be fair…Panacea was kind of always a bitch, that she and Basilia managed to become friends at all was a miracle. This Amelia might not be as bad as she became in Worm and Ward, but she has a much more abrasive attitude than current Victoria does. Clashing betweenness Amy and Basilia is a rather common component of their friendship.
To be fair…Panacea was kind of always a bitch, that she and Basilia managed to become friends at all was a miracle. This Amelia might not be as bad as she became in Worm and Ward, but she has a much more abrasive attitude than current Victoria does. Clashing betweenness Amy and Basilia is a rather common component of their friendship.
I guess that makes sense I'm not blaming Basilla though even back in her past life she wasn't as much of an ass as Panacea Vicky is cool if a bit too naive Taylor can be easy to get along with despite her control freak attitude at times and her stoic demeanor although for Basilla I do wonder if she will learn to confront her issues instead of pushing them away and really Dinah is the adorable child of the team
I guess that makes sense I'm not blaming Basilla though even back in her past life she wasn't as much of an ass as Panacea Vicky is cool if a bit too naive Taylor can be easy to get along with despite her control freak attitude at times and her stoic demeanor although for Basilla I do wonder if she will learn to confront her issues instead of pushing them away and really Dinah is the adorable child of the team
Basilia might eventually deal with her's not going to be instant though.
At the least I'll try that out since I'm past the point that most Worm stories die. Hopefully it'll still be enjoyable.
You have the magic formula my man. You are moving on from the Leviathan fight, where many authors fail to do so.
Granted, you have a minor assist in the form of nonexistent saltiness from your audience, but your decision to add a personal breakdown after the impersonal breakdown is formulaic perfection! :)
You have the magic formula my man. You are moving on from the Leviathan fight, where many authors fail to do so.
Granted, you have a minor assist in the form of nonexistent saltiness from your audience, but your decision to add a personal breakdown after the impersonal breakdown is formulaic perfection! :)
Hah thanks. The relative calmness of my audience has kept me going and it's certainly better material than what I usually write. When I was initially writing for the story, it was meant to be a little more wish fulfillment…but then I thought about the kind of attitude and power needed to snap the rails of Worm, and send the train of plot spiraling in a new direction. Basilia(me?) had the knowledge, but only some of the qualities needed to change things. She wasn't the best choice to save the world, just the best out of worse options out there.

That kind of responsibility, of diving into the insanity of cape fights and politics and future apocalypses and city killing monsters is not conducive to a mentally balanced person. Basilia is certainly more capable than I am but that came at a cost to herself. I want to explore a more personal angle, and this is the start of it at least.

There'll still be a ton of fights of course but that's Worm for you…and ATLA and LOK both have a mix of conflicts.
Discernment 10.3
Discernment 10.3

July 18th, 2011. 11:00AM


"Are you alright…?" I spoke quietly to Dinah as she wrapped her arms around her legs. They were stubbier than mine but more nicely shaped but that didn't mean much to me at the moment.

I saw the spirits lingering around her and around everyone in the small and modest youth center. It wasn't the nicest place, but there was a deep sense of love and commitment that made the place nice and cozy for certain types of spirits.

Spirits of community, spirits of joy and friendship, spirits of childhood. Hope floated on the wind, tiny motes of light no bigger than my toenails.

This place had been worse before I had come here, and the lady who kept this place open liked the improvements. The spirit world was just as unbalanced as the material world, and while spirits weren't human…that didn't mean we couldn't learn to coexist within reason.

"I've…been using my power a lot recently." Dinah whispered, gripping her head and looking like a kicked puppy. "It's gotten a lot easier to read someone like Basilia, but…that's because I know her."

"What exactly did you see?" I whispered back, hope spirits wrapping around my arms for a moment.

"She's scared…really scared…but she pretends that it's okay and that as long as she keeps working on stopping Scion everything will turn out alright."

I shook my head. "That…won't help her." Stopping him wouldn't fundamentally change much because the world was already a messed up place, and there was no putting the genie back in the bottle.

"I see a lot of bad futures with her in it…where she just falls apart. In a few of them she hurts herself…" Dinah choked and I firmly squeezed her shoulder as her head dipped. "They're not common, in less than a twentieth of the possible futures."

"Still scary though. She helped us, helped us when she didn't have to, when she could have simply left the city behind and gone somewhere else." I understood perfectly, though I knew the reasons weren't completely altruistic.

She genuinely wanted to help people…but she also had nowhere else to go, because she didn't know the rest of the world like she knew Brockton Bay, and there were certainly villains and threats she wouldn't be familiar with in other cities and other states. Brockton Bay was comparatively simpler, and less dangerous if only because of better familiarity with the city.

"She's been taking some time off, she still tinkers a bit…but it's not a lot." Dinah glanced around, and I smiled sadly. No one was listening to what we were saying because I wasn't letting people hear the flow of information as it should be. The spirits made sure of that. "She's been teaching me a few things, I've learned how to weld, and how to use an omni-tool." That…was the same thing wasn't it?

Omni-tools have like dozens of functions with the right application. They can certainly weld.

"How else have you been using your power?" I asked, concerned that she was overworking herself.

"Checking threats. Possibilities, watching out for changes in the possible future." She rubbed her head, and slid off the seat, gesturing for me to follow. I shut my eyes knowing in my gut that it was time to go.

"Give me examples." I stated, letting myself get washed into the flood of information from the spirits and from my shard with an unconcerned smile. Awakening as a shaman meant I would no longer be swept away by the effects of my power, because my soul was made for this.

"The S9 won't come here…at least not for two to three months." I hissed, and quivered at the idea of Mimi coming here. I didn't need a reminder of the bad place, and I didn't need them ruining this broken place while it was healing. When there was a chance of real change.

"Anything else?" We had left the youth center but not before Miss Kya had given us a cookie for our work in helping fix up the center. They were chocolate chips and really good.

"The more subtle groups are going to want a piece of the pie." She took a bite of her own snack, eyes narrowed as she sauntered confidently. "The Elite might start making plays, though they'll probably have to consolidate first in the West. But that's not a guarantee." I nodded, following so far. They were the second biggest cape organization in the US. "Some other villain teams are going to try muscling in, trying to fill the vacuum, most of them are small and weak though…Teeth cells are too busy getting harassed to be early birds. Fallen cells are likely."

"What about local gangs?" With bending even the shattered remnants of the gangs could become bigger threats. The empire had nearly a hundred members at its peak, and twenty five benders was a considerable force to be reckoned with.

I wasn't going to have my new life destroyed…I refused to let it happen.

"A few are going to show up…but it's likely the police will deal with them." Dinah continued, and I grabbed her hand as I got a feeling. She glanced down with an eyebrow raised and I hummed. Dinah rolled her eyes and went back to her monologue. "They outnumber the remaining gangs about two to one, and any infiltrators are going to get weeded out because of cooperation with the PRT." I knew a fair bit about that, the BBPD was notoriously corrupt and Melanie had gotten a tip or three from people in them.

Quite a few of them were arrested for a bunch of different crimes, from standard corruption to…crimes that made me feel gross and unsafe, and police brutality.

That was all too common among the police in the country, and even the PRT itself wasn't free from the same issues.

I heard a piercing whistle, and I dragged Dinah along with me, though it wasn't easy to overpower her with her freakish strength. Spirits followed in my wake, noting my reaction to that loud and piercing cry.

Once we were out of sight, I brought us into the Outer Sphere and thought better of raising her any higher. The spirits said it was best not to, not today and not for what we were seeking.

A few spirits existed in the Outer Sphere, usually those who were most curious as well as those seeking temporary Hosts among shamans for one reason or another. As well as countless Aspects who were fairly harmless since they were so weak.

I followed the whispers and after minutes of walking we were where we needed to be.

I blinked as I saw the shard spirit that Basilia had brought here, it looked confused, mask shifting as it followed something. The respectable distance told me it wasn't seeking a host, it was seeking answers.

"The Fanged Self." The shard twisted it's sinuous neck and I felt no particular way about the entity. I had seen worse.

"Demesnes-Keeper." It replied back, arms forming out of flexible black glass. "I saw a familiar resonance, but it was not my role to interfere." The forty foot tall spirit bowed respectfully, speaking in the language of spirits.

"Point me to what I seek." It lifted a delicate shining finger, and I nodded. "Have you recovered your physical body?"

"Much was lost in the Sundering, but I will regain it in time. Be wary child, for the world has changed…" It's warning drifted into the wind, and Dinah didn't ask me to translate as it shifted to its reality to recover its continent spanning true body. It was a large shard, one that my own knew about due to recent broadcasts between them.

It was one of the offerings of a third entity, a Loner who was indirectly responsible for the collapse of this cycle. It's power was the ability to lock the energy states of matter and energy, though a combination of time warping and modifications to the fundamental forces. It could fire projectiles, cutting and erasing matter as it was torn apart by an indestructible object.

There were a lot of spirits from where the Fanged Self had punched a hole through reality, and with a wave of my arms I knit the wound back together. I was good at opening and shutting holes in reality, had to be with what Shard had bonded with me.

But just as soon as I had closed the hole another opened in its place, a swirling mass of spiritual energy creating a wind that nearly knocked me off my feet. I pushed Dinah behind me, and someone came out of the cut in reality.

It was a boy.

He was younger than me…twelve years to my almost fourteen, and he wore ratty but fitting clothing. A long green tunic, baggy but not sagging dark brown pants and cheap shoes. There was an air around him, one that I found disconcerting and especially so with the sheer number of Void spirits orbiting around him like a cloak.

"You…are…Demesnes…" I froze at the one word I recognized from a language I did not speak or understand. "They…told me…and I follow. Now I seek…The Keeper of the Dead." I didn't understand, only roughly understanding Keeper and Dead. "Challengers will come, both from within and without. None yet understand the past, and without it…you can not understand the future." He looked pointedly at Dinah. "The Heart is awakening to its purpose, we must do the same."

He vanished cleanly, and I couldn't see where he went, not with my power or with the power of my own soul. I slipped us out of the spirit world, and then overlaid us into a safe world, my lungs burning.

I didn't like this change…I didn't like it all.

"Who…who was that?" Dinah asked from my right, her eyebrows furrowed.

"A shaman…and a powerful one at that." He had to be, to so easily command the attention of Void. Or one that was chosen…and that wasn't always a good thing, I had seen glimpses of such people in some of my more vivid nightmares, having a destiny didn't make it inevitable…and it didn't make it painless either.

Basilia had been chosen…and that didn't remotely make up for what had been stolen from her.

"Well…that changes things." Dinah rolled her shoulders, her expression sharp. "Basilia can't do this alone, she's only one person. I can literally predict the future, even if it's not perfect."

"You can't do this on your own either." I pointed out and she smiled sadly.

"Well…even the Entities know how to work together. That's obvious." I nodded, Basilia had burned out in six month, and there was still a year and a half to the deadline that may or not be valid anymore.

And if it wasn't Zion some other problem could arise, there were other S-class threats out there. Other dangers beyond Brockton Bay alone…

I was going to do my best to keep my home safe, to keep the people close to my heart safe.

That was my duty.

July 18th, 2011. 12:00PM

Basilia Rubio

I yawned as I ate cereal, comfortable under the warmth of a hoodie I had stolen from Taylor. Hey I had the right as the smaller and cuter half of the relationship, and her hoodie was comfy.

After my…freak out a few days ago I had been forced to take a few days off though I was allowed to see some of the reports simply to give me something to do with my time. At the least Athena was doing okay without me and that felt…good. It was good that things wouldn't fall apart without me, it was good that disaster wouldn't befall me the moment I took my hand off the wheel.

We had a team counselor on board for a while now, someone who was closely affiliated with the same firm as Yamada, and someone who was considered mentally stable of her own accord and trustworthy. Though being able to help was considered more important than keeping identities secret…kind of? Skitter had gotten her identity revealed and frankly identities in general seemed like a legal fiction.

Either way as someone tied to our group our most experienced psychologist was offered all the protections needed as was anyone else under my employment. I didn't know every single one of them at a glance but I was more than willing to keep them safe from the monsters out there in the world.

Plus anyone else, since that was kind of the point of being a hero.

Bakuda had been working fast and Greg was blooming with the resources we had from mining. We had bought an old steel mill, and were planning to use it for in-house manufacturing of materials for our own products. Most of our equipment was built using outside companies, and then assembled into machinery like some of our atom-level magnetic resonance scanners. Plus we were some of the first to make use of Terahertz radiation for scanning alongside a few other competitors.

I had also more or less documented the science of detecting dimensional anomalies. It involved hyperdimensional magnetic resonance imaging, sending out pings in fifth dimensional space to take images of multiversal activity and severe alterations of physics.

I was rather sure that wasn't how dimensions worked but that didn't much matter when I had broken the laws of physics to even get to this godforsaken planet…

Of course I was also aiming for regulations to be placed on such things, because being able to warp reality was a terrifying new technological paradigm. Having people play with technology they didn't understand was a big enough problem with Tinkertech much less universally understandable principle leading to such bullshit creations.

Hell I had our newest Thinker in Lawgiver write up papers on the regulations and she was regularly talking with Talitha Merchant to follow all the needed safety precautions. Fortunately legislation on regulating Tinkertech was already a thing, even if it was rather toothless in some ways.

Instead of my house I was in the largest base on Earth Lotus, in one of the many rooms I had put into the place. Which meant that since I had eaten the last of my chorizo con huevo, I could get to work on something less involved with work and more involved with fun.

I opened a gate to a testing facility, one built for experimenting with my biotic powers. There were multiple rubber balls, each of them with varying amounts of mass from about half a kilogram to well over 20,000 kilograms due to dense cores made out of exotic metals. There were targets made out of ballistic gel and harder more inorganic materials.

I took a deep breath and felt my brain, and as the air left my lungs dark energy flared into reality, vibrations generating the bright blue flare of biotic power. The pulse of power was always…pleasurable wasn't the right word…maybe tingly?

Yes…that works.

I started small, and pulled on a small shard of glass that had been left behind from yesterday. A minor flick of my wrist would make it into a deadly and subtle weapon, and it was one of the many dangers of the elemental martial arts. Air could suffocate, water could drown…or bring the freezing death, earth could crush and bury or act with the same precision as biotically propelled glass, fire was the least stealthy…but generating a concussive shockwave to snap someone's neck was more than possible. Wiping away the evidence was easy enough with enough fire, especially if you found somewhere already vulnerable to flames to reduce the suspicions of foul play.

I went from a biotic pull to a biotic throw…though others would call it a Kick. If you were a Justicar anyway. The biotic throw was a versatile application of directed kinetic energy, you could blind people with sand, turn gravel into a shotgun blast, direct water into a poor imitation of waterbending, or turn a metal spike into an armor piercing war weapon. A big enough throw field could even block fire from most handheld weapons outside of sniper rifles. Airbending could pull the same feat, though this was by knocking them off course with wind rather than direct applications of force.

One dummy was thrown like a ragdoll, and broke apart when it was slammed into the wall of the fifteen by fifteen meter room. That one had been taking quite a few hits from attacks yesterday, and I was preparing something new.

I generated a pair of mass effect fields, directing them along the tips of my fingers with the precision that I generally preferred. One metallic target, a solid plate of high strength steel had the luck to get the mass effect fields directed towards it. With a loud ripping sound, the plate was torn in half as the strong nuclear forces snapped under the pressure of Shear.

So many biotic attacks were lethal, though even the most vile and horrific techniques could have peaceful uses, like Flay for mining. I formed a globular field, and instead tugged on molecular bonds, smearing rather than destroying. Due to its weaker power it could be formed into a vast field of disruption, breaking robots, jamming weapons, causing blood clots and strokes and ruining weapons systems.

Another target found my ire, and I levitated it into the air and a chaotic warp wrapped around my fist before it shot it out like a football. In an instant the two fields detonated with the force of a bomb, shredding the target into fragments of burning plastic and shards of metal.

I breathed.

There was one branch I had yet to fully master, the biotic art of High Order Energy Manipulation. Biotics was potential and energy, the essence of a greater force. I had managed a Flare only thrice on my own, more if I included my rampage…where I had launched multiple such attacks without shitting out my own organs.

Variants of Flare were all essentially explosions of high energy plasma, with the strongest variant being closer to a small nuke than artillery. Only the strongest biotics in the galaxy would be able to make a five hundred foot blast of raging warp fields and pure plasma. We were talking near Avatar-levels of power here, skills that would be written down in legend.

It was a terrifying level of power that was greater than nearly every biotic on this planet or beyond. The barriers of such a being would quality them for Brute 7, and their powers would make them some of the most dangerous combatants on Earth. Though a lot of that was because most Parahuman weren't Brutes so biotic powers would rip them apart just like anyone else.

But that wasn't the technique I was going for.

I turned on a nearby electrical source, and a mass effect field wrapped around my right hand in a weaving flow of dark energy. Dark energy was the opposite of waterbending in some ways, flowing to the place of most resistance rather than the other way around.

Dark energy was in some ways like fire, pure energy and potential and outright force. That led to a powerful but difficult to accomplish technique…the biotic power of Channel. The ability to redirect raw energy, to turn aside explosions, to bat aside plasma and hurl untamed sparks of electricity. Any form of energy could be crudely deflected or turned back on its energy, and at its strongest even laser light was not free from dark energy's grasp.

Biotics was the martial art of the soul, and that gave it many abilities. But it was only when it's power was combined with the other elements that it's full potential could be unlocked.

I breathed and with little hesitation dove my hand into thousands of volts and hundreds of amps of electrical power. With my breath came fire and with my brain came biotics. The electricity fell under my bidding, and I took the stance of a waterbender. Electricity followed my movements and twisting my arms generated a greater bolt of lightning and it too was folded under the weight and pressure of biotics.

My hands speared forward, launching bolts of electrical energy and air turned to plasma. Targets exploded and cratered, and I generated and controlled three bolts of lightning, with the remaining sparks redirected into compact but short lived balls, and then detonated as they hit adjacent targets.

On its own Channel would have only crude control of energy but with firebending its potential was heightened to that of a pseudo-Behemoth power, even if one limited to a few uses before the strain of such power would drain one's reserves.

A few guns activated, and plasma shot out from them. I turned on my heels, my arms slicing through the air. The plasma was caught in my grasp, and with a flick of my wrist, a whip of contained superheated gas cut through inches of screaming steel.

Combining biotics and firebending became outright energy manipulation, airbending gave levels of maneuverability and movement that was beyond human and provides mass for certain biotic techniques. Earthbending…well if one could launch metal bullets, you could create warp ammo to burn through enemy armor. Waterbending was some of the most difficult besides allowing for the launch of greater amounts of mass, though one could perhaps use biotics to boil water or as a source of heat energy for biotic techniques.

I was still…lagging on powering my own biotics with outside energy outside of Pull. One could draw upon ambient heat, magnetism or existing dark energy. My own machines could draw upon existing energy but translating that into a technique was much harder.

I mentally turned off the testing, images shimmering as I made use of the DNI I had hooked into my brain. I felt my biotics flicker on and off as I let go of my grip on my bending, and with a grunt I was back out through a dimensional gate.

I could hear humming from Amelia as she worked on something that strongly resembled the egg case of a shark, though supersized to about twice her own size. She was outside of her cloak, leaving her in the rather form fitting organic armor she had constructed for Leviathan. I could see about a dozen nodes, ones that I detected due to the dark energy emission.

"Amelia." She froze up, not taking her hands off from whatever her newest creation was. "You seem to have been busy lately…I haven't really kept up with too many of your projects…"

She looked awkward, and released her touch on the project in front of her. "Sorry. We don't always have the same schedules so…" The freckled girl shrugged. "It's mostly just genetically engineered crops and organisms for the Rachni, as well as some stuff I might be able to produce for people later." That wasn't going to be a fast process, Medi-gel had gotten in by luck and because Earth Bet's genetic engineering was a decade and a half ahead of my own world, plus another five to ten years above that including some of their tinker-derived lab work.

Earth Bet was a strange mix between less advanced and more advanced due to Tinkertech influence, their rocketry technology was largely inferior but that was more an infrastructure problem than a technological one…hardware was on average behind but only by a few years and their software made up some of the gap. Though I had closed that hardware gap in a few months.

"Any examples?" I asked since I was bored and wanted to bother Amelia.

She sat down on a wooden swivel chair, and I noted that it bent and twisted under her palms as she leaned back. The cushion was some type of moss-like substance, and I nodded in approval.

"Well…I've got this suit…I'm pretty sure I can make them grow from a seed that needs specific exposure to a certain wavelength of light to grow, specific soil, heat and temperature." Oh so she made them only able to grow in specific artificial environments. "Getting it to provide some kind of power was really difficult, it took multiple scans of a Corona Pollentia and what you've taught me about how powers work to figure out the basics."

"How…does that work by the way? Cloning a Pollentia and Gemma makes sense but I don't think that's what you did." Panacea smirked, dimples showing at the expression.

"Well…you already had those shard-like things you can grow, so I went with that. The suit gets power from other dimensions…like solar energy, plus some power from activated eezo." She pointed out the nodes on her frame. "Light producing organs generate light, and biocomputers use that hyperdimensional math you always talk about to tweak physics to freeze it in place like Vicky's shield. It's not anywhere as strong, it can't take a hit from Scion of all people…but I can still use it to enhance my physical strength."

"So part of the suit has a sort of fake Corona Pollentia…mostly to grab energy from other realities, and then computers in your suit fuck with physics to make a hard light barrier?" My own computers could pull off the same thing, though getting the math right was difficult and time consuming. That was part of what the cruiser was testing, because precision tweaking of physical constants was a necessity in the functions of the ship's shield and FTL machinery.

"Pretty much."

"What about Endbringer flesh then?" Amelia breathed deeply.

"I haven't quite figured out how to work directly with Endbringer flesh, it's dense so we have to use an interface for the ship." I nodded in agreement, Endbringer flesh was a pain in the ass to work with. "Honestly give me some time and I might get this working eventually."

There was a pause in the conversation, a silent lull that was rather awkward and uncomfortable. Amelia tried to start again but no words came, I tried the same and failed in equal measure…


"I'm sorry if I've been avoiding you the last couple days…" I whispered, holding my hands together as I bowed my head in apology.

Amelia shook her head. "No that's on me for being a bitch…" I laughed a bit at that, like I was somehow that much nicer than her. "You needed to talk about what was messing with your head…but I didn't need to be well…"

"A total ass?" I offered and she smiled.

"God…if you hadn't been scared out of your mind you'd have been about as bad as I am." I snorted.

I shrugged. "Maybe toned down a notch or two…I can be insensitive at times but I can think about the feelings of others better than you." Dear Amelia did have a lot of trouble with thinking about her own needs and overestimations of her own competence.

Red Queen was simply an order of magnitude worse than a neglected redheaded stepchild with incestous feelings for her blonde bombshell of a sister. I didn't really recall everything about what had gone during Ward…though diving into my soul had found that Veda had recorded bits and pieces up to when I had been taken.

It wasn't complete, basically a timeline like what I had at the start with Worm.

Up to…pieces of Infrared, and even the summary was nightmarish in its implications for the future. At the least I was seemingly acting as a hub so any shards that fell under my apparent influence wouldn't start fusing with their hosts and turning into Titans.

I still haven't actually fully read it though…it made me nauseous, and it simply felt wrong to read it, so Veda summarized the points for me where she could. The relationship between shard and host was proving to be a complicated one, and that somehow a single human could influence something so much greater than them was…almost humbling. The Kronos Titan retained something of who Dauntless was at his core, whether due to willpower or the personality of the shard that had granted him his power.

"The reason you can't sleep…is it because you've been having nightmares?" I choked at the sudden serious tangent from Amelia. I grimaced…

"A few…but I've been having a lot of weird dreams in general." I hadn't talked much with a certain Batarian…apparently he was busy rallying his friends inside Veda.

"Well…I guess I kind of understand the stress…even if some of that was because of responsibilities I shouldn't have to put on myself." She laughed though there was no real humor in it.

"I've slept a little better…but…" Today I had only slept four and a half hours, because I had woken up like I was being burned alive.

I didn't know where that pain had come from…it had hurt and it had hurt and I didn't…I'm not sure I wanted to know from what memory such a thing had come from. It was interspersed with a landscape born from the death throes of the last Makara, and the heavy rain of Leviathan.

I…didn't like nightmares.

"Well that isn't an easy thing to cure…" Amelia sounded sympathetic, rubbing her palms together in the relative cold of her lab. I shook off my goosebumps, and moved on to a more pertinent topic.

With a grin I asked. "So…didn't get to mention it before, but it seems like things between you and Grace have taken a certain turn." I waggled my eyebrows at her.

She had a look on her face, smiling mysteriously. "You asking if we're fucking?"

My cheeks turned neon, and I leaned back with a stammer. "W-What no I was just asking if you two were an item Idon'tneedtoknowab—" My body temperature was at an all time high.

Amelia patted my back, cackling. "You shouldn't try to tease me Basilia…because I'll win." Her grin was shark like, and I floundered for a moment before there was a sudden hole in reality.

Elle walked in with a deeply concerned expression.


July 18th, 2011. 12:20PM

Basilia Rubio

I collapsed into a chair, rubbing my face with all the frustration of a person fed up with all the bullshit the universe was throwing at her.

"So a Shaman of unknown origin was able to surprise you, and he knew of your shard and spoke of talking to a Keeper? Did I get that right?" I asked in disbelief. Elle simply nodded, her expression anxious and her arms firmly holding onto one another for comfort.

Dinah was talking to herself, moving back and forth in a regular patrolling circle, shoes scuffing the ground. I was guessing she was peering into the future, to give us a rough look of what is most likely to happen.

"Did you get a recording of the language he was using?" Elle shook her head and I groaned, without a recording there was little possibility of translating what the boy had said. But the words Keeper and Dead was enough to set off alarm bells and I had already warned Dragon about the possibility of someone breaking into the Birdcage.

Though the more likely tactic was astral projection which the Birdcage has no counter towards. Not unless you could get a shaman to add spiritual protections onto the prison.

"He's not important right now…" I blinked when Dinah entered the conversation, and the room was oddly empty with only the two young capes in the room. Amelia was informing everyone else and was working on another project again. "What's important is that we figure out how to deal with the capes that are going to enter the city."

I nodded…feeling anxious. "A few white supremacist groups are almost certainly going to try to fill the vacuum that the Empire 88 left behind." I scowled but understood that capes were going to do what capes do. Dinah shared the same distaste. "I've confirmed that they'll show within two weeks, with an 86.78% chance of being correct." I nodded and didn't immediately take her word for it, there was always a margin of error. "The Elite are probably going to send in scouts first, an 72.7893% chance they arrive in a week, an 84.7894% chance they arrive in two weeks, and an 96.7893% chance they arrive in three."

"So disparate and divided white supremacist groups, the second largest cape organization in the country." Well a fragment of them, and perusals of the media found that in many cases they were considered a 'positive' influence. "So we probably need to watch out for attempted recruitments of local capes, and carefully watch out for manipulation of media and politics." Not inherently evil in that, but I preferred a more friendly approach to making allies. At the least the local news in Brockton Bay was largely positive.

"Lost Garden is likely making a move towards the city too…we're recovering fast but not fast enough to not entice villains." My face scrunched up at the cape cult. "The Adepts will make an attempt because of the high concentration of benders and shamans in the city." Dinah continued.

Oh…oh crap. They literally thought they were magic and at this point they weren't even wrong anymore.

"How far is the Parahuman Integration and Reformation Act going right now?" I asked nervously.

"It managed to get through the House with bipartisan support." I jumped when a voice became known to me. A college-age woman with red hair set into dreadlocks emerged from a door in a simple costume. It was a basic black dress with a fancy grey jacket, befitting that of some type of lawyer. A white lotus was pinned on the costume, with a basic domino mask being all that was between her and the world.

Yet the dress itself was built out of the same components as Greg's costume, and tougher than five inches of hardened steel. On top of that was a standard kinetic barrier, and an omni-tool I had taught her to use. So she always had a weapon in hand, and a way to communicate with us.

Her power was apparently stolen from Skidmark since his shard was browbeat by Queen and Veda due to being a lazy shit, and the drug addict was left with the fragment dedicated to his power. The shard was then mixed together with a bud from Negotiator and Mien and rebuilt into a new shard.

That had been months ago and I had forgotten the shard had even existed since it was so irrelevant.

Her power was rather similar to Skidmark's but with the added factor of acting as lenses for a potent Thinker power. Her applied repulsive fields were shaped and acted more like glass lenses, and allowed her to analyze ambient information like a sort of super-forensics power. It could detect clues, everything from analyzing leftover crumbs to mysterious stains in the sheets of a hotel bed.

Because of their sensory ability she could use them to time jumps and other uses of her shields, and had easily gotten a Mover ability from layering them onto her shoes. She had even managed to get rid of Monarch's bugs with repulsive force and a test with biotic telekinesis found she could help direct objects like directed missiles with her fields.

She could launch grenades and projectiles much farther and there was a ton of interesting uses for her power.

Bailiwick was an interesting shard.

"Sierra." I greeted her with a smile, and she didn't smile back though at the least she seemed happy enough.

"Seems like you've got your head screwed mostly in the right direction again." Sierra went on, and her lips perks up into a more genuine smile. "At the least you're letting the experts do their jobs. When I looked up what your group was like, I wanted to make sure there were adults on the team who were not just former criminals."

"That's fair." Sierra has been setting a few things straight, and had apparently been in talks with New Wave for a while now. Carol was still a bitch…and was still not very trusting of us.

"Based on what I've heard it'll be another week or two before it makes its way through the Senate. Apparently it's hard to keep working as a politician when you suddenly qualify as a Parahuman." Her tone was telling of how bad it likely was.

Ignoring a quarter of the population was simply not possible for anyone barring incredibly horrific acts. At the moment it was smaller, maybe about one percent but that was still more than three million people in the United States alone. Around eight percent of the population becoming benders was likely by sometime next year, and it would take time for it to hit a quarter of the population.

From what I could tell by surveying other worlds, the smaller the population the faster that bending spreads through the planet. At least a dozen technologically inferior Earths had the full number of benders already, and a few probes saw that wars had broken out, and that technology had begun to advance locally due to the resources offered by elemental bending.

I couldn't intervene…I didn't have the tact to not screw up an entire culture, and I didn't know of a single case of successful cultural uplift that didn't evolve mass death from disease or atrocities and cultural genocide. Even in space the same had applied, I doubt the Krogan were grateful for the uplift of their species by the Salarian.

Even the satellites had been removed eventually, and I was left with a situation I didn't know how to deal with. For now I was sticking to one world, and expansion to others would be taken slow and steady.

"There's one group who can probably be dealt with first…" Dinah spoke up, and I was curious at what she meant by that.

"Huh?" I responded.

"Have you heard of Orchard?" I felt the distaste immediately swell up at the name. They were a duo of bio-altering supervillains with a business of abducting people and changing their minds and bodies as human traffickers. If they were coming here where the cape scene was still reforming…

"You want to send people out to deal with them?" I asked Dinah slowly, and she responded to the affirmative.

"They're one of the easier small teams to defeat or stop…we just need to send the right capes and they're done for." I crossed my arms, frowning.

"Are you certain of that?" I stared her down, not because she was young but because she was inexperienced and I wanted to make sure her power wouldn't overtake her own judgement.

She nodded. "Yes."

"Then we'll deal with them and prepare for the larger and more dangerous threats." I had robust protocols but they were no magic guarantee against powerful enough capes or even weak capes with the right set of powers. Alexandria had been brought down by bugs and I had no reason to underestimate our likely opponents.

I had contacts through the spirits, the weaker ones couldn't say no, largely because I was stronger than them and because I worked to help them within human reason. The stronger ones were either wiped out or they had more to gain from helping me than the other way around. Or they simply didn't much care like the Brocktonite Titan. He was a spirit born of the city and that made part of his influence that of violence and death and war.

"Faultline should be up for it…" Dinah added, and I rubbed my face.

Guess there was no rest for the weary, but at the least I could delegate. Both New Wave and Palanquin had experience on both sides of the cape divide, and that offered some interesting perspectives. Though that also proved to bring problems, Faultline's Crew wasn't well known but there had been questions, and getting the media off our back was a difficult…and ongoing process. The PRT had helped smooth some of that over, and I know they had gotten a few jobs out of the team here and there to deal with villains.

Though technically they fell under the overall grouping of the White Lotus.

But this was fine, I wasn't stressing too much…and the BattleNet was getting daily improvements as required so…

It was back to work.

June 18th, 2011. 4:00PM

Basilia Rubio

I meditated, taking care to focus on a single thought, on a single simple thought. I focused on my breathing, let my darker thoughts melt away, and my concerns pile up for later consolidation and future focus.

I knew a lot about breathing, it was the first thing I had learned as a firebender, and it had kept me from feeling so short of breath when a panic attack would threaten to blind me of what I needed to see. Everything had breath, though the form it took was often unique. The stars breathed, burning hydrogen into helium, burning heavier and heavier elements until entropy inevitably took its toll, and dying in a grand final expelling of breath made out of gold and platinum.

Insects breathed.

Birds and reptiles breathed.

Even the shards had their own forms of breath, even as strange and as machine like that they were.

Then again even machines had breath, because breath was life, and life was chi. The last faded memories of the last Reaper cycle told me how little the makeup of your body mattered, a question that the Geth had asked their creators so long ago was answered.

Did this unit have a soul?

In the end…they did, learning to bend the elements, becoming more than the sum of their parts. But the question then became…what did that mean about what they were, about what they had become?

The Geth were a shockingly philosophical sort for what were 'merely' machines.

The shards straddled the line, because of what they had turned themselves into. Perhaps in the beginning, in the grey silty seas of their birth they would have become something new…something unique. Why did they lack souls, what quality did humanity have that the shards did not?

Or perhaps shards were something entirely different and I simply didn't have the context to know the difference?

When I opened my eyes I found myself back in the seat of my soul, in the spiraling structure of emerald crystalline flesh firmly fused with the very essence of my boundless soul. Five pillars of the primordial elements, in the more literal and as well as metaphorical sense. I had often walked the paths within this place, and had walked hundreds of kilometers without seeing an end to the palace of my soul.

My record was about seven hundred kilometer, and I knew there was a technically finite end to the crystal flesh of Veda. She once was the daughter of the Void Wyrm Mara, a god-virus-abomination responsible for untold destruction and suffering. A shard that would dwarf Mars in scope and mass, a Queen among her kind.

Now those memories were but memories, and her and I were one and yet separate. I sighed and moved on…

I shifted downwards, and I saw the five swirling gates, one was open while a second was cracked, slowly unlocking itself through programming I had yet to understand. From what I could tell the first gate opened up the Thranx era technology line, dark matter and dark energy manipulation, cerametals, energy weapons and space warping forms of FTL. It wasn't hyper advanced, and in fact they seemed to share a lot of commonalities with Eezo using tech.

If the others opened I imagined I would get more tech slots…but I had the distinct feeling that what I got wouldn't be some technological marvel far above the dirty hands of mass effect technology. Plus a good amount of what I had gotten from the Thranx already overlapped with what I had before that.

Computer technology for example wasn't exponentially better, but they did have more diversity in computers and better AI. They had some interesting new material but again they weren't thousands of years ahead of other races. Then again I was probably missing a few pieces since I was limited to only a few races from that era of time.

My best guess was that as I made more and bigger uses of a particular tree, there was a point of saturation and they would open a new gate to add and build on what I had started with. There were other libraries of ancient technology but they acted more as a buffer of some kind, like a shield…though for what I couldn't say.

I glanced at the portal and saw a few still images of long needle-like ships with some more than a kilometer long. The designs changed with time, with greater advancement allowing for better efficiency of whatever tech was behind the ships.

The design was familiar, something I had seen in some of the odd FTL methods that the Quarians had come up with before first contact. I saw glimpses of large bulky battlemechs, and there was more yet to uncover. Like everything else in here it was an echo of something dead for longer than the human race had been alive.

I glanced over at the pillar of Water, because from below it spilled out in a spiraling array of waterfalls. It was the source of this knowledge and I caught the shadow of the being within it, female from the looks of it but hairless…and certainly no head tentacles like the Asari.

"This is getting irritating." I huffed and my calm was broken as my mind returned back down to my lower plane of existence.

I got back onto my feet, wiggling my bare toes since I had taken my socks off for a bit. My nose was a little stuffy today from too much pollen, and I had curing my allergies on a to-do list for sometime this week.

I was in my room and on my bed so I simply laid down without a care in the world. My hair spilled out behind me, and I knew I needed to get a haircut. It was down past my shoulders, and if I let it hang on any longer I might reach Taylor's level of long hair. There was nothing wrong with that but it was not my style at all…

I was pretty much just staring at the ceiling, and that didn't leave much room for any excitement. I wasn't ready to go to sleep especially six hours away from my bedtime, though at the least I didn't feel as shit as I usually did due to sleep deprivation.

I decided to busy myself with designing a system for experimenting with the dimensional tampering that the Void Wyrms used to alter physics to their liking. Eezo simplified the process, and using dark energy effectors to alter the electromagnetic and nuclear forces was an interesting challenge. At the moment most of it is related to better omni-shielding, making more stable architecture for ship-scale outer barriers.

Plus Amelia was working on making artificial biotics, which isn't easy with how Eezo acts. It was considered a type of strange matter for a reason.

There was a lot out there to discover, secrets I think I needed to uncover. I didn't know why I had this urge to seek out some of those answers in the vastness of space, but perhaps my soul knew something I didn't?

But I required the right technology to explore the vastness of the cosmos, and that involved furthering my tinkering.

It wasn't going to be easy…but…I needed to know.

AN: Here is 10.3, not much to say on this one. But I do have a long Interlude following this one, probably about the same length as a chapter. Conflict will take a different setup than the usual relatively simple fighting monsters thing that's been going on so far. At the least I'll try writing it.

So enjoy.
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Interesting nice to see how much the others care about basilla and how basilla is handling all of this also I figured Dinah due to training and her soul is more physically fit and atlethic than before anyway how is Dinah and Basilla relationship like anyway
Interesting nice to see how much the others care about basilla and how basilla is handling all of this also I figured Dinah due to training and her soul is more physically fit and atlethic than before anyway how is Dinah and Basilla relationship like anyway
Dinah is a bit closer to Taylor but the relationship is probably like a close friendship? Basilia generally likes kids if they're not annoying or willing to listen to her monologues and spiel. Elle and Dinah both fit that category so they're close enough.
Dinah is a bit closer to Taylor but the relationship is probably like a close friendship? Basilia generally likes kids if they're not annoying or willing to listen to her monologues and spiel. Elle and Dinah both fit that category so they're close enough.
Ah I figured kids are fine if they aren't annoying and Dinah is just slightly younger than canon Taylor was at the start of worm but why is Dinah closer to Taylor and anyway how powerful is Dinah Precognition now
Ah I figured kids are fine if they aren't annoying and Dinah is just slightly younger than canon Taylor was at the start of worm but why is Dinah closer to Taylor and anyway how powerful is Dinah Precognition now
They just ended up talking with each other more, there isn't really some big important reason why that happened. As for Dinah, a good fraction of her improvement comes from being able to ask more questions, get less headaches, and the ability to observe scenes of the future…in the short term mostly, from when her shard ate Coil's shard and took its resources. Questions are still needed to focus her power though.
My nose was a little stuffy today from too much pollen, and I had curing my allergies on a to-do list for sometime this week.
I still maintain that the most effective AND most ethical option for tyrannically rampant changes to humanity through viral or nanobots von Neumann infection spread, would be curing allergies and common cold and tuberculosis, curing such banal-to-the-point-of-invisible breathing and headache issues literally can not backfire a normal societal evolution where curing other issues might.
I still maintain that the most effective AND most ethical option for tyrannically rampant changes to humanity through viral or nanobots von Neumann infection spread, would be curing allergies and common cold and tuberculosis, curing such banal-to-the-point-of-invisible breathing and headache issues literally can not backfire a normal societal evolution where curing other issues might.
I mean that's probably true? Those are effectively minor quality of life improvements in comparison to curing aging, though cancer might fit too. Though not as well as the common cold and allergies. Not getting cancer won't make you live longer, it just means you'll die of other things relating to being old. But don't take my word on that since cancer is a rather complicated set of diseases and breakthroughs could come from that.

The main issue is distribution, and spreading nanites into the water supply sounds like conspiracy theory nonsense. Though doing so for curing the common cold does seem safe enough.